Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 21, 1886, Image 1

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    The Millhcim Journal,
I\. L\.
Office in the New Journal Building,
Penn St.,near Hartmaii s foundry.
Acceptable Corresponflence Solicited
Address letters to MILLIIEIM JOURNAL.
Madisonburg, Pa.
Milliieim, PA.
jqrTjTW. STAM,
Physician & Surgeon
Office on Penn Street.
Practical Dentist,
Office opposite the Methodist Church.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the Public School House.
TI7. P- ARD, M. D.,
p> u DElYix(ii:i,
Journal office, Penn St., Milliieim, Pa.
aa-DeeUs ami other legal papers written and
acknowledged at moderate jharges.
Fashionable Barber,
Havinq had many years' of experiencee
the public can exjxei the best work and
most modern accommodations.
Shop opposite Milliieim Banking flouse
Fashionable Barber,
Corner Main & North streets, 2nd fioor,
Millheiin, Pa.
Shaving, Ilaircutting, Shampooning,
Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac
tory manner.
Jno.lL Orvis. C. M. Bower. Ellis L.Orvis
Office in Wood in gs Building.
D. H. Hastings. W. F. Feeder.
Office on Allegheny Street, two doers east of
the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum &
At the Office of Ex-Judge Hoy.
mil. C. HEINLE,
Practices in all the courts of Centre county
Speeial attention to Collections. Consultations
iu German or English. _____
J A.Beaver. J. "W. Gephart.
Office on Alleghany Street. North of High Street
flood Sam Die Room on First Floor. Free
B.iss to an ™ from all trains. Special rates to
witnesses and jurors.
House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev
ervthiug done to make guests comfortable.
Ratesmodera'" trouage respectfully solici
ted °' Jy
(Most Central Hotel in the city.)
Good sameple rooms for commercial Travel
ers on first floor.
R. A. BUMILLER. Editor.
VOL. (K).
Her Brother's Debt.
'Oh, Charley, Charley, how could
you do such a thing ?'
Li 1 ins Way land's round chek was
blanched to an unwonted whiteness as
she stood before her brother in the
close, cramped room which constituted
her sole home.
Charley Wayland, a handsome dissi
pated-looking youth of two or time
and twenty, w ill, bold, black eyes and
a merry mouth that seemed was only
made to smile, sat opposite her, look
ing half repentant, half delimit, as she
•Lilly, 1 couldn't help it. I tell you
I was hard up. A fellow must have
money ; you women don't know any
thing about temptations and necessi
ties of the world !'
'But, Charley,'she faltered, 'do you
know how this same world as you phrase
it.looks at the deed you have just com
mitted V Oh, Charley, and her voice
giew low and tremulous, 'it is a for
gery !'
'Nonsense, Lill ! It's only borrow
ing a pait of old (J lencross' unused
millions to aid ny net ds. I wrote and
asked liini for cash, and be, the un
mannerly lout, lefosed. Well, what
could lie expect after this, but that I
should help myself V'
Lilias wrung her slender hands.
'llow dare you, Charley ! That a
Wayland should come to this !' she
'Dared !' he echoed, recklessly ; 'it
was but the stroke of the pen, after all;
and old Glencross would be a paltrier
miser than I take him to be if he
makes a fuss about a matter of tive
hundred dollars.'
'lt is the right and the justice of the
thing,' cried Lilias, almost frantically.
'lf we could pay him in any way ; but
I have sold everything that remains of
our former wealth. See !' and she
looked around the miserable appart
ment. 'See how I live 1 Last night I
sat up until midnight sewing to have a
little money to pay the rent. I have
not a jewel left nor a Linnet.'
K>h, bother, Lill ! If old Glencross
cuts up rough, it is only taking a run
across the water. I know lots of ship
captains that would stow me away un
der their holds, almost any moonlight
Lilias looked despairingly at him.
Was it, then, impossible to make him
comprehend the moral obliquity of the
deed he had just committed ?
