J|iUljtim Journal.| TIIUKSDAY, JUNK lOru, 188 ft. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. SOMETHING " Ti ~ N i n ■H R At the Main street £ luxury of nl'l * lloriix Soup 'in article thai I.us boon ios:oi| bv time and found to contain a! |Uw limrodieni s i.ecesary for a soap that can lc used foi all purposes. Li-'tit Dresses are reasonable wear now, and the I irgest stock and lowest prices in this line will he found in D. S. Kauffman & Co's store. An exchange recommends sprink ling buckwheat flour over the plants as effectual ill destroying cabbage worms. This setms a simple remedy and de serves a trial. When you expect to go away, or when you have visitors just please ap prise us of the facts and the JOURNAL will lie glad to furnish the news to the rest of mankind. 3/is. W. S. Musser and daughter are taking this morning's train for J/.flliiiburji to attend the inairiage of Miss Kate L. Shriucr, of thai place, to a Mr. Chambers. —Our band has voted to pay Coburn a visit next Saturday evening, l'liev will leave here at ab nit a o'clock and expect to give the people of that town a first class serenade. —A pure and relialta remedy—a compound fluid extract of roots,leaves, barks and berries is Burdock Blood Bitters. They cure all diseases of the blood, liyer and kidneys. Mrs. Ilousman and Miss Uattie Meek, oi Altoona, paid a week's visit to their sister, Mrs. J. F. Haiter, of Main street. They departed for their home yesterday afternoon. —ln Holland, Mich., C. J. Doesburj publishes the "News," and in its col umns strongly reccommends Dr. Tho mas' Electric Oil for coughs, colds, sore throats, catarrh and asthma. —P. S. Meyer filled up and leveled his yard ou Penn street with rich ground and sowed it with grass seed. A new front fence will be the finish to the improvements on his'premises. —The first candidate for oflice was on the ground and made the rounds a raong us last week. The gentleman was Mr. J. C. Harper, of Bellefonte, with an eye cast prothonotaryward. —Mine host Rook, of the National Hotel and D. S. Kauffman took a trip to Bellefonte on Tuesday. Presumably Mr. Rook acted Cicerone, as this was Kauffman's first visit to the ciunty seat. —One of the first arrivals on Monday was that of Mrs. 11. J. Kurzenknabe.of Harrisbure, who came home on a visit to her parents, Mr. Jonathan Barter's. Lizzie was heartily greeted by her many friends. —Mr. D. G. Smith, of Penn Hall, who taught the North street school last winter, was in town on Tuesday and remembered the JOURNAL with a friendly call. Always glad to see you, Domer; call again. —Millions of us are billions. "We are a billions race. Half of 113 are born billious, with a predisposition to dys pepsia. The best known remedy for billiousness and indigestiou is Simmons Liyer Regulator. Try it. —On Tuesday the first load of lum ber was hauled from Ilenrv Whitmer's saw mill in Sugar Valley to Coburn by Wra. Ulrich, of this place. It is a solid day's trip, but Ulrich's four-horse team is fully equal to the task. -John D. Snyder, of Woodward, is circulating a petition to the proper de partment for his appointment as store keeper ot the Woodward distillery. The paper bears the signatures of some of the most substantial men in the low er valley. —A number of families from town expect to take a trip to the celebrated Perm's Caves, about six miles west of this place, next Saturday. Tho parly expect to stare in the morning and spend the greater part of the day at the head of Peuns Creek. —The people of Millheim enjoyed a novel concert by our band last Saturday evening. The boys were stationed on the roof of the new hardware building and from their elevated position sent mil sweet strains of music that could lie heard all over town. —The longest day's work is at pres ent dvine by the busy tanner who toils on froin morning till night.. But when he has finished his day's labor lie retires with the cheerful thought of having well done and fosters pleasant anticipa tions of a plentiful crop. —The Christum Union , a prominent religious journal,not long ago contained an article entitled "How to pack a trunk." The publication of articles telling how to hang curtains, tack car pets and join stovepipes might prove a gieat help to suppress piofanity. —Mi. F. Catheruian,of Nortlistreet, we are soriy to stale is much indispos ed ly a tioublesomecough arising from a Lad cold. We trust that he will man age to git rid of his complaint before long,as his many friends can illy afford to do without his ge :ial company. LOST OR 3/ISLAID.