Jouiinal. THURSDAY, JULY 29TH, 1886* Published by R. A. BUMILLER. L i ■-*. LL. DeMKirMic County Commtllee—lßs6, i N. W L. A. Rhaffcr. Bello4nutc ] S. W......... Jacob Ruukle. I w. W William Harper. Centre Hall Dr. .1. F. Alexander. Howard Abe Weber. MUcalmfg. K. A. Carr. MilUieiifi D. L. Zerbv. i Ht W W. 11. Sana ford. I'fcHipHtiart <2d W. Henry Lehman. 1 (WW W.C. Llngle. UnlbcwlUtf V. J. McDonald. Btmucr Txvp William lshler. Boars 44 R. P Henry L. Barnhart. " u W.P... Col. James F. Weaver. Rornside Twp William Hippie. Colle*e 44 Daniel Grove, Jr. Curia " Henry Confer. Ferguson 44 K. P John McCorinlck. " W.P L.W.Walker. Grerg 44 N. P lohn Rossman. '• • K. r- John P. Condo. Haines " K. P John J. Orndorf. w.P Jacob Wile. Half IToou 44 A. T. Gray. Harris 44 James W. Swabb. Howard 44 Michael Confer. HuSCon 44 Murray. Liberty 44 J. I. belong. Marion 44 John lshler. Miles 44 .Reuben Kreamer. Fatten 44 Ceo. W. Bobrs. Penn 44 Samuel Aid. Potcr 44 N.P.. lames A. Keller. " 44 s. I 1 K. B. Hosterman. Rush 44 S. I 4 Hugh McCann. " N. P Drrtn Vail. Snow Shoo 44 K,P Thomas McCann. 44 44 W.P PatKelley. Spring 44 - Amos Garbrick. Taylor 44 Vinton Beckwlth. Union 44 Jobu H. Stover. Walker 44 Samuel Decker. Worth 44 W.U.Morrison. L. A. SHAFFER, ADAM IIDY. Secretary. Chairman. Democratic State Convention. The Democlatlc State Convention of Penn sylvania will assemble at the Opera House, in the City of Harrisburg, at 10 a. m„ on Wednes day, Aug. 19th, to nominate candidates for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Auditor Gen eral. Secretary of Internal Affairs and Con gressman-at-Large. The Convention will con sist of 359 Representative Delegates, selected under the rules of the party from the respective Assembly Districts of the State, one for each 1900 votes cast for Governor at the last preced ing gaberuaforial election, or for a fraction of lOpO such votes, amounting to 500 or more, in tlie respective district*, provided that each rep# reseukative district sheall have at least one delegate. W. U. HKNSEL, Chairman Dem. State Com. J . B. LtCHTY, Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS. CONG RE SS. \\c are authorized to announce J. 1,. SPAN ou. of Bellefonte. e left alone." DEMOCRATS in instructing their del egates for Congress should by all means throw their influence and sup port to J. L. Spaugler, the only can didate for that office in this county. Gov Curtin has positively declined to have his name used in any wise or manner and the democratic voters cf Centre county are therefore iu duty bound to give Mr. Spangler their sup port. There is certainly no use in leaving the county open for a canvass by neighboring candidates, and by voting for Spangler the ccunty democ racy will not cast its bailots for an undeserving candidate. THE republican ticket seems to have been sent away for repairs. Gen eral Beaver rusticates in California, and Quay is on a furlough and off for Mexico. Quay's parting instructions to Beaver are said to have been .- "Dear Beaver, don't talk, and don't come back until September." Col. Norris talked too fast at Gettysburg and he was shipped somewhere not a thousand miles from this place. Like ly they will bottle up the rest of the ticket and make it swim down the Niagara Falls, a la Graham before the summer is past. The worst of it is, the whole Beaver ticket stands an even chance to take a trip upSaltlliv er about the third of November. JL Point in Favor of Change. The report of the year's business of the Internal Revenue Bureau is. the best evidence yet presented iu favor of a change in the political completion of the agents iu the administration of the government. No other branch of the government has been so completely changed. Not only the head but nearly all the subordinates left by the Republican administration have been removed and Democrats put in their places. The result cannot fail to strike the average mind with favor. According to the report the collec tion3 tor the year just closed wcfc $110,902,845, an increase over the previous year of $4,481,724. Changes in the laws operated to decrease the collections a matter of $50,000, but notwithstanding this fact the aggre gate shows the increase indicated. The cost of collection was not increased in proportion to the increase in receipts. On the contrary a reduction of expens es to the aggregate of $155,000 is shown, thus demonstrating that the improvement is attributable to great er efficiency or greater integrity. When the Treasury Department changed hands the boast was made that the accounts balanced, and credit was ostentatiously claimed for the honesty of the Republican officials then shown. But how is tho differ ences dcyelopcd in this department to be accounted for without bringing the integrity of the officers into question ? The increase in receipts and reduction of expenses in one bureau makes a gain to the Treasury of $4,G3G,724. Was that amount stolen by the Re publican officials, or was it allowed to be wasted by carelessness in handling or inefficiency on the part of the agents of the Government ? — Patriot. Miscellaneous News. Fire at the Dubois Mill. DUBOIS, P.L, July 20.