|li< J[tUlp[tm Journal. THURSDAY. JULY 1886. "published by~R7A. BUMILLER". ANNOUNCEMENTS. CONGRESS. We are authorized to announce J. L. SPVX OLER, of Bellefonte. as a candidate lor Con gress, subject to democratic rules. SENATE. We are authorized to announce HON. C. T. ALEXANDER, of Bellcfonto, as a candidate for the State Senate, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce MR. .T. C. MEYER. of Rellefonte, as a candidate for tho of fice of District Attorney, subject to the decis ion of the Democratic County Convention. PKOIHONOTARY. We are authorized to announce Mu. L. A. SHAFFER, of Bellcfonte, formerly of Walker township, as a candidate for Prothonotary,sub ject to tbe decision of the Democratic County Convent ion. We are authorized to announce WM. B. MIN GLE, of Centre Hall, as a candidate for prothon otary, subject to the decision of the Democrat - ic County Convection. Announcement. 11. A. BUMILLKR, Esq., Editor Mill heim Journal.—Dear Sir : Some par ties are circulating the report that 1 am not a candidate for Prothonotary. Now I desire to say to tho Democrats of Centre County, that I am a candidate in earnest, and want to make the nomi nation if I can do so honorably, and hope the people will give my case fair consideration with the rest. Respectfully yours, Aaron Williams. Democratic State Convention. THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVEN TION of Pennsylvania will assemble at the Opera nouse, in the City of Ilar risburg, at 10 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, Aug. 18th, to nominate candidates for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Au ditor General.Sec'y of Internal Affairs and Congressmau-at-Large. The Convention will consist of 359 Representative Delegates, selected un der the rules of the party from the re spective Assembly Districts of the State, one for each 1,000 Democratic votes east for Governor at the last preceding guberuatoral election, or for a fraction of 1,000 such votes, amount ing to 500 or more, in the respective districts, provided that each represen tative district shall have at least ope delegate. W. U. HENSEL, Chairman Dem. State Com. J. B. LICHTY, Sec'y. COL. A. WILSON NORMS' speech at Gettysburg to the soldiers would bet ter have been left unsaid. It may turn out to be a troublesome bumble bee in his campaign hat. THE recent Republican state con vention furnished another strong proof that the Republican party of Pennsylvania is run by a powerful machine. It was truly a Republican feast, with a set programme, and the ticket nominated stands upon a plat form of empty phrases, with probably one exception, the prohibition clause. As far as the nominees are concerned, the ticket is not an iota stronger than the one in 1882, and is likely to meet the same fate. Gen. Beaver, at the head of it, was a brave and illustrious soldier, and has an irreproachable pri vate character, but he is and always will be an unlucky political star. As MAY bo seen in the notice at the head of this column the democratic state convention of Pennsylvania will be held in Harrisburg on Wednesday, August 18th. Of course, the nomina tion of a candidate for governor com mands the general and foremost at tention. Though there are quite a number of candidates mentioned, the probabilities are that the convention will settle down to either Lieut. Gov. Black or Senator Wallace. At all events much care should and, we think, will be taken to select a candi date that will give general satisfac tion, especially since the republican ticket and platform have some weak points, that may, by a diplomatic management of the democratic forces, become the means of Republican de feat. J. L. SPANGLER, ESQ., of Bellcfonte, announces himself as a candidate for Congress in this issue. As every county in the district presents candi dates for the congressional nomina tion, it is most advisable to have Cen tre follow suit and keep up with the rest. Otherwise it would be disputa ble ground and would become a regu lar battlefield for all the other aspi rants. As far us Mr. Spangler's rec ord is concerned we deem it hardly necessary to write up a lengthy article, as he is well and favorably known by many. However we would remind our democratic readers that he is one of the best barristers in the county, a man possessing the necessary qualifi cations to appear in