Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 26, 1886, Image 4
J. Simpson Africa. .T. Simpson Africa, who was selected as the candidate for the ofliee of Secre tary of Internal Affairs, was born in the town of Huntingdon, which is still his home, on September Id, 1832. lie is descended from Revolutionary stock through the .Simpsons, of Rucks, and Murrays, of Lancaster. He was edu cated at the Huntingdon Academy,and after completing his studies there he adopted the profession of surveyor and civil engineer, and has since then devot ed his entire time (except when engag ed in public duties) to his profession, and was first employed as a civil engin eer in the location of the Rroad Top Railroad. In 1853 he was electedCour.- ty Surveyor of Huntingdon county on the Democratic ticket oyer the nominee of the Whig party, and served until 1857. He served as one of the'.Clerks in the Senate during the sessions of 1858 and 1559. In October,7>9, lie was elect ed to thellouse of Representatives oyer the Republican nominee. He was sev eral times elected Rurgsss of his native barough,and is identified with the lead ing business enterprises there, lit May, 1875, he wis appointed bv Gen. Mc- Cmdless Deputy Secretary of Internal affairs, and upon him tell the labor of organizing the new Department of In ternal Affairs created by the Constitu tion of 1573 lie gave the duties of the oilice his undivided attention. In May, 1878, he was nominated as Gen. Me- Caudless' successor by the Democratic Convention, receiving 159 votes to t>7 for two other candidates. Ihs Repub lican opponent, who was elected to the oilice in November of that year, was Colonel Aaron K. Dunkel, of Philadel phia, but Mr. Africa led bis ticket by from -1.000 to 14,000 votes. In Feb 1880, Mr. Ilayes appointed him Supervisor of the Census for the Seventh district of Pennsylvania, ail oilice for the duties of which he was peculiarly qualified. In June, 1882, he was again p'aceu on the Democratic ticket for the edict of Sec retary of Internal Affairs by acclama tion, and this time he was elected through the Republican dissensions which carried l'attison and tlie whole Democratic ticket through. Mr. Afri ca's discharge ot his official duties have been painstaking and conscientous from first to last, and he thoroughly understands the duties of an oilice of which he was practically the creator. Maxwell Stevenson. Maxwell Stevenson, who was nomin ated for Congressman -nt-Large, was born on February 1, 1817, near Lon donderry, Ireland, of that Scotch-Irish stock noted for its energy and ability, lie was brought to Philadelphia in De cember, 1851, when not quite five years old, and been a resident there ever since. Ilis ear'y struggles for advance ment were untiring and severe, but no more striking than tbousauds of oth ers. He left school between the ages of 12 and 13, after reaching the class in Jackson Grammer School preparatory to the High School. During the years of 1859 and 1860 he was engaged in hard, unremitting work on the truck farms of the 'Neck.' 1861 he obtained •work as an errand boy in a shoe store. A ytar later he bought the outfit of a news stand. In connection with this business he got the right to canvass for subscribers to the Evening Telegraph, and so satisfactorily was his work