Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 10, 1886, Image 2

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    |M| |ou#nal.
Published by R, A, BUMILLER.
MAXWELL, the St. Louis murderer
has been found guilty ot murder in
the first degree.
JEFFERSON County Demomcrats
will hold their convention in Brook
ville next Monday.
OHIO is to have a homo for the
blind, Governor Foraker having ap
pointed trustees and instructed them
to erect the building.
THE Knights of Labor in conven
tion at Cleveland, 0., on the 28tb,
ult., decided to increase the executive
committee from five to eleven mem
bers, with pletinnnent headquarters at
CHAIRMAN RYNDER, of the National
Greenback Labor party, has issued a
call for the State Convention of that
party to meet in Harrisburg on tho
18th of August, when they will nom
inate candidates for governor and oth
er offices.
SENATOR KENNA, at a meeting of
the Democratic Congressional Com
mittee on Monday, formally accepted
the chairmanship, and said that he
was influenced to some extent by the
publication of a statement that his re
luctance arose from an apprehension
of defeat for the party.
THE Democrats of Franklin county
held their convention in Chambers
burg on Tuesday and nominated a
strong legislative ana county ticket.
Resolutions endorsing the National
aud State Administrations were a
dopted and a feeling of good cheer
prevailed among the members of the
THE latest military tactic in Ger
mauy are infantry regiments mount
ed on bicycles and tricycles, and rid
ing them in marching order. At
Frankfort-on-the-Main the men are
now being drilled to the use of these
machines for military purposes.
Should not wonder it the next move
would be artillery regiments carrying
their cauous through the air in bal
GLADSTONE'S Home Rule Bill was
defeated by a majority of thirty in
the House of Commons. England
does not seem to be ready to give Ire
land its rights, but the great question
has at least been vigorously discussed
and will and must be reconsidered in
some future time. Gladstone s diplo
matic foresight tells him that it is es
sential to England's welfare to yield
in this reform issue and now that the
agitation has once been started it will
be taken up again, if not by the noble
Gladstone, then by one who will take
bis place in this political battle. It is
a question of liberty for Ireland and
Ireland will not rest until it has gain
ed the victory.
from the first was one of continued suc
cess and advancement until he reached
the highest office in the gift of the A
merican people, can now say that to
the great honor of his station the great
est happiness of man's life has been
added in his marriage to Miss Frances
Folsom. his former ward. After the
wedding, which occurred in the blue
room iu the White House, the dis
tinguished couple went to spend the
first few day's of their hone) moon in
Deer Park, in the Allegbenies, about
2700 feet above the level of the sea, in
a quiet and pleasant way. They ex
pected to depart from there yesterday,
Wednesday, and now the chief exe
cutive will again settle down to the
functions of his responsible office.
THE Philadelphia Times in speak
ing editorially of Secretary Manning's
resignation, alludes to him in the
following terms of praise, which will
be gladly echoed by all fairmiuded
citizens :
The great business interests of the
country,regardless of party affiliations,
will rejoice that Secretary Manning
has not been compelled the make his
resignation of the Treasury portlolio
Mr. Manning' is the one Cabinet
officer whose administration of his
most responsible trust has disarmed
even the virulence of partisan criti
cism. His broad intelligence, his
complete familiarity with the compli
cated questions relating to our reven
ue laws, his trusted fidelity to all offi
cial acts and his practical, common
sense views of revenue and finance,
have commanded the general confi
dence of the whole country, and his
enforced retirement by reason of ill
health would be profoundly deplored
in every section and by all parties.
President Cleveland will be hearti
ly commended for his refusal to con
sent f .o Secretary Manning's natural
request for absolute retirement, and
the country will gladly assent to his
summer vacation, hoping that by the
first of October he will be able to re
sume his duties. The Treasury De
partment is so intimately connected
with the great and varied business in
terests of the country, now greatly
disturbed by causes beyond govern
ment control that it is of supreme
importance alike to the administration
and the country, to retain Secretary
Manning who commands such gener
al confidence from the people. He is
now greatly needed at his post, but
he can be much better spare d for the
summer months than to accept the ex
periment of a new Secretary of the
Bureau Chiefs to See That the Civil
Service Laws are Strictly Enforced.
Washington, June€.—The determin
at ion of tlio President to carry out bis
policy with regard to civil service re
form seems to have communicated
itself pretty thoroughly to the heads of
his departments and through them to
the heads of bureaus.This appears more
prominently just recently through ap
plications for leaves of absence by the
employes of the various bureaus. Some
of these leaves were to take elTeet in
September. In fact, most of the clerks
postpone their summer vacation till the
latter part of the season. Jlv doing so
they have hitherto been able to com
bine business of a political nature with
their vacation. It is the determination
of those who are in sympathy wiili the
Democratic President *.o prevent as far
as possible leaves of absence for politi
cal purposes. It is said that a number
of these leaves have been requested
through members of Congress quite re
cently, and the applications have been
answered by the heads of the depait
raents by requesting tho member
asking the leave to state whether it was
for political purposes or not. If the
leave was asked for the employe with
the view to his assisting the Congress
man in mending his political fences the
leave would not lie granted ; if it was
pa rely for recreation or personal busi
ness, there was no objection expressed
as to the leave being granted.
Miscellaneous News.
Doath of a Prominent Sunbury
Sunbury, Pa., June 4.—William Cam
el on Packer, Esq.pon of Hon. John 11.
Packer, died at this place to day. after
a lingering illness of some months.
He was 34 years of age, and at the lime
of his death was attorney for the Phil
adelphia and Erie and Northern Cen
tral Railroads.
Grand Wedding at Williamsport.
Williamsport, Pa., June 4 —The so
cial event of the season occurred last
night. David J. Hill, President of the
University of Lewisburg, was married
to Miss "Juliet Packer, daughter of
Judge Packer and a niece of Governor
Packer. The ceremony took place in
Christ Church, this city. Bishop Ro
binson officiating. The newly wediied
couple received their friends at the res
idence of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Catharine J. Packer.
Peach Trees too Full of Fruit.
Muldletown, Del., June 4.—The howl
of the "June drop" of peaches doesn't
scare our growers worth a cent. They
are hoping the drop will lie many more
rather than fearing it. Their trees are
are too full, and could not bear up un
der the load of fruit even when it is
half matured. The recent rain has
been of great beneiit, inasmuch as it
prevented the curculio from getting his
work in. About one week from now a
fair estimate of the season's crop can
be made.
