Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 01, 1886, Image 3

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Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
g 12 1
H . 1
j\ §j At the Main street fc a
•j 0 GROCERY, b
He liO (
W|j J. W. LOSE Jfetd .
y 3 tr .
k i stll3 i M :
3 Groceries, Provi-b 1
J b,
t-1 sions Confection-b | 1
fa ' £ . i
eries, Fruits, fc .
Cheese, fcN •'
u a b n <'
7> 3 and nil kinds of b 0
r\ g HOTEL and FAMI-fcCr f
J>q fcm J
Best brands of
I g TOBACCO and CIGARS, fc | J
I | I sell for |'' !
yl-sroT CASH-I^;
fr] but at fcO •'
fil Small Profits. IP ;
03 t R
M It will pay to give mo a . T
[> Si F I
PI —call.— fcH
3 F 1
—Now for the 4th.
•--This ends the first half of '&0.
—Help thetowuby patronising home
—This week started in with splendid
hay weather.
—First class iob work done at the
JOURNAL office.
-Strangers by the score in town the
last couple weeks.
—Town was exceptionally lively last
Saturday evening.
—Send the Joy3x4l. to a friend af
tpi yop haye read it.
—The farmers are busy making hay
while the sqn shine?.
—Most of the grass is out and the
hay crop is splendid.
—Bellefonte was visited by ITurlhnrt
& Hunting's circus list Tuesday.
—A lot of Fourth of July Flags,from
one cent up, at the Journal Store.
—Not very far off—a weddi g. Just
as soon a3 they are married we will tel]
—The band has ordered the goqds for
their flannel shirts and will sooo appear
in new dress.
—The ladies baking cakes for the
Coburn festival should have them ready
|iy this evening.
—Mr. F. Dieffenderfer and sister, of
Sunbury, are visiting at Squire Keif
snyder's at present.
—Mrs. Ilettie Calhernian, of Cent re
Hall, the daughter of Danl.Uliich, Sr.,
was in tqwn yisitffig.
—Miss Jennie Luckeubuch, of Belle
fonte,is in town at present,the guest of
her friend,Lydia Gutelius.
—Stiaw Hats, for the Harvest Held,
or for Sunday wear, a large selection at
Kauffoaan's ou Main street.
For colds,croup, asthma,bronchitis
and sore throat, use Dr. Thomas' Elec
tric Oil, and get the genuine.
—The finest lot of Stamped Linen
Goods for embroidery in the valley can
be found in the Journal Store.
—There will be regular services in
the 0. B* cburoh of this pl.too next
Sunday evening by the pastor.
—The Albright brothers seem to be
full of work in their carriage and
blacksmith shop on Main street.
—ln some parts of Illinois the chinch
Lqgtf are destroying tliepoVn, held after
field being infested by the pests.
! —Next Sunday forenoon ihere veil}
be regular services in the Lutheran
chureh of this place by the pastor.
French Tissue Paper for making
artificial flowers, ready-made flowers
and material, at the Journal Store.
—lt often eeemod to us f|iat Mjllhejm
pught to iffiye a rpfJney ortja'r post; office.
sffia)ler tpwps tfijtn RR3 haye theip. '-
~-¥ou will find at our frtoie a proper
assortment of proper goods at proper
prices. Come, D. S. Kauffman & Co,
—Whea o.*e aees the Impure fata that are
sometimes u>ed iu soap-making he is inclin*'
doubt Mu
(iiiauiK's of the soap.
Ikreydoppel's ltorux Koap is made from
the purest refined tallow, aud is guarauteed
pure and healthful.
—Rev. Ilerlacher, of Qhio, preach
ed in the £v. church on Tuesday even
ing,' to raise' funds for the'Wis. cyclone
—GREENS, all kinds just received at
KautVman's store.
—And don't you forget it that J. \V.
Lose's Main street grocery is booming.
Reason Best goods for the least mon
—Miss Maggie Alexander, of Outre
Hall, is at present hero visiting her
brothers, A. U.,W.K. and Christ Alex
—Dr. J. F. Barter and iamilv ex
pect to be oil to Pino Grove and other
places in the upper pail of the valley
next week.
—Editor Fiedler, of the ( lazcttc,
Bellefonte, called onus last Saturday,
lie was on his way to Ids parental
home in Madisonburg.
—A lot of Library Lamps on hand,
tasty styles, which we wish to sell at
reasonable prices.
