The Prince of Liars. f From the Grand Forks Valley (Dak.) Herald.] Modern Miller: In the East,thous ands of people plant and sow 'in the moon' to insure rapid growth, but in Dakota it is dangerous to plant in the prolific phase of the moon, so they are careful to plant at such a time that the moon will exert its influence in holding the crop back. I have known several disasters to result from neglect of this precaution. One day last Jan uary I got lost out in the country,and while I was toiling through the tall new grass, I saw a man with nothing on but his suspenders, tearing along like mad. He stopped just long enough to tell me what was up and off he went for the lowa side of the Sioux river, which he cleared at a bound,and fell on all fours into a snow drift four feet deep. He said he and his wife had looked up the moon busi ness and had planted their garden the evening before, but happened to get hold of a last year's almanac and missed it about four days. The result was that when he woke up that morn ing the beets that he had planted forty feet from the house had crushed in his cellar walls, and s squash vine had taken the door off its hinges and was just mopping the floor with all there was left of the hired man, whom it had snatched out of the bed in the attic. He didn't know where his wife was, but he saw some shreds of a nightgown and several agate buttons in the front yard as he fled. He said there were pea vines after him with pods on 'em large enough for phantom boats; and one could see by the way he was dressed that if he was a liar at all he was not a thoroughbred Dakota sample. If I really thought I would ever become an average Dakota liar I would want to die. This territory must be divided some time before the day of judgement; for how could the Almighty ever audit its acconts with only one set of clerical angels at work at a time ? About two weeks ago I saw a farm er out behind a straw stack gathering into a heap a lot of old bones and pieces of hides and sprinkling salt on thera. Yesterday I saw the same man selling a fine pair of steers to a butcher up town. They were so fat and had filled up so fast that he had pieced out their hides with an old buf falo robe. This granger was a Sun day School superintendent before he came to Dakota, but he swore these V were the cattle I saw him kicking to gether behind the straw stack. lie all they had eaten was some wild grass that had sprung up in his door yard, where the women had thrown a few tubs of warm soap suds on wash days. He said that he had learned that the best way to winter stock in Dakota was to knock them to pieces in the fall and set them up a gain as wanted, otherwise, unless we get a blizzard every week, they were liable to get too fat and round on the native grass. Last fall I stopped at a house to borrow a match to light my pipe with. The man told me to go right cut in the garden and pick all I wanted. did not know what it meant at first, but he went out with me, and—l'm almost afraid you'll think me a liar for telling it—there was about half an acre growing,the finest parlor matches I ever saw. They were thick as hairs on a blind mole. He said he had a poor crop the year before, because the seed was too good for the soil. This year he had mixed his seed matches with about one third toothpicks, and he got a splendid yield. I went out after breakfast and saw the man blowing up Hubbard squash es with gun powder. They were too large to be moved, and the farmer wanted the ground. I noticed that one of his wife's legs was about eight inches longer than the other, and the man explained it thus .• He said when they first came to Dakota they lived in a 'dugout,' with nothing but the ground for a floor, from which they had to mow the grass once a day to find the baby. He said his wife had a habit of sitting with one leg over the other knee, and the leg that remained in contact with the soil got such a start that the other could never catch up. Til D C Clll il P MACIN£S I nntOnlllU Specialty. Simplest, Most Durable, Economical and Per fect in use. Wastes no Grain; Cleans it ready for Market. Tlmliig Engines and Horse fowers. Haw Mills, Grain Drills, and Standard Implements Generally. Send for Illus trated catalogue. A. B. Farquhar, PENNA. AGRICULTURAL WORKS, YORK, Pa. GOOD SALARIES or Commission to Men and women to act as local or traveling Agents. No experience needed. Steady work,' JAMES E. WHII-NEV, Nurseryman, ROGHESTEU, N Y, (Mention tbls paper.) THIS PAPER Ear'l Newspaper Advertising Bureau (W Spmui Street),where adrer M—M IF4IVII# NEW YORK. "PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLKGK. Next Teim begins September S. ISSf,. Tills Institution is loeated In one of tin most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes', and offers the following Course, of study: 1. A Full Selentitie Course of Four Yours. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. 8. The following ADVANCED COD USES, of two years each, following the tirst two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGKICI'LTCKK; (b) NATUCAI. HISTORY : (e) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOS; (d) CIVIL END IN EEKINtI. 4 A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. New building and Machinery. 7. A new SPECIAL COl'ltSE (two years) in Literature and science. for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL DoUUSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military drill Is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHKRTON, I L. D., President, 27-29 State College, Centre to„ Pa. a 1 r; Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Milllteim, Tn. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior qualify can la* bought at "ny lime j and in an> quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your supplies at ex ceedingly low prices. 34-Sm PENFSCAVE HOUSE, Farmer's Mills, Pa.- About3miles northwest of Spring Mills Sta —vc • Krvr- The location of the hotel, surrounded by the finest mountain scenery and clear trout streams make it a beautiful r, ->o<- -sos- -;< - i |SUMMER RESORT! L -roc- y The accommodations are the best. Well fur nished double and single rooms, splendid bill of fare, tud horses and buggies for the use of boarders. —{ The celebrated and much visited PENN'S CAVES, one fourth of a mile in length, with its wonder ful stalactites and stalagmites, is almost at the door of the hotel, and the proprietors are pre pared at all times to convey visitors through this subterranean passage. SAMUEL LONG, Proprietor. ~P H. MUSSER, WATCHMAKEHE&®JEWELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., 2+JORROSITE THE 11ANK.++- jfcaT'llepair Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. o-ly. T\R. S. G GUTELITJS, DEMIST, MILLHKIM,!PA. Offers his professional services to the public. He s prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extraet teeth absolutely without pain. AGENTS | Eor the great new Itook. "The Worhl'N Wonders." WANTED! I By J. W. Bl EL. The most suecessiul subscript ion book ever published. Over half a million copies icere sold the past eight months, and it is selling three times as fast r.ow as ever liefore. Keenlar can vassers clear from sls to $25,140 and *SO per day. Nothing like it was ever known in the history of book publishing. Proofs sent free on appli cation. No experience needed to insure suc cess. We help persons without means to do a large business; no capital needed. Write for particulars. Salaries guaranteed to persons who do not wish to canvass on commission. We mean business, and want live agents in every township. It will cost you nothing to write for terms and full descriptions of our plans of doing business. We also give away standard book s to persons who send us names of book agents. Write for our list of free stan dard books. HISTORICAL. PUBLISHING CO.. 120 & 122 N. 7th St., Phila., Pa. 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be eureiy wrapped, to any address in the United States lor three months on receipt of ONL DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a geuts and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, FUANKUN SQUARE, N. Y. 3,000 Agents Wanted for the New Work GLADSTONE—PARNELL iSS GREAT IRISH STRUGGLE, By the eminent author, HON, T. P. O'CONNOR, M. I'., for Liverpool, and It. M. MCWADE, Esq. Endorsed by HON. C. S. PARNELL. A thrilling historv of Irish oppression and the mighty struggle for Home Rule that is rocking the British Empire to its centre; also Biographies of the leaders. An entirely new work trom high authority, of all absorbing interest, richly illustrated, and in immense demand. Ap ply quickly to HUBBARD BROS., publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. sls 0" MONTHLY No experience required. Four orders per day give the Agent 8150 Monthly. Our Agents report from four to twenty sales daily • Send At once for terms and full particulars. 553.00 Outfit Flee. LEWIS SCHIELK & CO., 390 Broadway, New lork '• r w.twf. w*— ■HE. DEFOREST S RELIABLE PATTERNS! STILL AHEAD OF ALL 01HEKS. And Guarantood to given porfect fit when directions aro followed. MftlE. DEMOREST'S SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING. Chart and Book >f full dm vtions, enabling an> one to Cut and Fit perfectly. PRICK, $3.00. !LT '>' P osl P l ' c * MME. DEMORESTS PO RTFO LI O° F F A S HlO N S AND WHAT TO WEAR. Ii a Inrte MuMiM of 8o pages of Pnthino Noki and Styles, lllu trat-'l w nli about | 000 L m • Sent post paid I>>i 25 11 "la. m-i in Demorest Sewing Machine. Tliifc? Styli> Only. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS or THCM IN u-.r ALL OVER THE WORLD AND GIVIKG PERFECT SATISFACTION. Si-Don't pav other companies S4O-00 I on a machine NOT so noon AS TIIK I'l Mi 'K I 1 buy direct of the manufacturer . S utt O. I. Writo i'or Oi rc M ila u. *. DFMOREST rASHiON AV2> SEWCNC MACHEfrE CO. * 17 East 14th Street, Now York City The most popular VVcskly •' • • -'.-.per ii '• ■'•••d to, mechanics,cugu , ring discoveries, m- V.-.ti. tis aiul | aimtsev. rj.■■ • ohed. Every nnm- I ; -r illustrated with splendid engravings. 1 his ;• ililu-Titon farm-In sa mo.-t valuable encyclopedia i.t m format ion vvlii.-n no person should be v. ihout. The popularity of the Si'll.NTli'lO AVKIUOAN is such that Us circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price, spa 20® v, -.r. i>icuuut to I'lubs. Sold I v all newsdealers. Jll'NN A CO., Publishers. No. 351 Broadway, N. V. a aaj wat awi .I=* M urn A Co. li.ivo EiiF R3 IS had Thirty tIM I vfa (right years' MR < "O™ "I II" " < ■" Lrfi ra r' lSi j-.,. av.l '• HPl more than One Hundred Thou applications lor paieuts sis tuo . M{' I'li'tci States nr.d foreign countries. MS? , , !-. av.d a 1 other papers lor IB securing to inventors their rights in tho jHl'siilid Stales, Canada, Eng.and. r ranee, Germany and other foreign countries, pre- H pared at --liort not k*L* anil mi reasonable terms. Information as to obtaining pat i-nts t s-ccr * fully given withouf charge. Iland-booKs of L* I .i(,.'ri .ati in sent frc •. Patents ohmmed through Mr.sin .V Co. are noticed in the Scienull.- ' •.r.-au :uc. The advantage of such nonce is wcil understood by all persona who todis ti .so vf their patents. „ . _ Ire-V MENS A CO. o:}tc> SvIENTtriC -liOAN*. SCI Broadway, Nutv Automatic Sewing Machine Co. ' 72 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. • Wo invito pperial^ntr I'ATKNT At TOVATIC Tf.n refnnded. But what It moro rcmarkal io utill. wo never know a woman willing to do In i own taiuily Bowing on a shuttle machine aittr t,.odour new Patent AUTOMATIC. Even Shoo Mannfacturern find it best suited to their work—its clastic Beams aro js.oro durable. Truly--Automatic Sewing Machines aro fast super ceding Bhuttlo machines, and it is no rso to deny it. Truth is mighty and noes prevail, bhuttlo Machines have seen their best day s. " Send for circular. Corrcsyoud-uco solicited. FIRST PREMIUM. PHILAD. 4 . 1876. (h-:iiul f'rite Meilal, Paris, 11*4. Ahk yourGr>.<•< !• for il. IVtu. 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Lr.ivvor iVJ. Buffalo, N.V do you mm THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with RcdTin Tag; Hose leal* Fine Cut Chew ing; Nnv y Clippings,an <1 Black, Brow and Yellow SNUFF are the bestundcheapest quali ty considered. RAINBOW RUPTURE "Itiki* Simple, safe, reliablo und a porfoct retainer, it io not a Truss. Worn Day and Nigbt and lu presence forgotten, bend for circulur with testi monials from gruteful cufferers cured by this ap i pliance. Address Central Medical and Surgical 1 Institute 920 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. I Skillful treatment given all kinds of surgical I and medical cases. Weakening diseases and pri -7 vate troubles in male and female our specialty. Be I sure to writo us before taking treatment oisowhuro. Consultation free and invited. ill K MILLHEIM JOURNAL vJOIB Printing- Office o is now sojtnlivtl with Coo D %■ V? and l>/ Job Printing 1 of all kinds W EXECUTED ntoMITLY AND CHEAPLY. THE PERKINS WIND KILL. Mk. t i gf .! -i J V I ; rx - > . -J ;-i>i • -hz TO s HilD > • ■ j' '' I t .. . . none. j„. ICj i—- f W-URANTED <5 j tp- i l: > I :: down, tr .■ ■< tho C —~*J 'a with it • or against nrvloltlMlaoM n ; ... itaatialfarm building* ;* o 1 :■ ; .at?ast im.ld, '...tier wwk than it' y • ; c, Wo nunufirtun Lclii Pumplßf at .1 fio.iri .1 ICHI. and carry a i ifl 1 .. r.fvricd Mill SuppLe*. AGENTS WANTED, FU-n.l fr i: >, Circular as I Prim. AdJrco* IWJMS 11, jJ- IIII.L LAX CO., Sli*liiiwata. lnl JOHN B, Ridp^lpu'. M. I . '* * II \ l|3 V I " t y o>- I. iiii Tiitinw n r I ri'n , C, fell Lttthtt fct .. 1 .. '. * rati • el Warranted Absolute!;, . proof, more hsLii'.y, c bio, genteel,l •• ••- . sweat tlu fo i V ' t'.,- rubber boot. One \ wear two pairs of ordiuar *n bl rl to' and can be repair ".1 by any anagn-r. Ask retail dealers for litem or ; -1.0 J for sample pair of slto: t boo',; to JOHN IT. FA': 103 B cdfc A a-'.at, CCS. . .i : ;I.ASS. r A 3P A] A 1 "AT di'oc i-z z zsr Cr iyc "U* Z* DP O DP, T 33 DP, O t'J ft 1-1 9 Vrsk o g | t s§ M • I' d!y" ' 'I ' tj r/J /AN / •; ' • I m ; A © A H ' \ | - r) p.j 0 H i KI d o J / ° ''s V / ! n bd M \ ; if pq O \ i ./ t-s s \? o , ro v \ I-J pd j: . i l * L" 1 o • A j"- " 4 ud I ro PI ... * !-3 l-t . W ChlMren'n, Ito * years, - - - R<-. a p ditto, two utuiclimuits, - - 1 fte. Missos' " " - - I Ladies' " " - Mltw.-s', w.'tliclx'lf, " - -arc. 1 - - iloC. jpl:su r'. Abd !, er.d 0.-.innic, ni;.i ji lining J Sa;>! ; tef com biit.-d, ------ Ti Oe. " Health Skirt Fupi>ei'L r, - - 44 Brigitlcn (.I-i.t'o Oi.ilei*, - - I ' R;R: s.u.:: BY ALL FI.ST-CL.\! o riTOIIES. Samples pent post-jKiid to any address upon receipt of price in 2-cenfc stamps. . lewis STEIM, Sole Owner and Manufacturer, *7B Ceuire Street, New Yorii, .-■a ■' ; •/;" j ■ \■: : .■ 'lf I . . a ■ Vb>, f U* - f. C\ • J - H > i ' : ' c.r.F• ( ;-j k : : J Nyrl: r ; .f j j (S: 4 NEW IMPROVED H/QH ARM, NE WMEOH A NIC A L PR IN CI PL ES \ (Jid i. . *:/ j :i, Auio hi 51 jv :i r. ;/' ':on, ; Cylinder Shut !*>-,£ ilf-aei i? g Ncc / ■ . : Few Paris, ilf mmum IVci - \ /7o , 2 H . n,Nolfoi 'A No Wear, No I Fatigue, No "fFantnume,*' C pa- I c&ky Uruimiied, Aiwa .a Order* [ Richly Ornamented iTicksl laied* and Gioee Per feet Satisfaction. Semi fo.* Circular . AVERY MACH! f 23 Union Squire, i.ew York. THE CELEBRATED Heading Qrgan. OYER 10,000 IS CONSTANT USE. Cuy Direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale Manufacturing Prices from —540 li Jl. — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CA .ES FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION. TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. .SI:XD FOJ: CIRCULARS. Add 11 !S READING- ORGAN CO., P. J. KANTNEE, Kanager. Z'ol. pi' 0 f | ; : Vr s A'"i rf H V ' ?* . .... r vW _ J k. • • * 1 I '' mode of 1 DQj rn r •. — TA ' [mAfi fl ■ ■|ua|y 10 y I 1 11(1 t. . - L tliiil 4. xiJtilv Uw J . Cl..Bcs!cr.. 4GEd4lh St. L'r.icr.Sq ), :.. f. l4QUakEth Aie.. Chicago. - ' • - - ' v % . . ' sH SJ-stey Organ, ■y-one Unrivaled. SH-legant Finish. T -ears of Popularity. N f ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREE. Estey iDrgan ito., urattieboro,vt s) steam . ■;fasher | Men •ti\ l \TVimen of ".m 1 character niul intcnicenciv I xclusivo T.r ritory Guam ate: :i. A weeks' trial of !.• \y;ihor to tic ioturne.l nt my expense if not r it.'..factory. Athot: and per cer.t, tlu< l>cst\Misher in the world, and | ■ capable Mgents 810 money. In* trinsiC lie 1 i : . re ira • l-.-a. 1 sma i-ssevtry* wperc. For Illimt ateJ cirwilnrnnd tormaof afteacy mmw. WORTH. -;t. Louis, !!■ • . ;; p. v'eJ r Gr> u ivy -. * ; /*'•• S!'v *;OItUA24XMVVE.LEHSB9 JA SAZZrM.\ : E)fAA-:. : , 5 '' -.i,.-: L XIC TIP* W % s;y •. V #jouthfulite.i. erotica, ." . Va'3/tuofroointlulgonoe,oß w, _ _ Arols v '• * rsVi V\ a r, ,2 die topo itionof prttcn- V'-S--.''-\,-nN \ 'ttt. uj trucciica for thc33 • t v '♦* a Circular r.r.d Trial Fnck- TT-WVifrria '■:% I Icirn taportanl '.is 'fi.rta L-ifctc Ukitijttreat- •-Tl.ijtrtr(t < ' Wane. Take a wifttfi. ' tkr.i ,r;,j I'mfGir. V/P; :r-r* ; -".Yi<'UU!: thocsandc, rtoca U *" v—.ttuiJiJ • . not it:t'rferc with ftlten ~ . **r. ;r,* ■ f. . ..(tlan to bu -inc.-s. cr cua ,*>> ' - j . inalnor iliconvaaii ne in ® wl'il 0 Wf. .•* ui led oa fev _ e . rvT-fei -T LOceitr.tiftc medicalprir.el .... c Hi. XILj4C ?. By direct ejiplscatrn *si6o • ioil, the eeat of Jiaeasa ::a t'ii#iT.ei !!le influence ia fci? r?f:Tt'OFOn CEVCM l£*A ivitlu ut t'.day. The nat -I'EAftSBY USr IM functionapf (ho hu i i.nimflMr, or • " ('.'cSSmr.tiorpii.nhm fsrestored. i n-.-, *'i •''. v.'idc.'i have been • ...j —:ita,A ;, p.*• • wttttcdorcgivenbcck,en;l > .-.o JTonth, - }, :i Of-'jihepfitienth.-comcjcht"'? . .Mailt••-.s. - --rco Jtlcathf, V.OO|s> : ami *,xual vigor. ! REMEDY CO., K'FCCH£¥IBI3 hCCHJ T'. Tenth St.. ST. IOTJia.MO. t*. % g PERSONS! Not a Truss. v Rf: a.,u fartrriTmofour Avi.tifm™ * A work of isa MRCS, Colored Plate, and i / * i'Zt /■ illustration*, with descriptions of the best Fl >wcrs i • ■ ' I '\s i PVv Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to gi ?iV w'' y them. Printed iu English and German. Price only ''C. cents, which may be deducted from first order. . v •" , P t -!! what von want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running ■ l ' • ry at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meet Q, \ Ul '' l i jKintJijcut after weeks of waiting. C'> : T - p. BUY CNL Y VICK'S SEEPS AT HEADQUARTERS. tr.A ; VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3= pnges, a Colored PI I-• V */ U I every number, end many fine engravings. Price. a year; Five Copies ' ,■ h' !> J J • Sjieaill number; 1> ents ; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send to any addr C T* ' f* ' tick' Mararine and any ore of the following publications at the prices named bel f i ••• . - 1 <.. 11 v iv. > magazines at the jiricc of one—Century, $4.0; Harper's Monthly, $4. I Xf \ Jur Nicholas,; God Cheer, Jtt.2s I Illustrated Christian Weekly, $3.00; VN V VV.-**" v V/ldo Awake . Good Cheer, and Tick's Magazine for $3.00. >' " ' 1.1 VICK S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 pages, Si* Colot /, \\ Vv ' luv ° i-iigravings, f, 1.35, in elegant cloth covers. V JAMES VICBs, Rochester, N. Y, j?sr MARVELOUS PRICES. BOOKS FOR THE MILLION Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous Authors. Almost Given Away / The I '•■.liij bonkt nrs puMUhml In sent pamphlet form, many of them liiinil*nnicly lllu-t rut<■!, Btiil frrMn guml |j (><• npuil paper. Tiirjr trcal i.f u great larluty of übj t. ami nu "if can examine lhr li-i lOi i-.i mi 11114 th.-n in inauj tliul he or .he would like to |x>ve. Iu iJutiibound I ,iui theav hooka would coat $1 00 t nil. tin li I'.ioit 1* couiph'U.' Iu itaelt. The Widow Iti-ilolt I'uprr*. Th Ia la the book At the World'* .Merry, A Knval. By Floreoe# ri"- rv. || ir r.Lii l nii iii ljuglii. J tilt they cried, and Warden. author of •• The Houao oa thr Mar.h," etc. it I. i i u.fiii, min .liv a. i eer. Mildred -T|W VkiiloM. A Novel. By " The Duch* Fancy Wort* lor Home Adornment, an en- eaa," author of " Molly Ban u," etc. ti I, . ■> ot. u; i r.ia nr.,. .-t .euutaibiuc raay and Hark Haj a. 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I I n Cupid's Net. A Novel. By the Author of" Dora The Mundurd Letter Writer f..r Ladiea an! ; Thorne." C nil -n, n rompleta ytiMe to eorr.apondenoe. riving ftnok to the Hid Home. A Novel. BvMaryCecU j plain -..1T . , • ~.,1 ...iy | Jiav. Miitiur of lit'ldeu IVrlu," nr. i .1 . ! .1 an t • X'irai ."*• John llnw erliunk'* Wife. A Novel, l'.jr Mta Wluta r I renins llncri ntlana. a laiga ontlaaltin ! Mabel a.ithorof •• John llallfaa tliialbaaa," eta. of •. lug i . r etc., for I I.iidj <■ w < nd..lliM'" Hreuau. A RtaaL P.) tho in lal gatheriiii i, prlvulo tkeatricals, ami evvuluga nt , auth-r of • Dora Thorne," etn. hum" llluatr.itod. j .luaper Huiie'a Heeret. A Novel. By Mini M. E. HIUIOCIII H. Keeltntlona nnd Hrndlnga. a laree Braddou. author ol "Aurora Floyd," cue. ant cb n tioufora.'h ,1 ixhibuiou. and public and Lent Inc. A hotel. By Alary Cecil May, author of ririrai" entertainment*. "Uremia Yorke." eie. 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