—About 4 o'- clock yesterday afternoon a destructive fire broke out in the engine room of John E. Dubois' big mill. The hook and ladder and hose companies were soon on the ground and got the flames under control, and what might have been a $300,000 fire was averted. The loss is $3,000. McMeen Denied a New Trial. MIFFLINTOWN, Pa., July 27.—Judge Barnett to-day overruled the motion asking for a new trial in the case of the Commonwealth vs. William Josiah Mc- Meen charged and conyicted of murder in the first degree at tlie April term of court. The Judge sentenced the pris oner "to be banged by tlie neck until you are dead, and may God have mercy on your soul." The decision gives uni versal satisfaction. The case will be appealed to the Supreme Court. A Tramp Run Ovor'nt Sunbury. SUNIIUUY, July 25.—About 4:30 yes terday morning a tramp giving his name as Frederick Nemy, aged about l lyeaisand belonging to Wilkesbarro, after sleeping in tho Philadelphia and Erie round house, attempted to board a moving coal train and was thrown un der the wheels of a car. His right arm was mashed from his shoulder down and his right leg greatly bruised and lacerated. He was taken to the office of the company's physician and tho arm amputated, after which he was re moved to the poor-house and his friends notified. lie claimed that his stepfath er had chased him from home. His person was very filthy. —THE NERVOUS, brain-worki: g type of people, such as lawyers, clergy men, business men and students are the principal victims of hay fever. Sufferers may be certian that hay fever does not arise from an impure state of tlie blood. Local treatment is the only way to cure it. Judging from results, Ely's Cream Balm is the only specific yet dicovered. 28- It Foreigners Rioting. SHENANDOAH, Pa., July 26.—A seri ous riot, broke out between two gangs of Italian and Hungarian laborers on tlie new Pennsylvania and Schuylkill Valley Railroad, between Delano and Hazleton,this afternoon. The Italians struck for an advance in wages,and un dertook to compel the Hungarians to strike with them. The latter refused, and a terrible light, in which nearly 400 men participated, followed. A train was immediately dispatched to this place for policemen to stop the fight, but before they reached the scone the Italians bad driven the Hungarians to the woods and had stopped al' work on the line. Several of the Italians art badly injured, and four of the number are reported dying. Is it Cholera ? Many Poopte in Nowark Afflicted with a Disease Akin to tho Fost. NEWARK, N. J , July 20.—1f the eighth ward of this city is not afflicted with genuine is afflicted with something marvelouslv like it. People for a block or two on Fifth street have been taken with yiolent dysentery, ac companied with hemorrhages, during the past 4S hours. One death occurred this morning in the person of a Mrs. Bennett. She was only sick 24 hours. Tlie physicians are thoroughly alarmed and are busy holding consultations and doing all they can to relieve the suffer ing. Further deaths are expected l>y to-nieht. It is impossible to ascertain the cause of the trouble, although it is believed the water in the block has much to do with it. People in the vi cinity arc said to be terribly frightened. LAY THEM AWAY.— We mean the horrible, nauseous worm-seed com pounds called worm syrups and vermi fuges ; many of them as worthless as they are obnoxious. They have out-liv ed their usefulness. People do not want them since McDonald's Celebra ted Worm Powders, so easy and pleas ant to take, can be had from any dealer Everyone who has tried them say they are the nicest and best vermifuges ever discovered. Tlie children take them and neyer know a medicine is being ad ministered. Any case of failure to cause explosion where worms exist the money promptly refunded in eyery in stance. J 01IXS TOX, 110 LL()WA V & CO., Plii'adelphia Agents. Sold bv J. Eisenhuth, Milllieim, Pa. Mexican Affairs andWarlikoNews. EL PASO, Tex., July 25.