the congressional halls acceptably, should he be nomi- nated and elected, and that he has al- ways been a most active and zealous worker in the party. EX-GOVERNOR CURTTN, our much esteemed congressman from this (lis triet, submits a statement to his con stituents, informing them of his reas ons for retiring from Congress at the end of his present term. The circular letter appears in this issue and the gentleman's many friends will read o! his retirement with heartfelt regret. His congressional career was certain ly a brilliant one and during his two terms of oftiee he endeared himself to the soldieries well as to the laborer. His patriotic devotion to his country and his fearlessness in always advo cating measures that would be for the public good have made him one of the most prominent members of the 1 louse and it is actually a pity when a man of his type retires from public life. But sueh is the whirligig of time. Af ter years of faithful service the best statesmen step down and out to make place for new material A MONO the announcements this week may be found the name of Hon. C. T. Alexander, of Bellcfonte, for the State Senate. It will be remem bered that the gentleman was a can didate for the samo office four years ago, but withdrew from the contest before the convention. We under stand that Mr. Alexander thinks he is justly entitled to the nomination and consequently proposes to make a de termined run for it. Several years a go Mr. Alexander was a member of the Senate and he is well-known in the couuty and district as a staunch and faithful deserving the support of his part)'. Several years age Mr. Alexander was a member of the Senate, and ho is well-known in the county and district as a staunch and faithful democrat, deserving the support of his party. Cleveland and His Vetoes. WASHINGTON, July o.—The Presi dent has been engaged the past two days in personally examining the 1 11 special pension acts delivered to him June 24, which, by reason of the time required by the Pension Bureau to examine its records concerning them, were ouly ready on Saturday for his consideration. He has carefully stud ied all the facts presented in the reports irade by the Congressional committee in each case and the special reports prepared for his information by the Pension Bureau, which are very vol uminous and complete. The result of his investigation is, 20 bills vetoed and 120 approved and signed, one having been recalled. During this session of Congress 505 special pen si on acts have become laws, and 90 have been vetoed. Announcement of Curtin's Retirement. To the Citizens of the Twentieth Con gressional District : Having contemplated for some time my retirement from Congress at the ex piration ot my present term. I now an nounce to the citizens of the Twentieth Congressional District that 1 will not a gain be a candidate for re-election. I make this announcement now in answer to the many citizens of the Dis trict, of different political parlies, who have written me asking that I again al low my name to be used. The olfiee of Member of Congress is not a sinecure. lam constantly press ed with duties and engagements which I try to fulfill,but which have too often failed from the impossibility of success. Among these, not the least onerous and painful, are the numerous applications for official position, where success is possible under the most favorable cir cumstances only to very few. It has happened also that the claims for aid in obtaining pensions made on me, not only by the surviving soldiers resident in Pennsj lyania, but by those who have left the State, have added very largely to my labors. I need not say that I liaye willingly responded to these calls from the men who offered their lives for the preservation of the Goyernment; and I may be allowed to add that my efforts in behalf of this most deserving class of our citizens,not only in the Bureau of Pensions, but in my p'ace in Congress, aided sometimes by my own personal knowledge and testimony, have not been fruitless. And here I desire to express especial ly my deep gratitude to the suryiying soldiers of the District, who, with re markable unanimity, haye earnestly and enthusiastically sustained nie. Their confidence and friendship, given to me early in the war, have never been withdrawn, and one of the most grate ful reflections of my life is