Adulteration of Table Spices. ♦Giye me a quarter of a pound of black pepper,' said a customer to an up town New York grocer recently. 'I want it pure.' The grocer took down a little package done up in foil and adorned with a yel low label bearing the legend : 'Pure black pepper.' ♦This is what sells for black pepper, but seeing 1 know you pretty well I don't mind telling you there's not a grain of black pepper in it. I worked for five years in the milling room of a spice-mill, and I'm on to the business from end to end. Now, this particular spice is made this way : Take eighty six pounds of finely-ground bran mixed with pulverized charcoal —the last to represent the black hull of the pepper grain; then add fifteen pounds of ground cayenne pepper, and there you are with 100 pounds of pure black pep per. ♦lt's the same way with mustard,' the grocer continued. 'Fifteen or twenty pounds of cajeune pepper, the balance of cheap wheat flour colored yellow, makes 100 pounds of genuine mustaid. The highest grades, which arn't often retailed, contain as much as one-half of real mustard. But cieam of tarter is the biggest swindle. A flfteen-pound can of the low grade con tains one pound of tartaric acid and fourteen of terra alba. Tlie terra alba is a mild alkali and neutralizes the effect of the acid. Higher grades of the mixture contain a trifle more tar taric acid. 4 You probably think you've eaten some cinnamon in your time,' the gro cer went on. *Well, you haven't. I don't suppose there's ten pounds of cinnamon bark in the United States. What passes for cinnamon is the bark of the cassia tree. Tuis is adulterated with a still coarser bark, known as cas sia versa. The article is also mixed with peas and roast bran. 1 need not tell you about roast coffee; everybody knows about that. It's just the same way through the whole list of spices. If you could smuggle yourself iuto the basement of some spice mill you would find bins of bran, peas, terra alba, etc.' —Mailatxd Express. His Education. 'What is your name?' asked the young lady school teacher, addressing a boy she had called up. 'Dave Black.' 'Well, Davey, have you ever been to school very much ?♦ 'Nome.' 'Do you know your letters V 'Reckon so. 1 'Can you spell V 'Kaint spell cow, but I ken spell hoss.' 'You must say horse, not hoss.' 'That's whut pap says.' •Well, he's wrong.' 'Blame ef he is.' 'You must not say that.' 'What must I say, cuss it?' 'Gracious, no.' 'Pap says it.' 'Well, but you must not. Are you the onl}' child at home V 'Nome, I ain't at home.' 'I mean are you the only one when you are there ?' 'Not if any of the rest uv 'em air thar ?' 'You have brothers and sisters, then, I suppose ?' 'Yas, got a brother an' a sister, but a sister married a Fool.' 'Married whom ?' 'Fool.' 'ls that his name ?' 'I reckon so, fur I heard pap say that Sal had dun run erway with that fool.' 'That will do. Go over there now and sit down.' 'Tired a-setten'; wanter go out an' slosh round er little. Well, er good bye.' Davey's education was oomplete.— Arkansaw Traveler. ADVICE TO MOTNEKS. Are you disturbed at night and broken by yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth T If so, send at once and get a bottle or MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SIRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its valuo is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, she re is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINBLOW'B .