AT THE CAPITAL. President Cleveland's Coming Marriage to Miss Folsom ▲n Uncle of the Young Lady Con firms the Report. A Boston dispatch says : Mr. H. F. Harmon, a well-known flour mer chant of this city, is a maternal uncle of Miss Frankie Folsom, who is be lieved to be the bride-elect of Presi dent Cleveland. A correspondent asked him if there is any doubt that President Cleveland is going to mar • ry Miss Folsom. 'Frankly speaking,' said he, 'there is none. It was not our intention to announce the engagement until some time before the wedding, but unfortu nately it was made public by a breach of confidence on the part of friends in Buffalo. I have just been writing a letter to Miss Frankie,' he auded. 'lt is now nearly time for her to be preparing to return home. 'Do you suppose she has heard of the rumors in circulation on this side the Atlantic ?' 'I have no doubt she has learner! something. I was engaged in wri ting her, as you entered, that the cat was out of the bag, and giving her a little of the gossip she may expect to hear on returning home. We fre quently receive letters from her about the trip. She writes otteu and her letters are particularly bright She has a brilliant, descriptive style and is an enthusiastic observer. The ru - mor that the expenses of her Euro pean trip were paid by Mr. Cleveland has no foundation in truth, and I do not see how it ever originated. 'lt was Miss Folsom's intention to announce the engagement in du,e time before the wedding, but to her, as well as the entire family, the prema ture statements concerning it are a great surprise. As I have said, there were but few let into the secret. At last accounts Miss Folsom was enjoy - the best of health. She enjoyed th e visit to Italy very much, the only drawback being her mother's illness in Genoa, where she was taken down with a fever. Miss Folsom's acquain tance with President Cleveland forms a romantic story. 'Frankie at a very early age gave promise of great beauty. She was lov ed by every one who knew her. She was frank in manner, warm-hearted and very lovely. When scarcely knee high she was particularly lriendly to 'Uncle Cleve,' as she called him, and in after years held him as one of her dearest friends and advisers. Then came her father's death with its atten dant changes. I have no doubt if he had lived he would have been much gratified at the marriage.' 'When did President Cleveland commence his matrimonial ctten tions ?' was asked 'I can scarcely answer that/ was the reply. 'He was very friendly dis posed toward Miss Folsom from the time she was a child ; but about three years ago his attentions commenced to assume a more serious aspect. Al though very reserved in manner, it was evident he now cared far more for the woman than he had in former years for the child. When Miss Fol som and her mother visited the White Hoase last year there was considera ble talk about a possible engagement, but not until the annonncement of the marriage was recently made was any further report in circulation. I think I may safely say you can travel a good many miles and see a great many people before you will find a young lady of greater beauty and ac complishments than Miss Folsom. I have no doubt it will be very embar rassing for her to know of the thous and rumors that are circulated about her, especially if she happens to see any of the newspaper cuts that have been printed over her name. 9 A Correct Map. "How far is it from the new capi tol to tLe Colorado river ?" asked Hostetter McGinnis of Gus De Smith. "According to the city map it is a mile, but I think it is much longer. I've walked it, and it took me longer than it should take to walk a mile." "That discrepancy is easily explain ed. The city map doesn't go out of its way to take drinks at all the sa loons between the two places. It isn't that kind of a map."