that I shall retain that confidence and friendship until the end. Another very gratifying memory of my public life in State and Nation is, that I have tried to deserve, and have received in full measure, the confidence and support of the industrial people of my District and of Pennsylvania, and this is the more gratifying because in every public and priyate act and utter ance by which I liavesought to advance the interests and welfare of our work ingmen, they have been advised that only in the supremacy of law and order and by the maintenance of the rights of person and property, can labor find its just security and reward. Honored as I have been so often with important trusts during the last third of a century, I cannot close this an nouncement of my withdrawal from Congressional life without again ex pressing my grateful sense of obliga tion to the people of tho District and State of my birth, amongst whom I have always lived, and by whom 1 haye been supported and sustained with a constancy and devotion which I can neyer forget. Very Respectfully, A. G.CURTIN. Washington, duly 10, 'SO. GOOD FOR MALARIA.—E. James, Thompson town. Pa., writes : 4 J. A. McDonald, DEAR Slß.—Send me two dozen box es of your Liver Pills at once. Some of our people say they have cured them of chills and fever and they do not want to be without them.' JOJIXSTOX, JIOLLOWA PA CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisouhuth. Millheim ,Pa. Miscellaneous News. Caught by the Cars. Distressing Railroad Accident in Altoona. ALTOONA, Pa., July o.—Two little girls, aged - and .' years respectively, were run down by an eugino at the Twenty-fourth street crossing on the llollidavsburg Branch Railroad this evening. Quo was so badly injured that death may ensue at any moment. The other, although Wily injured, will recover. The little ones had strayed a way from home and were walking on t he track, hand in hand, when struck. The engineer whistled repeatedly and reversed his engine, but bis efforts to stop were futile. Terrible Accident to a Farmer ALLIANCE, 0., July 9.— A terrible accident occurred at Strasburg, a small hamlet six nn'es west of here,yesterday. Daniel Lutzinger was unloading hay 011 Simon Mandril's farm with a horse hay folk, and as a forkful of hay was as cending the fork sprang loose from the hay and one of the prongs struck Mr. Lutzinger just above the left eye, tear ing oil the top of his skull and a small portion of the brain, the wound pre senting a sickening appearance, lie will probably die. —ONE dose of McDonald's Great Blood Purifier or Sarsap.irilliau Altera tive is guaranteed to contain more al terative poruerties,more truly remedial power than three doses of any other known alterative or blood purifier. Many other blood remedies are good e nough in their way, only that you are compelled to buy a galloon of medicine to get a pint of remedy ; tiie manufact urers having sacrificed strength and usefulness to palatubdity and profit. McDonald's Blood Purifier is put up in seventy-live cent bottles containing as much as most dollar bottles of other makes. Dissatisfied purchasers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. Two Fatal Accidents. EASTON, Pa., July 9. —Two fatal ac cidents occurred yesterday in Bushkill township, Northampton "county. Mrs. Jacob Welly,aged 49 years,was instant ly killed by falling headforemost from a cherry tree. Jll the fall her forehead struck the ground with great force,and her neck was broken. A two-year old son of John Kaskc was knocked down and run over by one of his father's horses, and died several hours later from his injuries. They Went in Swimming. LOCK IIAVEN, Pa., July 9.—Yester day Alexander Weaver living several miles from here, in the country, accom panied by a companion, both quite young, went to a store some distance from the house. On their way homo the boys concluded to go in swimming in Pino Creek. The water was deep and young Weaver was drowned. Ills body was recovered. Lock Haven wants the State Grange. LOCK HAVEN, July 9.