Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 03, 1886, Image 1
The Millheim Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY I}. K. ]3UA(TlcIcEti. Office in the New Journal Building, Penn St.,nearHartman's foundry. SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OB $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. Acceptable Correspondence Solicited Address letters to MILLHIIM JOURNAL. BUSINESS CART)S_ HARTEK, Auctioneer, MILLIIEIM, PA. "J" B. STOVER, Auctioneer, Madisonliurg, Pa. H.REIFSNYDER, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA. J. W. STAM, Physician & Surgeon Office on Penu Street. MILLHEIM, PA. grass HARTER. Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM PA. GEO. L. LEE, Physician & Surgeon, MADISONBURG, PA. Office opposite the Public School House. P. ARD, M. D., WOODWARD, PA O. DEININGER, Notary-Public, Journal office, Penn St., Millheim, Pa. and other legal papers written aud acknowledged at moderate charges. J. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Havinq had many years' of experiencee the public can expect the best work and most modern accommodations. Shop opposite Millheim Banking House MAIN STREET, MILLIIEIM, PA. L. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Corner Main & North streets, 2nd floor, Millheim, Pa. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooning, Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac tory manner. Jno.H. Orvls. C. M. Bower. Ellis L. Or vis QRVIS, BOWER & ORVIS, Attorneys-at-Law. BBLLEFONTE, PA., Office in Wood Ings Building. D. H. Hastings. W. F. Beoder. TTASTINQS & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office ou Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office ocupled by the late firm of Yocum A Hastings. J U. MEYER, Attorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE PA. At the Office of Ex-Judge Ho v. C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county SpeeUl attention to Collections. Consultations In German or English. -J A.Beaver. J. W.Gephart. •pEAYER & GEPHART, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. 'Office on AlleghanyStreet. North of High Street JgROCKKRHOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C, G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all trains. Speeiai rates to witnesses and Jurors. QUMMINS HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, PROpaijrroß House newly refltted and refurnished. Ev erything done to make guests comfortable. RatesraodenU* trouage respectfully solici ted • My ■JRVIN HOUSE, • (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODSGALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good sameple rooms lor commercial Travel era.on first floor. R A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. 60. The Squire's Apples. 'Such pretty apples!' crlel Linnet Dessoir, ecstatically. 'With red cheeks, just as if a fairy pencil had painted them, and delicious, bloomy streaks here and there ! 1 should like to copy them on a plaque or a pannel or some* thing, if only one conld tie sure of re producing those delicate tints of rose and white !' 'Well, I declare said Hose llebron, the country cousin, whom she was vis iting, laughing with a merry, thrush like laugh, as the two girls sat on a moss-enameled boulder under the boughs of the lady-apple-tree, with here and there a yellow leaf fluttering dreamily down at their feet. 'Who would dream of such a poetical de scription applying to the apples that grow iu Squire Sandford's orchaid ?' 'Wasn't it good of him to allow us to gather them ?' said Linuet, trim ming tiie side-leatlets off a lovely branch of yellow goldeu rod. 'I shall not believe that they are ab solutely ours though,' declared Rose, 'until I see them iu the old apple bin at home.' 'Why not ?' 'Oh, Squire Cedric is eccentric !' Rose answered, carelessly. 'Cedric ? Is that his name ?' 'Yes. Isn't it au odd relic of the Saxton times ?' laughed Rose. 'lt's a very romantic name,' remark ed Lionet, wrinkling her brows in pretty consideration of the epithet. 'He isn't romantic,' observed Rose. 'lsu't he ? But why uot ?' 'He's so odd ! Thirty, at least 1' Rose responded, with au emphatic nod of the head. •Horrid ogre 1' said Linnet, who was in her seventeenth year. 'Come,Rosey, let's go home. I'm as hungry as a can nibal ! Gathering apples is such hard work !' She skipped ahead, with her yellow tresses floating behind, like stray strauds of sunshine, and her white dress rustling over the drifts of per fumed leaves that carpeted the path. Rose followed, with affectionate eyes of admiration. 'What is the difference between me and Liunet ?' she asked berself. 'My dress is white also ; my hair is as gold en as hers. Why is it that she is like a dancing sprite—l, a plodding human being ?' Poor little Rosy ! She did not realize that Linnet Dessoir had grown up in an altogether different atmosphere ; that Linuet had unconsciously model ed her dress from the graceful robes which her father, the artist, kept to drape his lay-figures ; that her eye had been trained, her taste cultured, in every possible point. 'He's only a poor struggling artist !' Farmer Hebron had been wont con temptously to observe, when he saw bis brother-in-law's name among the lists specially-honored by the Academy of Design. 'He's a good fellow enough,' Eugene Dessoir airily remarked, when his agri cultural connection happened to be mentioned. 'But he hasn't an idea be yond his own fat cattle ! ile don't live; he only vegetates I' Linnet, however, the bright, mother erless young beauty, was a great favor ite of the kind heat ted Hebrews ; and when she had so enthusiastically ad mired the beautiful pink and white lady-apples on Squire Sandford's tree, Mr. nebron had gone so far out of his way to ask the Squire for a barrel. 'Just to please the little girl,' said he. 'She thinks a deal of pretty things.' 'She is quite welcome,' said Squire Sandford, with formal politeness. 'lf you will send a barrel to the tree to morrow, Mr. Hebron, it shall be filled for your niece.' And when the Squire said this he pictured in his mind's eye tb'e aforesaid niece as a romp 01 eleven or twelve, with shingled hair, freckles aud preter naturally long arms. All night long Linnet Dessoir dream ed of the lady-apples, and when the sun rose, a sphere of rubied fire, above the eastern bills, she jumped out of bed and dressed herself with haste. 'I can't sleep another minute,' said she. 'li's just the very sort of morn ing to walk out across the woods and look at the lady-apple-tree, with the little spiing gushing out so close to its roots, and the blue asters, and thickets of golden-rod, by the stone fence. I wou'G wake Rosy. Ro*y was up late last night, putting labels on the quince jelly. I'll let her sleep, and go by my self.' But Miss Hebron was no more of a laggafd in the morning than was her city cousin. At seven precisely she knocked at Linntt's door, but the bird bad flown. 'How proyoking 1' said Rose. 'But I'll follow her. She must have gone to 1 try to make that sketch of the old mossy rock close to the lady-apple tree! MILLHEIM, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 3., 1886. 1 wonder if she knows tlmt my father has pastured Aj ix in the adjoining Held ?' "Ajax" was a savage, beautiful bull, who was at once the pride and torment of Farmer Hebron, and a thrill of ter ror came into Rose's heart as she made all speed to follow the dewy track of Linnet's footsteps oyer the grass. As she reached the belt of woods close to the apple orchaid, she paused in dismay at the sound of a sweet,high pitched v<>ioe. 'lt's Linnet 1* she involuntarily ex claimed. 'And she's scolding some body. Dear me, whom can it be? Sure ly not Ajax !' 'You are a thief 1' she could hear Linnet exclaim—*a robbtr 1 Let thai barrel of apples alone, I say. I don't care whether you arc Squire Sandford or not. The barrel of apples is mine 1' And as Rose drew near, she could see tills dimpled young Amazon reso lutely defending the barrel of apples, with her single strength, against Squire Sandford and his stoutest farm laborer. She stood there, with one slight hand on the red-cheeked fruit, which was brimming over the barrel-hoops, aud before her the tall Squire and his her culean aid-de-carap were helpless. 'lf you will allow me to explain—' pacifically began the Squire. 'I will allow nothing 1' declared Lin net. 'I repeat, these apples are mine 1 Touch them, at your peiil 1' Thus far the young heroine was a conquerer. But alas lin that very mo ment of victory Nemesis was at hatid. There was Hie dull sound of trampling hoofei, then a sullen bellow, and Ajax himself, bursting through a weak spot in the fence, was upon them. Linnet Dessoir collapsed,so to speak, at once. She forgot her heroism, her dignity—evervthiug but her dauger, and flew for rescue,to Squire Sandford, shrieking : 'Save me 1 save me 1' The farm-hand dogged behind the wagon; but Squire Sanford never quail ed. but held her resolutely in his arms. 'Do not be afraid,' he said, almost as if lie bad beeo speaking to a fright ened child. 'Nothing shall harm you, little one !' For an instant things looked very biack; then SquireSandford spoke gent ly once more. 'Do not hold my arm so tightly,' said he, 'Let me get at my revolver. I must shoot the brute I No, don't be so ter rified. Do not you hear me say that nothing should harm you ?' And then the problem resolved itself, as problems often do. Ajax, butting his huge head against the barrel of lady-apples, sent them rolling iu all di rections, and caught his horns iu the barrel itself, effectually blinding him. He set off at a wild gallop down the hill, bellowing as he went, and there he met his fate in the shape of two or three men with a running noose of rope and a good stout chain. 'Hello, pet 1' shouted Farmer Heb ron's voice. 'What's the matter ? Sne hasn't fainted, has she, Squire ?' And Linuet, realizing that she was safe, blushingly withdrew from Mr. Sandford's sheltering arms, and rau to her uncte. 'I am so much obliged to you, sir,' she whispered." 'And please—please don't mind what I said about the ap ples. \ r ou are quite welcome to them.' 'Hey V Apples 1' said Mr. Hebron. 'Why Linnet, didn't you know that I carted the barrel of app'es that the Squire gave you home last night.' Linnet grew crimson all over, and fled to Rose's faithful brea9t for conso lation. 'I—I shall never dare to look that man in the face again,' she bewailed herself, 'Oh, dear—oil, dear, what must he haye thought of me 1' But of course Mr. Sandford consid ered it only right and proper to call that evening, and inquire how Miss Dessoir found herself ; and really the meeting was not half as embarassing as Linnet had fancied it would be. They had a good laugh about Ajax and the apples ; and Linnet confessed how dreadfully frightened she had been, 'And with reason,' said Squire Sand ford. 'There was a second or two in which we were in very serious danger.' 'But you will forgive rae about the apples ?' said Linnet, with pretty,coax ing earnestness 'Oh, yes, I will forgive you about the apples I' Squire Sandford laughingly returned. And in that moment Linnet thought what a very pretty color his eyes were, and decided that he couldn't possibly be thirty years old. * * * * * * 'lsn't it strange,' said Rose Hebron, 'that we haye liyed neighbor to Squire Sandford all these years, and lie has never been more than ordinary polite to me ? And here comes Linnet, and quarrels with him at five minutes' no tice, and calls him all sorts of names, and now they are engaged to be mar ried, and I am to be the bridesmaid.' A I'APER FOR THE HOME OIIiOEE 'Not at all strange 1' said Miss Des soir. 'To mo it B;*ma ai nice and nat ural as possible. But you are mistaken about his age. Rosy. l le is only twen ty-nine. And if he were a hundred and twenty-nine, I should hvo him all the same.' 'Of course,' said Rose ; 'that is what all engaged girls say. Dickens' Kittens. Charles Dickens, the great novelist, once had a cat which he christened with the German name ot Williamina. This cat ingratiated herself into favor with every one in the house, but she was particularly devoted to the master. Charles Dicken's daughter tells us that once after a family of kittens had been born, Williamina took a fancy that she and her family would live in the novel ist's study. So she brought them up, one by one,troui the kitchen floor,where a comfortable lied had been provided for them, and deposited them in the corner of the study. They were taken down stairs by order of the master,who said he really could no' allow the kit tens to be in his room. Williamina tried again, but again with the same lesult. But when, the third time, she carried a kitten up the stairs into the hall, and from there to the study win dow, jumping in with it in hei mouth, and laying it at her master's feet, until the whole family were at last before him, and she herself sat down beside them and gave him an imploring look, he could resist no longer, and William ina carried the day. As the kittens grew up they became very rampagious, and swarmed up the curtains and played on the writing-ta ble. and scampered among the book shelves, and made such a noise as was never heard In the study before. But the same spirit which influenced the whole house must have been brought to bear upon those noisy little creatures to keep them still and quiet when neces sary, for they were ueyer complained of, and they were never turned out of the study uutil the time c.uue for giv ing them away aud finding good homes for them. One kitten was kept, and, being a very exceptional cat, deserves to be specially mentioned. Being deaf he had no name given him, but was called by the servants'the master'B cat,' in consequence of his devotion to him. lie was always with his master, and used to follow liira aoout the garden and sit with him while he was writing. One evening they were left together, the ladies of the house having gone to a ball in the neighborhood. Charles Dickens was leading at a small table, on which a lighted candle was placed, when suddenly the candle went out. lie was much interested in his book, relighted the candle, gave a pat to the cat, who he noticed was looking up at him with a most pathetic expressien, and went on with his reading. A few minutes afterwards, the light getting dim, he looked up and was in time to see puss deliberately put out the can dle with his paw, and then gaze again appealingly at his master. This second appeal was understood, and had the de sired effect. The book was shut, and puss was made a fuss witli and amused ti'l bed-time. The World's Largest Barn. The Union Cattle Company, of Chey enne, has a cattle barn located eight miles from Omaha,which is the largest structure of the kind in the world. It was commenced in April, 1885, and $125,000 has been expended upon it. There are accommodations for 3750 head of cattle, and the original design to provide for 8,000 head will probably be carried out during the present year. The building is 400 by 600 leet, cover ing five acres, and in it the cattle are fattened for market. So complete are the arrangements for feeding that one man can attend to it. All that he has to do is to tuin the faucet, and the cooked meal, forced to large tanks a bove the barn, pisses to the feeding trough in front of each animal. Foity five men do all the woik, making one man for every 200 head of cattle. It requires about I,oJobushels of meal for each day's feeding, in addition to the hay from the prairie, which costs $4 a ton. There is a regular system of wa ter works, and with it the flooring is cleaned up twice a day. requiring only seven men to do this part of the daily labor. The Union Cattle Company was incorporated ab >ut seventeeu years ago. The men who compose it began on a small scale years ago, with a very little capital, too. They now have 80,- 000 head of cattle on the range, aud have $3,000,003 invested in the busi ness. The stock consists of Herefords, Shorthorns and Durhams, and is con tinually improving by the introduction of the finest animals in the market. They are kept on the ranges in Wyom ing and Montana till they are about three or four years old, when they are brought to the bam for fattening, which requires about tour months. —SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. WHERE THE LEECHES OOME FROM AND WHAT IS DONE WI'H THEM. A Cincinnati Barbor who Imports and Sells tho Leoohes. 'Screaming Isaac 1 What's that ?' shrieked the reporter of the Cincinnati Sun i jumping from a barber's chair on West Sixth street, as the proprietor, Peter Muschler, unscrtwed the lid of a heavy air-tight and mysterious box,aud disclosed 2,000 greasy, wiggling,villain ous worms, pulling themselves out a bout four inches and bowing to the half-dozen customers 011 the opposite chairs. 'Oli, come back,' said the barber, re assuringly. 'Nothing but leeches I haye just imported from Sweden. Per fectly harmless sir. I have been ira porting leeches for many years, and am the only importer this side of New \ r ork. The use of leeches iu Europe is very common—much more so than in this country. People oyer tnere on ly die happy when they have a leech on their bodies. The worms are found in a composition of wood and vegetable matter known as 'turf,' which is used as a substitute for coal by the poor of Euiope. They are shipped to me in small boxes of their native element, a bout 2,000 in eacli consignment. 1 get four boxes every year now, though I used to sell 10 000 and 12,000 leeches in Cincinnati annually. Who are mycus tomers ? Oh, everybody ; but princi pally physicians and oculists. The drug stores buy a great many, and I have a good trade with the hospitals. I also sell to a few barber shops in the city. 'The eye doctors use leeches for weak and inflamed eyes. You see, the worm sucks the surplus blood around the eye and removes the cause of infl imatiou. Persons afflicted with neuralgia fiud a leech a good remedy. Every day I make sales to families whose names are not disclosed. Yau would be astonish ed to see a printed list of the people who keep leeches in their families, and who don't want anybody to know it. What do they cost to import ? Well, that is one of the secrets of the trade. I retail tliem at $lO per hundred, or $1.50 a dozen. Of course, when a cus tomer calls for one only I charge him a quarter. A leech, you see, is a little like a toothbrush—eyerybody wants one of his own. Indeed, it is not consider ed safe to use a leech twice, because the impure blood they draw from their subjects impregnates their system and they would likely communicate poison. Hence they are killed as as their work is done. Y"ou wonder how much blood they drink ? Well it varies with the size of the leech. But I should say two ounces at least. Won't you exam ine one closer ?' Here the barber reached down iuto the hatful of kicking worms, selected a specimen, and seizing it by the tail, though it seemed to be all tail, held it lip to the light. It was then seen to haye ten eyes no legs and possessed more belts and rings than the planet Saturn It had a bad mouth for blood, while the hungry expression in its eyes gave way to pity and condolence at the guant and pallid face of tho newsman. The nasty little tellow was then care fully gathered up and shoved into the liox, while the barber concluded with the following wise observation : 'The custom of bleeding by means of leeches was known and practiced extensively by the ancients, and prevails largely in Europe and eastern countries even at the present time. Their utility in this country, however, has been largely sup planted by artificial leeches and cup ping, which is general'y preferred, es pecially by women, who almost go into hysterics at the sight of a real, live leech.' Weeping at the Panorama. Among the crowd present at the battle panorama the other evening was a boy about fifteen years of age. lie had been gazing around him for about fifteen minutes, when he began to weep. The fact was noticed, and directy a gentleman said : 'Ah, poor lad I This painting re vives some episode of grief in his life. My boy, why do you weep ?' ' 'Ca-ca-causc, sir I'' was the bro ken reply as his tears fell faster. 'Does the sight of this battle move you V 'Y-yes.' •Did your father lay down his life on this field V 'No.' 'But you lost a relative of some sort V 'Not—not that I know of.' 'Then it must be those bloody scenes that overcomo you poor child.' 'N-no, sir. I come in here on the money which dad gave me to buy molasses with and it has just struck me that the whole Union army can't stop him from giving me a bimawful whaliu' when I git home. I reckon that feller over there on a stretcher is me—after dad gits through bringin' up his reserves.'— Detroit Free Press. Terms, SIOO per Year, in Advance. Better than the Quane, 'Ma-ntchis?' ma-a tchis I Throe fur five, ma-atehis V cried a thin child's voice. The voice belong ed to a girl less than u yard high,who had big, pleading blue eyes and a pert mouth. The street wits crowded with people*some of them out to show their fine clothes, but most of them to do Christmas shopping. The blue-eyed child persistently offered her wares to a man who was walking with a very stylishly-dressed young lady. 'Go away \ f said the man iu a gruff tono. 'Ah, the poor little thing,' cried the young woman. 'Why don't you buy some of her matches, Fred ? I'll do it myself. Here, little girl,' opening a sealskin reticule and fishing out some coins with her daintily gloved hand. 'She's very neatly clad and looks a3 though she had a good moth er. I just believe I'll make her a present,' and, suiting the action to the word, she opened her fur coat and un fastened a knot of bright cherry rib bon that caught up a loop in her silk dress. Then she quickly pinned the knot on the child's grev hood, and patting the pink cheek, turned away. 'What in the world made you do that ?' demanded the man, evidently much annoyed. 'Oh, why, it will please the poor mother so to think that some one has noticed her sweet-faced child,' was the youßg lady's reply, and the two went down the street. A tall, red-faced Irishman had been standing on the curb, watching the performances with keen interest. 'The young lady is better nor the Quane of England,' he remarked,look ing after the couple. 'Be the power, Oi could go down on my knase ana worship a beautiful crayther loike that, as isn't ashamed to do a koind act to the poor with her own swate hands." The fastest Shave on Record. 'Talking about quick shaves,' said a passenger on a Rock Island suburban train, 'I came down to the depot the other day just four minutes before train time. I ran into that shop across the way, kept I y Mrs. Whatshername, and said : 'Gimme a three-minute shave.' 'All right,' said she; sit down*' And I'll be darned if she didn't go over my face in good shape in just three minutes by the watch, and I got brush ed off and caught my train nicely.' This stirred up the story-tellers. One man had been shaved in two minutes, another in a minute and a half and so on. 'Just wait till you hear from me,' said a low-browed, tough-looking pas senger. 'For seven years I shaved in a shop where one barber run the razor oyer an average of sixty faces an hour. What do you think of that ?' 'lmpossible,' exclaimed seyeral lis teners in chorus. 'No, it isn't impossible,' continued the low-browed man. 'This barber didn't do anything but use his razor. The men lathered their own faces while waiting their turn, and a boy handed him freshly honed razors. Seven or eight slashes was a shave, and the cus tomers wiped their own faces after leaving the chair.' 'llow much did the barber charge a head ?' 'Nothing; and he got no wages. He was the barber in Jeffersonville Pris on.' VANDERBILT AND GAR RETT. An Eye-Witness' Account of What Transpired Between the Old Giants. A Western Mary lander, an intimate friend of the late John W. Garret, re lated to me the other day 'the circum stances of the first meeting between Mr. Garrett and Commodore Vander bilt, the pioneers in that railroad world in which their sons have since become kings. Mr. Garrett related the inter view to my friend a few days after its occurrence. The president of the Baltimore and Ohio called upon the old commodore just after Bob Garrett had graduated Princeton College in 1867. Bob and Harrison were with their father at the time, and when they were ushered into the presence of the commodore the two boys took themselves to an obscure corner of the room. Mr. Vanderbilt's greeting was : 'Garratt, you have run that B. and O. d d well.' Such words from the lips of such a clerical-looking gentleman as Mr. Yan derbilt astounded Mr. Garrett who ad mitted his success, but modestly attri buted it to the board of directors rath er than to any ability of his own. NO. 22 NEWSPAPER LAWS If subscriber* order Hie disooiiUuwnUon of fwws|pm flic nnolMters may contttiw ti send ihriii until all nuyanigCH arc paid. If HiibAcrtlmrM refuse or inflict u> take their newspapers from the office to liichthcynrcsmit they arc held respon.slhle until they have set (feed the hills a d ordered them discontinued. If subscriber* move toother places without in forming the publisher, and the iit-w.spapers aro sent to the former place, l hey are respou^ihlc. ADVERTISING! RATES. 1 wk. i mo. 13 mo*. 0 mos. 1 vea 1 square *2 no #4<xh $a on #<><*> #BOO X " 700 10 00 1500 30 00 40 00 1 " 10 00 15 00 1 25 00 45 00 75 00 One Inch makes a square. Administrator* and Executors' Notice* #2.50. Transient advei tisements and locals 10 cents per line for flj>t insertion and 5 cents per line tor each addition al insertion 'The directors l>e d—sharply in terrupted the clei lcal-looking old com modore / Rliey are the most intoleiable nuisances outside of h—.' Bob and Harry snickered so loudly at this that Vanderbiit looked at them, seemingly surprised at their presence. 'Who are these youngsters?" lie inquir ed of his guest. Mr. Garrett introduc ed them as his sons. 'Look here,' he continued, 'if you want to make men out of them take some advice from me- But them at the hardest work you can scrape up in your offije and keep them at it all the time. Marry them 113 quickly as you can and make them support tiieir wives and fauiil) without any help from you.' Mr. Garrett and the old commodore never met again. 'Bob' has become the successor of his father, and it wa9 at his feet that the son and successor of the man "who told his fattier how to raise him fell dead.l A Drummer's Luck. Charlie Baker is a traveler out of Philadelphia and a very good man, but sometimes he runs up against some body who is one too much for Charlie. He tells this one on l.tmself : 'You see,' he said, In reply to a ques tion for particulars, 'it was this way. [ was at a hotel table not long ago, and when the waiter came around for my order I rushed through the ram, lamb, sheep or mutton part, and wound up by c filing for a five doll ir bill, expect ing to throw the hash producer clear over on 10 his b*an ends, but he never smiled and only said 'yes sah,' and went to the kitchen. In a few min utes he returned with my order and on a nice silver dish was a bran new five dollar bill. I thought it waa a job on me of some kind and in my coolest manner I stuck it iu my pocket and went ahead to demolish the viands. I had been in the hotel a couple of days and was to leave that afternoon. So right after dinner I went to the clerk for my bill and to order my baggage down. 'What's the bill V I asked. 'Two days at $2 a day is s4,' replied the clerk, 'bath 25 cents, one five dol lar bill, $5.50; $9.75 in all.' 'What do you mean by charging a half dollar extra for that $5 bill ?' I exclaimed angrily. 'Didn't you order it at dinner ?' 'Of course I did.' • 'lt wasn't on the bill of fare, was it? ' 'I didn't see it there.' 'But you did see there a note which read : All dishes ordered not on the bill of fare will be charged extra,' did you not ?' 'That broke my heart,' continued Charlie. 'I hadn't a word to say nor a thing to do but pay the extra half dol lar and lay for that waiter, and I'm laying for them you bet.'— Merchant Traveler. TO PRESERVE THE FORESTS. Dangers Attending the Present Wholesale Slaughter of Trees Exposed. A meeting was held last week at the h&ll of the Historical Society of Penn sylvania, No. 1300 Locust street, Phil adelphia,'to expose the dangers attend ing the present destruction of forests and in the hope of arousing a general interest in forestry in Pennsylvania.' Clayton McMichael presided and Pro fessor J. T. Rothrock delivered the first address. He called especial attention to the slaughter of the Western foiests. 'Why,'said he,'they cut the trees for their bark only and then let them rot. Thus does a conflagration spread when a fire takes place. Others are felled, one or two railroad ties taken and the rest left to rot as before. It takes for ty years to grow a tree properly.' Professor Edmund J. James read a paper, in which he said : 'Everything —fish, game, coasting trade and manu factures—is protected, except the for ests. Whenever it appears that the in terest of the community is likely to suffer the State has interfered. We must now begin to pay attention to forest culture and forest protection, which are more important than any of the others. We can import lumber, but climate and rainfall, so dependent on timber, we cannot. We must have, first, government protection by law; second, special indiyidual action. We jnust have State forests, under the con trol and management of the State ; of fer premiums institute professor ships among the farmers and others,' Professor B. E. Fernon, Chief of the Forestry Division Department of Agri culture, Washington, showed clearly the necessity for action in the matter and dilated upon the difference on this side of the Anlantic and the other, where special government attention is given to forest culture. Dr. J. M. Anders followed in an in structive and forcible appeal, the char acter of his audience 'being a guaran tee of the earnestness and power of those interested in the movement.' -First-class iob work done at the JOURNAL office.