PAID THE PENALTY. Michaeli Mezzi Executed at Uniontown. Convicted of Murder Upon Circum stantial Evidence —"Mo Hang for Nothing" the Last Words Spoken. UNIONTOWN, Pa., Aug. 12.—Mich aeli Mezzi alias Michael Metz, the con demned murderer of llocco Cassidenti, on September 20,1555, was hanged in the jail yard at this place shortly atter 2 o'clock this afternoon. The execu tion was witnessed by 150 people. Metz spent the hours after 12 o'clock in close communion with his Maker. Just af ter the doomed man with Rev- Fathers Kettell and Yet man walked to the scaffold. lie was limp and seemed almost lifeless. lie trembled with in expressible emotion as he stood upon the gallows. "Me hang for nothing," was all Mike Metz said in response to the Sheriff's question: "Have you aay thing to say ?' J/ike stood erect trembling like a leaf. The sun shone direct upon him. The priests ascended the gallows, locked arms and were fol lowed by the doomed man bet ween the .Sheriff and his deputy. On the scaffold they stood and the priests with Mike recited the scriptures. Just after the clock struck two the priests descended, the rope was placed around the doomed man's neck, the white cap was drawn down over his head, the Sheriff and deputy bade him farewell and they then left him. An instant later the trap was spiting and the tenantlesi clay of the alleged murderer hung dangling in the air. There was no noticeable suf feiing and death followed in just 12 minutes and 10 seconds. Me tz was convicted entirely upon cir cumstantial evidence. The dead body of Rocco Cassidenti was fouud in a su gar camp in Spring Hill township, this county, with two bullet liolcs in bis head. Me tz was seen with the murder ed man the day previous and was ar rested on suspicion of having done the killing. 3/etz had on his person when arrested a SIOO bill and a SSO bill, in dentified to be the bills drawn from a hank three days preyious by the mur dered man> Cassidenti had deposited in an Italian bank in New York S4OO. A Senator's Downfall. A Former New Jersey Legislator Committed to a House of Correction. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 12.— A sad story was told iu Magistrate James L. Brown's court this morning—a story which serves as a first-rate temperance lecture. A wretched couple were ar raigned before the Magistrate. They were James Welsh, and Sarah, his wife. The Society to Protect Children from Cruelty charged them with drunk enness and neglecting their little ones. They have four children—Thomas.aged 15; Joseph, aged 13; Sylvester, aged 11, and ViDcent, aged 5 years. All aie bright, handsome boys. They formerly lived at Hampton Junction,Monmouth county, New Jersey. Welsh was a blacksmith and was well-to do. lie was a bright man and was quite popular. He took an inter est in politics and was sent to the New Jersey Senate. His downfall dates back eleyen years, when he gave up his business and came to this city. He be gan to drink, and soon his fortune of $15,000 was swept away. He sank I >wer ar.d lower, and finally sold his household furniture and spent the'mon ey for drink. Not content with this, lie squandered his son Thomas' earn ings amounting to about nine dollars a week. It is said that Mrs. Welsh is quite as dissipated as her husband. The magistrate committed the couple to the house of correction for six months. The two eldest boys, Thomas and Joseph, were entrusted to a rela tive, and the youngest, Sylvester and Vincent, were handed oyer to the So ciety to Protect Children from cruelty and placed in a home. Economy In the Rural Sanctum. £ From the Oil City