— PoIicyNo. 18947, issutd by the Penn Mulal Life Insur ance Co., on the life of I. J. Grenoble. The finder will please return it to the undersigned. Application has been made for the issue of a duplicate. 23-3t I. J. GRENOBLE. —A largenumber of our young ladies and gentlemen betook themselves to the mountains hist Thursday to cele hrale Ascension day by fishing for— don't, know what, as they came back as empty as they went. But we may ven ture to say they had an enjoyable time. —Pursuant to orders Street Com missioner Sankey opened the alley be tween South and Centre street on Mon day morning and then there was war from the hill to Brookdale and "law" was expounded to the fuPest extent. The old trouble—too many smart men in town. —Every hottlo of Arnica tN& Oil Lini" niont sold is warranted by the proprie tors to give satisfaction or money will be refunded. Lor sale bv J. Spigelmy or and D. 8. Kauffman & Co. —More people, adults and children, are troubled with costiveness than with any other ailment, lb". Henry Bixter's Mandrake Hitters will cure costiveness and prevent the diseases whioh lesult from it. For sale by ,1. Spigoniyer and 1 >. S. K luffniuu A ( o. —Mr. J. C. llockunin, of Franklin, Pa.,cune to town on Tuesday evening, to pav a visit to his parents and during his short stay did not forget to give the JOURNAL a call. Judging fmtuClevan's appearance Venango county air agrees with him. —We are sorry to say that the at tempt made last Satuiday evening to organize the ".Sous of Veterans" in M iltheim was frustrated on account ot the unwillingness of the Aaronsbuig boys to coiue here. The supposition is that such an o:der will fie stalled in that burg. —Tho schoolboud of Millheim lull its annual settlement last. Monday af ternoon and theirlinaneial statement is posted up in conspicuous places. That the board have been economical with the people's money can be seen by the nice cash balance in the hands of the Treasurer, viz: 8197. —Several loads of iron fence were brought up from the depot last week, which will be erected in front ot Fair view Cemetery, being a. continuation oi the piece of fence already there. The whole length of the front will then be enclosed by this neat and attractive fence, giving it a stately appearance. —A steel pen, which seems simplici ty itself in construction, goes through from iirteen to twenty-live processes in the course of inanufneture,aiul occupies from ten to tliiity days to complete. And yet an Esterbrook Fen is sold at the Journal Store at one cent a piece. —The undersigned gives notice that he has this day sold his stores at Mill heim and Madisotihurg to S. Spige'my er, Jr., and employed D. L. Zerby col lector of all accounts due J. Spigelmy er. Agent, which must be settled within ten days from date. W. E. GIL KEN J/ilUieim, May J Ist, ISS'i. —On Monday evening Prof. J. 11. Feehrer, of Selinsgrove,passed through town, and stopped just long enough to leave a new piece of music, entitled "Shady's Quickstep" dedicated to the leader of our band Dr. J. F. Barter. He was on his way to Sugar Valley, where he has an engagement with the Boonville band. W. C. T. U.—The members of this society will meet on Monday evening, June 14th, PSSG, at the residence of Dr. J. W. Stam. All interested in the great temperance cause are cordially invited to be present.and are requested to bring tbeir Gospel Hymns along. MRS. B. O. DEININCIEU, Pres. MRS. P. 11. MUSSER, Sec. —Cashier Walter is building a cis tern on his premises on Penu street. Since lie is the controlling stockholder of the J/illheim turnpike company, he had the ground and stones which were dugout of the excavation hauled on the pike in front of his residonce for filling purposes and thus he "hits two birds with one stone." —Eye witnesses say it was amusing to see that eow run oIT with Bess Stur gis' little wagon on Tuesday afternoon. The cow had gained entrance into Wal ter's yard and was grazing when she got a'hold of the string attached to the wagon and deliberately made oil with it* She was caught in a neighboring alley and was relieved of her ill-gotten gain NOTICE.