John Dubois' Fortunate and Favorite Nephew. CLEARFIELD, April 28.—John Du bois, the bachelor lumber king of Penn sylvania, filed here yesterday an abso-. lute deed, conyeying all his property, valued at about $8,000,000, to his favor ite nephew, John E. Dubois. The deed bears date January 17, 1884, so that, although for more than two years young John Dubois has been in his un cle's employ, taking orders from what eyer superintendent he chanced lo be working under, he has been the actual owner of the entire property. Nobody knew it but himself and his uncle. The senior Dubois, who is 77 years old, has been ailing lately, and decided to make the deed public. The only con sideration in the deed is that John E. Dubois shall pay all debts and fill all contracts his uncle may make till the day of his death. His purpose in making the deed was to make sure that his business should go on in single and absolute ownership, just as he had conducted it for the per iod of 20 years, after his death, and that the 800 workmen in his employ should not be distressed by the stop page or embarassment of his enterprise. The deed makes no mention of any of the other heirs, of whom there are a great many, John Dubois being the on ly bachelor in a family of 14. It is left entirely to the conscience of John E. Dubois whether any of them shall have any share in the estate or not. The young man is about 25 years old and unmarried. He was educated at Ch es ter Military Academy. Attention, Ye Fishermen ! Potato Bugs as a Bait for Trout. The Williamsporl Bulletin says : Constable Andrew Cassidy returned from a successful trout fishing expedi tion in Gamble Towuship yesterday. When spoken to in regard to his suc cess the genial officer stated that the secret of it all was in the kiud of bait used—potato bugs. Red worms were first tried, but as the fish did not seem to have any particular appetite for that kind of food something more tempting was looked for. A large potato bug was observed crawling out of his hole, and he was quickly impaled on the book, in an instant bug and hook were swallowed by a huge trout. More bugs were secured, and in a short time the Constable started home with a well filled basket. Blossoms and Promise. May is the-month of blossoms, of promise, of hope, of seed-time. What the future has in store we do not know, except that the harvest*'shall not fail," at least not the world over. Single crops may go amiss. Drouths may and will come, some whole sections may suffer, but we will plan and work, cheered by the hope of a bountiful re turn, gladdened by the rain and by the sunshine, thankful that labor well ap plied earns Its reward from the willing earth. The sentence passed by tneAU wise Judge, "By the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread," may seem severe to the lovei of ease. Had it been given as a panacea for all the ills which afflict mankind it might have been different ly regarded, but none the less a bless ing. This reward of labor we are too apt to overlook. Health, as the high est award of toil, is ours ; pecuniary profits may foot op more or less, but with seasonable care not to overwork or overstrain, not to overtax endurance of mind or body, to take time to rest, to provide plain, well-cooked food, and reasonable relaxation, being temperate in all things, we can afford to be con tented with very moderate pecuniary gains. The coming on of warm weath er is often trying to ptrong,constitu tions. Moderation 19 desirable. We take cars not to overtax our teams, why should we take less care of our selves ? American Agriculturist for May. jjWTMUIIf DISEASE. VUBTAIie ■ Bitter or bad taste in mouth: ■ Iwl I* I UK| Q S tongue coated white or