'But I can't stay fooling here,' ob
served the young man, with a toss of
his black cuils. l I must be off about
my business. Good-by, Lill. Give us
a kiss, my girl. Except that you're
uncommon fond of lecturing a fellow,
you're not a bad sister in the main.'
After he had gone Lilias sat down to
try and real ze the new situation in
which she and her brother weie placed.
All now depended upon the spirit in
which Paulus Glencross should receive
this i.ew encroachment upon his purse
and patience.
Lily had never seen this distant re
lation, yet she had formed an opinion
of him in her inmost mind, as we are
all apt to do of unseen persons whom
we hear a great deal about ; and when
ever she thought of Mr. Glencross the
image of a hook-nosed old man, yellow
skinned and cadaverous, engaged in
sorting oyer piles of mortgages or
counting bags of gold, suggested itself
to her mental eye.
'But he must be human, at least,'
thought Lily, in the agony of her dis
tress. 'lf Igo to him myself, and tell
him just what poor Charley's necessi
ties were, and how good hearted he is
in spite of all his faults and thought
lessness—if I say frankly to him that I
have no money nor jewels to reimburse
him, but that I will stay aud woik- for
him, as a servant girl might work in
the kitchen, until I have discharged
the horrille debt, surely oh, surely he
cannot have the heart to refuse. I can
do a great many things. I can sew and
embroider, and I can make good bread
and biscuit, and poor mamma always
said I was a good housekeeper, and if
Mr. Glencross is really so miserly as
Charley thinks he would look at the
economy of the thing. At least, it is
worth trying.
So favorably did Lilias Wayland re
gard this idea, broached in her sore ex
tremity, that in two days from the
evening in which she had bidden good
by to her handsome, reckless brother,
she stepped from the cars at the New
York depot, dressed in a sober brown
suit that made her look like a shrink
ing little mouse, witn her carpet bag in
her hand.
A little inquiry sufficed to bring her
to the street where Mr. Glencross re
sided—a stately avenue, lined on either
side with elegant palaces, the like of
which Lily had never seen in the plain
er city where she had been born and
bred. Her heart sank within her as she
stood on -the broad brown-stoue steps
leading up to the carved rosewood door,
on which u silver plate bore the name
of 'Glencross' in old English letters.
Then, coloring deeply at her own
cowardly tiemulousness and utter lack
ef all resolution and enterprise, sho
rang the bell to settle the question at
once and definitely.
'ls Mr. Glencross at home ?' she ask
ed of the colored servant who answer
ed the summons.
Yes, Mr. Gleucross was at home;
would the young lady enter V And Li
lias was shown into an apartment cur
tained with hayy folds oT purple satin
and carpeted with velvet of the same
rich color, an apartment whose dusky
splendor made her think of all the stor
ies she had read of enchanted palaces in
the realms of fairy land.
As Lilias sat on the silken sofa,wait
ing with a throbbing heart for the ap
peal ance of her unknown cousin, the
thought stole into her mind that lie
wasn't so much of a 'miser' after all ;
and then came a sick sort of misgiving
that her mission was all in vain.
'For surely,' she thought, glancing
tremulously round the elegant apart
ment, 'he will not want any one to
make bread or look after the kitchen
expenditures. 1 wish—oh, 1 wish that
I was safe at home again ! ;
The thought had scarcely framed it
self in her mind when a door at the
farther end of the room was opened,
and a tall, handsome man, scarely thir
ty years of age, entered.
'I—I beg your pardon, sir,' faltered
Lilias, all in a lltitter, 'hut I wished to
see Mr. Gleucross '
'I am Mr. Glencross.'
'You !' Lily rose up and sat down
again, coloring vivid scarlet. This,
then, was their 'far-off cousin, and
how widely different from their dreams
and fancies ! Apparently the gentle
man saw and pitied her painful con
fusion, for lie said politely :
'May I ask in what manner I can he
useful to you ?'
'I am Lilias Wayland !' she answer
ed, in a tone that was scarcely audible.
