(Continued from first page.) But there was no choice ot brothers, and when she heard him call out to the baggage- ID aster : 'l'll send for my trunks,' she ran up to him and asked : •Is this Thomas ?' 'Yes 1' he shouted. 'But how you haye grown P He lifted her in his great strong arms to a leyel with his sunburnt face, and kissed her three or four times so hearti ly that the few lingerers in the depot found their curiosity excited over the cause of such an affectionate meeting. Then he drew her hand iuto his arm, and they set off together, laughing and chatting for a five minutes' walk home. 'I never was so happy before in all my life, and neither was mother ! I've got lots of nice things to eat, and a real soft bed for you to sleep on,—and— and'— •And a warm welcome, which is bet ter than all! It seems a mile; why didn't you let me take a carriage, little girl ?' the young man asked. "Oh, we never, never spend our mon ey so !' was the answer. 'Oh you are too prudent! I'm afraid mother is growing miserly, ami hoard ing up her money,' said Thomas,laugh ing. 'Well, here we are !' cried the young girl, as she ran up the steps of a decent brick house, and then up the stairs, fol lowed by the new comer. She threw open the door of the 'par lor-kitchen/ and as she did so the pale old lady came towards them, with out stretched arms. She then drew hack a little, and gaz ed up at the dark, stalwart fellow he fore her, exclaiming : 'Surely this can never, never he Thomas P 'Yes this is Thomas hut you are not my mother* he said, still holding her thin hand tenderly. 'Oh yes, she is your mother ! She's only pale and thiu !' cried Bella. 'No 1 no 1' said the poor woman, sad ly. The stranger replied ; 'No! no !' Turning to his young guide, he added : 'Then I suppose you are not my niece Katie ¥' •No ; I'm this mother's child." re plied Bella, with tears of mortificatiou and disappointment .in her fine eyes : •Oh, this is dreadful P 'Who is ? I ? My mother won't say so,' said the young man, playfully. 'But where is my Thomas ? Did you leave him in the mines ?' asked the dis appointed woman. 'The mines ? I neyer saw a mine in my life. I'm the first mate of the Ori ent.and have just returned from China. But your sou's safe, I hope. He'll l>e here by the midnight train, take my word for it'— a remarkable exhibition of ideal confidence,as he had ueyer seen nor heard of the missing son and broth er before ! *1 hope you'll let me come back to morrow, and see if this is not so,' he added. 'Oh, no, I shall be ashamed ever to see you again—l made such an exhibi tion of myself at that depot!' said Bel la. 'I ought to have asked you if you were my brother, Thomas Haynes. I ought to have known there were hun dreds and thousands of Thomases in the world ! 'Oh, I see now what the 'dreadful' thing was ! I kissed this little girl at the depot, before all the people, think ing it was my niece grown beyoud my knowledge. I don't see how I can help it now—she wouldn't let me take the kisses back, I know.' 'Well, call it a blunder that no one could help. But 1 do wish I could know where my boy is ! lie was to come, surely, by this train,' said Mrs. Haynes. 'He'll come to-night ; don't worry. Now, let me say 'good-bye' lo you ho.h for there's another mother worrying now, on Prince street,'said the stran ger. 