all at once around them, and threaten ing the citj with total destruction, the people whom you met on the streets or saw gathered together in groups in the open places evidently did not give them a thought. Mo one watched the ruddy flames or the pilars of cloud rising high into the still night air. All were too intent on listening with strained sens es for the dreaded recurrence of that horrible growl or groan of the power under the seas and under the land to give a thought to the new terror,though it had threatened his own home and many homes in the doomed city. The crowds poured in from every di rection to the space just described, as though it had been indeed a charmed circle and life depended on passing within its grassy bounds. Street cars, carriages and other yehicles were rang ed in lines on the streets surrounding the square, while the horses stood as though sniffing the ground in anxious inquiry. The colored people everywhere were loud and increasing in their dec lamations of alarm in the singing of hymns and in fervent appeals for God's mercy—iu which appeals, God knows, many a proud heart who heard theui a rising in the night and in the hour of flis wonderous might devoutly,humbly and sincerely joined. Danger brings all of us to the level of the lowliest. There were no distinctions of place or power, pride or caste, in the assemblages that were gathered together in Charleston on Tuesday night. It was a curious spectacle to look back upon. It is a good one to rememoer for white and black alike. There were instances of unselfish devotion, of kind and loving regard between master and servant, mistress aud maid, in tlie presence of a common ill and of threatened ruin,that showed,as nothing else could show,how strong is the tie that binds our white people and our black people together ; and this lesson of the dread visitor we mayjhope, too, may never be forgotten. Arrived at his home the writer found the same scenes of distraction and wreck which marked nearly every oth er home in the city. All the houses in the neighborhood had suffered seriously, and streets, yards and gardens were filled with the fallen chimneys and frag ments of walls, while the walls that were left standing were cleft asunder, in many cases from top to bottom, and were badly shattered In eyery instance. Women and children, roused from sleep or interrupted in their evening pursuits by the sound of the ruin being effected aboye and around them, rushed out in to the streets and huddled together awaiting the end, whatever it might be. Invalids were brought out on mattress es and deposited on the roadway. No thought was given to treasures left be hind in the effort to save the peculiar treasure of life itself, suddenly become so precious in the eyes of all, the invalid woman and the robust man alike. Un til long after midnight the streets were filled with fugitives in sight of their homes. Through the long hours that followed few were the eyes even of childhood that were closed in sleep. Charleston was full of those who watch ed for the morning, and never in any city in any land did the first gray shades that mark the approach of dawn appear so beautiful and so welcome to eyes as they appeared to the thousands of people who hailed them this morning from the midst of the countless wreck ed homes aud our thrice scourged but still patient, still