j|iUt|4tm Jjoupal. THURSDAY, MAY 6TH, 1886. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. NEARLY all the papers in the state agree that Gen Beaver, of Bellefonte, will be the Republican nominee for Pennsylvania's governorship. Not nearly all are willing to consider his •lection a settled matter. SECRETARY MANNING'S dangerous illness, which it is reported will ne cessitate his retirement from the Treasury, excites general sympathy. His official life was so well ordered and the Treasury Department under his management in such a satisfactory and equitably adjusted condition that people of all classes learned to respect him as a man and official. lie handled his trust so efficiently that the people came to regard him as one who did honor to his party as well as to the country-at-large. The exit from of fice of such a man would be some thing really deplorable. # 9i • ——— SOUTHERN industries have beeu look ing up to an astonishing degree in the last few years. New establish ments, manufacturing a great variety of different articles, are springing up in the Sonth, among them four iron works, three cotton factories, nineteen ice factories,seventeen machine shops, three stove and three implement man ufactories, eighteen steam mills, twen ty-four tobacco factories, seven furni ture and nine gas lactones, twelve manufactories of electric light, seven carriage factories, 110 sawmills, and 28 mining companies. In new en terprises, and the enlargement and renovation of old manufactories, a bout $15,000,000 more than in the corresponding quarter of last year were invested. This capital is divid ed among the different Southern states as follows: Alabama $3,345,500 ; Arkansas, $6,110,000; Florida, $485,- 000 ; Georgia $530,000 ; Kentucky, $9,648,200 ; Louisiana $579,000 ; Maryland $2,215,500 ; Mississippi $135,000 ; North Caroiina $715,200 ; Sonth Carolina $90,000 ; Tennessee $2,324,000 ; Texas $1,991,000 ; Vir ginia $4,502,500 ; West Virginia $3,- 486,800. I Treasurer Quay's Appointments. HARRISBURG, Pa., May 2.—Colonel M. S. Quay will assume charge of the State Treasury to-morrow, and arrived here to-day for that purpose, lie as yet does not know who his working force will be; but it is certain that Lirsey, of Alleghany, the present Treasurer, will be Cashier; Greena walt, of Franklin, Chief Clerk, and Stott, of Chester, one of the clerks. B. P. Thompson, of Montgomery, will be retained, and another Philadelphia!! will take the place of Auter, the color ed messenger. The President's Interview with Mr. Manning. Washington Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. When the President called upon Sec retary Manning a day or two since the question of the Secretary's resuming his duties was discussed. Mr. Man ning spoke of the serious nature of his attack and what a narrow escape he had made and then told the President candidly that be had come to the con clusion that it was best for him not to go back to the Treasury. The Presi dent, of course, regretted this decision, but