'I wondered what she had moyed for.' The young stranger had scarcely left the house, when a messenger-boy came with a telegram with which he had been runninsr about for an hour. Thomas Haynes had missed the morn ing train in New York, by the careless ness of a hack-driyer ; and would be at home at midnight. But how was he to find where the family lived uow ? for they bad moved to their new home since he had left the mines. Bella left a message with a sleepy-looking official, as to how the inquiries of a stranger for.'Mrs. Mary Haynes' should he an swered. But she might haye saved herself the trouble ; for "that other Thomas," as she now styled the jolly intruder whom she said she 'honed nev er to see again,' was waiting the train. He knew Thomas Hayces for a min er, as soon as he sprang from the cars ; and 'bailing' him, told him his mother had moved lately ,and that he had come to guide him home. It was a happy family that gathered round the fire and listened to each other's account of all that had occurred during their separa tion. •Of all earthly blessings God can be stow on a woman,' said the aged moth er, 'good and noble children are the greatest.' After this, Bella called her brother. ' This Thomas,' and their new friend 'That Thomas.' Well life has its poet ic episodes, its pleasant events that are like romances and stories. This Thom as and that Thomas were both tired of rough work on land and on sea. Each had a small amount of money ; and af ter seme weeks of yery close intimacy, the two decided to buy a farm together, and when men enter into the friendly relation of brothers, their sisters are not ignored. It was so in this case. Bella was not forgotten. The next spring the double family— or the two families were now one— moved into the farmhouse, the cosiest and pleasantest room in which was the 'parlor-kitchen,' which Bella had repro duced with the furniture of the old one in the city.And Bella—the sister of this Thomas and the wife of that Thomas made the one homo as happy as she had made the other; for a good daugter and true sister, and an agreeable and care ful housekeeper in her 'teens,' is apt to prove a very appreciated wife, and be come the head of a happy household Youth \s- Com pa n ion. When Baby wan sick, we gave her Caatorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Caatoria, When she had Children, she gavo thoiu Caatoria, It Is Much Better. Not to let your sail he bigger than your boat To let your recreations be manful not sinful. To bend the neck promptly than to bruiso the forehead. To think before you speak than to speak before you think. To hold your good name ; for it is of more value than gold. To put your foot down where you mean to stand, and keep it there. To look well at your feet when they arc likely to lead yon into the paths of siu. To labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called couscienee. To stick to your own opinion, if you have one, and to allow others the same liberty of sticking to theirs. THE HF MGOUTH Jo? Vnrr i—i r 11~ 1 Tifti Vyi<*fc %i PURELY VEGETABLE. Are You Bilious ? The Krgnfaior never fails to cure. I most cheerfully rcconimcnJ it to all who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any Disease caused by a dis arranged state of the Liver. KANSAS CITY. Mo. W. R. BERNARD. Do You Want Good Digestion? I suffered intensely with Full Stomach. Head ache, etc. A neighbor, who had taken Simmons Liver Regulator, told mc it was a sure cure for my trouble. The first dose 1 took relieved me very much, and in one week's lime 1 was as strong and hearty as ever 1 was. It is the test medicine 1 ever took for Dysfefisia. RICHMOND, Va. 11. G. CR&NSHAW. Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Tesnmony of HIRAM WARNER, Chief-Justice of Ga.: " I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation of my Bowels, caused by a temporary Derangement of tnc Liver, for the last three or four years, and always with decided benefit." Have You Malaria ? I have had experience with Simmons Liver Regu lator since 1865, and regard it as the greatest medicine of the times for diseases peculiar to malarial regions. So good a medicine deserves universal commendation. REV. M. B. WHARTON, Cor. Sec'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. TOF. I THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS I LIVER REGULATOR! See that you get the genuine, with the red Z on front of Wrapper, prepared only by J. H.ZEILIN & CO., SOLS PROPRIETORS, PIIII.ADELPHIA, PA. Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Mil lieim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Tcim begins January 6,18*5. This institution Is located in one of tin most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of study: 1. A Full cientittc Course of Four Ye ir<. 2. A Latin cientific Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (b) NATUCAL HISTORY; (c) CIIKMIS I'll Y AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING;. 4. A shortSPECIALCOURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladles. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHERTON, I L. !>., President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co., Pu. NT. W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23 ly VIRGINIA TADIIQ Mild Climate. Cheap homes. 9IIIIIIIIIA rAllfflO Northern Colonv. Send tor f ■ circular. A. O. BUSS* Centralis, Va. a -gp THE BEST I I(8h EXTERNAL uj remedy! ■^uinuhsii mm NEURALGIA,| = CRAMPS, § Sprains, Bruises, I , Burns and Scalds,! nre2 Mata, Ftetacfce, I ■MBS Frosted Feet andl fp •' 4 luirs, and all otherp & Pains and Aches. B It is n safe, sure, andg yjSyi effectual Remedy forß Galls, Strains, Scratches, H ,-rt9?B3 Sores, &c., on HORSES. 0i One trial will prove itsß EwiJ merits. Its effects are ingcjjj most cases * INSTANTANEOUS. § - Every l>ott!o warranted to >! j Efivo satisfaction. Send nd-fj v ' dress fur ]'amf)hlct,ft*eo, piv-?^ m .j ins full directions for thor.*j £5 treatment of a I ovo diseases. Uj Til ffrijif'i? I'rici'-i cts.nnd CO ets. per ;] *£ bottle. Sold everywhere. M S Umry, Johnson £• Lord, Proprietors, mtsr^stassL r For sah by I>. S. Kaufi'man el' Co.. and J. Spujdmyer, Millheim, /'<(. J^lfl Warranted alio perfect I*orcr.r"ce!l Fertilizer Drill in Mnl nr cir cular* A. U. fr'Auiitii-llli l'oa-k, t-'n. Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, Yorfy Pa. r r-- T Farquliap'a StrJidtiiil Eiigin:? & &v Ailuicos, A. U. jiAidiQU liAli* \ orfc,l. . STEAM ENGINES, F_J., A. B. PABQUBAB, Tor'.: Pa ] t CliMpc.t U4 I**l 1 r , - . ... - - ... n.-.fc*—*implo,!rt>ni{ aiut on- / ' . -*t jJM. rbla. SAW, ti mr Mit.i.a L - •■ -'RX AJID MACIIIX*** prnei*ily. -J'\ In iux.ua |>roui, t.y ..a-r^y FARQUHAR ViBRATiKQ SEPARATOR. -2 SEhO roa CATALOGUE. fcldra,X. U. KAKt't s. a GU n:ui s, Dentist. , ' T> * _ % V, \ 1 • .2. I■ • ' K rA i. f;. v -j / \ ; : r-r . -T_ •. \ V v "• <: ". / ~• • MILLIIF.IM,'PA. Offers his professional services to t'ic public, lie is prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. He Is now fully prepared to extract teeth ahsolutely without pain. Musser House. Millheim, ------ I'einia. •FMIMMEB RESORTS- Two miles from C'obuni Station on L. & T. It. It. Fine Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight of town. Healthy locality and line moun tain sceneries. The celebrate I PKNNB \ AL LEY CAY KS hut live miles distant. The finest drives in the state FIN i: SADbI.K HORSES, CARRIAGES ANI> BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. DonWe aiil Sijlo pm newly furnished, for f imiles with children, on secoua and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. -lv Millheim, Centre Co. l'a P. H. MUSSER, WATCII SJAKEU®&E.HIM'ELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., —eJorrOSITE THE BANK.J-I— - *3*- Repair Work a Specially. .Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage iesprctfullv solicited. 5 ly. DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with lO'dTin Tag: Hose leaf Fine (tut Chew ing; Navy Clippings,:*!) <1 Black, Brow and Yellow SNUFF are the bestaiul cheapest quali ty considered. PIANOS-ORGANS The demand for the improved MASON A IIAMT.IV PIANOS is now so large that a second addition to the factory has become imperative. Ik> not require one quarter as much tuning as Pianos on the prevailing wrcst-pin system. Consult Catalogue, free. 100 Siyles of ORGANS, f22 to (000. For Cash, Easy Payments, or Rented. Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co. NEW YORK ; BOSTON ; CHICAGO. A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send Stamp for sealed particulars. Address Pr„ WARD & CO. Louisiana, Wo. THIS PAPER K y s "."ii"? I lllw I m Ball jtowixt, & COM Newspaper Advertising tiureau (10 Spruce Street),where adver- BlflPiif If Affll# yias?ggßll iPHK. . , : vr— : ir. Sample free to those he c - . j loruing . :.t-. .*.o ri-. cuick sales, 'ierrrtury y:\ • •.u..-;Mrra.il Address OR.gttOTT,?-';. isriv/avSIk.N.Y. Sk MF, f B A THMILY OOFFtt RdASltiJ HQ.. i>T. I.CUIB. Mo. yS BTTTS -ci:av -]T "P"f ' r ' -xL JeULJI J..- ;• TOO xr "i 2T c;- g'< TJ P P O r J-' A }.J N 2 V" K 1 S ,\/ 1. (-j . /\\7 - ii 3 IV]- yp iii-l o) H a W • • ! wt . i O r > • J O r-j v . 3 \ . / fti O W 1 j f- C 3 / 1 . e S t* * -i CFHTLILR^N 1 . 4 ; MI - - -. • . r. : 1 1 ■ • • *r* • M ;st s • •• * - l \\ J.inliis' " • ! '• MisW'S', Willi ale .1. " * l.ai'ii '. " BtiH'kSii!'. hh'i ■ 1 :;■ ! 1 • I: Ml 1 It in .*.*• • ■ • •' !' hilliil, ifpaitli '• •*, •' ■ ■ ■ ltriilliton Ci ::t ri tl. rt. • • 1 ' t a i :. :r." A!.!, FIRST CI.A: d ST'>lll:3. Impln : . ?it io to jr < i i receipt of in ic * in : t.: • F.F,%Vi .' f 'V$ 1 _• Owner a * ITS <;c. • Mtrrot. 1 " —ppw,., mML • / ' ' * i''i Spa : : ; • .1 t\?\ •' :... ... \ VJ rt ? • i.. j uiio FF, nII I 1 0 H ELFLC :I M [J 11-, K 0 t\ U U) Lb 1 •< : -h'-iavonow rnrnnfarlnrcdlhak .n : I ... ry< .ra lu l to 1 0 imi ortid, p -ying high i:nj.. rt il.tit in 1 1-v; b.ing ilmio Cti I-ca A i'er -1 it:;* tal in in; ■ ; t!; QOAUUI '1 u* M fUDCBtmhM i*s p'.. 1:n It i I :t ji. ii iunccd by competent |; ' ; ,{ n _l"' £r. 1 fi'M Itilc'.'. The Ql'AKK'.l -a tua B1 • I ut f.inly gained mat im p '". tuuco r.;: 1 is replai i* ;• tho r nj Lett imported i i'HO 0:1 iho flpiT <1 il.-> groecr, tho tables i fihor u:i :t nil 1 t'* > n.blt.s of tho rich and p i.r men.; r> .:ly ) *'z dai 1 rclißhi-d by all on u*e •••.:.t cl i.j 1 .:. ,y. r.. :r.a, ta>to, strength tad ; . 1 11 tor mi by years cf study (rr**t t ' : c plained in tho aro untie i i f i!. • . *i nvd t hina, such as in:;ce,uu : : :,>:* .1 nui'ioJamairaginger. :.n !pi at 1i: on ui known 11 moat mi n, ai 11 y lon r 'tleo aureceded to combine th* ir extracts in Mjrh a l:th * Ir, who : irl. n;T a l etter profit ou Q .alter Eauco <■ :t <■ -U n to t'::n onsuiuer cheaper 1•m be v 1 itlaij rtrd article hardly aqnal log our*, itj nr r a rda ■ not keep 11. write i.j for prices, < tc. i> !u iu bottles or Ly the jjoliou. CHARM MANUFACTURING CO., Sole Proprirtors oral .Vanu/sc'Urrrs, 100 II 108 B. 3D ST., St. LJUU, SO. Bsa{a oar TH R TF @ &kmLEN:'~ : NA. N d pu !! G: bfr* n- ' •<- a r * f'. *\ r* 11 1 v L Ths Greateit Hedicai Triuwnh, cI ths Aje! 1.C.X.-t---=a-. -KWUIS GYMPTOWsJ UT* A TORPi© LIVER. ficeaof r.ppetlte, Xjowplieoallvc, r.'nlu .n tlw heu;l, with u uall rei:-a::cn in tho bade pnx'f, Ibtln tender t 10 rbcr.Ucr blc.de, Fullueaa after catincr, *v:ih -x clie incllantien to cxertiar of body or mint!, Irritability of temper, I.ovtrepirite, with u feeliag of hnvlnff neglected eorao dnty, Weuriucac, D!*tlue", Fluttering nt tho Hecrt. Dots before tho eyes, Heatlacho ever tho light eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, Highly colored Urine, and COWSTIPATIOMo TUTT'S I'liitiS arc especially ac'apfei to each cases, 0:10 doso etTccta eucli a chaTigr"offccllnfrastoa9tonjßHthesuirerer. They Increasctht Appetite,nutl cause tne body to Take on Flesh, thus tho system IJ nourished• and bythiirTonic Action 03 tho fi'Test!vcOrpnna,!.ejriiiuv Sfoolsaro yrod r.e- 1. I'rlre a.%c. -1 Mums - fit..lV. J. TUTTS HAIR OYE. GBAT HAITI or WHISKERS chcnged to a GLOSST BLACK by a single application of thi9 DTE. It imparts a nuturul color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of ®l. Office. 