Journal. - - " = THURSDAY, MAY 13TH, ISB6. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. POWDERLY, the head of the Knights of Labor, is a sworn enemy to the liquor traffic, and states in au address bearing on temperance that the paths of the whiskey man and that of the honest, industrious workman lie in opposite directions. MORE than 9000 bills were intro duced in the forty-ninth congress thus far, of which 7200 were brought be fore the house alone. At this rate the number of bills may swell to 20, 000 before the 49th congress closes its sessions. Most of these bills are of a private nature, referring to pen sion and other claims. Many of them, after their first appearance are not heard of anymore, a fact not to l>e re gretted in most instances. AT FIRST the Cleveland Adminis tration was severely censured, prin cipally by the Republican press, on account of being so slow in accom plishing a decrease of the public debt. But soon it became evident that the complaint was premature and now it is reported from Washington that the country's debt in the month of April was reduced by a round eleven million dollars. Such is democratic economy and modesty—few words and much work. THE Turco-Grecian War now seems a settled affair and the Grecian popu lace are very enthuiastic over the fact. All the foreign ministers, except the Russian representative, have received orders from their respective countries to embark for their homes. The European powers have given orders to their fleets to blockade the Greek ports and Greek troops are being hur ried to the front with all possible speed. The movements of the Turkish army threaten to make Thessaly the scene of the first warlike operations Greece with an army of 150,000 men against 400,000 Turks, apparently stands no chance in licking the Mohammedans, but the indications are that Greece will have a strong ally in one of the other powers. When the swords of the two armies have fairly opened the contest, the question who is backing Greece iD this uneven fight, will be come clearer. THE anarchists of Chicago and oth er western cities will have ample time now to ponder over the vast difference between communism and orderly strikes. While the latter is tolera ted with a view of final satisfactory settlement between employers and employes, the former is au outright violation of American laws, and hot headed foreigners would as well be made to learn that they will not be allowed to do as they'please, even if this is a free country. The laws of the land must be respected and obey ed at all hazzards. If it were other wise American industries auf water and some hail, which turned many streets into rivers. Signs, shutters, chimnejs, &c., were blown with the gale, and a number of vehicles were overturned in the sheets. The black clouds that roll ed oyer the city created almost the darkness of night, and made the timid ones crouch in terror in their cellars. The streets were entirely deserted, and in some horses were seen wandering about attached to vehicles and seeking refuge fiotri the pelting storm. Telephone and telegraph wires peing