11( 3 sells £ C Groceries, Provi- >- II y ± % lesions. Confection-1 | ? S y eries, Fruits, fc A q Cheese, jj <\ ii; i- n -J and all kinds of [j S< Pi?] HOTEL and FAMI-£• 5 0 ' trlh X 4 LY SUPPLIES. tr; n Best brands of r L; 1 i TOBACCO aid CIGARS, fc .4 •V n u $ %:i T u e Hi f ci I sell for Xjl-SPOT CASH-N H jj but at h 0 M Small Profits. bS 0 s 1H) L 2 It will pay to give inc a •" N |N ! KNOWING! LOCAL M'& —SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. -First-class job work done at the JOURNAL office. —3fusser & Smith's new building is being plastered this week. —Still some more new Dress Goods coming at D. S.Kauffman & C'o's store. —The best brand of Cigars in tlie market at J. W. Lose's grocery on il/ain street. —For Seersucker Coats and Vests Kauffman's store on Main Street is headquarters. —All who have used "Dr. Smith's Salve" pronounce it first-class. It has been in use for many years. —Half of 'So is nearly gone and the remaining six months will roll by be fore we think of their flight. —Abs. Ilarteroccupies his renovated residence on Main street,and feels com fortable in his snug quarters. —"Dr. Smith's Salve" has been test ed by a number of citizens during the past few weeks and found excellent. —Mrs. Musser and Mrs. Gummo,and children, were in town on Sunday, the guests of their sister, Mrs. J. C. Smith. —Whenever you hear a fellow "squeal" you may put it down that lie put on a shoe that fits bim too tight. —Mrs. Condo, of Chicago, 111, a daughter of Sheriff Musser, of this place, is here on a visit to that gentle man. —John Klinefelter, the painter, gave his own place of residence a coat of paint, which made a great change for the better. ; —C. A. Sturgis, of Lewisburg. paid this town and his numerous friends here, a flying visit on Jfonday. What's your hurry, Charley i —The Lutherans gave their chapel a thorough cleaning last Thursday and expect to finish the job to- day by over hauling the auditorium. —The Centre Democrat Book Bindery at Bellefonte has been taken charge of by Mr. Jno. W. Storm feltz, an experi enced mechanic, of Harrisburg. NOTICE TO FARMERS. —SeveraI Ex tra Kind of Seed Wheat for sale. For price and particulars inquire of J. 11. MUSSER, Aaronsburg, Pa. 3t —"Have used Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for croup and colds, and declare it a positive cure." Contributed by W:n Kay, 570 Plymouth Ave.,Buff ilo,N. V. Survival of the litest. Downs' El ixir has outlived eyery cough remedy simply because it is the best. For sale t>v J. Spigelmyer and D. S. Kauffiuan & Co. Mr. M. L. Wagenseller. of Selins grove, gave the JOURNAL one of his pleasant calls last week. We are al ways glad to see him and heartily in vite him to call again. —Every bottle of Arnica A Oil Lini ment sold is warranted by the proprie-* tors to give satisfaction or money will be refuuded. For sale by J. Spigelmy er and D. S. Kauffman & Co. —Ladie3 will find relief from their . headache, costiveneas,swimming in the head, colic, sour stomach, restlessness, etc., by taking Simmons Liver Regula tor. It is mild, safe and pleasant. —lf you want to enjoy the luxury of using the best soap in this country, try l>rey. S. KautTman & Co. —ln the list of jurors for the August term of court published in another c d uran appear the names of our towns men, A. A. Frank and Samuel Weiser, Jr., the former as a grand juror, the latter as a traverse juror for the second week. ANOTHER FESTIVAL. —The Luther an Ladies' Jfite Society of Cobura will hold an Ice CreamFestital at that place on Friday evening, July 2nd, and Sat urday afternoon and evening, July 3rd. Posters announcing particulars will be out this week yet. LOST OR J/DLAlD.— PolicyNo. 18047, issued by the Psnn Jfutal Life Insur ance Co., on the life of I. J. Grenoble. The tinder will please return it to the undersigned. Application has been made for the issue of a duplicate. 23-3t I. J. GRENOBLE. MUSICAL COLLEGE —The 30th Ses sion of Six Weeks,opens Monday even ing, July 26th, 18S6, for the Teaching and Training of Young Ladies iu V<> cal and Instrumental Music. Address, F. C. MOVER, Musical Di ! rector, Freeburgh, Pi. 24-4t —The ladies of the M. E. Mite Socie ty of this place purpose holding a festi val on the afternoon and eyening of July 3d, in the skating rink on Penn street. We hope the patronage by our town people will be large enough to fill the ladies' treasury box to the brim. Miss Maggie Miller, the daughter of J. 11. Miller, who came down from Centre Hall last week to pay a visit to her father, was taken sick and is con fined to her room in the National hotel