brave, still hopeful, sti'l beautiful city by the sea. Kindness to Animals. Eyery one should know that kindly treated animals will do their best for sheir owners. A curious case hap pened recently, which may be given as au example. A noted trotter was driyen in a race by a strange driver. TLe horses was evidently dissatisfied and lost two heats. The old driver knew the horse could do better, and begged the owner to be permitted to drive him. His entreaties prevailed, and when he mounted the sulky the horse whiunied with pleasure, and won the heats with ease, making such a record that the owner had au offer of fifteen thousand dollars for the animal. It is always thus. A farm horse kindly treated will do more work than one which is not at tached to the owner or driver. A cow will lose milk when attended by a strange or disagreeable person, a nd one that is petted and treated with gentleness will never exhibit the com mon fractiousness of kicking, or hold ing up the milk. This is true of all farm animals, who return kindness with affection and generosity, and abundantly repay the consideration shown them by their owners. Every boy, especially every farmer's boy, should early learn to treat all animals with kindness. TUDccuiyr MACi a INES I nntonlNu Simplest, Most Durable, Economical and Per fectinuse. Wastes no Grain; Cleans it ready for Market. Twins Engines end Horse Powers. Saw Mills, Grain Drills, and Standard Implements Generally. Send for Illus trated catalogue. A. B. Farquhar, PENNA. AGRICULTURAL WORKS, YORK, Pa. ftOOD SALARIES or Commission to Men and women to act as local or traveling Agents. No experience needed. Steady work! JAMES E. WHITNEY, Nurseryman, ROCHBSTKK, N. Y. (Mention this paper.) VUIA n I nrn may DO ionnu 04 THIS PAPER Ew£, &°c< Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sprue* Street),where adver. sawn If fill I# NEW YORK. -pENNSYLVAMA STATE COM.KG K. Next Teim begins September S. TSSd. Tills Institution Is located in one of tin most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open Io students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of study: 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. :i. The following ADVANCED COI'ItSKS. of two years each, following the llrst two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AC It It'll LIT KF; (l) NATCCAL HISTOUY: (c) CHKMISTIIY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. New building and Machinery. 7. A new SPECIAL COI'RSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. S. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. !>. SPECIAL COUUSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and Incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEO ROE W. ATIIKKTON, I L. !>., President, 27-29 State College. Centre ( o„ Pa. A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millltcim. Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can lo bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your supplies at ex ceedingly low prices. 84-3 m PENFB CAYE HOUSE, Farmer's Mills, Fa About 3 miles northwest of Spring Mills St a —vv":j4v ,r ■**'" — The location of the hotel, surrounded by the finest mountain scenery and clear trout streams make it a beautiful c -;o:- ->< * -:o:- 1 iSUMMER RESORTS t to:- Li The accommodations are the be-t. Well fur nished double and single rooms, splendid bill of fare, and horses and buggies for the use of boarders. —-->'<£►-- ■•♦.