down increased greatly the diffi culty in getting and reliable in formation/ " EXHAUSTED VITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. A Great Medical Work on Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Exhausted Vitality, &c. t £e., r.tid the untold mis eries resulting f:>j i iiiJlsetviiuu or exeo-aca ; 300 pages, Fubstantijli.,* bound in glit, mimT.ii. Con tain!" more than 12 . Invaluable prescriptions, em bracing every vegetal lo remedy in the pluirma copula for all ic'iito and chronic diseases. It is emphatically a book for every man. Price only $1 by mail, pout paid, concealed in plain wrapper. ILLUSTRATIVE FMlili TO A 1.1, Young and middle-aged men for the next ninety days. Send now, or cut tlila out, as you may never nee It again. Address Br. W. 11. PAUKKIt, 4 Dul finch street, lloston, Mass. ||f a IITCfI I AIIY Active and inlcllip.nt, to VV AH IkU LnU I represent in lieeown locality nil old arm. lti'fi'rriHHwrihiulrt'd. IVrmnnent position and good salary. GAY . lsst), tit Jio 30 Unknown - d HOGGS TOW NSllll*. 305 112 Coenrau, John 31 50 ;R7 14a Carseadden, D 4 > d M l I leal, Ann,(part) 1 10 lis 40 llood. William 4013 liUBNSIDK TOWNSHIP. 41a Plack, .lames 141*4 43.3 bid Brady, llobert r>."<7 435 bit Brady, Win. P la s I-13.3 163 Brady, .l>hn - la.*>7 lit bit Bell, Alexander 15 58 41a Boyd, .lohu 11 04 438 163 Heil. William - 1557 4i t 103 Cook. William I">5S 4;t;t lut Cowden, .lohu 7 s-j lit 103 Dewart, William 7H2 43.3 163 Dewart. .lohu ... 7sj , 13; liiit Donnelly, Henry 752 4.-5 103 Gray Konert 7 sj 433 bit Gray, William 782 I 4:1:1 l'tt Greeves. Alex la 7.7 Id t Itw (rant, Thomas 7sj 4 bll Goben.Charles 7*2 453 lot Hall, Charles la 72 140 Harris, Henry 1512 4-1 bit ilou>el, .loltii 7 5 2 !.: ! 105 Kidtl, John 15 57 41a Bevy, Nathaniel 1194 4:21 bit Lyon .lohu 7*2 200 Miller. William 7 2 ">7 •204 Withingloii, .Martin 7 57 CUUTIN TOWN SI It P. 36.1 pi At wood, N 1 40 50 300 AI wood, N I. 82 '"i ,*•>> llrooks, Jesse l2 00 ' 415 Brooks. Jo-so 7 no, 119 Cuiskadden, I) 2160 I 2 n p3) Carskadden, l> 21 o" 3 7 Coats, Ltndley 6000 • ; 11 Del lass, I't'tcr, f j 70 Mason, John S 16 so ! 2> o Meyor, Philip tvooo {OO Meyer, Himou •"><• no 420 48 Meyer..Michael l-'ooo 1420 Meyer, Valentine 120 00 I 196 Miller, James 42 00 I 2"0 Palmer. Joint. 6 2" I 415 Taylor, Joseph 37 2" 415 Wain. Jacob 7200 415 Wister. Casper 126 00 160 W illis. Jonathan is 00 4515 163 White, .lames 150 00 Fl i 11G C S() N TOWNSHIP. 100 Olive James S 20 150 A Barton Sloat, (owner) 12 30 (SKEGG TOWNSHIP. 60 Carson. Andrew 1 41 1.50 Cowdcn. John 3 53 17s 127 Caraou Andrew 10" 150 Duncan, Davpl 1222 250 Hepburn. William 5*3 380 Hubby. Bernard 891 5.3 63 llnitii, William 470 52 John MeClintoek,(owner) 1 22 HAINES TOWNSHIP. 3M> Ante*. Henry 7 58 212 60 Burr, Thomas 502 250 60 Barr, James 52u 250 60 15a Ir, Mary 5.36 s7 Barron, John 1 7 s 1 'd Beck, Henry 3 b> 344 16 Bolltnoer, John 700 5.".3 tiO Bollnder, Henry 692 325 60 Bolinder, Frederick 668 513 69 ltolimier, Adam 6 l" 135 Cowley, II B 2 76 362 163 Kpler, Tetor. 