that Mr. Charles E. Waiburton, the pro prietor, without regard to the b>v'a youth iinhesit.iti gly and generously assigned to him an important newspa per territory. Saon after this lie bought a 'scholarship' in a business college and devoted himself to seeming a thorough business training. He rap idly improved his mind and from then until 1873 was employed as bookkeeper by several firms. In all of these years Stevenson's ambition was to become a lawyer, and to that end he had already, in 1870, registered as a student with E. Coppee Mitchell, afterwards transferr ing it to the late Judge I. L. Pratt, and on October 31, 1574, after a highiy creditable examination, was admitted to the bar, being at that time some what over 27 years of age. Since his admission to the bar his life has been well known to the public. Ilis fiist public interest in the labor movement was as its unanimously chosen candi date for Congress in the First District. It was hoped that the Democrats would also nominate him, but the nom ioation in the convention was lost to him by a majority of only ten votes. In this canvas, without an inside offi cer, with both organization s bitterly opposed to hira, he made a plucky fight getting a couut of nearly 4,300 votes. He has ev9r been an active Democrat from conviction, but deeply in sympa thy with every movement for the ad vancement of labor everywhere. And that no man should charge that his in terests in the great struggle of lahor for recognition was prompted by mer cenary or selfish motives. he has abso lutely refused compensation for any services rendered to any properly iden tified member of organized labor. -First-class job work done at the JOURNAL office. Of Interest to Ladles. The new treatment for ladies' diseases dis covered by Dr. Mary A. Gregg, the distinguish ed English Physician and nurse, which has rev olutionized the entire mode of treating these complaints in England is now being introduced into the U. S., under a fair novei plan. Sufficient of this remedy for one month trial treatment is sent free to every lady who is suf fering from any disease common to the sex who sends her address and 13 2ct stamps for expense charges, etc. It is a positive cure lor any form of female disease and the free trial rocLu/e is many times sufficient to effect a permanent cure. Full di rections accompany the package (which is put up in a plain wrapper) also price list for future refereuce. No trial package will he sent after Aug. Ist, 18St>. Address, GREGG REMEDY COM PANY, PALMYRA, N.Y. 19-3 m i :v Ip. \ ■ meohnnn-s,cndinoor nj: diK'ovorie*. m \ out iiinn and patents over publi. hod. ry ini' • • l>cr illustrated with splendid onirraviiiff"-. I ;.s pr.lil lent ion ttirnislieKauioi-t vahi.nh eeneyt mee-ia • U ill format ion wliieh no person should he wit 1 out. The popularity of the Si 11 N 1 It li' Asi''.tti in w Hiteh that its circulation nearjy equals that of all I.tlier papers of its class combined. I'riee. -t' a venr. 'tisi-ount toClnhs. Fold by all newsdealers. MUNK A CO., Publishers. No. 9Hßroadway, N. V. S3 r.atent Office and have pren.v. -d 5 | ran more jhau Ono Hundred Tlicu *. Msnnri applications tor patent- in t.; |H M" ||' ("nited Matt s ami toreu a t untru . mS&ZW Caveats. Trade-Marks, Copy riirhts, and all other pap- as for >5 secarinti to inventors tlteir rurhts tn the m United States, Canada, lvnyland. t rance, HGermany and other foreign countries, pi.- pared at short notie* 1 andon reason aOl tctnis. Information as to ol>tainini; pa. ents cm er f3fully Kiven without charm", llaud-l!>s of information sent t're". Patents o. taim .l thronch Mutin A Co. are noticed in the Scientmo American tree. The advantage of Mich not ice r wsll undsrstood hy all pstsons whs wisn vonts- ro. office Gcmmno AMUIUCAN. 3CI Broadway, New York. "pKNNSYLV A MA STATE GD1.1.1 til'. Next Tcnn lu'uiiis s,>pt< lni er s. 1- 1!. This institution in located in uno of i!i > tn st beaut ilul and iti'tthliftilNjuits of Hi" <"tilti <' a 11 1 " glicn\ logiitn It is open in siudi'iils of i nih spxrs, and offers tin' following Coins > ot "-iud\ : 1. A Full Seiottli if (hntrso ol hour Vi ai-a 2. A Latin Sclent I lie Course. The follow 11. ; VI)VANGKI> ('OIJUSFS, if two \ ears eiell, fol'ow it. ; ! lie !i! ". (wove ol the Selentilie Course: (~) AG lllcl' I. ' U!■ :(i 1 N A ITCAI. HISTORY : (c)OHKMISTKY AND riIYSICS; (li) CIV n. FNGIM "UlNt.. I A short SFKt I M. COFICSK in A lini't ire. 5, A short si'FCI A!. col'K-1 :a X 10111: c > t'> A ivorgauized Course tu M i t'll \NIC A UTS, >oiui<iuiug with titudy. New building and M.teliinei > ■ 7. A now SPECIAL COl !'SE (two in Literature and science, for Voung Laules s. A Carefully graded I'repaiatory Cout e. p. SPEC I AL COURSES are arran.a.'d to meet the wants of Individual students. Military dr.II is reunited. Expenses for board and ineidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Fata'ocue*, °r other infoi mat lon address GEOUGi: W. A'l 11KRTON. I 1.. 1> . Pi esidellt, 27-29 State College. Centre < o„ IM. ' t> T.T Lw # •T'- • udfe.<J4a >nw# KfiW-i - Main Street. Milllieim, Pa., jt+OI'POSITE Til E It AA K. A-:- F-y-Ilepair Work a Specially. Sat isfaclion guarautfCfl. Yctir jicnago solicitrJ. 5-ly. TAK s. (J GUTELIUS, I)E\TIST, / ' N / .' a • - /-g j \ s K; k ' J S ••" > • y; MILLIIFIM, FA. offm s his professional services to the public. He is prepared to perform ail operations in the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain. A.' r Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, 011 Penn street, south of race bridge, Milllieim, Fa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bong lit at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and oilier social gather ings promptly made to ord< r. Call at her place and gt t your supplies at < x ccedingly low prices. ; Tailoring Eslablisli^nt, CENTRE IIALL. PA. ©.:( Wm. A. San doe is prepared to do all kinds of tailoring work in a first-class manner and at reasonable prices. CvC -:oc--:o:--:o:--:>:• -:o:- >g5i perfect jjifs |juarantee(l Urn-** -:oc- -:o - -:o:- -:o:- -:e:- j Mr. Nandoe will bo down in Miilheim every Ist & 15th of eaeli mouth to take measures and orders. Anyone wanting work done will please leave their ordeis at Katiffmaii's or .Snook's Store or at the First National Hotel. tf AGENTS Par the great new hook. ♦'The World"* Wonders." WANTED! By J. W . BUEL. The most successiul subscription book ever published. Orer half a million copies were sold the past eight months , and it is selling three times as last r.ow as ever before. Uegu Jar can vassers clear from sls to #25,5>40 and per day. Nothing like it was ever known in the history of book publishing. Proofs sent free on appli cation. No experience needed to insure suc cess. We help persons without nutans to do a huge business; no capital needed. Write b>r particulars. Salaries guaranteed to persons who do not wish to canvass on commission. We mean business, and want live agents in every Township. It will cost you nothing to write for terms and full descriptions of our plans of doing business. We also give away standard books 10 persons who send us names of book agents, write for our list of free stan dard books. HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO.. 120 & 122 N. Tth St., l'liila., Pa. 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be curely wrapped, to any address in Hie United States for three months on receipt of ONUJ DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a gents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to BICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y. Newspaper Advertising dnreau (10 Spruce YORK. r ', / \ y* • >•' *| ; , ( ' / WfWk ' - 1 'rV * - .- i . - ; i\( . u.y ?? Warranto• . e " ■ |v -Vet Fiu-re-Trod Fertilise*HrllOn o? Ie • 7 nd toy cir catui f' -- T • ' ' • • Pennsylvania A, 1 Pi ;' ) •• '• j -- • V' -u....-.- ; ; 57 ■-' j v v . JKills. ' ' -./ —• •iirV.. .. .-, i I ok. .v:— .. ; Addr..c,/,. li. ] . .iIQUILAIi, lor*, 1 • etkaiil riec """ A. B. F '.r.QBEA.\. Tor': tS • ') c uu i I I ' ( X I ;.l M- .- itMuinu* rroii>uy • s _ ! r*.f:Q : . ; KAil V."'j ' $ vt: \ - x \ at; a <l A •? u; /•- feMrfw, V. li. I AUill - ... ,-n <\ •.. —. ' n C' 7~* i AG kk ' L v.. !i j2d a v iui w u v, r> -/ T 7. . . /$0 ' ' - ' • \j<\ jr. , A '-■ -KJ v . -C7 OJIJ &0., ilv L JCGY. YV. manufacture Oi*n ami To; > oi Iha > iJo i7 ii bal I :• xinj •. Brex rster, Timken ftnd r..lwurd Bterm8 term Hp nl|O \ riou stji - -• J /C| v ' '} r '\ /\ . OUR No. G WA SON. Lr.w'-i*l U---W | U.7j LJ t.- v Send for Catalogue c :d 1 Vices before ; buging. HOTCkK< CASSfASE fcWS, JVItACI*SE, N. Y, Automatic Sevang Li-ttiiiae Co. 72 West 23d St., Ucw Yor;:. K. Y. Ci-'N v.i V'* 1 -i tly tarn a s7\- > ni-. -It ; j V.. Wile >x Si refnnded. I?nt wVat it rnoro ro:ar.v'. Yi never know a womaQ v ill [to do r < family sewing on ashnt'l - irsi Luuoait r L..vinj tie.i our new I'atQiit AUTOMATIC. Even M&nufactnrars find it best snird to their work—ito clastto r una in moi dorablfl. Truly—Automatic Bwin .Um him - are fa ■■ ; m soiling slnittlo maohines, ami it )-> no i o to deny it. Truth is ml. it;, and d 03 proV-.1. bliuttlo Ma- liiuca Lavo uscu t—itr L. '. . Send for circular. tuli. iteil. 4 '\ FIRST PRCM.I/.M. [lfXdC j / PniLAM !S7S. Grand S*r!rr !I<Klnl, tn, JSTS. t: w -' ■ ><kN, // 1 7' / . .. .—t T . . 1 - .a ' ,f It ■ , I ' i-" 1 , ' • * 1 I, £ ■ . 1 '7 / IV\ A* ' • ', • X/f V . . . ■; .' j . • • Of Iil: . e.-'-ZJ Ask y irCi r for It. IVm. Wwytfopixl,Mfr^ 2- X rilt Ft ntr . I'iiiLADELPiIIA, FA. BK'a'tiLsLJ Li'-:-... (RECLIWING) I I . .A Al-ncJ- .5 / ed-y. .7.- ? B".a \o ti ... - . '/ • ' j wlio arc r.-v. w--7 . - Jee Tr.rcrcst T-.etcr-. ~ •' ond BE3T 1 iiAIRB in UlO world. Ht -tu -u.v .r to only nianuiaeturcra of rce. n;ns tasv Chair Ca., Uz\ : i Haven, Co::n. V Hxir-Cp, hi V\lla v \ V. . "AkV A V k. V- . 7 \ 7 A > ' 1 * I \ v.. > vi' A \ • j v ■ •- > • V\ MIOIsVIIALItrm IWUIiSSS lAO WEBnm Clt A Lifo Experience. Eomailxable and quicix curca. Trial Packages. Send Btarnp lor sealed particulars. Address Or, WARD & CO. E,ou3!ana y t-dc. L : 7 -7 7 : • '■ 1 Fv'A* 4 f { "Vtii S>.. -v. . j * *-3 h . A /-tiZ-V O"' i ■ \- ,: r j V ' v -• V v f : I -. •' • ; I ULa —II'HPJM t IT' '1 I"V A 11 _ L"j Boys and Middle-: "-d IUII <3 \'c t: J a;'i *.cd f r.t succcv.ful '.".irt in I utinesilife ai Colctnr.n CollcgP, Newark, N. J. I.lfe scholarship S4O. No Vs .ti 111. .Situ ationssrrurcd m hrntl sired. I litis-rated ratal<.(-ne mailed on epplicatiun. Henry Colcaian, I'riii., White, l'rcs. "nc\ ,-v-rf "x *i /&. \ i : .\ ; '• " \ , : I O'y . • • i \ •:/ ! . 7 ~ J ■' A QuIOX. PERMANENT, CEBTASH CURE FOR Lost one', j-J srvonsaess V/'-nisticr.K, I-ac's of Vlgoi' ci- i>ovclopiiic:;t", Caused byindfisorotions, ezcessi s, tto R . tit* in a dny; Cares usual 1/ within a month. X'> 1 ■'■■■ n norQuookerr. Posit ito I'roef.-, full d • ri; 1 a ami j 'i• r"f ndvioa In plain sealed envelope, fie•. ]UUE MEDIGAL CO.. P.O. Drawer 119. Buffalo,. u Ei m [757 THAT Lori llard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with RedTTn 'i'ug; KOHC leaf Fine Cut Chew ing; Kav y t'lippiijg-i.un <1 Liuck.Prow and Yellow SNUFF :ue the bestund cheapest quiiii ty considered. RfiiflOV/ FciiA -ZMZ Simple, Ht:to, reliuhn. and n v rfoctr : It fa r.Ot a Truss, Day an ' I.irht . -d iei proaeaoe xorgotten. Send tori.-:: ■' r . Ltl :L --moaialM from gratefol sufferer* tam-l by thisap- I lili.-.u.ce. AddressCsntrallXedical andSuiyioal Institute G2ol.ocnst St., St. I<OUIF, MO. Skillful treatment eiven ell !.' ids vt sr.." [teat and medical cases. Weakening dis naea unci pri vate iroublaei imfilean I • *.m opeoialtr. bo euro'..* .witoU'.hi". rot;.!'. .'t:nuntoLvwhcra. CouAUit-tion. ir no u. .d rt-jsv ■— ! t . -•• • - 77.:. ■ ■ i Em r t-. : ■ : ■ LJ taA: '•••'* ! uo-latro. ECHIKT.K & CO..' ■ A?:.- . Nov/York. —tiie— ummn JOURNAL J*OT3 T~ • i • e~ rm i "s' T* * * A* f t "! <T A JL .i. * . . .. . V- ZJU.X, <kj v. p(>w xitj i'licd ici'h *, -v —•> / 1"-( ff T— -1 .fc v- • - . ,•• • / , I/) / /!*. r */.• i-rhiirii/ of r\ "V f r S\ r ~ n r - : ~ r'r , •■V,; [ / ■ • •; V f '.:, ' Lr' C' U t: d:> .J 3 Li Li" 1... a nr..;as, inll lirnu,; # J > 1 1 i : / 't I I ILYVELOFES, j . Ct EC L i. LI'S. j i\ >$ 77.' fuS, . . *1 B i I Ci ■ ■ B I •! ' Job. of &11 &incLs j i r.x:: i r::; promptly anl> cheaply, tji : r ■ • *• • A r*!M I . L. : ; .w t :•-/ t■i *e\ ' •_ :-J /' : ; \ r: /\• K ' | : I •- . x •"" ■ 'nU: 'w I j • . - #1 }s b —. J M d : V .. tratrrs i ! ' i ■ i . ~v. -A a rcc.-i-J . . yaonc. H ' . \. XANTE'O , r : d rrn. tmlei tb a- \ { „ j, , :, 'it! I; or." t nr.y wir. ! Li . • •••; .1 rn L'.. : . •; • ... ..i.... a. : . „. w r V- rk il . : , \>'j 1 !!!',! C :•• 1 Ituls and cart; o .. Mill Bnppii< . -;j ; 'A ZD. Rciiil for Ca!r:!<"Hmo. Circular and Prices. Addrc-i PEEHES WHO) HELL &AX CO., Li. e1.... ai.a. lad. \u'n '' t. —.t. i . .. 3 Li ..i -IV.' Efe; •!; t a / / 1 (v..! /•. V -1 (V.- -- i \v. _•;/ iiO'V kJ v ! \ I C : > Lj>_. j A, C •' C 2 V'** - ■ Warrantod / lutoly . ' proof. \\.o: , I j .1 b!e, jjont"*-?!, r. • 1 v. I sweat t!:o f - I": ' • C ' 7 rubbdr t DQt .. 3 wear two pairs of < ?dm . ; " 'boots, a!.l can bo re; .1 !•/ .. .. . Ask retail dcalera fo *tl jo * nd v *OO for smuiiio i ... : r of . !.< .. ' . i > •l. . \ i'j J> L. .v. •- r . - . - - -a I.# ' . ; . .i . Ji c-; • \'\ i . .. \ \ p o o i-1 cv "u'pp o l z x "JF2 O . _ '• ; | U .... H ?1 rs \ UO ry ' r \ ["•> I*l Ii At p |i| (?" ) :: J o^j II SJ V / M U • \• / \ \ ; : ■•; M • ' ! :I- ? 0 | 1 a. Wi i 3 O • , . - ! i l-i L i CliiMrcn'.*:, toKjf-arn, - - -r ditlu, Iwo iiltaeliiiiciilL", - - '• Mi .s* " •• I 1/ulii",' •' " | Mi-:-. v r liaait, '• - -'/ ■. •• •• - Si- : AIKIOJ:;-.- I : . - uia l 1' i.. ..L ■ : • ,• i .i- Lin r - _• : Ileal! Il S!vi;lSi;i .. . - 11:. all fir; ;•-( .... t:; a Samples sent ; ost-pui |toay ad A upon reefcipt of pi iuu in 2-cei;t .1 Solo Owner - • -~i IfS Coutrc Street - A:aL:, h^R it RV r> f" . v*r *1 I 1 111 ' " f. k'J 1% ■ t xT -- / I ' SWIFT j |•,{J'il I • ' ' sufiE / X f'l Irir |,I ii; J. : ;!.j t ;■ i if" T' 1 e--. ) . •. < IMPROVED HIGH ARM, NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES ( •:' it •;/ f.f a, Auio , : &5 Direct on i 2 erfect fiction i'' :?; n •>* ci iff 7 Hclf-criiir j Ncc cU, Pcri'.vQ FcM, ilo Fao Pane, M. ..rnum Weight, 110 Fridion, No Noise, £To Wear, No Fatigue. No " Tanirumc," Capa city unlimited, Alwatus in Crar.r, Richly Ornamented, lhcbPplated, and drives Perfect Pq. I :sfaction Send for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 28 Union Square, New York. THE CELEBRATED I OVER 10,000 IX CONSTANT USE. js Buy Diiecl from the Manufacturer. Wholesale! Manufacturing Prices from —545 i 5155, —' ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CAGES. FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION, TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. SEND FOll CIRCULARS. j S3 READING ORGAN CO., P. J. SANTNER, Manager, JPa. " I f\ s , M i '/ v f? >/-• • H .. J I .... j u . 'y- . I 4u B . U . . > i 1 -. led t • ! : j • .T ! c ■ ■ t i ■ f : i ? - ..} i . . ..v, .IA • • ; { i . . . .. . . _1 ...... L ... U'J I .:. ';; . r n-'--\ n. ur.icnCq.), ... i. l'.jU.ibash Ave -Chicago. i. ■ j v. ' L'~*—- ; \p\ - r-P]:, p'-Uiis v • • - • . " ■■■ , i ; I.' 1 . ; )v - • \ I'j-stoy Organ. JMade. Unrivaled. 5@5-legant Finish. of Popularity. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREE. ~ Estey iHrgan iDo.> nrattieboro,vt f■'VfAKTi'SZiJISTO EZLI / x t; IE f* . . . .. . J J' . 'V tCi '? * ft A —- -— 1 li-wAWiiQI Men an Women of goo 1 dmractcr and intolHMnM / < • r.i. ' atl. A v.'.ilis' ti of ' • t.i Ijo r •: i 1 ;. r . cxrenr •if nni I ; ■ t ..t.:: ■ > ; r i„ t ,:... BTG BWHg. In* 1 "' ■* *'• * h. 1 1 I ; l if. 1 • . "a it',- stifc r.ijl r -' : - • . O a i —i* •> , - •; : .■ ; . - ~ A.. • •-AJ. ■ • • ' - - . . , . . . . ... * •;: "I.'ja:;* ' :K.K> , > ij ( cl- u uic on a '- - . -I i fo! :,* (■■■:£* .—rr~~ L, \' a! . •'.ii'Jd pay. • w -*■ - r* \'!:;r7, T;. ** • • """9 . Ji hfu! 1 iioff. i.. 1 lAj'-'Oiw iadul,-.-aco,o —. _. _ V- or overbrnin work. Avoid \ c% ( ■ r- ' j; ooj prctcne \ v ,'y. -1 rtli„i)'c:l for tlicto - • ' - • .It. I.':! !. Got our Frcs A IfArrCALUURti FCi: • iC'lr.-a' - rr.:dXl6! i ! :c - wu .i...:..: c-ie lAiajtrcat- .'T* ll " . ..' j.' c!-> ..lier3. %Y>hs A f . .£* • ;m in: |i *i::i>ythutiiAS . r.- •*,*s >vpi. -rrrn " Lm.i u th^watid*,does t . i —*.i ti kX.-i- .i ialrrfcrc vrltS, ttten* •' </ 'SYC''KtRj3 t! - r * l3 fcu: or 1.t. (he ofdweasa i l . • ™ F ■ rr.-oro*? Lr.vru ifcacr.t. YEA •' US! ..:. ' Ugyfl XBam fhnctlonsof tiio ntk lIX'. i.'.t-JD OA' A*. .nfarc.-torei. . : J rOr— ** f ,!1*; •> tuinw-tlrK cleweutj f 7'?' *'• "? T - -' V * rSVC bCCII ■ • -i I Y.-J> r. t ,;i ,IcrcyivcLaek.r.iul - ~ - $3.00 : u; r-ulii'iit 'ivcameßchsec '> J - ao, - 0.0'.!' . . Ailaad rapi'Hvpniriii; >:a a--: -'"; .iliand&aualvi^iw I— t I'Y ; 0 ■: N. T nth St., C'S. 3:,5\Ti3,A*C. ; L■' ;i "2TU? rj> MS! Not t; Truss, • a A . - irtorroaofonr AcDlinnco V XI <3rX VtKI aii-XtlSIiS '. CQOLx!atijb *•: rr i kei:t on file at llieofSec tif ( VE 1 ] \;c:- cmi ' A * • . *2. X/ X.TV /'/•'ADVERTISING JIGENTS •a-, ■ ■.:! ;• a Choste.Pt Otiii rnciowi.i . - * -ifcibiliSts I "ILAL'ELPIIIA " x i :• *SK,VSPm; ADTERTISIVfi r&ce • -t Lc .vest Casli Rates rRtE 1 i, SOU'S HlHliAl ■S V PLORMiUiM f( "* J-' ;■-;ijl ' <T) <r\ beautiful wnrk of ip pages, Colored Plate, and 101 / v : . . -;*?Ts&_ i) illustration*, with descriptions of the best Flowers at ■f iV " s* ■ (*As I Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to gro j* \v *''^"** , s v them. Printed in English and German. Price only i 1 ~\ cer.ts, which may be deducted from first order. j\, - v % It tells what yon want for the garden, and how to pet it instead of running <\r , V ■>* ' ! , T n . t l^c moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, mcetit , with disappointment after weeks of waiting. /'} 'Lg* BUY ONLY VICK'S seeds at headquarters. 7 /vTir VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3 pages, a Colored Plai ' \ \J / V' CN '' > numlt-r, and many fine engravings. Price, |tt.s a year; Five Copies f. \T/ t.' J"'I"' r '" ;< -n numbers to cents ; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send toany addrci f ;• " ->y ' nc and any one of the following publications at the prices named belo' ' > —really t. 1 at the price of one—Century, $4.50: Harper's Monthly, $4.01 t r 'f'" \ (' Nil!.' !■■ , f C...(.d Cheer, 51.25; Illustrated Christian Weekly, $3.00; 0 • v(1 V/ide Awake, Good Cheer, and Vick's Magazine for $3.00. V j \ VICX'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, mo pages, Six Colore A Plate , nca uy issju iui£ruYings # J1.25, in elegant cloth covers. >avv7; V JAMES VICIL. Rochester, N. Y. MARVELOUS PRICES. BOOKS for the [ViBLLSON Complete Hovelsand Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Away'. T f ' ill Inv a- i iitili li-1 In wet! nanihli) t form, manrof them iuind.omi I lllu.l ratcil. nti.l all arc printed f go. .1 n ... !i>>< 1. guo.l paper. Tbev treat of aen .1 variety of auhjecu. uut we think Boon, can examine! he lit . ,i , , , I.lit,t lu or .he would like W |k)..e.. lu clutb-LuUhit lorw these books auuhl co.l |l lM tlx U. i... a I la . .111, : • i.. llsiif. The Wliioir llclott I'ltpera. T! is la (he At the WnrM'a Merry. A Novel. By Florcoeo p i 1.1 . •, 1. , | tin u,, r cried, and TTwdoii. author of •• The House on the Harsh, • et. it i 1 i.t toiiiiy u-d. u ever. Mildred Tret union. A Novel. By"TheDueh- Fancj Work l'r Home Adornment, an rn- ess," author of"Molly llawu. ' etc. ti : , .1 I St I t ,eoiitatuini at.d llurk Hay a. A hotel. tjr llngh Conway, author I il 1 lioas for making t..ney baskets, wall |of " Called Back. ' _ „ _ i-, to.l 1 t> . embroidery, etc., etc., pro The Mystery of the Holly Tree. A Novel, lap and * gaudy iiiuatrat I. ' By the author of •• Dora Tliorue." ('r l "tft l a Entry l-loc!.** fjr t?ie Young. The Shtnloa a on the know. A Novel, Br H, L. Par f! , >• ■ ,rl . ever puliU ... 1. 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Vf.lulus l-ntfir la -f <n . v. ..11-' *-I. t.iltllay author of "Old MiddleMl R . i ;!.i.* -• - a!*.j t' !.r how to cure- all com i Dudley lirlcon# A No*el# By aiH M. E'Mla* p... ,-jii, i \ -iiu ri'nr. tin. don, author of *" kadv Aud ley* a Bet ret, etc. . Manner* and In Ftir \tvny I.ind. _ K*len: o* Ttia Mvwirav > toe A a vrrv iut ting o'td in.fructlve uf nave u. d Novel. By KttaW. Pierce, author of The Birth Mark, ete. itic t l :.' i -.Hur life, h.vhit *. manni rtand custou*. of U.c . A Gulden Duwn. A NoveL hy the author or t. ...i ■ of -rvlfn eountrtea; tllu trat d. i "Dora Thi>rne." vte. t*lvteen Comuit4 Bforlt-a I r Popular Authora. .. Vulerle a Fate. A Novel. By Mr. Alexander, t ; . I. .• > , •u: .tori *of author of "Th WooiuxO't," etc. r -i •: i liic, of adventure, cf raiiwu . Uh-, •: all tiry lu- . slater Uoae. A Novel. By Wilkle Collina, author torwiitiC. ' of "The Woman la White." ete. . The Iludget of Wit, Jlttmerand Ftin, r. Inrro —. Anne. A Novel. By Jin. Henry Wood, author of C'\ i .:i i f the I.i .i.N -. t :U :itu-idote. j-o m>, i "Kal l.ynne." The, l.nnrel Roah. A Novel. By Mlaa Muloek, .. f c„| k lowled*'- for the Million, u I author ef "J- hu Halifax, Getniemaa." rtc, ru 1. upon u any uoJ Amoa Ilnrten. A Novel. By Oeovfa F!lot, author fll i i-tra'- i. of "Adaiu Bode," "The Mill ou the Hoa," etc. ruil.-d Tt-n-k. A Novel, by Hugh Conway, author •f "Dark Day*,"ete. I i * ■* pm W.- will .end ntr f'.nr of the" hook* and onr oatalojroo, containing \ ■ • I t.'„.v, f..r i a<-*-nt* lu etamp-i. Any 8 L,, 1 ",! ' ' r. u. It. -i-ti-.-.l Utter, or Mon,y Order, aud addreat at Ti! J FKVMCUX M." • '.-ert. I'aila.Mphlu, Fo. c:: '' ~ c : - ' : ; x -. a .?> * •• . ... Ii •r.R LRADIsa BUGGY OF AMEUIOA, lHt iv11":t Lot ua*l Fifth Wheel. Ask you clonkr for the r. 1. ■ r CZjx . rcit-i, with the Ilaydock Safety Rms Dott and Filth WheeL j.;- i 3 j ; tjr? riding over any other. (1 • . .... VHIIK Itaslalal a a lifp c*"li | rl'.u.! 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Wrought iron l'. a.uo aud steel teeth. Ratisfheticn guaranteed. SotidierCir culars. t;.'SKBERI!r: MFG. CD., Ind:anap>olis. InJ. EUREKA FOLDM6 CATOY Tiir. C! — —.-,.7!2kT|38 Mado in different sizes, and can 1> j attached to nearly all wagons, bug gies, phaetons and carts. Easily ,-ri I removed ami folds like an umbrella. I If you cannot get it of A"our local Avagon maker or dealer, send to us for A, ' illustrated circular and price list. /sA T\ Agents V/anted everywhere. h \\. jKw / A Mention this paper. D. C. BEERS & CO., \/ \ * \ j \\s Patentees and Manufacturers, NEWTOWN, Conn. THE GATES TOBACCO SAW, X sg sample / V%M BY MAIL: f i . SI.OO THE ONLY ADJUSTABLE SAW • Address the IN THE WORLD, GOO2SPEED MANUFACTUEINQ. 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Work, or too freo laduigonco, wo ask that you send ua aU ADDio ".. _ your name with statement ot your trouble, and secure TIAKKIS REWEDY CO.. CHEMISTS. TitDVL PACKAGE FREE, with Illust'd Pamphlot.Ao. 806 V IT. Tenth Street ST DOTJia *CL RUPTURED PERSONS can have FREE Trial otour