—Tlie excite ment on both sides of the river among the Mexicans as well as the Americans, has been so great that both govern ments have concluded for tlie purpose of allaying it, to conduct further nego tiations secretly and without publicity, For that reason consul Brigham had no further official advices yesterday on tlie all absorbing subject of the Cutting im prisonment. Editor Cutting was brought before Judge Casteneda last evening, and informed that bis case had become of such national import ance that it would have to be transfer red to tho First district court, where sentence would be pronounced at some future day. Counsel Brigham liiod to learn when the trial would take place, but could get no satisfaction. It is now thought that Mexico is determined not to give Cutting up. It is rumored on the streets of Paso del Norte that a train-load of Mexican troops with a park of artillery is approaching the city from Chihuahua. The situation con tinues to look very serious. Meanwhile soldiers continue in large numbers in Paso del Norte, Mexico. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., July 25.—There is considerable bustle about military headquarters here, and although tlie officers are reticent the report is cur rent that General Stanley has received orders to have all of his available force in readiness to move at a moment's no tice at El Paso whenever the order therefor is received. The gathering of the Mexican war cloud is watched with a great deal of interest and but one opinion prevails—that the Mexican gov ernment should be taught that it can not treat American citizens with indig nity. No Troops Ordered to Fort Bliss, WASHINGTON, July 25.—1t is stated at the War Department to-day that no ! United States troops haye been ordered to Fort Bliss in anticipation of trouble at Paso del Norte arising from tho re peated refusal of the Mexican authori ties to releaso Editor Cutting. It is said further that the concentration of Mexican troops at that place does not in itself signify a probable rupture of the present peaceful relations with this country,but it is more likely a strategic military movement against the revolu tionary parties in Mexico. Dolopato Election and County Convention. The Democratic voters of Centre comity will meet at the regular places of holding the gen eral election for their t.istrlcts on SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 18X6, to elect delegates t> the Dein oeratic County Convention. The election will open at 2 o'clock p.m.and close at oo'clock p.m. The delegates eluwen at the above time will meet at the Court House, In BellefontO, on TUESDAY. AUGUST 10, IXB6, a t 2 V. M., to nominate: One delegate to the State con vention to till the vacancy occasioned l>y the death of 1.. (J. I.ingle; four delegates to the State convention in 1847; one candidate for Congress and three Congressional eon tercet*; one for state Senate, and tln ee Senatorial con ferees; two for Assembly; one for Prothonota ry; one for district Attorney; one for County Surveyor, and to transact such other business as shall properly be brought up and the Inter ests of the party may require. the number of delegates to which each dls triet is entitled is as follows: Bellefonte, N. W 2 Harris twp 3 S. W 3 Haines twp., W. P 3 W. W 1 " ,l K. P 3 Centre Hall 1 Howard twp 2 Milestmrgboreugli 1 Huston twp 1 Millheim borough 3 Liberty twp 2 Howard borough I Marion twp. ' I'hilipsburg, Nt w I Mites twp 5 •' 2d w - I'attou twp 1 " :kl w 1 Penn twp 3 I'tiionville borough... 1 Potter twp., N. P 2 Rentier township 3 •* •* s. P I Roggs twp., E. P - Ruslt twp., N. P 3 •' W. P 2 •• " S. P I Rurnslde twp 1 Snow Shoe twp. K. P...2 Curtln twn - 1 " " " W.P...2 College twp. 2 Spring twp „..4 Ferguson twp., E. P...3 Taylor twp 1 " '• W. P...1 Union twp 2 Gregg twp., N. P 2 Walker twp 1 '* S. P 5 Worth twp 2 Hulfmoon twp 1 The delegate elections must h. conducted In accordance with the lollowilig i tiles; I. I'lie Demoer.itie * utility Convention of Centre county shall Decomposed of one delegate for every 11 fty Democratic votes polled at the Presidential or Gubernatorial election next proceeding the conven: lon. The a! lot (incut of delegates to the several eleetiondistricts In tho county shall tie made by the Standing Commit tee of the county at its lirst meeting iu every al ternate year succeeding the Presidential and Gubernatorial elections, and iu pro portion to the Democratic votes cast in each district at such elections. 