—Should you be in town on the Jul,
do not forget to call at our cilice and
drop some cash into our needy coffers,
on subscription accounts.
—A complete lne of Ledgers, I>.y
Books, Secretary's Books and all kinds
of Memoranda and Time Books, at the
Journal Store on Penn street.
—A fine Silk Plush Album is not on
ly an ornament but an object of real in
terest in the family. The Journal
Store lias them in great variety.
—Our job otllco run out a lot of
blanks and envelopes for the G. A. R.
post this week and the veterans will
soon be in first class business trim.
Mrs. Eekley, of near Bellefonte,
was at home over Sunday, the guest of
her father, David Uliich, and the visit
or of her numerous relations in town.
—TheGreat ZingariToothache Drops,
for toothache and neuralgia, have no
equal. Only costs 15 cents at any drug
store. Warranted. Sold by J. Eisen
huth, Millneim, Pa.
—The ladies of the M. F, Mite Socie
ty of this place purpose holding a festi
val ou the afternoon and eyening of
July 3d, in the skating rink on Penn
—During Mrs. D. A. Musser's ab
sence in the West, her daughtor, Mrs.
A. Walter, presides over the domestic
affairs of the Musser homestead in
—Lodie, the little daughter of W. S.
Musser, was confined to the house for
the past few weeks, by the measles.
She is yery much letter now and wiP
soon be out again.
—John Kersietterla house on Penn
street has received it's last coat of plas
ter by Messrs. Bnrd, the Aaronsburg
plasterers, and John will soon be üb.e
to say "pass 'rouuej in front.''
—Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure in
digestion, heart burn, costiveness and
all malarial diseases. Twenty-five els,
per bottle. Sold by J. Spigelrayer and
D. S. Kauffman & Co , Millhsim.
—Minnie, a little daughter of Win.
M. Tlarlmin, fell into the race last
Thursday slid birely escaped being
drowned. The frightened mother cauie
to her assistance not a minute too soon.
—There have been ouite a number of
good-sined catches tliis season, but
Cleyeland made the biggest catch of
al|, when he (taught on to "Frankie."
They say she is a regular jewel of a wo
—lt you are troubled with a "hack
ing cough," Down's Elixir will give
you rpljef at qnue. Warranted as reco
mended or money refunded. Sold by J.
Spigelmycr and D. S. Kauffman & Co.,
—That "pointer" in last week's
Centre fyntocrai raaue it lit pessary for
us to go the "devil" of the Journal of
fice, and tell liffii fo mind his business
and ipaUe it a "point" to reduce the
—An exle: sivo fire which recurred
at Philipsburg on J/onday night and
which started in the large skating rink
totally consumed that t-uilding, the old
Passmore house and ex-Sheriff J/un
son's residence.
—Samuel Frank, rx<cutor,advertiSPs
the sale of the real estate of Michael
Frank, deo'd. late of Penn townkhip,
to take pla:e on' the premise? in Daffies
townahip.about 0 gides east of Aarons
burg, August 12th. See bills.
—Our skilled builder an 1 bos 3 car
penter, John Kerstetter, has his crew
of men at work on the inside wood
work and the manufacture of the coun
iffis'for .1. W. Slovens new and hand
some stq'erooro 011 J/ain street.
—Simmons Liver Regulator is simple
and harmless, and yet has proven itself
a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia, cost
iveness, sick headache, bilious colic,
sour stomach, diarrhoea, biliousness
and other like pvlls of a disordered liv
er and stomach,
—Minefiost Musser, ot the Musser
hqus'ei, gaye his boarders and friehds a
delightful ride towards Rebersbqrg last
Sunday evening. A number of the party
were taken in the handsome oab and
the rest traveled iu buggies, A very
pleasant time was had,
A misstep will often make a crip
ple for life. A bottle of Henry &
Johnsonts 4 r nica and Oil Jj'niment at
hand, will rot prevent the misstep, but
used immediately it will save being a
ciipple. Sold by J. Spigelmyer and D.
S. Kauffman & Co., Millheim.
A large lot of Envelopes of every
grade and pi ice,as well as Fine Writing
Papers, in sheds ami tablet form, at
the Journal Storo on Penn .street.
sion of Six Weeks,opens Monday (veil
ing, July 26th, 1886, for the Teaching
and Training of Voting Ladies in Vo
cal and Instrumental Mnsle.