— A Select School will be opened at Aarousburg on Monday, July 26th, I.SSO, to continue eight weeks. All persons desiring to attend will please hand their names to M. M. Musser, of Aaronsburg. Special at tention will be given to such as are pre paring for College or for teaching in the Public Schools. Terms to suit the times. For further information ad dress the teacher, M. O. NOLL, 23-6t Lewisburg, Pa. THE LIST OF ACCIDENTS KEPT UP. —The calamity of broken limbs seems to be getting epidemical among the lit tle boys of our town. On Tuesday forenoon, Clyde, the youngest of C. W. II art man's children, fell from the table in the room and broke his right arm below the elbow. Dr. Frank was call ed to reduce the fracture and the child is doing right well. This is the third case of that kind which occurred in town during the pat four weeks and parents can not be blamed if they are getting uneasy. —We call the special attention of our readers 10 the advertisement of the new Penn's Cave Hotel. The hotel is situate within a few rods to the mouth or the Peon's Cave and has been built in such a manner as to make it special ly adapted for a summer resort. The cave, which is rapidly becoming one of the most popular places of pleasure in the state, is under the management of the hotel proprietor, who has left noth ing undone to accommodate his guests in a first class style. EOROUGII LEGISLATION.— The town council of Millheim had their regular monthly meeting 1 ist Saturday even ing and among other routine work, passed a resolution declaring the alley between Centre and South streets o pen, with instructions to the street commissioner to remove all obstruc tions. The resignation of Adolpli Mil ler, as a member of the council, was not accepted. Frank Knarr was ap pointed collector of borough taxes. Notices were issued to the property holders whose boardwalks are defective to repair the same within ten days. —Nearly all the boardwalks in town are giving out and our borough fathers will find it necessary to issue a general order to the freeholders of Millheim to lay new sidewalks before next fall. In speaking on this subject with one of the councilmen the other day he wisely proposed that notices should be issued about three months beiore, so as to give the people ample time to prepare for it and when all are ready, to do the work at once so that the walks may be properly graded. We hope the council will not delay this * matter too long. Summer is the right time for such im provements. —Survival of the fitest. Downs' El ixir has outlived every cough remedy simply because it is the best. For sale by .J. Spigelmyer and D. S. Kauffman & Co. —Fishermen should hear in mind that from tho Ist of June to August 31, all not fishing(except lor catching t>ail) is illegal, and any person found setting or using a net is liable to prosecution. All nets found in the river or creeks can be considered as lost property and taken by any person and held for the owner to call or handed over to the lish warden. The only legal fishing allow ed is with rod, hook and line, and the wardens will hold all persons to that. It is also contrary to law to take a trout less thalt live iticiies in length. —('. K. Sober, the erack shot, again distinguished himself on Decoration day, liv his remarkable skill with the rllin. The following, wlacli appeared in the lieedsville correspondence of the Lewistown (Jazctte, shows a splendid reeoul : After the decoration exercises were concluded on Saturday evening a large ciowil assembled to witness the won derful exhibition of glass ball shooting by C. K. Sober, of Lowisburg.Pd. The skill of Mr. S. is certainly high up in the art, and coupled willi bis different forms and manner of shooting we think his record made here stands uuequaled in Pennsylvania. Following is tho score. From right shoulder, broke 10, missed 0 ; from left shoulder, 10, 0 ; spring his own trap o, 0 ; back to trap when sprung, 5, 0 ; shooting with one arm, 5, o,* single balls gun upside down, overhead, 7, 1 ; double balls, from l iglit shoulder, 0, 1 ; double balls from left shoulder, B,U ; gun lying on table when balls sprung, 5, 0 • throw ing gun up and turning it, A, 0 ; back to trap, with gun between legs, 4, 1 ; single balls, right shoulder, barrels through cigar box, 7, 0; single balls, left shoulder,barrels through cigar box, c, 0 ; double balls, right shoulder, bar rels through cigar box, 10, 0 ; single balls, gun upside down overhead and barrels through cigar box, 9, 1 ; toss ing up gun, turning once around, with barrels through cigar box, 13, 0 ; balls from two traps, 30 yards apart, stand on centre line, shooting from right and left shoulder, 39, 1 : bills from two traps as above, with gun upside down, barrels through cigar box, 10, 0 ; sin gle balls with Colt's lightning rill".. 8, 1. Mr. S. uses a 10-guage and 10-pound Parker gun. Of Interest to Ladies. The new treatment for ladies' dis eases discovered by l)r. Mary A.Gregg, the distinguished English Physician and nurse, which has revolutionized the entire mode of treating these com plaints in England is now being intro duced into the U. S., under a fair novel plan. Sufficient of this remedy for one month's trial treatment is sent free to every lady who is suffering from any disease common to the sex who sends her address and 13 2et stamps for ex pense, charges, etc. 11 is a positive cure fur any form of female disease and the free trial pack aijc is many times sullieient to effect a permanent cure. Full directions ac company the package (which is put up in a plain wrapper) also price list for futuro reference. No trial package will be sent after Aug. Ist, ISS6. Address, GREGG* HEMKL>Y COMPANY, PALMY RA, N. Y. 19 3m Neighboring 1 News. SMITH TOWN. Cultivating corn D now the farmer's principal work. Next will Le haymak ing- Mrs. John Ilarshburger is on the sick list and unable to be out. Edward Swartz, who had been work ing for J. C. Motz, nt Wood ward,came home last week to stay. One of John Kern's horses is the vic tim of some disease and will hardly live. Rev. Deilzler and lady spent Sunday in our midsl. That large dog spoken of in a former issue of the JOURNAL was fetched a way by his owner, Mr. Samuel Wise,of Brushvalley. Some of our farmers tfiink the crows pull more corn than necessary and are making war on the black thieves. William Iluey shifted quarters from Millheim to Smith Town and intends staying here this Bummer. We bid liira welcome. Mrs. F. D. Luse and Mrs. Abs. liar ter of Millheim, rusticated among us last week. Those Sunday shooters, we hear, are going to thrash Jumbo for reporting them. They also make their brags what they might do with Sankey. What an idea 1 Two little boys trying to whip JUMBO. AARONSBURG. • Johnny,what were you doing on that cherry tree ? Cherries are too green to use. Another wedding on the programme. Be re.uly boys, one and all, hip, hip 1 Samuel Miller died on last Friday af ternoon and was burii'd on the follow ing Monday forenoon in the Lutheran cemetery, Revs. Yeaiick aud Deitzler officiating. The fellow, that paid that nocturnal visit at Jacob Reed's on last Sunday night would better acquaint himself with the fact that a large savage dog holds the position of inside guard of the louse. We lake the advantage of this oppor tunity to call Hie attention of relatives of departed friends to .the present con dition of the burial grounds of our town. All loose stones and other rub bish should be removed as soon as pos sible after burial. A stranger on dec oration day remarked that a stone pile makes a very fine monument to mark the lesting place of a departed friend. A respectable number of St. Paul's Lutli. churcli members and friends, paid Rev. Deitzler and his family an afternoon visit on last decoration day. Before the party left their houses they took into consideration the possible condition of the brother's larder and garner. To the surprise of the host and hostess both larder and garner were so well replenished that the wants of the family and faithful Billy were supplied for several mouths to come. On last Friday nfiernoon while Mr. Nathaniel Boob was leaving town on horseback, in going up the hill at the east end of town, a little dog belonging \ to Aaron Weaver ran out at and fright ened the horse, which became unman ageable at once. In attempting to dis mount, one of his feet was held by the stirrup. The horse wheeled and ran at full speed back into -town, dragging his rider for a considerable distance. Mr. Boob was picked up in a badly shaken up and bruised condition, but no serious results are expected to follow Lhe accident. lie was taken to his home by Mr. Weaver in a private conveyance. ANOTHER. —Wo have jad received a 111 w lot of Silks. A;-k to see them. 1). Katiff man Sc (do. C'OBURN. Mr. Andrew Stover has the founda tion for Ids new building completed. Andrew Vonada is breaking ground for his new dwelling house. Joel Keraletter is improving his house with a coat of paint. Mr. Uoslerman is building an addi tion to bis new building. And thus our village is slowly improving. Miss Lizzie Katherman and Miss Kale Ilursli, of Millliuburg, spent the Sa'hath at the residence of W. 11. Kremer. Miss Myia Van Valin has gone to Dullois to spend llio summer. Mrs. Chesty Muscer has gone to Hoalsbiug to spend several weeks visit ing. Tho Lutheran congregation of this place pin pose holding a festival around the 4th of July for the benefit of the church, we aie informed. Hoi>e they will meet with success and realize a nice suin. I?u.sin ess has been rather dull the last week on account of the farmers all being busy at homo. We had preeching twice on Sunday last, in the afternoon by ltev. Yearick and in the evening by liev. Deilz'er. ll ith these appointments always come on the same day, wliicli.if one of them could be changed,would give us preach ing about three times a month, where wo only have twice now. We think it would make it nicer nil around. There must be unusual attractions down the railroad, from the number of people that walk out that way every Sunday. Is it the new distillery or tho beautiful scenery which draw 3 ? There is not anywhere much more beautiful scenery to he found, than wo have here around our own beautiful i village. VALE. —Oh ! Oh ! This howling jumping raging toothache ! I would give any thing for relief. Well it won't cost you much, lo cents will get you a bot tle of the Ureal Zingara Toothache I h ops. Guaranteed. For toothache and neuralgia tlie t'ce. Dr. Harry Van Valzih, of Clearfield, I'a., spent a few days with his brother in this place. *** —A. Crownoyer, Saulsbury, Pa., writes : 4 J. A. McDonald. Dear Sir Your Liver Pills are giv ing good satisfaction here and there is quite a demand springing up for them. Please send me three doziii boxes at once, as I am out and some of my cus tomers wont have any other.' Comment needless. Dissatisfied pur chasers can have their money refunded. JOHXS TON, JlO LL OWA Y & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. Rebersburg and Vicinity. Some of the grain fields in this vicin ity look very promising. Mrs. Itosa Blair, of Miftlinburg, is at preseut here visiting her sister, Mrs. Win. Kreamer. Cornelius Bowersox, the Snyder county carpenter, who has the contract for building Jacob Gepbart's barn, had the misfortune last Saturday, while liewin? timber, to cut a deep gash in his knee with a broad-axe. Dr. Bright dressed the wound and the patient is about on crutches. Mr. Ira Walker and wife, of near Freeport, 111., are at present ID this vi cinity visiting relatives. One day last week while Dr. Good man, of Sugar Valley, who during Dr. Bright's absence attends to the wants of our sick, was out in the country to see a patient, his horse suddenly took a leap to one side of the road, upset the buggy, and badly demolished it. For tunately the doctor escaped unhurt. Mrs. N. W. Eby and Miss Sadie Bower, both of Woodward, spent last Saturday and Sunday iu Brushvalley. Last Saturday evening 11. G. Royer's hireling hitched one of Mr. Royer's horses to a sulky and drove off to see his best girl. Having arrived at her place he proceeded to unhitch, and while doing this the horse look fright and ran off. It cleared a fence and when Clayton caught up to the animal he found that it had broken its leg, and bad to be killed. This is quite a loss for Mr. Royer as it was a valuable mare. Daniel Weaver's child, which had been so badly burned and of which I made mention in last week's Journal, lam glad to state,is slowly recovering. Wm. Kreamer sold a fine horse to Geo. Kreamer, who is in the lumber business in Little Sugaryalley. Mr. Ira Gramley. of Aaronsburg,and Disassociate, Mr. Wilson, are at pres ent blowing out stumps with dynamite in Adam Bair's new ground. The stuff used is rough on stumps. Tbey have already blown out over one hun dred large pine stumps. Wedding Bells—On the Ist instant Rev. Lenard married Mr. Howard Crape, of near Spring Mills, to Miss Jennie Stover, of Rsbersburg. The happy event took place at the residence of the bride's parents. The Rebers burg cornet band were out and treated the couple to one of their fine serenades for which the groom rewarded them with a Y. SQUIBOB. —A BOTTLE of Curtis' Carmelite Cordial should occupy the handy corn er of every travellers satchel. No pru dent person will think of undertaking a journey involying changes of climate, diet and water, without first procuring a bottle. It never fails ! It never dis appoints I Money refuuded in every case when a single bottle, as directed, fails to cure any case of choiera dysen tery, cholera morbus,diarrhoea, cramps, pains in the bowels, or any intestinal irritation. Sold by all dealers. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WA Y& CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim,Pa, J. tt. Aid, Esq., of PiiTfc , | wis visiting in our village a ie*. last week. Our supervisor. Mr. (leo. Stover, has greatly improved the road leading to Cobun; and it is no quandnrv now how to obvialo mud holes. Nor do wo have any fear of crossing tlio bridges, sl ice they arc so substantial. John I). Snyder has his petition cir culating for the vacant position, since (.'apt. Van Valiu's discharge, of store keeper and gaugerof the distillery hero. We understand that Thos. Weaver is also an aspirant to the situation. Ice cream every Saturday evening at Burns' hotel. Howard Musser in palming Ins house and fence displays llirey colors—red, white and blue. J. C. Molz's sheriff sale on Thursday brought quite a lot of si rangers to town. We had presumed the buying would tie con lined to the ouo iM:rson, but a party from Union county bought some tine lumber at extremely low pri ces. In fact they hid on every tiling the sheriff offered fcr sale. Come again, boys. ' Aiigenti. —Druggists as a rule are extremely jealous and careful of the honor of their profession,and are loth to praise a medicine which they do not from per sonal knowledge know to be a meritoi ious article. They all agree however, that for smalluess of dose, easiness to take, an effectiveness as a worm de stroyer, McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders are the best and most desira ble vermifuge in their stock,and do not hesitate to recommend them. Dissat islied buyers can have their money re funded. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Miilheim ,Pa. SI AH HIED. on the Ist inst..at Rebersbnrg. by Rjv. Len :iro:- ->o:- -toe- -toe--toe- -toe- -toe-a The accommodations are the best, Weil fur nished double and single rooms, splendid bill of fare, and horses and buggies for the use of boarders. —— —< The celebrated and much visited >•— PENN'S CAVES, one fourth of a mile in length, with Its wonder, ful stalactites and stalagmites, is almost at the iloor of the hotel, and the proprietors are pre pared at all times to convey visitors through this subterranean passage. SAMUEL LONG, Proprietor. DO SO MORE WHITEWASHING NOT WHEN PLASTIC PAINT Can be had so cheap. Send for pamphlet and color card, and learn its merits. MAXWELL, HAZI.CI * CO. 109 McElderry's Wharf. Baltimore, Md.,aud (300 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 23-4t Our patrons and friends are re quested to take notice of this space in next week's issue when we will publish our regular summer an nouncement. D. S. KAUFFMAN & CO. TOTHKUmKg i wish Saw* & Vicinity. inspection of the elegant*., made line of *""■ Hats, Bonnets, iio.. Caps, etc- etc. Just received at my place, next door to E. C. Campbell's residence, on Main Street. aj'j'juvi jaaaaaaaaaaaßasaaaiaptj JljauaaaaaaaaaauauauyaaßaaH that my styles and prices snlt all and that J constantly keep on hand a full stock of Laces, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Pin Orna ments, and everything necessary for trimmings- .f. m t&- Call on tne If In need of any mill inoiy goods and you will not regret It. It?Bpectfully, liydiq G. 13i