Blizzard. Persons who have suggestions to make to editors about how to run a newspaper should write them out and ©end them by mail. Unless this is done the editor may interrupt them in the midst of their remarks to ask for a chew of tobacco, in which case their comments may become disjointed and the desired effect not produced. Write it out by all means, and be sure to write on only one side of the paper,so that the editor can use the other side. Of Interest to Ladles. The new treatment for ladies' diseases dis covered by Dr. Mary A. Gregg, the distinguish ed English Physician and nurse, which has rev olutionized the entire mode of treating these complaints In England being introduced into the U. S., under a fair novel plan. Sufficient of this remedy for one month trial treatment is sent free to every lady who is suf fering from any disease common to the sex who sends her address and 13 2ct stamps for expense charges, etc. It is a positive cure lor any form of female disease and the freetrial vackage \smany times sufficient to effect a permanent cure. Full di rections accompany the package (which is put up in a plain wrapper) also price list for future reference. No trial package will be sent after Aug. Ist, 1886. Address, GREGG REMEDY COM PANY, PALMYRA, N.Y. 19 3M This paper is kept on file at the office of JVERTISING GENTS rcTiMITCC FM-IEWSPAPER AMERTISIIC rare LOIIRRItO at Lowest Cash Rates rntt AVER & SON'S MANUAL ISCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ■ ■ v established | fejTßepair Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 5-ly. S. G GUTELIUS, I)E\TIST. MILLIIF.IM, PA. Offers his professional services to the public. He s prepared to inform all operations in the dental profession. He i* now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain. a t 77 Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler s BAKERY, ou Peuu street, south of race bridge, Millhefm. Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality ca nbe bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics atul other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your supplies at ex ceedingly low prices. 34-3 m SANDOE'S Taiio ring Establishment, CENTRE HALL. PA. - Wm. A. Sandoe is prepared to do all kinds of tailoring work in a first-class manner and at reasonable prices. nK- -:oj- -.o'r -: v -:o> 5| Jfite guaranteed. L>X-►-?}- •o'r ~o'r tor -.or -:o;- -:o:- Mr. Sandoe will be down in Millhcim every Ist & 15th of each month to take measures and orders. Anyone wanting work done will please leave their orders at Kauffniau's or Snook *s Store or at the First National Hotel. tf. AGENTS Abe thegreatnew bonk. "Tlic Worlil'H Wonders." WANTED! ByJ.W.BUEL. The most successtul subscript ion book ever published. Over half a million copies were sold the past eight months, and it is selling three times as last row as ever before. Kegular can vassers clear from sls to $25,540 and SSO per day. Nothing like it was ever known in the history of hook publishing. Proofs sent free on appli cation. No experience needed to insure suc cess. We help persons without means to do a large business; no capital needed. Write for particulars. Salaries guarantec/t to arsons tcho do not wish to canvass on commission. We mean business, and want live agents in every township. It will cost you nothing to write for terms and full descriptions of our plans of doing business. We also give away standard booL s to persons who send us names of hook agents. Write for our list of free stan dard hooks. NISTOMCAI, PITBT.ISHTNO CO.. 12U & 122 N. 7th St., Pliila., Pa. jJW Jw|L - 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will he mailed,se curely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a gents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. VlDfilllli CIDIIQ Mild Climate. Cheap homes. mtliniA rAtllf!o Northern Colony. Send fox ( circular. A, O. BUM), Central!