covered with >b(wanv; pais in the back, tides, or Joints —often mistaken for Rheumatisms soar itoasch t lone of an nwtltn | sometimes aaaitea aad wattrbrash, or indigestion; latulerjcy and acid eruditions; bowels alternately costive and lax; headache l low of memory, with a painful sen sation of having failed to do something which ought to have been don*; debility | low spirits; a thick, yellew appearance of the skin ana eyes; a dry cough; fever; rest lessness ; the urine is scanty and high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, PURELY VEGETABLE, AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, CoUc, M—Mfl Depression, Bowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Etc., Is generally used is the South to arouse the Tor pid Liver to a healthy a&ion. It acts without disturbance to the system, diet or - r ..p a r.>n it regrulates the Liver, and causes the bile to Act as the purge. The excess of bile being removed, a tonic effect is produced and health is perfectly restored. The Regulator U given with safety and the happiest results to the most delicate infant. For all diseases in which a laxative, altera tive or purgative is needed it will give the mow perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World I f THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS fjvt LIVER REGULATOR! * See that you get the gennine, with the red Z on front of Wrapper, prepared only by J.H.ZEILIN & CO., SOLX raorußToits, PHILADELPHIA, PA AGENTS WANTEDS the largest, olcul est-established,best-known Nurseries in the country. Most liberal terms. Unequaled fa nillties. Prices low. Geneva Nursery Established IMS. W. A T. SMITH, e --■evo,M.Y. PY/EMIA Is the most virulent form of blood-poison ing. Less speedily fatal, but not less cer tainly so, Is the vitiation of the blood of which the first symptoms are Pimples, Sties, Bolls, and Cutaneous Erup tions. When the taint of Scrofula gives warning of Its presence by such Indications, no time should be lost In using AYBK'S SARSAPAKILLA, the only perfect and reli able medicine for the purification of the blood. SCROFULA Is a foul corruption in the blood that rots out all the machinery of life. Nothing will eradicate it from the system and pre vent Its transmission to offspring out AYKR'S SA USA R A HILL.V. This prepara tion Is also the only one that will clcanso the blood of Mercurial polsou and the taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover ished blood is productive of AN/EM I A, A wretched eonditlou indicated by Pallid Skin, Flaccid Muscles, Shattered Nerves, and Meluncholy. Its first symptoms are Weakness, Languor, Loss of Nerve Force, and Mental De jection. Its course, unchecked, leads inevitably to insanity or death. Women frequently suffer from It. The only medi cine that, while purifying the blood, en riches it with new vitality, and invigorates the whole system, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED MY DP. J- C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price #1; Six bottles for so. There is no excuse for suffering from CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follow a dis ored state of the Stomach and Bow els, whea the use of DR. HENRY BAXTER'S MAIME J* Will give Immediate relief. A(Ur constipation follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis eases, etc., all ot ~ which these Bitters will speedily cure by removing the can*-. Keep the SbmacA, Be tot U, and Dijrtitr* Organ* m good working order, and perfect health will be the result L&dIGS ttnJ others sub ject to Sick Headache find relief ind permanent cure by the use of theee Bitters Being tonic end mildly purgative they PURIFY THE BLOOD. Price 25 cts. per bottle. For