44 Murray St., New Yet ::* ra Alt CPU VOR .Malaria, Fever onel Agnc, Bcrofala, Caneor, Tryslpclav, Hollo, Pimpled, I'lccrs, Sore Kyea, Koald Head, Tet ter, Salt Itlieum, Mereurlal mill all Hlood and Shin Diseases. Dr. SELLERS' LITER PILLS For yenrs havo been tho standard rcmedv for LIVER COMPLAINT, COSTIVENESS, SiCIC nEADACHE, PAIN IN SHOULDERS or BACK, DIZZINESS, COATED TONGUE, ami all dis eases arising from tho LIVER or STOMACH. Thomas Adams, of Big Sandv, Ky., says: "Sel lers' Pills saved hundreds of dollars in "doctors' bills in his county." Sold by Druggisls. Sellers Medicine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 'msmmn v> >~raiß Y ■y r i \ i *'*s r *"- ;Sh <) noANlO\Vkakmfs3 ife Pir .rrr-? v ■\rJTS Decay,ad n*amoroua Aa. kltLilFJlL, \H f bnf . fe-id fiiinstho pkillo4iil.jv b.. g iricir.Ra, Tc.-r.'6 froas r o'r r, Tra v9 \ * /youthful inl!.- -retina. ~ y. i j 100 J iY*o iaduinoLco, or t-., r, _ \ over brain work. Avoid t.l'rt, ru\: \' v - rs rr3"*.c imposiUcn ot pretvn- V\V, 4..A .- \> •. <;* iHioui icmcdica for thesa u. - 4-W- i- •- • p ucr.tdcs. Grt our Free /. riAr iCALCurt," F0 r ?/4 Circular and Trial patk- Y r ill r.l* •£ , t ene,cn4 'cum Important A-Ai .. Jwv !•••> •-jfacta before tekici'treat- J*f c! i'lrl erc. Tokc a '•*.OJ-...A i. •Kj;.i*|;i: nrui !)YtUtriA3 ffrarwn ■'**ICIJIU: thcustniu, tit-c .4 uxu.j LJ) ..-.y,, t int busir.nj, orccusa yd ,r%trtflOZS~* or iac2nvunler.ee ia r U-Ssany way. I-oumltd on scientific medicalprinci * cir .'ti -ai'loe. By dircctaptlicatira 7.£bd F,iuU kAjLjIo the ccat of liiscaso i'.i RMjnpuclf.c inlluraco is fell 1 E.SII'O FOR SEVCM CSmS without ficlry. The net- Vk/Ri RY Ur.g 1f; j,,fj ■ • ur-1 funetlonsof tins hu -1 imt.iii.ew J. " felStSfefffiSk ffijsa^wsssa Cr. 0 /.icntn, - st3.Cok- fed tho rMUivatbecomcschcus .cwo Months, „ fi.nofe/^fi;landlupiulypainsbuiT aiivoo JVloQtbii, 7.oo;Vva,trcn,":ih and ccxual vigor. KARHJS RBMBDYOOJ WFGCHEKIBTB BOOM N. Tenth St.. ST. I.OTJIQ, 2KO. 6E URiio persons! Wot Truss, sH -.fi ■ Aslc lor tcrrnn of our Aprliance. GXViI tttiftiAT,. •Svi •>? yiSßitm, iw V' \ raifa vx aj A -d MsM h H FEI A QOiGK, PERM/IN"KT, CEfITA'M CL'HE FCR -u*ta vOTi. ailing Mcnlicadi XJervorsnesa V-' erikticss, X-ack of Stroiigtk, Vigor or development, icused by indiscretions, excesses, etc Benefits In a day; Cur- 1 * usually within u month, No Deception ri or Quackery, Positive Proofs, full description and l® plain sealed onvelorio, free. LitxL MEDICAL 66.. P.O. Drawer liy. Buffalo, N.Y EI ■ R ATE HIGH ARM, newmechanical principles end Hotary Movements, Auto -71 otic Direct ond Perfect fiction, Cylinder Shuttle, Belf-eetting Nee dle, Posit, so Feed, No Springs, Feu Parts, Minimum V/cight, No Friction, No Noise, No Wear, No Fatique, No "Tantrums," Capa city Unlimited, Always in Craer, Richly Ornamented, N ickclrlated, and drives Perfect Satisfaction. tit*ml for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 28 Union Square, New York. ® j a£ t ruhlisketl, entitled R , ' d\ , /PF: '■ h : m hfc or M IMP I |MYJG UH THIRTY YCAX3 A DETECTIVE Ce*tnln!twrc r.rA ft~ • * '~r r sS I of < rlmln Jl* if i(H '- - ■ '••• I<■ , trith Norn* i) :• c f I\.. • T Ex r •r'ti.oo in t':> J)i J■ i la, < CJ .ri( B ci Tl:i V y ZOvy.-o J- .to J t- Pi:TO Lifanrlr.r.lr ' JC.. vtrc.lt/iy and thrill.' jL .a >.cLlxi Aaontfrßljnowboolc,r r ' • •' ■ end with lvrtxuiS of l-J Croat Deiccuw. es* AC2MTB 17ANTE0 J In ever." : .tto t'.cro rrc ivr-lcra rf proplo 7o i-iil i>e <' •: fM t ■ this : l:. It rclte to Mer chants, Bfechar.kr"!, I'arm :rs a;ii Professional men. I. ;'; ;ry / :.t <*:;3 ;' '•" > 'I fi nrrarciil <;t iU.i : J v.li! . t Lov .il .-xdiuritf telliesto. \."e w.-.r.t O.'io At"'. 5:: every trm-hlp, or t It! ; 1 ■ K cau leco -v " huAQniU I'Cf foil pcrHl'lll— t.-i f. La .