I|our n a I. THURSDAY, MAY 6TII, 1886. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. LOCAL NEWS. —May 1 SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —Briglit's disease is Killiug Ex-Pres ident Arthur. —C. A. Sturgis, of Lewisburg, was up on Monday. —First-class iob work done at the JOURNAL ofllce. —Last Friday, the last day of April, was uncomfortably cold. —No danger ot anybody getting drunk in Millheim just now. —Editor Barter, of the Middleburg Post, was in town on Sunday. —Elias Kreamer, of Wiiifield, Union couuty, was in town on Monday. —Regular meeting of the B. & L. Association next Mouday eyeuing. —The Grand Lodge of the 1.0. O. F. will meet at Harrisburg, May 18th. Beyond a doubt Kauffman's store is headquarters for general merchau • dise. —Regular services iu the Lutheran church of this place next Sunday after noon. —Dr. S. G. Gutelius and family are absent on a visit to Uuiou county friends. —Next in season to fishstories will be the snake stories. Now let them down easy. —Yesterday afternoon a welcome and refreshing raiu settled the dust on our streets. —Where, oh where is the organ grinder this spring ? Perhaps he too is on a strike. —That popular pastime, quoit pitch ing, has been taken up again by our sportive gents. —-We would propose that the H.& L. Co. be ordered out for drill some even ing next week. —The fruit trees in the orchards and yards aro nearly all blooming and pre sent a fine sight. —Mrs, Jon. Harter returned from Harrisburg last Saturday evening,after an absence of over a week. —Miss Beatty, of Spring Mills, came to town last week to keep bouse for David Ulrich and his father. —Dr. John F. Harter, 3/ain street, is beautifying the interior of his resi dence, by having some new paper hung. —Those outdoor coucerts by our band, which occur more frequently of late, are delightful to our town people. —Wm. Walker's house on Main stieet, occupied by John Auman, is being repainted and fixed up in general. —Nothing looks as dressy on a gen tleman than a stylish straw hat, such as are sold at Kauffman's store, Haye one ? —The closing out sale of J. Spigel - mytr, beginning 3fay 3rd. Don't for get it. Goods to be bought at spot cash. —Never speak flippantly of neighbors before children. They may meet the neighbor's children and have a talk a bout it. —The expected awning in front of Miller's batcher shop was put up this week, and John is now certain that he can keep cool. —lt is said by old people that not since 1828 was vegetation and foliage so far advanced at Easter time as it was this j ear. —The festive spring bonnets perched upon the beads of the ladies, are mak ing their appearance and are duly ad mired and—criticised. —The veterans of this place will meet to-morrow evening for the pur pose of organizing the G. A. R. post, spoken of in our last issue. —D. A. 3fusser and wife, accompan ied by 3fr. and 3frs. A. Walter, took a shoit trip to Bellefonte on Tuesday, re turning yesterday morning. —"A stitch in time" often saves consumption. Down's Elixir used in time saves life. For sale by J. Spigel myer and D. S. Kauffman & Co. —Mr. Charles Wetzel, who during the winter held a position in Musser & Smith's hardware store, has retired from said place and 'eft town week be fore last. —lf you want to know where goods can be bought to best advantage, con sult the advertising and local columns of your home newspaper and you will never go amiss. —Bad drainage causes much sickness. Bad blood aud improper action of the liver and kidneys is bad drainage to the human system, which Burdock Bio 3d Bitters will remedy. —Robinson's building of the little Wooden Church in the Methodist audi torium on last Friday evening was an interesting entertainment and was en joyed by a fair-sized audience. —A gentleman of the Hebrew per suasion holds forth at present iu part of Mr. Sankey's property on Main street, with a dry goods store. A red flag designates his place of business. —M. L. Blair, Alderman sth Ward, Scran ton, Pa., stated Nov. 0, 'S3 : lie had used Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil tor sprains, burns,cuts, Iruisesand rheum atism. Cured every time. --Just received several new patterns of Sunbury prison made rag carpets, as well us new Brussels carpet. They aie regular beauties and sold at popular prices. D. S. KAUFFMAN & Co. —Our skillful marble cutter, Mr. A. C. Musser, can cut a straighter line and with a much brighter eye Rince the arrival of that pretty little girl at his house last week. All parties doing well. —Costiveness is the primary cause of much disease. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters will permanently cure costiyeness. Every bottle war ranted. Sold by J. Spigelmyer and I>. S. Kanffmau & Co. Quite a number of new fences have been going up on the Water street premises lately. The property holders on that street think it soon time for the town council to pay some attention to road improvements in their district. —The care, precision, neatness and perfection exhibited by the veiy ap pearance of Simmons Liver Regulator proves that it is the best prepared rued • icine iu the market, fully carrying out the motto : "Purissioia et Optima," (pursst and best.) —lf you are in need of anything ill the line of Spring Millinery Goods, be it a ribbon or a tull-ti immed hat or bonnet, go to Mrs. Anna M. Weayer's place on Penn street, where you will fiud a complete and well-selected stock and the latest styles. —ln Henry & Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment is combined the curative properties of the different oils,with the healing qualities of Arnica. Good for man and animal. Every bottle guaran teed. For sale by J. Spigelmyer and D S. Kauffmau & Co. —Mr. Elias Lose, of Penn street,did a good deed in reconstructing and rais ing the stone crossing, which connects the sidewalk with that of Mrs. Weav er's. The crossing had been about G inches too low and was a treacherous place to pass over on dark nights. —Hartman's foundry have'D employ that splendid mechanic, Mr. Henry Snyder, and the blacksmith work con sequently moves right along now. Sev eral necessary repairs were also made on the foundry building last week and tbey are making ready for a brisk sum mer trade. — THE only reliable catarrh remedy on the market to-day is Ely's Cream Balm, being free from poisonous drugs and other offensive odors. It has cured thousands of acute and chronic cases when all other remedies have failed. It quickly cures cold in the head and ca tarral headache. Price 50 cents. 17-4t. —Only three licenses were granted by Judge Fursu on this side of the mountain, viz : At Centre Hall, Old Fort and Spring Mills. Millheim. Co burn, Rebersburg, Aaronsburg were cut off and the fellows who are in the habit of indulging must patronize the western part of Pennsvalley or think of "sour grapes." —There are excellent prospects that a six mile railroad will be built this summer from Bear Meadows to Oak Hall. A capitalist from New York city has been examiuing the lumber in terests of that vicinity with the object of making a large purchase and if the purchase is completed the railroad will be built.— Bellefonte. Daily News. Mrs.E.J.Brumgard, one of our en terprising milliners,left for the eastern cities on Monday, to purchase a fine stock of Spring Goods. A9 usual, she will upon her return astonish the ladies by her elegant selections and it will be to their interest to call on her early aud get the best choice. Place of busi ness, Wilt' 3 brick house on Main stieet. —When Dr. Slam gets through witli the improvements ou his premises on Penn street, he will have a real attract ive and pleasant home. This week he had men at whitewashing all his out buildings, the carpenters are enclosing the yard with a neat picket fence, and the tinner put on new spouting. The old,delapidated look hasentireiy depart ed from the property. -By some oversight we failed to mention in last week's paper that Mr. S. W. Smith, of Centre Hall,was a call er at this office and presented the writ er with a sample box of Dr. Smith's celebrated save,of which he is the man ufacturer. He was doing Millheim aud vicinity and sold a goodly number of boxes. The salve has a splendid reputation for its healing qualities. —Friday and Saturday evening large crowds of people were attracted by the "medicine man" who offered his un failing cures for sale in front of the National hotel. He introduced his goods by a number of clever tricks and his audience greatly enjoyed his slight of hand performances. As to his success in disposing of medicine we bear he sold a good amount of the stuff. —INCREASED buoyancy of spirits, perfect assimilation of food, improved appetite, gain in flesh, sound refresh ing sleep,heightened color in the cheeks and lips, added brilliancy to the eves, follows the use of McDonald's Great Blood Purifier or Sarsa pari Ilia n Altera tiye. A bottle or two used in the fam ily would obviate the entire train of spring maladies. Dissatisfied purchas ers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim ,Pa. Notwithstanding the fact that neatly everybody is being Mjueezed by the hard times, the building and im provement boom in this town still keeps up and our mechanics have all the work they want. —J. Win. Miller, the younger son of our townsman, Mr. Henry Miller, left for Centre Hall yesterday afternoon, where he has a permanent job til tin smithing with J. A. lteesman. We wish Will the best success in his new home. —As spring advances with its occa sional cool evenings the ladies stand in need of light Summer Shawls. We can help them out, if they will only come and examine the line line we can y in this slock. 1). S. Kauffman & Co. —Oil last J/mday Jerome Spigel myer commenced selling out at cost all his goods at his stores in Milllieiua and Madisonburg, preparatory to mov ing into Musser A Smith's new room on J/ain street, June Ist. This a good chance to buy goods cheap. —Among other proceedings of inter est to this section at the lato tend of court weio the cases of Wui. S. Musser and Jos. Khckner whose applications for license are being held over until the June session, pending the trial of charges brought against them. —Mr. Stewart, of Pleasant Gap, and his gang of men are running the brick yard, west of town, on full time. Mr. S. has the contract for getting out the necessary amount of pressed brick for Jfusser & Smith's new hardware build ing. The brick aie made by steam process. —Jos. R. Mann and wife, of Mill Hall,left on Friday for Larned,Kansas, which place they propose making their permanent home. We regret to see them leaye Clinton county, but trust fortune will throw a broad smile upon them while dwellers in the wild west.— Clinton Democrat. —Mr. Geo. Limbert, who during last winter so efliciently taught the primary school of Millheim, greeted his many friends in this town last Saturday. He is attending Prof. Hostermao's high school at Spring Mills this sumraer.and will uo doubt enter upon next winter's terra of teaching with a richer store of knowledge. He favored the JOUR NAL with a pleasant call. Come again. —IT IS now conceded on all sides that there is not and never has been a remedy of such remarkable efficacy as Curtis' Carmelite Cordial, in curing cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera morbus, summer complaints, cramps, pains in the bowels, or any intestinal irritation whatever,a single dose brings remarkable relief and a single bottle is guaranteed to cure any case or money refunded. A remarkable pain killer and valuable household remedy.l JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold bv J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. —A copy of the New York Star, the only straight out democratic daily in New York City, is on our table. It announces the removal of its offices to new and elegant quarters, giving an illustration of the Star building and its business otlices. A surprising and over whelming increase in its circulation made the removal to more spacious rooms necessary and 'ts general tone and appearance are indicative of per manent and prosperous existence. —Mr. J. 11. Woomer and family, of Nittany Valley, have removed to this place, and reside at the toll gate, form erly kept by Mr. Jacob Heinle, dee'd. Mr. Woomer is a harness maker by trade and in connection with taking toll will carry on the harness making business. He wishes to inform the public that he is prepared to do all work in his line in the most satisfacto ry manner and asks for a liberal share of patronage. —B. O. Deinmger, the Journal store man has been cleaning up this week preparatory to the arrival of a new lot of goods. His stock of stationery, blank and schoolbooks, bibles and hymnbooks, cards of every discription, as well as fancy articles of innumera ble variety is constantly being replen ished and can not be excelled any where in the valley. Remember any thing in his line may be found at his store in the Journal building Penn street. Prices to suit the times. —We received information the other day of Mr. Emanuel 3/otz's marriage to a Southern lady, which occurred several week's ago. Mr. 3/otz, who is operating a gold mine in either North or South Carolina, we forget which, will be remembered by many of our readers. His three children, 3/isses Lola and 3/attie, and Mr. Carl, the former two attending the New Berlin Seminary, the latter holding some posi tion in Williamsport, several yeais ago had their home iu this town. —A DRTND of gypsies encamped in A. It. Alexander's woods, below town, this week. They made themselves quite conspicuous by their fine horses, which they were trying to sell or trade off, while the female member of the gang is told fortunes to those who are anxious to have a look into the future. Another branch of their business was professional begging. These Nomadic tribes seem to exercise a strong fascina tion on some of our town people, and many paid a visit to the camp on Mon day and Tuesday evenings. RELIGIOUS NOTICE.—The first quar terly meeting of Brush Valley Circuit of the Evangelical church will bo held at Madisonburg on Saturday and Sun day, May Bth and 9th. Business ses sion on Saturday at 2 o'clock, p. m., and preaching in the evening at 7.30 o'- clock. On Sunday the S. school meets at 8.30 o'clock, a. in., and communion services will be held at 10.30 a. m. Preaching at 7.30 in the evening. RI-v. J. M. Eitingei, P. E. of the district will be present to officiate. All 1 'Vers of 55ion are requested to attend these servicesi H. S. BASOM, Pastor, —Bring your boy for bis spring out fit. We offer magnificent selections of Men's, Youth's, BOV'H and Children's Clothing at very low prices. Don't fail to give us a trial. D. s. KAUFFMAN & Co. OBITUARY —On Tuesday morning between the hours of seven and eight o'clock, death entered the home of Mr. W. C. Hubler, of Penn township, and took away his much-beloved wife. The lady had been suffering for nearly a year from what was supposed to be dyspepsia and several weeks before her death her recovery had beet? despaired of. 3/.s. II abler was a daughter of the late John Musser, tailor % of Haines township, and was 44 years old. She belonged to the Reformed church and was always known as a \ery quiet, christian woman. A sorrowing bus band and two grown daughters are the surviving members of the family who deeply mouin the loss of a dear wife and mother. The funeral will take place this [Thursday | forenoon at 9 o'clock,when her remains will be conveyed to Wolf's cemetery in Haines township, tor in terment. - Superb—ourChenillcFringes. Come and see our elegant variety. D. S. Kauffman & Co. CULTIVATION AND REFINEMENT.— Hon. B. S. Hewitt, ex-Speaker House Representatives, writes: "J. A. McDonald. Dear Sir I have been buying my flavoring Extracts for years from a l'ittsburg manufacturer. Recently we tiied a bottle of yours and found it very good indeed. Enclosed flod five dol lars. Send me its value in your Vanilla Extract. Moral.—Always ask for McDonald's Flavoring Extracts. Sold by J. Eiseuhuth, Millheim, Pa, —Prof. Harry, who a few years ago gave such an excellent entertainment in the old Ey. church of this place,was in town last week to make arrange ments for a similar entertainment to be given in the M. E. church,|on the 24th instant. Prof. Harry is the father of three wonderful little girls, aged respectively 8,11 and 14 years, who are pronounced by all who witnessed their tl :e perform ances upon the violin and their marvel ous vocal executions, to be the young est highly educated children in the country. They are natural elecution ists and read and pronounce distinctly several languages. The entertainment will be given under the auspices of the Ladies' Mite Society of the Methodist church and should for that reason be well attended. We advise everyone who has a chance, to go and embrace the opportunity of enjoying a rich and refined treat. Neighboring News. COBURN. The main topic of conversation in our village during the week has been the license question. And now it is o ver and ye thirsty will be obliged to go to Spring Mills, the nearest point with a licensed bouse. John Seriff has resigned as track foreman and a man by the name of Nibbley from Watsoutown has taken his place. Station agent Kreamer was called a way on Tuesday last by the death of a relative. We noticed some of our citizens re pairing the board walk between the station and hotel, which has been in need of repairs for sometime. We should now have a board walk from the church to the bridge and hope our public spirited citizens will rise up and see that something is done in this di rection. It is a shame to see the peo ple in bad weather plodding through the mud almost knee-deep to and from the church. Mrs. Katherman, of Mifflinburg, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. 11. Kreamer. A Union Sunday school was organ ized here last Sabbath. The officers e lected were : Geo. Sweugle, Supt.,Mr. Dutweiler, Asst. Supt., S. R. Gettig. Sec., B. Kerstetter, Asst. Sec., W. 11. Kreamer, Treas., A. J. Campbell and A. T. Grenninger, Librarians. The school starts out well and promises to be a success. sl7 were raised for the purpose of getting Sunday school liter ature. There is some talk of 'Sqnire Gettig removing from our village. Sorry to lose 'Squire G., but wish you success iu your new field. Sam. Weiser, of Millheim, had quite an adventure in our town on Sunday, hauling a woman out of the creek who had fallen in head foremost. Was she heavy, Sara ? The train going west on Monday forenoon struck and killed a cow just east of the station. The cow belonged to Joseph K leekner. VALE. MANY CHILDREN suffer from day today ; puny,pallid, fretful and fever ish, variable appetite and restless sleep, finally die, and their parents never sus pecting the real cause, that the little sufferers' stutnaclis are infested ana ea ten through with worms. Twenty-five cents Invested in a box of McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders would save the doctor's bills and the patient's life. Entirely vegetable. Easy and pleasant to take. Money refunded to dissatisfied purchasers. JOHNSTON, JIOLLO WA Y A CO Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eiseuhuth. Millheim.Pa. SMITH TOWN. The blooming fruit trees look very promising. The rye heads are beginning to peep out already, reminding us of the time when we will be "Comin' through the Rye." Charley Gutelins, the popular buggy dealer, was among us last week and sold one of his fine buggies to that wide-awake young farmer, Charles Frankenberger. W. F. Bressler was the first this spring to plant corn in this section, i Mrs. Maggie Smith intends taking a " western trip, starting next Monday. S JUMBO. AARONSBURG. Dmbrellan to Ynend Shado 1 Mrs. M. M. Musser has gone to Phil adelphia to buy a stock of general mer chandise. Rev. Cur, (presbyterian) preached to a large audience in the M. E. chinch oil last Sunday evening. No license, no drink, wholesale or cocktail. No use in getting mad about it, you deserve nothing better. D. Kline Musser, formerly of the Lewisburg University, has turned counter hopper in one of the stores in Shamokin, Pa. No more Latin and Greek, but instead, weights and metis uies. Lew Mench is preparing to build a new bam on the lot tie lately bought of the Wm Hutter estate. Of course,the old century barn must comedown and make place lor the new. The report last Saturday, that Frank Sylvis, who is engaged on a lumber job in Panther Hollow In the mountains, six miles from Fowler Station, had his leg broken, is not correct. A badly sprained ankle is the latest and correct report. W. 11. Philips and J. 11. Musser were off to Shamokin last week on pri vate business. We supposed it WHS private to themselves, but the boys say they were gone to buy a store. I guess the boys are i ight. Oh for that reservoir to dump in all the pigs that arelet loose ou our streets. It is a shame that the entire town must suffer the annoyance of pigs run ning at large, and belonging to a few men who are able to keep them proper ly inclosed. Let's have a borough. Thos. Harter, of the Middleburg, [Pa.J Post , and his brother William, of Hartleton, Pa., spent last Sunday in town. They brought the sad intelli gence of the recent and unexpected death of the wife of their brother, Is rael Harter, who resides at Canal Ful ton, Stark Co., Ohio. ANOTHER. SPRING MILLS. Bituer & Horner the proprietors of the Spring Mills bottling establishment haye a new delivery wagon. It is nice ly painted and lettered so as to adver tise the business as it goes over the road. We will have a music printing estab lishment in our town in the near fu ture. It is expected to be in operation iu a few weeks. We notice quite a number of strang ers on our streets, who no doubt came here for a quiet rest during the summer months. T. Benton Uirich, editor of the Se lins Grove Times, passed through this place on Monday evening, en route for Penn Hall, which place he intends to make his future home. Daniel liunkle, one of our prominent citizens in attempting to cross the mill race on Monday on a foot log slipped and fell headlong into the water. He however did not sustain any injuries out was ready for a dry suit. Quite an excitement was created on last Saturday by the mysterious disap pearance ot Moses Walter'sjchild,which is only about two years o'd. Fears were at once entertained that the child had fallen in the mill race and a vigor ous search was made. After about two hours it was learned that the child had wandered down to J. D. Homers', from whence it was quickly restored to the arms of its almost frantic mother. ♦ * * WOODWARD. S. D. Burris, mine host of eler's Rest," lately has been entertain ing quite a number of guests. Miss Jennie & Sadie Walter, of Lew isburg, during the week will visit their mother at this place. The Sunday School has resumed for the summer with a large attendance. George Vonada talks of purchasing a cider press which will surpass any press in the valley. Our village smith shop sports a new root. Since you have no license up there the boys will have to come to Wood ward to get the stuff to "paint the town red." Prophet Noah with amaz ing forethought prepared for a flood. Our Noah, seemingly prophetic, has well provided against a dry spell. ARGENTI. MADISONBURG. Reuben Grimm has his house ready for the plasterers. E. S. Shafer had the misfortune to lose his best horse last week Miss Ellle Miller is slowly recovering from a severe spell of sickness. Mr. Beck's new goods have arrived. Prof. Robinson, of Baltimore city, will lecture to the Sunday schools of this place this [Thursday] eveuing iu the Reformed church. Miss Minuießierly has returned from Lock Haven. Miss Mary Stover spent Suaday at home with her parents. Miss Alice Nestleroad has gone to Mifflinburg to visit friends. The Evangelical Association of this circuit will have their quarterly meet ing here next Saturday and Sunday. Communion services ou Sunday foie noon. B. W. Royer purchased a horse the other day. Miss Minnie Coats.of Farmers' Mills, is sojourning in our town at present. 11. R. Fiedler also was so unfortu nate as to lose his driving mare, the little gray. Mr. Charles Bitner, of Lock Haven, spent a few days with Geo. Reber on business. J.Spigelmyer commenced closing out his store goods. That leaves a good opening for another mercbaut. Mad lsonburg and vicinity could support two stores. STILL ANOTHER. —You will find McDonald's Improv ed Liver Pills so satisfactory as a cor rector of a topid liyer, as a regulator of the bowels, as an eradicator of billious ness, that you will regret not having tried them sooner* Money refunded to dissatisfied purchasers. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eiseuhuth, Millheim, Pa, "When Baby WM sick, we pave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, sbo clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gare them Castoria, —O • COSTIVENESS affects seriously all tbo digestive aud assimilative organs, including the Kid neys. When t nese organs are so affected, l they fail to extract from the blood the uric acid, which, carried through the cir culation, causes Rheumatism and Neu ralgla. The functions of the Liver are also affected by costiveness, causing Bilious Disorders. Among the wanting symptoms of Bilious ness are Nausea, Dizziness, Headache, Weakness, Fever, Dimness of Vision, Yellowness of Skin, Pains In the Side. Back and Shoulders, Foul Mouth, Furred Tongue, Irregularity in the action of the Bowels, Vomiting, etc. The Stomach suffers when the bowels arc constipated, and Indigestion or Dyspepsia, follows. Fetid Breath, Gastric Pains, Headache, Acidity of the Stomach, Water brash, Nervousness, and Depression, are all evidences of the presence of this distress ing malady. A Sure Relief for irregu larities of the Stomach and all consequent diseases, will be found in the use of . AYER'S PILLS. They stimulate the stomach, free tho bowels, healthfully invigorate the torpid liver and kidneys, and by their cleansing, healing and toitlc properties, strengthen and purify the whole system, and restore It to a salutary and normal condition, ruriuo av ( Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, MAM. Bold by all Drug gists. Groceries & Provisions. "XTEW GOODS I FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. BRIGHT NEW LEMONS. CHOICE WHITE GRAPES . NEW CROP FRENCH PRUN ES. FIGS, DATES and PRUNELLES. FINEST CLUSTER RAISINS, j PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON PEEL CURRANTS and BAKING RAISINS. EVAPORATED PEACHES & PEARS. ALMONDS and ASSORTED NUTB. An exceptionally fine line of PURE CON FECTIONERY at CITY PRICES. CLKAK CANDY TOYS. MOLASSESCANDY(or Taffy) MADE'IBY OURSELVES, ALWAYS FRESH. CALIFORNIA FRUITL canned and Evap orated. PURE HONEY in pint and quart jars. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES, Sound and Firm. PLAIN and FANCY CRACKERS FINEST FULL CREAM CHEESE PURE SUGAR TABLE SYRUPR A full line of NEW CANNED GOODS. PURE WHITE BOCK CANDY BYRUP in half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE MAPLE SYRUP in quart and half gallon cans. FINE, FRAGRANT TEAS. PURE SPICES. You can depend on our ground pepper for butchering purposes. It is strictly pure. FRESH SHELL OYSTERS opened to [order, o o ALL OURSTOCK IS NEW AND FRESH. gig" CALL ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT IN OUR LINE. —SECHLER A CO.,— GROCERS, Bush House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA. •• THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR THE NEW ADVERTISEMENT —OF— MUSSER A ALEXANDER'S Millheim Marble Works. WEBILITI WFEIAIiM DICAI A Life Experlenoe. Remarkable and Quick cures. Trial Packages. Send , stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD A CO. Louisiana. Mo. Something New I A Critical Inspection { OF OUR }• • , I ■* 4 4New Stocks SPRING GOODS, will reveal the fact that It was selected with Taste, D iscretion ai i Good Gomioi Sense. s' . ' 1' I.: It will cost you nothing to examine oar Rue of DRY GOODS, consisting of MUSLINS, CALICO, SAT EENS, SEERSUCKERS, GINGHAMS, CHEBCOTS, UAssrxERRS mud COTTON AD ES, Ac., Ac. DRESS GOODS, SUCh SS CABHMERE3, DELAINES, SE LICIAS, NUN'S VEILINGS, LAWNS, INDIA LINENS, white and cream colored, Ac., Ac. NOTIONS. our selection in GLOVES, BUTTONS, COLLARS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Ac., is the tastiest in town. LACES, and Embroideries, ORIENTAL LACES, FRENCH NEEDLE t WORK, a fall line of CREAM and BLACK SILK LACES,CHENILLE FRINGE, EDGINGS, Ac., Ac. STRAW HATS, and WOOLEN FELT HATS, Ian immense assortment. PANTS, over one hundred pair —Cotton&de, Cassi • meres, Ac., Ac. CARPETS. / •• • " * BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, HEMP, a fine selection. Even if we had the spaoe we were too busy to enumerate anymore, but we would My in oonclusion to the pubiio thnt they most eome and see. We want It distinctly understood that It is no trouble to us to show goods nod that if you can't buy as cheap in oar store ns anywhere else we do not ask you to invest. Calljin! Call in! Yours Respectfully, D. S. Kaufman & Co. Main St. Millheim, Pa N