2. The election for delegates to represent tho different districts iu the annual Democratic County Convention shall be held at the usual place of holding the general elections for each district, on the Saturday proceeding the second Tuesday e instructed to sup port Hie candidates having the highest number of votes tor such office. 7. Each election board shall keep an accu rate list of the names of all persons voting at such elections, when the list of voters, together with a full and complete return of sueli election containing an accurate statement of the per sons elected delegates and all instructions vot od,shall be eertlfled by said board to the coun ty convention, upon printed blanks to be furn ished by the county committee. 8. Whenever from any district qualified Democratic voters, in numbers equal to five times the delegates which such district has in the county convention, shall complain In writ ing of an undue election or false return of del egates, or of instructions, In which complaints the alleged facts shall be specifically set forth and verified by the affidavit of one or more per sons, such complaints shall have the right to contest tlte seat of such delegates or the validi ty of such instructions. Such complaint shall be heard by a committee of live delegates to be appointed by tlie president of the convention ; which said committee -dull proceed to hear the parties, proofs and allegations and as soon as may be repoittothe convention what delegates arc entitled to seats therein, and what Instruc tions are binding upon such delegates. Where upon tlie convention shall proceed immediately upon the call of the yeas and nays to adopt or reject the report of tlie contesting parties; in which call ol" the yeas and nays the names of the delegates whose seats are contested or whose instruction* arc disputed shall be ommitted. 9. All delegates must reside in the district they represent. In case of absence or inability to attenu, substistutlons may be made froiii citizens of the district. 10. Delegates must obey the instructions given tliem by their respective districts, and, if violated, it shall be the duty of the president of the convention to cast the vote of such delegate or delegates in accordance with tl'.e instructions a"d the delegate or delegates so offending shall be forthwith expelled from the convention, and shall not bo eligible to any office or place of trust in the party for a peitod of two years. 11. In the convention a majority of all voters shall be necessary to a nomination; and no person's name shall be excluded from the list of candidates until after the third ballot or vote when tin? person receiving the least number of votes shall be ommlttod and struck from the roll, and so on at each successive vote until a nomination be made* 12. If any person who is a candidate for any nomination before a county convention shall be proven to have offered or paid any money, or other valuable tiling, or made any promise of a consideration or reward to any delegate for his vote, or to any person with a view of in ducing or securing the votes of delegates, or if the same shall be done by any other person with the knowledge and consent of such candi date, the name of such candidate shall be im mediately striken from the list of candidates; or if such faet be ascertained after his nomina tion, shall be struck from the ticket and the va cancy supplied by a new nomination, and, in either case, such person shall be ineligible to any nomination by tlm convention, or tq an o leption as a delegate thereafter. A l "' 1" es o shall be alleged alter the adjournment of the convention that any candidate put in nomina tion lias been guflty of suoli acts of of any other fraudulent practices to obtain such nomination ttfe charges shall be investigated by the county committee, and such steps taken as the good of the party may require. 13. If any delegate shall receive any money or other valuable thing, or accept the promises of any consideration or reward to bo paid, de livered or secured to him or to any person for suoli candidate, as an inducement for his vote, upon proof of the lact to tho satisfaction of the convention, such delegate shall ue forthwith expehed and shall not be received as a delegate to any further convention, and shall be ineligi ble to any party nomination. It. Cases arising under the Bth, 12th and l?th Itulcs shall have precedence over all other bus iness in convention until determined. 15. That the term of the chairman of the county committee shall begin on the first day of January of each and every year. 16. That the delegates from the several bor oughs and townships be authorized, in conjunc tions with the chairman of the county commit tee, to appoint the mem Iters of the committee for the various boroqgiis and townships. The lollowing persons will hold the delegate elestions in their respective districts .* Bellefonte, N W— Tlios Rhaughensy, C A Sternberg, William Gaibraith. •' S W— .Jacob liunkle, G Win C ilumh). John A Diiukle. W \Y- William Harper, a James Schofield, L o Meek. Howard borqugb— Abram Weaver, C. George w Counsel, W It Gardner. Centre Hall borouhg— Dr J F Alexander, C. DC Keller, John spangler. Milesburg borough— Ell Carr, G Adam Witherite, O Ferry Kreaioer. MiUheim borough— 1) L Zerby, C. J H Keifsnyder, • v_ Franklin Knarr. w Phillipsburg, Ist W— W H Samlford, G J Allen Lukeus, It E Munson, " 2d W— Henry Lehman, C. 11 D Smith, John E Hiner. 3d W- W c Lingie, G Jackson Gorton, Jolm Walters. Union villa borough- rJ McDonald, C. l>r C II Cambridge, l)r K A Miller. I tenner township— William Ishier, C. Hezekiah Hoy. .John Mechtley. Hoggs township, K I* Henry L Harnhart, C. Harry Curtln, K/.cklal Confer •• WP— Col .1 F Weaver,C. Edward Smith, Harry .Johnson. Hurnslde township— William Hlpide, C. Oscar Holt. Henry Meeker. College township— Daniel (Jrove, jr., C. c Pattoison, W A Collins. Curl in township— Henry Confer, C. Conrad Singer, Daniel Prickly. Ferguson twp., K I*— .John Mct'oriutck.C. Fred Boftorlf, Albert lloy. •• • wp— I, W Walker, C. R F Bowersox, Oistonher llarpster. Oregg township NP — .John Itossman, C. John S Hoy. William Lose. os P— John P Condo, C. John Coldreu, F F Jameson. Haines township, E P—.John .1 OrudorlT, C. M K Fiedler, Henry Kh|nehrd. " wP— Jacob Wile, C. Kdward L Meek, William Hal lev. Penn township— Samuel Aid, V. A J Campbell, S It Gettig. potter townslilp, S P— K B Hosterman, C. WW Kpangier, John G Diuberman. " p_ James A Keller, C. William Gettig, B H Arney. Rush township NP— Hugh McCann, C. William flutton, John Kennedy. •' " fi p— Oi rln Vail. C. Isaac Slilmel. M. B. Hysong, Snow Shoe twp.,N P— Thomas McCann, C. James Gates. James Redding. •' • •• W P— Pat Kelly. C. William Kerin, Kdward Shannon. Spring townslilp— Amos Garbrieh. C. ti Perry Gentzel, 1' N Barnhart. Taylor towr.ship— Vinton BcekwiUi, C. Samuel Hoover, Henry Fink. Union township— John H Stover, C. Samuel Emerlck, Charles McGarvey. Walker township— Samuel Dukes, C. Jacob Dunkle, Har r ey Vonada. Worth townslilp— W O Morrison, C. Levi Rese, William it Williams. ADAM HOY, Chairman. L. A. SitjLFKgK, Secretary. —TheGreatZingari Toothache Drops, for toothache ana neuralgia, have no equal. Only costs 15 cents at any drug store. Warranted. Sold by J. Eisen huth, Millheim, Pa. —ONE dose of McDonald's Great Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillian Altera tive is guaranteed to contain more al terative properties, more truly remedial power than three doses of any other known alterative or blood purifier. Many other blood remedies are good e nough in their way, only that you are compelled to buy a galloon of medicine to get a pint of remedy ; the manufact urers having sacrificed strength and usefulness to palatability and profit. McDonald's Blood Purifier is put up in seventy-five cent bottles containing as much as most dollar bottles of other makes. Dissatisfied purchasers cau have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ORPHANS' COURT SAI.E—By virtue of An order <>f the Orphans' Court of Clinton County there will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on FRIDAY, AUGUST 6th, IX*. at 1 o'elock, p. m. the following described real estate of .Joint G. Weaver, late of Centre Co., deceased: No. 1. All that certain tract of :and, situate In Green township. Clinton Co,. Pa , bounded on the east by land of Joseph Snook, on the south by lands of E. SeiUrs and others, on tho west by lands of Jesse Shrack and o:i the north by lauds of Tlios. Weaver, Jesse Shrack and others,containing SEVENTY-THREE AGUES, more or less. Thereon erected a TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, Rank Barn and oilier <>i|t huntings. No. 2. Another tract, Situate as aforesaid and bounded as follows* On the north by lands of Eli Zeller. oil the east by land of Joseph Snook, on the south by same and Jesse Shrock and on the west by lauds of Emanuel Hoover, contain ing TKN ACHES, more or less. No bulidin s. CONDITIONS OK SALE: One third of purchase money to be paid upon confirmation of sale, one third iu one year, with interest, and tho in terest oil the remaining one third to be paid unto Magdelena Weaver, widow of said dece dent, annually during her natural lifetime,and at Iter death the principal sum ta the heirs and legal representatives or the decedent. L. H. STOVER, Trustee. Madisonburg, Pa., July 22. lsTK. It imparts n natural color, acta Instantaneously. Sold by DruggiiU, or aent by etpreit on receipt of fil, 0ff1c0.44 Murray St.. New York. Will TIT Til *• A. fill LF.I, Kim Ira, 1(1 ID 111 N. Y. President of the EI SIRTtS BUSINESS o<- 445- -XK- Li The accommodations are the best. Well fur nished double and single rooms, splendid bill of fare, and horses and buggies for the use of boarders. — *** +ss<|>s3* **+ — —{ The celebrated and much visited >■— PENN'S CAVES, one fourth of a mile in length, with Its wonder ful stalactites and stalagmites. Is almost at the door of the hotel, and the proprietors are pre pared at ail times to convey visitors through this subterranean passage. SAMUEL LONG, Proprietor. for Infants and Children. "Castorla is so well adapted to children that I Castorla cm Oolle, CoMtipatlon, I recommend it as superior to any prescription I ® our Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." H. A. ABCHEH, M. D., I Worms, gives sleep, and promotes df -211 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. | Wlt£S°iSjurioug medication. Tarn CKHTACB Coxramr, 182 Fulton Street, N. T. SAFE POINTERS! ? * In buying goods it is always best to go to the RNRSBGBBBBBGG GBKBEWBHBBBBGO Right Place. QAAQBYQAUAAAEAUAQAAABAASBBA Now, If you lay this paper In the BBCEEB 88888888888888088888 Right Position, BBBBBayBBUBUaBBBaBBBBaaBBB they will point exactly to the GBBBBB 8888888888888 8888888 Journal Store, 888088 88888888 888888888888 No. 20, PENN ST., MILLHEIM, PA„ Which conceded to be the Best Place in PennsValley UiiiiiiiiiiiiimUiiiiii to buy your Writing Papers and Envelopen % Tablets, Inks, Pens, Pencils and Stationery gen erally. Agsin, yonr children need BBBBBBBBBrBBBBBBCBBB BBBBEE School Books & Supplies, BBBBBaBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBB •nd here too the . j • .4 * 0 i ! ft. #\M i#i l BBBBgmamaiEEiißßm'.iainHßßiiß Journal Store Is the right place to buy. Again it Is the Right Place r "4 f l r ifrifflf.l -,i r J MB 88811 Ti itifitTf CUB BU3BBB I for all kinds of BIBLES, TOY BOOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, all kinds of CARDS, BEAUTI FUL ALBUMS,TELESCOPES, STEREO SCOPES and VIE WB.BCRAP BOOKS and PICTURES, FRENCH TIS SUE PAPER and all material for making ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, BEAUTI FUL FLORAL CII ROM OS WALKING CANES. STAMP ED LIN EN and FELT GOODS for EMBROIDER Y.FLO W EB TRELISES LADIES' SATCHELS,ALPHABET and KINDER GARTEN BLOCKS, HARMO NICAS. FANCY MATCH SAFES, VACES, and quite a large lot of articles generally lamp ed together as AND-SO-FORfH. Call and See. B. 0. DEININGER. RATION At HOTEL Millbeim, Centre Co., Penna. | Summer | Resort Two miles from Coburn Station. ——o=— FMHIS HOUSE has been thoroughly reaova- X ted, is newly furnished throughout and oilers the very best accomodations to the trav eling public. FRONT ROOMS, ELEQA NTL TFURNISH ED, ON SECOND FLOOR FOR SUM MER BOARDERS. The celebrated "Penn's Cave" is bat a short drive from town, and the good roads and One mountain scenery of the surrounding couutry make It a very desirable stopping place. Horses and Stylish Car riages for use of guests. Bus meets ill Train at CoMm. —•{ Moderate Terms. nooi^, Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, - - Penna.', S. T. Frain, Prop'r. • 443- -O- -03- • This Hotel has been remodeled and refurnished, and the Traveling Public will find it first-class in every respect. 443- -O" *43- Latest mproved Water Clo3et and Wash Room on first floor. { Bath Room in Hotel. }• HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached *ov. J. P. NEWMAN. D.D. WRIOHTS PON LILT i ..Pronounce* it TOILET WASH it a CIIDCDD ESSfe mil p efficient canvassers im- I II mediately, (ladies eepeci ■T k 7 B —ally). Oeneious reliable persons. Remember this Is a staple article and sm FARIF for perilous with capitaLl I LII I VrILLIIULL