—Efforts are being made to liaye the next meeting of the State Grange, Patrons of Husband ry. held in this city. The citizens promise to make it pleasant for the grangers if they decide to come here. An Exquisitely Lovely Thing. A most bewitching picture is being brought out, entitled "Little Sweet hearts." Probably no picture in any part of tlie world has ever met with such an outburst of applause. It is be ing brought out by Graham & Millar, Art Publishers, 140 Centre Street, New York. Everybody is sure to want one. They want good agents. Here is a chance to make lots of money. Boys, and girls during summer vacation can make a little pile. It isn't often we recommend any thing,but" Little Sweet hearts" is praised by the best people 111 the land. IT WENT ROUND AMONG TIIE NEIGIIHOUS.— Mr. Levi Staid, merch ant and postmaster at Fostoria, Pa., writes : 'Mr. J. A. McDonald, Reedsville,Pa. DEAII SIR .-—.Some time ago I had a severe attack of chronic diarrhoea. Could obtain no relief. A friend gaye me a part of a bottle of your Cutis' Carmelite Cordial, and a few doses en tirely cured me, The balance of the bottle went around among the neigh bors. Since then I have written to New York and Philadelphia for the medicine but could not procure it. I traced up the bottle we had and found it was purchased of Mr. Jacob Cowan, merchant in Altoona,and from him ob tained your address. Please forward me one dozen bottles by express at once, as 1 do not wish to be without it in my family and wish to sell it in my store.' Single oottle Curtis' Carmelite Cor dial guaranteed to cure any case of chol era, dysentery, diarrhoea, cramps,pains and all iritation of the bowels incident to change of climate, diet and water. JOHNSTON, lIOLLO WA Y& CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,Pa. ' Council Proceed! nos.—Tlio town council held tlwir regular monthly mooting lust Saturday evening and af tec the reading and approval of the minutes the clerk read a communica tion from D. F. Fortney, Esq., the council's attorney, in relation to the rights and duties of thecouncil to make a mlan of the Boro\ establish and chVge streets, enact a lit w body of or dinances and other matter, upon which th© following preamble and resolution was offered : Whereas, the general ordinances of the Borough of Millheim, enacted bv tlife council and approved by the Chief Burgess, April 21st., 1879, are in some points defective of their object and in others of doubtful legality, therefore, that a committee of three, of which the President shall he one, ho appointed who shall with the assist ance of the clerk and attorney revise the said ordinances, so as to make them more effective and in conformity witW* ,the laws of the commonwealth. Said committee to report at the next regular meeting. After some discussion the resolution passed unanimously, the com mitt jo consisting of J. P. Ilarter, A. C. Mnsserand A. Miller. Another resolution offered is the fol lowing : Inasmuch as it is very necessary as well as required by law that the loca tion of all streets, lanes and alleys should he definitely llxed, therefore llcnoUHd, that a special committee of three, of which the President shall bo cue, bo appointed to make a complete survey and plan of the borough and to name the streets and alleys. Said com mittee is hereby authorized to employ one or two surveyors or engineers to carry out this resolution, provided that no new streets or alleys he opened nor any changes made in the location or width of any streets. lan6B or alleys now existing, except by direction of a majority of the council. Said commit tee shall ask and demand from any per son in whose possession the same may be, all plans, drafts, decrees of court or other papers relating to the Boro' and report to the next regular meeting. The resolution was passed and J. F. Ilarter, Henry Fiedler and A. C. Mus ser appointed as a committee. On motion it was voted that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to purchase at the expense of the borough, a copy of the latest edition of Purdon's Digest for the use of council. On motion the tax rate was fixed at mills for the current, year. It was voted that tlie stieet commis sioner under the direction of tho street and alley committee shall construct new crossings of plank, not less than four inches thick, at the alleys between A. Miller and Mrs. Albright, between Win. Walker and 11. F. Kister and be tween J. F. llarter and D Scholl. LAY THEM AWAY.—We mean the horrible, nauseous worm-seed com pounds called worm s.vrxps and vermi fuges ; many of them as worthless as they are obnoxious. They have out-liv ed their usefulness. People do not want them since McDonald's Celebra ted Worm Powders, so easy and pleas ant to take, can be had from any dealer Everyone who has tried them say they are the nicest and best vermifuges ever, discovered. The children take them aitd never know a medicine is being ad ministered. Any case of failure to cause explosion where worms exist the money promptly refunded in eyery in stance. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WA Y & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold bv J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. —A mis3tcp will often make a crip ple for life. A bottle of Henry & Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment at hand, will not prevent the misstep, but used immediately it will save being a ciipplc. Sold by J. Spigelrnyer and I). S. Kauffman & Co., Millheim. —lt you are troubled with a "hack ins cough," Down's Elixir will give you relief at once. Warranted as reco mended or money refunded. Sold by J. Spigelrnyer and D. S. Kauffman & Co., Millheim. —Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure in digestion, heart burn, costiveness and all malarial diseases. Twenty-live cts. per bottle. Sold by J. Spigelrnyer and I>. S. Kauffman & Co., Millhsim. —Erysipelas and Salt Bheum was driven entirely away from Mrs. J. C. Anderson, Peshtigo, WisJ. by Burdock Blood Bitters. Mo equal as a blood put ilier. —"I occasionally use, when my con dition requires it, Dr. Simmons Liver Regulator, with good effect. Hon. Alex. 11. Stephens." LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Centre > county, there will he sold at public sale on the premises, near Tussoyviile, Centre county, on SATUKDAY AUCI'ST 18, LSSII. at one o'clock, I\ M , an elegant I'AIIM KKSIOUNCK, late the prop erty of Hon. John K. Uunklc, dee'd. The same being a tract of land, containing about Tit acres r more or less, and in a state of high cultivation. > The farm is one of the best producing In Penns . valley. There arc about 10 acres of good Tim ber Land, adjoining it, which will be sold with ' the farm. There are two good Orchards, one just beginning to bear. Good well and cistern water at the door, lint one mile to Church, . .School house and Post office. As a farm residence for location, convenience , and comfort, it is unsurpassed bv any in the , county. Terms of Sale.—One third of purchase money on confirmation ofjsale,and balance in two c (|ual annual payments, with interest, secured i by bond and mortgage on the premises. , , LUCINDA ItUNKLK. SPANGLEU& IIEWES, Administratrix. Attorneys for Estate. RATION A L HOTEL Millheim, Centre Co., Penna. | Summer | Resort Two miles from Coburn Station. -=o=- THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly renova ted, is newly furnished throughout and offers the very best accomodations to the trav eling public. FRONT ROOMS, EL EG AN TL Y FURNISH ED, ON SECOND FLOOR FOR S UM MER BOARDERS. The celebrated "Penn's Cave" is but a short drive from town, and the good roads and fine mountain scenery of Hie surrounding country make it a very desirable stopping place. Horses and Stylish Car riages for uso of guests. Bus iQets all Trains at Cobnrn. - \ Moderate Terms. }• ■i Wn[. q. Hi'op'i'. SAFE POINTERS! ? ? ? * In buying good* it is always best to no to tlie Right lace. Now, if you lay this paper in tlie Right Position, —i-—i—i— i i i they will point exactly to the Journal Store, —i—i—i—i i i i No. 20, PKNN ST., MILLIIKIM, PA., which I I conceded to lie the - ************************** Best Place in PennsValley iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiii to buy your Writing Pupeis and Envelopes, Tablets, Inks, Pens, Pencils and Stationery gen erally. Again, your children need I I I I I I I I School Books & Supplies, r> nd here too the Journal Store is the right place to buy. Again It Is the III—I I I I I Right Place —i—i—i—i— i i i i for all kinds of ItIP.I.KS. TOY HOOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, U kinds of CARDS, BEAUTI FUL A LBUMS.TELEBCOPEK, STEREO SCOPES and VIEWS.KCRAP BOOKS and PICTURES, FRENCH TIS SUE PAPER and all material for making ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, BEAUTI FUL FLORALCHKOMOS W AI.K 1 N & PEARS. ALMONDS an I ASSORTED NUTS. An exeepliniiallv fine line of PURE CON FECTION krV at CITY PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOLASSES CANDY (or YafTv) MADE EY OURLSKLVES, ALWAYS FRESH. CALIFORNIA FRUIT canned and Evap orated. PURE HONEY in pint and quart Jars. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES,Sound and firm. PLAINIand.FANCY CRACKE RS FINEST FULL CREAM CHE BSE. TURE SUGAR TABLE SYRUPS. A full line or NEW CANNED HOODS. PURE WHITE ROCK CANDY SYIIUP In half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE MAPLE SYIIUP ill quart aud halt gallon cans. FINR, FRAGRANT TEAS. PURE SPICES. You can depend on our ground pepper for butchering purposes. It is strictly pure. FRESH SHELL OYSTERS opened to [order, o o ALL OURSTOOK IS NEW AND FRESII. tiTCALL ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT IN OUR LINE. —SECHLER & CO.,— Grocers, Bush House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA. j 324 and 326 Pearl St., New York. * SaT SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Not the largest, but the Sewe*l, Bent and Cheapest Mho* In exletenee. WALTER L. MAIN'S New Great Golden International Show. Admission only 25 cents. MONSTER PAVILION THEATRE with Stage and Scenery. Great Moral Museum of Living Wonders, Funniest of all funny HUMPTY DUMPTY TROUPES. An exposition of TRAINED - ANIMALS. BLANCHARD'S $5,000 TROUPE of Trained Horses and Ponies. May's Educated Dogs & Canine Comedians. —CTTTIMIBO ~ &c - JOLIAH the tallest span of horses ever harnessed. Mr. S. Biglow, stron go it man living, who out-pulls the most powerful team of horses that can be produced. A Small Army of FIRST-CLASS • PERFORMERS, Trained Birds and Real Living Trained Aligators. We Guarantee Satisfaction or REFUND THE ADMISSION FEE! :uul are tlm only show in America that dare make such an offer. You will see the show inside the canvass and not on the street and bill boards. Admission, only 25 cents. Children nnier 10 years of age Ml in the Afternoon. Two Daily Exhibitions. SA.I•— PENN'S CAVES, one fourth of a mile in length, with its wonder ful stalactite* and stalagmites, is almost at the door of the hotel, and the proprietors are pre pared at all times to convey visitors thro ugh this subterranean passage. SAMUEL LONG, Proprietor. Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrovc, ----- Penna., S. T. Prain, Prop'r. This Hotel has been remodeled and refurnished, and the Traveling Public will And it first-class in every respect . — XK- Latest mprovdd Water Closet and Wash Room ou first floor. ■{ Bath Room in Hotel. J HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached PAILS Inflestrictalils, .PERFECT. Made in one piece from pure wood palp —nol paper— without seam, 110 hoops, no t;iste, no Billed, Cl.iiAN, liIGUT, STItONtJ, HtJitARLE. Invaluable for Kitchen and Hairy use. Manufactured by Oswego Indurated Fi&reCo OSWKUU, N. Y. [ Ask your grocer for them. VITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. A Great Medical Work on Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Exhausted Vitality, Ac., Ac., and the untold mia criej resulting from indlacrction or excesses; SOO - pages, cabaUnllally bound la gilt, muslin. Con | tdn-j mora than 123 Invaluable prescriptiona, em bracing ever/ remedy ia llie pharma copeia f-r tl\ fccule aa I chronic diseases. It Is cmphaileaTy r. beck for every man. Price only $1 by road, post paid, concealed in plain wrapper. ILLUSTKATirS SA3IPLIS FREE TO ALL Young and midJio-agcd man for the neat ninety i days. Scad now, or cut this out, as yon may never see it again. Aidre s Pr. V.*. 11. PARKER, 4 Bui j Qnc'a street, Boston, ?:ass. DO SOMOBE WHITBWABHDB NOT WHEN PLASTIC PAINT Can be had so cheap. Send for pamphlet and color card, and learn its merits. MAXWELL, lIAZI.EI St ( O. ' 109 McElderry's Wharf, Baltimore, Md.,aud GOG Washington Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 23-Ct Standard & Reliable WATCHES. We will sell a Fine Solid Gold Watch nickel jeweled and adjusted movement, cused in new and assorted styles, on the following terms : r Until paid for. ] PER WEEK PER MONTH A SIOO Watch $2.00 or SB.OO. A $75 Watch $1.50 $6 00. A S7O Watch SI.OO $5.00. A S6O Watch SI.OO $5.00. A SSO Watch SI.OO $5.00. Ladies' and Silver Watches on same terms. None need hesitate to avail themselves of this plan, as our reputation as First-Clana Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATC HES and JEWELHY is sufficient guarantee. HAMRICK & SON, JEWELERS. 804 (Mint St., PhiMelphiL Pa.