Address, F. C. MOVER, Musical Di
rector, Freeburgh, Pa. 124—1t
—"My physicians said I could not
liye. My liver out of order, frequently
vomited greenish mucous, skin yellow,
small dry humors on face, stomach
would not retain food. Burdock Blood
Bitters cured me." Mrs. Adelaide O'-
lhieu, 372 Exchange St., Buffalo,N. V.
get to spend some of your loose change
at the festival of the Ladies' Mite Soci
ety of the M. E. church next Saturday
after'noon and evening. These women
are trying to raise money for a good
cause and should 4 be encouraged, llopj
to see you there.
Landlord Rook, of the National
Hotel, was to Philipsburg, his former
home,for several days, to attend a pub
lic sale of horses and carriages of one
of the liveries at that piece, lie re
lumed with a complete and splendid
turn out, compiising a hue horse, and
new buggy and harness.
COMING HOME.— J/iss diary ,1/auek
is expected home from Danville next
week. Miss Kale Bartholomew, irom
the Deaf & Dumb Institute, Philadel
phia, ariives this week to spend the
summer vacation with her parents in
this place. David Miller is also expect
iug one of his son's from the West this
—A nu in her of our younger men
spend their evenings on D. A. Musser's
meadow this while past playing 'scrub'
game ot base ball. By perseverance
and pi action they could get up a good
nine as there is oqitainly good material
among them for base ballists. Keep
on boys and after a while form into a
regular club.
—Among our callers on Monday were
Mrs. Ellen Sniik, of Laurelton, who
was spending several days in this neigh
borhood visiting relatives, Mr. Benj.
Orndorf, of Woodward, who had just
returned from a slioit trip to Union
county, and Mr. Samuel Frank, of Re
bel sburg. All of them were welcome
visitors to our sanctum.
That business in general is dull during
hay making and harvest is expected by
all, but nevertheless we carry a full
stock of everything In the line of gen
eral merchandise and areaMe toacoom
moda'e those wliQ wiqh to buy the most
and best goods for the least money.
D. S. Kauffman A Co.
ThornpsuutQWiK Pa., writes ;
4 J. A. McDonald,
BEAII Sin.—Send me two dogen box
es of your J.iver Pills at once. Some
of our people say they have cured them
of chills and fever and they do not want
to be without them. 7
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim ,Pa.
—The other day Wm. Uiricb passed
through town from Whitmers saw
mill, Sugar yalley, with the fpiest load
of lumper eyer brought to Ooburn. ft
consisted of three pieces, each 45 feet
long, 10 inches thick and 20 inches
wide, white pine timber with not a sin
gle knot in it and weighing in the
neighborhood of four tons.
week's Centre Hall Itciwrter
contains the marriage notice of Miss
Hose Kreamer, of Millheim, and Chas.
Kreamer, of Aaronsburg. Wo had
heard a report of the event, but did nut
receive official from the minister,
and guess work will not do in such a
case This accounts for opr omitting
the item. Allthes.tme we offer our
congratu) d
Coburn expeols to have a grand
time to morrow and Saturday evening,
when the Lrthorans will hold their ioe
or earn festival. The Millheim band
will bi time to morrow evenlg to en
liven the opening of the festival with
some choice music. This being the
lirst occasion of that kind at Coburn a
large attendance of the people of the
surrounding country ru ly U>Vke4 or
•ft !• *
NOTICE.— A Select School will bp
opened at Aaronsburg on Monday,
July JGth, Isßtl, to oontinue eight
weeks. All persons desiring to attend
will please hand their names to M. M.
Musser, of Aaronsburg. Special at
tention will be given to such as are pre
paring for College er fcr teaching in
the public Terms to suit the
times. Por further information ad
dress the teacher,
M. O. NpLl-,
23-Qt Pa.
—As it is customary in the Jour
nal office to tako a week's rest over
the fourth of July,there will be no pa
per issued next week and we ask the
kind indulgence of our readers until
the next issue, July 15th. Wo may,
however, during the vacation ho found
at our poat fu orueis foi .job
worjj of advertising, or money 011 sub
scription accounts. We wish oir lend
ers a pleasant Fourth,
—Mr. Wm, D. Mingle, of Centre
Hall, whose announcement as a **- ll( ji.
date for nr^ l()n0 f Jlr y appetrs in anoth
er column, called on us last Friday
morning, and gave us Lhe benefit iff a
dejightful hours' chat. I3ei ga staunch
Democrat and a gentleman in every
way fitted for the office lie holds at
present and seeks to get in the'fu'u: e,
his chances for the nomination nry as
good ag any.
an Ladies' Afite Society of Coliurn will
hold an Ice Cream Festival at. that place
tin Friday evening* July 2nd, and Sat
urday afternoon and evening, July .'ltd.
tra Kind of Seed Wheat for sale. For
price and particulars inquire of J. 11.
MUSSEK, Auronsbuiß, Pa. 3T
—This town has three newsboys who
every Saturday evening dispose of about
100 copies, each handling a different
paper. Wallace Musser sells the llur
risburg Telajram, Fred. lhumgait the
Williamsport (frit and the Jireakfust
Table, and Hairy Frank the llarrisburg
Titiriot. The boys push the sale of
these papers with considerable vim,and
give our good people ample oppoitunity
to keep well posted on the topics ol the
—The Reformed Ladies' Mile Society
of Auronsburg will hold an ice cream
festival on Saturday Hfternoou and eve
ning, July 10th, lrtSti, either in the
open air on Main street or in the old
church, depending on the condition of
tho weather. All who feel disposed to
encourage the ladies in a good cause
and desire a respite from the heavy la
bels of the season to enjoy a af
ternoon and evening, are cordially in
—There is no doubt that Millheim
will celebrate the Fourth of July in
some shape next Satuiday. Our people
have not missed doing so for several
years and though no deUnite pro
gramme has been arranged, there will
at least be some band music, lire wot ks
and a display of national colors. Last
but not least the ladies of the M. E.
Mite Society will have for silo at the
rink on Peun street the best ice cream
lemonade and cakes.
SCHOOL NOTICE:. —Mr. J. F. Keller,
of Adamsburg, Pa., has concluded to
leach a nine weeks' term of summer
Echool in the Penn street school house,
Millheim, commencing July I'JTH, pro
vided a sutllcient number of pupils can
be secured. lu order to do justice to
large and small scholars he will grade
the school and for that purpose employ
an assistant teacher. Further infor
mation can be had from the borough
school directors.
quarterly meeting of Jf/illheim circuit
for the conference year will beheld in
the U. B. church of this place, July
10th and 11th. Business sessien Sat
urday afternoon at half-past two o'-
clock. There will be preaching on Sat
urday evening and on Sunday morning
nnd evening. Communion services on
Sunday forenoon. Bev.Z. A. Climer.P.
E. of the district will be present to
conduct the services. AH are cordially
iuyited to atter.d. C. W, WASSON,
LAY THEM AWAY.— We mean the
horrible, nauseous worm seed com
pounds called worm syrups and vermi
fuges ; many of them as worthless as
they are obnoxious. They have out-liv
ed their usefulness. People do not
want them since McDonald's Celebra
ted Worm Powders, so easy and pleas
ant to take, can be had from any dealer
Everyone who has tried them say they
are tiie nicest and best vermifuges yvey
discovered. The children, take them
and neyer know a medicine is being d*
ipmistered. Any case of failure to
cause explosion wheto worms exist the
money promptly refunded in eyery in
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold bv J. Eiscnhuth, Jjmiipiw, Ha.
—(top dose or McDonald's Great
Iflood Purifier or Sarsap irillian Altera
tive Is guaranteed to contain more al
terative pornertiespnore truly remedial
power than three doses of any other
known alterative or blood puriher.
Many other blood, remedies are good e
noiyyh in their way, only that you ate
compelled to buy a galloon of medicine
to get a pint of remedy ; the tnanufacL
urers having sacrificed strength and
usefulness tq palatability and profit,
MclVmaUPs Blood Purifier is put up in
seventy-five cent bottles containing as
much as most dollar bottles of other
makes. Dissatisfied purchasers cau
have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—3ays last week's Sunbury Demo
crat : Friday morning a package pass
ed through the Adams express otyce,
this place, from Y., for
president Qleyehwd. The railroad
man along the route made free use of
their lead periods on the package, in
accepting the opportunity to express
themselves to the President in the line
of congratulation on his marriage. 4*
mong them were 111? flowing} 'Shake,
old boy L'. 'What put so much good
seiise and taste into your head V'
'Bully boy, you are, Groyer.' 'Kind
greeting to Frankie.' 'You are a man
among us, Grover,' 'Dotpt forgot that
unkin I 3 Vf y i'oung. Be a father to
her, Qrover.*
According to Tuesday 'a liar risburg
Patriot, Lick Haven is likely to get a
branch of the B. C., C. & S. W. Rail
road. The item says that Mr. Corneli
us Vanderbilt and party will pass over
the Beech Creek, Cleai field and South
western Jlaiho,d this | morn*
pig in a special car, for the purpose of
reorganising the road at Clearfield, re
turning the same evening. Ex-Senator
Peale, the Solicitor of the company,
will accompany Hie party, Efforts will
be made to huvy Ll>* load extended to
Lock Haven. A branch into tfiaf e\\s
would make the B- cch Q*©ek a compet
ing road [m every °en-e of the word
and would give Lock Ilayeu railroad
facilities equal to ihe best.