*, Va. 'l >(.<• ni-l I*rfeel l'ert Drill 111 pxMi'njl'. "i 1 ' MI culiir, A. 11. lAlim HAM. I'll. Pennsylvania Works^Y steam engines, JWfiWP' A. B. FAItQUEAR, York T FARQUHAR VIBRATINbItPARAm IT .IIOCL. y. V uish rlul jLra,. 1. mii. hotohkin CARRIAGE WORKS. AVo manufacture Op>n and Top Rug bies conaistiug of the rtblo Spring, Kud Spring. Brewster, Timkeu uud Edward Storm Spring. Also valgus styles of Two-Seated Car riages, Wagons, /Ciders and Sleighs. OUR No. 6 WACOM. Liberal discount to the trade, Send for Catalogue and J Vices before buying. HOTCKKIN CARRIAGE WORKS, SYKAI t'SK, N. Y, _ Automatic Sewing Machine Co. 72 West 23d St., New York, N.Y. • Wo invite upccijU air . J'ATEST AUTOMATIC TEN (%I on MACHINE, making i ■titcb as iho Wilcox k. A Tf wVL iiil>t, and yet, Jf not preferred to tho Wiicof & Gibb* Automatic Ton- a>°Q Machine, can bo in JO days and money refunded. But whxt J* more remarkal.lo "till, wo never knew a woman willing to Jo h> r own family ■owing on a shuttle machine after having tried Dill new Patent AUTOMATIC. Even Shoe Manufacturers find it best 6uitrd to their work —its elastic scams are more durable. Truly— Automatic Sewing Machines are fast super seding shuttle machines, and it is no use to deny it Truth is mighty and does provaiL bhuttlo Machines have eceu their best days. • Send for circular. Correspondence solicited. FIRST PAEM/UU, SrWNI ft?**.' Wll. Paris, IN7B. A*k your for " IV IM. Dwydnppel.Mir., North Front at(•■>.., J'U 11. A DEI.I'll IA, l'Ai INVALID ROLUNU tiend lor circular to only manufacturers of reclining rolling chaiTß. Easy Chair Co., New Haven, Conn. - MKVOlsVllUKorl AM) %DK6ILITI WFEIALEM MM, A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARP & CO. Louisiana, Mo. Boys 1 Middle-aged Men & Young Latins" for a successful start in liusinrss life at Coleman College, Newark, N.J. life scholarship S4O. No Vacation. Nitu ationssecured whrnd-sirnl. Illustratedcatalogue mailed on application. Henry Coleman, l'rin.. Ezra White, fret. MEN ONLY A QUICK, PERMANFNT. CERTAIN COHC FOR Lost orFailing Manhood. Nervousness ''Weakness, Lack of Strength, Vigor or Development, Caused by indiscretions, excesses, etc Benefits in a day: Cures usually within a month. No Deception nor Quavery. Positive l'roofs, full description und letter of u.tvlge ill Jiluin sealed envelope. free. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. P.O. Drawer 1,0. liutfulo, N.Y --DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with RcdTin Tag: Rose leaf Kino Out Chew iiiK; Nav y I' d Bl;ick,lsrq)v and Yellow SNUFF are the bestand cheapest U'. THE PERKINS WIND MILL. t j]ubtn in constant use ]G years. with ft record akd by uono. ,VA K RANTED Ii blow down. uultHS the i-r goes with it; oragsinut any wind that ••<>* •> >t di-sblo Mit>ut)tjal fu:a buildings; ♦<> be perfect: to outlast pud do bctlpf work than any other mill made, Wo m ant I fuct 1110 both Pumping and Geared Mills and carry a full liuo of Wind Mill Hupjdic*. AGENTS WANTED. Bond for Cataloguo. Ctretllar and Prices. Addms PEBKINB WDID MILL &AX CO., Muiuiwak*. lud JOHN H. PARKER'S Eubbcr Upper, Lsather Soled EscL *1 A, Sale-Leather Outer 2:1:; B, Water-Proof Cole; C, Sole-Leather Isaer Cole; D, Sole-Leather Heel. Warranted Absolutely Water tjygnf, more healthy, comforta ble, sweat tho feet tiko flivt ordinary rubber boot. One pair will out wear two pairs of ordinary rubber boots, and can bo repaired by any shoemaker. Ask retail dealers for (bein or send $5.00 for sample pair of short boots to JOHN 11. PARKER, 103 Bedford Street, BOSTON, MASS. STESXnXTfI F E T TT V TOCKING || UPPORTERW O § 8% W ® § ft r%\ 61 ig =i ps § 3 lir ** w o W g * w V-:., £ fc E 9l' S P o w ft H Children's, Ito 5 years. - - - Bc, q.pnfr. ditto, two attachments, - - 1 00. '• Misses' M " . 