ever since. At this writing, we are glad to hear, that the lady is growing better. Rev. E. 11. Dornblaser, of Wheel ing, W. Va., was in Aaronsburg a few days, visiting at his father-in-law's, John Bright's house. He was accom panied by his little daughter, Irene, whom he left at her grandfather's until his return from the Gettysburg com mencement. A subscription list is in tho hands of our grocer, J. W. Lose, to raise funds for a selection of lire works, which will be displayed on tlie "Sheep Hill," east of town, on Saturday night, July 3rd. Let the subscriptions be lib eral, so that a fine display of pyrotech nics may be had. —W. J. Springer and Geo. L Spring er, our wide-awake barbers, display a wonderful amount of enterprise. Both hung up attractive new signs at their respective places of businets and both are bending to accomodate their cus tomers in the best tonsorial manner. "Competition is the life of trade." —Oh ! Oh ! This howling.jumping raging toothache ! I would give any thing for relief. Well it won't cost you much. 15 cents will get you a bot tle of the Great Zmgara Toothache Drops. Guaranteed. For toothache and neuralgia the Great Zingara has no equal. Keep them in tlie house, they may save you hours of agony. Sold by J. E'senhuth, Millheim, Pa. —Mi. D. A. Jfusser has the carpen ters at putting a new fore-bay in tlie foundry dam, where Est winter's flood tore out the old one. The foundry will then be in first-class running order a gain, with Jlfessrs. F. Knarr and D. Luse as proprietois, who are prepaied to turu out all work in their line in the best mechanical mauner. —The nuisance committee of our town council should not tolerate the free growth of Canada thistles within this borough. They a?e a mean weed on the fields, but when they are allow ed along tlie sidewalks and in the alleys of the borough, tlie night of them will give visitors and strangers an unfavor able impression of Millheim. Mis. I). A. Musser, accompanied by her son, Milton, left oil Tuesday morning for Wist Union, lowa, to pay a visit to her daughter. Mis. T. R. Slain and also to her second soiiClyrnor, who makes his residence with his sis ter at that place. We hope the travel ers will arrive safely at their destina tion and have a pleasant return trip. —On Tuesday forenoon we were fa vored by a pleasant call from Hon. Leonard Rhone, the ftlicient menibpr of the legislature from this county. The gentleman seemed very unconcern ed about his political fences, presuppos ing that they are all in good condi tion. lie is one of the few who do not seek office. Toe ofiice must seek him. —Fresh Bananas, Lemons, Pine ' Apples, Cabbage, Cucumbers at D. S. 1 Kauffman & Co's store, Millheim, Pa, —The M-, iln Street grocery takes (ho lead h>i the best stock Oranges. Lem ons, I'ananas and Pino Apples. A large invoice of Can in d Fniit. on the mad. J. W. LOSE, Prop'r. D.W. Zeigler's new house on lVnn street is now completed. The painters put on the (inal touches laet Saturday, and the shades ate real pretty and tuako it one of the most elegant buildings in town. Danny also repaired and rolaid his sidewalk and everything around his piemises looks neat and clean now. The Peon sheet bakery and ico cream saloon is beginning to lie a popular place of business. —Candidates are busy "how do y'do ing" and shaking hands. Mr. L A. Shaeffer, of Bellefonte, a candidate for the office of prothonotary, was in town last Saturday to invest iga'o how many loyal friends ho may count on to give him a litt. at the piimary election. His announcement may be found at the proper place in this issue. If Low gota the nomination lie will get the solid suppoit of the party iu November. —lt must bo a hopol ss enso when a young gentleman is -so enamored with his lady companion,whom ho takes out riding, that lie forgets to pay the toll. Oh, Danny, what must the old gentle man have thought when lie had to foot the bill. Don't forget that when once you wear the matrimonical yoke you'll not slip the halter so easy—the spring bonnet will have to bo paid for and you will have to "stand up to the rack, fod der or no fodder." NOTICE. —A Select School will bo opened at Aaronsburg on Monday, July 26th, ISSO, to continue eight weeks. All persons desiring to attend will please hand their names to M. M. Musser, of Aaronsburg. Special at tention will he given to such as are tire paring for College or for teaching in the Public Schools. Terms to suit the times. For further information ad dress the teacher, M. O. NOLL, 23-6t Lewisburg, Pa. —W. T. Auman, a graduate of Union Seminary, New Berlin, came