Reorganizing a Coal Company.
Philadelphia, June B.—The Clearfield
Bituminous Coal Company which was
organized in connection with the Beech
Creek Railroad Company. will lie sold
on Friday next at Cleaifield, Pa., un
der'a judgement obtained against the
company for $351,000, roo'/ey looped by
General" Magee. Messrs. Gazzirn and
Olmstead will attend the sale in the in
terest of the stockholders, and expect
to purchase the property. If they do
so, the company will be reorganised
with General Charles J. Langdon as
President, if lie will consent to serve;
if not, either Senator Peale or William
D. Kelley will be chosen.
Pennsylvania Nut and Bolt Works
Destroyed by Fire.
Lebanon, Pa., June C. —Shortly after
12 o'clock to-day fire was discovered In
the machine shop ol the Pennsylvania
Nut and Bolt Works. The east wind
blowing at that time gave the crackling
dames great headway, and it did not
take long until it reached tlie burr de
partment. Ilere the dimes soon
control of the oil tank, winch contain
ed 15 barrels of oil, and this kindled the
dames with great rapidity.
The fire is supposed to have origina
ted in the southwest corner of the ma
chine department where oily cotton
waste was laying and it is supposed be
came ignited by heat or the sun shin
ing on it. The buildings were insured
in tlie New York Pennsylvania Insur
ance Companies. The loss will be si
bout $200,000 and wifi throw out of em
ployment about 300 people.
■Jill ■■■■■lll 111 II ■I —— 111 I MMM J.-WH-W MrOMMT MS
NOTICE sealed proposals Will l>* ivceiyo'l
at the Commissioner's oHiee. J'ellefoiilu,
lip to 1" o'clock, a. i •.. .Monday June 21st. is* :,
(or bailiiinu the übulments for ;io iron luiJpe
to be erected across beans (' Green briar
road in bean township. b::ui* and sne: iiica-
Crv.i.i can bo -eon at tii • Commissioner; ollice at
Z3-2t Supervisors of benn tivp.
SHERIFFS SALE. —by virtu• of sundry
writs of Fieri Facia- 1 , issued out of Hie
Court of Common Pleas of CVntiv county and
to mo directed, will be exposed at public sale
at the Court House, in I lie borough of belle
(onto, on FRIDAY, JLLV 2ND. LSSD.AT I.3o o'clock
p. in., the following property, tp wit:
Not. All that certain niossuane or tra?t of
land situate in the township of Haines, county
of Centre and state of ba. b/mnded and tie
scribed af follows to wit: Bepilininj; at a stone
in the turnpike road ihenee along said road
aud by lands of Adam Weaver north 71 degrees
west IK) perches tea stone,thence land of
(5. W. Jlosterinan 62J4 degrees west '.HI 1 II) per
ches to a stone thence by the same land south
36 degrees west 6 8-1" parejjes to a corner and
north 54 degrees west one perch to a corner
thence along the same sou'lt dozi'ivx west
21 3- 10 perches to a stone theneo l.;;pl of
Joint L. Kiearner north 17 degrees j 8-10
perelies to a. stone, thence along the. sauu; south
66 degrees west 0% perches to a ora< ••. i.jence
along land of Noah Weaver north 4,' j degrees
west 40 perches to a stone,thence by saute north
47V4 degrees east 12 Perches to a corner in a
foresaid road, thence partly by the same laud
and partly by the land of John L. Kreamer
north 17degrees west 40 perches to a pine
stump, thence along the same south 76>£ de
grees east 20 2-10 perches to a corner oil the
edge of the mill dam. thence by the same north
15% degrees west 42 perelies to a stone, thence
by land of George Vonada, Jr. north &S% deg.
east 33)4 perches to a stone, thence by the same
south 3i% degrees east 52 perches to a stone
and south 4'J degrees east 16 perches to a corner
on the south si<ip of bine creek, thence by land
of Samuel M. Mot>. 42% degrees west 53 perches
to a post,thence by the same south 47K degrees
east 19 8 10 perches to a stone and soulk ft de
grees west C>% perches to a -stone thence by land
of Mary Iless north 88 degrees west 1% perelies
to a stone thence bv the same south 28 degrees
west 8 2-10 perches to a stone and south 17 de
grees east 7 2-10 perches to the place of begin
ning containing forty three acres and ninety
six perches excepting aud reserving all that
certain tract or piece of land bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning at a stone,
thence bv land of C. W. Hostermau south 54%
deg, west 13% per. to a post thence by uind of
John L Kreamer north 16 degrees west to bine
creek.thence along i'ine creek 77}£ degrees east
11 % perches to a post.t hence eoutn decrees
east to the place of beginning Go'ntuuijijs
one acre the same having been sold and com
ve3 T ed by deed of J. C. Motz and wife,daied the
14 day of November, A. 1)., 1832, to John L.
Krearner. Thereon erected a mansion Mouse,
Bank Barn, Grist mill.dwelling Hoouse.Saw mill,
Store house, Warehouse and other outbuildings
generally known as the Woodward mill pro
No 2. Also all that certain tract of land sit
uate In the township of Haines,county of Centre,
and state of Fa. Bounded and described as fol
lows : Beginning at a post,thence along land of
Samuel Yearlck norfh 82 degrees east 46 per
chea to birch. theneo nlonij land of Michael
Hesssouth 17 degree*east bX)perches tostoncs.
thence along lands of Geo. Vonada, Jr., south
72 degree* west 4"> porches to stones 1 hence a
long part of tract sold to Gee. Vonada north 17
degrees west 100 perches to the place of begin
ning. Containing twenty nine acres and eight
perches, no Improvements.
No J. Also aII that certain tract of land sit
uate In Haines township, county and state si
foresaul bounded and desert lied as follows:
bcKinning at a chestnut oak corner, thence a
long land of >acob Borer. Jr.. north 2a degrees
west 7:5 perches or there a bonis to a spruce,
thence north 56 degrees east as pereb. s to a
post them e along town lots south 02 degrees
east twenty nerches to post, Ihenee north 18 tl
grees east pciehes to post, thence south 80
degrees eas' a 5-10 perches to post, thence north
10 degrees ea s t a 1-10 perches to post, thence
south SO degrees east "2 2-10 perelies to post,
thence south in degrees west I perches to si ones
thence south degrees east 30 2 lo porches to
post, t hence north degrees east 12 0-10 per
ches to post in turnpike, thence along said
turnpike south degrees on*t ">o> a perches to
stones, thence south 'j degrees west 10 2-1"
lerehes to stones, thence north 72 degrees 2*
2-1,1 perches to stones thence south I'j degrees
•vest 17.1 to perches or thereabouts to chestnut
oak, thence along tract sold to Geor ?e Vonada
,tr , south 18 degrees east 27 perches or there a
Irouts to line running east from the chestnut
oak being the southern line of siilrk and Wliit
iner survey, thence south 72 deg west 2 • . per.
to the place of beginning, containing si My
right acres more or less.
