A Stump Speaker "Up a Stump.' Stories of General George A. Slier idan, the stump speaker and lecturer, who is generally paraded as 'of Lou isiana,' are often to be heard in the places where public men gather. He is said to have once doclared the axiom that the one thing which a stump orator does not need to burden himself with is facts. It is the Gen eral *8 idea that a facile speaker can create all the facts ho wants as he goes along in his speech. In illustra tion of his meaning he told a story of an occurrence when ho was out on a tour with General Garfield. lie had made an assertion with reterence to the tariff which seemed to him to need some bolstering and ho said that his statement had been based on a decis ion of the highest court cf the State of New York. He was about to pass on,when a young man in the audieuco interrupted him and begged permiss ion to ask where this decision could be found. The General was 'up a stump' and as a fight for time in the hope that Garfield might help him out he asked inquirer, 'Are you a law yer?" The stranger replied in the affirmative. 'I thought so,'said Sher idan. 'You look like a smart aud in telligent one at that. You have doubtless read this decision yourself many times.' By this time it became apparent to Sheridan that Garfield was enjoying his discomfiture and that he must get out of his scrape the best he could. It flashed across his 'mind that there was a report in Xew- York known as Denio's, and he said .- 'The report is in sth Demo, page so and so.' The young lawyer wavered a minute and then sat down, saying meekly, 'Ah. yes, I do remember uow having read it myself." Sheridan says that he had curiosity afterward to look up the particular page to which he referred the inquisitive young fellow, and found that it was the middle of a report of a case in volving questions of idiocy. A Nevada Senator's Luck.' Senator Jones in the San Frar.cisco Post says : 'l've always believed in Providence since one day, years ago, when I was Sheriff over in Shasta Cjunty. It was a roaster ot a day,and I was returning on horseback from a hunt for some sluice robbers. I was slowly following a faint mountain trail, and the sun was just baking me, and the horse was in a lather. I came un der the shade of a big rock,and thought it would be pleasant to get off and have a smoke. I sat down on a cool boulder, cut a pipeful of tobacco from my plug, filled my pipe and felt for a match. Well, Joe, there wasu't a match any where in my pockets. I searched and searched, but there was no match. I tell you, Joe, I felt worse over that d is appointment than I've done since when the market has gone back on me and bit me for a hundred thousand at a clip. But while I sat there on that boulder wrapped in gloom, what d'ye suppose my eye suddenly fell on V A match, by heavens, lying on the trail not six feet away from me ! I used it —though I was a little afraid to touch it at first—and had my smoke. So you needo't worry about how this political fight is going to come out. A man for whom 4 Providence will go to the trouble of providing a match for a smoke in the wilds of the Sierra Neyadas, where man's foot scarcely ever treads, isn't likely to get left when it comes to a cemmonplace little thing like being e lected to the United States Senate. Ever since that time,' concluded the Comstocker, *l'ye never refused a dol lar to a parson, and have generally done my best, in a quiet, unobtrusive way, to make myself solid with the people who have the pull on Provi dence.' Bleeding the Farmer. There is no other industrial pursu it thao agriculture which is so burdened with alleged improvements for which patents have been secured. The farm er's soul is vexed with claims for royal ties from an endless variety of people who demand money for devices for which patents have been secured un justly. Fences, wells, churns, gates, harrows, devices and a great variety of simple tools and devices which are used by farmers; and even methods of prun ing, laying down trees and vines for winter protection, and jiow an old method Jof making drains, haye been patented and the use of them is denied to the public. The worst of it is that the 'majority of these claimants are farmers themselves, and do their best to tax their brother farmer without any adequate return being made, and more over it causes and encourages litigation and wastes hard-earned money. This is a matter which needs reforming, and farmers should combine to insist upon a deliverance from this irritating and costly nuisance. IPfBK W4NTED^°'-° TT c--'" ; 1111 IHI lSample free to those becoming agents. I fIU LIII |J No risk, quick sales. Territory given. C3?"Satisfactiou guaranteed. Address t DR. SCOTT, 842 Broadway, NEW YORK. UfAHTCII IA nv Active and Intelligent, to HSR 11.1# kHw I represent in her own locality an old Arm. References required. Permanent position ajnd good salary. GAY & BROS.. 12 Barclay St., N. Y. IflßfilHli CIDHO Mild Climate. Cheap homes. WIIIUIIVIA rAIIMv Northern Colony. Send for k V circular. A, O. ALfm, Contrail*. Va. 7-0 _ J*. — . K' fV'j FAVORITE H0.V.8 REMEDY i warranto! i. t to Contain a dn~!e jar- A A.i&J lido of Mercury or ny injurious sub stance, I ut is purely v vgWnlTo. It will Cure P.ll Rl?csa3 caused by Demarjciucrt of tU? Liver, Kiduoys and Ctcnaach. If your l.lvcrii' < f order, th.m your whole sy-t-in is tiu.v.y A 1U li 1:s iiujnne, the breath **li"nivo; \v>u ho* * hv.ad.ahc, fctl 1 Align' I, li-j'hiud ~n.i nervous. To prevent a tnvc senouu con dition, ta'.ic at once ;-i:n:.a : : * REGULATOR. If y ■ Sc.-' a Ui'rri l'fe, or n.ffir with JU* V JvStVv Kltlu< y .\ JlVotlouh, avoid stimulants and t.ikc Liver Regulator. Suie to relax c. If you luivc c it-n ;ny thine hr.nl of die. n, r i nit r m a! ot •!. cploss at night, ta'.e a ;o.e .oil you will feci relkvexl an I sleep pL saatly. If you r.rc a miserable n;fh icr with Cttnsij|<:ttluii, l>vnpq>.-ie ail ecV .elkf ai vin a in Simmons liver Rogulntxxr. It xUs r. t require continual tlxisir.g, an 1 c.sts lot a liiflc. Ii \x ill cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad ta lilt L ired Tongue. Ci.lldrnn i-ftsit Usui • .ia. s.. •; ihar tic and T> r.io to r.vett atq a him; si , •s. Simnvms lavs-r Ri"ukitor w ill i 1 net y. .nUiy, ai.J the Conip'-.mts inciilc.-t to ChiUlk. > At any time you feel your system n a 's clcausiiig,tv uiug,:xy : x.i.. ..t xi. l ut purging, or : liiwul. ;i:.j x. ULuul in.cxi eating, take SMlkEsgite. PREPARED BY J. H. IE/LIN & CO..Philadelphia, Pa. There is no excuse for suffering from I CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follow a dis-H ored state of the Stomach and Bow- ■ els, when the use of DR. HENRY BAXTER'S | dake Enrol Will give immediate relief. After constijiatiou follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia,! Indigestion, Diseases of 9 the Kidneys, Torpid Liver I Rheumatism, Dizziness, | ■ Sick Headache, Loss of I ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-I Boplexy, Palpitations,! | Eruptions and Skin Dis-E Peases, etc., all °f Which these f H3 Bitters will speedily cure by removing thoo tho result. LadiOS alJ d others 6ub-f^ Hjeet to Sick Headacho ill find relief I gj anvl permanent euro hy tiie use of these Bitters Bl I Being tonic and mildly |mrgntive they I BPURIFY THE BLOOD. 1 Price 25 cts. per bottle. ■ For Kilo by all d mlcrs iu medicine. Send Ifi g address for pamphlet, free.giving full directions. jfN I HESUY, JOHJSOS & LekD,Props., Bnrlingtou, H. g I lor sale by D. S. Kauffman A Co.. and J Spujclmycr, Milllieim, Pa. A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zsigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Mil hciin, Pn. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES , for Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Tcini begins January 6, ISid. This institution Is located in one of tit '■ must beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of Study: 1. A Full cientitic C tirse 01 Four If ears. 2. A Latin cientiiic Coarse. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first, two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (b) NATUCAL HISTORY: (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4 A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHERTON, i L. I>., President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co.. Pa. N. W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23 ly DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag; Rose leaf Fine Cut Chew ing; Jfav y Clippings,,in <1 Black, Brow and Yellow SNUFF are the bestandcheapest quali ty considered. slso'-MONTHLY Wo want lady Atrents for ocrjCELEBRATED MA DAME DEAN'S SPINAL SUPPORTING CORSE 1 >. No experience required. Four orders per uay tnve tho Agent 8150 Monrlity. Our Agents report from four to twenty salc3 daily- oend at onco tor terms and full particulars. 83.00 Outfit Free. LEWIS SCHIELK & CO., 5190 Broadway, fhrYyr?t W'arrm.'rtl r..e...f porfoct fc'nre-Feol rio iv!) or Brill i ; i t \ I-.: i-in-t*. Homi iiu' rir calm', A. ii, iaiiQl'Si.tU, Yot'ki IPa. Pcimsjteb tgriculiiirsl Yorfr, Fj. ' tFml'Li'iStandavil Unguis cs Axixhx s, A. 1 'AivQ U • STEA3I ENGINES, A. B. FARQDBAR, York Pa j 1 mi't t l Tor aU ur• ' |v.v, —iuuixic,trx>nit aiivt >' r u-. Svxv, Mn 1 • mtK flmd 1 l>r lUurtmtod - fARQUHAR VIBRATING SEPARATOR. jq it. s.TiTTi 7 'i'Ki.i( 7 57 Dentist. / > X ' > ' v ' -V ;i MILLH F.IM. PA. Offers his professional services to the public. He's prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. IB' is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Musser House. Milllieim, ------ Penua. MM>l Fit RESORTjk- Two miles from Cburu Station on L. & T. R. K. Inline Trout Fishing and Il.intlng within siglit * of town. Healthy locality ami line moun tain sceneries. The celebrate.l I'ENN* V AL LEY CAVES but live miles distant. The finest drives in thestate * FIN E SADDLE HORSES, < VRItl AGES AND BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. DauWc ad Smile Reeius. newly furnished, for fa.uiles w.th chil Ire.t, on seconu and thiul floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. '-ly Milllieim. Centre Co. l'a P. H. MUSSER, WATCIIHAKEK ■:■* JEWELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., -F-JOPPOSITe: T IIE P.A .< K ++- pair U'otk a Specially. Sat isfaction gunrniitrrtl. Ytur patrnnagi respectfully solicited. o ly. MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with Good fjoESSPB and a large assortment of LETTER HEADS, NOTE JIEADS, BIL L HEADS. STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Jot Printing of all kinds PIANOS-ORGANS The demand for the Improved MAKOM A HAMT.IN PIANOS is now so large that a second addition to the factory has become imperative. I)o notrequire one quarter as much tuning as Pianos on the prevailing wrest-pin system. Consult Catalogue, free. 100 Styles of OKOANS, to SOOO. For Cash, Easy Payments, or Rented. Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., NEW YORK ; BOSTON ; CHICAGO. A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr„ WARD & CO. Louisiana, Mo. THIS PAPER" 7 '"'So?? I VIIU I ■■II JtOWELL, & CO'd Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street), where a/lvcr- ■■ gß|jß9 If A 111# t ieta £3s°?4Tsilii YORK' APCMTI' WA I to slsir 11 S \ CorSGtC. Samjdcfroo to tho e be ts fca i?Sy u'U roming agents. Xo rii-U. qsiick sales. Territory given,satisfaction ■-uarniiieed. Address OR.SCOTT.S42 Ki*oadwavSt..N.Y. A BB n a Make over 100 r-ej ApE N T er. Durable, perfect in operation, and of great domestic utility. Write for circular. FAMILY COFFEE ROASTER CO.. ST. LOUIS. Mo, ftpra yrx s T\T ' J.JL Jtrwi X-J li g Ir* 1 2S 4 li? *rr K oc2CT. -. r o xt %i } XT i? OIITI] a . V? -h. c 3 a ts ls{ 3 k / h lii ai AS ') 3 Aw /": \ 'a 11 og :i i w u \ 7 !/1 % m CJ \U ' s W ' \ M fe. M > V! • CM i ph'A. • H s tm g Chil.'.tvuh*. 1 tolly -r.t, - - - Ba. a pair. ditto, ttro attachments,. • 1 do. " Ml in'S* " " • 13ft I.ndics' " 44 • 1 At?. Mlwrna 4 , with R belt, 44 - • 'JHIc. 44 Ladies', - 2.*c. 44 SfiK'liitit.*. AlnU'tulicd. ftiul Ctf.ii.ie. lilal B.iiul.igv' Sitjip.. u r t win. Liiieil, ...... 50e. 44 Health Skirt Bu;ij>orler, - . -if .'*•. 44 Brighton Gent's Garter, - - 15c. 44 I OR N.tl.K UY ALL 11KSTCLASS BTOHEB. Samples rent pokt-pniii to any address upon receipt of price in 2-eeut stumps, . LEWIS STEIN, Svle Owner and Manufacturer, ITS Cokiti-r street. Nc.v York. H AXER H . PillK*ll -tliG d3es"b ! hIL EBl HOE. Ti nsand.tof articlenaronow manufactured that . tun r years hid to l>o imported, paying high imr.urt duty aa it ieiiotT being d> noou Lea A Per* lias tublo t uueo ; tho QCAKEU TAHLF. HAOCE take* lib p .vis; it has ben j ronounced by competent j v!;u 3 j-ir.t ts ipoj and criii lieffrr*. Tito Qt- AWU , iva i Sluv.ly but surely j;aincd great im -1 rtaui-o an I ia repl.;. irg LtJ v. ry best ituportcd .un o on tho shelf of tho grocer, tho tables f.lio rrtiUiira-.it au 1 t'.i-i tables of tho rich and p or i.ten.; really prist d r.t d relished by all on :. ... nut if it* ji ; <•••. w f.'.a, taste, strength t-.nl p-.irenec*. Iho in von tor has by years of stndy of the . ecrct viriu i contained in the sro lautio spina if t!ii 1 • c*j I China, such as maoc, nuuu g, in .i nniueinsiksikyt. s.ll I 1 ; ;.iC" s I in. 1* . f tru U! known to most men. a:. 11 v long practice sceeedcd to conibitso th< ir calr.-n t3 ;u uteh a 1 juid f. rm as wenow ft: t it . I agreeablo taste, tu .1 ro iiivigornting as to lie t.ihf :i in p!ac rt rtomn'h bitters. By inan t-.t t luring this Banco hero, heavy import dutk B r.nd Ircights nr<-s vcd. and it is sold at a lower figure IJ the dec lor, who making a better profit on (w I: .ker Lat'.co can f.e'.l it to tho consumer cheaper tlnn have.yl *t Lapurted article hardly equal* i:n; ours. 1 > • r.r grocer docs cot keep it. write ; j ljr j riccs.i tc. fi> Id lu bottles or by the gaiiou. CHARM PifANUFACTURING CO., SoU Proprietor* and Manufacturers, 190 & 10b 8. 2d ST., hit. Louis, Ho. U| PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tlw Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. T,osflof nppctlto, llowelacostive, K'nin in the bead, with a dull sensation In tbo back part, Pain under tho shoulder blade, Fullness after eating, with adis inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at tho Heart, Dots before the eyes, llendacbe over tbo right eye. Restlessness, with fitful dreams, Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S FILLS aro especially adapted to such cases, ono doso effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase Itoe A ppetite.and cause tho body to Take oil Flesh, thus the system is nourished, and by their Tonic Action oa the Digestive Oraans.lteaular Stools aro produo*,; m BobßCUJodir.taeep, baf . fi-i n a/iinf*tho t'xil'.od r>hy 3?*xfs.OiSJ*- is U wslcians, rcna'i trod sry p. Ws / youthful indiserotioo, ArV./j V: /too froo Induiacnce. or over brain work. Avoia V uf-x ft 'v\vl r\ Fc%lCte iKipositionof prctea. Wt.V>|Vo V> V- V (/-iltious rciacOics for thesa TA xiO^troubles. Get our Free A RADICAL Cur.2 rcn SLflCircuLrr.TidTrir.i pck- T ._ r , rTr . , --' /SI roe. and learn importa:;! lI!J3FkI I !J3Fk V uf!- i j :p. fact* before tokins treat fi'FT'Yy • C ~ T ~T LCrisJrr.cTit olsewhtro. Take s _ - YA{3Siil!E REMEDY that n.va rfCTUIP Wpytrnres 'JftViCUKLG thoucands, does li tixru.hi:J}>.Xi(not interfere with atten fie A JX a PtwnUl IKwsnuiuor Inconvenience ia tf BEL'AV, H*e an y wny. Founded oa i -.-/• ?JI S*§crfcntiCc medical crintl- T • v- bfl,. & By directcrplTcai; a /v?9CI rrlen* the 6cnt of disease its IKB specific lnllucncp ia fe!| TESTED FOR BEVDN Without arlny. Thenat- Y EARS BY USE IN MANY .-j'"" 11 Ihnctionaof tho hu- THOUSANP CASES. P|xho Samig de'S TR-EATMJCKT. |^w f nl!riamKive?b7ck b an!l Ono Month, - sa.oo3{jjßthcpnticiitbecomescheeß '. vo Monthfl, - fi.ODLMifulaiidrnpldlvgttinibom L'iU'OO Kouthc, and sexual vigor. K. Tenth St.. ST. L6UIS. MO, tPBnOTURED PkIRSONS! Not a Truss ; Aslt fortorrnßofour Appnnnre. WVdS Giva TIAIiUj. ' r ? i I-V ' 'V. H i.'.'! :•••* t. • .r... i v)K iifi: .•}• •.< (JUiCK. CURE FCR Lest crFailiag Manhood. Nervousaoss Weakness, Lack of Strength, Vigor or Development, Caused by indiscretions, excesses, etc Benefits in a duy; Cures usually within a month. No Deception nor Quackery. Positive Proofs, full description and letter of advice in plain sealed envelope, free. ERIE MEDICAL, CO.. P.O. Drawer 179. Buffalo, N.Y. iflr %inghacHl^ NEW IMPROVED HIGH ARM, NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES and Rotary Movements, Auto matic Direct and Perfect fiction, Cylinder Shuttle, Self-setting Nee ale, Positive Feed, Do Springs, Fcio Paris, Minimum Weight, No Friction, No Noise, No Wear, No Fatigue, No "Tantrums,' Capa city Unlimited, Always in Order, Richly Ornamented, ilickelplated, and &ives Perfect Satisfaction. Send tor Circular*. AVERY MACHINE CO., 28 Union Square, New York. -ffrAfllM WANTED rTwfSk Just Published, cutltlsd THIRTY YEARS A DETECTIVE by alla:: riNsnrroN. Ccna!n farm TcaxidProfesconclnicn. 1 b-:% t. ry A -,;.t can p■\ a: tf'ju or "/:* alow 110 v.ho.a lio c.ia icu sure of sc.i.ug 11 to. We want One Aff-nt in every township, or cooair. I j . with tb:t to !, can tec ■ a tuncc* /. I A(i> tit. lor fu.l particulars and Lis to norfl.t, address O. TV. C-UiLEiOH £ CO., liiuliJiers, New York. The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted torcience, mechanics, esuineerinz discoveries, in vent ions ami patents over published. Every aiim- I. r illustrated wth splendid cncrnvinjrs. This ; ! ! ier.t ion furnishes a i::otvalnab!e encyclopedia nf ir.f.,r;n.it ion uhich no p-nara should be withoot. The uiaritjr -f tbo Bcnamnc iwirtf {* >uth that iu circulation nearly equal* that of all 01 her naper* of its class combined. Price f32oa v, ;.r. ji.scotjtit toC'tubs. Nold by all newsdealers iMUNN i CO.. Publisher*. No. 3(61 Broadway, N. Y. pyra ain pa| n Jlunn * Co. bare f-W.T E N TS. t'sSf ™£j.- I&j KB ' saaeiwoii mmmmammmm p nc (, ce betoro ■g EBftho Patent Office and have prepared *2 Uq mere than Ono Hundred Thcu -33 SB3 sand application* lorjmu-nta 10 the L'.Hted btatee er.d foreum countries. Caveat*. Trade-Mnrks, Copy-right*. and e!l other papers for 338 securing to uiventor* their rights tn tbo aHUiiiltd States, Canada. England. rrance, idlCcnnany and other foreign countries, prc id pared at short not ice and on reasonable terms. Information ns to obtaining patents cfioer <93 fully given without charge. Hand-books of information sent free. Patents obtained through Mot n .t Co. are noticed in the Scientific American Tlio advantage of such not icon \ . :i umlcrsiorul by all persons who wish tod,- 1 /d'ir•'' CO. Office SciExnrx f ; giivsf. 3f.l I.roadway. Now V >rk lasoul Hamlin ORGArrS: _ . PIANOS: High • He,l [' 0] r ;?~'v'j New mode of f-.t . M.'-.t 1 f! Stringing. Do \. . } ~ - - -- not require OBe I 1 r 1 n* 1 rrf* iojt. /;' quarter a CI.;! t- .1 .Tr*; •- !'• * "_t " J_j|! imi< h tuning a st'i ••5 ■> •V 1 I r I , ~\'v'i-l !• revai I • n • i : \ i LJLJI ma t,. ORGAN AND PIANO cC IG-JTrcm r.lSt..Boston. 46E.141b SI. (Union Sq.), N. Y. 140 Wabash Ave., Chicaco. J..\ m" kij'.WY I c *•' coiu>.Y 1 cca;>.% i? h' ' C I.:.'*. L i'.' C'Oiri>*i V I C'aL..'j \'v t' c ;L,A:sr:;rovr ku>ljO.\y • ClrAiAiaTrOAT CV.COS 11 I A iv.v liui:. i- .c.y 10 dc.j' -. i: 1 c lIA years. Our viii.rro, * :..y f'J i..u!.i..* ~ i.,.. .i ,*to;vs, 2 I.oltit, £ chit " in*, i i.niol, . {v:, 1 .;cioiy, fotnnliy. n Heambi-at*,t ir^lo*aud i uunhdally. liaiKi r. 4 1 -• I, ?c:id, s ir sit ration. Address J. fr'. j-.-ACiS.-o Jarutttoi.i.Kurry Co., Vu. Tills paper in kept ot: file nt the cfilcc of •IYER^SON NG irm GENTS tIMES BUILDING PHIIADEIFHIA. PCTIMTYtJ ForAßVAFil'l-d IPVFRTISITC rnrr lu 11 iT.rt ILO p.t Lowest Cash Rates riftt a fON'S raaaum -£> l V/AKT ACEHTS TO SEU J/*-Vc^WlisSooßl Ja.'-IIIi- Ivy J STEAM m -'Washer Men and Women of good charactor oud intelligence. Kxclusivr, Territory Gnnranfoed. A weeks'trial of sample Washer to bo returned nt my eapenso if not BatiKfuctory. A thousand jut cent, the best Washer In tho world, nnd pay* capable agent* BIG money. In* trinsio merit makea It a phenomlnul successevery. wbcro. Cor Illustrated circular and terms of agency addross. J. WORTH, St. Louis, Wo- RAINBOW RUPTURE R SM£* Simple, Bale, reliablo nnd u perfect retainer. It lo not a Truss. Worn Day and Night and its proßonce forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this ap pliance. Address Central Medical and Surgical Institute 920 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Skillful treatment given all kind* of surgical and medical cHses. 14 enkenlng diseases and pri vate troubles in male and female our specialty. Be sure to write us before taking treatment elsewhere. Consultation free and invited* g fteujJ Gh /.ro pi*: :V..-f*. ?.**:> nr.d H}'Vh,v SQiSbsftaor wA Vre.l lu-l;tv r-.:g :v,fi* by ic.i A nievum \Y o::>', AJnsi au'f'Sd Miperiot' t al ify o'ber*. or i iwfi :vfunde<9. Don't wast. tiS money en uorthles* ncsfmnu. 'fr; Shis Kerncdy first. Hold by &1! Dr'.iggista, or mailed to any address. Send 4 cents for parUculara. WILiOS: C'W.. Phsladi., Pa. FLORAL SUI9I 4 . x £ - ■ i^^¥ RFP F A beautlflil work of 150 pagss, Colored Plate, and 1000 MHBlV'' -. to-JJMKZI &j y illustrations, with descriptions of the belt Flower* and IKS'- , ■', , ' ffT \v Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow \PT V s them. Panted in English and German. Price only to V. 1 -\ cents, which may be deducted from first order. I \®W' ' l tell* what you want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to •**£"3 grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3* pages, a Colored Plate ' > y%. fv jM #■;. Specimen numbers 10 cents; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send to any address JuJy Vick's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, £4.50; Harper's Monthly, I 4.00; W St. Nicholas, s3.so; Good Cheer, ti. sj; Illustrated Christian Weekly, $ 3.00; or yvj y|vSSy wide Awake, Good Cheer, and Vlck's Magazine for $3.00. VICK S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, aio pages, Si* Colored latcs, nearly 1000 Engravings, $1.25, in elegant doth covers. Jrrrv& V JAMES VICK* Rochester, N. Y. < IRI I IEIT,Bmn ME." Hll y dock's Sr.fttv King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Ask yU dealer for the T. X. lIAYDOCK with the Hay dock. Safety King 801 l and Fifth wheel. Life is insecure riding over any other. (Ibis plctere will be foruUlMd OB a large o*"i, printed In elegant Style, to sayooe vbo will ipn to frame K.) .riKCLOSK STAMP.) ' T- T. HiiTDOCK:, o Cor. Plain AGENTS WANTED WHERE WE HAVE NOIEi HO INVESTMENT BO PjJ- ITAELL. S „ - s_—L——mS "W_ G-. ZfcwdCeridLen., Csrm., BO LB MAWUrACTtntZB, S. S. BICE & CD'S., Solid Coafert Buekboards uii Spindle Wigoaa, digit ud double seated. Riding qualities unsurpassed. No Jar to the feet, able. HhipuieuU singly or by carload to d descriptive Osislffwnii Hespousible Agent wanted In every town. Send for Price But ana ucscnpuvo uiwag o. meat of Wagons advertised in the leading paper of the county or town where Agent resides, iirstia for si* months. 1 sbsSZ~!t*L oJer'l onlhOTsaad •ftial et f.rk J'erhiKCS mailed to ra frth " troubles, and all Quack.*, taeut s:id hm a re.'orei to health by use of y^ T V-,-y Harris- SEMINAL ."ISSS^S^TLKISSL VV cdikne*£ *in Jl*Urslrl Decor in \ctiD!tor jr. 1t STirTi fhoaA-vn*! swi cf the heman argftiiftam restored. The t hoasand OUW tboy nbeol at*ly ***£ n T? WMedtnimttinff element? of life urcftven btrk, tV pa Urn t ,Miy l,Uh b£Suta?S'iat"si'K! TRLATSEHT.—fI> Maatt. U. Tvc toltS. Stao. ft KARRIS REMEDY CO., Mm CHEMBTS, TRIAL PACK AGE I'ntE.with Ilhwt'd PomnMetAe. 80CV W. Tenth treat. BT. jkOTHB, Ma ——B3—CM— THE ZHON SITES BARROW, Btrrew Prsgs st an Angle of Fcrtv-Svs Lig'st, Etreag ud Pvabls. The Best Earner mr made 11 was awarded First Premium at the Ohio SUto Fair over forty-four c ompetitors. Successful In all field trials. WrougUf irou f. ame and steel teeth. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for Cir culars. KIMO-.RLIN MFO. CO., Indianapolis, IncL JOHN H. PARKER'S Jute Upper, kite MM, \V * 9 J vA Av ;. /•:/ jyl j\| A, Sob-Leatier Oabr Ss!s; E, T7attr-r:ccf S:!c; C, Sala-Leath:? laicr 2:1 c; 2, Ssb-Lsaiher Ee:l. Warrantod Absolutely Water proof, more healthy, comforta bio, genteel, aud will not drawer sweat tho feet like the ordinary rubber boot. One pair v.-ili out wear two pairs of ordinary rubber l 00t.* 3 , and ean be repaired by any abocmakor. Ask retail dealers for lucai or send for sample pair of alio, t bootJ t) JOHN 11. PARKER, 103 Bedford Street, EOGTCN. T2A33. THE PERKINS VY!ND td!LL. — Vwlf ilfaijr It has been in const&pt tw 1® yca'-a, a vward §| jy r°t < > blow down, unless the Tower poos with it; or against any wind that cioea u>t disaL'.o substantial farm buildings ; to bo perfect; to outlast and do better work than auy other mill made, Wo manntiii'iure loth Pumping and Geared Mill 3 and carry a full line of Wind Mill Supplier AGENTS WANTED, Send for Oatulofruo, Circular an Utice*. Address IEBIQJfS TOD AiU, &AX CO., Mishawaka. Ind. eiiV.ttr'L''*' DUESs' "if Im Si! KO ' l '• a!>:ks > opThsibMirdity v 53 w? gB--- Kf_ n ftf th tiwtoru of Tight Licit* % SJjJgf F'SS UH V(> " H# * theft upo lit.* jjq % Evl §2 ibL SL- Lad: -a o.ly) on reeoit of & t® Hail! BSEM-l cents in pay Jo.ti' 0. scHJPT.n i-1 w.. r-1 V. ... ?; :w Yark. H OTCIIKI CARRIAGE WORKS, We manufacture Open and Top Bug gies, consisting of the Side Spring, End Spring, Brewster, Timken and Edward Storm Spring, fclso various styles of Two-Seated Car riages, Wagons, Cutters and Sleighs. Liberal discount to the trade. Send for Catalogue and Prices before, buying. HOTCHKIN CARRIAGE WORKS, SYRACUSE, BT. Y, LEFFEL'S IMPROVED mm ALL THE HALTS MAES 0® MALL2ABL2 & WILQU3ST ISOIT No Shrinking, StveUtog or Warping. THE Lightest- Hvsxtsa. 8m -G£srand EA*XK*Y PKGrLATFr, Wt\i> Kkmxk ii tho WORLD. 'l'Uft Bi-gT jj, UtiLAK-ST. Send for Circunun id tha SPRINGFIELD iSSHINE GO. Springfield, OZUa,