'Wayland !' A shadow, taint yet dis
tinctly perceptible, overspread his face
at that word, and Lilias saw it with a
failing heart. She forgot the labored
speech of palliation and excuse that
she had prepared. She forgot that he
was no silver-haired patriarch, but a
handsome young man, surrounded by
all the adjuncts of wealth and luxury.
She remembered only poor Charley and
her own sickening idea of debt,
disgrace a-ul ruin ; aud sinking oa her
knees at his feet, she sobbed out her
pitiful story.
'lie is so young,' she wailed, 'so
young, surely you will not refuse to
give him another chance for name and
famo ! I will work and toil for you
until the five hundred dollars are every
cent paid. I will be a servant, a seam
stress—what you please, only, promise
me that you will not yisit him with the
penalties of the law ?'
Iler voice dhd into quivering silence,
but her eyes still appealed.
'Rise,Miss Wayland,' said the young
man, without a moment's considera
tion. 'I promise that this offence of
your brother's shall be oveilooked for
the s.tke of the sister who has pleaded
so eloquently for him.'
'And I —what can I do for you ?
What must Ido ? For if I caunot re
pay the money in some shape or other
I shall die of shame and mortifica
tion !'
'I will take the matter into consider
ation,' said Mr. Glencross, gravely, yet
not with out a certain gleam of amuse
ment in the corners of his mouth at
the idea of that pretty, slender creature
rendering up to him the equivalent of
the live hundred dollars. 'And now,
Cousin Lilias—for I believe we may
claim relationship, although it is some
what distant—l shall insist upon you
as my guest for a while. Let me ling
and send for my mother I'
Mrs. Glencross, a stately old lady in
black silk and Valencinnes lace, wel
comed Lilias Wayland with a smiling
hospitality which belonged to the an
cient regime and almost before she
knew it the girl found herself chatting
innocently away to her hostess, as if
she had lived all her live in the sun
shine of that pleasant smile ; while
Paulus Glencross, busied among some
papers at the tab'e beyond, watched
the sweet changing countenance with
a new interest.
'I never saw such a loyely face in my
life,' he thought. 'The profile is as
purely Greciau as the face of the Hero
on my mother's cameo, and the eyes
are as full of shifting lights as a dia
mond ! Upon my word, this little new
cousin is an acquisition !'
When Lilias wrote her happy letter
home that night Mr. Gleucross added
a pleasant postscript and Charley Way
land knew that his season of peril was
Lily had been nearly a month the
guest of the stately old lady in black
silk and Valencinnes lace, when one
day Paulus, coming suddenly into the
purple twilight of the drawing-rooms,
found her sitting all alone with tear
drops glittering on her peachy cheek.
4 Why Lily, what is the matter ?'
•Nothing, Paulus'—they had grown
to be good friends by this time—'only
I have been dreaming very pleasantly,
and the time of waking has come at
'You mysterious little sphinx, what
on earth do you mean V'
She c dored and cast down her eyes.
'The live hundred dollars, Paulus—
they are not yet paid. No—don't in
terrupt me. 1 cannot consent to in
dulge your generous impulses. I must
pay you, and there is no other way for
me than to seek a situation as govern
ess or instructress in some seminary.
So Paulus, I have written an adver
tisement, and if you will be so kind as
to take it down to the otllce of some
one of the daily papers '
'(.Jive it to me !' he interrupted.
She placed it confidently in his hand;
he tore it deliberately in strips.
'Paulus,' she cried in amazement.
'Lily this is nonsense. If you want
to p,ty me you can.'
'Hut, Paulus, you know I have noth
ing in all the world !'
'You have youiself—to mo the most
presious gift the aforesaid world con
'I don't understand you.'
'Must I speak plaiuer t Well, then,
Lily, give me yourself. I love you,
darling, and would fain make you my
wife. Are you content to pay me in
this coin ?'
'Oh, Paulus !' she faltered. 'I never
ureamcd of so much happiness.'