1 .lt' : Ladies' " M . I Ac. " Misses', with a belt, " • ' 20c, " Ladies', " no - 25c, " Stocking. Ahdnniinnl, mid Cutmiu. nial Bandage Supporter com bined, 50e. " Health Skirt Supporter, - 25c. " Brighton Gent's Garter, - - 1 5c. " you SALE: nv ALL FIRST-CLASS STORES. Samples sent post-paid to any address upon receipt of price in it-cent stumps. I LEWIS STEIN, Sole Owner and Manufacturer, 178 Centre Street, New York. ftVERy NEW IMPROVED H/OH ARM, NEWMECHAN/CAL PRINCIPLES and Rotary Movements, Auto medio Direct and Perfect -fiction, Cylinder Shuttle, Self-setting Nee cue, Positive Feed, No Springs, Few Parts, Minimum Weight, No Friction, No Noise, No Wear, No Fatigue, No " Tantrums Cap acity unlimited, Always in Order, Richly Ornamented, Niclcelplated, and Crives Perfect Satisfaction. Send for Circular*. /WERV MACHINE cp., 28 Union Square, New York. dCk AGENTS WtffED&SSk vCfcJ#* Juat Puhlibltbd, entitled THIRTY YEARS A CETECTIVE BY ALLAN riNKERTON. Containing ft thorongh end romprehT county Pcrton. with this book. i*Q Cue Lor full particular! Sal terms toaacnts, address „ . , W, L'AiILETON urattieboro,Yt. ACE WTS T0 SEIL Men unl Women of (r>od character nnd Intellißcnce Kxclunive Territory Gunrunteod. A weekw' triul of mimple tYunticr to lie roturned at my eijuMise if not niitisfactory. A thoosand [Kir rnt. tl> betitiVurber in the world, mm pays CApaoMftaesta 810 money. In trinnic merit mnkos it ft phenoininiil nuecesaevery where. For Illustrated circular iind torma of agency uddross. J. WORTH St. Louis, Mo I Ivnws,SKksrS! A. PAEKACI. tnaanass i-ssi-. V| h HARMS'W'~eoeiA ; ™"'' 0 S Wovor brain work. Avoid % W eeeetj troublct. Get our Free A RADICALCurS FORAI Circular sndTrialJPack- KERVOUS a k ilia treat- DEBiLirsrf a.*63KiSSS Organic Weakness^ GPUVCTfAT. H 1 tionto busincai, or cauie Lf *Ax M &AV/xAAj FJ naitior Inconvenience la Sf DECAY. M: Founded oa - .. ".■■■?,. II tclcntidc medical prlncl ln Young A MldaleVa pics. By direct application Aged Men. K to the aeat of aiiraio its apcciflc Influcnco is fell TESTED FOR BEVEN V without delay. Thenat- Year9BYUic IMMAUVB urnl functionaof the hu rHoiJSANn r AQ *• mfln oTflnUtnrestored. I HOUSAND UASE3. B. animating elements nmr. Bx of Jills, which luvs beta T7? KA TMJONT. ■* woitoil ere given back,ajid Ono Month, - $3.00j" the patient hecomcaelieet U'wo Mont ha, - A.OOferv fulaud rapidlvgaina botii li uroo Aloa t lis, 7.00| atrengt h sud sexual vigor. HARRIS REMEDY CO.. M'FQCHEMIBTt BOCK N. Tenth St.. ST. LOUIS. MO. PUPTURED PERSONS! Not a Truss, r5Ur ' Aslc for terms of our Apnli mice. Will GIVBJ >.