sale by all dealers iu medicine. Send address for pamphlet free,giving full directions. KEI&Y, J 081 SOI t LStD, frops., Bnrliagten, Yt For sale by D. S. Kaufman y. Rapid sales sumrise • ,U. i-OK. iiLL & MCMAKJN. CINCINNATI, 0. *£&> AGENTS WAHIEDi&SSS, j U3t publishctl, cutitiod /fSH% THIRTY YE ARS A DETECTIVE DY ALLA!J FII'KEirrON. Containing ntVr.mirli romrrrhrnilvo erpi-cT of Criminal l'r;n .at f nil Mudi-a end (.'lasae:', with Numerous rcrscnalLf In tho Detection of Criiuimila, covering G r>eri.d of Thiitv Yearo Activo Dot. etivn L.if 3 rm U' f V'lt book. It sells to Mer chants, Mechanics, Far men and ITofosatonnl men. Thus every Agent can j>o k oiit/iUi/orinore in a town to whoiu ho c.iu feel sure of selling tt to. Wo want Ono Airnt In every township, or county, t df~Awi JXIVOH, with this book, can become a successful Aijcnt. lor full particulars and terms to mjcuts, address G. W.CARLETON & CO., Publishers, New York. TABLE SAUCE. Thousands of arti. leaaronow manufactured that iu former years had to bo imported, paying b'gh import duty as it m now being dono on Lea k Per iius table #auco ; tho QUAKKU TABI.k SAUCE UAES its place ; it has been pronounced by competent fudges just asrjnoii and errn teller. The (JI'AKEU SAUCE bus Slowly but surely gained great im portance sti 1 is replacing tho trry b<4l imported cauco oti tho shelf of tho grocer, tlio tables of tho restaurant and tho tables of tho rich and poor men, j really priz d and relished by all on account of its piquancy, aroma, taste, strength and puroness. Tho invontor lias by years of study of tho secret virtues contained in tho aro matic spices of tho Indies and China, such as mace, uuiin -g, cinnamon, genuine Jauiaicagiugrr. and peppers and buds of trees unknown to most men, and by long practieo succeeded to combine their extracts in such a liquid form as wo now find it. of agreoablo taste, and so invigorating as to bo taken in place of stomach bitters. By man ufacturing this sauce hero, heavy import duties and treights are saved, aud it is sold at a lower figure to the dealer, who making a better profit on Quaker Banco can well it to the consumer cheaper thau y all DruzfhU. OTiTnriS^^ Dr. SELLERS' LITER PILLS For years have been the standard remedy for LIVER COMPLAINT, COSTIVENESS, SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN SHOULDERS or BACK, DIZZINESS, COATED TONGUE, and all dis eases arising from the LIVER or STOMACH. Thomas Ad&ms.of Big Sandy, Ky., says: "Scl lers' Pills tared hundreds of dollars in doctors' bills in his county." Sold by Druggists. Seileri Medicino Co., Pittsbnrgh, Pa^ t HBSSSHSySSffi! . Wt B Mflingthe ekilled phy. ZPHOI*, er E Gicinns, rci ult iron* ■y V a nnvm \a 5 /youthful indiscretion. Jg*B A rf.T?. J *', V 3/too freo indulconco, or over brain work. Avoid A RADICAL CURS FOn Circular arid Tnnl Pack v.rrnvrnTTD age, and learn important IJERVOUS facts before taking treat nr-RTT I'PV LC mont cUcwhere. Take • _ , *. SUBK REMEDY that IIA3 Organic Weakness 1 tettMS &PHYSICAI.! Spain or Inconvenience ia inYOUngA Mlddlea} pic. By directapclicatioa A&ea Men* K to tho .eat of dUeiio lt K pccl!ic influence is ftlt TESTED FOR SEVEN b without delay. Th® DAC YPAPB RV i IPC IUUIIWI ural functions of tho hn- THOiiSAun msn organism is reetorsd. I HOUSAND CASES. xho ontmatlnc dements fiTTTT- trirtrm..,- ■■* of life, which hsvo been 'AhTSATMMNT. KAwsttcd sregiven bscV.sml One Month, - ®3 U'wo Months, > C.OOpmful snd rspldlvgslne both ffhree Moathe, 7.ooHiff" ll "il'h sud sexual vigor. KARRIS REMEDY OO.sITraCHfMUTt SOOH N. Tenth BU ST. LOUIS, MO. pll DTURED PERSONS ! Not a Truss, ftUr Ask for terms of our Applinnce.