No t. Also that certain tract of laud situate
In the township on Malnes. county and stale
aforesaid. Hounded and described as follows:
tin the north by lands ol Geo. It .Stover and nth
or*, on the east by lauds of John Zeigler, on the
south bv lands of Samuel M . Mot/, and I'hibp
Hate and on the west by lands of Philip Dale,
containing (60) sixty acres, more or less. No
No .V Also all that certain tract of lend sit
uate In the township of Malnes, county and
state aforesaid, bounded and described as fid
lows: beginning ;:t stones near the brush
Valley road I hence along land of Geo. Kox,
north ! j degrees east 11 4-1" perches to a Mono
thence along loud of John Hess estate 89 uog.
west l.'> perches to chestnut, thence along same
laud south '-j deg. west 11 4-10 perches to stones
thence along land of t has. Smith north sy !eg.
east l."> perches to place of beginning, contain
ing one (1) acre and ten perches neat incasuic
Thereon erected a stable.
No. 6. All that certain tract or pieeejof land
situate in tiie township, county and state a
forcsgid, bounded and deseribed as fojows,
beginning at a gum, thence bv land of lit—s
anil Orndoif south 24 degree* west 107 perches
to a spruce, thenee south 20 deg w e>t perch
es to spruce, thence south sj deg west 'J. 7-10
perches to sugar, thence south 15 deg west Id
iH'iches to spruce, thence by land of llenry
Vonada north 18 deg west 40 perches to pine,
thence west 111 perches to post on west bank
of Pine Creek. thence up the same and land
of Maria Snyder north Its'*; deg east 17 perelios
tosmall chestnut, th< nee ly land of Samuel
Motz north 47 deg east 48 perelios to spruce,
Ihenee north 120 pcr.-hes theneo by
land of Jacob M. NeidUh north <lB deg oa-t Isi
perelies to calk for sugar, thence sout h 47 deg
west l io perches to spruce and thence north II
deg east id perches to the place of beginning,
containing one hundred and twenty one acres,
more or less. Thereon erected a saw mil),
dwelling, stable and other outbuildings.
No, 7. Ml that certain tract of woodland
situate in the township, county and slate a
forcsaid, bounded ami described as tollows,
beginning at a stone, theneo by lands of Jacob
Xeidigh, Sr., south 21 deg east k!2 110 peiMo a
stone, thence by laudsof John Hess south 72 1 8
deg west 65 1 , perches to a stone. thence by
land of Thos llosternian north 22 deg west 126
perches to a stone, thence along the bin It
Mountains north deg ea-t <•', nerches to i
the place of begiamng. emit lining 52 acres and
52 perches. No improvements.
No. 8, Abo that undivided one-half interest
In the following described tracts or piece of
land No. 1 all that certain tract situate on the
wale IN of bine Creek, in the Two., County and \
State aforesaid, and contains the dam Indulg
ing to the gr lest mill ami saw mill erected on
the tract. No. 2 hereinafter described and is
bounded and described as follows * beginning
at a stone corner thence along said dam and
lauds f Philip Meyer, North so degrees. Hast
5 2-10 perches to . stone, thence by the same |
North 63 degrees,Kast 13 55-10 perches to a stone
thence by the 14 l ■. deg east 18 41'
perches to a walnut tree on land ol ba lebelnn.
Theneo by the same North 85 degrees. Kast
7 2-1" perches to an elm, thence by the same
north •'>' degrees, east 1 ■•'■4 perches to a stoue.
thence bv the same north le'.i degrees, east
71-In perches t" a "tuple, thence by the same
north 70 degrees, east jwrehes to a sugar. '
tiicnce across Pine Creek south to degiees.wcst
f>'4 perches to a stone, them e down said dam
south fo> degrees, west 11'4 perelies to a birch,
ihenee sou'h 30 degrees, west 41 perelies to a
white pitie on .and of bhiliu Meyer, _ thence by
the same south It" j degiees, oust lT porches
to a l.emlock, thence south 7.' degrees, west In |
percln-s to stone.thenec noitli 61 degrees.west |
15 8 to perches to a hemlock, tbeuce across the !
dam bv tract No. i.uorth 13degrees, oa*t II s lu j
pet;d;es to the place of beginning, containing j
five acre* (5 and seventy one perclms and al
lowance. No. 2. all tint certain tract of land
situate in the Township, County aud Statu u
foresaid adjoining the above described tract
and is bounded and described as follows: Be
ginning at a stone, thence by land of l'hilip
Meyer, north 6t> degrees, west 40 perelies to a j
stone near a sugar, thence by the same, south i
ivi degrees, west 14 6-10 perelies to a post.thence j
liy the same, south 0 degrees, west 20 perches i
to a post in the middle ot Pine Creek, thence i
by land of William Stilzcr souths; degrees, j
oust to n post, t lionet* itcrons ttieflaui ;
and bv lot No 1, north 1". degrees, cast 26*10
perches to the place of beginning, containing 8
acres and l- r 6 perches and allowance. Ihea- :
l ove two tracts ate known us tlie "i'lnei reek
Mill" property and has thereon erecl.'d a tbc-l
Mill. Saw Mill. Two Dwelling Mouses, stables,
and other outbuildings.