And so Lilias Wayland's indebted
ness was settled most satisfactorily.
A Largo Number of Persons at Sa
bine Pass Drowned.
GALVESTON, Tex., Oct. 14. The
town of Sabine Pass, at the mouth of
the Sabine river, the dividing line be
tween Louisiana and Texas, is report
ed to be entirely washed away by the
terrific storm of Tuesday night. Over
50 lives are reported lost out of a to
tal populatioa of 200. All telegraph
ic communication with the town is
cut off. Sabine Pass is GO miles up
the coast from Galveston and 28 miles
southwest of Beaumont, the county
seat of Jefferson county. It is thought
that the bar in front of the town will
prevent any tugs from landing, and
the owners of tugs here regard it as
useless to attempt to enter the treach
erous channel siucc the storm.
Damage to Eads' Jetties
Terrific Force of the Recent Gale in
the Gulf of Mexico.
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 1 4 —A special
from Port Eads to the Times-Demo
crat says: The extent of the (lam
age occasioned by the late storm is
not known,but it has been widespread
from the jetties to Pointe a la llache.
The wind, from fresh Saturday night
was blowing hard all day Sunday,
and on Monday increased to a hurri
cane. There were 2i feet of water in
Port Eads, and the sea was running
•heavy over the east side of the jetties.
Here is situated a great concrete wall
extending from the inner reef to the
end of the works which are intended
to prevent the wuves of the Gulf from
washing sand into the channel. It is
nearly parallel to and distant about
200 yards from the jetties proper. Im
mense blocks of concrete had been
moulded in boxes, and measured, in
solid contents,B by 15 feet,and weigh
ed many tons apiece. A house had
also been built where cement was
stored for concrete blocks. Some idea
of the terrific force cf the gale and
pounding sea can be arrived at when
it is known that many of these heavy
blocks were lifted out of position and
swallowed up in the sea. Others
were stood upon end and others twist
ed out of place, causing considerable
damage. The bulkhead that is being
built between this wall and the jetties
proper was entirely submerged, aud
the waters rolled over it from end to
end. The building waH swept away,
not a vestige of it having been left to
mark the spot where it stood. The
plank road that served Port Eads as a
public street floated off and became
debris among the The
water continued to rise Monday, and
reached the first floor of sevei *al hous
es. This created general alai'm, and
many persons left their homes, taking
refuge in the hotel at Eastport. The
narrow neck of land between the river
bank and sea marsh bordering Ihe
bays and the gulf was compkjtely uu -
der water, which in some places was
waist deep. At 10 o'clock Monday
night the wind lulled a little and then
came in strong puffs. The clouds
wont scudding away, the heavens
cleared and at midnight the moon
shone on the desolate scene below.
The weather had now become reason
ably moderate. The bark India, for
I'ensacola, lost her maintcpsail. Dur
ing the gale the barometer on the
Underwriter fell to 29.28, a remark
ably low register. The damage ex
tended all along the river.
At Cubit Gap John Wise lost his
threshers, all of his rice, his cattle, ill
fact the storm made a clean sweep of
his place. News from Point a la
Ilachc and points helow show that
the first account of the damage was
rather under than over-stated. There
has been an almost total destruction
of crops of all kinds from Point ala
Ilaehe to Point Eads on the east side
of t he river.
The schooner J. te J.,lumber laden,
was driven on the levee, 35 miles be
low the city, and left high and drv.
Two unknown luggers shared the
same fate. What few oranges there
were on the trees were blown off. The
damage between Point a la Ilaehe and
Port Pads in rice gardens, cattle,
horses, poultry, houses, Ac., is esti
mated at $200,000. No loss of life is
Trees Twisted Off and Hurled
Groat Distances —The Storm
in Illinois.
CHICAGO, Oct. 14.— A high wind ac
companied by a driving rain has been
prevailing here since early this morn
ing. The storm tore through the trees
of Douglass, Garlield and Humboldt
Park with the furry of a hurricane.