__ (VS GIVH rXUBEI TttlAlm. MEN ONLY A QUICK, PERMANENT, CERTAIN CURE FOR Lost orFailing Manhood. Nervousness Weakness, Lack of Strength, Vigor or Development, Cnused by indiscretion#, excesse#, etc Benefitsin a day; Cure# uHuully within a month. No Deception nor Quackery. Positive Proofs, full deHcript ion una letter of advice in plain sealed envelope, free. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. P.O. Drawer 179. Buffalo, N.Y. $ i bFmonthly Wo want lady Agonts for our CELEBRATED MA DAME DEAN'S SPINAL SUPPORTING CORSETS. No experionce required. Four ordcrß per day givo tho Agent 8150 Monthly. Our Agents report from four to twenty sales daily- Send at once for terms and full particulars. 83.00 Outfit Free, LRIVIS SCIIIKLE jt CO., ai)t) Itroadway, ??fewlork contti pay uostace. SCHIELK Jk CO., "00 Broadway. Now York, SIMPLE •R.jjlijr * >-11 n|| SILENT HUH iff 1 c7r>QN l^Mj| 1 NEW IMPROVED H/QH ARM, NEV/MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES an iii \ ; i ry Movements, Auto ma. . "5 Direct and Perfect fiction, Cghnder Shuttle, Self-Betting Nee dle, Posiiwe Feed, No Springs, Few Paris, Minimum Weight, No Friction, No Noise, No Wear, No Fatigue., No "Tantrums," Capa city unlimited, Always in Order, Richly Ornamented, Ihekclplated, and Owes Perfect Satisfaction. Scud for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 28 Union Square, New York. LMWWMUB IMPROVED In fijy Wind Eg y rS Bmu£?fh ' P .r"^Ss^||sSW 1 tfill Atr. TITE P.VEI3 MAI,E 0? MALLEABLE & WROUGHT IP.OI-T No Shrinking, Swelling or Warding. TlI'K I-HiIITTST Rt'SMMi. STlloKOSNTaixl EASXIMT RtUturi'!' VVinu KNUINK iii tin- WoRJ.D. 'i'ha BKFT is CIIEAP.bT. Scad far Circulars to the S:T;PS£sF'EL& SAGMNE CO. Springfield. Ohio. The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted to science. mectisuica, engineering discoveries. in ventions and patents ever published. Every nntn illustrated with splendid engravings. This P'.ihlieation furnishesa luostvaluableencyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of tho SrntNTirtc AMERICAS IS such that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its claas combined- Price. f3-20a year. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN A CO.. Publishers. No. 3til Broadway, N. Y. Ba nan w■ n a Munn A Co. have ATENTS.^s a t d i e h i r r v; practice before the Patent Office and have prepared more than One Hundred Thou sand applications lor patents in the United States and foreign countnes. Caveats. Trade-Marks. Copy-rights, ssigniucnts. and all other papers for ng to inventors their rights in tho 1 States, Canada. England, trance, iny and other foreign countries, pve ra short notice and on reasonable terms, rotation as to obtaining patents checr iven without charge. Hand-books of istion aent free. Patents obtained through Munn A Co. are noticed in thehcientific American Jive. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all person# who wish to dis pose of their patents. r Address MUNN A CO.. Office SctESTlFlc AMERICA*. 301 Broadway. Now \ork. THE PERKINS WIND MILL. It has been in constant use mfjal 1 for 16 years, with a rocord WARRANTED I y not I i blow down, unless the t—Tower goes with it; or against any wind that tiucfi 11 >t disable substantial farm buildings ;to be perfect: to ontlnat and do better work than any other mill made, Wo manufacture both Pumping and Geared Mills and carry a full liuo of Wind Mill Supplies. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Catalogue. Circular nu l Priced. Address LEBKINS VTIND MILL &AX CO., Mishawaka. Imi CLAUEIiOdT V ! CiLAiiil.liaJ.'t'£ i ! CLAItE.UO.M J'tiLO.IV ! CobdXk' E CLi A K 1:1 iii i>.\ "£ CO IA. *i Y ; CLAUE.IIOAT COi.U.NV i T J A new House every lfi days in t: l.i-t 0 yea: s. Or village, only 32 mouths oi.i, I. • ." Murt*. 