No. P. Also the undivided one-half Interest ;
tu ah thai c.rtajn tract of woodland, situate ;
near the junotioti of Pino and Pea.i Creeks, in
the township, county ami state aforesaid.bouiir I
ded and desc ibed as follows: beginning at a
spruce theneo by lan i formerly ol JacoUSiover,
south,4'->j degrees, west :>6 perches to a pn.t, j
thence along Mm same, south 7% degrees, west i
:W perches to a stone, thence by hunt of Henry j
Vonada. south degrees, west < I perdu sto a
Kfone, th'Miec by land <f the heirs of Michael
Stover, deo'd, south degree, east 7* P■•relies ■
to a post, thence south 1 dcgrpes.wcsl U perch- i
es to a pine, thence up Pine Creek by J:i"d of •
Jacob hveret perches to a linn tree, theneo :
north 73 deg east s per to the place of begin
-1 ning, containing eleven acres (11) and iOperch
ies and allowance by the same more or less. .No
improvements. „
No. 10. Also all the undivided one half In
terest in and In all that certain tract of unseat
ed land situate in the towusliii) o? llaines.coun- j
ty of Centre an i state of IVuna , In warrantee
name of Joint Motz. containing one hundred j
and sixty two (1:52) acres more or less with al
No. 11. Usthe right, ' IMe m 1 interest of ;
tlje defendant in all that certain messuage ten- j
emcut and lot "f ground situate in the village i
of Woodward, tie tare (h#°apty, J'.'tjua. bounded ;
on the north by lands of Noah Weaver, on the
east by an aiiev, on tin south by tump ke an I ,
on the west by an alley, cent i:;ing % of an
acre more r I rs, thereon erected :: two story
ilriek M'.vlli'.r; tlou<e and other outbuild hi'-:*.
Seized takt n ii exe. iiiio i and to be s ! I as tin: j
property of John C. M<"z
No. 12. All tho e two cut tin lots or pieces
of ground situate in the borough of I'nlonville,
county of.Centre'and state of Pa. known as lots '
No's 17 and 18 in the general plan or plotjof.said
borough, bounded and described as follows to ,
wit : beginning at the corner of Main and i
Union streets, thence along Main street norl.ii :
28 deg., west 104 feet to old township road, i
thence along same south "b deg, west VI feet to ;
a twenty feet wide alley, thence along same j
sontli 28 deg. east II" fee; tsi Union street, j
theneo along snipe north 62 d"g, east r >l feet to •
tlie place of beginning, aonlaitiiug live tlions- i
an 1 seven hundred and seventy eight feet. It
being tlie same premises which Thos J Geary
etux by deed dated April 11. A l> 1878 and re
corded in the office for recording of deeds &c._
in and for Centre county m deed bo k 12 No. 2,
page 3) &c., granted aim conveyed unto C. C.
Taylor, his heirs andassignes and the said C. C.
Taylor et ux conveyed the same to the said A.
T. heathers by deed dated Fen. 13, 18-p, record
ed I" deed book P No. 2, page lVj. reference
thereto being had, will more;fully* and at large
appear. Tliereou erected a store room, ware I
house, ice lioijse, eta. Seised taket) in i
tiou and to be sold <as the properly of A, f.
No. 13. AH that certain messu .ge tenement
and traot of Jand situate In the township of
jpn nsule, county of Centiu and state of I'enna.
bounded aud described as follows to wit; be
ginning at stones, thence sout ii 17" perches to
stones, thence east !2V perches to si ones.thence
along laud of >avid Oswalt, north 17" perelios
to .•Mones, thence west 12V perches to the place l
of the beginning,containing 152 acres and 1!"
perches neat measure, b/iug part of a tract of
land in the warrantee name of David Lenox
thereon erected a new frame dwelling house
two and one half stories high, stable and other
outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and
to be sold as the property of osear Molt
TauMS-rNode'd will be acknowledged until
the purchase money bo paid in full.
Sheriff'sOlllco, Bellefoute, Pa , June 9th, 'B(S.
FOB TAX KS 1884 and 1885.—Agreeable to ;
the provisions of law relat ing to the sale of un
seated tra Cts of land for the non payment of <
taxes, notice is hereby given, that there will be j
exposed at public sale or outcry, the 10l low ing
tracts of unseated lands iu the county of Cen
tre for the taxes due and unpaid the
Court House, in tip: borough of bellefoute, pn
MONDAY, JUNE 14TH, A. I). 1880,
at one o'clock p. m,
Acres. Per. Wartantee Taxes.
50 Coon, Andrew $ 4 19
53 Homes, ltobert 320 ;
120 Hale J M - 6 72!
50 Harris, JD ~. 4 19
50 Moore, John 4 19,
100 Shugert, J D 5 GO I
30 Unknown 1 2 51
110(108 TOW NSHIP.
305 112 Coenran, John 34 50
"07 145 ('aiscadden, 0 45 .54
li t Oca!. Ann,(part) Mil)
418 40 Hood. William 40 43
415 Pluck, .lames 14 94
4W 103 Brady, Hubert 1557
4.11 lio, Win. V 15. K
■i.e. 163, John 15 5:
4:n 1.51 Pell.' Mexamlor 1558
415 Hov.l, John- 14 01
431 li .'l Hell. \Mlliani - 15 57
431 '('.l Cook. William 15 58
13.3 163 Cowden, JMill 7SJ
l;kl 163 le war4, William 782
133 103 Oewart, .'allii 782
43! 103 DoimcHy, Hehry 782
133 103 (Jlay Hubert 7 82
433 103 (iray, William 782
433 103 (ireeves, Alex 15 57
4.33 1(53 (irant, Thomas. 782
433 103 (inbon,(Jftar|es. 782
4.33 153 llall,Charles 15 72
110 Harris. Ilenrv 1512
4 .3 10:1 IL>u*el. John 782
1.33 105 Kl.hl, John 15 57
415 Levy, Nathaniel 14 01
431 103 I.von .lolia 752
2 Hi Miller, William 7 20
433 103 Morris, Joseph 15 57
210 s.j Parker, Jeremiahof 775
43.3 103 Shafer, Henry 782
I.3'' 103 Sc.ill,Samiiel 15.57
413 10.1 I owei s, .lames 15 57
41". Thomas, .losepli 14 01
415 Walae.losepli S 11''I
433 li'< 3 Walac, Joseph 15 57
415 Welt/el, .loliii 7H
123 Wheeler. Henry 4 11
423 1(53 Wilson, Hid 15 57
201 Withliif'toii, Martin 737
:100 10 A|wood, N I
300 At wood, N I
50 Brooks, Jesse
415 llrooks, .Jesse
119 Carskadden, I)
2(M 120 Carskadden, H ...... 2
237 Coats, Bindley (
311 Dellaas, Peter. ?a of 55 0
41 "> Eddy, Esther 7
311 Kvuii, Cadwala.ier
415 Klllot Will 1
415 Gilbert, William 1
423 120 Hall. Charles
6< lb.Howell,K<l
20.3 Irwin, dames
403 Kelso, lfeliecea
; Kelso, Joseph
4<HI Long. .1 it 9
2'7U I.owns. Caleb Of
207?., I.onjtstreth. Isaac
20"' I.owns, Caleb
•JoTCj LongstreUi, Isaac
70 Mason, John S
2 0 Meyer, Philip
1(h) Meyer, Simon B<mh
420 48 Meyer.Mlehnel 1
420 Meyer, Valentine.. 1
P.Hi Miller, James
200 Palmer, John
415 Taylor, Joseph
415 Main, Jacob 72
415 Wister.Cnsjier I
l.'si Willis, Jonathan
433 10.3 M bite, James ]
1(H) olive James 8 20
150 A Hartou Sloat, (owner) 12:10
00 Carson. Andrew 1 41
154) Cowden, John 353
178 127 Carson Andrew 100
1:50 Duncan, David 12 22
25) llenbiun, William 5 88
:NO Huoby. Bernard 894
53 63 llahn, William 4To
52 John McL'liiitock, (owner) 1 22
359 Anljs. Henry 7 58
212 60 liarr,Thomas 502
2'o do ltarr. James 520
2"9 6t) Hair, Mary 5.36
87 Barron,.l oh n 1 78
151 Reck, Henry M
344 16 !> (Hinder, John. 7 (*'
338 60 Bolinder, Henry 692
325 60 Boiinder. Frederick 668
513 60 Boiinder, Adam 640
135 Cowley, 11 11 2 76
282 163 Kpler, Peter 784
4.38 Kpler. Andrew 9 28
181 Pees.Jacob 3 70
262 40 Uillnmn. 11 & S Hn>der 538
253 do 5 20
435 Hall. Charles - 892
437 109 Mailman. John S9B
267 00 I.inks, Mary .. 260
418 99 Kreamcr. George.. 8 sa>
200 Parker, William 1 1<)
.3H) 61 Swlneford. Albright 618
IfO 17 • Stover A Wlf 346
337 123 Snyder. Catherine 508
200 Snvdcr, Catherine 4 ID
88 Tn'ld, William 94
4(5 Simon Grata ~ 8 34
lio J G Meyer 2 24
100 George Fowler 2 06
1(H Melhtas Workman 216
283 James Black -.. 604
1 11 Peter Black 2 94
1. 5 H B Cowley 278
458 Kpler. Adam 8 38
395 80 William Tub) 8 0.3
368 l'hlllpGlier. 754
209 Wendell Grove 426
25 Calvin M. Hayes 25
4(H) Joseph Henry 8 30
173 llobert McKlroth 3 s>s
j 327 Samuel Mctzgar 6 75
162 .loiin Mat* 336
120 Daniel Rhodes 249
412 David Scribner - 917
348 George Seidel 8 05
303 Peter Seidel 6 27
388 Philip Seidel BUS
123 ICII Scribner 876
213 George Snyder 502
15 Joseph Thompson 33
416 Henry Splkr & (JWt her 9 2't
; 196 Award 3 85
2M Catherine Snyder 4 15
| 18 C'.tstiMuis Tho'ma 37
119.1.FM00N 'I OWNSIIIP.
; 4e9 12) Joilff. Ulchard .... 56 00
! 216 l-amburii, Jo.siali 3029
'•1 Hljoarer. Isaac... 99
>4 Johu T FoWler,:toweer) ID
6.3 sO John T Fowler, (owner) 3si
67 76 John T Fowler 409
193 Fhhor. Jr 3 81
2:5:1 Fox, Georgo 2 72
; 4'.u Forbes, James 3'.*)
1 4*6) Harrison. M'ilUani 390
5o Irwin, Joint :v
. 4.5) Patterson. Robert 399
4.0 Bet d. James 3 (M
j 497 92 M liar ton, Kearney 487
197 Ml Brown, Samuel 470
217 Dunham. Sarah 1 17
15J Green. Joseph 13 53
25 Grnysbti nr. Joseph. 1 10
215 Godfrey. Martha 4 73
415 Godfrey, Martha 913
5.5 Harris James 1) 2 59
1.30 Uncle,J J 141
16i Willi*.Jonathan 7 52
ft!) White & Nesllerode 3 30
j 433 163 B .xtcr James 920
25( il Cl;ati|Hlir, Win 4 2(1
, 120 Kuhh, Ml im 9' 20
> 4 3 163 Price,,fohn 919
"4 53 103 Rdi'iitton. Joh't 919
,12 J C WtttK (owner) 4 29
! 59 CarsKaddnn, 1) 12
1 8 Gorrell Win. 136
lii>i Hays, I,'obort & James 18 91
! 175 Hess, George D7 16
2 9 3 Irwin, llobert. 2.3 4s
j t2"J) Jackson, John 425
i 30) Jaeksop, Jeremiah 11 78
; 2"() K rouse. Daniel 340
30 King, Tiiomas .81
180 Lytic, Peter 5 80
150 Lytle, Peter 3 80
4.)0, Mai hew 1 76
400 Lcecli, Matbew - 170
.30 King, Thomas 84
400 Packer, Job W 7 60
175 Gulgle.. James A 070
349 Ninillt,Christian. 13 76
so Smith, Robert os
101 Pottjr, Jolin 4 00
1(58 Shaw & Lingle 3 16
43 66 Gorman. John 14.3
31 Decker, Adam 7 38
17 Lewis, Thomas •. 289
20 Lucas, Thomas 16
5.0 William Tiigljmau (owner),... 1020
19 Isaac Frain,(owner) 4 15
28 John Zeiirler (owner) 7 14
60 Yarger, Simon 3 00
60 Yargei, Simon 306
%nf 1'.)9 Zantzinger, Paul 192
4-30 Brady, llobert 7 64
410 Brady, Hannah 7 .''.o
255 BraoyJane 4 53
20.) Brady, John 3 55
410 Brady, Win P 7 si
29 i Brady, Win P 515
20 Antis, Henry .86
424 Galliorn, George 7 52
403 Cerotners James 7 18
150 Cooper, Win 2 67
125 Horsey, John 2 22
320 '''earon, Joseph 5 68
429 ft ray, Unhurt 7 00
476 (.rant, Thomas 3 44
130 123 Gralz, Simon 130
460 Hunter, Alox 7 96
250 Jackson, Jercutiah 4 11
300 Levy, Aaron , 532
425 Norton, Samuel 7 55
i ,3'H) Parker, Win.. 532
324 Parker. Ulchard 5 76
324 Parker, Jeremiah 5 76
125 Stead man, Win. 3 55
200 .Smith, Thomas 3 55
100 Scott, Abraham 1 77
50 Scott, Samuel 89
150 Scott, Abraham 2 07
90 Scott, Samuel. 1 "0
1:10 Taggarr, Hubert 2.31
425 'Poland, Ilenry 7 <>s
100 C Long, (owner) 177
125 Wharton Moore 223
123 M'harton, Moore 2 23
425 M iiiiam David 7 55
150 Wolf. 1 00
484 William Harman 8 88
400 46 JainesCummings 740
371 Wlll Boyde 6 85
351 Win Grant 6 60
307 Thos Boyde 5 55
4:10 Joseph Trinp 766
201 Thomas Smith 3 70
4'•(• Win House] 7 47
425 Samuel Tripp 7 87
410 Hugh Horde 777
10.) Peter Tripp. 7 46
111) Thomas Miles.. 7 53
200 Jacob Princeton .3 To
415 Stophel Seidell 7 69
490 John Selgtrled 7 49
400 Daniel Kelgfrted 7 49
286 Jacob Seigfreid 5 27
150 John Hays 2 78
2M Martin Wider 5 is
17ii Win Cook ."> 1 i
210 Hubert Tuggurt 4 41
25 James Steadman 46
17 Unbelt LuUuiurc 31
aw Daniel M illmms 576
200 I hoiii is Carol hers .3 70
2<io John Brady 3 77
250 Win Brady 4 6.3
250 John I 101 l el 4 63
7-16 of
402 131 William Miles .8 11
250 William Cooper 4 63
150 Armstrong. James. 5 25
.••■S3 Cook, William 9 89
150 It) Cowden, John 525
112 10 Cowden. John 355
100 Cook, Will 150
jo.) Cook. M ill 28
I j Ml Haniltoii.Tlios '
150 Hepburn, James • 2-
lbi 31 Hepburn, James • '..)
1.5t1 Kennedy, John...
I.'ift Kennedy, James 5 25
In I so Kennedy, Andrew. 3'J
108 131 Kennedy, John "' -'I
II:', S Kennedy. James - 331
2m) Lyon, Unbelt 7 0)
200 Lynn, K/okial 7 no
200 Lynn, Benjamin 7 no
2,(1 Lyon, llobert 7 (4)
2m) Lyon. Kzeklul 7 no
200 Lyon, Benjamin. 7 no
2tHi MeCally, John 7 no
2.m McCally.'' m 7OO
100 Montgomery, Daniel 3 50
100 Montgomery, M'III 3 50
2(H) MeCally, John " 20
PA) Svi lneford. John 10 50
Hsi Bulges. Adam 4 40
lloirnl, Mary n :>)
:;m) Brown, Jnbn 13 20
8| 111 Cameron, Alex 220
1)9 Cougail.Dav id "2 b*
lu) l>ewart, Wm 2 20
2t"J I.wing. Jasper 4 40
2<) Fulimer, H 11 8s
400 Forks, James 4 20
4(K) Garigus, IM ward s 80
400 Garigus. Win
1(KI Getty, Christ 2 20
2m) Gobin, Charles 4 40
15;) Martin, Thomas 3 3n
105 MeClellan. George -
880 M 111 Collier,(owm r) 12 7"-
31 83 ltopp,Jaeib 281
I.V) Naw\er, Win 2 20
l(Nl Vninlerhlice, II 1 j"
imi Young, Saipuel r, 2
419 Jclumon. John 4 83
186 115 lirdue, John 5.02
two Hobison, Catherine s 1"
590 Roblsoii, Uebecea 8 10
150 ltobison, Ulchard ... 4 o-7
100 J. Gordon, list, (owner) 2 7o
4:23 i, r 3 Bingbain. Win
433 153 ltiiruot. Felix b8 <4
825 Bangs, WM i-;^.'
3-5 Banks, Win
•>' Clvilier, George c'--m
•"3 153 Camnbell, George
43". l'-3 CoX.Paul
4.3 153 Cuthbiu l. ibomas ,; ' ■
412 Carskadden. D J?43
412 Carskadden. D P'l*
4:'3 153 Delaney, Sharp®
•300 D.'vluig Joseph .
:k*l j)evliiig Josejit) !;! •*}
218 Dobsou, Samuel "V i°
Devlin# Joseph '6
Eddy, George
2 9 Fit7slnunons. Thomas v4O
6' Gray. Koberl '3^
4 > 15.3 Hawiliorn, Thomas (*
12! 153 Hawthorn, James 2,
888 Hale. Jam *s T V'.O
mi Hale. J allies T -V ,
4 '3 IJnn, Samuel '''-
'•> 15,3 Lewis, Wm
XXI j.vj I.ewH.Win '4
3 >,i J Z ■' "0
r i Long. J Z
Liggett. John ; ' *1
To Mason Joint K
MeMannus, James
'2l 1"3 Milliken, M.T
40 I .' 73 Mitchell, N.J 2V'-?
4>3 Morgan. Benjamin It <bOV.
400 Martha, Alex
4.3-5 153 Maylan, Jasper J r s
4 5 153 Mavston. lit ward ij 92
43:1 150 Mcftianahaii, Blair ilHh
4.8 153 Meade, George |J9
433 l*i3 MePherßou, M'm -, !
4.33 120 Misner. Luke iAK.