*• . od( iv s C. & CO., i'ubllihcrs, Kevv York, ' V• ■ ! "j, k V" i cjbi r■* j ■' ." r.i' j • - -.■ Y. :v. . ' '■.! 'I K-1 j ! popul.-.r Y.'- r Cly new.'i'H^r ' ieikw, tuc nerinjr \ : '■■■:■; end nttenupuhli&facd. Kttfjranm* • • 'ri •<1 vilh i i •.•wil viru*. 'l2i.t p : aniami , • tvtKubMnonaMdlt t 4*i rn iiisa wliich uo Mooid W triuatl, V: * f" :• ' • !;•■ of It: Y "IJ'XTIf J<" ivrKKiS is . i. • ji* t-i; "i'n:i; :i r,jr.y c jur.•* ' ..:.t of nil i :i r'■ i>t. i f i'.S •' • . c<:::i!.:ne!. J'tirr* J:V2.n a . fto'd l,v aJ! n • .nU.NS .v uo.. Pol U hers. f>. Mlflusil i a*", N. Y. t * • jfl gw r\? r O Mnnn A . fcsrs f • * A-V s v 3 f ■"> el-o had Thirty ti\-•/ * fi C Elrt' t years' ' pracius b* :or^ ,;J I 'Y p*tcrt On*.c* ard have preparod J : ! '• i:...n On • tlundrcJ Thcu* ' I -- nd mine {. ' AJJ (.in* i 1.-.'i.n ami foreign c<*utrics. f.* .eats. 'j'rr.de-W:rk*. Copyrights, nirntti- nt*. end all other par"* for , •"••it.: T to inventors their richts in ths |i.Aj l.'mtrd Pt.n'.es, Canada. # England, France, j; Ttienitr.ny at.d other foreign countries, pre ! a. rt mticerudonroßfonaWetorms. i''-i ' luf r untion as a obtaining n-.tents chcer -1 fttl'y civea without- charge. Ilanil-tr *V.s cf C—* infonnation t nl froa. Patents obtained t: rom h Me.ru i Co. ara noticed in the Sc:e:*(,i<.; Ames *i fit *. The sdrsatesteefeoehtmtiee is \ i lie '■ r ■ '1 by all jure jus who •. u tJC.a --' * . '• . <1 CO.. OftM Bfl—'l'lllU LASOI] I LAIN ORGAHS: T— —r—7~-T= PlAfi33: -• \'f IOC-. I I ..! Newmodeel V. I nutreqaueor.; • V ', I a."s".n'.','V •' . r II " ;••' 1 I 1; rcvaili i' . ii . . f ! 1 f i wrest;.i 5 / ' ). J II '>' : ; " I > -_ iir • OMAM AND PIANO® 154 frcrrr.tSt .Bcstcn. < In •.. f .1.. v, i , . lordrcuLitsUitli'l C 5 , ... . . ... hmwm. ill nhinit tli.i su' il irfttl e .*. . r cr.y.lts .• oil ( clitnete,market.-..h . • JJJ health, lirifes. terms, ;r. . '*'• *':•. ,i i nrm for iso® <*i m<> ihly i t lis. lug cm ploy n id. wit I leaving i.. i • Avldt'cbii J. j. c .1., 4. •. ,i,; •..... ' •.. \ . '£. . i ujr ri lie pi t.;: file :U Ihc c.i.ice of , 7 \ \ I '•'' , /,. t \j. —d i. ji o h*£t 4d? a a ADVERTISING S 4^|\GENTS TiSjtS El'lLD'iiG f y pHIHCaPHIA. ESI " IS.W2WE t SOU'S fsSIJUAL ACEiiTS TO ScU. Ji '•\:u;sso r jni J rfco ■] STEAM . / ■ •;> ! t.- ■iY_ _ _ „ -WASHER Men rind YVomon of good character and Intelligence, .exclusive Territory Guaranteed. A weeks'trial of sample IVusher to !>e returned at my expense if not eat isl aetory. A thousand |isr centtlin hestV iwhorin the world, and pays capable agent-: Hlvl money. In* trinslo inerit makes it a phenomlnal success every where. I: or Xuoatratsd circular ntid termsof agency address. J, WORTH, Gt, LouiJ, fV s o RAINBOW RUPTURE R l L Jkl & Simple, enfe, reliublo and n iicrfoct retainer. It In not a Truss. Worn Day and Night and its presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cur.ai by this up rdiniico. Addrees CGntral Meafcal find Suxeical institute 9SQ Docust St., St. ILouia, Mo. jkilltul treatmont (jiven all kinds of surgical and medical cases. Weakening diseases end pri vate troubles in male and female our specialty. Be sure to write us before taking treatment elsewhere. CcnsulttiUon free and invited* IJILOW COST HOUSES Jfefi HOW TO BUILD THEM A\ A large Atlas, giving cuts and AuU descriptions of 40 deairabla V modern Houses, costing from up to $ 6,<>00. Profusely every detail and ma* n i ori inal ideas.Houses adapt* be^ ate d postpaid tor 60e. in ■tamps. rtUlSlLLoSvfa VO* MARVELOUS PRICES. BOOKS FOR THE MILLION Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Away ! The following book* are published In neat pamphlet form, many of them handsomely lllust rated, ami a.I arc printed from good typo upon good puper. They treat of a great variety of subject*. and we think no one can examine the Itxt willioiit niiiling thermn many that he or aho would liko to posse**. In cloth-bound form tbew doom woulu coat f ItW each. Koch txtok la complete in "Itaolf., The Widow Itodntt Papers. Thla la the hook over which your grandiiiothcra laughed till they crlad, and It la Jiiat aa funny to-day aa ever. Fancy Work for Homo Adornment, an en- Hi ly new work upon thla nuhji-et .coutalulng eaay and practical Inatructloga for making fancy haakeu, wall poekcta, hraekeia, ne.