Soft maples and saplings were twisted
off close to their trunks aud hurled o
ver the tops of the large trees. Two
real estate agency buildings on Madi
son street, near Garfield Park, were
picked up by the wind and pounded to
pieces on the prairie. Street car con
ductors and drivers, who were caught
in the teeth of the gale, say that It was
only with the greatest dilliculty they
held themselves from being thrown
from iheir cars. All the streets in the
western and southwestern portion of
the city are litered w itli broken trees
and shivered siguboards. The Signal
Service Otlicer reports that the storm
is rapidly advancing in a northeasterly
direction, and that it is becoming se
vere. Very high winds will prevail on
tne lakes. The storm has been attend
ed with considerable rainfall, this sta
tion showing half an inch of water.
The wind here is blowing at the rate of
20 miles an hour and has attained a ve
locity of from 45 to 50 miles on the
lake. Reports show r that the storm
extends over a yery wide area, but no
particulars can be obtained, as the tel
egraph wires arc down in almost every
A cyclone between Ypsilanti and
Elkhart, Ind., tore down all the wires
in that neighbor hood, and on the Chi
cago, Burlington and Quincy Railway
the top of a car was blown off and car
ried against the wires with such force
as to break them all.
A defence in which were combined
pluck, endurance, suffering and despe
ration was that of Captain Swift aud
his five companions, near the forks of
the Big Cheyenne. They were all citi
zens,and all on their way into the Black
Ilills country on foot. Swift had been
a Captain in a border company raised
to light Indians in Northern Nebraska,
and was the only one in the lot who
had ever met a hostile. Swift and two
companions found the other three pros
pectors near the forks,and it was agreed
that all should push further west in
company. Every man was armed with
a Winchester aud two revolvers, and
each carried several hundred pounds of
ammunition. The men had broken
camp live miles below the forks, and
were on the south bank of the main
stream, when they were attacked by
thirty-five mounted Indians. The
whites were on foot and had the shelter
of timber all along the banks, and al
though they were harrassed for a couple
of hours, no one was hurt, and the
march was not greatly retarded. How
ever, as they reached the forks the
force of Indians suddenly increased to
! over 100, and, as they not only barred
the way out had cut off retreat, Swift
! realized that the little band must go inj
■to camp and prepare for a siege. They
drove the Indians down the south fork
about halt a mile until getting posses
sion of a bluff which was well eoyered
with timber, and here they intrenched.
A natural sink was deepened with
knives aud hatchet, a few rocks and
limbs were piled around the edges, and
Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance.
tluj men o<it into the rille pit, knowing
that the odds were twenty to one, at d
that there could not be the faintest
hope of re-enforcements.
The Indians could not approach the
blulT except under fire. After they had
maintained a fucillade for upward of
an hour without harm to the party,they
sent forward a Hag of truce by a half
bleed who could speak Knglish toler
ably well. Swift went forward to the
edge of the timber to meet him,and the
men in the pit were warned to be on
their guard against treachery, and to
shoot down any other Indian who
sought to approach while a pailey was
being held. The half breed came for
ward without fear, ft was evidently
bis object to get near enough to see
what sort of a defense the men l:ad t
rected, and to be certain of their num
ber ; but Swift baflled him in this by
meeting him outside the timber. The
two were in rifiesliot of both forces,and
as the half breed rode up be demanded
the immediate surrender of the party.
He said that one hundred and twenty
Indians were on the ground, with oth
ers coming up in the afternoon, and
that it was folly for the white men to
think of holding out against such a
force. Iu case of surrender,they would
be disarmed and set at liberty to make
their way out of the country, but if the
Indians were compelled to fight them
to a surrender they could expect no
bwift replied that his party did not
seek war with the red men. They were
going into the lilack Hills with hun
dreds of others to prospect for gold,and
only asked to be left alone. They had
been attacked without provocation,and
they should light to the bitter end. The
half breed had his rille lying across his
saddle while he talked, while Swift
leaned on his. The Captain suspected
what would follow his refusal to sur
render. The half breed once more put
his demand, and as it was refused he
suddenly raised his weapon and fired at
Swift, and then wlieelea his pony. The
men were not over ten feet apart, and
the bullet passed between Swift's left
arm and his side, cutting through his
coat. Had he raised his rifle to fire a
return shot he would have been a dead
man, for the action of the half breed
was the signal for fifty Indian rifles to
ring out. Swift dropped in his tracks
and crept back to the rifle pit unharm
ed; but he was avenged before he reach
ed it. One of the men had kept the
half breed covered with his Winchester
and as he turned to gallop away he re
ceived a bullet in the back which flung
him from the saddle and left liirn dead
011 the ground. The redskins had been
beaten at their own game, and they
gave vent to their chagrin and anger in
shouts and yells and individual demon
strations. In ten minutes they were
firing all along the line, and some of
them took advantage of the ground to
approach within pistol shot of the rifle
Swift's instructions to the men were
not to waste a bullet. The Indians had
to expose themselves moie or less, and
by watching for opportunities and keep
ing cool the men in the pit made some
telling snots. Before sundown they
had killed or wounded a dozen savages
and forced the others to exercise far
greater caution. Not over thirty shots
were fired from the pit during the af
ternoon. As night approached the
want of water began to lie felt. No
one had had a drop since morning. One
of the men crept back to the bank ot
the river to see what the prospects were
for gettiug down to the water, and he
was instant'y killed by a bullet fired
from the other side of the stream. His
fate was not known until darkness came
on and a second man wont to look for
him. The bank was very steep, twelve
or fourteen feet high, and it would
have been extremely difilcult to get
down to the stream had there been no
danger. The attempt to secure water
was abandoned for the time. All the
provisions in the party were in a raw
state, and of course 110 fire could be
lighted. Soon after dark the fire of the
Indians ceased entirely. They prob
ably reasoned that it was only a ques
tion of a few hours more when the
white men would fall into their hands,
and they had maintained such a hot
fire through the day that their ammuni
tion must have been running low.
1 The death of Wolcott cast a gloom
over the party, but 110 one weakened.
Along toward midnight, when every
thing had grown very quiet, Capt.Swift
tried for water. A cottonwood leaued
off over the bank until one on its top
would be over the water. A canteen
was lowered by a rope after Swift got
into position, but some slight noise was
made, which caused the Indians 011 the
opposite bank to opeu fire, and before
Swift could descend fiorn the tree a
bullet wounded him in the calf of the
leg. He crept back to the rille pit and
bandaged the wound, and in fifteen
minutes would have given a year of his
life for a pint of water. Various meth
ods for obtaining what all now really
suffered for were suggested and reject
ed. There was only one way. It must
be got from the tree if at all. All hour
or two after Swift was shot a man nam
ed Cooper crept out on the tree and
lowered the canteen. He succeeded in
NO. 41-
If subscribers order the discontinuation
newspapers the inmllsbers may continue
si:iid them until aH arrearapes are paid.
'Jf refuse or ueeleet to take their
newspaper.s from (heoflloe fau toehttieyurnseiit
they are held responsible until they tuivc settled
the bills and ordered them dh-rsmtilfhed.
I f subsei ibers move tool her plan s withont In
forinitiK lite publisher, and tltetiewsyajH'ts are
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tisements and locals Ht cents iter lino for lirst
Insertion and 5 cents pur line fur each addition
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drawing tip a few swallows of water
and at once hastened to Swift. The
Captain's wound bad of course set him
in a fever, and whlie he could have
gulped down a quart he had only a gill.
Cooper returned to the tree,and in low
ering the canteen lost It. Another rope
was extemporized and a coffee pot low
ered, but the Indians in some manner
got a hint of what was going on and a
gain opened fire. Wlnle Cooper was
not wounded, be was driven to the pit,
and all further hope of securing water
was abandoned. Not a man slept a
wink during the night, it being gener
ally understood that the Indians might
make a rush any moment. At early
dawn a shot was fired from the ton of a
tree in the edge of the grove which
struck a man naruedAbbott in the head
and killed him instantly. A second
shot immediately followed, but ht no
one. It was at once discovered that
two Indian sharpshooters had climbed
into the tree during the night,and from
their elevat ion could look down into the
rifle pit. They could not be seen, but
two of the nun opened a rapid fire on
the tree, and after about twenty-fiye
shots had been iited both redskins were
tumbled to the ground. Tiieir fall was
the signal for the ball to open all along
the line, and again the bullets whizzed
over the pit like legions of angry bees.
The Indians were pretty cautious about
exposing themselves, but during the
foreuoou three of them were seen to
drop, either hard hit or killed catright.
From noon to o o'clock not a shot
was fired on either side, and from 5 to
sundown the Indians fired only atout a
dozen times —sufficient to warn the
while men that the siege was sti'l en.
Hunger now compelled the men to eat
raw bacon and flour, and the torments
of thirst were increased. Swift suffer
ed far more than the others, being
wounded, but not a complaint passed
his dips. He was too stiff and sore to
leaye the pit, but about 10 o'clock one
of the men volunteered to try for water.
Souie of the Indians had swam across,
and were located under the bank. While
they could not climb it, or at least did
not, they were on hand to prevent the
men from getting water.
It was Foster who went out on the
tree this time, and he had no* yet low
ered the vessel when a bullet knocked
his cap off, a second struck the stock of
his rifle, and a third went through the
coffee pot. He reached the pit un
wounded, however, and Swift adyised
that no one should expose himself.
They dug up the roots around them
and got slight consolation from chew
ing them,and again the morning broke.
It soon became eyident that thelndians
intended to finish their work. They
were whooping and shouting all along
the liue. and seemed in good spirits.
An hour after daylight the whole
line advanced on the pit. each redskin
working along under the best shelter he
could find. There were only four men
to defend the pit, but armed as they
were,and desperate as they had become,
the odds were not so great. They fired
cooly yet rapidly, and they not only
halted the line, but at one point where
three bjeks were killed within ten sec
onds of each other a panic occurred.
Thirty or more Indians rose up in a
body for a rush, but the fire broke them
before they had made a jump. The four
men had the six rifles, and their revol
vers were lying beside them for the em
ergency which all expected. The peril
of the morning did not last twenty min
utes. The battled Indians retreated
back to their old position, and aoout 9
o'clock withdrew so quietly that their
going was not suspected for another
hour. They went '*en masse," leaving
not even a scout behind. When the
four men had secured water and some
thing to eat they took a look over the
battleground. The carcasses of seven
ponies had beeu left behind, aud there
were plenty of blood stains to prove
that their Winchesters had not thrown
away all their lead. A Dog Sioux,who
was afterward employed as a scout at
Fort Sully,told the military authorities
that thirteen Indians were killed and
twenty-one wounded in the fight, and
that they felt themselves fairly whip
ped. Other Indians reported the num
ber killed at nineteen,and the wounded
at thirty, but they asserted that the
number of white men was fourteen.-
New York Sun.
The evil consequences of smoking are
illustrated by Mt. Vesuvius which con
stantly suffers from eruptions.
'lt's a wife's duty to be pleasant,'
says an exchange. Yes, and it's the
husbands duty to make her duty easy.
The SaDta Rosa Democrat tells of a
mouse which sings like a canary.
Dear, dear ! but this is rough on rats.
An Ohio factory turns out 57,000,000
matches arday, and yet many a man
has barked his shin on the cradle be
cause he didn't have one of them.
Clerk (to employer)—' What shall I
mark that new lot of black silk at ?
Employer—'Mark the selling price at
three dollars a yard.' Clerk—'But it
only costs one dollar a yard.' Employ
er—'l dou't care what it cost. I am
selling off regardless of cost,'