- —< The celebrated and much visited }™ PENN'S CAVES, one fourth of a mile in length, with its wonder ful stalactites and stalagmites. Is almost at the door of the hotel, and the proprietors are pre pared at all times to convey visitors through this subterranean passage. SAMUEL LONG, Proprietor. T\ H. MUSSES^ WATC LLMAKELLI&J EWELGR, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., —e+OPPOSITE TIIE BANK.++- jjaT'Repair Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 5-ly. S. G GUTELIUS, DEMIST, V >- ■ MILLHEIM ,*FA. Offers bis professional services to tie public. He is prepared to perform all oje-rations in the dental profession. lie is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain AGENTS I'Y> r theorcat iKtr hoof:. ♦'Tlie World's Wonders." WANTED! 8y.1.W, lit EL. The most successful subscription book ever published. Over half a million copies were sold the past eight months, and it is selling three times as last now as ever before. Recti lat can vassers clear front $l- r > to Sj.'i.idn and ¥ ,u per day. Nothiii" like it was ever known in the history of book publishing. Proofs sent free on oy.;>//- cation. No ex|terience needed to insure suc cess. We help persons without means to :t large bus,ness; no capital needed. Mrit>' for particulars. Salaries puarant e/ standard books to persons who send us names of book agents. Write for our list of free stan dard books. HISTORICAL I'CBMSHING CO . 120 & 122 N. 7th St., Fhila., Fa. 13 WEEKS. The POLICE 14AZETTE will be mailed,se curely wrapped, to any address in tlie United States for three months on receipt of ONfIJ DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a gents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, FUANKLIN SQUAUE, N. Y. 3,000 Agents Wanted for the New Work GLADSTONE -P ARNELL XHK GREAT IRISH STRDGBLE, Bv the eminent author, How, T. F. O'CONNOR, M. I'.ifor Liverpool . and R. M. McW AE, Esq. Endorsed bv HON. C. S. FAKNEIX. A thrlllhw historv of Irish oppression and the mighty struggle for Home Rule that is rocking the British Empire to its centre; also Biographies of the leaders. An entirely new work from hioh authority, of all-absorbing interest, richly illustrated, and in Immense demand. Ap ply quickly to HUBBARD BROS., publishers, Philadelphia, Fa. 4> !J 0 SflO*l iHL XLYKNED. No "Pei 'enc,: fitFroe. LEWIS SCHIELF - CO., 390 Broadway, New York ii y fla.'l '•:* oaly) o: re -rlpt €> < 4 0 H EfijaS-i cents iu Mumps to p-i ' SCIDFT.:: A ( I- • W YORK MIKE. DOUREST fi RELIABLE PATTERNS'. STILL AN LAI) OF ALL OTHERS. And Guaranteed to give a porloct tit when directions arc followed. \AM. DEFORESTS SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING. Chart ami Book of (nil directions, ctiiibhiig any on. to Cut an.l l it put Ici-tly. FKRK, $3.00. S '" t h >' P OSt l Kli, b ,0 * cript of price. MM£. DEMORESTS PORTFOLIO 0 ' FASH IONS AND WHAT TO WEAR. Is a l.irge Magaxme of to p.igea of I ndnon Note* aii'l Stylo--, lllu trat.-il with nb>>ut | 000 *■ ul: '- Scut peat prill tor 23 < ut.'. TITB Demorest Sewing iachine. Tlxis Stylo Onl^. sl9' j THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF TUCTA IN usr ALL overt r WORLD AND GIVI O PENRTDT SATISFACTION. ay-Don't pav other companies 5? A-0.00 pr-X. on a machine HOT SO aooo AS THE Dl MlDßhsi. lu --buy direct of the manufacturer:!. Nut t u. I Writ© lov Clroiilnr. . D£IVHOREST FASHSC v u AT.; > SEWENC MACMIW;.. CO. * 17 East f4th Street, Now York -icy |iK i Fvajf-VpS-P J: .v. . U The most popular Weekly r s; • :>•">< I toscieqp*.mechanics,engtßring tli rovn veution* aml patents cvi-rpu! ush. !. 