Oheap Living in Washington. A Washington letter says : I know of a woman in Washington who occu pied a small, dark, inside room on the fifth floor of a tolerably fashionable hotel. She, to use a theatrical ex prcssion,faked out her meals —that is, she arose at 10 or 12, bought a second hand newspaper for a cent and wend ed her way to a small saloon on Penn sylvania aveuue whose proprietor had grown rich by making a specialty of delicious coffee and Yienna rolls and fine butter. He charges 10 cents for tbis little lunch. This Mine. Itine rant would breakfast on her cup of coffee and roll. Then she went up to Congress, invariably riding in tho three-cent car. There is a bobtail car running up to the Capital, the fare in which is only three cents, and some folks are so aristocratic they are ashamed to be caught riding in it. Mine, would visit a few ot the mem bers, 101 l for a while in the gallery of the House and sit just long enough in the Senate gallery to secure recogni tion by a sniile or a bow, from such of her Senatorial friends as happened to be on the floor, and after picking up a few choice items of gossipy news, the conversational coin with which she paves and pays her social way, my Mine. Itinerant gets back by two o'- clock to her dingy inside room. At 3 she comes out resplendent in a non pareil velvet dress and, card-case in band, starts on the round of calls. She goes from house to house and daintily and deliberately eats her lunch at each place. In the course of ten visits Madame has more than satisfied the cravings of her stomach and has dined and supped for the dav l>o you wonder that I call this ''faking out one's meals ?" When Baby was sick, we pave her Castoria, When she Vas a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, A Cold-Footed Lady. Madam, allow me to prescribe for you. I have had a long experience in the management of delicate women, and believe I can give you some im portant advice. For the present I prescribe only for your feet: First—Procure a quantity of wool e l stockings, not such as you buy at th 3 store under the name of lamb's Wool, that you can re ad a newspaper through, but the kind that your Aunt Jerusha in the country knits for you, that will keep your feet dry and warm in spite of wind end weather. Second—lf you want to be thorough, change them every morning, hanging the fresh ones by the fire during the night. Third—Procure thick calf skin boots, doable uppers and tripplc soles, and wear Ihcm from the first of Octo ber to the first of May. Make fre quent applications of some good oil blacking. Fourth—Avoid rubbers altogether, except a pair of large rubber boots, which may be worn for a little time through snow drifts of a Hood of wa ter. Fifth—Hold the bottoms of your feet in cold water a quarter of an iuch deep just before going to bed two or three minutes, and then rub them bard with rough towels and your nak ed bands. Sixth—Now, madam, go out trecly in all weathers, and, believe me, not only will yonr feet enjoy a good cir culation, but, as a consequence of the good circulation in the lower extremi ties, your bead will bo relieved of all its fulluess, and your heart of its pal pitations. Your complexion will bo greatly improved, and your health made better in every respect. — IlaiVs ■Journal of Health. THE GREAT fe!!