home on Saturday, to spend his vaca tion here. Next fall he expects to enter the theological department of Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa., with the intention of preparing him self for the pulpit. Mr. Auman is a yeiy studious young man and has a natural talent and love for oratory. We wish him success and hope he will make his mark in his chosen profession. —l3. O. Deinineer, Esq., and Cashier Walter,of the Millheim Bank, were off to Gettysburg this week, to attend the commencement exercises of the theo logical seminary at that place, the former gentleman being one of the trustees of that institution. Mr. Wal ter, no doubt, had gone to visit the historical points of interest, which are quite numerous there, but, owing to the inclemency of the weather,return* ed yesterday morning. —Druggists as a rule are extremely jealous and careful of the honor of their profession,and are loth to praise a medicine which they do not from j>er sonal knowledge know to be a meritor ious article. They all agree however, that for smallness of dose, easiness to take, an flVctivenoss as a worm de stroyer, McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders are the best and most desira ble vermifuge in their stock,and do not hesitate to recommend them. Dissat isfied buyers can have their money re funded. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by .J. Eisenbuth. Millheim ,I'a. DEATH.— Our townsman, Mr. Geo. J/ensh, lost an interesting child, aged two years, by death 011 J/onday night. The little girl had been sick for several weeks, suffering with brain fever, and though the best medical aid and most faithful nursing were given tier, the merciless reaper of death would cut down the tender plant. The afll : cted parents may find the best consolation in the assurance lhat"Bessie" is "rest ing safely in Jesns' arms," and HI the thought that she will not be subjected to the trying ordeals of this world. The funeral takes place this(Thursday) fore noon, when the remains will be taken to Rebersburg for interment. —The four greatest and most desira ble properties of a successful medicine are perfectly combined in McDonald's Blood Purifier or Sarsaparilla Alterna tive. I malassimilation of food and dyspepsia its effects are speedy and hap py. For disfiguring humors of scrofula and tetter, the loathsome sores of ven eral diseases, the burning torturers of erysipelas, no other medicine can poss ibly equal it. As a spring medicine, perfect blood purifier, efficient and safe diuretic and aperient, it meets with gratifying favor from the medical pro fession and the people. Dissatisfied buyers can have their money refunded. JOHNS TON, 110 LL OWA V & CO., Phi'adelphia Agents. Sold bv J. Eisenbuth, Millheim, Pa. Among those who were to Centre Hall from this place last Sunday to at tend the dedication of the i:cw and ele gant Lutheran church there, were Jon. liarter ancl wife, S. D. Musser and family, E. J. Brumgard and family, G. \V. liarter and wife, Harry Deibler, PL I. Musser, R. E. liarter, S. 11. Alter, M O. Musser and PL E Knarr. All of them speak highly of the interesting services they witnessed and have only words of praise for Centre Hall's hand some and comfortable church edifice. As we understand, the entire amount necessary to wipe out the whole iudebt edness could not be raised, but good security was given for the balinc wantii g and Dr. Conrad dedicated the building to the worship of God with the solemn and impressive i itcs of the Lutheran church. —The biggest stock of Seersucker Dress Goods in town at D. S. Ivauff mau & Co's store. j _a party of ladies and gentlemen from t his place, numbering about twenty,picnicked near Pine Creek Cave last Monday afternoon and also explor- Ed the cave. They were joined by Itev. M. L. Deitzler and wire, who arrived on the ground later in the day. A splendid time was had and a motion to indulge in a similar party in the near future carried unanimously. There is certainly no greater pleasure to bo found at this season than to enjoy a tew hours under tho bower of shelter ing forests and feast tho eve upon the rich panorama presented everywhere by mother nature. —We call the attention of our read ers to the change m Musser r summei wear, and ordered the above firm to send for sam ples of goods to select from. If ever there was an organization in this town that can boast of remarkable grit and snap it is the Millheim Cornet Band. This month completes the twelfth tear of their existence and their assets a mount to over $llOO, most of which was earned by hard work and but com paratively little help from out citizens. THE TORNADO AT BOILING SPUING. —About as neat an actual tornado as often visits thi9 portion of the country swept down upon Boiling Spring Thurs day last, and was inferred to in the DAILY NEWS of Friday. People who observed it closely .assert that the for mation and movements of the clouds were peculiar. At noon a small cloud scudded across the sky from over the hill norhteast of Mr. Teller's honse. Before advancing very far it came in contact with another cloud and the two descended on the hillside, prostrating seven apple trees. Then descending neater the water the tornado struck a cluster of willow trees, twisting them in a fantastic shape. While in the grasp of the wind the trees seemed to be revolving rapidly, and when released some of the branches which had been torn off were carried away, while oth ers dropped to the ground. The fact of the storm tearing off part of the roof of Mr. Keller's barn Ins been al ready related and it is believed that had not the willow trees diverted the course of the wind the barn would have disappeared. The last object touched by the tornado was Eckenrode's barn. Both of the doors were driven in, but the building was not otherwise damag ed. About thirty or forty yards of fence were destroyed, stout posts being pulled 4)ut of the ground.— Beliefbate Daily News. This is the season for the annual commencements of colleges and semi naries and among them Pennsylvania Slate College in this county announces the following exercises foi its com mencement week, beginning June 27th and ending July Ist : 1. Sunday, June 27: 3 o'clock p. m., Baccalaureate Sermon, by the Rev. Wayland Iloyt, I). D., of Philadelphia. 2. Monday, Juue 28: 8 o'clock p. m., Annual Address before the Young Men's Chiistian Association, by the Rev. 11. F. King, of llollidaysburg,Pa. 3. Tuesday, June 2J : 10 a. m., Ex amination of candidates for admission to College: 3 o'clock p. m., Address be fore the Washington and Cresson Lit erary Societies, by the Rev. Charles T. Steck, of Beliefonte, Pa.; 4:30 o'clock p. m., Exhibition Drill of State College Cadets; 8 o'clock p. in., Junior Oratori cal C uitest. 4. Wednesday, June 30; 9 o'clock a. m., Artillery Solute ; 10 o'clock a. m , Annual Meeting of Trustees; 12 o'clock in., Alumni Dinner ; 2 o'clock p. m., Meeting (in the Chapel) of Delegates and / lumui to elect Trustees ; S o'- clock p. m.. Annual Ad.liess before the Alumni, by Maj r J. W. Powell, Di rector of the United States Geological Sin vey. 5. Thuisdav, July 1 : 9:30 o'clock a. m , Graduation Exeicises of the class of 'BO ; Commencement Address, by Andrew Carnegie, E-q., of Pittsburg, Pa., on I 'The American's Heritage;" 8 o'clock p. in., President's Reception. —A BOTTLE of Curtis' Carmelite Cordial should occupy the handy corn er of every travellers satchel. No pru dent person will think of undertaking a journey involving changes of Climate, diet and water, without first procuring a bottle. It never fails ! It never dis appoints ! Money refunded in every case when a single bottle, as directed, fails to cure any case of cholera dysen tery, cholera morbus,diarrhoea, cramps, pains in the bowels, or any intestinal notation. Sohl by all dealers. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY& CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheira.Pa. Neighboring News. o O 0 SMITH TOWN. .Toll 11 Kern's, instead of John Keen's as stated in last week's items, were tho visito sto Centre Ilall. State College and Loop. (Had to see that Charles Ilorner has sulliciently recovered from his bruises to resume work in our midst. Last Saturday we had tho pleasure of listen ing to his line music again. Mr. Neyman, from Centre Ilall, was a visitor to our burg last week. One day last week Elmer and Ed ward Swar'.z were out riding and going through Win. Zerby's lane had to stop to open and shut the gate, when the horse frightened at something and ran away. The buggy was upset and badly damaged. A large party assembled at Mr. Ner hud's last Saturday to assist in the raising of bis new barn. All worked with a will at the heavy timbers, as well as at the richly laden dinner table, which Mrs. Nerhud had prepared with her usual taste and skill. Miss Mary Keen, from Centre Ilall, who is working for Al. Keen this sum mer, was home over Sunday to attend the dedication. Some of our young folks propose to have a grand picnic after harvest, at the 1 Vim's Cave. Who will join in on tho project ? A gentleman from Ohio is at present in this vicinity, selling and putting up a patent fence. There was a young man from near Millheiin in our midst from Saturday evening until nearly Monday morning. This place must have special attrac tions for Elmer. Jumiio. COBURN. News lias been scarce the past week. On Thursday last things were liven ed up somewhat around the depot by a pugilistic encounter between the two iiaek drivers of Millheim. A rivalry has existed between them for some time and at last it broke forth in all its fury and ended up in two rounds. The result of the flstic tattle was a black eye for Paddy Ryan and a bruised arm for John Sullivan and they can both be thankful they were not hauled up be fore Squire Gettig and fined for their foolishness. They now call F. P. Barker "Doc," as he has again gone into the business of a horse doctor and they say he is hard to beat in his profession. Mr. 11. G. Royer, of Miles township, must be a lirstclas? Reaper agent,from ihe number of Mowers and Reapers he receives at our station and disposes of. Ilarry Van Valin left for Pittsbuig on Monday morning, where he enters a large machine shop to learn the trade of a machinist. VALE. AARONSBURG. W. 11. Plnllip3 has gone to Shamokin and Philadelphia. P. Gross Yearick returned to Phila delphia hist Thursday. The large wotping willow in front of Emanuel Eltinger's residence was cut down last week. It was planted about 35 years ago by Mr. Eltinger. A band of York county gypsies pass ed through towu last Monday. They engaged somewhat in fortune telling and horse trading, selling baskets and of course, as is their custom, did con siderable begging. You will please excuse our inquisi tiyeness, Mr. Editor, but we would l>ke to know what attraction there was in or outside of our town, somewhere, for a party from Millheim ou Monday evening. [Certainly, we always excuse the un qucuchable thirst for knowledge of a newspaper reporter. In this case we refer you to the fourth local column for information.—Ed] Some say they were married on last Sunday evening. Again others say they were not. How is it, Charley V If you were married it was one of the quietest weddings that ever took place in Aaronsburg. Better out with it ; you know youngAraerica wants a hand in it and they say they will have it if it is one year hence. Miss KateMusser went to Lewisburg last Monday, to attend the commence ment exercises at the university. Of course she had to stop at Mifflinburg to have a sleep and a chat with her lady friends, Miss Minnie and Lulu Kurtz. Don't a'l talk at once, girls. Last Sabbath waschildren's day with the Reformed congregation and Sab bath school of this place. The pulpit and its immediate surroundings were very beautifully decorated with flowers, t!i a exercises were well adapted to the occasion and the address delivered to the children by the pastor. Rev. Yearick, was interesting and instructive. It is now about four years 3ince Mrs. Emanuel Ettinger was confined to her sick chamber, and during the greater part of this time she occupied her bed. She is daily becoming weaker and at this writing her condition is hopeless. Mrs. Ettinger has arrived at the age of four score years and two. Chas. C. Beli, of North 2nd street, is also confined to his sick bed. He has not been able to be up and a doing for several weeks past. At present his condition is not much improved. ANOTHER. SPRING MILLS. Mrs. lteitmyer, wife of Prof. J. W. Reitmyer, of Lewisburg. is here on a visit to her father and friends. A five-year old child of James 11. Leilzell fell down a flight of stairs one day last week and sustaiued a fracture of the collar bone. Wm. M. Allison, W. R. From and G. R. Snigelmyer have gone to Jersey Shore on business. We rather suspect they have the creamery business in view. Mrs. T. Benton Ulrich, who has been seriously sick for some time, is getting better and hopes are entertained that ere long she may bo able to again enjoy good health. John Coldren has the contract for the bidding of the new church at this place. *** —A. Crownoyer, Saulsbury, Pa., writes : 'J. A. McDonald. Dear Sir Your Liver Pills are giv ing good satisfaction here and there is quite a demand springing up for them. Please send me three dozen boxes at once, as lam out and some of my cus tomers wont have any other.' Comment needless. Dissatisfied pur chasers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by'J. Eisenlmth, Millheim, Pa. WOODWARD. Eastward the boaidwalk takes its way. J. C. Mot/, left for Pittsburg on Mon day. • John Lose sold 'his property, two miles west of this place, to Philip Leis ter. Consideration SOO. The venerable John Young lies ex tremely prostrated at his residence, west of Woodward. John I). Snyder had a rather favora ble letter from the Department in refer ence to his appointment as store keep er at the distillery here. Carl, Willie and Fisher Mot'/, return ed Saturday to spend their vacation here. They are students at the Wil li. unsport Seminary. ARGENTF. Reborsburflr and Vicinity. Cherries are ripe. Mr. Mallory, of near Williamsport, is at present in our town, visiting his brother James. Perry Gentzel and wife, of Nittany Valley, spent last Saturday and Sun lay at Dun. lioyer's. Perry Condo gave his house a coat of paint. J. W. Snook has at present several men at woik on his farm, building new board fences along the putdic road. It will be quite an improvement on Mr. Snook's farm. Some of our farmers are complaining of rust, which it is feared, will greatly damage the oats crop. Geo. Crouse is on the sick list, he is down with typhoid fever. One day last week Thomas Walker's mules took it into their heads to have things their own way and accordingly ran away with the cultivator to which they were hitched. Of course the cul tivator had to haye a new wheel and several other repairs. The wheat fields in this neighbor hood are infested with a small fly that is doing considerable damage to the crop. One of the carpenteis at work on Gephart's barn cut a deep gash in his leg while dressing teuents. The wound was dressed and the patient is limping about again. Last- Saturday evening Charlie Heck man drove through town at a lively gale when suddenly one of the wheels came to a standstill. Upon examina tion it was found that the wheel had become welded to the axle, and it took at least an hour before the buggy was agaiu iu running order. lie was just ready to start when one of the young ladies whom he had with him discover ed to her dismay that somehow her shawl had dropped out on the road. We hope the finder thereof will return it to its owner. Last Saturday evening our band treated the town to a serenade. The streets were crowded with people and everybody was well pleased with the music. Our citizens seem to be greatly re lieyed since Jacob Gephart's barn is raised, as it took the greater part of three days to do it, owing to the in clemency of the weather and several blunders in the frame work. Mr.Bow ersox, the boss carpenter, was very much perplexed when he saw that his frame was five inches too large for the foundation walls. Well, Jacob, Sny der county mechanics are as liable- to make mistakes as others. Wal. Miller has accepted the clerk ship in Wm. Bierly's confectionery, while William is off on special business. Wedding, eh ? SQUIBOB. MADISONBURO. J. L. Roush returned home on Fri day from Lancaster. Miss Yeager, of Millheim, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dayid Shafer. William Bierly came home from New Berlin, where he had been attending college. John Klinefelter is painting Reuben Grimm's house. The carpenters will fin ish their work in a few days. Mr. Calyin Runkle, of Spring Mills, will teacli school in town, provided he can get a sufficient number of pupils. Lewis Wolf has left for State College where he will work for a Mr. Hays through harvest. Israel Wolfe has made a neat fence in front of his property, which adds very much to the appearance of his homo. Geo. E. Limbert is preparing to en ter college. lie intends to study for the ministry. George think, oh think of all the chickens ! Miss Alice Neatleroad, in company with her mother, intends starting for the wide West next Thursday to visit friends. Last Saturday while Daniel Delaney who works on a lumber job for Mr. Zeigler, in Little Sugar Valley, was in the act of chopping down a tree, the tree fell on him and badly bruised him. No bones were broken. Drs.' Huston and Lee were called to dress the wounds. Since the time of the acci dent your correspondent has heard nothing further of the man and I am unable to say how he is getting along. STILL ANOTHER. Of Interest to Ladies. The new treatment for ladies' diseases dis covered by Dr. Mary A. Gregg, the distinguish ed English Physician and nurse, which has rev olutionized the entire mode of treating these complaints in England is now being; introduced into the U. 8., under a fair novel plan. Sufficient of tills remedy for one month i trial treatment is sent free to every lady who is suf terlng from any disease common to tle sex who sends her address and 13 2ct stamps for expense charges, etc. It is a positive cure for any form of female disease and tho/ree trial nackage Is many times sufficient to effect a permanent cure. Full di rections accompany the package (which is put up in a plain wrapper) also price list for future reference. No trial package will be sent after Aug. Ist, 18SG. Address, GHEGG REMEDY COM PANY, PALMYRA, N. Y. 19-3 m MARRIED. On the 10th, inßt.,in the M. E. church at Jack sonville, by Rev. H. W. Gross, Rev. I. S. Fraln and Mrs. Sadie Moore, both of Nlttany Valley. AGENTS 1 For the great new book. •'The World's Wonders." WANTED! I By J. W. BUEL. The most success!ul subscription book ever Bublished. Over half a million copies were sold Xe past eight months, and it is selling three times as fast r.ow as ever before. Regular can vassers clear from sls to $25,540 and *SO per day. Nothing like it was ever known in the history of book publishing. Proofs sent free on appli cation. No experience needed to insure suc cess. We help persons without means to do a large business; no capital needed. Write for particulars. Salaries guaranteed to persons who do not wish to canvass on commission. We mean business, and want live agents in every township. It will cest you nothing to write for terms and full descriptions or our plans or doing business. We also give away standard books to persons who send us names of book agents. Write for our list of free stan -1 dard books. m HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO.. ■ tDO & m N, 7th St., Pbila.,Pa. TO THE LAMEg of Millheim & Vicinity. I wish to call your attention and Invite your inspection of the elegantly trimmed and neatly m ule line of Hats, Bonnets, Lace Gaps, etc. etc. Just received at my place, next door to E. C. Campbell's residence, on Main Street. yyuiaua'jaHaQQauu&iQoaßaGiaßßß ISSIMSMBBStij yyauuuauuußauaDuuufiiuuuuDgii that iny styles and prices suit all and that I constantly keep on hand a full stock of Laces, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Pin Orna ments, and everything necessary for trimmings DfrKK* tSt Call on me if in need of any mill ineiy goods and you will not regret it. Respectfully, G. MILLHEIM== arble WORKS. j|usser & Alexander, jjropririors. __ We would respectfully inform the public that we have constantly on hand a fine stock of _0 0_ O 0000000000 GRANITE & MARBLE 0 0 0 0000000000 - - • We guarantee all work to be first-class, having In employ experienced workmen. Our MONUMENTS ft HEADSTONES are of the tastiest design and excellent finish* We call special attention to the fact that our i iiUwr than tie Lowert! CALL AT OUR SHOPS, HAST OP BHXDOB, MAIN BTREST, +— MILLHBIM, PA. PENN'S CAVE HOUSE, Farmer's Mills, Pa. About 3 miles northwest of Spring Mills Rta —*•* The location of the hotel, surrounded by the finest mountain scenery and clear trout streams make it a beautiful 04 I SUMMER RESORT! Www n The accommodatious are the best. Well fur nished double and single rooms, splendid biU or fare, %nd horses and buggies for the use of boarders. . - aw .. ' ir™X W* —{ The celebrated and much visited >•— PENN'S CAVES, one fourth of a mile In length, with its wonder ful stalactites and stalagmite?, is almost at the door of the hotel, and the proprietors are pre pared at all times to convey visitors through this subterranean passage. SAMUEL LONG, Proprietor. Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, ----- Peonal, S. T. Fram, Prop'r. This Hotel has been remodeled and refurnished, and the Traveling Public will Qnd it first-class in every respect. ■€> Latest mproved Water Closet and Wash Room on first fioor. -{ Bath Room in Hotel. } HEADQUARTERS FOB STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached NATIONAL HOTEL Millheim, Centre Co., Penna. Summer Resort Two miles from Coburn Station. -=g=- THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly renova ted, is newly furnished throughout and offers the very best accomodations to the trav eling public. FRONT ROOMS, ELEQANTL YFURNISH ED, ON SECOND FLOOR FOR SUM• MER BOARDERS. The celebrated "Penn's Cave" is but a short drive from town, and the good roads aiut fine mountain scenery of the surrouuding country make It a very desirable stopping place. Horses and Stylish Car riages for use of guests. Bos meets all Trains at Colon. —\ Moderate Terms. - Wig. Q. ffOOiy SANDOES Tailoring Establishment, . CENTRE HALL. PA. Wm. A. Sandoe is prepared to do all kinds of tailoring work in a first-class manner and at reasonable prices. ©9**- -x* ioi mi Jjeifed |ils |)aaranld. F l.t !ul I'M 1.1 I— I.* —' Mr. sandoe will be down In Millheim every Ist & 15th of each month to take measures and orders. Anyone wanting work done will please leave their orders at Kauffuiansor Snook's Store or at the First National Hotel.