' in communications next week as.
there will V.e n 0 JOURNAL published,
lint gather up the news aU the same
apt| report \yeek after next.
LIST OF JURORS for August court,
beginning Monday, August 23rd, and
lasting t wo weeks :
II rllii nt <*(*, Homier. | <; Z H'ar.l Bor
*''toll VV ' I'M* wVlili. Rush.
John N Une.nellemute Llbcr-
A a"Sß?' l[w WS William. Huston.
son y ' K 11 urrv H Curttn,Rungs,
A A Frank, Millhenn. '•'^S l ! {onl,,n ' p,Ml '
Wm will[7* I'liirnsiilo "b't A "-ill, Union.
Win Ye- nek lird Munliall Cox, Hoggs.
Towns i , DC Keller,Centre llall
D-inlel Piiil l*lillliMi- ,, ' ,ra<l blmbeit, Haloes,
burg 1111,11)8 ('U Hoffer, HeUeronte.
William Mann.Liberty. |9 *5® i. f M'11 enSiifir
llnrrv reats.Hi-llefonte.' H MliesDiug.
Joseph L. Noll IbrfS.|THAVI£KS ")TH MOHPAY.
SS I .you, Rcllefoute. Z.l Hohb, Unkmvillc.
I' W Ibillook.Snow Shot'.las M Wilson. Jleuuer.
I) M butts. Hollffonte. W M Shall, Union,
(i W MfWilllaniH, For L K Bcrgstroasicr, Wulk-
.1 M Kt'pliart. Rentier. Cyrus Lose, Hregg.
William Hudson. Phil-John y Miles, Huston.
iUMlnirg. ' I tan|l Peters, Union.
.1 P 1 it'll ass,.l r Curl in. W II Dorian, Philips
(ieo W Hoover,Philips-' burg,
burg. John C Roto, Spring.
.John Davis, Hush. D W Hohenck, Howard
.1 N Hall, Howard. Township.
.1 V llicklaiu), Snow jas H Rumgardner,
Shoe. i Liberty.
WW Rupert. Walker. Cuver Mattorn, Potter.
Itobt McNlght,Rentier,lW T Twltmyer, llelle*
Duvltl Bressler, Peiin. i route.
P A Sella rs. Pat ton, AndrowCumphcll,Penn
II P San key. Potter. 1 Albert Smclt/.er,Spring.
Jesse Cleaver, Union-jltob't Mutley, Hush.
vllle. Win Cable, College.
A D l.ucaa. Curl in. W T tir.iy.Pkllipsburc.
A It Snyder, Spring. David Evans. Potter.
A S Price Worth. It F Sliafer, Walker.
M Veiderfer, Burnsiile. tieo Valentine, Belle*
M P Holter, Howard foiite.
Townshi >. John Todd, Hush.
Matbias M cC loskey. Win Hopkins. Howard
Howard township. Townslilp.
(f w Miles, Huston. Win W Spangler, l'ot-
J H H* liner ter.
.1 It Childs, Philipsburg Sam'l Weiser.Millbelin,
Eliza Kurd. Haines. Abs Confer, Haines.
Henry Fitly, Marlon, Miles Zimmerman,
Asbbury Hilt, Hush. Burnside.
Htb't Welsh, Taylor. Sum'l Davis, Haines.
Frank Weaver. Huston!Moses (illbert. Miles.
J A Hunter. Ilairmnon I. U Noll, penn.
Hoi t Lloyd, l'lullps- T S Llngle, Liberty.
burg. L A Schaetter, Belle-
Peter H Hush, Union. fonte.
Peter Holter, Potter. L K Stover, Haines.
J 1$ Mitchell. Ferguson. itob'i Newcomer,Rurn-
E KHenderson,Huston. side.
Daniel l* Weston, Hush 11 11 Benner,Bellefonte.
Neighboring News.
Nothing but hay at present.
Mrs. B. O. Deininger was the guest
of Mrs. John Harshbarger last Satur
day. Mr. Uaishbarger is unable to be
out of the house on account of his sore
AL. Keen bought a very fine colt last
One of our farmers mowed his Cana
da thistles with the reaper. Now feed
them to salt.
Mr. Abraham Smith, from BMliug in our midst on a few week's
Dr. I*. T. Muaser, of Aaronsburg,
gaye a free dinner at JosephGrossman's
last week, in honor of the completion
of laying water pipes up to his build
ings on the hill. A jolly time was had.
The doctor is overjoyed at the accom
plishment of his undertaking to run
the water up to his farm and wants uo
more water company in his.
Miss Annie £eigler, of Millheim,was
visiting among us last Sunday.
Miss Liaaie Keen and her sister Ida,
were to Milllinburg on a week's visit,
from wldch they returned last Satur
Jeremiah Kern claims to have rye
straw that measures 7 feet and 10 inch
es. Haid to beat.
One of our young ladies had an ice
cream party,but Jumbo's "trunk" was
too short to get theie, so he can*t give
the 'particulars. Hope we woa't be
forgotten the next time,
A white dress belonging to MissJKeen
was hung on lite w:\shl i* e to dry, when
the cows got a hold of it and chewed it
all up. Mary took a good cry over it
and then, like a sensible girl, went tq
Millheim and bought a new one,
We are glad to see thi\t thedQPUNAl
bas such a livtiy uet of correspondents
and feel proud to he one of them. It,
keep* its readers well informed of all
the news in our sister towus.
I)j not forget the picnic 1 JvMUQ,
IYor house debt.
The pavement excitement is dead.
Mrs. John G. Knits, of Jlfilton. Pa.,
Is hero visiting her sick mother, Mrs.
Chas. 3/usser and John Foster, of
Bucknell University, Lewlsburg, Pa.,
are home on a three months' vacation.
IV-v. Dornblaser, after a few days'
absence, returned to town on the 24th
ult. He filled Rev. Deitzler's pulpit at
this place last Sabbath.
Emanuel Cronmiller received an ugiy
gash on the top of his, head rom a fall
ing piece of lumber several days subse
quent'lb the raising of 3/r. ilfensh's
barn. He was assisting in laying the
seoond floor of that building.
A few ladies of the Coburn Lutheran
congregation canvassed this town one
day last week, soliciting help for their
festival, which they intend. UaWiug this
Plbce-*eekers are plenty at present
and liow accommodating and obliging
they are, when passing you on the pub
lic highway, when at other and more
common occasions they are not "bui\t
that way." llow inconsistent some of
these fellows are.
In a reoent letter to their friends
here, Dr. E. J. Deahler and wife, now
Visiting their son, Dr. J. J. Deshler, in
lowa, say they are more than pleased
with their visit to the West, but ate a-
Lout turning their faces Pennsylvania
ward. We expect them home in a few
days. A^Q.TB&S
The farmers are busy making hay, of
whioh there will be a good crop.
Benj. Royer sold three horses (the
Ocker team) to Mr. Ulrich of Penn's
Valley for §2OO last week and the ojd
mare to Mr. Gubtwite, of
He then went to Sugarya'dey siiid pur
chased two horses td fib tbo places of
these he sold, '
Jacob Deitvich is working on the saw
ml,> . near Rebersburg.
Felix L°e and 3/iss Annie of
Tusseyville, were the guests of Dr, Lee
over Sunday.
3|r. Jacob Snook and family, of Jfill
heitn, were at L. B. Stover's on Sun
day, presumably for a square meal.
Daniel Schlegle has returned from
Clearfield, where he had been plaster
Husiiioa* in litis vill^C^!; IMTII rath
er dull fur somn lime, but seems lo be
pick iin; up some. The farmers will
not sell their wheat til. the present low
price and const quently that branch of
business is at a standstill. But we are
having quite a boom in the building
line and the buildings being put up are
all good, neat and substantial.
There is considerable talk about the
festival to bo held here this week, as it
will be something new for this place.
Being for a good caue it should be well
patronized and made a success.
We noticed B. O. Ddninger and sev
eral others from Milllieim taking part
in the Sunday school exercises last Sab
bath afternoon. Glad to see them here.
A mule belonging to one of the prop
timber men of Mr. Bat low fell dead in
the road ab.;ve Coburn one day last
Mrs. Win. II Kremer and daughter
took tn the old home, Mifllinbuig, one
day last week. ,
Cap. Van Valin says the still house
is moving light along.
Squire Getlig contemplates a trip to
Gettysburg over the 4ih, and Andy
Campbell intends doing up Shainokin.
As far as we now know the rest of our
citizens will be found at home.
We noticed the editor in our village
the other day, but he did not call to see
us, or if lie did we were not at home.
llow is it ? VALE.
[The faot is we had hut a short hour
to stay, and your lively merchant, R.
F. Vonada, monopolized nearly all of
that time. So we didn't get there.—
Ed ]
Kebersbursr and Vicinity.
Croquet playing is the popular pas
time in our town.
Haymakir g time is here and our
farmers are very bu?y. The crop is
Rev. Henry Weber.son of our towns
man, Joseph Weber, is at present here
visiting his father and many friends.
One day last week Wes. Snyder or
dered a Champion Binder and Mower
through our reajier agent, CI. G. Royer.
Wes. wauU to be up to times.
Wm. Kreamer has done considerable
repairing on the outbuildings of the
farm he'resides on, which greatly adds
to the conveniences of his home.
An infant and onlv child of Robert
Diehl died on hist Friday and was bur
ied on Sunday afternoon in the Evan
gelical cemetery.
Ilenry Moyer and Cook Loose have
purchased a lot of ground of Daniel
Kreamer, situate back of the hotel,
wnere they have Thomas Zeigler, the
experienced brickmaker, and a full set
of hands at work turning out a super
ior quality of brick.
Mr. Howard Klepper and family, of
Booneville, spent hist Saturday and
Sunday at Wm. Kreamer's.
John Harter swapped off his mules to
Mr. Wolfart. John now owns the fin
est young horse in the valley.
A party from Nippenose were here
with a steam well-boring machine and ]
sunk a well for Jerome Meyer, striking
water at the depth of seventy feet.
Another one was sunk for J no. Breon,
with the same depth aud both have
now ail abundant supply ot water.
Last Sundav Rev. Basom, (Evang.)
treated the Wolf's S. school with cards
which greatly pleased the small schol
Rev. Lenard administered the Lord's
Supper last Sunday in the Lutheran
church and the attendance was large.
Dan. Royer is off to Nittany to buy a
horse. Something Dan needs very bad.
Philip Hubler, our horse dealer, the
other day bought a horse and was beat
again. This is the second time that he
returns his purchase to its owner.
What's wrong, Philip y
It is with regret that we inform your
readers of the death of Mr. Daniel
Musser, who formerly resided at the
east end of this valley, but who left for
California this spring. He died on his
way from California to Kansas where
he inteuded to buy some land.
One day last week, while Jos. Spang
ler was cultivating corn his horses took
fright and ran away, making a com
plete wreck of the cultivator.
Last Friday C. Beck killed seven
skunks. Charley is ahead again.
NEIGHBORS.— Mr. Levi Stahl, merch
ant aud ])ostmaster at Fostoria, Pa.,
writes :
•Mr. J. A. McDonald, Reedsville,Pa.
DEAR SIR :—Some time ago I had a
severe attack of chronic diarrltoea.
Could obtain no relief. A friend gaye
me a part of a bottle of your Cutis'
Carmelite Cordial, and a few doses en
tirely cured me. The balance of the
bpttle went around among the neigh
bors, Bmce then I have written to
New York and Philadelphia for the
medicine but could not procure it. I
traced up the bottle we had and found
it was purchased of Mr. Jacob Cowau,
merchant in Altoona,and from him ob*
tained your address. Please forward
me one dozen bottles by express atonce,
at I do net wish to be without it in my
family ana wish to sell it in my store.'*
Single oottle Curtis' Carmelite Cor
dial guaranteed to,cure any case of chol
era, dysentery, diarrhoea, cramps,pains
and all iritation of the bowels moident
to,change of climate, diet and water.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenliuth. Millheim.Pa.
Of Interest to Ladles.
The new treatment for ladies' diseases ilia,
covered by Dr. Mary A. Gregg, the distiiuruish
e<l English Physician and nurse, which hui& rev
olutionized the entire mode oJ( ttehting these
complaints in England is uaw being; introduced
into the U. S., underl; fair novel plan.
Sufficient of this remedy for one month trial
treatpiept,\&s&int iru to every lady who is suf
tetihgtroni any disease common to the sex who
SaluU her address and 13 2ct stamps for expense
charges, etc.
It Is a positive cure for any form of female
disease and the free trial nackage is many times
sufficient to effect a permanent cure. Full di
rections accompany the package (which is put
up in a plain wrapper) also price list for futurp
referenoe. No trial package will be sen{ afar
Aug. Ist, 1886. Address, GKRGQ JtEMKp'f COM
PANY, PALMYRA, N. Y. v * 19-3 m
Vhsn Baby was sick, we gv Castoria^
When she was a,Qhild, she cried (oj Castoria,
When she became eh® clung to Castoria,
When she Us Children, she gave them Caetoi^a,
On the 25th Inst., at Rebersburg, Pa., Willis
" Roy, infant son of Robert and Ellen Diehl,aged
6 months and 22 days.
VIDPIHIA Cio MC M ' ld Climate. Cheap homes.
InblHlA rAnRv Northern Colony, send for
circular. A. O. Bl.f, CeatralU, Vs.
I T° the ladies
of Millheim & Vicinity.
I wish to call your attention and invite your
inspection of the elegantly trimmed and neatly
made line of
Hats, Bonnets, Lace
Gaps, etc. etc.
Just received at my place, next door to E. C.
Campbell's residence, on Main Ktreet.
that my styles and prices suit ail and that 1
constantly keep on hand a full stock of
Laces, Ribbons, Feathers,
Flowers, Pin Orna
and everything necessary for trimmings.
<QT Call on tne if in need of any mill
inety goods and you will not regret it.
J tydiq G. J3pqaigq*d..
arble WORKS.
j|itsser k proprietors.
We would respectfully inform the public that
we have constantly on hand a fine stock of
~o " o O o 0~0 o o o o ~o o o
0 o 0000000000
We guarantee all work to be flrst.class, having
in employ experienced workmen. Our
are of the tastiest design and excellent finish.
We call special attention to the fact that our
• '
—Prices are Lower than tie Lowest!—
Farmer's Mills, Pa.
About 3 miles northwest of Spring Mills Bta
The location of the hotel, surrounded by the
finest mountain scenery and clear trout streams
make It a beautiful
t: ->o<- -xk~ -t&r a
The accommodations are the best. Well fur
nished double aud single rooms, splendid bill of
fare, vnd horses and buggies for the use of
■ v* 1 1 ""
—< The celebrated and much visited >—
one fourth of a mile In length, with Its wouder
ful stalactites and stalagmites. Is almost at the
door of the hotel, and the proprietors are pre
pared at all times to convey visitors through
this subterranean passage.
SAMUEL LONG, Proprietor.
Keystone Hotel,
Selinsgrove, ----- Penna^
S. T. Frain, Prop'r.
This Hotel has been remodeled and
refurnished, and the Traveling Public
will find it first-clasa in every respect.
-W 1 —
Latest mproved Water Cliset and
Wash Room on first floor.
<{ Bath Room in Hotel. Y
Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached
Millheim, Centre Co., Peona.
Summer | Resort
Two utiles from Coburn Station.
THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly renova
ted, is newly furnished throughout and
offers the very best accomodations *> the trav
eling public.
The celebrated "Penn's Cave" Is but a short
drive from town, and the good roads and fine
mountain scenery of the surrounding country
make It a very desirable stopping plaoe.
JIT Reliable Horses and StyHab Car
riages for use of guests.
Bus m3ets all Trains at Cotton.
—{ ModeratS Terms. •
Wtt\. Ptfop'l*.
Tailoring Establishment,,
Wm, A. Sandoe is prepared to do all
kinds of tailoring work in a
manner and at reasonable prices.
pi. 11.1 tmt ft HM W HH W IN W Itl ttf-n
, WfT i h f-
Jjerfcd Jjiis |-
1 Itx* I— l 1,1 I'! I"* 1,1 I" l " 1,1 *'X'9
Mr sandoe will be down in Millheim every
Ist & "isth of each month to take measures and
orders. Anyone wanting work done
olease leave their orders at Kaufimau s or
Snook's Store or at the First National Hoteh