1 . ... r. trv hi r> it with apleathj :.i'r .v.aD >. 1' ' publication furnishes a m-- : v.ih:-.': t-r c; Vjv ■■ " of information which n>> p>'r >) : Hl. uuiii t>v. uni i . The popularity of tin* Sensrtiti' '• i-j Mich that its circulation mv.ily rnua - t! .J .f i.l other papers of its class com I in. J. l'ri • i a ver.r. Uis >onnt to Clubs. Sold bv ?!1 nr.v- !•* ■. Sfl'XN 2; CO.. Publishers. No.3t>' liroudwcy, N. A. ■%ATENTS.[,,,r Eej [- v riip r.. •>"• i EkJj than Ono Hyndr-cl thru- Rgj JESB sand spphmti ->r.s t . ; P .R jf United Mates nan tpiiußMC ...-•;. •• std nil oilier J : - f- •" [53 .ing to inv it st r i } • |Mj (.criuanv r.r.d oilnr forei-u i nitric*. ] raflj jiarcilat short ui't teef>: '' ' "ii.ii.lo to. '. KL Information atobta air. "it "J I '' Pssfully mien without char, '. M: . . . f i-jJ rmrti >n font fr<--. Pa:.-:*** • • throuKli Munn A Co. are iioti> a i.itu.; •. A ,TII.PI M (IN. Q|d advantag* I: SU not veil unit -r-.tood \>y all petrous vao v . - to <-• .- BQM Of their p.'-touts. . Ad; t V.I'NN A C 0... O A:'-ff. S£i LroaUway. Not T Automatic Sewing Machine Go. 1 72 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. ,i Wo InTlto nV rofnndocf. Eat vrhat IT moro romarkal lo . RU. wo never knew a woman willing to do a r own lamily sewing <>n a shuttle machine alter Lavit.o ...caour new Patent AUTOMATIC. Even Shoo Manufacturers And it 1-o*t fu:< d to their work—its clastic seams aro more Durable. Truly —Automatic Sewing Machines are last super selling shuttle machines, and it is no w deny it. Truth ia mighty and cloea prova.l. bhuttlo Machines have oeea their best days, f Send for circular. Correspondence eclieitcd. f IP.GT FREVfUW. i^'^\ PHILADi 1876. Ca-ntH? Prl/e MrlafU. l'7H. I " 1 1! ' i * *T ■ (i^fl te. \ •• i.; EssaKlmß A.k v ".Cio if.: it IVi'i. l>r'.vflopi>p|,Mfr., N.ith Front Mm t. I'ill I. VliELl'lllA, l'A. (RECLINING) [m A Priceless ' V Boon to tlio??// ■-T who are - '.<•>. . liirgect Factory 1 . " and BEiTciiAIRS in tlio i.0r.1. i "di'rci/ to only luauu.aeturers of reclmmii rol.ins. Easy Chair Co., Haven, Cans. fk MRVOim HMALKorft ftHMHKSSASU WEBILIII FEiIALE&S? DSCAI. A Lifo Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Fack&gos. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Bflo. Boy 3 rui'l Middlc-ogcd Men St Yuunu Liadice ir .incil f. ra successful start in business life at Coleman College, Newark, N.J. I.ife scholarship S4O. No Va< .iti.n. h tu ationssei ureil whend-sired. Illustratedcatalogiie niailol on application. Henry Coleman, I'riu., Ezra White, i'res. - CURE FOR Lost or Failing Manliond Nervonsnoss "Weakness, Lack of Strougtl l , Vigor cr Dovc!cpitcnt __ Cnnsed by indiscretions, cxcps > s.Tts Bone' i'inn day; Cures usually ivi:hin n rao.itli. No Tie plica norQniickery. Positive i'rrj'if::, full d( and lotfvrof ndvioo injdnin r< üb-l enveltf>o,free. r.TUM MEDICAL CO.. P.O. l. J. THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with RpdTin Tag; Hose leaf Fine Cut Chow in#; Kav y ." fi > •-. ! '• * -. i r fc- ' A V \f . V •- V? ~ = f '■ v ' I' * * * r - ;lcw L . v - CJ WA 'T.AKrvD y~|"|v f-tI • I: * x. tinier tho L~-A 'i ■■'-'• • .t: or nr :ri:. I aoy wind :h L.< s : ; i.. , :mj< i farm uundings ; ♦ol>ei . b( :icr xror!: than c* y • ;ii .• ii:J / . Wo i. . .I'- 1"... ■ . pJuj* at:il OaMd lffll. ftiid carry *c t. ** Mill fiupniutt. B!A'2!S '..9. Pona f r<'t#loffß .C j ulr r .--i : Pricc. MMr* ■ ISBZDIdVC .. • • 4110 ft, II: liawaia. In 4 n r* :*• v " r\ lattff Late I v vM \ \w 1 • cm? A, r:!c-L::'*:cr . * C, C:l3-Icsti:. V/cli'i'c",.! iLu J, . ■ -. —• , .• - proof, moo hi:: b!c, fiTntffi-1-r d v*ill : .. g vout l>. > f - 5 I. ' .* j " v. ; rubber be :':. pS.r x? ■ • \v. two pai; u J niiil emi l>o i; p iiv • 1 / • fur liumplo I'.il:". li • 11.. \ 1 > tj \ J \ i\ ! > ! . - 'cj tv>v- L( CI.:C . v _ .j —•xtr" .1 * •• "" P "j. 13 3SEii J „ .L ip a*' *:r TOCKI 2ST Cr *U" ZP *iP O r Jf l W /?'•' • TV Kj i lv H n At P II O Tv? ■' ' ►■: o ;3 \ , / I- u b3 v r .0 : f. . j pq V f pri " pi . N pi > S I . : \:\ r o • !. • •• w I . • <' J , t g t C< J - " i-i pi L ~-~' W ChiMn-n*: .1 to v mrf!, - Pi*, a dilto, tvf.) ■ - i<>,\ Mines' '• •• - I.ndii•• •• - - ; Jlissi'-M*, wf hr. In '!. " - - - IjsiM.-.*. ' " - %'"*> Btol'ki. A'tllol;: 'i ]. ft|h| ('•'■■ 'I- - * - uiul U iud iL-u ti i •■, .li, . 1 f l/iii-•!. - - " . - - " Henlth Bl:i; t Riijiporto;*, - - Briclitoii Ocnt'w Oarti'i - , - * 1 ~ c * " ALL l-'iTvA-". STORES. Samples Font, po.-.:-, : t- y • - r - ' "y.-:. receipt of in y-eent. * ÜBWig & r.-:-iv s | Solo Owner tr.d Mane..--ei - v or, ( IYS Coatro Stroot, Ka*.-/ 'Sforli* , ' i- ; s , ' \ ' 'i 1 r 'T- \p, ' '\. j )'• * 1 \ V H \ x ■ i ! . • -7 ' );• /,.;C r' ■ ! r ;r. n-T i h; !; 1 I I : u. •. i B X < *5 I ";V1 X j ||| < ii* I , i ' I .-r-- : .vv • A- 1 A C\.' . 1 t <1 ] i'l i NEA IMPROVED liICII ARM, NE iyr, :E CHAPJCA L PIPE G/PL to l ■• -j Moa . ltd, Auio . . : 1 ire V piid Per : fit tk n, C'Ulin I Shuttle, Self-eetUr g Nee u \ j bo , uJ IE A, No Kij-mns, 2 lJ J. c./ *, J ■... .. /v> jt ' "P '■> j • I b I.'o Wear, No ■ \ 'JNo " Taw ■' mr," Cava ciajTr'E:"r.,. J:C-'P^ t RNEij Ornamented, N: d-:dy' ded, and Gives Pe.rdcct Cat . fc>e;xl f.vr CO. •!. r.-;, AV ,; "--7 i CO., •; " ■. y. "V Lt.iO • S- • • .W.I w I w. Al " THfCELEBBATED Heading Organ, >■ r firinrr • XJO. u 3*—termm'**' ar j. ■■n imi OVER 10,000 IN CONSTANT USE. Buy Direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale Mantifactnrlng Prices from —in i) m. — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CAGES FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. 70ICED TO PERFECTION. TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. SK.WP FOR CIRCULARS. Addrctt READING ORGAN CO., T. J. KAHTNER, Hiaager, Fa. i' 0 tJ I' i- p'T-A m : ■/' ! liafiiitii - ■ . p;.v:"3: , , . v j 1 j Nc* - rootle ol ' j i : T> ° ; | . .... .. |i. • ,(. r. .-■ ' : ■ | -V. ' " 7 • * ■ • >.' i ""V/— 4 -, } p'y 1. L, . ' li i'i j r -a- H- • j ' ! h. ' H l ,k |[- i ''| • ci- ../AbLili/ i V Uw • i; 43E14tv 5!. fUnionS|o* |v. j. !*9Cii:CjC. ■ •- : y,Jf) v tzr •. ' *&* l > b ; . J'r.fvb-y, A -> 56-stey Organ. Made, Unrivaled. Jjg-lcgant Finisli. ' c^f— eai*s of Popularity. ( ILLUSTRATED CATALOG URS SEXT FREE. Eolcu lUrgan Co., Craltieboro,Tt w /h . i I ACtlt I > iC JTUI. / C d s 'f..-'' *"> V TS3 - y^iSSOOR! j : * ';\'V / STEAM U. rEA-Mti Men an.l Womon of p.