4:53 15.1 Morris, Robert bo J
4o(i Martin, Alex 15
42) 153 Non ls J P 47 32
423 153 Norrls, J 1' 881
4.33 153 Parker, Wm 71 02
216 Parker, Jeremiah 3558
216 Parker, Jeremiah 35M
4 23 Parker, George 16 45
216 ltaluey, Hubert 8 21
;to llelly Job 49 20
133 153 Shipuen, Thomas L 7! 02
4.33 I'd Scott, I'M ward 71 G2
433 153 S]tear. Margaret 16 45
162 Tompkins. Joseph 9 IK)
433 153 Tallnuui, p.enj II 7102
4 3 153 Valentine As 71 02
4.3 15.3 Wain,Uebecea 71 02
433 153 Wharton, Moore 71 02
i::3 15) Wharton. L izibelb 7103
5-9 of
4:53 153 Wharton, Mary M 39 50
1-9 of
483 153 Wharton, Mary M 738
421 153 West, Francis 7102
433 154 West, Benjamin 71 ('2
169 West, Francis 13 94
115 Wain, Ulchard 4 1.
433 153 Wharton, Kearney 16 45
400 Williams, David 12 35
1(K) Williams David 12 35
1.3.3 1"),') Allison, Johu 183 91
328 Allison, James 1.39 04
2">9 Alliso.i,Andrew & John Lilly 159 (D
327 10 Armstrong.Andrew 11 52
164 19 Allison, James 16 54
.390 116 Arthur. Ann 39 42
.394 117 Arthur. Thomas 30 73
43) I*3 Britches, Isaac 43 93
433 163 Beverage, David 1! ;"2
433 153 Brickley, Daniel 17 79
43) 153 Bruutzman, Peter I:>7 so
200 BurK, John 18 80
133 ICS lio roll 11(1, John 19 98
49 Chestnut. Samuel..,., 636
ion civnn r. Ge..rge 5-3 09
6)9 Campbell. George 53 00
8 9 Cuthlcu l, Th ouas 1 .199
89 Corkendon.J il (owner) 1272
.".;s:t Chestnut, Samuel lo 21
423 163 Deiuny, Sharp 1152
253 Dei.tier, sVjn ... 93 53
122 Kberinan. Philip 6 )7
133 153 liilward <,Tlios 116.5 i
* Ersklne. Tth>uiaa 7 81
43) 153 Funk. John 22 93
2">9 )'ilz>imuions, Tlieinas 13 25
193 Edward French, (owner).... 2.H2
4".4 (! rant.Thomas 3.185
21(5 155 Gra..t, Thomas 1078
216 156 Grant, Thomas 68 99
43) 163 Gleiit'wortb,, James 1152
59 Groe, Klizaltetli 795
190 Gray, llobert 53 00
21 152 Groe & Me.Keon.. 318
13! 15) Hair, Christian .34 45
426 161 Hair, Christian .33 92
433 15.3 Hair. David .'M 45
216 156 Hamilton, Thos 68 90
433 153 Hand, John 34 45
133 151 Hamilton, Hugh 22 93
4:53 163 Hopkins, John 47 79
433 153 H über, John 34 45
483 153 llaiues, lien ben Jr 22 51
216 80 Hamilton, 11 i,"h 1685
4.3! 153 Irwin, llobert 137 89
43) 153 Irwin II abe it 4 >ll
4.33 153 Jorden, >wen 34 45
I(hJ King, llobert 42 40
101 19 Kerr, James 86 92
433 162 Lue:is,*Beiinet... 1125
433 163 Baltimore, George 1152
135 163 Baltimore, Wm <; 360
15 Lawrence, Casper 316
4.33 153 Ltnibore, Chris, ian 2191
313 lot) Lowdcn, John 24 91
5) Long, All 13 25
418 Lawrenc. Casper 19 85
4:43 163 Mavston, Edward 1152
299 Mcpherson, Willlaui 5 30
43) 153 MiUerJohn 34 4
43! 163 Miller, Jacob 1145
43) 163 McConnell, Martha 61 o2
4.33 153 Meade,George 45 73
43) 153 Morgan, Bit 15 9o
KH) MoCord Si A Campbell 22(H)
•133 153 Milller, Hubert 1193
4:1.3 Metzger, Jacob 11 25
43) Miller, Jane 1125
43) 153 Miller, Hubert 1125
323 Pat ton, Hugh 17 19
43) 153 Peter, Hiciiard 45 95
100 l'assmbre, Jus Bryant &Haslet 15 90
433 153 Reese, Thomas 229 45
433 )53 Rohrer, Christian 34 98
333 153 Rudesill, Jacob 52 97
405 47 Rush, Jacob 107 33
38 ltobison, M'M II 106
37 ltobison, Wm H 1 oO
43) 153 Schafner, Casper 229 45
433 1 3 Sheuk, Andrew,,,, 34 47>
433 153 Shook, Michael.. 34 45
433 153 Shenk, Christian 34 45
347 16 Mteek, Jacob 19 64
433 157 Spear, Kobert 68 99
433 153 Smith, Mary 23 92
167 ' 7 Slough, George 13 25
219 Scott, Andrew 17 38
433 153 Slough, Jacob ... . . 97 24
433 153 stoagh, George. 34 45
200 Sands, Joseph 31 89
433 153 Siddons, Eleuor 22 50J
193 Edward French, (owner) 20 42
406 Snyder Baroara 3167
4.33 i\i slouch, Jacob 33 so |
122 -11 Weltintnu, John. 3233'
:>2 lt Weidinati, Jacob KW63
:vx% Wllsan.John .ST io
7*i Wilson, William 31 so
313 iois Witmer. Jolin 24 01
so Witmer. Henry 21 20
:|ti} Ifto Wilson, William '..
4.33 15) Wallace, Joseph J.. 22 50
50 Witmer, 11 ss
ml 153 Wharton, Kearney "3 HO
250 White ami Parsons 6 M
433 153 Toner, James 3:1 SO
4;*3 153 Tnrner, Hannah 38 80
1.-.0 Ames ami Shatter 1410
150 Ames ami fjhatirr 1110
so Iteck. Jacob ;<K>
251 lie kwitlij'h nient 47 <HJ
77 Roll, Williams 10 44
100 Deck, Daniel son
58 Bright))!, John 145
73 147 AboJnlgoStevens, (owner.) 345
431 Lamb, John 32 50
300 22 I.amb, John 37 50
434 Montgomery, W W 20 41
433 Ml McCauuunnd. John 20 34
431 MeKwen, I'oily 10 H5
434 MeKwen, llenry 10 85
123 J;Ula:iy,Dii(M & ('o(owners) 23 13
180 Ridgway.Budd & ('o(owners) 4230
18.) Bidgwa'v,Build A Cofowncrs) 44 42
111 Diilfiway.Dmlil & CO())WIHMS) 33 14
210 Dhlmvay.lWuhi ACo (owners) 40 35
434 103 Snyder, Barbara 20 41
00 Vail Pool, (• 4 2.3
50 \'a ll Pool. Jacob 470
100 Thomas Wilmm Ks|. (owner.) 14 io
1.3.5 153 \Vtllinlll.h, Joshua 32 40
4 51 Williams, Polly MO
6 I Yodel*. Josi'ph 2 82
12*> Van Pool, John 2054
20 Van I'hI, V 4 70
3<*t W.'Jsb.JoHipli 22 50
4.33 153 Williams, Joshua 32 47
3!K>4 Dranlmm. Kbine/.cr 3ft 10
2k) KIIIIII. i' It 17 20
100 l'liipps. Kamnel 12 1*)
383 P1) Ci iJcr & Son, (owners) 80 (X)
50 Ackert, Win 119
92 40 Askers, Rotert 215
14$ 11 Ackert. Wm 105
212 110 IViker.Joint KlO
212 Dark man. Kami 1O::H
1(52 Brook*, Dot It f 11
247 65 linker, Doht ft 73
300 Brady, Win 3 20
280 129 Currier, Mary 072