-dlo work, embroidery, etc., etc., pro ntaely and elegantly illuatrated. Grimm's Fulry Worlea for the Young. The flneaf collection of fairy atortea ever publlahed. The ohlid ren wilt bo delighted with them. The Lady ot tho l.ukc. Hy Blr IT alter Beott. " Tli" l.adv of tho I.akn" la a romance In verae, and of all 111 • -.a ork * of Scott none in more beautiful than thla. Muiiii ill of Etiquette for l.adlea and Gentlemen. a guide to polite no aa and good breodlug, giving tho ruiea of modern etbiuetto for all ooeaalont. Tlio Mtuiidnrd Letter Writer for l.adlea and a coin pie to gutd fo correapoodenoe, giving plain directions for the oompoalllon of leltori of every kind, with inniimrrabla forma and eaamplca. Winter Evening Recreations, a largo collection of Acting Charadea, TThlexox, (lainea, Pnxaioa, etc., for ao lal gathering*, private theatrleala, and evunlnga at home, Illuatrated. I lining a, Itccltntlnna nnd Heading*. a largo anl choice collection for school exhibitions and publlo and prlvarc entertainment*. Parlor Mngle and Chemical Experiment", I book which tell* how to perforin hundred* of amusing trick* In maglo and ln>tructlvo experiment* with aimplo (gent*. The Homo Cook Honk and Family PhysL rlnn, containing hundred* of excellent cooking recipe* and hint* to housekeeper*. Alan telling how to euro all OOtu- Oiou ailments by simple home remedies. . Munarn and Custom* In Far Away I.aads, a very iutereating and instructive book of travels, describ ing ilie |>eeuli*r life, habit*, manncraand custom* of the people of foreign eountrlea; Illustrated. Klxteen Complete FMnrte* by Popular Anthors, embracing line, huiuorou* and detective aUirle*. aturles of society life, of adventure, of railway life, etc., all very In teresting. . The fliidgotof Wit, Humor nnd Fun, a large collection of the fanny atorle*. sketches, anoedote*. poem*, and joke* ibat hare been written for some Tear*; lllus'trd. ... t acful knowlrdgo fur the Mflllon, a handy boric of useful in firuatiou for all, upon rnauy and various subjects; Must rated. • -* Culled Ituek. A Novel, by Hugh Conway, author of " Dork Day*,"eto. AIID ElUPnil It IPR AFFFDi *"• will send any four or these hooka and our catalogue, containing UUn UntUllALtU Urifcn! price, of all leading paper* and hooks for 1 * eents In stamp*. Any 8 hooks yii els. i ibe whole -tf for * n r.;v Kin? Ik>lt and Fifth Wheel. Ask you denier for the T. J. risA¥F)Ofk tsi'GGY* with the ll&ydock Safety Eiug Io.t and Fifth Life is insecure riding over any other. ( f tie ; I :tare v.'i Ik- fcraUhod ca a Urge o r d, printed in elegant style, to anyone who w?l! agree to frame It.) .ENCLOSE STXMP.J nr. rr„ O H w hrtSato'vHSSn.Hu Cor. llam and Twelfth 6U. f CINCiySiTI, O. AQEKT3 WASTED WHERE WE HAVE HOHEI HO IHVESTMEHT 80 rROFITAELE. "W. Gr. BRADLET", 2xwd.eric3.en, Conn., SOLS JIANUFACTCBEa, E. E, M & GO'S., Solid Coafotlßwkbeaids and Spidli Wijsm, angle ail dwUe sealed. Ridin? qnalitics unsTirpAKßed. Ho jar to the Durable and stylish. Prices reason j able. Shipments Binply or by carload to all parts ot' the Patted ptatea. • ltespoufiblo Agent wanted In overy town. Send for Price List and descriptive Catalogue. f Correspondt nco earnestly solicited. ... . N. 13. Every person acting as Agent for our Wagons, will nave bis name wltn advertise ment of Wagons advertised in the loading paper of tlio county or town where Agent resides, gratis for six months. 