£:£] ITAT. THIS PAPER Ei'SJ Newspaper Ailvertising Bureau (10 Sprud Btreet), where alver. ■■■■■■ %fAH|# i toiD .s£r"£TK HEW YORK. A mm wm m mmm%, Mnke over 100 per A GENTS^s , , ™ er. Durablo, perfect in o>>erut IOU, tuid of great domextic utility. Write for circulur. FAMILY COFFEE ROASTER CO.. ST. LOUIS. Mo. WH® M'"8? rik@ii£§wis //ST < jjigiCTr Mf) - ' A beautiful work of ijp pages, Colored Plate, and am ryf)J illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and \ Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow thcin. Printed in English and German. Price only go Vki 1 jMMJ|npRr "s cents, which may be deducted from first order. '* ,e " s what you want for the garden, and bow to get it instead of running to •sffi/pTnrJwKWßfe. , ' lr grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment ufter weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICE'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERR / . VICK S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3 pages, n Colored Mate / t/jf every number, and many fine engravings. Price, g5.33 a year; Pivt Copies for '"* [\\a ( bpeiimrn numbers 10 cents; 3 trial copies 2* cents. Wc will send to any address Jmpr' Vick's Magazine and nny one of the following publications at the prices named below / Ws—really two magazines at the price of one—Century, $4.50; Harper's Monthly, $4.00; I W Nicholas, >3. so; Good Cheer, <1.25; Illustrated Christian Weekly, <3.00; OT Mll WWe Awakf • 0004 01x8 ® r and vlck B Ma?" l ®® for W' oo ' - * ,, VIOK'B FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 pages, S; it totoi^ >nTvS V JAMES VICK, RodiMter, H. Y. , MARVELOUS PRICES. -* BOOKS FOR THE MILLION Complete NovelsanJ Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Away •' 4 The fntli>wlii( Itooka are published In nest pomphlei fonu, ninny of iliem handsomely Hlustratrd, t,ad tSN prtasad from v .,u■ ,tiU; j . Uuiabisl wiT.tiu wvllc M Ladles and (ieuiiemen, a gut IcHu 'phnduiiitaa and good breotllug, git lag the rules of modern etiquette for all oocasious. The Stuiidurd Letter Writer for Ladles and Qeutlenieu, a coiupiele guide to corit giving tlain direetions for ihe euin|iositiou of letters of every lit J with inuumerahle forma i x^a-plt,. a&'yttss: I %asptef.!as. , ffl£f , social gathering*, prltalc theatricals, and evenings at koine, Illustrated. Illuloguea, Keeltntlona wild Handi*®*. a lotto and ci.ulco e.t school exhibitions hud pubuc amj Ltivau enterUinriicitti. Parlor Muglr and C'ka-wsleal Kaperlnacnla, s Iwok which tells how to |M-rforiu hundreds uf amusing tricks iu magic nod instruct!)# experiments with *|at|ita ■genu. The lloiun rank Hook and Pawslly I'hyal. slan , containing hundreds of excellent cooking recipes ltd touts to housekeepers, also telling how to curt alt com -8100 ailments by home remedies. , . Manners and Csstosis la Par Away Lawda, a very Interesting and litviruetlve book of travels, deserlh-. (tig the peculiar life, hahlli tusi.ner'tud customs pi the beoplc uf Ltslgu Sou Utiles , (liusUaled. f bis teen r All, upuu U4HUV au •!.; itir whole 40 f<" ♦l.oo. Sen.! P. O. Vole. Ri-ri.u-rwl loiter, or Money Order, tod o4drM *| mmw. FI(A>kUN Mi WS COMPANY. Ta. 7 ' I LEFT, BEHIND ME. ,r ■■33: 53 IsSS&E?!SS? Llaydock'l Sftfctv King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Ask you dealer T. T. IIA\*DOCK iH'Cit**", with the llaydock Safety King Bolt and Fiuh ANhteL Life is insecure riding over any other. 0 INYESTKBNT'pO pKOFfmWfti "W. Q-- BIR-A-iDljiire", 3^CoxidlexL y Co3MX. ( ' - eoui luirtJVAOTuaaa, B, B. &ICE & GO'S.. Solid Coafori Bukboardi ud Spindk Wagou, singli ud doaUt mUi. Riding qualities unsurpassed. No Jar to the feet, PeieMreason able. BbiSmeuts singly or by carload to all parts of the United Responsible Agent wanted in every town. Send for Price Lut and desenptt e Catalog e. fo, w r .. w,n h... hj. nient of Wagons advertised in the leading paper of the county or town where Agent rcaidoa. gratia for six mouths. THE ZRON DUKE HARROW, Harrow Drags at an Angle of Forty-five Degrees. Light. Strong tsd T arable. The Best Harrow ever made. 11 \va-< awarded First Premium at tho Ohio State Fair ov< r forty-four c uuputilors. Successful In all Held trials. Wrought iron frame and steel teeth. Satiflection gnaTanteed. Reml for Cir culars. KIMBERLIN MKO. CO., Iu EUREKA FOLBBG 6AOW TOP. Made in different, and can be i I attached to nearly all wagons, bug^ gies, phaetons and carts. Easily I removed and folds like an umbrella. . I If you cannot get it of jour local wagon maker or dealer, send to us for / \ illustrated circular and price list. Agents wanted everywhere. D. p. BEER* go,, \J i \/ \ \y PATENTEES and MANUFACTURERS, THE GATES TOBACCO SAW. 'BY MAIL; ONLY ADJUSTABLE SAW • 1 I" THE WORj-D. GQOESPEED MAITUFACTUEING CO., EAST IT A TIP AlviC, Coaaja.. a I 'JnL.r' Oyer 3en Thousand XrinT V u g Avoi d of pretentious rem®- Packages mailed to pa- yPs^hdWfor%!'■• troublei.iind all QaMckk; R f Dxrtrarr 1 whose only mm istobieed their W' Mf-X3uJKA"L,qf whom took a full treat Pf < m A nr a SURE Kemxbt that Em merit iinTwefe restored to health by Use of wjjk RED thoacsndt, doer not Interfeiy „Sgg/k. SEMINAL Rk fOfJ arlnconvenience in any'wsy. Foundetj A Radical Cu re for Nervous Debility, scientific rnodical pringipfta By dim;] Weakness and Physical Decoy in Young orM id-^Wd/g^MF^l^A^*J'P' lrilt i Qo - t ?"'* **** °? oisse hs specifle To those who suffer from the many obsoore diseases TREATMENT—Ons If oath 13 fws Ifna M Thfaa M brought about by Indiscretion. Exposure, Over-Brain TWO SSL W. XfITM, W Work, or too free Indulgence, we asx that you leadns 41ADOIO Dtuenv aa your name with statement of your trouble, ana seenra "*ltltlw KhIIICUT vv,, BFC vHEMm>| TRIAL PACKAGE FREE, with Ulnst'd Pamphlet Ac. BO6K V. Tenth Street. ST. LOUIS, lia RUPTURED PERSONS can have FREE Trial of our Appliance. Ask for Termet j A ( (ha World Si Mercy. A iforek By Florencg Wurdvti author of " The House on Ihe hiarsb," etc. Mildred TrevassU*. A Xoyt By Ouch,- •••," tutUor of "Molfy JUwo,"' fete, w Hurk liuya A Novel, by Hugh Costv, authog of " Called Hack, ' Tlsti My stery of the llellf VStata 4 Noroh By the author of " Intra T horsta," Mhudotva on tkf Pmuw- A Norrk By B. L. jeon, author of " Hfyad ami Pitas* Md-fisSM," elc. .. Tbo Urf d* vtaan. A hoftl. Hy Mrs. Vashclfc, authtyov " BiiV Barfwn?* etc. * Ay T The Frozen Heep. A Novel. By WilkU- author of" The U'oiuaii in B'hite," etc. Med Court Paras. A Novel, by Mm. Henry Wood, author of" East Lyuue." etc, Inlispld'aNct. A b'qxtjV ¥f W Author of " Dor* Thoru*. a r ?u^o^Wu M ? *fin M A " Wl - John Itowerbassk'a WUT*, A Novel. By MtW| Huiock. author of "John 11*1',is> ueuUentait." etc. ~u ; %s;ssss?a.- *"*• Jaaper IkaHe'a fcosweL A Novsi. By Mis* M. . BraidoA. author of "Aurora Floyd." etc, Leiollae. A Novsi. By htary CmII Hay, author of "Breuda Yorke." etc, " iiakrlol'a Murriac* A Jfovel. By Wilhio Colliag, author ct •' N Name,''ota. . )avld Ilunt. A Novel. By Mrs. Aaa S. BUpheam author of" Fashion and K amine," etc. Moaplaa th Whirlwind. A Kovri, By Mary Cecil Hay. author of "Old Ifiddletog'g WwßOjr," eta. Hudley Carleoa. ilitrsi, By HtssM. K.Brad. don, author of" (.jdi Audiay a Bowel," etc. Caalaal oa fn* Ifvaveav o rag Htsnt tm. A Novel. 57 ICHaW. Fierce, author oT"Thoßlnh Mark." eta. A tioldea llswa, A Novel. By the author of "Dora Thorne." etc. .. Valerlo'a Pate, A Hovel, By Mrs. Alexander, author of "The VooiogO't," etc. . Plater lisse, A Novel. By ITllkte CoUius, author Of " Tbt Womsu in B'hlte,'' eta, Aaa*. A Novel, By Mrs. Hoary Wood, author *f "East Lyune," . Tho Vsuioel Hash. A Novel. By Miss Milock, author of "John Halifax. Gentlemaa," eta. ~ Am** Hsrtrs. A Novsi. By Oc-rge Eliot, author of "Adam Be