— Sif tings. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken by your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth 7 If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mas. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYBUP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It curesdysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYBUP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physici tns in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world Price 25 cents a bottle. —"A stitch in time" often saves consumption. Down's Elixir used in time saves life. For sale by J. Spigel myer and D. S. Kauffman & Co. He Got His Customer. The following story is told of an en terprising New York jobber : The merchant in question, having heard of the arrival of a country trader who was known to be a large purchaser and of unquestionable credit, was resolved to get him to visit his establishment, and, once there, he felt sure he could securejhira as a customer. He accord ingly sent out one of his drummers, of whom he had quite a number, adapted to every taste and disposition. The one sent, however, returned without success. No. 2 was difpatchtd, with no better result, and again No. 3, and so on until all had gone and come back without their man. The merchant now determined to go himself,and find ing that brandy and water and free tickets to the theatre were of no avail, for the country trader did not take one or go to the other, he was reduced to J the necessityof employing a ruse, which as the sequel shows, was simple as well as effectual. On taking his departure after a pleasant interview the merch ant took care to commit the "mistake" of taking the trader's hat Instead of his own. Next morning, as was ex pected,the merchant received a prompt visit at his store from the country trad • er, who c*me to look up the hat which he supposed had been hurridly exchang ed. This was what the merchant wanted, and through this means soUl a good bill of goods and secured a regu lar customer. Take-^= — SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ For all Diseases of the liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Spleen. This purely vegetable pre paration, now so celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated in the South in 1828. It acts gently on the Bowels and Klilneys and corrects the >ction o! the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to be. In all common diseases it will, un assisted by any other medi cine, effect a speedy cure. The- Reffnlator is safe to administer in any condition of the system, and under 110 circum stances can it do barm. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever age to lead to intemperance; will promote di gestion, dissipate headache, and gener ally tone up the system. The dose is small, uot unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no inter ruption or stoppage of busiues* while taking the Regulator. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, or Sick Stomach, a teaspoonful or more will give relief. If taken occasionally kv pa tients exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION*. I have been practicing medicine for twenty years, and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. L. M. HINTON, M. D..Washington, Ark. SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE. rKErARTD BY J. H. Zeiiin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa, A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Mililieim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other sociul gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m pENNS YLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Teim begins January 6.1856. This institution is located in one of th<) most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of Study: 1. A Full cientillc Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin cientifle Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (b) NATUCAL HISTORY; (e) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COCRsE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHERTON, l L. 1)., President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co., Pa. Mason I Hamlin ORGANS: WbAl PIANOS: Wood's Fxhl- I not require one lotions i! quarter as IF P * jggfg-**' ♦ J I much tlHiin}? 'rS One huinired WlTr'',-*|| Pianos on the Styles. $22. to I f v "'> i ! prevailing S9OO. For Cash, Erjlg I "w rest pin hasyPayments c;l ft lit ISII system. Re -01 Rented. Cat■ MH— markable for alogues free. Q* - " 1 , l_,lj f"""T of tone xi#*** and aural ihty. ORGAN AND PIANO CO. 154 TremontSt..Boston. 46E.14th St. (UnionSq.), N. Y. 149 Wabash Ave?, Chicago. .mpcr is kept on file at the oflire of ) J' r I DVERTISING GENTS TIMES BUILDING ft"® PHILADELPHIA. ESTIMATES FREE AYER & SON'S MANUAL RMBH DOWNS' CLEXIRJESHR 1 N. HL DOWNS' I ,■ Vegetable Balsamic For the euro of H Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, £j H Croup, Asthma,Heurisy,Hoarseness, || j I Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, ffl Hand nil diseases ©ft ho Throat, Chert, aul ffih P| Langs. In nil cnsca whoro this Elixir iiKf used its efficacy J. ut once iniuiifoatad, con- £jj ■M vincing tho most incredulous that 2 CONSUMPTION 3s I iJLI ,ll> * lnoirabh, if properly attended to.— m At Its commence,ncn'it G Put•dlfjit ii iiu C# CO tion of tho mcnibrnuo which covers the Lungs; 3T then nil inhumation, when tho cough is rutin r J5- dry, local fever,and tho pulse more frequent,the u chocks flushed and chills more common. This '"T ® Elixir In curing tho altovo complaints, oper-!, -Hates so us 1o remove all morbid lirltn-H S (lons nml (iillnmntloii from tho Inner MB H(o the surface, and finally expel them from H| ■ tho system. It facilitates expectoration. I It heals tho ulcerated surfacos and relieves the cough and makes the breath ■ illgcasy. It tillpl>orttho tleti;;!lt and Ut tilt HH sumo time reduces tho fever. 11 i-> free lioni H strong opiate and astringent at tides, which are HI 3 of so drying n nature as to §-■ destrvylng tho patient; whereas this medicine HI BR never dries or stops tho rough, but, bv rentov H| Hing the CAVSE, consequently, when the cough r.- His cured the patient is well. Send address lot H H pamphlet giving full directions, free. "I'd l'rico 3o cts.,oO ctsv, and Sl.oo per bottlo. H SOLI) EVERYWHERE. ■ HEJRT, JOIttSOT & LORD, Props,, Burlington. Vt. ■ ■■■DOWNS' ELIXIR.HKS lor sale by IK S. K Huffman A Co.. and J. Spujelmyer, Millheitn, Pa. S. G GUTELIUS, Dentist. /f '> \\ 'd- MILLHKIM, I*A. Offers ltis professional services to t!io public. He is prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession, lie is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Musser House. Mililieim, ------ Fenna. —SIMMER RESORT:-:- Two utiles from Cobuni Station on L. & 1. R. U. —-o - ... Fine Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight td town. Healthy locality and line moun tain sceneries. The celebrated PENN* \ AL LEY CAVES but live miles distant. The finest drives in the state FINK SADDLE HORSES, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. Double and Smile Rooms. newly furnished, for familes with children, on second and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. , -lv Millheitn, Centre Co. Pa 500 Tons OF White Novia Scotia Plaster at $9 00 per ton, WHrOIIi&LINCOI.X, at their warehouse, Coburn, Pa. 3-3 m. P. H. MUSSER, A JEWELER, Main Street, Mililieim, Pa., —t-JOPPOSITE TIIE BANK.J-t- Jt-xfltepair Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage tespectfully solicited. 