7M 158 Kpler. Andrew 9 23 181 Fees.Jacob 5 70 2 ">2 40 Gillnian, 11 & S Snyder 5.3S 253 do 5 20 45-5 Hall, Charles 892 437 108 Hartnian. John 89S 267 60 I .inks. Mary 260 113 !9 Kreamcr. George 850 200 Parker, William 4 10 3"0 60 Swineford. Albright 6b> 170 170 Stover & Wolf 3 46 .'{.37 123 Snyder. Catherine sts 2"9 Snyder. Catherine- 4 10 88 Tidd, William 94 4i5 Simon Gratz 8,34 110 J <; Meyer 2 24 IIK) George Fowler 206 106 Methtas Workman 2 16 2SfJ James Black 6 04 lit Peter Black 2 91 15.5 II it Cowley 2 78 ; 158 Kpler. Adam 8 38 3i.. r , fet) W lliiiitu T]dd 8 05. 368 PhiliptHior 151 209 Wendell Grove 4 26 2> Calvin M. Hayes 25 too Joseph Henry 8 50 175 Hubert MeKlrotll 5.58 327 Samuel Metzgar o 75 I*l2 Joint Mat7. 3 sai 120 Daniel Blkmß's .*... 249 412 David Scribner 9 17 .">' 8 (Jeorgt; SeideL 8 05 303 Peter Seide! 6 27 2.88 Philip Seidel 8 6.5 123 K II Scrihiicr 8. 76 243 George Snyder 502 15 Juseplt Thompson 3.3 116 Henry Splker c, C Wejser 9 25 196 Award 3 88 200 Catherine Snyder 4 15 18 T'astoitiis Tltotnas 37 11A LF M (ION 1 O WNSIII P. 400 120 JoliiT, Diehard 56 00 216 J.umbttrii. Josiah 3029 •'d Shearer. Itfauo 99 24 John T F3 89 John T Fowler, (owner) .">Bl 67 76 John T Fowler 400 IIAItUIS TOWNSHIP. 196 I'isljer, J C... 3 81 133 Fox, George '2 72 400 Forbes, James 31K) 47 92 Witkirton, Kearney 437 lIOWAIID TOWNSHIP. 107 164 Brown,Sanntel 470 Bonh;tm. Sarah 1 17 154 Green. Joseph 13 53 25 Gruysburg, Joseph 1 10 213 Godfrey. Martha 4 73 41} Godfrey, Martha. 913 55 Harris .JamesD 259 130 Dingle,J J 141 160 Wiifis. Jonathan 7 52 59 White & Nestlerode 3 30 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. 433 163 Baxter James 920 200 11 Chancellor, Wm 420 120 Kuhn, Adam 10 20 433 163 Price, John 919 433 103 lioliiiieton, John 919 102 J c Wason(owner) 4 29 LIBKBTY TOWNSHIP. 50 C.trskatblon, I) 42 80 Gorrell Win 1 .'ttl 166 Hityn, ltoliert & James 18 til 175 Hess, George I) 7 16 3c.) 3 Irwin, Kobert 2348 2*o Jttekson, John 4 25 310 Jackson. Jeremiah 11 7H 200 Krouse. Daniel 3 40 30 King,' Thomas 34 Isi I Lytie, Peter 3 80 150 i.\lie. Peter 3 s " 100 Leech, Mat hew.. 1 fj I'M) Leeeli, Matliew.. 170 b,uf 200 Nestlerotle, (htrlst 170 30 King, Thomas 34 lei Packer, Job W 7 60 17 ' (/tllgle;. .lume.s A 670 349 Smith, Christian 1376 80 Smith, bnhcit 68 100 Potter, John 4 on K8 Shaw A Liugle 3lf MAIUGN TOWNSHIP. 43 66 Cormatt, John 1 43 .51 Decker, Adam 7 .'tn 17 Lew is, 'Thomas 2 89 20 Lucas, 'Thomas hi 50 William 'Tilghman (owner).... 1020 19 Isaac I'raln,(owner) 4 15 *2B John Zehdcr (owner) 7 14 00 Yarger, Simon 308 c.i i Yargei, Simon 300 '-id 199 /aut/inger. Paul 4 92 MILES TOWNSHIP. t;;o Braly, Itolreii. 7 61 Ibi Brady, Hannah 7 .'to 2-3 Br ait.v.> 1.50 Wolf, .lona 100 4si William llarman 888 460 46 Jaiiu'sCuiiimings. 740 371 Wiu Boy tie 6 H. 351 Win Grant 0(10 3ti7 Tiios Boy|e o 5 • 4.30 Joseph 'Tripp 7'ji'> 201 Thomas Sinilh - 3 ,0 ■}<• Will llotlsel 7 47 42.5 Samuel 'Trinp 7 87 416 Hugh Boviie 7.. 40.1 Peter Tripp. 4j> 410 'Thomas Miles 5-3 2u2. 1.56 John Havs 2,8 2s i Martin Wister 5 18 176 Win Cook. J 14 240 Kobert Taggart 4 44 25 James Stoadman. 4n 17 Kobert Latitnore 31 2w> Daniel Williams. •' 2iki Thomas Ca rot hers 3 70 2*o John Brady < < 2'n Win Brady 4(11 John lloir-el 4 63 7-16 of - 4" ! 134 William Miles 11l _so William Cooper 4 of PENS TOWNSHIP. Armstrong. lame- 5 25 .83 C(Mk. William 989 ].50 10 Cowden, John •' 2o 19 Cowden. John 32 p i Cook. Win Cook. Win r 78 llainiton.Thos - '-•? 150 Hepburn, J allies' 5 2' 116 31 Hepburn. James JOO i.50 Kennedy, John.. 5 J* I6 Garigus. I'd ward 8 so jo i Garigus. Win 8 so I too Getiy, Christ 2 2" •jdO Gohin, Charles 4 40 150 Martin. Thomas 3 Jo lus McClellan. (Jeorge -j} ssii Win Collier.(owner) 12 ,• 34 8.3 llopp.Jacob 150 Sawxer, Win - it mi Yanderslice, II )" ltM Young, Samuel 52 SPUING TOWNSHIP. 419 Johnson. John ~... 18.3 ls6 115 Fi rdue, John o (re :eN) Kobison, Catherine s 10 :30 Kobison, Kebecca s 10 1 -Vl Kobison, Ulehard 4 (t 100 J. Gordon. Est. (owner) 2 70 SNOW SIIOE TOWNSHIP. 453 153 Bingham. Win 58 74 15.:; 153 Rurnot, Felix 8> ,4 325 Banks, Wm..,, 3.25 Banks, Wm 60 Clymer, George < 38 133 153 Camnbell, George.. ,4 433 15.3 Cox.Paul FS^t 13.3 153 Cutliburt.'l homas 88 <4 412 Carskadden. D J? 43 412 Carskadden, l> I'}; 4.33 1"k) Delaney, sharoe 88. 4 .300 Devliug Joseph ~ -! .3)6 Deyling Joseph ''! ij, l 218 Dobsoti, Samuel A>7(> 3,(K) Devliug Joseph • <0 433 Ed (I y, George > 2h Fitzslmmons. Thomas b 40 60 Gray. Kobert a '> 43-5 153 Hawthorn, Thomas ss <4 4.33 153 Hawthorn. James ,4 :,5.3 Hale, Jam *s T '.02 ">) Hale. James T 4.33 Linn, Samuel ' 1 0:. 4.33 153 Lewis, Win N .4 433 153 Lewjs, Win 8s 74 :;oo l.otig. J Z 5 70 2K) Long, J Z 380 ,35.3 i.iggett. John 1.3 41 7i| Mason John S JO 89 4.33 McMamius, James 2 433 153 Spear. Margaret 16 45 162 Tompkins, Joseph 9 93 4.33 15,3 Tallumn, BenJ il 71 02 433 15,3 Valentine A S 7102 13 15'! Waln.Kebeeea 7102 433 153 Wharton, Moore 71 02 4.'53 153 Wharton, Elizabeth 7103 5-9 of 433 153 Wharton, Mary M 39 oO 1-9 of 435 153 Wharton, Mary M 758 433 15.3 West, Francis 71 02 433 154 West, Benjamin 7102 169 West. Francis 13 94; 415 Wain, Kichard....'. 41; I 133 153 Wharton, Kearnqy 16 45! liit) Williams, David 12 35 j 400 Williams David 12 jo IIUSII TOWNSHIP. 4.3,3 153 Allison, John 18.3 91 ' 328 Allison, James 139 04 j 250 • Allison,Andrew & John Lilly 159 09 I ;;27 10 Armstrong, Andrew II 52 j ]64 10 Allison, Jaiues 16 54 j 390 116 Arthur. Ann 30 42 | 394 117 Arthur. Thomas 30 73' 433 153 Britches, Isaac 45 03; 433 163 •Beverage, David 11 £2 : 433 153 Brick ley, Darnel 47 70 433 153 Bruntznian, Peter 157 80 200 Burg, John 15 90. 4.33 103 Borelaml, John 19 08- 40 Chestnut, Samuel.. ~,,, 6 3ti I riyiwT. George 5.300 l"" Campbell, George WOO 3"o Cuthbnrt, Thomas 159 on 9" Corkendon,J 11 (owner) 1272 393 Chestnut, Samuel 10 21 4:;:! 163 Delft ny, Sharp 1152 253 Dentin-, Win 03 63 122 Kberman, Philip 0 47 433 153 Edward t.Tlios 110 80 300 Krakine. Thomas 7 80 433 153 Funk. John 22 03 250 Kltzsiininons, Thomas.'.l 3 26 103 Edward French, (owner).... 2012 131 Giant.Thomas 33 HI 210 156 Grant, Thomas jo 78 210 150 (.'runt, Thomas 08 00 453 103 Glnd worth,, James -1162 50 Groe, Elizabeth 705 100 < 4 ray, KOIMMI 53 00 21 152 (Jrue & McKcou 318 153 133 Hair, Christian 34 45 120. 101 Hair, Christian 3302 •33 153 lluir. David 24 45 210 150 HuiniltOU, TiiOS 08 00 133 153 Hand. John 34 45 '33 153 11 a 111 i Itoii, 11 431 103 Hopkins, John 47 70 | 433 153 lliux'l', John 34 45 433 ]s;i Haines, Reuben Jr 22 51 216 so Hamilton, Hugh 10 85 4.33 153 Irwin, Robert 137 80 433 1.53 Irwin Robert 4011 43.3 153 Jordcn, Owen .34 45 1"0 King. Robert 42 40 101 10 Kerr. James 80 02 433 103 Lucas, Helmet 11 25 '•■3 163 Luttimore, (irorge 1152 I3> 163 Laitfiuorc, Win (> 360 '• UvraMeJluver Sff '33 153 Jamliore, (luisiian 2101 ■•I ' 100 laiwdcit, John 24 01 50 la 11 iff, A H 13 26 Lawicne. Casper 10 85 433 1.23 Maysloii. Edward 1152 M< rhersoti, William 630 433 153 MiihrJohn 34 46 43! 103 51 iller, Jacob " 3445 433 10.3 .MeCoiniell. Martha ! 1152 133 15.3 Meade, George 0173 4.. . 153 Morgan, it R 45 05 Mei'ord & A Campbell 1500 133 15.3 Milller. Robert 22 93 433 Mctzger, 'Jacob 1125 433 Miller, Jane 1125 133 153 Miller, Robert 1125 323 i'attoll, Hugh 17 10 4 '.3 I>3 Peters, Richard 45 95 100 _ l'assinore.Jas Bryant & Haslet 15 00 1.'i.l, Thomas 22'.i 45 433 153 Kohrer, Christian 31 OK 333 153 Itude-dll, Jacob..., 5207 405 47 IJnsli, Jacob 107 31 7tS Uobisou, Win 11 1 M> 37 Uohison, Will 11 100 431 153 Sehafn?r, Casper 220 45 433 153 SJieiik, Andrew .34 45 333 153 Shenk, Michael 34 43 433 153 Shenk, Christian 34 45 347 10 Steek. Jacob 19 04 433 157 Spear. lJoliert 08 90 4:.3 153 Smith, Alary 23 02 b'7 7 Slough. George 13 26 219 Scott. Andrew 17 38 433 153 Slough. Jacob r 97 24 433 153 Ntough, George 34 45 2: J -'Of •:©*• tm "Xdl El |l cr )M guaranteed *©*♦• 4©4<©f +WJ Or Gentlemen are respectfully invi ted to call and leave their orders,which will receive prompt attention. Stiou iii ttis late Thos. Frank stand. tf. MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with Goov and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS. I ; NOTE READS, ) ' RILL HEADS, I STATEMENTS, I ! ' ENVELOPES, > I CIRCULARS f \ I POSTER S, i i 1 and, in short, neat and tasty ) 5 Job Printing of all kinds 1 . ) ? ELY'S CREAM BALM CATARRH • ; Clca nses th i Infl ain at io 11 Senses of taste Smell, Uearing.jM^^^ HAY-FEVER A quick Relief. A positive Cure, A partlc'e is applied into each nostril and Is a grceable to use. Price 50 cents by mall or at Druggists. Send for circular. ELY BROTHERS. Druggists, Owego, N. Y. jclstablitthed FAY'S ISM. MANILLA ROOFING! Tak-s the lead; does not corrode like tin or iron, not dec -vy like shingles or Ur oompositions: easy Go auply \ strong and durable; at half the cost of tin. Is also a SPHSTITIITK for PLASTER alllalftbo CARPETS* and RIJGS of same material, ' 6 >'il 1" tiw wear of Oil Cloths. Catalogue and samples W. 11. FAY A CO.. CAJLDEN, K* 19-4t. DV A RWCItu CAUSES and CUKE, ■jJI "ii lj>y>3by one who was deaf twentv eight years. Treated by most of the uoted specialists of the day with 110 benefit. Cured himself iu three months, and since then hun dreds of others by same process. A plain, sim ple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, 128 E;ist 26th St., New York CUy. WiXTVU -1.4D188 to work for us at (1.11 EilPtheir own homes, 87 to 91