-tod rharncfer and intoliiponc.v I'xcliHivo Territory Guarantor.l. A wooks* trial of hamplo \fnsher to Ihi roturnod at try xpas if n< stVuisLorin thewo-id, ;i id I • •:. > t If. In* trinsio in eric .. ic n |d:< ••.omiiral succvs every whera. rorllla— uci n It rßisofatrapcy add:. WC " . : t.L.vj;;,f^o ib: ? • b . r ,,; T ;':nvi)SL'FP-trt y i-i i v rr -f niic> ■>. .-.11:1.10:.,v)u --> f., -J i i<. f 3 ".' t. civtx'' *1 o,ba*> .c r.; f: 'rinr.a, r • u fiori r t v av? ..-3J *, & fyou.hi;.' i/ r iiJit, if * ■ ... • ■,•*= \, OB w, .-a \ cvcrL-rainarork. Aroidt YV-n, -Ars ,lf fiaiwsillonot prctat \ v . . ;. ■ 1 it medics for tLeia V.. w o• < - •. >"1 ,• v'-fc'. CletnflM A R/.DI CALCCRii; wh , - i/a C .rcu'cr end Trial Pack . r . 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Printed in Knelt*)* and Oerman. Price only to \ > 4 # cents, which may he deducted from first order. ✓ */. -,' wlint vott want for the garden, and bow to get it instead of running to * { *, the ;;ro< rv at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, mcetinc W1 disappointment after weeks of waiting. ( BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. IZAi • VIC K*S ILLUSTRATED MONTTOYMAOAZIKE, a Colored Plate c * , V sP-/ J J 111 ev.-ry number, and many fine engraving*. Prke, a year; live Copies for t.. s l" Li >c niimhcrs M cents ; 3 tri;il c pies *-cents We will send to any address C' y !_" * v - / . * ' c * Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below ' * 77 ri -aljy two magazines at the price of one—Century, f4.y>: Harper's Monthly, f4.00; t '<•' fir * S '' l #' ° 1 Cood Cheer, Illustrated Christian Weekly, $3.00; or Km (| \Xy. *J Wido Awake, Good Clieer, and Vick'BMagazine for $3.00. VCTtJSfevv ... VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 pages, Six Colored /T latcs, nearly K>oo tmruvings, ft.25, in elegant cloth covers. -V JAMES VICKv Rochester, N. Y. T- r "* MARVELOUS PRICES. BOOKS FOR THE MILLION Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Away! The following booking I uUUbod in neat pamphlet form, manyofihem hiindaomelj Hl.i.t rated. and nil are printed from TROO.t type upon e .od pnper. THEY treat ..f . great variety of ... JII, nuT think no oue c.i. examine the I. 1 Wi11... .t liudii.h' lb. . lit alhe or abo would Ukc to |.0.,e.*. lu ctotlibouud lorw HICK hooka would co.t (I UU each. I'.a ik bouit 1. complete iu tueir. The Widow llnl'itt I'lipera. Thi U the book over which /> .r , t atidiuoU'ci t laughed till they cried, aud It It )Ut at fdnnv to-d IT a* evi-r. Fiutey W ark fur Home Adorn merit, an en tirely i..-w work u ;x>n line aubj. ct .containing -ri tlila. M sti> 11 :ii ol i.llq uetlo fr all <• ■ i-ioria. The Ntaiiduril Lett -r Writer for l.adiea and C nil I'll. H C'liptr-e F'ii 1■ tn r >rr p vP-i. •• . glvtntt plot:, DO- l.r tl. • COUIJAO lion ot loltara of avory kinl with in • .'nrrahle forma utt-l .-van.] 1.-a. Willi, r I.veiling K.-rrt ntluua, a large c '.bcllwi ef Ae.ln* (lliaradea, TaMean*, (lanM, Puxatea, etc.. for •.Kial aatlseringa, pritato litcalricaU, aud atcbUiga at b i u\ 111■ntratr-3. IMiiloffue*. ltcMtiitlonft IHHI Itcalfnrs l*rz* knl cUuic- lk*ctlou for kchool exUibliluus ttul jwbllfl aud prinvr etitertaißtm IIU. I'urior'e nnd Chemical Experlmenia, llu üblch t.-.l# hoar to p rf.rut bui-lr. l. -r nitio.ltig trk-ka In itaglo aul luatruciiro etj.erim. uu aitb aluiplc kj ut. The Home Cook Itook and Family I'hyal rlan, t mtalnlng l.u.i lreda of esrellenl rooking reetpaa a . 