•SOOTH ING &YRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physici tns in the United States, and is for sale by alf druggists throughout the world Price 25 cents a bottle. TAKE-^=— SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR ♦ ♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ For all Diseases of the liver, Sidneys, Stomach and Spleen. This purely vegetable pre paration, now so celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated in the South in 1828. It acts gently on the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to be. In all common diseases it will, un assisted by any other medi cine, effect a speedy cure. The Regulator is safe to administer in any condition of the system, and under no circum stances can it do harm. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever age to lead to intemperance; will promote di gestion, dissipate headache, and gener ally tone up the system. The dose is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no inter ruption or stoppage of business while taking the Regulator. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, or sick Stomach, a teaspoonful or more will give relief. If taken occasionally dents exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. I have been practicing medicine for twenty years, and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. L. M. HINTON, M. D..Washington, Ark. SEE THAT TOP GET THE GENUINE. PREPARED BY J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. PY/EMIA la the most virulent form of blood-poiana- W. Less speedily fatal, but not loss cer tamlv so, is tho vitiation of the blood of whieii the first symptoms are Pimples, Sties, Bolls, and Cutaneous Erup tions. When the taint of Scrofula gives warning of it* proscnco by such indications, no time should be lost in using AY' S ARSA I*A R tI.t. A , the only perfect aud reli able medicine for the purification of tlie blood. SCROFULA Is a foul corruption in the blood that rots out all the machinery of life. Nothing will eradicate it from the system and pre vent its transmission to offspring but AYKH'S SAIUSATAHILI.A. This prepara tion is also the only one that will cleanse the blood of Mercurial poison and the taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover ished blood is productive of AN/EMIA, A wretched condition indicated hv Pallid Skin, Flaccid Muscles, Shattered Nerves, aud Melancholy. Its first symptoms are Weakness, Languor, Loss of Nerve Force, and Mcptul De jection. Its course, unchecked, leads inevitably to lusanlty or death. Women frequently suffer from It. Ihe only medi cine that.' while purifying the blood, en riches it with new vitality, and invigorates tiio whole system, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'RF.I'AKKD nv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; Six bottles for s£. There Is no excuse for suffering from " CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follow a dis ored state of the Stomach and Bow els, when the use of DR. HENRY BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS Will give immediate relief, \ Jr After constipation follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis eases, etc., all 01 which these Bitten will speedily cure by removing the cause. Keep the Stomach, BotceU, and Digeetira Orpitu in good working order, and perfect Ileal til will be the result. L&diOS ant i others sub ject to Sick Headache will relief and permanent cure by the uso of these Bitters Being tonic and mildly- purgative they PURIFY THE BLOOD. 5 Price 25 cts. per bottle. For sale by all dealers in medicine. Send address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions HESKY, JOUXSOS fe LORD,Props., Burlington, YL For sale by D. S. Kauffman A Co.. and J. Spigelmyer, Millheim, Pa. The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted to science, niectiauics, engineering discoveries, in ventions and patents ever pnblished. Every num ber illustrated with splendid engravings. 5 1S publication furnishesa most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN IS. such that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price, f33) a vear. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN A CO.. Publishers. No. 361Uroadway. N. *. Bawspa&iuvuf* Mur.n A Co. have ATENTS.flffi'lSfli? the Patent Ofnco and have rr pared more than Cno Hundred Thou sand applications tor patents iti ti:e United Mates and foreign countries. Caveats. Trade-Marks. Copy-rights, ssignments. and ail other papers for rig to inventors their rights in the i Stateß, Canada. England, r ranee, iny and other foreign countries, pre nt short notice and on reasonable tcrm. rmation as to obtaining patents eheer ivcn without charge, lland-books of tation sent free. Patents obtained through Munn A Co. are noticed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who wuntodis- AddreVi °' AMJ n"n ' CO.. Office SCIENTIFIC AMEBICAS. 361 lircadway, New \ork "PENNSYLVANIA STATS COLLEGE. Winter Teini begins January 6,1896. This institution is located in one of tho most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of Mudy: 1. A Full cientitic Curse of Foir Yetrs. 2. A Latin cientitic C urse 3. The following ADVANCED COCItoLS. of two years each, following the first two years of ihe Scientific Course: (a) AGUICU LTITtK ; (b) NATUCAL HISTORY; (c) CHEMISTRY AM) PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL KNGI NRKRI NG. 4 A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies h. A Carefully (traded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition Tree. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin- CI RV Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHKKTON, I L. I).. President, 27-29 State College, C e ntre Co., Pa. 3NT mwks m !!} } } n s?Cry stal Vltcliings. Bor- PffroNv 1 \} j/mcSSE u-rr.. Fond Lilies. Tulips. See.. Ac.. 60 in all. ranging the . also J Hoi blue Stumping I'u wder. 1 ,t " Ltd- roidrv Kcii*ink'tcn Fainting. I-uktie. Metallic rutter "f r r .Went I- .i'.t i.e. Colors used and roiling of Colors, FH7 P,; '-oi Vrv rfcuille and AWM Work. Correct r.-iors of al' the t'inertnt Hovers. I>s. ription of every stitch u -■ Vu e-£ A d•■U, making a ..unnteie Outfit thatcan r Vb'- t'wiiii at retail fur less than To introduce : * I'M I' H' -I'SMIOI-D. ttie Urje. 3- P n £ c Illustrated 1, . . ••„'•ito t e m- rests of the Country Home id. oc'- id wrdi Mi cf these Oi,ts complete tree cu 1 sntpaM. >" ' '-v. :11 scn'l Sire. fi.r irce w I MVC for sz. Money cheertuUy'iViuii'ted if n-t more than satisfactory. Address carm AND HOUSEHOLD. Box 49. Hartford. Conn. PAYWHE ST CURED Confidence inlioneslyof Invalids. \\ e treat AIJ.Dia eases, either Bex, however caused and receive pay a f .er euro is effected. Describe crts'i fit 11 y. and sond stamp for instructions. DIL BAKLii. Box 104. Luflalo. N. Y. Fasm M OE3S Our New Book, jar>t out. m W B •' DKESH KhHuut Kf% B FOR LADIEB, or Tho Absurd,ty 4 B of the Custom of Tight Lacing, MM „ wr || i IU effect upo.q !Mt Heallhofß!TeitotheFaliiw.'' t? & I Illustrated. Sent FREE (to " I W Ladies only) on receipt of ■ m 1 cents in stamps to pay ..outage. SCHIF.LK t CO.. 300 Broadway. New York. (£E.45 Ap?Sa,„o7 /s M. 27c and M \m of ten of their friends,will ~ reoeive by mail Staple rwmpts trash or jewelry, but good s that retai 1 for $6.46. This is a genuins nlfer, a fortune to yon. Satisfaction eurs mJSaAMA SUPPLY CO. Drawer 160. Buffalo, NT.Y dLj&AGENTS WANTED .wi"k w* Just Published, entitled TIIIIITY YEARS A DETECTIVE by rr:;;Lr.To;i. Contnininff Qthornnvh rndr nmpivhoiwivo oxpoci of I'm-.: a< f n'.l t.uult t and Übi.-sr?. with NumtTtHH I .i.j.h'.o.i t f rTSonul Kxpcrlidit:;' In Urn l>otoc:iott ct Urimmala, covering n 1 riiul t f Thirty Yearn Active otivn nn-lctulirvhiff it interesting and 11 irill.n j £>kcli/uJ. An bn: k,ptv i ' v M ' frate:, a:ij vviili I'orlrait of tho tavut Dctoc-uvo. IST AGENTS WANTED? In every t-ivru there are numbers of peoplo who will he 11 t>(j t this It M-1!J to Mer chants, ?: ■ E file*, rarun rsuKil Pro.. Ns om lmc'i. Tlr.HoV ry A' can )•■ •'( n---f )i '/./ or rune tu r. f in': io v. ho aho tun feel t uro of belling It to. \7o war.t Ones Atr'-n - in every t .wnshhi. or cnitn":. , :"A > i j-.:"Willi Jh • fW L't't ut tie n .*. 'cci ."' •' I Aa* n! • Icrf a. 11 art it u..tra r.nd* f 'ft. atitla- s a. W. c ' ItLETOXt t*4)•• p'' • rs, N V, t 01*. pM Complexion Beautiiier . ■ AXIS t'l'RE Flia Miliaria, Fever sind Ague, Scrofnli*. Cuncer, rrjsiprlns, Iloile, lin|leu, Ulcers, KoroKyet, seiill lleutl, Tet ter, 6>nlt ltheuiii, Mercurial mid all Blood and Nkln IliscHirs^J Sold by all liTTiTiTiwi^^if Dr. SELLERS' LIVER PILLS For years have been tho standard remedy for LIVER COMPLAINT, COSTIVENESS, SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN SHOULDERS or BACK, DIZZINESS, COATED TONGUE, and all dis eases arising from tho LIVER or STOMACH. Thomas Atlaius, of Ihg Sandy, Ky., says: "Sel lers' Pills taved hundreds of dollars In doctors' bills in his county." Sold by Druggists. Sellers Medicine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. yS a 3 j-j AhNy 5$ Rook fefc'-rn-.Vf' "Thil "TUBY o: ill 1.11 I." teti—" Aa.i 111-- Ail Kn-.'.,; Co ti.ig with T79| Ooh'.en H'tl' 'wv il i..ey rii-..v;g. Wo.i; JIT . ;> .i as. Kri -. Itt& t- , ft'riteMosw w IS FOSSIIEE V*- McMAKIN, Cincinnati, O FAMILY" SCALES kattrclv new in p iiii i; Ic. \\ .- < r.c ti"tce to ss pounds Mmi cv-rri 1 inuU •-.ct-.U m . .... : 33s' 11 ORGAN AND PIANO CO. 154 Trcmont St..Boston. 46 E.l4th St (Union Sq.), N. Y. 149 Wabash Ave , Chicago. TUTT'S ■ PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tb Greatest MedicalTriumgb of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lena of appetite. Bowels costive, Pscln in the bead, with a dull sensattou in tho back part, Tnin under the shoulder blade, Fullness after eating, with adis inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irrit übility of temper, l.ow spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Wc&riucos, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Ileart, Dots before tho eyes, Headache over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PILL 9 are especially adapted to such ca3o3, one dose effects such a change of fcclingas to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the A ppettte.and cause tho hody to Take on Fleshthtn tho system 13 nourished, nnd by their Tonic Action on the Digestive Organs, Regular N tools oro produeeil. Price arc. 41 Murrey Wt..IV. V. rx3i~ vrsrr —"s'ls i ii—ww iiiiin ii■ iii ■s s ISI wawam——a— TUTT'S HAIR BYE. Grat HAIR or WHISKERS changed to a GLOSST BLACK by a single application of this DTE. It imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 91. Office. 44 Murrey St.. New York. 'l3 !Bos-b riiILESIOCE. T'loussnds of artielea r.i o now mannfaetnrcd that in tortin r years h.;d to bo imported, paying high import duty as it is vow being done on Lea k. Ber lins til.lo k aiiee ; tho QCAKKU TABLE SAVCE takes its pla-.-o ; it lias been pronounced by competent judges just as gotnl and even better. Ihc-QUAKKU SAUCE Slowly but nutely gained great im portance am! is replacing tho very bctt imported rauco on tho slielf of tho grocer, tho tables of tho restaurant and tho tables of tho rich and poor men, • reatly priz d ai d relished by all on account of its piquancy, aroma, taste, strength end paretics*. 'J'!:-.) invotitor has by years of study of the secret virtues contained in tho aro matic spices of tho ladies and China, such as mace, nutni g. cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger, and peppers aa 1 buds of trees unknown to most men, aud by long practice succeeded to •ombine their extracts in such a liquid form as we now find it of agreeable taste, and invigorating as to be taken in place of stomach bitters. By nian r.i.ieturing this sauoo liero, heavy import duties and freights are saved, and it is sold at a lower fifure to tho dealer, who making a better profit on Quaker Sauce can sell it to tho consumer cheaper than lio very b.-st imported article hardly equal ing ours. It your grocer does not keep it. write v.s for prices, etc. Sold in bottles or by the gallon. CHARM MANUFACTURING CO., Sole Proprietort and Manufacturer i t 106 & 109 9. 2d ST., St. Louis, Mo. SfFH IIIP PI RIDING, fcILWuN ijwi-.-j PENN. A !ii routrli prcnarntory School for Boys. Cots rtiu'tesi tiptsia li<- Miliiary Boys ol any ace a niittfl. N. P.I fur eatalotrui'. t'-rins. etc. L. C. BiSHOP, Head Master, Reading, Pa. rys. s. a OUTKLIUS, Dentist. - v • , . ; J MILLHEIM, PA. OFFER* HIS profi'Hsloiml service's to'TH" |ULlic. lit) IS PREPARED TO PT-r form :I!L OPERATION!* lit Ihc dental profession. 11 * I* NOW fully prepared LU extract teeth ABSOLUTELY without pain. Musser House. Millheim, ------ Penna. SGMIMMER RESORTS Two miles from I'ohurn Station on I. & T. It. It. ITILNO Trout Fishing ami Hunting within * of town. Healthy locality antj line moun tain sceneries. The celebrated I'KNNS VAL LEY CAVES but tlye miles distant. The 11 nest drives In the state FINK SADDLE HOUSES, CABBIAGES AND BUGGIES for the USE ot summer boarders. Double and Single Rooms, newly furnished, for famlles with] children, on seeouu and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. -LV • Millheim, Outre CO. Pa 500 Tons OF White Novia Scotia Plaster at $9 00 per ton, for sale by WHITMER& LINCOLN, at their warehouse, Coburn, Pa. 33M. P. H. MUSSER, WATCIDIAIiEK Main Street, Millheim, Pa., *'-EJOPPOSITE THE BASK.++- fcajrUepair Work a Specially. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 5-ly. JHE g EST moTmm&i AT. BUCK B ROS ' ,-mr G&LMEnrI | FAMILY GKOUPES AND -CHILDREN —TAKEN!BY THE: — IVSTWTWEIHS PROCESS. Satisfactory Work Done by RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything in our line troin a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. • ♦ ♦♦**- Pictures copied and en larged in the best style. -CFRAMES3*- onn L>E procured at our place on short notice CAR Remember— our prices are down so as to suit every purse. Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa. PEEHMCEIBJ T*N PLB|TESHB()UUAKICWSAKYCSA IA Parifßf.F Locay.and numerouti A/TLIU-IWA., Y*.- G JI)T;SCURUISENRE, bar- RSSII'!PSSJ^MS YR H TR>T2TC*' \TS/youthful indiscretion. A 2/ioo freo indulgence, OP -*, _ __ MUR ovcrbrainwork. Avoid YYFX RV HPBU ! >E imposition ol prctetw KLVRR-AA W * V rcmetlica for thcc I SO \*W W SS\*\S -> i-A 2-.4&S troubles. GET our Frca A RADICAL Cur.£ RUN JTVA Circular and Trial Pack- TJ Fl} TTATTO F*NKO,*ND learn important T |M TM-'A BIFBRO taking trcot- IJ EB ILITYJJJJ svhk rTuzvy that HAS Organic o*>T2-VCTRS*T. SLSitionto business, or c*mo .T ML pain or inconvenience in G> DECAY# BT*H N T way. Founded on INVN,MA —. .■ißtclcntlflc medical princl- InVCtlngr & MIDALEGJSP, CG B _ DIRCCFNPPFICATLOA Atfed Men* PSTO the scat of disease its _ MRJRNCRIFLO influence is fell TPSTED FOR SEVEN E3 without delay. Thenat- YEARSBVUSELNMANVBFLURCL function* of the ho- I HOUSAND CASES. OFFI-SSEKSKS pno Month, - S3.OOHJS(HE paticiitDOcomofchtft A wro Monthfl, - 5.00U •Bfuland rapidly JNLNI both LL'iirco Months, 7.0() $G|G| TTRCNGTH AND lexu&L vigor* KARRIS REMEDYCOT M'FOCHEMUT# SOGTF K. Tenth St.. ST. LOUTS. MO. PIIP T 4 R , E P P E RSONB! Not a Truss, A U I Asl( for terras of our Appliance. IVJQ GIVU JFHJBA CTL3LFLJFC MENONLY A QUICK, PERMANFNT, CERTAIN CURE FOR Lost orFailing Manhood. Nervousness Weakness, Lack of Strength, Vigor or Development, CAUSED by indiscretions, excesses, etc Benefits in A duy; Cures usually within a month. No Deception nor Quackery. Positive Proofs, full description and letter of ndvioo in plain sealed envelope, free. _ ERIE MEDICAL CO.. P.O. Drawer 179. Buffalo, N.Y. slsos MONTHLY Wo want lady A Rents for our CELEBRATED MA DAME DEAN S SPINAL SUPPORTING CORSHLI,. No experience required. Four orders per day Rive tlio Agent 8150 Monthly. Our Agents report from four to twenty Bales daily. Send at once for terms and full particulars. 83.00 Outfit Free. LEWIS SCHIELE A CO., 800 Broadway, Sew lork 'l hispaper i kept on file nt the oltlce of IYER^SON M DVERTISING GENTS TIMES BUILDING GVTHSU PHILADELPHIA. ESTIMATES 5? KKK FREE . .tamp, fiir AVER & SON'S MANUAL ' OMNI BUS SE S ■- A.ND LIGHT BPEIHG WORK FOR Hotels Livery. AGENTS WANTED K?„°S u Se f PTST a - p .% WE MAKE Hose Reels, Hook & Ladder Trucks, Patrol Wagens, 4c. And Fit Out Fire Departments Complete- And good men of influence enn ntuko fuvorublo urriuigeiueiitß with u. HORTON & CO., 53, 55,57 &59 East 6th Straet, CINCINNATI. 0. LEFFEL'S IMPROVED WincTL PI wBV Eingino. ALL THE TARTS MADE OF MALLEABLE & 7780U5HT IB0!T # No Shrinking, Swelling or Warping. TITK I.iorrrrsr ITrsviv,-.. SMONOESRAND EVSIEAR ItKururiD NVim i ni-i-k in the WOltl.I). 'Lh® BEST ia CIIKAPt-ST. Scud fur Circulars to the SPRINGFIELD i&CHINE CO. Springfield. Ohio. THE PERKINS WIND MILL. h*a been in CHnetantnse 10 VET re. with a record WARRANTED n<>t I . 1 low down, unless the fpeag T >w. .- 1 *es with it; or against any urind that u<>C3 n -t uisablo aulMtantial tana buildiugs ;to be j.crf, t: to outlast and do better work than any other mill manic. Wo manufacture both Pumping and Geared Mills and carry a Dill line of Wind Mill Suppl'ea. AGENTS WANTED. Rend for CatalfHtno. Circular and Trices. ADDRE>.- FERKISS Wl2ii) MILL 4AX CO., Miakawaka. In 4 tLABi:.Tw.\T COLOSI i CLAUB.IIOXT COLONY J I LAUKUONV J tLAUII.UOA'i' < OI,U> V J f LAIiB.TIUAT ( OI.UKY i ( I.AKI IKfM ( OHUM ! C COLON ¥ ! A new ILOTI." , ve: Y LU da> in If" LA-t C years. Our \... I C. Oii.y Ll.vlit.l-. el ;. IU. J Motes, 2 H>t . 5 cliu'iht S. sehiM.l, LU-wspaj-cr, f.icioiy, FUURNTQ. T M' MII.BUALJ.I ir..t:TS A:,,t 2 mail-daily. 1-aiui rapidly N-TID, M'.NL, HI nt BY NIL mcaaa, -villi for tneuiar. villi 1 MAP h"U.-c.-, nil about the wuihlcrful crowth of our col ony .its Ml,clin!atc,markct,tiii-tticl • pjiort unities, health, prices, terms, and other diatiuet subjects. Farms F r lino on monthly iri-tatlnuritt to ttiose iiavingemploynteiit." ithoi.t leaving tin ir situation. Address J. A'.'M ANl'Uk.l'larvuiout, Surry CO.Va. A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millheim. Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m PIANOS ORGANS The demand for the Improved MASOV A HAMI.TW PIANOS is now so large that a second addition to the factory has become Imperative. Do not require one quarter as much tuning as Pianos on the prevailing wrest-pin system. Consult Catalogue, free. 100 Styles of OaoANS, $22 to S9OO. For Cash, Easy Payments, or Rented. , Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., NEW YORK : BOSTON ; CHICAGO. TO SELL Men and Women of good character and intelligence Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. A weeks' trial ol sample Washer to be returned at my expense it not satisfactory. A thousand per cent, the tiestWasher in the world, and pays capable agents BIG money. In trinsic merit makes it a phenominul success every where. For Illustrated circular and tertnsof agency address. D. WORTH, St. Louis, NLO RAINBOW RUPTURE R !W£* Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer. It IS not a Truss. Worn Day and Night and its presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this ap pliance. Address Central Medical and Surgical Institute 020 Locust St., ST Louis, Mo. Skillful treatment given all kinds of snrgical and medical cases. Weakening diseases and pri vate troubles in male and female our specialty. BO sure to write us before taking treatment elsewhere. Consultation Dree and Invited. fci '5 14 re ih rt etlv rv-tft- and always Effeetuut B-l' iisod to-dnv reg'tlarlv by lu,KXi Atnert- ai FN it. (luatatiieed superior to all r'.M o he no" t :e>tt refaotletl. Don't waste v J MUIM'V 1.35, in elegant cloth covers. V JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y. "THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME." Illustrated by tl . I'JIPMf '"tf'AlM^^SoSK®oS? 'SIMM Life is insecure riding over any other. (This picture will be furainbed on a Urge cW, printed to elegant Ztyle, to anroee whe wttlye ta treme KirrLotß stamp. 1 rr. o AOEH'I3 WASTED Wll BEE WE HAVE HOHEI BO IHVEBTICEBT BO P_t>. IIAB-Ji PENH HALL CABRIAGE WORKS! jr. Proprietor and Manufacturer ot Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at all times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere ■"W. Gr. BH-AJDXiE"!Sr,. wLOXX y ' SOUS KAYUFACTCnUUL, & 8. MCE ft GO'S., Solid ComMßulcbouds ud Spill Wtgosi, ngli tni into mli Riding qualities unsurpassed. No Jar to the feet. Duible an d ®? e ** r * a * on " & tXVSg*. cmm^a Ag6nt for our Wagons, h *J 6 to b{ * ment ot Wagont advertised in the leading paper of the county or town where Agent reside*, gratis for six months. ■#•_!TRmPwhagee mailed to r>a-/%JrAMk d iS! forth T t t ub ft lienm a large portion M aim thnlrvfo. ™E2£^J*a.'r SS2sil hS5§&. SEMINAL . ft fnr TtT rimi .1 u ufl; ttr, nVi fOR scientific medical principles By etwrt Mai - ? - Y " 8 °A rM J d ,nfi Jcnce 1 felt without deity. TlaSwl die Aged Men. Terted for Fightk ears in human onranism wn>VicL ft* thousand caaesthey nbeol ut* ly res ojw prematurely watted animating element* of liDe am given bach, fhaeafWnt aged and brokeni dowumen tothe full enjoyment of becomes cheerful and rspahy gains both straw* 5 health perfect end full Manly Strength and \ igoroua Health. '* . T_ _ To those who suffer from the many obscure diseauea TREATMENT.—<>• Heath. t3. Two Mia 18. Tim, 17 bronhtnbout by Indiscretion, Ezpoeure, Over-Brain ■ Worn, or too free Indulgence, we ask thnt you aend us UABD|Q DPMCDY CO Mrtl CurutKm your name with statement of your trouble, and secure " A *s ß J*f """ T W-r bHammin, TRIAL PACK AGE FREE, with Illust'd Pamphlet Ao.l SQ6\{ N. Tenth THE IRON DVEB HARROW. Harrow Drags st an Angle of Forty-five Degrsst. Light, Strong and Dsrahls. Ths Bsst Harrow nr mads. 11 was awarded PTrst Premium at the Ohio State Fair over forty-four competitors. Successful in *ll field trials. Wrought iron frame and steel teeth. Sstisfisction guaranteed. Bend for Cir culars. KIMBHRLIN MF9. CO., Indianapolis, Ind. JOHN H. PARKER'S Hubber Upper, Leather Soled Dooi. y M I 1/ jf | A, Bole-Leather Outer Sole ; B, tTcter-Proef Sole; C, Bole-Leather laaer Sole; D, Cole-Leather HeeL, Warranted Absolutely Water proof, more healthy, comforta ble, genteel, n.uct will not draw or sweat the feet like the ordinary rubber boot. One pair will out wear two pairs of ordinary rubber boots, and can be repaired by any shoemaker. Ask retail dealers for them or send $5.00 for sample pair of short boots to JOHN 11, PARKER, 103 Bedford Street, BOSTON, MASS. STEIN'A # \ TOCKIN-O a\ UPPOBTEBW o g Children's, Ito 5 year*. - - Sc. apatr. ditto, two attachments, • * 1 Do, Misses' " J' • 13c. Ladies' "■ 15c. Misses', with ft belt, " - 20c. " ' Ladies', " " " - - 25c. " Stocking. Alnloniinnl. and Cataine- • itial Bandage Supporter com bined, COc. H Health Skirt Supporter, - - -25 c, " Brighton Gent's Garter, - • 15c, FOR SALE BV ALL FIRST-CLASS BTQ*Ea, Samples rent post-paid to any address upon receipt of price in 2-eent atawje, LEWIS STEIN, Sol* Owner and Manufacturer, ITB Centre Street. New York. AGENTS^