^S!!nfiik2p e cific LIVER disease . CVRADTAIIC ■ Bitter or bari taste in mouth; OI mr I U 111 Of tongue coated white or covered with aorown fur; pain in the oack, sides, or joints—often mistaken for Rheumatism; Hour stomach; loss of up petlto; sometimes nausea and waterbrash, or indigestion; fiatuler cy and acid emulations; bowels alternately costive and la*; headache; loss of memory, with a painful sen sation of having failed to do something which ought to have been dane; debility; low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes; a dry cough; fever; rest lessness; the urine is scanty and high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, PURELY VEGETABLE, AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Etc., Is generally used in the South to arouse the Tor pid Liver to a healthy adlion. It acts without disturbance to the system, diet or occupation. It regulates the Liver, and causes the bile to act as the purge. The excess of bile being removed, a tonic effect is produced and health is perfectly restored. The Regulator is given with safety and the happiest results to ihc most delicate infant. For all diseases in which a laxative, altera tive or purgative is needed it will give the most perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! • / THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS I LIVER REGULATOR! "See that you get the genuine, with the red Z oafroiitxff Wrapper, prepared only by J/h7ZEILIN & CO., SO LB PROPRIETORS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MAN AND BEAST,B ZTHE BEST I EXTERNAL UJ EEMEDYI S&ipiHiaj 3? NEURALGIA, I = CRAMPS, 1 Sprains, Bruises, | Burns and Scalds,! B Selifitir, FickfEe, | Frosted Feet andf a£ctrs, and all of/ier# 1 bottle. Soldeverj'\vhei*e. L I r ' si>n j rr-j^ictors^p For sale by D. S. Kaufman A Co.. and J. Spujdmyer, MiWuiai. Fa. -pENNSYI/YAMA STATE COL I, KG K. >Ytnter Tei in begins .lannnry <">, l^d. This institution is livateil In ono of tin mrwt beautiful and heulthfulspots of Hie entire Alle ! slieny region. It o]eit to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of study: 1, A Full cientitie Course of Four i'eurs. 2. A 1/itln cientille C mt - * '. :t. Tho following AI>YANCKI> COriLSKS, of two years each, following the tir-l two y< ars of the Scientitle Course: (.1) At SUICC LIT KF ; (b) NATFCAI, I11STOUY: (e) CIIKMISTIiY AM) PHYSICS; ( A reorganized Course 111 MKCHANIC AIM'S, <-hoi-work with study. 7. A new SPHCIAI, CO I list-: (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies, s. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COI*USES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address UEORGE \V. ATHKUTON. I L. lb, President, 27-29 State College. Centre Co., Pa. P.H.MUSSER, IVATCIIMAKEK & JEWELER, Main Street, Millheirn, Pa., jtJorPOSITE TIIE BAXK.t-H - a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 5 ly. S. G GUTELIUS, I)E\TIST, •'/ MILLIIEnr/PA. Offers his professional services to the public, lie is prepared to perform all operations in tlie dental profession. IL 1 is nnv fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain. A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Mihheiin, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other sochl gatherings promptly made to order- Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m Tailor!ng Eslab 1 isluiient, CENTRE HAI.L. PA. — Wm. A. Sandoe is prepared to do all kinds of tailoring work in a first-class manner and at reasonable prices. Fi4f- -'oj -;o:- -w--:<:♦ -:oc- -:o:- -:ot- v'bf EC Pf(d |ib |E -:oy -:o:- -:oy-oy-or •:©> -:o:- -ro:- J >-gj Mr. Sandoe will be down in Millheirn every Ist & 15th of eacli month to take measures and orders. Anyone wanting work done will please leave their orders at Kauffinan's or Snook's Store or at the First National Hotel. tf. AG EN TS /"or thefrrcat new book. "The World's Wonders." WANTED! By J. W. BUEL. The most successful subscription book ever published. Over half a million copies xccre sold the past eight months, and it is selling three times as fast now as ever before. Jtegular can vassers clear from sls to $25,4-10 aud SSO per day. Nothing like it was ever known in Ihe history of book publishing. Proofs sent free on ajwll cation. No experience needed to insure suc cess. We help persons without means to do a large bus.ness; no capital needed. Write for particulars. Salaries guaranteed to persons who do not wish to canvass on commission. We mean business, and want live agents in every Township. It will cost you nothing to write for terms and full descriptions of our plans of doing business. We also give aw.ag standard books to persons who send us names, of book agents. Write for our list of free stan dard books. HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO. . 120 & 122 N. 7th St., Pliila., l*a. Warranted liio most perfect roree-TVesl IVnUUcv DrH! 11 \ i-t nn'.'. .' <• ; •• c ulsir, A. U>. I' AiUci >U 1> orl, I'.i. Pennsylvania Agiicututrsl Works, Yor'q Pi. c V" ■ \ Farquliai's Standard ilngwes a Saw Dili Adui'Citi, A. i.L h'AliQ,UllAi', \ ork, I'll. . STEAM ENGINES, hsjmsxb^& . Lu.iio.biv. i ,m- Artnfi- vSL i..r.0. m. -■•<• r "' 1 k *. . • \- ■ \ iMI v.,. • •>*.•!.* .• •• ---v. ;v "itttVi'P. i" KiW*4 T ~ "'1 '1 v xx v o • AilJros A. U. t'AK|l lUU, )o<"k, '• K * J Vmfifr- j ' HOTCHKIS P 4 n f?i A pc iyftPf?Q brihtyflOE bub tide I _.r> rT'S"^^ 1 * J oua fie Cts /'iMBBi •■a.-; W.>.f ... 1 Jtahp^C 1 U *v£.u*. , .-. ; v• i iS s ,ic;;iki - r..., .. ,-^ssyfcs! 11 i® sm A t-'.' iri-rii. tT:n. I>r**.vcloi>icl,Mfr., s • N irth Fn nt St re t. PHILADELPHIA, PA, | ;/ yStiteiitfk V-C's who are unuwir •; . , and BE.3TCHAIRS in tho world. Scmlfo? circular to only tuanuiacturcro ci rcclinma rollij 3 cuairs. Easy Chair Cs., New Haves, Com* A Life Experience). Romarlrable r.nd Quick curc3. Trial Packages. Soiid Btamp for sealed particulars. Address Ds\. WAfrD & CO. L.ouistana y TiHo. Boys and Middle-aged Men & Young Ladies tr.iined (, r juccessful start in business-life at Coleman College, Newark, N.J. I.ife scholarship S4O. No Va< .--.tion. Sou ntionsset ured whend-sired. Illustratedcataloptie mailed rin application, llcnry CoSctnan, Prin., Ezra White, l'rea. iiMoyi OMI V A O'jiOK, FEM.m r KT. CERTAIN CURE TCil Hftiilioo d. Woa!t2.C)S| Lack of Stroiißlh, VJgoi* ci* 13ovclopmcr.t, Cenved byindifcretions, cxcer ".s, -:e Heße.itsin n day: Cures ustudly within " month, ho D< cc-i-lii.n narOnaekerv. l'osltivo Proofs, full desert;>l>en aud letti rot ■ drioa in phdn al 1 ourelaic.fne. El HE MEDXCAL uLm i.ti':..io.N.y RAINBOW RUPTURE *Ml* Simple, sal'o. reliable and r. r crfoct retiui er. St lfj r.ot a Trues. V. urn Jmy nd hi, ht ;.r.d its presor.oo forgotten, henti for ctroului ' with ;• i inoniids from grateful t-.afforors cure 1 iythis ap nlior.ee. Adlro- Contjrl Medical nr.d bu**ieA Inatituto G2O Locust St., St 1.0ut.-. Mo. Skillful treatuiont 1 i.rii all kinds of mtrsiervl and mcdlcalcnr.es. Weakening di.