1 UluU to bouaekeept-rs. :.!-<> lelhnr hoar to core alt Oout c. -a ahmeatg by aln.ple home retardl. n. . M.t!iter itod Cuatoma in Far Avar I.nada, a \.ri-n.: rotiug au-i lutruoUve hook of travel., d. acrib- UtS the tHWnllar iife, habits, maimernud coatoiua of tbe pcjple of foreign countries; illustrated. • Sixteen Complete S;orl**a by Popular Antbora. en.Va-i - loir, buiaoroua a...' -i • o.r "a. riea. ttcri.-a of eo-l tv tif.-, of adventure, of railway life, etc., all very in- Ur. ifnv. The II ml get of Wli, Iluuinr nnd Fan, ft Hry CoV.ecti,..! of tke fui.nv ok- tcbea. an- edot. i. Main*. < t it have l-.-n * r|-.t n for aoat. v.-irs; llluv'i-l. ... I Kn on lodic foe Ike Million, a han-lv bo . ! "lii! rmatiou for all, upon many and vtrloua akitli'-'ts i >a*trat*d. ' til -l flitek. A Sorci, l.y ITurh Conway, author mm imrmi r . lit>!"ccDb an J fmr ot thf,c ~6® k ** °pt ct*i©auc. containing 0' > ' rrr<"*> f * ! a*lli.*piirwta4*R''forleeiittn>'ttra|>.Aiy boi.U- '-i'l <•! ; 'wl-.'d- !' lil.O't. ti !' 11. S'nti'. It.-.-i-trrcl lifter. or Mon< j Order, and a44re a ce. KIUNk Ll.'* M:\vn UJII'A -Y. ?•--. PI liter! street. Philadelphia, !. ________ ___________ "'Tl'-t e/l'Bli 2 BEHENSJ S2E. M ■ -' P§wr tL J V7. i ■= ""~S - - >.n . i>r,ur m*]o bv T. T. TTrivJoak. which is not only the Leading lft j, V-"TLiiDIMi BOGGY Of A?IF.ftICA. llu V , ...; v>:t VM-\ Hfth Wheal Ask vou ciMier Iwthe T., l. c'c.tcV. with the Jlaydotk Safety King Lo.t tad Fift-i i.lieeL Lie a Jr. o* re jidin? "."or u#y other. , •• w printed ie ele.-ttt etyto, to eaycac wire will to fits* U.) rrr <":' nvpj O ' i J. l Cor. Eld* wad Twelfth fits.. rwriKflTl, 0. * - \7HEE3 Tp TLIYL H(XSEI LO ET\.£3rilE2iT £0 PIiOriTABIJS, "V\7". Gk !BE-A_!DLB"y 3 3^Corid.en f Ocrxru, 60Z.E SIANCF ACTUBEB, t I PIyS I Cm. SdidCcaktMtols aaiSjisdls I Wagmsia# ni tobli seated. Stl ioe nnsnrpMsed 'do jar to tha Durable snd sty ic 81 r ®**° ll " able. Shipments singly or by carload to all P art jf the ~ id sponsible Agent wanted in every town. Send for Pnco Lis., and descriptive Catalogue. Correspondence earnestly solicited. . ~ %Hth advertise- N. 11. Every person acting as Agent for our Wagons, will have his aame trith sflverow mcnt of Wagon-* advertised tu the leading i-apcr of tho county or town where Agent resi ea, cratis for six months. r . ■ . . l a. A THE ENTERPRISE VAPOR fIEDICATOB, MiaaES. A NEW PATENT STEAM medicator, inhaler, DISINFECTOR, &c. # Lopccially constructed for tho treatment of such diseases as '1 y CONSUMPTION- NASAL CATA22H, EAT ANT BOSS FEVE2, TIPHTHZBIA, J- W2OCPINS CCUOH. CUINS7, COLD IN TEE SEAT, EC2CFULA SPELLINGS, ASTEMA, / Vf BSONCEITIS, PLEU2IST, PNEUMONIA, NEUBALQLA, MUMPS, TISMENOEEESA. i ' ■': TheJirst time "SOLIDS" could be used in MEDICATISG STBAM. |TT —IV'asal Catarrh, Hay Fever, Asthma. VtjMw/ In ah these diseases the Medicator is worth ten times the price asked. VTi F/ Any Lady can Benntify her Complexion after using a few days, ((inll 1 HARMLESS BUT CERTAIN. It eaa ii used f:r a NU2SE or LUNCB LAMP, hatiajj aa extra attachaeat of a Cap, Price, Complete, $3.00. By Mail, $3.'45. AGENTS WANTED. —Good reliable Agents wanted to handle our ~ Medicator:—Tutrge ProliL<,—Sells at Sight. One Agent sold Twenty-seven Up. in one day. Write for terms and circulars to the , /. ' ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDICATOR CO., —— so UNION SQUARE, NEW YORIC. EUREKA FOLDING CRM iur. r;;wiiTTiißßßlfc Mado in different sizes, and can be ( I attached to nearly all wagons, bug' I I gies, phaetons and carts. Easily - '' removed and folds like an umbrella. VJa V If you cannot get it .of your local - •* -,r - wagon 111 aker or dealer, send to us for /\ ' illustrated circular and price list, AA -XT\ Agents wanted everywhere. Mention this paper. D * G * bebrs & c °^' \/ \ PATENTEES and MANUFACTURERS, \/J IVinVTOAVN, Conn. THE OATES TOBACGO SAW. /T' • SAMPLE / J&T BY MAIL: ' '" % SI.OO THE ONLY ADJUSTABLE SAW Vr?—, Address the IN THE WORLD. GOODSPEED MANUFACTURING CO., EAST Conn,. 1 ' W—T Over Ton Thousand Trial jPjr C VR£ Avoid the unpoeition of pretentious rcrno fir Packages niailod to pa-dies for these trouhlw, and all Quacks. £ ularpe proportion ™ whose only aim is to bleed their vio-. ZjL v 17iiLlw-uLofvhomtookafulltroatßEKf j jffßAnr vWßtjnig.^Take a SUEEKxmeijy thatnsa meat and tve : - e restored to health by use of VvA V*". . . " V #(BCURED thouaandg. doeg not Interfere. HARRIS' SEMINAL y orinconvenience in any way.'founded' • A Radical Cnro for Nervous Debility, f)rranin^P^^ ruK scientific medical principles By direct Weukness andPhvsical Decay i n Young or Mid ►ppHcationto thel aeat ofdiscare it* specific MA 19 brought about by Indiscretion, Exposure, Over-Brain Mttl • .~ung gonifl, $3. TWO MOa. 55. 4AMe, W Work, or toofrea Indulgence, we ask that you Bend u3 *u ADDIC DCMenv oa u... Hunm ye-iriiiuao wit a statement of your trouble, and secure nrttiivio nCITICU I vv/,, n!F C LHEMIaIo. TRIA L PACKAGE PRE E, with I llust'd Pamphlet.&c. EJUPTUREO PERSONS can have FREE Trial of our Appliance, Ask for Termat 4 Atfhe World'* Merry. A *m-el. By Florence Wardeu. author of " The llou on the Mar.h," etc. Mildred Trt-v union. * bovej. iiy "Tbe Duch cfa," adlb'-r of •• Molit* Itawn," ttt. Ilurk Huya. A Novel, by Hugh Conway, author of " Called Back." The Mystery of the Holly Trtf. A Novel, fly tbo author of " Itora Tlioine." Shuvlows on the Snow. A Novel. By B. L. Far jeon. avitbor of " Bread and-Cbeeae-and-Klnae*," etr. .. TIo LSray Woman. Ajvovt-U By Jtra. tiaekelt, autbor of " Mary RIM," otc. The Frozen llrt-p. A Novel. By Wiikle Collins, author of " The Wuuiai. iu White," etc. lied Court Farm. A Novel, ly bn. Henry Wood, avrhor of" Fat l.ynar," etc. , In C lipid's Net. A Novo!. By the Author of "Dora Thorn.-." Itnek to the Old llomo. A Novel. By Mary Cecil I llav. b-uh-.r of" liiddau Perils," eta. John How erbunh'a Wife. A Novel. By Uln Mul, k a jthor of "John llalitav f ..-utleman," etc. . l.ady . 8. Syfhia% au: bar if" Fe- toil'#iue.'' ete. t. • . . MM ping tfceTftolrlplnd. A KavtJ. By Mary Cecil liaTSt'-W f " wljMleu.D-JMmev/a^B lin.llev Curleon. A Novel, FrTlloil. K.Brad doa, aaihor of " l.a-lv Audlry's Seercl?' aa* Laairat ot Tu MYHTEKV or THE IIUMIIBM. A Novel. By KtuvW. Piorer, aathar of-"The B.rih Dark." ctai A Oalden It awn. A NovW. By tbs author or "Dora Thurne." etc. .. Valerie's Fate. A Novel. By Mrt. Alexander, author of " The Wooing O't," etc. . S|ier ICoae. A Novel. By TTJTkSe Collini, author of "The Woman In White." etc. ,\ tine. A Novel. By Mr*, llenry Wood, author of "tlt I.TUTiC." The l.nurol Uu-li. A Novel. By Mill Mulock, author of "John Halifax, (ientlcnisn," etc. Aw** iiartea. A Novel., By .-..rge Kllat, author of ' Adaut Beie," " ThS Mill on the Floi-," etc.