be could not gainsay the arguments of the Secretary. It was understood, however, between them that Mr. Man ning will not at present send in his res ignation, but will give the President ample time to look around for a proper successor. Assistant Secretary Fair child, who has been acting as Secretary during the illness of Mr. Manning, may possibly be appointed, although it is re ported in inside circles that the Pres ident contemplates selecting some one who will be acceptable to the stalwart element of the Democracy, which is now so thoroughly dissatisfied. THE GREAT STRIKE. Upwards of 100,000 Men De manding Eight Hours with out Reduced Wages. 35,000 OUT IK CHICAGO ALONE—ALL THE FREIGHT HANDLERS QUIT WORK AND LEAVE BUSINESS PARALTZED—NEW YORK.BOSTON WASHINGTON AND OTHER EAST ERN CITIES JOIN IN. The movement for eight hours,which was inaugurated on Saturday and still continues, is very general, especially in the west. It is estimated that upwards of 100,000 workmen are engaged in the movement, and there is every indica tion that this great army will grow to a much larger magnitude. In Chicago many thousands of work * men are idle. The trades most effected are the furniture manufactures, the lumber interests and the iron men, al though every business in the city is im plicated. The railroads, too, are great sufferers, for the freight handlers have, fpr the most part Joined the moyemeDt. There is a practical lock-out in the fur niture factories, and it is estimated that 7,500 men there are clamoring for k taxbs tssi ;iud 1885. —Agreeable To the provisions of law relating to tho sale of un seated tracts of land for the nou payment of taxes, notice is hereby given, thai there will be exposed at public sale or outcry, t lie lot Jo wing tracts of unseated lands In the county of Cen tre for the taxes due and unpaid thereon.at ilie Court House, in the Borough of Hellefontc, on MONDAY, JUNK H'ril, A. 1). 1880, at one o'clock p. in. BENNKIt TOWNSHIP. Acres. Per. Wartantee Taxes. 50 Coon, Andrew $ 4 19 58 Homes, Robert 320 120 Hale J M 0 72 50 Harris, .f D 4 19 100 Shugert, .1 D 5 *lO 30 Unknown 2 51 HOODS TOWNSHIP. 305 112 Cocnran. John M 50 397 145 Carscadden, 1) 43 54 143 Deal, Ann.(part) 1010 418 40 llood. William 49 43 BUBNSIDIS TOWNSHIP. 415 Black, James 14 94 438 103 Brady, Robert 15 57 4.3.3 103 Brady, Win. 1* To >8 433 103 Brady, John - 15 57 4.1.3 163 Bell. Alexander 15 58 415 Boyd, John.. 14 94 438 103 Bell. William 15 57 4.3.3 103 Cook, William 15 58 4.33 103 Cowden, John 782 433 108 Dewart, William 782 4:13 16.3 IHjwart. John 782 433 103 Donnelly, Henry 782 42! 10.3 Cray Hubert 7 82 43:1 163 Cray, William 782 433 163 Creeves. Alex 15 57 43! 10.3 Grant, Thomas 782 433 103 Coben.Charles 782 433 153 Hall, Charles 15 72 140 Harris, Henry 1512 433 103 Housel, John 782 431 105 Kldd, John 15 57 415 Levy, Nathaniel 14 94 431 103 Lyon,John 782 2i>o Miller. William 72* 43! 103 Morris, Joseph 15 57 210 S3 Parker, Jeremiah X A of 775 438 103 Shafer. Henry 782 4:3* 103 Scott, Samuel 15 57 443 103 Towers, James 15 57 415 Thomas, Joseph H 94 415 Walace, Joseph S 14 94 433 103 Walace, Joseph 15 57 415 Weltzel. John - 7 48 123 Wheeler. Henry 4 41 43! 103 Wilson. Bird 15 57 2U4 Withington, Martin 7 37 CUUTIN TOWN Slit P. 309 19 At wood, N I. 40 50 .KM) Atwood, N L ... 62 U :3n Brooks. Jesse 12 00 415 Brooks, Jesse- 7 t*i 119 Carskadden, 1> 21 00 200 120 Carskadden, D. —... 24 oo 3!7 Coats, l.iudley 00 00 311 Delias*, Peter. % of 55 97 41 luldy. Esther - 74 09 311 Kvan, Cadwalafier 55 97 413 Elliot Will - 120 00 415 Gilbert, William la>oo 42t 120 Hall. Charles - 72 00 Of llullowell.Kd . 12 00 e0.3 Irwin. James isioo 403 Kelso, Rebecca - 72 00 3804-i Kelso, Joseph 66 00 400 Long. J B 90 00 207U Lowns. Caleb - 60 00 isuT'-u Longstreth. Isaac 6" 00 207% Lowns, Caleb 49 00 207% Longstreth, Isaac 60 oo 70 Mason, John S 16 SO 200 Meyer, Philip 60 00 100 Meyer. Simon - 30 00 420 48 Meyer.Mlchael 120 00 420 Meyer, Valentine 120 00 196 Miller, James 42 00 200 Palmer. John - 620 415 Ti.ylor, Joseph 37 20 415 Wain, Jacob 72 (to 415 Winter. Casper 126 00 160 Willis, Jonathan IS 00 433 163 White, James 150 00 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. 100 Olive James 8 20 150 A Barton Sloat, (owner) 12 30 OH EGO TOWNSHIP. 60 Carson. Andrew 1 41 150 Cowden, John 353 178 127 Carson Andrew 100 130 Duncan, David 1222 250 Hephutn, William 5 88 380 Hubby. Bernard 894 53 63 Halm, William 470 52 John McClintock,(owner) 1 22 IIAINES TOWNSHIP. 359 Antis, Henry 7 58 242 00 Barr,Thomas 502 250 oo Barr, James 520 259 60 Hair.Mary 5.36 87 Barron, John 1 78 154 Beck, Henry 816 344 16 Bollinder, John 706 338 60 Boilii()er, Henry 692 325 60 Rolinder, Frederick 668 313 60 Bolindcr, Adani 640 135 Cowley, HB - 276 382 1G.3 Kpler, pptor, 784 438 Kpler. Andrew 9 28 181 Pees.Jacob 3 70 202 40 CiUman, H& S Snyder 538 253 do 5 20 435 Hall, Charles 8 92 437 108 Hurt man. John R 98 267 00 Lillys. Mary .. 260 418 99 Kreamcr, George 850 200 Parker, William 410 300 60 Swineford. Albright 6IS 170 170 Stover & Wolf 3 46 337 123 Snyder, Catherine 508 200 Snyder. Catherine 4 10 88 Tiild, William OJ 4( 5 Simon C ratx 8 34 110 J C Meyer 2 24 100 George Fowler 2 06 106 Methias Workman. 216 286 James Black 6 04 144 Peter Black 2 94 135 II B Cowley 2 78 458 Kpler. Adam 8 38 395 80 William Tidrt - 803 308 Philip Gher 754 209 Wendell Grove 4 26 25 Calv.n M. Hayes 25 400 Joseph Henry 8 30 173 Robert McEb oth 3 58 327 tiamuei Metggar 6 75 102 John Mat/ 836 120 Daniel Rhodes 2 49 412 David Scrlbner - 917 358 George Seidel 8 05 303 peter Seidel 6 27 388 Philip Seidel 805 423 K II Scrlbner 8 76 243 George Snyder 5 02 15 Joseph Thompson 33 446 Henry Spiker & C Weiser 9 25 196 Award 3 85 200 Catherine Snyder 4 15 18 Custonas Thomas 37 IIALFMOON TOWNSHIP. 460 190 jQliff, Riphard 56 00 216 * Laniuurn, Josiah 30 29 64 Shearer. Isaac 99 21 John T Fowler,"(owner) 144 63 89 John T Fowler, (owner) 381 67 76 John T Fowler... 400 JIAItKIS TOWNSHIP. 196 pislier, J 0...,„ 8 81 133 Fox, George 2 72 400 Forbes, .James 3 IK) 4(H) Harrison. William 3 90 50 Irwin, John., ••<■ <• ft) 4(H) Patterson, Robert S 00 4(H) Reed. James 3 90 407 92 Wharton,Kearney 437 HOWARD TOWNSHIP. 107 104 Brown, Samuel 470 217 Bonham, Sarah 117 154 Green. Joseph 13 53 25 Graysburg. Joseph 110 215 Godfrey, Martha 4 73 415 Godfrey, Martha 913 55 Harris James 1) 2 59 130 Lingle.J J. ... 144 K'O Willis. Jonathan 7 52 V 0 White & Nestlerode 3 30 JIUgTON TOWNSHIP. 433 163 Baxter James 920 200 11 Chancellor, Will 4 2f) 120 Kuhri, Adam ... 10 20 433 163 Price, John 919 433 163 Roliujgton, Joljn 919 102 J C Wason(owner) 4 29 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 50 Carsk addon, 1) 42 wi Gorrell Win 1 36 166 Hays, Robert & James lB 91 175 Hess, George D 7 16 309 3 Irwin, Robert 23 48 250 Jackson, John 4 25 310 Jackson. Jeremiah 11 78 2IKI K rouse. Dan lei 3 40 30 King, Thomas 34 180 Lvtle, Peter 3 80 1.50 Lytic, Peter 3 80 4(H) Leech, Mat hew 1 76 4(H) Leech, Mathew..... 1 70 Wof 200 Nestlerode, Christ 170 30 King, Thomas 34 4(H) Packer, Job W 7 60 175 tjulgle . James A 6 70 .349 Smith, Christian 13 76 80 Smith, Robert 68 100 Potter, John 4 on ll ? 8 Shaw A Lingle 3 16 MARION TOWNSHIP. 43 66 Corman. John Seigtried 7 40 400 Daniel Selgfried 7 40 2S! Jaeoli Seigfreid 527 150 John Hays 2 78 280 Martin Wister 5 18 1170 Wm Cook. 3 14 240 Robert Taggart. 4 44 25 James Steadman 46 17 Robert Latiiuore 31 3V5 Daniel Williams 576 200 Thomas Carothers— 3 70 200 John Brady 3 77 250 Win Brady 4 63 250 John Housel - 463 7-16 of , 4u2 13ft William Miles 11l 250 William Cooper 463 PENN TOWNSHIP. 150 Armstrong, James 5 25 :tB3 Cook. William • 9 89 150 10 Cowden, John - 525 112 10 Cowden. John 3'w liO Cook, Wm •5O liki Cook. Wm 3B 150 llamiton.Thos 25 150 Hepburn, James... 5 25 116 31 Hepburn. James 360 150 Kennedy, John Lyon, Robert 7 t*> 2*) Lyon, Kzekial 7 IK 2nd Lyon, Benjamin 700 2uo MeCally, Jolui '<*> 200 MeCally.' m - — evlingJoseph mo)) 218 Dohson, Samuel 00 <0 :k 10 I >evling Joseph 5 <0 433 Eddy, George 2*l Fitzslmmons. Thomas 16 40 60 Gray, Robert \ 27 43.3 153 Hawthorn, Thomas B^4 423 153 Hawthorn, James 88 <4 383 Hale, James T )102 50 Hale. James T •• 433 Linn, Samuel 0 J;- 4.3.3 153 I>ewis, Wm s* 'f 433 153 Lewis,Wm "OH 3fk) Long. J Z 570 2H) Long. J Z 3 80 353 1-I ggett. Job 11 *3 41 70 Mason John S V, 423 McMannns, James 7 102 433 153 Milliken, M. T 58 25 409 73 Mitchell. N.J 50-> 433 Morgan. Benjamin R 7102 400 Martha, Alex 760 433 153 Maylan. Jasper 7102 43.3 153 Mayston. Edward 71 02 433 150 McCtanahan, Blair 7102 4.33 153 Meade, George 62 09 423 153 McPherson, Win 62 09 423 120 Misner. Luke VI 423 I'D Morris, Robert 80 04 4eltmy, Sliarp 1152 253 lentler. Win 93 53 l'! 2 Kberman, Philip 0 47 4.Ti 153 Kdward Jlios 116 SO 390 Krsklne. Thomas 7 HO 4XI 153 Funk. John.. 22 93 250 Fltzslmmons, Thomas 13 25 103 Kdward French, (owner).... 2012 434 lirant,Thomas 33 H 2I 150 Grant, Thomas 16 78 210 150 Grant, Thomas 68 90 433 163 (ilentworth,, James 1152 50 (Jroe, Khzubeth 795 100 (Jray, Hubert 53 00 21 152 G roe & MeKeon 318 43.3 1M Hair, Christian 34 45 420 101 Hair, Christian 33 92 433 153 Hair. David £4 45 210 1.56 Hamilton, Thos 68 90 433 15.3 Hand. John ;i4 45 433 153 Hamilton, Hutch 22 93 433 163 Hopkins, John 47 70 433 153 iluiwr, John 34 45 433 153 Haines, Reuben Jr 22 51 ■ 210 Kit Hamilton, Hugh 10 *5 433 153 Irwin, Robert 137 80 433 153 Irwin Robert 46 11 433 153 Jordeii, Owen 34 45 1* Kliik. Robert 4 - 40 104 10 Kerr, James 80 92 433 ]63 Lucas, Rennet 1125 433 163 l.attlinore, George 1152 135 163 Lailimore, Win G 360 15 Lawrence, Casper 3 96 433 158 Lenhere. Christian 2191 313 106 Lowdcti. John 24 91 50 Long, Alt 13 25 418 La wrene. Casper 10 85 433 103 Mayston, Kdward 1152 200 Mei'herHoii, William 530 43.3 153 Milh rJoliii 34 45 433 163 Miller, Jacob 34 45 433 16.3 McCoiiuell, Martha 1152 433 153 Meade, George 6173 431 153 Morgan, It R 45 05 RW McCord & A Campbell 15 90 433 153 Milller. Roltert 22 91 433 Metzger, Jacob 11 25 433 Miller, Jane 112.5 433 153 M tiler, Robert 1125 323 Ration, Hugh 1710 4;i3 1.53 I'eters, Richard 4.5 95 100 I'assmore.Jiis Bryant &Haslet 15 90 43.3 153 Reese, Thomas 229 45 433 153 ltobrer,Christian 34 98 333 *153 Rmlesll], Jacob 6297 405 47 Rush, Jacob 107 31 38 Robjson, Win H i Wi 37 Itobison. Wiu H 106 433 153 Kchafn*r, Ciuper 229 45 433 153 Shen k, Andrew 34 45 433 153 Shenk, Michael 3145 433 158 Shenk, Christian 34 45 347 16 Sleek. Jacob 19 64 433 157 Spear. Robert 68 90 433 153 Smith, Mary 23 02 167 7 Slough, George 13 25 219 Scott. Andrew 17 38 433 153 Slough. Jacob 97 24 433 153 Stough, George. 34 45 200 Sands, Joseph 31 80 433 153 Siddons. Klenor 22 50 192 Kdward French, (owuer) 20 42 406 Snyder Barbara 31 67 433 153 Slough, Jacob 33 80 122 44 Weldinan, J0hn...... 32 33 402 16 Weidiuan, Jacob .. 100 53 32Wilson,John 37 10 75 Wilson, William ........ 31 Btt 313 lu6 Wltmer. John. - 24 91 80 Wltmer, Ilenry 21 20 306 100 Wilson, William - 81 17 133 153 Wallace, Joseph J 22 50 50 Wltmer. 11 68 433 153 Wharton, Kearuey 3380 250 White and Parsons - 640 433 153 Toner, James. ... 33 80 4:13 153 Turner, Hannah 38 80 TAYLOR TOWNBIIIP. 150 Ames and Shaffer 14 10 150 Ames and Shaffer 1410 80 Beck, Jacob 6 00 ijf 77 BelL Williams 10 44 100 Beck. Daniel 5 00 58 _ Belghtol, John 145 <3 147 Abednigo Stevens, (owuer.) 315 434 Lamb, John 32 50 300 22 Lamb, John 37 50 434 Montgomery,W W 2u41 433 164 McCaramond, John 20 34 434 MeKwen, l'olly 10 85 434 McKwen, Henry 10 85 Rldgway.Budd & Co(owuers) 23 13 180 Ridgway.Budd & Co(owners) 42 30 *BJ Ridgway.Budd & Co(owtiers) 44 42 If 1 Ridgway.Budd 3: Co(owners) 33 14 •fl" Ridgway.Budd &Co((owners) 49 35 434 16.3 Snyder, Barbara 20 41 90 Van Fool, C 4 23 5 an Pool, Jacob 470 Wilson Est. (owner.) 14 10 4.43 \\ illlams, Joshua 32 49 434 Williams, Polly 3 70 60 Voder, Joseph 2 82 12> Van Pool, John 20 54 'J" Van Pool, C 4 70 300 Welsh, Joseph 22 50 433 153 Williams, Joshua 32 47 UNION TOWNSHIP. Branhara, Ebinezer 3010 ?00 Kuhn, PR 17 20 100 Phipns. Samuel 12 90 383 p B Crlder & Son, (owners) 86 00 WALKER TOWNSHIP. 50 Ackert, Wm 1 iq 92 40 Askers, Robert 215 143 11 Ackert. Wm 165 212 110 Baker.John 816 212 Bark man. Sam I 10 38 162 Brooks, Ruth ? 11 247 65 Hoker, Robt 573 300 Brady, Wm 7 20 280 129 Currier, Mary 672 60 turrler, Mary 144 A 5 Daugherty, Margaret 71 220 135 Daugbtery.Elizabeth 528 111 42 Daughtery, Mary 69 ■lf 98 Daughtery. Mary 58 69 39 Evans, Jesse 165 100 39 Evans, Jesse 240 92 26 Eckort. Wm >22 80 Fry, George 3 84 243 55 Gilbert, W m 5^ 123 Gilbert, Wm 2 96 211 98 Gilbert. Win 122 211 72 Hahn, Peter 510 65 40 llalin, Win 154 59 40 Johnson, David 144 161 Knox. John 7 20 j ;90 McKwen, Mary 2 53 1 327 160 Manseli, Wm 845 98 94 Mercer, John 217 327 100 Mercer, David 845 384 36 Miller, Wm 922 •, 4 MoCalmont. Thos 98 500 McEwen, Henrv 5 75 ofto Osman, Capt and Mary 505 25 Osman,Capt 119 200 Osman,Capt 2 30 300 Parker. Richard 172 86 40 Packer, Job 202 89 40 Packer, James, .Tr 215 182 Purdon, Richard 7 20 50 Piles. BenJ. & Co 30 400 Parker.Jeremlah 3 45 150 Reed, David 7 27 175 llobison. Rachael 7 20 141 Robison, Samuel 10 61 100 Purdou.John 2 40 242 88 Sutler, Jaines 1162: 34 Sutler, Jaines 791 75 Sutler, Jaines 179 I 382 36 Sutler, Daniel 922 ■t6o Henry. McEwen, (owner,) 14 39 30 Wiekersham.Ainos 71 12 Wilson, Robert 30 WORTH TOWNSHIP, 250 Gray,J B 18 25 250 Cray, I'BD 800 25 Morris, Widow 5 45 50 Swanswick. John 7 30 100 George Kelly, (owner,) 14 60 160 Jonathan Laird,(owner.) 549 58 Abednigo Laird, (owner.) 6 27 W H. Blair, (owner.) 58 CHARLES SMITH. Treasurer, of Centre Co., Pa, fl 111 H I WSample free to those becoming agents. fIULII I UN" risk, quick sales. Territory given. action guaranteed. Address 1 DR. SCOTT, 842 Broadway, NEW YORK. 1 for Infants and Children. "Castorla is so well adapted to children that I Castori* ewes Colic, CoMttpatfoa, I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." * 11. A. ARCHER, M. D., I Worms, gives sleep, and promote* dl- VI So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. | Wifoout injurious THS CXNTAUU COMPANY, 188 Fulton Street. N. Y. solicit orders fpr ouy selected fruit and omamcntal stock. TUT AI.P NT Q r " iail i; nt Employment. Salary 1 and tttpea**. or Commission ir I HI- | a HA\l 11111.1 l I O honest, energetic; temperate men need apply, Gtiod 1 MV ■ ■■a uTrn reference required- previous experience necessary. The IHinCmirA Ml AN I r* 11 business easily learned. Full instructions giveu State arte. KIpN nMlflUUtetAiipapa. Address U. ii. CUA&E k CO., 11ul4d,>kkj£UJiiiKiij.SK SANDOE'S Tailoring Establishment, NORTH STREET, - - - MILLHKIM, PA. Wm. A. Sandoe is prepared to do all kinds of tailoring work in a first-class manner and at reasonable prices. ti ft wi hi wi i ii w if JW f '" guaranteed, jb w w w 40* w ti toe +sg
  • J2. n ,lt'!,',' j hor own locality an old firm. References re quired. Permanent position and good salary. GAY & BROS, 16 Barclay St., N. Y? 17-4t I DYSPEPSIA. —Its Nature, Cansea, Pre vention and Cure. By Jou H . MoAlvin , I 4,0we11, Mass., foui-teen years Tax Collector. | Sent free to any address. 17-4t