-oa-cs .i.p'l l'tt* vate 1 roubles in male mil ft in.'ilo our ppooialty. 1.0 rure to write us boforo taking tr atruont obowuora. and invited- Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with RodTln Tstfr; leaf bMno Cut Clu-w intf; IVav y <'llis>lMSf , *ivu i lihick,Brow and Yellow SNUFP are the bestuuilcheapest now upj>lieJ with Good s?besse(s and a larye a star linen I of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HE. IDS, A'OTE HEEDS, HILL HEEDS. Sl'A TEM EATS, ENVELOPES CIRCULA ROSTERS, and, in short, veal and lash/ job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED riIOMI'TI.V AND CHEAPLY. THE PERKINS WIND MILL. „ . j- . " i . • * i J >, -1 • f - ft. 7 - a fe :f 'hEE 'ilblu v If sl-.0-: In constant 1196 vHM/ill.lCl for v with & record M-^diyaoa-j. X v'AIiRANTE O W"T a r viv I,'. - " down, unless ilie rwrrb 'iYv.erg * withit; oraga'.uwt tny trlc.l it it coca ji !' iblc .ol -ta-ulal form I .nihil• „s ;. lie :•! rs • • t.nnUastoi:. 1 . do better work th::U v s h i-niil;Jp, \W> ji i.nfactri I .'i : iir ' nti.l Cer.rod Ml!'' and s. vy a fn!l iv.-rv in! Mill Etij.. J-:iii A 2Si V jii/'IHU. Bpo4 Ir* .:' CQO. Circular &nd Prices. Addrc.- i I IS-lLliti YTIL3 HILL ft AX CO., .jilrViY.'Uil'.. Ill l t r; n ; !;' ju£i i i. j •. H . „li 0 EiirS^kfeHM, E^jf\ 1 ji. (i j 4 A, Cele-liMth:: C.-.icr C:'.r; P, V !-; Warrantee! Abco!uto!y proof, more haxl'.hy, CDi.'.fo/La b!o, gfanteol, r.ti.l v.-ill neb ti. hv/c 3v/oat lite fee- !•'. > the c-i d friary rubber boot. One pair v'sl cut wear t v.-opairj i>f ordinary rubber bo it \ and can be rep iiiv.l by any ibo jnaker. A k r tail dealers for them or rend SO.OO for sample pair of short hcol ; tj JOIIN n. i-AiuccH, ICS Bedford Gireot, BOSTON. MASS* A 223 A .A. X-- 20 Q? -2" W Sjl p W "UT 3? 3? O 33, r OT IE 3T& he% „ g s ft, gn o hr L A u pi ro / M >7 y t.4 • rb ; ' i'\ w W § b ■ ) si ,J s $ w 1 s fy*! O Vs.7 t s 1 \ ! ci . rl \' : 7 f H 2 M ' - u ChiMron's, 11<> r. jf.-ui!, - • • Re.f-ppif (Uttu, two uU.icimicr.t3, • • 11:\ Miners' " 44 - - f*' 4 - batJii s' 44 44 * * !:-'• Wlst=is\ \vlthr.tM-U, " • - ->oo. I.adi.y', • •>• C.tooliii;;-'. and (\ii.in.i - nial 15iml.tk'> SupjMirter c.m lliiM'd, iit? 4 *' n Health Skirt Supporter, - - " Brighton (Jcut 4 s (iarttr, - - ! sc. Kort f.AL:; r.v ALL FinST-CI.ASS STORES. Samples pent post-paid to n:y address upon receipt of price i:i sj-ceut stumps. , Sole Owner nr.d M jnufaclovcr, lA-S Cailrv Fltroet, Nctv Torfi. . 1:. .Si V :.t d. I r IV. cf 'E't.S'O- n Cv/f'VJf ,'7\ t /7ii"''ov'slfia ' s , •\L/ v i_. i. ••. :i v 131 hj p'---y\ ts ?r fi ' M h\'*A}£-iM i & Ms mow gflil PtamrHi*. fciiasAlES iff .tinn I'.r AYEH & SON'S RANUAL I NEW IMPROVED HIGH ARM, NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES an i J ;/ M i n mts, Auto . z £)j*c t en: I VcrfcH flatten, Cfmdv S : . •(!:' \ Self ccitir.j Nec dle, Posit 6 Feed, Ho Hiring?, Ecu) Fart?, Minimum Weight, No Friction, No Noizo, No V/car, No Fatigue, No "Tantrum?," Cara city Unlimited, Always in Order, Richly Ornamented, I'TioJeelplated, and ('rive? Perfect Satisfaction. Semi for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 23 Union Smiare, New York. C'T* y M I'i tTN •*1 il 1 i 'o? " 1 ." 1 viiook • o'ust PuhUabeC, entitled AOf fit r : ■ ' - 7 b\ Eh iff") ■ |§m ItmuiM Lfmm (Vlf V'l iu- (Cfl - ; SlOim Va -* ; ,;: 1 -EeyH | 1 THIRTY YEABb A ERYECTI7E BY ALL A! I LIEALXTOtL f ontfttntn? a thrro'-ti r.r. 1 rcprr:brosiTO f ' of i i lmin.d IV. t. Jof ell < re • i r.r.d Cas.