2 hotel 2 churches, schobl, netvsiuipcr, fi.c.o.y, IOUIM ry. stcuiuboats, 2 ir insand 2 uiaii.-U.,i:y. I.a mi r;.i ... advancing, Send, send. sets.l by ;;il inrttiiv. en", for circulars with 4 HIM; LIAI!..GR:IPL..V' CUTS • houses, all about the wo'uU rfi.l growth vie cc, ony.ils soil,climate.uuirlo ts.liii-itn > . ;.t< r; m.iiie.- health, juices, terms, a" ! '-il otm r t .- . i- Farms for |2iK) on mo, tidy iioi.illi.i. iiis t:.i having employment.w'i 'mot le.-ivine tin ir sit -.iii, i Address J. !•'. Il.tM'L l.Clar, i.o.i,.Surry < <. V? PIANOSORCANS The demand for the improved MASON & HAMLIN PIANOS is now so large that a second addition to tho factory has become imperative. Do not require one quarter as much tuning us Pianos on the prevailing wrest-pin system. Consult Catalogue, free. 100 Styles of GROANS, |22 to S9OO. For Cash, Easy Payments, or Rented. Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., NEW YORK ; BOSTON ; CHICAGO. ACEN J S T ° SELI ik^^Washer Men and Women of good character and intelligence. Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. A weeks' trial of ■amnio Washer to be returned at my expense if not satisfactory. A thousand per cent, the best Washer in the world, and pays capable agonts BIG money. lir trinsio merit makes it a phenomlnal success every, where. For Illustrated circular and terms of agency address. J. WORTH, St. Louis, Mo- RAINBOW RUPTURE R ! L u'*l> Simple, safe, reliable and a perfoct retainer. It Is not a Truss. Worn Day and Night and its presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grutefui sufferers cured by this ap plianoe. Address Central Medical and Surgical Institute 920 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. 3killful treatment given ail kinds of surgical and medical cases. Weakening diseases and pri vate troubles in male and female our specialty. Be sure to write us before taking treatment elsewhere. Consultation free and Invited* 'AIISY PILLS Arc perfectly Safe and always Effectual. Used to-day regularly by 10,000 American Women. (Unarauteed superior to all others, or t'asli refunded. Don't waste money on worthless nostrums. Try this Remedy first. Sold by all Druggists, or mailed to any address. Send 4 cents for particulars, WILCOX SPECIFIC CO., PhUada., Fa. FLOKALSwwe off*A beautiful work of 150 rages, Colored Plate, and 1000 f) illustration!, with descriptions of the best Flowers and a Vegetables, price of Seed! and Plants, and how to grow |#s them. Printed in English and German. Price only zo At "&L. cents, which may be deducted from first order. > It tells what you want for the garden, and bow to get it instead of running to . R r 7 crr y a .t the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be lift over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S seeds at headquarters. /?m U|mwiy WJ§ ' n number, and many fine engravings. Price, a year; Five Copies for ft sM f s . Specimen numbers zo cents ; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send to any address Vick's Magazine and any one of fhe following publications at the prices named below -realiy two magazines at the price of one—Century, >4.50; Harper's Monthly, £400; fW 1 Nicholas, £3.50; Good Cheer, £1.95; Illustrated Christian Weekly, £3.00; or V Wide Awake ' 0004 Cheer . Vlck'i Magazine for $3.00. „ VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, o pages, Six Colored 6®®//%^T Plat", nearly sow Lugravmgs, £i ,a 5 , in elegant cloth coven. JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. 7. • Ilayaock's Safety King Bolt and Kifth Wheel. Ask FU S'*J e 5 Jw*h uVJi' II AY dock ii (/€•€ Y with the Ilaydock Safety King Dull and Fifth wheel. Life is insecure riding over any other. (TL in picture will be furnished SB • large sard, printed la decent style, to anyone wbe win agree lain— "-> ITAMP.J T. rr. HiLTDOCK, O C^H W cor. Plaza and Twelfth Sta., CINCIFIATI, O. AGENTS WANTED WHERE WE HAVE NONE I NO INVESTMENT BO PROFITABLR PENN HALL CARRIAGE WORKS! J". Proprietor and Manufacturer ot Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at all times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere "W. Gh. ZBDR^UDXiZErST, 3iv£exicLen, Ccna. f BOLE MANUFACTURER, B. S. &ICS & GO'S., Solid Comfort Bnckbouds and Spindle Wagons, angle ud inble antad. Riding qualities unsurpassed. No jar to the feet. Durable and stylish- Prieee rMoa able. Shipments siugly or by carload to all parte of thei Uziited BCate*. Responsible Agent wanted in every town. Send for Price List and descriptive Catalogue. Correspondence earnestly solicited. N. B. Every person acting as Agent for our Wagons, will have his name with advertise ment of Wagons advertised in the leading paper of the county or town where Agent resides, gratis for six months. Eg£B I Over len Thousand Trial /fijr Avoid the imposition ot peeteutious rcnio. ■< mailed to .ra-/mJr dl fOr these troubles. *nd all Quacks, ■ P7rvxrr uentea largo i rorortu njhtew M whose ozily aim is to b.oed their vic- JSK JAL AAbL. of whom took a full treat KWJ rfOro,.. IMA thus. Take a SUItE Ran EOT that naa mentend woro restored to health by use of VA MAP i) MBCURED thousands, does not Interfere HARRYS'* SEMINAL PASTILLES neonrenience in any we/.'Toundrd A JUdicalCureforNervoasDobility.Organic on scientific medical principles. By direct Weakness and Phvsi cal Decay in Young or Mid-^ftd/?^^^^y*J'P li< '' lt i 0 *- t ?. th ?* f * t . < ?{ specific die Aced Men. Tested for Eight Yonm in mr.n^ififci!l3S^!;£ uenc s. , S ®L' * rtthoUt 'r- The natural thousand coses they nbeolntely restore P rem at u iwly^j^TS^iL^?!'!!jPii! ~ Cl.',* rifrr 1 .T^ ood and broken down men to the full enjoyment of libit] perfoct and full Manly Strength and Vigorous Health. DocotQelchecrfut **" rapidtygains both Mraagth and hasßh, TBEATMEHT.-fa.Scott.■ reliant.ttm, \>ork, crtoofriae Indulgence, won--kth.ityou sendua UiDDIC Dtlienv en ■ yonr name with etatement of your trouble, and soenre n AKrtlo ntifltU I VVJ.. MFT CntIHSTS. o 6t{W. Tenth Street. ST. HOTJIB, Mft THE IRON SURE HARROW, 11 was awarded 1 irst Premium at the Ohio State Pair over forty-four competitor*. Successful in all lield trials. Wrought iron framo and steel teeth. Satzstsetion guaranteed. Send for Cir cuUr"* KIMBERLIH MFG. CO., JOHN N. PARKERS Rubber Upper, Lsathgr Selsd Boot, Wn Li| I^l A, Sole-Leather Outer Sole; B, Water-Pro of Sole; C, Sole-Leather Inner Sole; 0, Sole-Leather SeeL Warranted Absolutely Water proof, more healthy, comforta ble, genteel, and will not draw or sweat the feet like the ordinary rubber boot. One pair will out wear two pairs of ordinary rubber boots, and can be repaired by any shoemaker. Ask retail dealers for them or send $5,00 for sample pair of short boots to JOHN H. PARKER, 103 Bedford Street, BOSTON, MASS. STE3 ISXT'ft AFETT % TOCKIN-O- g% VPPOBTER W | 0k gl gg 11 pa el Children's, Ito 5 7MN 4 ... Bc. a pain ditto, two attachments,. . j^ c v Misses' 44 14 . 13c. " Indies' 4 4 44 . 1 se] Misses', with a belt, 44 - - 20c. 44 Ladies', 44 44 14 - 25c. 4 v Stocking. Abdominal, and Catnme nial Bandage Supporter com bined, 5d C Health Skirt Supporter, - * T 250, 44 Brighton Gent's Garter, , , j ♦ FOR RA,. Y ALL STORES. Samples son* post-paid to any address ucoa receipt of price in 8-cent stamps. LEWIS STEIN, Sole Owner and Manuihetotw, ITS Centre Street. NewVorlt. AGE NTBiliS FAMILY COFFEE BQAOTER CO.. ST. LOUIS* Ma,