60 Currier, Mary 1 41
15 Daugherty, Margaret 71
220 135 DaUghtOlv.Klizabeth 528
111 42 Daughter}*, Mary 69
94 98 Daughter"}*, Mary 58
69 39 Kvins, Jesse 165
100 39 Kvtnx, Jesse 240
92 26 Kckeit, Win 222
80 Fry, George 3 84
243 55 Gilbert, Wm 581
123 Hubert, Wm 2 90
211 98 Gilbert. Wm 1 22
211 72 ll.'ilin, Peter 5 10
65 40 Halm, Wm 154
53 40 Johnson, Haviil 144
161 Knox. John 7 20
560 McKvven, Mary 2 51
327 160 Mansell, Win 845
98 94 Mercer, John 217
327. 100 Mercer, David* 84
384 26 Miller, Win 922
4 McCalmoiit.'Thos 98
500 MeKwen, llenry 575
550 Osman, Capt and Mary 505
-*> Osman,Capt 1 19
206 Osuian.Capt .. 230
200 Parker, Richard 172
Bti 40 Packer, Job 2tr2
40 Packer, James, Jr 215
182 Purdon, Richard 7 20
50 Piles. Benj. &Co 540
400 I'arker.Jereiuiali 3 45
150 Deed, David 7 20
175 Roblson. Uaehael 7 20
141 Robison, Samuel 10 61
100 l'urdon. John 2 40
242 83 Sutler, James 1162
34 Sutler, James 79
Sutler, James 179
382 36 Sutler, Daniel 922
560 Henry. MeKwen. (owner.) 14 3.8
36 Wickersliam.Amos 71
12 Wilson, Robert 30
250 Gray,J B 18 25
'250 Cray, P Bl) 8 00
2a Morris, Widow 5 45
50 Swauswick. John 7 30
hjo George Kelly, (owner.) 1160
160 Jonathan Laird,(owner.) 5 49
•;>8 Abednlgo Laird. ( wuer.) 6 27
Vf W *l. Blair, (owner.) 58
Treasnier, of Centre Co.. Pa.
Tailoring Establish^™!,
Wra. A. Sandoe is prepared lo do all
kinds of tailoring work in a first-class
manner and at reasonable prices.
tot tenet tot ->©f •>©♦-
jJorfVd fits ffiiarantefd. '£
L v•>}• m •:©} toy •:©► -:<* <©f *>y *sgiy
Mr. sandoc vvlll IK* down in MtUhelm every
Ist A 15th of each month to take measures and
orders. Anyone wanting work done will
please leave their orders at Kan IT man's or
Snook's Store or at the First National Hotel.
Standard & Reliable
We will sell a Fine S.lld Holt! Wntrh,
nickel Jeweled and adjusted movement, cased
in new and assorted styles, on the following
terms : f Until paid for .l
A SIOO Watch $2.00 or SB.OO.
A $75 W r atch $1.50 $6 00.
A S7O Watch SI.OO $5 00.
A S6O W T atch SI.OO $5.00.
A . SSO Watch SI.OO $5.00.
Ladies' and Silver Watches on same terms.
None need hesitate to avail themselves of
this plan, as our reputation as First Class
Denier* In OIAHO.VPK. WATCH lis and
J Y |s sufficient niarantce.
804 fetnnt St., PAiMeliAia, Pa.
DYM'KPSIA.— Its Nature, Causes, pre
vutioii ami Cure. By JOHN li. MCALVIN,
Lowell, Mass.. fourteen years Tax Collector.
Sent free t> any address. 21—-It
324 and 320 Pearl St., New York.
for Infants and Children.
"Cantoria is so well adapted to children that I Castort* enrea Colic, ConsHpatfon,
I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
known to me." IL A. ARCHER, M. D., I w . orms gives sleep, and promotes di
-111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. j Without injurious
Tm CXNTACB COMPANY, 182 Fulton Street, N. Y.
Dr. J. A. SHERMAN has returned from his trip to the City of Mexico and the West, and re
moved his office from 2">l to 2J4 Broad way. New York. In Dr. Sherman's treatment there is no
operation of any kind, 110 detention from labor, 110 <*anger of strangulated ruptnre. besides free -
dom from the injury trusses inflict. His Book, containing information and endorsements froin
Physicians, Clergymen, Merchants, Farmers and others who have been treited and cured is
mailed for 10 cents. Persons in circumstances to prevent them from availing themselves of Dr.
Sherman's personal services should seud for his home circular of adyice and instruction. He
member, office 891 Broadway, New York, three.doors above Keade street. 21-4t
Groceries & Provisions.
o —o
An exceptionally fine line of PURE CON
PURE HONEY In pint and quart Jars.
CRANBERRIES, Sound and Nrm.
A full line or NEW CANNED GOODS.
half gallon and one gallon cans.
PURE M API.K SYRUP in quart and half
gallon cans.
PURE SPICES. You can depend on onr
ground pepper for butchering purpose*.
It is strictly pure.
FRESH SHELL OYSTERS opened to border
Rush House Block,
A Great Medical Work on Manhood, Xervooa and
Physical Debility, Pre mature Decline in Man,
Exhausted Vitality, Ac., Ac , and the untold mis
eries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses; 800
pages, Bubstanticlly bound ia gilt, muslin. Con
tains more than !23 Invaluable proscriptions, em
bracing every vegetable remedy In the pharma
copoeia f< r nil ccr. e chronic diseases. It ia
emphatically a f r every man. Price only fl
by mail, post prJd, concealed In plain wrapper.
Young and midJlo-agod men for the next ninety,
days. Send no- .*, r.r cr.t tb! J out, as yon may never
ece It again. Address Dr. W. LL PARKER, 4 Bul
flac'a street. 80-tan, MafS.
Cleanses th
Infl a ma t i o
Senses of taste
Smell, llcari
A quick Relier. A positive Cure.
A partlc'e is applied into each nostril and Is a
f;reeable to use. Price 50 cents by mail or at
)rugxUts. Send for circular.
ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
£HiaOli6., SjjjjjgJ .
Grand Prlw Medal, FarU, DTH.
Ask your Grocer for it. Wm. Drryitoppel.Mfr.,
1 2US North Front Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA.