Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 02, 1886, Image 3
Journal. THURSDAY, SEPT. 2ND, 1886. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. Did you hear something DROP? If not DROP IN and try some of those —WATERMELONS— just received at J. W. LOSE'S GROCERY No. 32 Main Street. They are deadripe, juicy and have a thin shell. Also received the finest Sweet Potatoes, IV i lies, Cabbage to be had in the market. Big Drop in the prices of some of my goods. Among my new goods Salad Oil and Soaps deserve most mention. My stock of Confectioneries, Canned Goods, Tobacco, Cigars &c. &c. &c. is always complete and the best LOCAL NEWS. —Cool after the rain. —SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —The ponies were quite an attraction this week. -First-class iob work done at the JOURNAL office. —A new stock of Candies just re ceived at J. W. Lose's. —Best Sugar Cured Ilams at D. S. Kauffmau & Co's store, —Jesse Kreamer is building a stable on his premises on Water street. —Dr. J. F. Ilarter took a flying trip to Mifflinburg on Monday, on busi ness. —The much wanted rain came on Monday evening aud was very wel come. —The plasterers are putting on the first coat in the new Dnited Brethren parsonage. —The Central Synod of the Luther an church will meet at Centie Ilall, September 29. —Wm. 11. Smith is putting a new coinice ou his farm house on the hill south of town. —Rev, Herald, of Roaring Creek, Pa., is here a t present on a visit to friends and relatives. —F. D. Luse and family rusticated Selinsgroye last week, and were the guests of S. T. Frain. —The potatoe crop this year is hard ly up to the average. Potatoes sell at 25 to 30 cents a bushel. —A large selection of spectacles in Stover's jewelry department. Grades enough to suit almost any eye. —A fresh supply of watermelons, bananas, peaches and sweet potatoes at J. W. Stover's store on Main street. AUCTION.— The grass on Fairvievv Cemetery will be sold at auction to the highest bidder this (Thursday) evening at 6 o'clock. —Those Frosted Lamp Globes with floral designs at Kauffmau's are a unique ornament in any room. Call and see them. —A new and by no means insignifi cant department in J. W, Stoyer's fine store is the line of Pure Drugs, of all kinds, just received. —Forepaugh's bill posters were in town on Monday pasting up showbills at all available places. The show will be at Bellefonte, Oct. 12. —ssoo is the premium offered for Light Wagons at the coming Lewis burg fair, not $5.00 as we had errone ously stated in our last issue. —The excursion train to Lewisburg, on the 9th of September, will leave Bellefonte at 6 o'clock, a. ra., aud wil be held at Lewisburg until 10 p. m. —Summer Goods and Straw Hats are still offered at very small margins at Kauffman's store in order to make room for winter goods. Take advan tage of the fast. U. B. FESTIVAL.— As announced before the U. B. Allworkers society of Millheim will hold a festival in the skating rink on Penn street, on next Saturday. Sept. 4th, 1885. The liberal patrouage of the community is respect fully asked. —Tinware given away with Baking- Powder at Lose's grocery. Dr. J. W. Stain has John M. the mason, *at work laying a stone pavement along his biiek residence on Penn 3treet. Of course it will be a good job, —A three year old boy of Lindenian Wingert's, residing at lVnns Creek, died yesterday morning, of brain fever. The funeral will take place on Friday forenoon. —Prof. W. T. Meyer, of Shamokin, arrived on Tuesday to pay a visit to his native town, Aaronsburg. lie and his brother Calvin, of Beilefonte, called on us yesterday. —We hear that several of the little folks of town are on the slcklist,among them Jas. 1). Lose's little girl, Bessie, with erysipelas, and one of Abe.King's children with colic complaint. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Thk lUsr in the world for Cuts, Hudson, Sores, Hirers. Salt Kluuun, l-Vver Sores, letter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively eures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfeet sat isfaction, or inomw refunded. I'riee -"> cents per Ihix, For sale by .1. Fisenlmlli. —A cow belonging to Win. 11. Bit-j ner, of Spring Mills, was struck by the engine of the evening passenger train going west on Thursday in Grenoble's cut near that place and was instantly killed. —W. T. Auman, who for several terms was a student sit the New Ber lin Seminary, left this morning for the theological seminarv at Lancaster, where he will complete his studies for the ministry. —Miss Katie Pinges, residing back of Main streeet, near the race, while .white washing her bakeoven the other day, was so unfortunate as to slip oil and sustained painful but not serious injuries by her fall. —Sam'l. Frank, Executor, again of fers the valuable real estate of the late Michael Frank, in Haines township, for sale. Posters have been put up which announce the date of tho sale to be Saturday, October Oth. —Revs. Deitzler (Lull).) and Swengie (Ev.) preached in their respective chur ches on Sunday, the former in the fore noon, the latter in the evening. Both hau large and attentive audiences not withstanding the oppressive heat. —A new law obliges proprietors of threshing machiues passing on public highways to send a messenger at least one eighth of a mile ahead to give warning, and at night to carry a red light. Failing to do so, the proprietor is liable for all damages. —Charles Lasbelle, who is imprison ed in the Carroll Co. jail, 111., for a murder of which we gave an account several months ago.had a narrow escajie from being murdered himself, as will be seen by the item headed "Attacked by a Maniac," on our second page. —The Miftlinburg Times announces that C. K Sobers,the champion marks man of this state,will be at Lewisburg during the reunion on the 9th inst., to give an exhibition of his wonderful skill in shooting glassballs. That a lone is worth spending the excursion fare. A LARGE SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. —The Sunday schools of Spring Mills will unite with six other schools in the surrounding country to hold a basket picnic in the grove back of the Presby terian church, on Saturday, Sept. 4th. A big crowd is expected. Don't for get the date, September 4th. —Mr. Smith,of Kansas, was here be ginning of the week, with a carload of ponies, which he offered for sale. We understand that Israel Confer, Jerome Spigelmyer and W. J. Springer, of this place, and Mr. Stambach, of Aarons burg each bought one, while 11. G. Shafer, of Spring Mills, purchased a span. —We are told that there will be be an entertainment given in the Town Ilall this evening, by a party from Re bersburg, the programme to consist of literary and musical performances. The two principal performers will be the Misses Shafer, from Reading, who will be assisted by home talent from our sister valley. —Among the recent publications of music we find but two songs published by Ign. Fischer, Toledo, C., that are really worthy of special mention,Tenny- j son's "Break, Break, Break, on Thi/ Cold Gray Stones, 0 Sea ," music by the well-known Frederick fl. Pease, and Longfellow's " Stay at Home My Heart and Best, "music by W.A.Ogden, an author whose works rank among the most popular of the present day. Price of each 40c. A Captain's Fortunate Dis covery. Capt. Coleman, sehr. Weymouth, plying be tween Atlantic City and N. Y., had been troub led with a cough so that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption. It not only gave him in stant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. His children were similarly affect ed and a single oose had the same happy effect. Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free Trial Bottles of tins Standard Remedy at J. Eisenhuth'S Drug Store. CORRECTION.— A report is in circu lation that the festival to be held in the rink by the U. 13. Allworkers Society on September 4th is for the building of the parsonage. This is a false state ment. Mr. Elias Luse and myself are building the house and the proceeds of the festival are solely for the benefit of the church. Will you please give this statement room in the columns of your valuable paper and oblige, A, R. ALEXANDER. —The best 2- I-A Cigar in town —the "Way Ahead'' at Lose's grocery. —Just as we go to press we receive information that Mis. Sam'l. Frank, of j Uebersburg, took seriously sick. We (1 ill not learn what her ailinv.l is but sincerely hope the lady may recover. —J. Eisenhuth informs tho public that he has added to Lis ding stock the celebrated KEYSTONE MALT WHISK EY and other pure liquors. Sold only on preset iptious of physicians,for med ical use. 33-fim. IT IS ESTIMATED that there are one hundred thousand sufferers Iron) hay fever in the United States ; a number about lour times greater than the regu lar standing army. This number could be reduced to a mere regiment if all would lesort to Ely's Cieam Balm. 32-41. Kenews Her Youth. Mrs. l'hoelio ('lii' Shy. Peterson, Flay Co. lo wa, tells tbe following remarkable story, the, Iriuli of wliteh is vouelied for by the residents of the town: '1 am 7d years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for nmiiv years: could not dress myself without help. Now lam free from all pain and sore ness, and am able to do all my own house work. I owe my thanks to Electric Hitlers for haviiur renewed my youth, and removed com pletely nl disease and nuin." Try a bottle, only ode at .1. Elsenbuth's Drug store. —The Ladies' Aid Society of the E vangelical congregation of MillLeim have placed a costly and very hand some chandelier in the audience room of their church. It is of a neat design, of polished brass with IS lamps in two rows, 7 feet wide and 8 feet high. It was puichased of Ilackenburg AiYorso, Milton, Pa., and seems to give entire satisfaction. JUMBO EVERGREEN SWEET CORN. —Mr.B.O.Deininger met with unusual good success this season in raising a fine and large crop of sweet corn on his lots on Penn street. By persevering and untiring labor he got the soil in a first-class state of cultivation and the result is a superior crop of corn. lie baptized it as above heading reads and will sell quantities of it for seeding purposes. —A western paper alludes to some fellow it don't like as "a blear-eyed, slab-sided, pot-stomached, black heart ed, hide-bound, white-livered, lantern jawed, hump-backed, addle-beaded, sil ly-minded, pigeon-heeled, sin-stained, ham-strung, weazen-faced, web-footed, foul-mouthed liar." The editor of that paper has indeed a rich flow of emphatic adjectives in his language which hardly leaves a good spot on his victim. —At the lowest estimation there will be 3000 veterans at tl'ie grand soldiers' reunion at Lewisburg on the 9th. Cen tre county will be strongly represented. Several fire companies expect to fall iu line In tlie large parade which will take place most likely in the forenoon. The town will be decorated with a splendid profusion of national colors and there will be no end to band and marshal music. The excursion rates are low and many people will visit the burg to spend the day with the "boys in blue." —While waiting on the down train at the Spring Mills station last Friday afternoon we had the pleasure of meet iug Key. S. G. Shannon, of Sunbury, who had been ou a short visit at Squire Ilering's and was about returning home. Mr. John C. Colt and Mr. Todd, of Northumberland, both wide awake representatives of the Psnn Mu tual Life Insurance company were also on hand and ready to board the train. When compelled to wait on a train there is nothing more pleasant than to fall in with congenial company. —Can't we organize an excursion and have a grand Picnic on the Lewisburg Fair ground during their fair Y We ought to take down such a carload as would astonish the natives. The rail road company offers excursion rates, but such an excursion as we suggest would get us much lower rates. The display at the fair will be worth all it will cost, besides having a picnic and railroad ride. It will afford an oppor tunity to witness some fine races and see some of the finest stock of all kinds in the country. Who will be first to move in this matter Y Did you see their bills Y —A few of our half-grown town boys played one of their thoughtless tricks last Thursday, which might have resulted in much damage had it not been discovered in good time. They filled a hollow tiee, about two feet in circumference, and standing on I). A. Musser's land near the foundry dam, with dry leaves and with a match lit the intlamable pile. In a short time the tree was a column of fire, burning very briskly igniting a fence near by. Several dozen buckets full of water checked the lively conilagration. Boys, if you are ever tempted to indulge in that kind/>f fun again, remember that you may have to pay dearly for it. FREDDIE WILLIAMS. —That grim monarch, death, made his appearance among us again last Saturday, taking from Mr. and Mrs. Irviu Williams their only child, Freddie. The little one would have been two years old in Octo ber. His death, which was caused by that dread disease, cholera infantum, seems to set so much harder on his pa rents, because he was actually only sick four days and having been a real bright little boy was growing dearer to his parents every day. The parents have the sympathy of the entire com munity in their sad bereavement. May they find consolation in the Sa viour's loving words "Suffer little chil dren to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Ileayen." The funeral took place on Tuesday forenoon, Rev. Deitzler otli \ ciating. Prof. W. T. Meyer, tells us that the famous Rescue band, of Shamokin, ot which he is the. conductor, will bo in attendance at the <. A. U. minion at Lcwishiug on tliC 9th of September and will some time during the day give a grand open air concert. This will bo another attractive feature of Lewis burg's ga'a day. —The tolling of the Evangelical church bell on Monday evening an nounced the death of I). ('. Wilt, Esq., which occurred at Franklin, Pa., on Monday, Aug. .'lO. Mr. Wilt was un til of late years one of Millheim's old est. and best known citizens, and sewed a term as Justice of the Peace of Penn township about twenty years ago. lie will be remembered by many as a very affable gentleman and a passionate vio linist. In 4t ye olden times" he would on fine summer evenings sit on the porch of bis brick residence on Main street and treat the neighborhood to some lively strains on his violin. Sev eral years ago be and bis wife left this place to take up their residence with their son at Franklin. —John Kerstetter, Jr , and bis crew (•f carpenters, finished the inside work in Musser & Smith's new and elegant storerooms on Tuesday evening. The large plate glass show windows were fitted into the sash last Friday and af ter the woodwork is painted in dark green with gold trimmings, it will be the finest stoie front on this side of the mountain. As usual Mr. Kerstetter displayed great taste and mechanical &kill in the erection of this large and imposing building, which needs only to be seen to convince you that, as an architect and builder be is second to none. He says he is now ready to ac cept any other job of the kind and of course insures perfect satisfaction. It will pay you to give John a call if you have anything to build. GRANDEST PICNIC OF TIIE SEASON. —There will be a great outpouring of the people of Penns and Brush Valleys on Saturday, September 11th, next, to attend a general basket picnic at the celebrated Penn's Caves 011 that day. The committee who are managing the affair have spared 110 labor to make it the most pleasant and enjoyable occa sion of the season. The Itebersburgand Millheim bands have already signified their intention to furnish the music and the bands of the western end of Penns Valley have been invited to bo present, and are expected to take part in the day's pleasures. An excursion through the interior of the caves will form an interesting and spicy part of the programme. Other amusements will be 011 the grounds and the gather ing promises to be one of extraordinary size and enjoyment. Come one, come all : THAT FACTORY.— Millheim and its citizens have been agitating the project of getting a hosiery factory here for the last three weeks and we think by the time this paper Is in the bands of our readers the question will be settled either one or the other way. Mr. Crawford, the here at present to complete negotiations and at the time of this writing it would seem as if the necessary funds could be rais ed and the enterprise started. Should the matter be decided favorably as we earnestly hope it will tor the sake of the town, it will give Millheim a boom that will be a blessing to all its busi ness people as well as to the poor and un employed element of town. A factory that will employ fifty hands at the low est calculation, both sexes and from fifteen years up, is exactly what this town has been wanting ever since the railroad is completed. And of all industries this one is especially adapt ed to this country, and will throw out its beneficiary infiuence over a radius of several miles around the town. We trust the business people, the mechan ics and the laboring men will look at this undertaking in the right light and comprehend the immeasurable good that all will derive from it. Let every man, rich or poor, show his willing ness to contribute according to his means and thus secure the establish ment of this factory. Of qourse there are quite a number of mechanics and laborers in our town that are unable to assist in a pecuniary way, but we would say to them that several days of work at the proposed factory building will be as acceptable as so many dollars in money. All that is necessary is the will to do your share and success will he the result. We say take a hold of the project and keep the factory here and you will neyer regret it. Neighboring News. MADISONJBURG. Brushyalley was visited with a soak ing rain on Monday evening. Sam'l. B Shafer has his wash house and shop up and under roof. Rev. Basom and lady have returned from their visit down the country. I)r. W. V. Runkle, of Philadelphia, paid his sister, Mrs. McClellan, of this place a short visit last week. George Kern, son of Jacob Kern, got his, heel badly bruised last Monday by being caught in a field roller. Quite a lot of squirrels were shot this week mostly to supply the sick folks with a tempting morsel. E. H. Dong, and wife, of Millhiem, were in town on Monday. The potato crop is small and the po tatoes themselves are small in siae. J. L. Roush started for Lancaster on Wednesday morning, where lie will complete his college course. He ex pects to be through by June 18S7. • Still, Another, COBURN. The grain house here has changed hinds and will U* run in the linn i.ame of Grenoble, Badges Co., the iu v members of the litm being I). Badges & son. The warm, dry spell we bad was breeding considerable sickness through out t ho country. What has becomo of the candidates since the nomination V They have not put in an appearance yet, but we sup pose when they enter the lleld they will open a red hot campaign. On Saturday last the picnic of the Coburn Sunday school came off in An drew Darter's grove, about one mile west of Coburn. Three schools were invited and paiticipated, ihe George's Valley, the Liberty and the Paradise The Milllieim band was also present and discoursed some of their choice so lections. Addresses were delivered by Keys. Fisher, Yearick and Deitzler. After a pleasant day enjoyed by all, the people wended their way to their differ ent homes. The crowd was estimated at 800. There was quite a knock down in ttie post ofiice on Saturday evening be tween one of our merchants and a clerk in another store. They had a dispute in settling an account when the paities became angry and the former picked up a weight and threw it at the clerk, whom he fortunately missed and shattered some jars instead. The clerk thereupon clinched and downed the other party and mauled him until lie yelled enough. The tight i esult din a court-plastered nose and a colored eye for the merchant. Such scenes are a disgrace to the community and should not be tolerated. VALE. AARONS3URG. Welcome showers on Monday after noon and evening. A new arrival on North 2ml St., at B. F. LUnd's—a little girl. At Ed. M ingle's on Front street likewise. A few of our citizens have already made apple cider this season. Ed. Kister struck up a shanty in the northeastern part of town and moved into the same last week. Miss Katie Musser, daughter of M. M. Musser,has decided to attend school at OberMn, 1 Ohio, for which 'place she will leave some time during this week. Katie will make the study of vocal and instrumental music a specialty. Almost daily we see loose horses run ning upon the streets. This should not be. We fear some accident will happen therefrom to tho children who are pass ing to and fro on the pavements. Jacob M. Stover and family returned to Selinsgrove, their present home, last week. They appeared to enjoy their vist to Centre county very much. The Ist of Sept. was welcomed with delight by some of our boys. Almost daily we hear tiie crack of the sport man's gun in the woods and mountains surrounding town. We noticed Key. W. 11. Gotwald and wife, of Milton, Pa., in town one day last week. Mr. Geo. Gross and wife of New Berlin. Pa., were tlie guests of Mr. Thos. Yearick. Paul Pontius, or bis uncle's.Jerrv Kline's, Mr. and Mrs L. 1). Kurtz, of Mitffin burg, at Mr. Ettinger's, while the two Miss Maters from Dauphin county are visiting their uncle, Mr. I). 11. Lenker. Our Aaronsburff people have entertain ed quite a large number of visitors dur ing this summer. ANOTHER. SMITH TOWN. The much-needed rain came at last. Miss Jamison was the guest of Miss Lizzie Keen last week. Smith Town had quite a jolly party last Friday evening. But some sly rogues got away with all the ice cream. Our community was wakened up last and this week by the whistle of the steain thrasher. The first of the sea son lhat passed through here. Two unknown young ladies make frequent visits to this vicinity and (hive a splendid turn-out. What is peculiar about their visits is that they never stop at any house, but tie anywhere a long the road and rove about over the fields. There must be some special at traction. There is quite a watery fight in our town just now. First Dr. Musser's dam was torn out, and the water com pany's pipes were cut oft and dragged away. Next the doctor's pump stock was removed and the pipes stopped up with rags and stones, so both parties had no water tor a while. At this writing the company's as well as the doctor's water is running but the fight has only commenced right. JUMLIO. WOODWARD. In the way of improyements we no tice Samuel William's house is under roof. Adam Weaver is having his house repaiuted. The turnpike company havo erected a very substantial bridge over Pine Creek. Mils Ida Miller, of Spring Mills, has been visiting in our village for the past two weeks. A bush meeting is to be held soon at some place in this neighborhood. AKGENTI. SPRING MILLS. We expect to have a lively time here on next Saturday, September 4th. The Sunday schools of this place and some five or six schools from the sur rounding country will hold a joint basket picnic in the grove near the churches in this place. Several bands will be in attendance and every effort is being made to make the affair a grand success. A day of general en joyraeut may be expected. S. J. Ilering, Esq., has been spend ing a few days in town surveying and dividing several tracts of land. The creamery building will be finish ed by the last of this week and the manager of the company informs us that the machinery will be put in at once and that all will be ready to start by the middle of Septemler, This will certainly be an advantage to our farmers and should be patronized by all. W. R. From, our obliging miller,got a yery ugly fall on Monday evening, while coming down the stairs of Gren oble's hall. He made a misstep in the dark and was precipitated headlong down the stairway. lie was somewhat bruised but not seriously. *** REB7RSF.URG. Rev. .T. E. Swit7. r is at present in nut Miliei'tog .mG'SClibera for the Lutheran ()!i civcr. The reverend | gent I -man ia the guest of Rev. Len- Intid ilui ing Ins stay here. Dti i. I Well 'purchased a small hand printing press. Dan will soon bo ready to print small hand bills, letter heads, cards, A*p. on short notice. Something our valley needs very much. Some hold robbers weie about on Sunday night, Aug. 22. The thieves first attempted to enter Tlios Jhum garl's house, hut being met by the lady of the house, fled and betook them selves to Tlios. Walkers, who were at tending church. There the scoundrels took tlie precaution to ting the dinner bell to make sure that the coast was clear. The neighbors heard the hell, tnit thinking Mr. Walker's children were ringing lor sheer mischief, paid no further attention to it. Thethievss then cut out a pane of window glass and thus gained entrance into the house. They rummaged every room, even to thf garret tint procured only between four and five.dollars of money, a bed sheet and a ham of smoked meat. Tliey next tackled Wes. Snyder's house where they helped themselves to sever al loaves of bietd. Mr. Walker says after this he will tie at home and ready to give the thieyes a proper reception. Jno. Darter sold a valuable horse to Ad.Auman. .johnny is now in posses sion of a tine llamiltonian horse and lakes the lead in horse flesh around here. Mrs. Jacob Burkert. of whose illness I had made previous mention, died on la. c t Tuesday morning, Aug. 21, of dropsy. Iler age was 04 years, 0 months and 2 days. She was a con sistent member of the Reformed church and was buried last Friday forenoon. Last Friday, while Win. Kreamer's hireling was hauling manure his horses ran away and while in full speed ran ovrrseyeral gates entiiely demolishing them. Luckily no one was hurt, hut Dan swore vengeance on the luuaway team. Geo. Wale left last Friday for Mt. Gorman to take charge of a livery sta t le, a position George can well fill. Duck's steam thresher seems to take the lead in this section. Fact is there has never before been a machine a round here that threshed 05 bushels of wheat per hour. Mr. Duck and his assistants, Bryant and Taylor, are much thought of and their work has so far proved entirely satisfactory. Mor al. (-all on Mr. Duck if you have any threshing to do. Mr. Ira. Walker and wife, who were here on a visit left this wet k for their home, Freeport, 111. Mr. Gephart has engaged Gnflin Garret, one of our boss carpenters, to finish his barn, the Snyder county hav ing left the job In despair. The other diy a certain young man took his hired girl over to Sugar Val ley, her home, and by all appearances the young lady must have taken sick on the road. At least the young man dis played much tender care for her. Please explain. Squibob. "When Baby wm sick, vro pave her Castoria, W lien she wait a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she beeaine Miss, she clung to Catoria, W hen she had Children, she pave them Castoria, DIED o the 21th of Aug., at KeDorsbnrg. Elizabeth Burkett, wife of Jacob Burkett and daughter of Jacob and Margaret Schmull, aged G4 years, G months and 2 days. On iheiNtliof \ug., at Millheiin, Frederick Kay, son of Irvin and Maggie Williams, a red 1 year, 9 months an i 29 days. STILL PEGGING S WAY! NR mk jjjjjjjjjjijj 'fS&tftmt BBUBBB Though the season is dull and business not as brisk as we expect it to be tiro months hence ice are still uj) to the mark in offering our goods at popu lar prices, ami especially our fine stock of Summer Goods which we are setting oat at a great KNOCKDOWN! The ma in concern to all judicious buyers is to get the best and the most for the least money and knowing this ice invite our pa trons and friends to call on us and see for themselves if our stock of , • ■ it* & GENERAL MEmmmmSE . \ i * ; if, . T (I YY.' is not the finest and most comp to he found RESPECTFULL Y YO URS, D. S. KAUFFMAN & CO. | *T7LKE-=ee=— SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR For all Diseases of the liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Spleen. This purely Testable pre paration, now so celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated in the South in 1838. It acts frontly on the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to be. In all common diseases it will, tin assisted by any other mcdi* cine, effect a speedy cure. The It emulator is safe to administer in any condition of the system, and under no circnm stanees can it do harm. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicatingbever ago to lead to intemperance; will promote di gestion, dissipate headache, and gener ally tone up the system. The d&e is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no inter ruption or stoppage of . business while taking .the. , Regulator. " . i. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, or Sick •stomach, a teaspoonful or more will give relief. If taken occasionally by pa tients exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. I have been practicing medicine for twenty year*, an ! have never been able to put up a vegetable C'.inp uind that would, like Simmons Liver Kegu ' Pr, r tnptly and effectively move the Liver to • ti< n, and :<t the b.imr time aid (instead of weak -..i g ;ii dij. .• tive and assimilative powers of the j a. I. M. HIXTON, M. D., Washington, Ark. ■ : i- THAT Ytil* CKT THE GENUINE. ruat'AHSD by J.V/.77 & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Here is good v2sai Reading tor folks who wish to strike lite best place for Groceries, Provisions, Flour, &c. t A leading and rare article in the line of Cannt d <'(xk!s ate my California Apricots, Tears and Plums, It will also do you good to examine and try my assortment of Confectioneries, Tobacco and Cigars, &c. My display of Quensweare, will delight the housekeepers and I specially Invite the ladles to c ll and examine this line. My stock of Gold & Silver Watches, Clocks & Jewelry of all descriptions, 1* the best in town and I am selling these nrticles at SHALL LIVING PROFITS. Call and sec me wheu in need of anything in my line. I aim to render every reasonable ac commodation to my customers. Remember the place, two doors east of I'ost offlce.Maiu Mreet. Respectfully, J. W. STOVER.