5 ly. N. W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. Tlte best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23 ly iiotciiki/T CARRIAGE WORKS, our buggyT Wc manufacture Open and Top Bug gies, conftisting of the Side Spring. End Spring, Brewster, Timken and Edward Storm Spring. Mso various styles of Twc-Seatcd Car riaq;fes, Wagons, Cutters and Slcighr. ODR fc"o. B V/ACOM. Liboral discount to tho trado. Send for Catalogue and Prices before buying. KOTGHXIH 8/4SSEIAGE WORKS. SYRACUSE, N. Y, ¥ itAAt KU t - - %-t"TKIv STORY 01-' MY L!P;:.*' A* J ,'''•"* r Gaitiijs wKGcMcU f.'-..j V.0.dl jjtf t>: fciy yuuilij ni"n :.1.1.... i ... Oivi •2 I .•••;••. ..i Zs, $•<3!•; £• h*c'Vs .. . '.icd '-nath O | i**r eeUlajrlVrr. % f'fAi.S CvALiS | . • . ••• > e■ t • ; v '■ •; m*. ; p. ••• I JTU.T 3. UHLLCLIOD, C .ITITLCD $&|L ~ /A" >: X ' #1 . / J ■ |Mj'\JMO1 m ! II \ WV- P|WIJ I , O THIRTY YEARS ft. DEI CTI B1 3J7 ALL A! I III.::: :. O*C. RCNL.IL: FWG• IHFLNMIPHI • !< MTN P ■ I J OF < RIUII;I >! 1 ' • J< T I' • • . I TRIM NUM< N ; .1> LA THO SET LOU OF CIJ LINAL*, FOV RING N I OF ItiW / VRTFTVJ IIV.> C NVO ami thfillii'jh :• ci >.. u '• ANON'I •>1; NOV7TSOOLT, yrr>fit*t F i NIHL WILLI LI U'LUT OF 1.. J*. . .U 1 TUV:LYO. C2TA&EFT73 WANTEDI IN EVERY T->V, A TL:. IN • R WR.BE: -OF PEOPLE ON will bf ()1' 1 t<i i; ' ! .MI/,', IT. SI LIS TO MER CHANTS. H<'> .F- V ' " R .R. . R.-TAIIII PROFEO.ON: I MEN. TIL: MNV R /-V," ut ETUI J> i out J,' til or L.-.-OR in A TOITTT U "•• !: ..L HO CATT IWL: I! P.' OF KOLLILI; IT TO. WO WANT ONA AT*R*: IN EVEN TOWRWHLP, OR COTUITY. , 1 •'"/ , I.\V 1 I IST ; 1' I. VON BECOME A • 1 '. 1 /> N t. lOR F'.IIL 1 ATT.I UMRJ AMI /TNJIS I•• ADTLRO T O. W. CAB! KTOH CO., LMBUNHM*, NOW TOA n:i r\ rvf n® a& •-IR.J IS I i • \!• I F"<# V V L L- \EA II XF . ~ t—i TJIO R M I' 3TI R 0 G IS FL C ' II TL IJ :L £ OAY BT. TI-OFIR. ISOFARL: -1' M :-OV.-1 LANNFARTNROIL THAT in I RWCRJRANLUILTOL TL IPORTCD. PIJINF J ORT DUTTU IT IN NOW BEING DONS ON LIU ■ L'.-R --.AN ; LB QCAKI 'I U.BT AI C TAKES ITS P'ARO; IT H:.< BEN PROS AACTD T-Y CATOPSTABL J* I A ' I '• TOUT rven littler. TBU QL'AKTB V,. : HAS : WLY BUT SURELY GSTOSTL PR-AT INI JI.IRTAULO AN I in R< PLA. I - THO vny lest IMPORTED ON TBO SN.IT <! TLIO PRO. OR. THO UL.! * . F THE ROSTAUINUT A.. 1 T' > TA'US F TLIO RICH AS.D P. .R I N. ■ RCATL" I •' I AV.L R.-UFBT 1 BY ALL ON ACCOUNT , F I:S PN AUEY. SR MS, TA.-TO, STRENGTH AND PIT ' ? "I . • I.T R LIAS BY YEARS OF STUD, FT'.-- L \.. :. F AINED IN THE AR>- MSTIC R; ■OF THO IC.": I AND CHINA, AUEH AS NIAEO, NITUITEP.< T:I F AUI: <* JAMAICAPIUPER. AN IT ■ AANIBU ' ! • F IREAS UNKNOWN TO MOST MEN. :.:: L TY'.E: {1 .A TLCO F '.EERE.UD TO COTUBINO THEIR E\TI.. 'TS IN M.. H r. 1 ;U;.L T RRA or, WE NOW F.T \ IT, t AJTIVOABLA T A: DRO INVIGORATING AS TO BCTAHRA IN TDA-S OI M >VA: ,IT BITTERS, LIY MAN NFACTURIS \ THIS AAUEE H .HEAVY IMPORT DUTIES * AND TITA.' • • U . .1 IT I T CHL AT A LOWER * F.NJRO TO THE DE:-B WHO TO LLING A BETTER PROLIT OU QUAKER SAUCE CAU U T > THE CONSUMER CHEAPER THAN HOVEVYT ST I.NP< L ARTIELE HARDLY EQUAL* J'I! OINS. 11 Y.