-* villi Hum.'roil' 1 fiv'JCt I*. j —• pera lieu In tho lietection cf Crisr.iiisls, coverlpjf a period of 'Jhtrty Years / st-vu Ajotectiyo X.i;'3 t.::dombrac:n r j.'ssuy end thrilling DctoMoc ttfictcius. All entire!J- new bor h,prn/nsr? ftmi wf.h rortrc.it cf the Croat L tiecuvc. S3 - AGENTS WANTED! In cvtv t atrn thrra pre r'iir.bera cf who will he (/'!.. i t 1 get Vi .i la.'t. It soils to Mer chants. Meohnr.Vc, 1 ariacrs and Pro Vssioan 1 men. Thus every Agent can jj.W: oat j. or more f n foir.i to \>hoia he cuu feel euro of celling it to. Wo trant One Anient in every township, or roimtv l /".i;p/ uiivoii, Willi tMi t* Po'k, can be:onioa sxccc-rf; lAi -nt- lorfu.i iiartieulurs ttad forms fonflcj.'s, nrtdre.s G. W. C.UILL'i'OH w CO., 1 u-d-hers, Lew Yorlc. Ilapftß P []ointi|n U # -\ V - . J W 4 li li ii t - . I Ci-n.M,'?: —rwya PIANOS: • { Pi '' I■' ;(8 New mod? of • '• I' '£2U ■ ■ ' I - '■•• n " , [ J Nil ii. tr< tic , s . ■ •• <-. / ■'! <| u.at c r -■ C - j -f I ( | r.uh !aiit 1 .sr..". • n ■ , A-U —i| —tJ i-IWV.'V : ,|< It t:J SS'JdV, G'RGAH AHDPIAHO CO. ID4TiO3n!St .Bostcn. if r.c* witi: factory. \ llicu-nud per crnt. t!m IjostWushoi in thoyrorla.ind pnycap;.li!a nccntA Htfi room y. Ju trinhio merit makes i* n phcnouituiil rum >/, every where. For lilubtrat" I cir.nl irn-i.l tormsof nj-<-iuy address. j. WORTH, Ct, Loulo, Wo IT xsok Mrswn \TdaVr^ : "^ni |4j| VK W aBSS A H-.f'H'Sr P vS% -vv JBocuy.andiiuiaerou® LjX x2d!.uijj.l Wj/. i auliHCurt.ui'-pnco!',baf =?&£s•. lslS"S d iS HMtR3ES'W^JSgS% rm \/ ever brain work. Avoict \ A\\\ Fv% n - ,e prctca* A RADICAL Curie FOH?\V,a Circular rnaTriat Pftclc- VmvirrtTT-" i , iMrc,ar..l leurn impoite::! Jlill-.'.iVt> V.9 [ * facia biVro takiMtreuf. SJXi&KSjix X : vi ?3ypiu: RriiEnvthaiua HrffSfim V. PII'dPxT 6'vICL'UIU) thcusandj, decs .i J si '.uautiiJ, * *;Y([)Q, tutt-rft.r v'ilii citca- Q*>lPfVfsTr/IY. tW i^tlonto baatr.cw, cr causa i_r -• •*£" ll -vrf pain or iaconver.lmce ia tU BECAIf. RrTl an 7 *T- Founded oa f. -i,t.uoclcntifc trcdlcnl princi- Ift • O Un g Am Id UI pies. By dircctonplieati'-.a /lijeij f/2fln the rest of disease Ita ? rSTED FOR SEVEN detny. Thecnt lh:Aß3CYUS2iNMANYiSjur:il functlonsof tho hu ti'DLiqAWDOAts-d fscjgman oifrr.nlsm la restored, . "• Lt V' :v - LA .?- 3 ' auimotlnK ckmenti 'JTiBATMBXT. K cVc h ?!vc-SYnd OnoJdonth, - j:a^i""VßsVna"t - ,Io iounr it in viy&aar'a C i.'USu* /A jjßi fsaa iF" 1 H ES9/7.TNHc , aeoTerl£)?p€t M iisEpl y SssiKfiiS er. Durable, perfect in operation, and of great domestic utility. Write for circular. FAMILY COFFEE ROASTER CO. ST* LOUIS. Mfl. f K A£)MI beautiful work of 150 pgoa, Colored Plate, and 1000 /V* >' " t<.|s**i' t) illttstnuions, with descriptions of the best Flowers and Yv* \J them. Printed in English and German. Price only 10 Ai \a Ft* cents, which may be deducted from first order. <* ' I' tells what yon want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to - ,Vj\ l ". e groctry at the 1.-st moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting . ft v " ' l ' l dijappoiniment after weeks of waiting. EUY ONLY VICE'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. / l*4s£f\ , VICK S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3 pages, a Colored Mate 1/ > -/ ' I in every number, and many fine engravings. Price, fi.as a year; Five Copies for t V ; s l''' ci,ncn nurobora 10 runts; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send to any address *gffS lc ' ; , H Magazine an J any one of the following publications at the prices named below ' 'jfflg,fK'Jmmf*> —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, s4.so; Harper's Monthly, #4.00; l/v"r\ £* ;J r , x "h*'l:;s. J.t.ro; Good Cheer, sl.*s; Illustrated Christian Weekly, #3.00; or YM ' Ijf id 9 Good Cheer, and Vick's Magazine for $3.00. 1>! V lo *'* FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, ato pages. Six Colored /('' 11 y 4UWU jT\T/V * JAMES VICBL. Rochester, N. Y. < W* MARVELOUS PRICES. BOOKS FOR THE MILLION ' Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Away ! Tli. following book* sr. ptiblDhed in neat pamphlet form, many of iii.m handsomely llluat rated, *noi.c>s. In cloth bound form those hook* would coat |l UU . each. V.meh luok i. complete iu Itself., The Widow Iledott I'upen*. This It the book aver which tour grandmother* laughed till they cried, and it 4* jut a. funny to-day a ever. Faary Work for Home Adornment, an en tirely new work upon this subject .containing e*ty ahd practical Instruction* for waking fancy basket*, wail i>M3kot>, bracket*, needle work, embroidery, etc., etc., pro futeir and elegantly illustrated. Grimm's Fairy htarlrt for Ike Young. The finest collection of fairy atorlee ever publiahod. The child ren will bo dullyhted with them. The Lmlr ot the I.uLe. By Sir Walter Scott. " The l.ady ot tint Lake" It u romance in vert., and ol all Uic work, of Hcott none it more beautiful than Ihlt. . Manual of Etiquette for I.a lie and (Icntlemea, a tulle to potiteue** mil food breeding, living the rulea of iuu li-m etiquette fur all occanlont. The Htundurd l.-fI<-r Writer for l.adlca and Gentlemen, a complete guide to eiriv-pond'OOe, giving tiatn tllrectiona for the competition of letlert of uwj iud. with innumerable forma and example*. Winter Ev .-iilng Iteerentlonn, a large eolloetlon af Acting CUaradet, Tableaux, fiamct. Puxxlet, etc., for social gathering*, private theatrical*, and cvenlug* at home. Illustrated. Dialogues, Keettallona and Head lag*, a large ohoicc oolleoUoii for obuol exhibition* *ui j-übUo *ud yri entertainment*. Parlor Muglc und Chemical Experiment*. , hook which tell* how to perform huudred* of amusing trick* in tuagio and instructive experiment* with simple tgentt. 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A Novel, by Itugh Conway, author ef " Dark Day#,"etc. mm liurnil A I PI! uUK UntUUALt'J Urrr.n! rti<-f>nMim;. n 4hkiibrlln-ui>uni.A*r tool. 8" " "t"" "h. 40 ' VrV. Si-n.l I'. O. Not*. K.-ji.ti Leuer, or Moo'-t Order, and addr*** at aw. t'H.WKLIN NEWS CO It I* AN V, 7Sr Filbert Street, Philadelphia, I'm. "THE GIRL I LEFT^BEHIND ME." Illustrated by tbc of ft BURST S^^iSS HutAty in this oiotuti?, but 'A'lSI*, LEADIIVC BDtiCY OS AMERICA, ijtui Jlav.iocVg Safety Kinc Bolt :m£RLIN MFG. CO., Indianapolis, Ind. EUREKA rOLDMfI CANOPY TOP. rT,s£.> da2!?MftW Mi Made in different size!, and can be f I I attached to nearly all wagons, bug- 1 gies, phaetons and carts. Easily removed and folds like an umbrella. ILM I ou wagon maker or dealer, send to us for f\ -v"P">k. illustrated circular and price list. /y\ f/\ Agents wanted everywhere. Df °" BEERS & co ** \f > V \\j/1 I Y F PATENTEES and MANUFACTURERS* NEWTOWN, Conn. J i_ j_ -1 i ——_j(fl THE GATES TOBACCO SAW. 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