9?as xs.Q3g emsow. Harrew PrtPut an Argis cf rrrtr-fre Tej-ees String asl TfirabU. Tka Best Harrow crt- mvde. It v.-i* award ,1 I-irst Prciuium a' t!ie Ohio hUto Fair ovor forty-fbnr c >mi>ctit<>rs. Sin-cessfnl in all held tr.al *. Wrought ir n f.-a;uo a-id steel teeth. guaranteed. Send f ; . r Cir .mors. I.I£A3_RL!H MFC, Cd., ludianApolis, Ind. JOHN H. PAIi S#ffOppe,taitelMM d I*Z I \t" '*•]. \ I i J \ **• •* I .* -: -.-I —i• •y rg-* *m g ... Cb- " i - - ■ .• <. rwcoJSy 5 P >*.'• >v 'TrX -- -:f >'•• I" - , r-'.t - . v !■* . S-r >*■ J -1 t-i*. i ~** —iOuAJttSSISS •* W '/flii, '•* k"3 cx*ft in Qfiyetant use - ft v 3,3 jroara, v/ith a record 1 i V/ARRANTED S- J v rir M l 1c.7 down, unless th* C-~—id j -vc-7 -->es with it; ora-;ainst any v.f:; 1 tli:.t u. :s nt cisablo substantial form baildir. ; .> ls } ' c?: to outlast tail do better work U. • •• Juni-.i b..rus; : ■i v I . >i ! .■ or 'fhs AisarSiCr , - nJC. ' cf T;stt Ijicluj (. ' j _• ••■ -1 ••■* ■l. .ITert ,!s<.n I' ■ j i ■ 4 r'• { 1 i- S.s:tl , UKK{f • j . fIK,. ~■ . s only) ca jvce : nt ,<' C 3 tJI-'ia i cestj iu slaiupsto pcy —l.-.: o. SOIIIMi.r: A CO.. r,adwr.-.y. Kaw Yurib At tho World's Mercy. A Novel. By Klorenca Warden, author or •• Tho House on the Marsh, etc. Mildred Trcvnnlow. A Kovcl. By "Tho Duch ess," author of "Molly Bawn," eto. Hark Days. A Novel, by Hngh Conway, author of " Called Back/' „ " The Mystery of the Holly Tree. A Novel. By tho author of " Dora Tborne." Hhndon a on the Snow. A Novel. By 15. L. lar joon, author of " llreail and-Cheese and-K.l*ae," eto. .. The Cray Woman. A Novel. By Mrs. Gukell, author of " Mary Barton," etc. The Froaen Deep. A Novel. By Wllkle Colllna, author of " Tho Woman In White," etc. Ked Court Farm. A Novel. By Mrs. Henry Wood, author of " Kaat Lyune," etc. . In Cupid's Net. A Novel. By the Author of " Dera TU Hnek to the Old Home. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay, author of Hidden Perils," etc. • 1 John Ilowerbauk's Wife. A Novel, ny Miaa Muloek. author of "John Halifax Ocntleman," cto. . I,oily <1 wen doll ne'e Dream. A Novel. By the author of •' Dora Thorne/' etc. Jasper Duni-'a Secret. A Novel. By Mlaa M. K. Braddon, author of "Aurora Floyd," etc. I.collne. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay, author of "firenda Y'orke," etc. Gabriel's Marriage. A Novel. By Wllkle Collins, author of "No Name," etc. . David Hunt- A Novel. By Mrs. Ann 8. author of " Fashion and Pamlne." etc. Heaping the Whirlwind. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay, author of " Old Mlddlctou'a Money," elc. Dudley Carleon. A Novel. By Miss M. B. Brad don, author of " Lady Audley'a Secret," eto. Ksslcai ot tiiu Mrvrxav r> tw H>sdlswim. A Novel. Bv F.ttaW. Pleroe, author of " The Birth Mark," eto, A Hidden Dawn. A Novel. By the author of "Dora Thorn#." etc. Valrrle'a Fate. A Novel. By Mr*. Alexander, aathor of " Tho Wooing O't," eto. . Slater It owe- A Novel. By Wllkle Colllna, author of " The Woman In Whlto," eto. Anne. A Norel. By Mrs. Henry Wood, anthor of K * The Rnah. A Novel. By Miaa Mulock, author or "John Halifax, Gentleman." eto. Amos llarlcn. A Norel. By George Eliot, author of "Adam Bede," " The Mill on the Floss," eto. 12: otc ii as: s JRIA6E WORKS. Wo manufacturo Open and Top Bug gies, consisting of the Side Spring, End Spring, Brewster, Timken and Edward Storm Spring. fi'-io various styles of Two-Seated Car* riages, Wagons, Cutters and Sleighs. Liberal discount to the trade. Send for Catalogue and Prices before buying. } HSTCHKiN CARRIAGE WORKS, SYRACUSE, N. Y. LEFFEL'S IMPEO72S lillli "WisaCL abi§lß lEz?„g-lxtv m A\ ;■: AyA y - a: >/ I ffSl ALL THE TALTS HALS OF MALL3AELE A 37H0U3E2 mS3 Ku Shrinliing, Ssrcllli;? or Trrr. Light FST Ltrrvrso. Sn- * axvr*id 5?.?.h' Tl i : k v,Tlv " Kxuiv; -'- !■' I. • v.om.jt. ' 'i'u 4 2iiSi i 3 CTT Etiid Circulars to tIJ SPPiiligFiELt' Cfl*. Springfield, t Ohio*