*NR ['l* I-R DO. S T.< T KEEP IT. \VRITO I:J FOR T RICES. < TO. TI DEL IN BOTTLES OR BY THE YALLOU. C!!AR R TL MANUFACTURING CO., £cle Proprietors cad Manufacturers, 10G L LCLI B. LM ST., ST. LONL, MO. : TUT A I JPYRT.--.-V --- : J . 23 YEAHS PW USEO TH9 GREATEST MEDICAL TRIAMPH OF T-3 AGO! SYRSWONNJTOF a B I C 4 MB H* VT *E C IJ-*'' LICI -I %J LTJN ISVH N . LOENOFNPPETLT?, IFOVRCLS COCFIVR, I'AIN IN >t I tho HEAD, \RI;H A DULL CESSATION IN THO BACK PART, 1/AIU UNDER (HE P?- U.M< R- I BLR.DE, B'UILNEAS AFTER ENTFN^ : V I:!I N INCUOTITION IO EXERTION OF BODY OR MIND, JLVRITABILITR OF TEMPER, LIORV NPIRITTR WITH O FEELING OF HAVING NEGLECTED SOME DUTY, K WENRIAEIS, PIR/LNE M, FLNTF R'NG RT TRO F HEART, DR>TI BEFORE TOO OYCA, HONDA. UO OVER THO RI'JHT EYE, LLCGTLCANNCSTSJ V/ITH STIIT! DRWAUIC, ILICHLY COLORED URINE, AR D GOMOTIPATION. T TT-FL ARO ESPEETR.HY ADAPTC 1 * TO HU?H CA3EC,'ONO DOAO* CTRCCTS SUCH N CTAITJ:* OF FEE 1 LNGOS TO ASTON LAU THE SSTFENR, THEY INRRCSSO CHE APPCTTTC.AADCTIUSR TB BODY T TNLIE OIL PLEINITHNI HTO MTCN IS IIONRUHID.IV.IL BYTB U TONB ACTION OA THO T>I?;EATTVE OI GUNS,ITET,UL* STOOLS NRA RRO !':.'.' I. PRI.-S •( RRE. Y M..7F. T. TUMLILIB M GIT AT N.VM OR V"NISKEIT9 CHANGED '.O A 1 C/J: :,Y UI-ACIC BY N C P'.<:" -ION OF THLDRK. IT IMPARTFL E UATAR' COLOR, ACTS IOSTANTANOOU-DY. SOUL BY R.UR SONT BY EXPRESS ON RECEIPTOR ?1. CTTICO. AC TVIURRAYST., HA'.V "TFEK. I COMPLEXION BSAUTIFIER | AXD ("T'RR FOK J SLULNRIA, FEVER AMI AP.NO, SCRO'ITLA, I CANCER, ERYSIPELAS, XIOILS, FIIITPLCS, ULCORS, SORE EYES, SRAM | TER. SALT ITHETIIN, MEROURLSIL AND ALL BLOOD ITU.L SKIN DITICTACS.^G DR. SELLERS' LIYER PILLS FOR YEARS HAVO BOON THO STANDARD REMEDY FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. COSTIVENESP, SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN SHOULDERS OR BACK, DIZZINESS. COATED TONGUE, AND NIL DIS. EASE*ARISING FROM TLIO LIVER OR STOMACF. THOMAS ADAMS, OF BIG SANDY, KY., SAYS: ".SO!- LERS' RIIISSARRRF LIUNDRMIS OF DOLLARSLN DOCTORS' BILLS IN HIS COUNTY." ,SI>LD BY DRUGGISTS. SELLERS IILOILLCLAO CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. ITR^^^^I^RN^TNNNNIT IS R >*VA , 4( HI VOTAJAULOWEAR.N?:TFL B, EFFLCKRCE. V'"' K YTIINGTUO BKIILOD NHY- A-IUOS*# V>. 5 CIAN.S, RENJ IRON* TFV tt, \ S> /YOUTHFUL INDI CROTION, \; JC/T-03 'TOO IADU!J:CUCE, OR RW A OYER BRAIN WORK. AVOID > y )~c VY\ r\ P ITD' I " IMPOSITION OF PRCICN* ♦ .* IE -A TICUS I EMEU IF A FUR THE.-A XI X>W V• U-> . >FIL TROUBLES. GET CUR FROA A RADICAL CURFT I VR< ( CIRCULAR AND TRIAL PACLT •I.RR-IV- I LEURN IMPORTANT A V ULFI F -'I HI FACTA BR'ORC TAKIUJF TRCAT TJH7F.T'T ,"3MOT CBRVRBERO. TAKE M N W RTRR \ URMENYTHATRUA ITFFSDTP L/'.TLCIULI.D THOUSANDS, DOCA I'IGFIII'.U II C)W>VJ,-W-CRY .FKT. F 'RATIONTO BUSINESS, OR CAUSA F V •• TIC.F PEINOR INCONWOIFIICC IA FCJ IT B R3"".Y V '.'Y. FOUNDED OA FR.YC/INGA/FLIDDLE^ TIOU R.O.TA R-J-TI'O THA CCR.T OF UISEASO I' IFAPPCCIFLC INIIUENCO IS FC!J NESTED FOR £EVEM WITHOUT DELAY. THE CAT- V'FANS CY UNIIF; "NI FTMCTLONSOF THO HU THOUSAND CA.E3, mnATJirtrr. KF&JMISSJSSUA PAO MONTHW - &'3.OOHJSJ|THE PATIENT Awo MONTHS, - C.OOBFLFULAUDRAPIDLY^ALRII SL REE JIICNTLIS, FTLIA §CZUAI VIGOR. UARSTI3 REMEDYCOTTM'FQCHEW!£T3 30CK N. TENTH BT., BT. ILOUTU, HO. RU P T XSF^„ 3 „°F!SR ! SSM IVIJ GIVII MIAID TILTAT,. I CVAC ; LEAL. NORVOUSNCSA W NLMESS, XACLX OF STRENGTH, VIGOR OR DEVELOPMENT, CAUSED BY INDISCRETIONS, EXEC?M-S, ETC BENEFIT-.IN A DAY; CUREN USUALLY WITHIN A MONTH, NO DECEPTION NCFOURCHARY. POSITIVE PRR.OFE, FULL ITI.!,CRT|ITIOII UAT 1 " F.T; .TVI, O 1.1 PLNIN MINI- I EU,'OLOIK'. FREO. ELUII .'.TLIDI'IA 1. CO.. L'.O. DRAWER I7I). DU!IALO,N.Y. I? 6 1? - " Pi AIRMTI;?S V .I^^* U tm . ... • WO WANT LADY AC-.-T.M FOR E-.R I : "► MA DAM K DSA >•'• 5 P-'A.DB! I'l . ■<•. • . >. NO OXPORIENC Ir- ; F"L I'OAR OR .. AGENT G | ."JO ATOM Y. OUT A REJ IRTFROIN FOUR TO T,W,T.:.V AIEA DAILY., 'B OR T O FOR TERMS NN.L FULL JIRIRTICU!..V.. -• LEWIS SCHLKLI: J. CO., SIIB> LROADV. :.Y, X.ET. 5.,. RSGA QSSRSW C3SN? PRT-*S ONR NEW BOOK, JUST OUT. I S" 3 C.'TLRA [J CTUITII'D. 'DUES9 ITKFTTJI I I * ESI N| GJ KOIT 'LADIES, OR 'J HE ABSNRIIITY I P KF LD _OF THE CUSTOM CF TIGHT LAS! : "3 )■ A $ HJT'IO RF(3 A WELL US ITS CHERT NPON TO V ' J ETFLTCALLHOFMAVCTOTHC 5 ..,-;.: ;.* I I SI N ILLUSTRATED, HONEFRL-.LI(TO 4 FC;I EG!) __ FCVT LADIOO ONLY) ON RECEIPT OT ■ J TD KI SIFLA CENTS IN TTAMPS TO PNY N< LULKKB & L'O., FSO BROADW Y. NEW VYFT IV ■ ''' J TL /■'"" ] VL# I SWIFT J ,®;SJ X ILA 5;I"-VR T,. h ™Jm 'FIWLS A ...II J NEW IMPROVED HIGH ARM, NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES and 1i ivy Movements, Auio /" ii \y*ec,t an I Perfect fiction, C hfl •: 7 \ Setf-settin / Nee- I ", .i 3 iLi ' L/O k j r.nos, F< j I 'aria. Minimum Weight, Elo j'riNicn, 7,")_. :?,e t 1~0 V/rnr, No Fatigue, j\ r o " Tantrum 3," Capa eit v TJn limit wI, Ahoaus in Order, Richty Ornamented, NicEclplated, and (Eves Perfect Paitcfaction. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. AVERY MACHINE CO., 23 UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. FL F " A • •; 1 I V IMM YFCUL'J :R:..0 OL - A Pr' ' / L 0 !- > 1 £SO ■ ; |" : R W-: FE :.'KI r : J I" I ,• I LIT/ K >1 I hi ! i . 4 I ILIA ML AT.T. TUF. R.VNT3 A/BE ( FAT.?.?"I A V,"I:O"JGHT' IEKT HO : KVII KIN; .LILAG OR WARPING, 'S'UK L NVJ-FT HR ' TT' 7ZN' EASIEST HI II . 1 . : V THE Ll' '? U CHLAI'A BF. .. C". 'PA STO TLIO r k 'SO. W IK LJ \J %38 FV _/. .U.WJ*. Tl' '1 UIII O# I/ T I.E :.-O*T P V/E*>KLY R.EWI VSPER DEVOTED *O, MECHANICS, T • MITILNG IFIETSMII— TN . .. I • P (D. EVERYNOM ..A. RATI D •• .' : ■ PD'UBD ENRRR.V.RJRS. THIS ' .•••.!■>'. .. T \::IU TB>ENCYCLOPEDIA 1 RTC. TII N V.II. 'U 11,1 P.-RXON SHOULD BE WITHOUT. ; PNTNNTY < F THE S-'IRYIINR AMI'ITL'MS II • •II T ...T I'S CIRC'ILST: -1: -RLY ETJUSLS THAT OF ALL I -R : JICRS < F ITS CINRACOMBINED. PRICE. S33)A > . R. I. ANINI TOCLNB.I. P-ILDBV ALL CEWFDEALERS. MUNN & CO., PUBLIAH RA, KO.IMPRWOWIY, N. Y. P. -- -X p re ; R, V—A MUNN A( O. H.TVO | " FL-KT YET Ll* I;A F :,E PATENT OE 0 CRJL B.'.VE P-EPARCD !• • THRU F)NO HUNDRED LIIOJ F.l T- . IND ATIOI>S FAR PATENTS 1.1 'AO H 1} j F | ,S CAT FUR, CTI'.MTRI < .1. I;I. TS;.TIE-MARKS, T.'.'PY-RIJTBTS, F ... TIT:- AND 111 OTHER^PAPERS F R J : I R.TOTA TLIEIR RIGHTS IN THO I - , 11 .: I BT.,TES, IN, ENGLAND. L".-AACE, ! '.l : ,Y AND OT'.' R FOREIGN COUNTRIES, PRE ' C , -.R-U •.: .-I.N:; NUT :"• ID,', M RE; - NR.' 1 ■ T"R:: •. ' J LUI. ROTATION R.RT IO! TAINING PATENTS CHTER- R T FULLV G V.-N R.ITLINNT CHARGE. HAND-B .S OF R*. •; I SENT FRC. PATNNTA (>1 LAIN 1 THR MTK M INA a CO. ARE GOT ICED IN THE 1 •: UT .■ • FJEAN FREE, TTIO BDVANTAGUOFAUCHI • OIA A, I UUDCR-'C I BY AIL PERSONS WHO WIAN TOTI.S- I ' " P\t FO.. O *E SCTEKTITIO !,:■ LV.: II M .. . FEW YORK. THE PERKINS WIND WILL. jOg&y-. T- Jmm \ _ * § H IS F".! - "'.X • ... " A •> A JIV' IN V 1 "EH I:T RONETANT UM ' S : - : Y B RCCORD IL'-.-'L- IJ ' DN3 * V . ••Y? - 7.:-ANTED \ I•. T : : I V <'. WIT, UNLESS THE 1. "•; J - WITH IT; OR AGAINST RR.Y V.-;.- ,TI"T <. RI I • R.V • RANTIAL FARM BUILDLTT ■; ; IBTM T * TO DUTLMT AND DO BETTOR W< II: TI. TO V R OLBT RAS 11 MADE, BO I )" ; 'IV. c 1 :'T ID'TIIJILR.T ATI.T GEARED MILL UTYI ' OFWM WILL DIPNL'M AGENTS • ■ AJCnSD. PETIU TR<AT ~ TO ("J U'OR ATI'L PRICES. ADDRE - 3 I rifl I T 5 VILLI) HILL tAX CO., FTLIALIAWAKO. IND C; '{ < , • S , .V t V : .. 'IT - . C ' T. . C'L , . ■ . • • . 1 I II '. 1: L",.'l ; U.'V". I, . T. I !,'• PI^OS^ORCANS IHE (H TNNND FOR THE IMPROVED MASON A HAMLIN 11 AKOS IS NOW SO LARGE THAT A SECOND ADDITION TO THE FACTORY HAS BECOME IMPERATIVE. JKI NOT REQUIRE ONE QUARTER AS MUCH TUNING :TI PIANOS ON THE PREVAILING WRV-ST-PIN SYSTEM. CONSI.IT CATALOGUE, FREE. L'H) S VIES OF OKCIANS, TO ?UOO. L'OR CASH, EASY 1 TIYMENTS, OR RENTED. MASON & HAMLIN ORG:ANAND PIANO CO. NHW YORK ; BOKD>Y ; CHICAGO. /C>- . RV I V/AMTACENTS TO SELL / . A N TTTB |4- JJ< A^VRFIISSOUNI JT-XLWI STEAM -JVWASHER MEN AND TVNMON OF GOOD CHARACTER AND INTELLIGENCE. P.XCLUSIVO TERRITORY GUARANTEED. A WEEKS'TRIAL OF BUIN|ILO U'ASLIER TO HO RETURNED AT MY EXPENSE IF NOT SATISFACTORY. A THOUSAND PER CENT, THE BEST WASHER IN THE WORLD, AND PUYACO'INBLO AGENTS BIG MONEY. IN TRINSIO NIORIT MNKOS IT A I'HCRIORAINAL SUCCESSG76RY WHERE, FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR AND TERMS OF AGENCY UADROSS. J. WOSTJ-F,ST, LOUIS, IVT> RAENBOW RUPTURE VKI* SIMPLE, MIFE, RELIUBLO AND A PERFECT RETAINER. IT LA NOT A TRUR.A. WORN DAY UND NIGHT AND ITS PRESENCE FORGOTTEN, BEND FOR CIRCULAR WITH TESTI MONIALS FROM GRATEFUL SUFFERERS CURED BY THIS'AP PLIANCE. ADDRESS CENTRAL MEDICAL AND BURTRICAI INSTITUTE "80 LOCUST ST.. ST. LOU IN, MO. SKILLFUL TREAT MOAT GIVEN ALL KINDS OF SURGICAL AND MEDICAL CASES. WEAKENING DISEASES AND PRI VATE TROUBLES IN MALE AND FEMALE OUR T.OECIALTY IIA TARE TO WRITE US BEFORE TAKING TREATMENT ELSEWHERE. CONSULTATION FREE AND INVITED •I r\ > IY WRJ F' >F IT T.L <'T*. > • \>/ K ; J RI I - || ■■■ •'/. JX; '. • . 1 ■ , IJTEETAAL. TII ; TO-D.Y SECULARLY BY IQ,OQO AMERICAN ! 3 \,.!JR.;N. i'z: - C.'.U. CED F CPERIOT' (A AIL ' 3HERS OR I'AKH REFUNDED. DON'T WASTE J LEI MONEY ON V<l:. IIIIES , NOSTRAIUIT. 'I'RY iiii'i ZZetsivSy C > .. .ID L>Y ALL DRUFRGKITS, OR IN,-TILED TO ANY : DD.-I BCJID 1 CEIITA FOR PARTICULARS. WFIJLCOKI SK'AICII'IDI CO., PHITLADA., I'M P* hoMLtuM -•■ A beautiful w .rk ol' i%* pagos, Colored Plate, and torn m . f C' illustrations, villi descriptions of the best Fl >wen and WRr • - *w ' n SZT Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow \ .* j r<?i, fIT cents, which may be deducted from first order. N **vJ It tells what you want for the garden, and bow to get it instead of running to <4* 2$ „ *■>> 5 R'" c, ' r >' '•} die last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting ||U Wlt '' disappointment after weeks of waiting. „ -X EUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. J%h £ Cd& v Jv I cv< : r y number, and many fine engravings. Price, f l --S a year; Five Copies for fl --> i'J*- ft J l ■ Specimen numbers io cents ; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send to any address ilfk'' > k; t* " k' s Magarine and any one of the following publications at the pr'ces named below ki —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, $4 .so; Harper's Monthly, #4.00; t* St Nicholas, fi ro; Good Cheer, #1.95; Illustrated Christian Weekly, £3.00; OT V ' Awake, Good Cheer, and Vick's Magazine for $3.00. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, aro pages. Six Colored t j ; 1 "des, 11Cj Py *<** Lngraviags, #1.25, in elegant cloth covers. /Ti.ra JAMES VICE. Rochester, N. V. "'.ora GIRL I LEFT BEHIN3> ME." 7:1 '-fRt 1 'r<v the v.-* of a Butst rondo fcv T. T. ITaydcck. which Is not only the Leading , " •' tupf-HK VfesBISO BUCfiV OP a ii "do k's i iftdv Klntr Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Ask WU denier for the T. • I'lAvnoPß ttl'bCY, with the Jlaydock fc&fety King Loit and Fifth wneeL 1 i!c is insecure riding over any other. (This picture will be furuiibrl oa a, Urge cr<l, printed la elefsat style, to eayooe vho will agree tefraaw U-> .ENCLOSE FTAMP.I f X' 1 _ *J? m 2~C.A/'2riDOCEIr O Cor. l'lum and Twelfth St*., CTXCIVXATI, O. AGENTS \7AMTED WHERE WJJ HAVS NONE! K0 INVESTMENT BO PROFITABLE. PENN MALL CARRIAGE WORKS ! J J*. CD.CONSRIDO, II Proprietor and Manufacturer oi 5 Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. \ Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at all times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere "W. Gr. BRA.DLEY", Ziv£ t Conr.^ BOLE MANV FACTVEEB. E, 5. RICE & CO'l, SoMConMßaekloards andSpidls Wzgou, angle d doable Riding qualities unsurpassed. Ito jar to the Cet. Durable and stylish. Price* reason able, Shipments singly or by carload to all parts of the United States. B Responsible Agent wanted in every town. Send for Price List and descriptive Catalogue. Correspondence earnestly solicited. , N. B. Every person acting as Agent for our Wagons, will have his name with advertise ment of Wagons advertised in tlio leading paper of tho county or town where Agent resides, nratis for six months. <1 IK i.a man dto forth • treuMc.ard all V L- i "77 tif'll P.ii.fp-roxuirnf" ' / T aim isrobiocd <h{ ir*i^ rM ■"\' L : f '\ }: 4 ulltre-A , ylitlins. Ttks a SUREBaBrtiSfSSi r*i ,', a£; "k " * UsJ °* ¥V- 1 - thou Mads, does not interfere l>r v -ni-'r ' vu - a:,(,nJion to btirir.r*, cr esuio r-iiu if • i ' IVLV V)V en -> erinem.vewrnrc in any wj. Four Jed : '( • • rorh trvor. Do'iP'tT.C; *-i'Krt:fte inedii-cl pi :,<cipl. By direct . -• .vl i'ecav iVo-uicor VPl** l : o ",*? tbe m*| at disease hsspccide te.l fcr i: -ktYrurs in inniiVVISVS faifuenc-eis fe If with. ~t cVlny. The namnU 1 • >' tC - tl.-v ' ■ : ■ ly r ■ .-3 r -,.a>oneiion ot the hun.*a oijcAniifru restored. Tfco • • i 'l* .v. -i ■■ovrn i ;i t'tliofcll e- warivdsninttti-ic elejncms of life aregtren baeb, the patient l r ' . u .1 "! ,u:/' u\.n.. hi -id Vifor.'uio lioa'th. cuvcrfui o&d is*Ly gains both strength and health w : ,;J TREATMENT.— H:a.|S. Three. 3? ?. . . itwuntofToutroQlilata^wan I HASSiR!S REL'EDY CO., Mr*c Cremists. jJ T ! ,',T'!■ f'jr■■'■■■■■■■?■ 'rl villi IF.oa* s£.aaow. 4 i~ * J Y' q-dr-V-...: L . 1' . was.Ruil MFo. CO., Inc iaunjJtflis, lad. John h. maws | Eute Dp,UerUM; I @ s§m '~rc | A, Cole-Leather Oater Esla; B, \7atcr-frojf Sclo; j C, Sole-Leathor laz:r C:lo; D, Solo-loath:-? Se:l. < Warranted Absolutely Water proof, more healthy, comforta- J b!o, genteel, and will not drawo. sweat the feet like the ordinary rubber boot. One pair will out- t wear two pairs of ordinary rubber boots, and can bo repaired by any shoemaker. Ask retail dealers for tkoni or send $5.00 i for sample pair of short boots to JOHN H. PARKER, 103 Bedford Street, BOSTON, MASS. 1 •f| ■a? jh it isr' n 1 x-~ xs a? "x* Eg TOCEI2TG E*4 j W UPPORTEH g £jj i %Mk II 1 s* aG si ■' A W , -rjiX M SH iTvt Sb ll If- §3 I i H il Ps in- £3 Children's, 1 toßycrrr, ... So. a pair ditto, two attachment:., l e;e Misses' - '• . . j Ladies' " " -5,.* a Misses', with;; he:f, . . s>()., Ladies', a K,- Stocking. A'id.>?:;.!•; I, m.,1 Cat-wi r " ' liiul U.widago Sv. t p,irter bilirrt, rn , . Health Ski: tSi in; >nrlr, , . % Brighton Gtul's*'Jai ler, - . 15c! • ALL FIRST-CLASS STORES, ] Samples sent receipt of price m 2-ceut Bt„;r.pj/ J " £.3 WIS STEIN, Sole Owosr and r.'lanufkctijrcr, ITS Centre Street. v **--•../ fr ~ -i- # J „ r „ nt j ® p i, Perfect in operation, and of ,or circular. ' i-AMILY COFFEE ROASTER CO.. BT. LOUIS. Mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers