Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, April 15, 1886, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, AFRIL 15TH, 1886.
Published by R. ▲. BUMILLER.
CONGRESS adopted the resolution of
fered by Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, last
Monday, for the appointment of seven
members, to investigate the cause and
extent of the strikes. The com mittee
shall have the power to send for per
sons and papers, to sit during the ses
sion of the House and visit such
places as may be necessary to facili
tate the investigation.
During the discussion of the resolu
tion Mr. Reagan, of Texas, opposed
the measure upon constitutional
grounds, while Mr. Morgan, of Mis
sissippi, thought it was a matter be
tween the employer and the employee
and Congress had no business to in
terfere. On the other hand Repre
sentatives Hiscock, of New York,
Reed, of Maine, Warner of Ohio,
Springer of Illinois, and Randall and
Curtin, of Pennsylvania, gave expres
sion to their opinions, which uniform
ly favored the bearing and redressing
ct the poor man's grievances. Our
own representative from this district,
Hon. Curtin, in whose big heart th e
welfare of the laboring classes always
occupies a warm place, said that the
purpose of the resolution was to in
vestigate the cause of this unrest of
the people. If corporations had vio
lated the rights of the humblest man
in the country, he had the right to
redress and had a right to a hearing
before this august assembly. If the
man was wronged, let Congress un
derstand it and lay the iron hand of
the Government on those who had
wronged him. If there was not pow
er in the Constitution to redress those
wrongs, it was a broken staff.
GLADSTONE, tbe premier of England,
delivered bis great address, explaining
his scheme to provide Self-Govern
ment for Ireland, in Parliament last
Thursday. It was received with un
bounded enthusiasm by the Irish
members of parliament, as Mr. Glad
stone's remarks were full of logic an d
encouragement for the reformation of
Irish government He strongly ad
vocates that Ireland is entitled to do
mestic legislation and asserts that
home rule on the Emerald Isle will be
more beneficial in the end for Great
Britain, Scotland and Ireland Mr.
Parnell, the Irish Beform leader, was
so well pleased with Gladstone's
speech that at the end of his respon
sive remarks he referred to Gladstone
as "the one English statesman living,
who was lending his voice in favor of
poor, helpless Ireland."
WHILE the pnblic has been greatly
interested in the progress of tbe
Western railroad strike, there has for
& number of weeks been a strike in
this state which compelled many
manufacturing establishments to shut
down for want of soft cool. In the
Clearfield, Cumberland, Snow Shoe,
Dubois and gas-coal regions nearly all
tbe miners are on a strike because tbe
mine operators refuse an advance of
10 cents a ton and everything in
those sections lies idle. Both tbe
miners and operators have laid their
grievances before Governor Pattison,
each stating their side of the case in
the most emphatic way. But the
Governor claims be is powerless in
the matter, except that he will ascer
tain whether the mining laws have
been enforced, and if not, to baye it
THE FREE COINAGE Bill was killed
in Congress last Thursday. A vote
of 163 nays to 126 yeas did away
with tbe question of free and unlimit
ed coinage of silver dollars. At the
same time a vote of 201 nays and 84
yeas rejected the amendment to alto
gether suspend silver coinage and
thus the matter is actually left where
it was. There will be silver coin in
tbe land after all.
THIRTY FIV ETHOUSAND soldiers of the
70,000 who fought in the war with
Mexico, are now living, with 15,000
widows supposed also to be living.
The total number affected by tbe bill
granting pensions to the Mexican war
survivors is 50,000.
Pulitzer Resigns,
NEW YOBK, April 11.—Hon. Jos
eph Pulitzer, member of Congress
from the Ninth New York District,
and editor of the New York World,
yesterday resigned his seat in the
House of Representatives. In an ad
dress to his constituents Mr. Pulitzer
says: "I appreciate your great kind
ness in conferring your suffrages upon
me. The privilege of rendering pub
lic service in a parliamentary career I
fully esteem. But lam overwhelmed
with work. The conduct of my news
paper absorbs all my time. After ac
tual trial, I find that I have neglected
nay duties here, without doing full
justice to myself or my duties as your
Representative. It is, in short, im
possible to he both in Washington
and New York at the same time.
Unwilling to hold the honors of a seat
in congress without fully observing
all the expectations attached to it, I
.hereby return to you the trust which
you so generously confided to me.''
Miscellaneous News.
The Everson Miners Q&in Their
EVRRSON, Pa.- Aprils.—The strike
at McClure's coal works has ended sat
isfactorily to the miners. The firm
granted all demands and work was re
sumed to day. About one thousand
men were affected. •
If you are froing to the Great IFV.IT,
North IFM< or South West take THE .
RAILROAD, from Chicago. Fcr Lowest
Rates of Fare,Tickets,Time Tables and
information in detail call 011 your Local
Ticket Agent or address .1 L. Loomis,
Passenger Agent, Middle District 111
South Ninth St., Philadelphia, l'a. 9 2m
Beware of Gate Olaws.
Frank Endy, aged 29, of Oley town
ship Berks county, met with a strange
death. While handling a cat. the ani
mul slightly scratched him. His hand :
began to swell, the intUmation extend- i
ed to his arm und chest, until finally he
died in the most excruciating agony. •
The flesh where the cat made the
scratches mortified to the bone. Phy- ]
sicians pronounce the case as one of
blood poisoning.
Sending Oblnamen to Mexico. *
PORTLAND, Oregou, April 12. Let- j
ters were received by the last Chinese *
mail by aareuts of the Six Companies l
stating that an English, German and
Chinese syndicate had entered into a
contract with the Mexico Government
whereby the syudicate agreed to send ]
600,000 Chinese to Mexico within the :
next twelve months. The Mexican i
Government agrees to give each China- :■
man twenty acres of land. Sixty Chi
namen left Portland last week "or
Mexico, and maoy ethers are now pre- 4
paring to leave. j
—Now that sudden and violent
changes of weather occur every twenty J
four hours, almost everyone has a j
troublesome cold, which, if neglected,
may produce results that may trouble j
you for the remainder of your life. Dr.
Kessler'a Celebrated English Cough
Medicine is especially deserving praise
in this class of complaints. It never
fails ! It never disappoints 1 Instruc
tions for treatment of croup and
whooping-cough also accompany each
bottle. Every family, especially where
there is children, should have a bottle. I
Dissatisfied buyers can have their mon
ey refunded. *
Philadelphia Agents. •]
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Pa. •
roH TAXES 1884 and 1885.— Agreeable to
the provisions of law relating to the sale of un- T
seated tracts of land for the non payment of
taxes, notice is hereby given, that there will LIE
exposed at public sale or outcry, the following .
tracts of unseated lauds lu the county of ON- ;
tre for the taxes due and unpaid the :
Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on
MONDAY, JUNE 14TH, A. D. 1886,
at one o'clock p. ui.
Acres. Per. Wartantee Taxes. ;
50 Coon, Andrew —♦ 419
58 Homes, Robert - 320
120 llaleJM 6 72
50 Harris, J D 4 19
100 Shugert, J D 560
30 Unknown. 2*>l
305 112 Cocnran. John 34 50
397 145 Carscadden, 1) 4O 54
143 Deal. Ann, (part) lb 10
418 40 Hood. William —. 49 43
415 Black, James - 14 94
433 163 Brady, Robert 15 57
433 163 Brady, Win. P 15^8
433 163 Brady. John - - 15 57
433 163 Bell. Alexander - 15 58
415 Boyd, Johu- - l4 94
438 163 Bell, William - - 15 57
433 163 Cook, William 1-5 58
433 163 Cowden, John 782
433 163 Dewart, William ...... 782
433 163 Dewart. John 782
43; 163 Donnelly, Henry ... 782
433 163 Gray Robert 7 82
433 163 Gray, William 782
433 163 Greeves, Alex 15 57
433 163 Grant, Thomas 782
433 163 Goben.Cliarles 782
433 153 Hall, Charles l5 72
140 Harris, Henry .... 15 12
433 163 Housel, John- 782
433 165 Kidd, John ... 15 57
415 Levy, Nathaniel - 14 94
433 163 Lyon. John 782
200 Miller, Wllliatu 7 20
433 163 Morris, Joseph 15 57
216 83 Parker, Jeremiah %of 775
433 163 Shafer, Henry 782
433 I*l3 Scott, Samuel 15 57
443 163 Towers, James .... 15 57
415 Thomas, .Joseph 14 94
415 Walac?, Joseph S 14 94
433 163 Walace, Joseph 15 57
415 Weitzel, John - ... 743
123 Wheeler. Henry 4 41
433 163 Wilson, Bird 15 57
204 Withington, Martin 737
309 19 Atwood, N L 46 50
300 Atwood, N L 62 00
50 Brooks, Jesse - 12 00
415 Brooks, J esse 7 00
119 Carskaddcn, P...., 21 60
206 120 Carskaddcn. D 24 Q()
337 Coats, Lindley 60 00
311 Delias*, Peter. % of 55 97
415 Eddy, Esther 74 69
311 Evap, Cadwalaoer 55 97
415 Elliot WM 120 00
415 Gilbert, William 120 00
433 120 Hall, Charles...., - 72 00
6* Haliovtell.Kd 12 00
303 Jrwin, James >0I)0
403 Kelso, Rebecca 7200
38<AI Kelso, Joseph 66 00
400 Long. J B 96 00
207U LOWIMI. Caleb 60 00
Lougstretb, Isaac 60 00
207U Lowns. Caleb 49 00
207)4 Longstreth. Isaac FIOUO
70 Mason, John 8 16 80
200 Meyer, Philip 60 00
100 Meyer, Simon-—.- 30 00
420 48 Meyer.Mlchael 120 00
420 Meyer, Valentine 120 00
196 Miller, James.. 42 00
200 Palmer. John 6 20
415 T{.ylor, Joseph - 37 20
415 Wain, Jacob - 72 00
415 Wfster. Casper 126 00
160 Willis, Jonathan 1-8 00
433 163 WhiiUi, Jaiiios 150 00
100 Olive James 8 20
150 A Barton Sloat, (owner) 12 30
60 Carson. Andrew 1 41
150 Cowden. John 3 53
KG 127 Carson Andrew 100
130 Duncan, David 12 22
250 liepbjjrn. William 5 88
380 Hubby- ®e>nayd 8 94
53 63 RAH", WJllfapi <7O
52 Johu McClintock,(o\Vner) '122
359 Antis, Henry 7 58
242 60 Barr,Thomas 502
250 66 BARJ\ James 520
2.59 60 Bait', Mary 536
87 BarroiK Jolui 178
154 Beck, Henry 3 16
344 16 BoHinder, Jpljfi 7to
338 60 Rollnder, Henry 692
325 60 BolbuLsr.
313 60 Bolinder, Adam, 640
135 Cowley, H B
382 163 Epler, Peter Y§4
438 Epler. Andrew 2s
161 Fees. Jacob 3 70
262 40 Glllman, H&S Snyder 688
do 5 20
435 Hall, Charles -. - - 892
437 108 Hartuan. John 8 98
267 60 Links, Maiy 260
ILK 99 Kreameir, Georas 850
2jfi Parker, William A 10
300 60 Bwlße/ord. Albright 61\
170 170 Stiver jk Wolf 3 46
337 123 Snyder, 508
200 Snyder, CATNERIIM 410
88 Tidd. \ViUiMD 64
465 Simon Gratz 8 31
110 JG Meyer 2 24
100 George Fowler 2 OO
106 Methias Workman - 216
fB6 .James Black 6 04
44 Peter Black 2 94
135 HB Cowley 2 78
458 Epler. Adam 8 38
395 80 William Tidd
368 PhilipGher 7M
209 Wendell Grove....: 4 26
'25 Calvin M. Hayes 25
400 Joseph Ilenry 8 30
173 Robert McKlroth 358
327 Samuel Metxgar..... 6 75
162 John Matz 336
120 Daniel Rhodes 2 49
442 David Scrlbner 917
388 George Seldel 8 05
303 Peter Seldel 6 27
388 Philip Seldel 805
423 KHScrlbner 8 76
243 George Snyder 5 02
15 Joseph Thompson 33 ;
446 Henry Splker & CWelser 9 25
196 Award 3 85 1
200 Catherine Snyder 4 15
18 Ctuttonaa Thomas 37
400 120 Jollff, Richard 56 00
216 Josiah 30 29
54 Shearer. Isaac 99
24 John T Fowler,t(owrer) 1 44
63 89 John T Fowler, (owner) 381
67 76 John T Fowler 400
196 Fisher, JC 3 81
133 Fox. George 2 72
4*lo Forbes, James 3 90
4**) Harrison, Wi11iam...... 3 90
50 Irwin, John 26
4*W Patterson, Robert 8 IK)
400 Reed. James 3 90
407 94 \\ barton,Kearney 437
107 104 Browu,Samuel 470
217 Bonham. Sarah 1 17
154 Green. Joseph 13 53
25 Gruysburg.Joseph 1 lo
215 Godfrey. Martha 4 73
415 Godfrey, Martha. 9 13
55 Hauls James D 2 59
i:tti Lingle.J J 1 41
160 Willis. Jonathan 7 52
50 White & Nesilorode 3 30
433 163 Baxter James 920
200 11 Chancellor, Win - —. 420
120 Kuhn, Adam leao
433 163 Price, John 919
433 163 Roliington. John 919
102 J C Wason(owner) 4 29
50 Carskaddon, D .. 42
8*) Gorrell Wm 1 :*>
166 Hays, Robert & James 18 91
175 Hess, George 1) ...... 716
310 3 Irwin, Robert 23 48
250 Jackson, John —. 4 25
310 Jackson, Jeremiah.. 1178
200 Kronse. Daniel -.... 3 40
30 King. Thomas. 34
180 Lytle, Peter 3 80
150 Lytle, Peter 3 80
400 Mathew 1 74
400 Leech, Mathew l7O
Uof 200 Nestlerode, Christ 1 70
30 King, Thomas 34
400 Packer, Job W 7 60
175 Qulgle*. James A. 670
349 Smith, Christian 13 76
80 Smith, Robert 68
100 Potter, John - 4 00
ICS Shaw 4 I .ingle 3 16
43 66 Corman. John - 143
31 Decker, Adam 7 38
17 Lewis, Thomas 2 89
20 Lucas, Thomas 16
50 William Tilghinan (owner).... 10 20
19 Isaac Fraln, (owner) 415
28 John Zeieler (owner)... 7 14
60 Yarger, Simon 3 06
60 Yargei, Sliuon 3 *m>
S"f 199 Zantzlnger, Paul 4 92
430 Brady, Robert 7 64
410 Brady, Hannah - 730
255 BradyJane - 4 53
200 Brady, John 3 55
440 Brady, Wm P., - 7 81
290 Brady, Win P - 5 15
20 Antis, Henry 36
424 Calhorn, George - 7 52
403 Cerothers. James. - 718
150 Cooper, Wm 2 67
125 Horsey. John ..... 2 22
320 Fearon, Joseph 5 68
429 Gray, Robert - - 760
476 Grant, Thomas 8 44
130 123 Gratz. Simon 130
460 Hunter, Alex 7 96
250 Jackson , Jeremiah 4 44
3UO I-evy. Aaron 532
425 Norton, Samuel.-.-..- 7 -55
300 Parker, Wlll - 582
324 Parker. Richard - - 576
jfc>4 Parker. Jcreiulah 5 iO
125 Steadman.Wm 3 55
200 Smith.Thomas 355
100 Scott.Abraham 1 77
50 Scott, Samuel- 89
150 Scott, Abraham 2 67
90 Scott, Samuel - 1 60
130 Taggart. Robert - 2 31
425 Toland. Heury 755
luo C laing, (owner). 177
125 Wharton Moore 223
425 William David - 7 55
150 Wolf.Joua— 100
480 William liarman- - 888
4*) l 46 JamesCuminings 7 4*
371 Wm Boyde 6 8
357 Wm Grant - 660
3 0 Tlios Boyde 5 a-5
413 Joseph Tripp "66
200 Thomas Smith 3 <0
495 Wlll Housel - - - J4<
426 Samuel Tripp 7 jb
419 Hugh Boyde - 7<i
404 Peter Trtjin - 2?£
410 Thomas Miles <
200 Jacob Princeton 3 <0
415 Stophel Seidell 7 69
400 John Seiglried 74
400 Daniel Seigfried - 1 40
286 Jacob Seigfreid 5 27
150 John Hays.. -.8
•NO Martin Ister - 518
T7O Wm CiHk - 314
240 Robert Taggart - 4 44
25 James Steadman . 46
17 Robert Latimore 31
305 Daniel Williams 5,6
2(K) Thoin is Carothers 3 70
200 John Brady ) < <
250 Wlll Brady - 4 63
250 John Housel - 4 63
7-16 of ...,
402 134 William Mill's - 311
250 William Cooper 4 63
150 Armstrong. James 5 25
383 Cook, William - 989
150 10 Cowden. John 525
112 10 Cowden. Johu 3^
100 Cook, Wm - 160
100 Cook. Win. C 28
150 Hamlton, Thos - - --5
150 Hepburn, James a- o
116 31 Hepburn, James 360
150 Kennedy, John -5-5
,50 Kennedy, James
104 89 Kennedy, Andrew 31,
108 131 Kennedy, John 324
113 8 Kennedy. James - 331
200 Lyon, Robert 00
200 Lyen, Ezek'al. i(>o
200 Lyon, Benjamin 700
2k) Lyon, Robert < 00
200 Lyon. Kzekial 7W
200 Lyon, Benjamin - J9O
•310 McCally, John 7 00
200 McCally.' m-- H*
100 Montgomery, Daniel 3 s|
100 Montgomery. Wm 3 50
200 McCally, John 7 20
400 Bwlneford. John 1050
100 Burtges, Aijaip. 4 40
288 Bound, Mary 6 30
prown, John 13 20
81 111 Cameron,Alex JA
4B> CoUgail.Davjd 2 R
KJO Dewart, Win.22o
200 Kwlng.Jnsper 4 40
20 Fullmer, HB
400 Forks. James.... 4 20
400 Garlgus, Edward 8 hu
4U) Garlgus. Wm
100 Getty, Christ 2 20
2uo Gobin, Cliarlei 4 40
150 Martin. Thomas 3 3o
10.5 McClellan, George '2 31
580 Wm Collier,(owner) 12 7o
34 S3 Ropp, Jacob 2{U
150 Hawser, Wm 220
100 Vanderslice, H 1 BJ
100 Young, Samuel o2
419 Johnson. John 4 83
186 115 Firdue, John 502
300 Itobison, Catherine 8 10
300 Roblson, Rebecca 8 10
150 Roblson, Richard 4 05
jjjO J. Gordon. Est. (owner) 2 70
433 153 Bingham. Win 88 74
433 153 8urn0t,Fe1ix..'.'.'...,......:.; 88 74
325 Ban as, Win 12 35
3 >5 Banks, Win 12 35
60 Clvmer, George 7 38
4:13 153 Cam obeli, George 88 74
laa 153 Cox, Paul 88 74
433 1 ibs uuthburf.'ibomas 88 74
111 ■ aagSft t
& 153 13
j|B rIV- -"Vt-t
300 DeyUngjoiiep.,..,,.MO
4:13 Eddy, Ge0rge^.,,............ r
200 FitZKi'bniohK. Th0ma5..,,..,, 16 40
60 Gray. Uobert 7 38
433 153 Hawthorn, rbomaa 88,4
4XI 153 Hawthorn, James 58 74
383 Hale, Jam isT 7102
$ Hale. James T 6 15
m , eo im, Samuel 'lO2
433 153 Lewis, Wm. 88 74
133 153 Le.WIs,WW ; rrr tt Hlj.
300 Long. J Z 5 70
fpong, J Z ,3 80
MjfoiV..v.-.v.v.• ht 80
433 158 S) l Jfjg
409 78 Mitohell. N. J- ,••#•j)0
433 Morgan. Benjamin tt 7102
400 Martha, Alex 7 60
433 153 Maylan, Jasper 7102
433 153 Mavston, Kdward 71 02
433 150 MeCianahnn, Walr 71 02
153 Meade, George 02 09
433 153 McFhersOU, Win 62 09
♦33 120 Ml.sner.Loke 7102
433 153 Morris, Kobe rt 80 04
4M Martin, Alex 15 20
£3 153 NorrlsJ F 47 32
♦•: 153 N orris, J F 884
4.53 l a Parker, Wlll 71 02
31(5 Farker, Jeremiah :V . r H
2K5 Farker, Jeremiah 35 58
433 Farker, George 1(5 45
216 RuineV, Itnhert 8 21
300 Kelly Job 40 20
433 153 siilppen, Thomas L 7102
433 153 scott, Kdward 7102
433 153 S|>ear. Margaret 1(5 45
162 Tompkins, Joseph 0 03
433 153 Tiillinnii, Bent Q 71 (2
433 153 Valentine AS 71 (n*
433 153 Waln.Kebecea 7102
433 153 Wharton, Moore 71 02
433 las Wharton, Kiizabetli 71 03
5-0 of
433 153 Wharton, Mary M 3950
1-0 of
433 153 Wharton, Mary M 738
433 153 West, Francis 71 02
433 154 West, Benjamin 71 o2
160 West. Francis 13 04
415 Walo, Richard 4 1<
433 153 Wharton, Kearney 16 45
400 Williams, David 12 35
400 Williams. David 1235
453 153 Allison, JOIIII 183 91
328 AilisoU, James 139 (M
250 Allison,Andrew A John LUly 159 ou
327 10 Armstrong, Andrew 11 52
104 10 Allison, James 16 64
390 116 Arthur. Anil 30 42
394 117 Arthur. Thomas 30 73
433 153 Britches, Isaac 45 03
4.'53 163 Beverage, David 11 £2
433 153 Brickley, Daniel 47 70
433 153 Bruiitzman, Peter 137 80
200 lturg, John 15 90
433 163 Foreland, John 19 08
40 Chestnut, Samuel 6 3(5
luO Clymer. George 53 00
100 Campbell, George 53 00
3o Cuthburt, Thomas 159 00
80 Corkendon.J H (owner) 12 72
393 Chestnut, Samuel 10 21
435 163 Delany, Sharp 1152
253 Deutler, Win 93 63
122 Kberman, Philip 6 47
433 153 KdwardLThus 116 80
300 Krsktne, Thomas 7 80
433 153 Funk. John 2293
250 Fltzsiimnons, Thomas I 3 '&>
193 Kdward French, (owner).... 2012
434 Grant,Titomas 3dlßo
216 156 Grant, Thomas 16 <8
216 156 Grant, Thomas 68 90
433 163 Glentworth,, James D 52
50 Groe, Khzabeth 790
100 Gray, ltobert o3 00
21 152 Groe A MeKOOll 318
433 1&3 Hair, Christian 34 45
426 161 llair, Christian 33 9-
433 153 Hair. David 34 4o
216 156 Hamilton, Thus 08 90
433 153 Hand. John . 34 45
433 153 Hamilton, Hugh
43d 163 Hopkins, John ♦' 'V
433 15.3 I tuber, John 34 45
433 153 Haines, Iteuben Jr 22 51
216 80 Hamilton, Hugh 10 8a
433 153 Irwin, ltobert 137 so
433 153 Irwin ltobert 4611
433 153 Jorden, Owen 34 45
100 King, Robert 42 40
164 10 Kerr, James 86 92
433 163 Lucas, Beunet Ut*
433 163 Lattimore, George 11
135 163 Lattimore, Win G d6O
15 Lawrence, Casper 3 96
433 153 Lenhore, Christian 2191
313 106 I.owdeu, John 24 yl
50 Long, A B 13 25
418 I.awrenc. Casper Ib 85
433 16.3 Maystou, Kdward 1152
200 Mcpherson, William 539
433 153 MiUerJohll 34 4o
413 163 Miller, Jacob 34 45
433 163 McConnell, Martha M 52
433 153 Meade,George 61 73
433 153 Morgan. Blt 46 95
100 McCord & A Campbell 15 90
4U 153 Midler, Robert 22 93
433 Metzger. Jacob H 25
433 Miller, Jane 1125
433 153 Miller, Robert 1125
323 Fadton, Hugh 17 10
433 153 Peters, Richard 45 95
100 Fassmoro.Jus BryantAHa*let 15 90
IAS Kfeao, Thomas 220 4 '
413 15:1 Itohrer, Christian 34 98
333 lfxl RudesiU, Jacob 52 97
405 47 Rush, Jacob 107 31
38 Kohisoii, Win H 1!
37 Kohlson. Win H ~ ... 166
433 153 schafnrr, Casper 22y e,
413 1M Sheuk, Andrew 34 4.-,
♦33 153 Sheuk, Michael 34 45
411 153 Shenlc, Christian 3445
347 16 Steek, Jacob 19^4
4."C* 157 Spear. Robert 6890
41$ 153 Suiiih, Mary 23 02
167 7 Slough, tieorge 13 25
219 Scott, Andrew 17 is
41$ 153 Slough,Jucob 97 24
41$ 153 Stough, George 3445
200 Sands. Joseph 31 8n
413 153 Siddons, KleUtr 22 50
193 Kdward French, (owner) 2042
4t*i Snyder Barbara. 31 67
43d 153 Slough. Jacob 3;s so
122 44 Weidmaii, John 32 33
402 16 Weidmau, Jacob - 10653
326% Wilson, John 37 10
75 Wilson, William 3l so
313 106 Witmer. John.-...- 24 91
I 80 Winner, Henry 21 20
306 low Wilson, William gj 47
433 153 Wallace, Joseph J 22 50
50 Wllmer. H..._ 88
413 153 Wiiartou, Kearney 33 80
250 White and Parsons - 6 40
41$ 153 Toner, James 33 80
41$ 153 Turner, Hannah 38 80
150 Ames and Shaffer 14 10
150 Ames ami Shaffer 14 10
80 Beek, Jacob 6 00
25t Be ;k with, Clement 47 00
77 Bell. Williams 10 44
100 Beck, Daniel 500
58 Heightol, John 145
73 147 Abednigo Stevens, (owuer .) 345
434 Lamb, John 32 50
300 22 Lamb, John 37 50
434 Montgomery,\V W 20 41
41$ 164 McCammond. John 2" 34
434 McKwen, Polly 10 85
434 McKwen. Henry 10 85
1-1 Rldgway.Budd A Co(owners) 23 13
180 Ridgwav.Budd & Co(owners) 42 30
189 Rldgway.Budd & Co(owners) 44 42
141 Rldgway.Budd & Co(owners) 1$ 14
210 Riduway.Budd ACo (owners) 49.35
434 163 Snyder, Barbara 20 41
90 Van Pool, C 4 23
50 Van Pool. Jacob 4 70
100 Thomas Wilson Est. (owner.) 14 10
433 153 Williams, .Joshua 32 49
434 Williams, I'olly 3 70
60 Voder, Joseph 2 82
125 Van Pool, John 20 54
20 Van Pool, C 4 70
300 Welsh .Joseph 22 50
433 1.)3 Williams, Joshua 12 47
398)4 Branham. Ebinezer 3010
200 Kulin, PR 17*20
100 Phlpps, Samuel 12 90
383 F B Crlder & Son, (owners) 86 00
50 Ackert, Win 119
92 40 Askars, Robert 215
143 U Ackert.Win 165
212 110 Haker.John 816
'212 Harkman. Sainl 10 38
162 Brooks, Ruth ? 11
247 65 Boker, Robt 673
390 Brady, Wm 7 20
280 129 Currier, Mary 8 7*2
60 Currier, Mary 144
1® Daugherty, Margaret 71
220 135 Daughtery.Elizabeth 528
111 4*2 Daughtery. Mary 69
94 98 Daugiitery, Mary 58
69 39 Evans, Jesse 165
100 39 Evans, Jesse 240
9*2 26 Eckert, Win 222
80 Fry, George 3 84
243 55 Gilbert, W m 581
123 Gilbert, Win 2 96
211 98 Gilbert. Wm 122
211 72 Hahn, Peter 510
65 40 Hahn, Wm 1.54
59 40 Johnson, David 144
161 Knox, John 7 20
560 McEwen. Mary 2 53
327 160 Mansell, Wm 845
98 94 Mereer, John 217
327 100 Mercer, David 8 4-5
381 36 Miller, Wm 922
MoUalinont.iThos 98
800 McKwen, Henry 5 75
550 Daman, Capt and Mary 5 05
25 Osman.Capt. 119
200 . Osman,Capt 230
200 Farker. Richard 172
86 40 Packer, Job 202
89 40 Packer, James, Jr 215
182 Purdon, Ulehai*4 7 20
50 Flies. Beni. ACo '3O
400 Barker: Jeremiah 345
laO Reed, David 1 7 20
175 RohJsOn. Raphael 7 20
141 jtoblsoff, Sairmel ]QQI
is 8S "1
34 Sutler, Ampg 79
n l\ Sutler, James J 79
382 30 Sutler, PjDll e l 923
560 jjenpy, Vlpßwep, (owner.) 14 88
12 Wilson, Robert 80
250 Gray,J B 18 25
gSQ Cray, F B D 8 00
25 Morris, Widow 5 45
50 Swanswick. John 7 30
100 George Kelly, (owner,) 14§0
f6O Jonathan Laifdjovynei.) 5 49
8 6 1
Treasurer, of Centre Co., Pa,
CI HKIUFF'S BALES.— By virtue of sundry writs
O of Fieri Facias, Lcvatl Facias and Vendi
tioni Exponas. Issued out of tho Court of Com
mon l'leas of Centre County. Fa., and to me di
rected will be exposed at public Sale, at the Court
House, In the Borrough of Bellefonte. on Satur
day. April 24.1886, at 1% o'clock p. m., the fol
lowing property, to wit:
No. 1 All that certain messuage or tract of
land situate In Bumslde Twp.. Centre Co., Pa.,
bounded and descrlled as follows to wit: be
-5 Inning rt a white pine thence north along the
ohn and dames Hall tracts 2.10 perches to a
post thence east along tho James Hall, Kllsha
J. Hall and Samuel C. Hall. 3.10 torches to pine
thence south along G. W. Hall tract 230 perches
toa hemlock, thence west along the Mary Ann
Stewart tract 320 perches to the place of begin
nlng. containing 434 acres and allowance.
Seized taken In execution and to he sold as the
property of John I (else.
No. 2 All that certain messuage tenement
and piece or lot of ground situate in Howard
Twp.. In the County of Centre, hounded and
described as follows to wit: beginning at a post
thence by land of Samuel Keber S. 451$ deurees
west 71 perches to stone, l hence north 411$ deg
west 4<i perches to stones thence by land of A .
H. Gardner north 45>$ degrees, east 56 perches
to post thence by land of Michael Confer at a
public road, south 4(5 degrees east 14 perches
south 4<i degrees east 14 perches south odegr"#s
east lis perches 857 degrees K2O perches to the
place of beginning containing 17 acres and 5
perches nett. Thereon erected u log dwell'na
house, log stable and other outbuildings. Seized
taken in execution and to be sold as the property
of David Tanver.
No. 3 All those two certain lots or pieces of
ground situate In the Borough of Cnionvllle
Centre county, Fa., known as lots N>. 17 and 18
In the general plan or plot of said borough,
bounded and described as follows to wit: be
ginning at the corner of Main and Union streets
thence along Main street north 28 degrees west
lot feel to old township road thence along -an e
south 66 degrees west 54 feet to a2O toot a I lev
thence along same south 28 degrees east 110
feet to Union street thence along same northo2
degrees cast 54 feet to the place of beginning,
containing live thousand seven hundred and
seventy eight feet. It being the same premises
which Thomas J Geary et ux bv deed dated
April Uth 1878 and recorded In the ofllce tor
recording of deeds Ac., in and for Centre coun
ty in Deed book N No 2 page 334 &e.. granted
and conveyed unto C C Taylor his heirs and as
signs and the said <) C Taylor et ux conveyed
the same to the said A T Leathers by deed
dated Feb. 13th, 1880 recorded In deed honk I*
No 2 page 159 reference thereunto being had
w ill more fully and at large appear. Thereon
erected a frame store room, fee house, ware
room Ac. Seized taken in execution and to be
sold us the property of A T Leathers.
No 4. All that certain lucssuaue tenement
and tract of land situate In Snow Shoe t wp.
(City) Centre county. Fa., hounded and de
scribed as follows to wit: being part of lot No
40 in the nerth east by street or alley 20 feet
wide on the south east by lot No 39 and on the
south west by Olive street being thirty feet
front 011 Olive street and extending buck 200 ft.
to an alley. Thereon erected a two story house
stable and other outbuildings. Seized, taken
In execution and to be sold as the property ot
George Davis.
No 5. All that certain messuage and tract
of lund situate In the borough id Unlonvllle
Centre county. Pa., bounded on th south by
land of William I) Smith estate on the t-ast by
chestnut on the west by an alley and ou the
north by apple street containing 2-sth of an acre
more or less. Thereon erected a two story
frame dwelling house out kitchen, stable bug
gy shed, ice house and other out buildings.
Seized taken in exeeution and to be sold as the
property of It F Leathers.
No 6. All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land situate on the north s|ds of
Bald Kagle creek In Union township Centre Co.
Pa., bounded anu described as follows to wit:
beginning at a Post on tbe banks of the Ita'.d
Kagle creek thence by land of Jam ?s Alexander
north degrees west 114 perches to a post
thence by lands of Jno hidings and Joseph
Alexander Jr. south 68 degrees west .'l6 perches
to a post, south 5a4 degrees west4B perches to a
post In the Bellefonte and Phllipsburg turnpike
thence by land of heirs of Joseph Alexander
Sr., south."Vila degrees east 31 7-lOth perclies to
a past south degrees west 61 perches to a
post. south 23 degrees east 49 parches to an elm
on the bank of the Bald Kagle creek thence
down tbe said creek by Its several courses 128
perches to the place of la-ginning, containing
69 acres and three perches ami the usual allow
ance. Thereon ereeted a log house, log barn,
hog pen, coincrib and other outbuildings, also
a good orchard about one mile east of Union
No 7. Also all that certain messuage and
tract of land on the south side of Bald Kagle
creek lit Union twp., aforesaid, bounded and
deneriUcU as lollows io nps beginning at a post
on the south of the Bald Kagle creek thence by
land of Thomas Davis, south degrees east
39M IH-rches to a white pine south 68 degrees
east 142 perches to stones thence by Muncy
mountain north 61 degrees east 70 perches to
stones thence by lands of Henry Broekerhoff
being part ofthesamu tract north 29 degrees
west to the lands of the Bald Kagle creek thence
up at id creek the several courses and distances
thereof to the place of beginning, containin t 50
acres more or less, no buildings. Seized Liken
in execution and to be aold as the property of
William K S Taylor.
No 8. All that certain piece or parcel of land
situate in the twp. of Liberty. Centre county.
Pa.. lying on the waters of Beech creek bounded
aud described as follows to wit: beginning at a
|xst thence north k degree east 57 perches to a
stone thence south 68k degrees east 13 perches
to a stone heap in the run thence along land of
Daniel Uitner north 120k perches to a stone
thence tiling land of Kline Quigley west 96
pe'ches to a post thence along land of Austin
Leonard, south six degrees west 170 perches to
a chestnut oak thence along land of Andrew
Linn K 112 perches to the place of bogiuuing.
containing 100 acres and sixty three nerches
and allowance. Thereon erected a new plank
house, stable and other outbuildings. Seized
taken in execution and to be sold as the proper
ty of Joseph M lie Mass.
No 9. All that certain lot or piece of ground
lying and being in Ouk Hall and near trie Oak
Hall Itail Head depot in Centre county, Pa ,
bounded and described as follows to wit: be
ginning in the middle of the turnpike corner
of lot of Calvin Osmau thence by land of said
Osmau north 50k degrees east 100 ft toedge of
dam thence by land of W L Sellers north 42k
degrees west 63 feet to post fhence north 61
degrees west 105 feet to the public road thence
south 54 degrees west 62 feet to the centre of
the turnpike thence along turnpike south thirty
nine and one half degree east 165 feet to the
place of beginning containing 14,407 square
feet, thereon erected a new house and store
room, stable, shop, smoke house, and other
outbuildings. Seized taken I.* execution and
to be sold as the property of Daniel Kormau.
No 10. All that certain messuage tenement
and lot of groulul situate In Spring twp.. Centre
countv Pa., bounded and described as follows
to wit; on the south oy lot of Terence Murray
on the west by an alley on the north by other
lands of 11. I>. Landis ami on the east by public
road being fifty feet front on said mad and 200
feet back tbefeon erected a two story double
dwelling bouse and other outbuildings.
Noll. Also another thereof bounded on the
north hy other lauds of 11. D L ndis on the
west,by an alley on the south by other lands of
H D Landis and on the east by public road be
Ing fifty feet front on said road and 200 feet
bapk. Thereon erected a two story frame sin
gle dwelling house with other outbuildings.
No 12. Also another thereof bounded on the
south be other lauds of II D Landis on the west
by an alley on the north by lands of J K and
C T Alexander and on the east by public road
being fifty feet front on the public road and 200
feet back. Thereon erected a two story frame
double dwelling house aud other out buildings
Seized taken in execution jtnd to be sold a? tlie
property of H. I>. Landis.
No 13, All the right title and interest In and
to a ocrtain tract of lanu situate in Half Moon
two , Centre county. Pa .bounded ami describ
ed as follows to wit | Beginning at stones by a
black oak a common oorner of lauds of George
8 Gray, the William Laintiorn survey and of the
heirs of A M Elder deceased thence south 52k
degrees west 94k perches to a pine thenoe north
37J$ degrees west 366 8-10 perches to a post and
stones thence by lands of McDivltts heirs north
569$ degrees east 62 4-10 perches to a post thence
south 37k degrees east 909$ perches to a post
thence north 521$ degrees east 54k degrees 37k
perches to the place ot beginning containing
one hundred and thirty seven (137) acres and
seven perches more or fesi. Thereon erected a
large Barn. Seized taken in execution and to be
sold as the property ef H (J Elder.
No 14. All that certain piece of land situate
in the township of Benner county of Cbntre, Pa.
bounded and described as follows to wit; On
the north by lands of William Kckley, on the
east by lands of Andrew Shivery, on the south
by lands of Creman Alport, (now Henderson)
aiid on the west by lands of James Nolan estate
Containing (25) acres more or less being the
same premises sold by D / Kline, shciitf to Ed
ward Brown by Deed Poll'gated April 30th 1868
recorded In book "D No 2. page 274.
Seized taken In execution and to be sold as the
property of Edward Brown.
No 15. All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land situate in theitownshlp'of ltush
county of COntre, Pa , bounded and described
as follows to wit: Beginning at a maple porner
on the bank of Moshannqn cieok teepee south
41) degrees, east 172 pdi'qhes t6 white ash,thence
pquth degrees,' east 326 perches to, a white
pine, uorth3Bk degrees, west 206 perphes to
MoShannon creek thence u|) said creek by its
several courses auh distances to the uf be
ginning, containing 325' acres be the same more
or less, being a portion of a tract qi land In the
warranted rpune flf William Wilson bounded by
lands vn the warrantee name Sebastian Graff,
Jbhfi Graff and Paul Zantzingpr,having thereon
erected a Iqg hbout 16 * 4q feet and lqg
sfaiMp about; 20 v2O fept. The said lanit being
underlaid with Coal.
No 16. Also one otUer tract, of land s'tuate In
Hush township, Cbntro county, Fa., bounded
as follows: .Beginning at & maple thence by
lands of A B Long south 36 degrees, west 54
perches to a hemlock on the line of the Klttam
lng Cbal Cbmpany thence by land of the Phoe
nis lumber company south 40 degrees east 160
perches to stones, thence north 36 degrees east
.>4 perphes to stqnes, thence by lad s of Hayes
Hamilton and Battoi), north 40 degrees west 160
pel clles to the "place of beginning, containing
fifty 750) acres, more or less with the usual ah.
hjwanpea sp., thp same being Improved. Seiz
ed taken in execution ana to be sold as the
property of Frank JSolger.
No 17. All the right title and Interest of the
defendantGeo M Keosor. In and to a (arm sit
uate In Patton township Centre county. Pa.,
beginning at stone corner of lands of : W K
Reynolds, thence by same south 44 degrees
east 99 >lO nerdies to eorner late of JT //ale.
by the same sout h 54 deferens, weat 134 B*Hi per
ches, thence north 34 degrees, west 2728-10 per
clies, thence north 72t0 degrees east 38 4-10 to
stones.t hence north 52J< degrees,east 52 perches
to tho place of beginning, containing one hun
dred and eighty six (188) acres and 18 porches
thereon erected at wo story dwelling house,bank
barn and other outbuildings.
No 18. Also another thereof situate in the
borough oi Milesburg Outre county. I'a., be
ginning at corner of lot of Mrs William H
Grnssrnyer.l hence by the pike south 28W feet to
an alley.tlieneelalong sain alley .east 202 ft to lot
of Charles Adomst,hence by said lot north 95 ft.
to corner of Charles Adams, thence west 28 feet
to lot of Mrs Win H Grassmyer, thence by the
same south 48 feet llience west by the same 175
feet to the place of beginning, thereon erected
a two story frame dwelling house, stable and
other outbuildings. Seized taken In execution
and to be sold as the property of George M
Reese r.
No lit. All that certain messuage tenement,
and tract of lard situate In the borough of
Uiilouville, Centre county Pa , fronting on AW
lehany street and is bounded on the south by
said street on the east by the estate of L C Pe
ters on the norili by lot of William Stover and
on the west by lot of Samuel Osman, containing
l A acre more or.less,thereon erected a good two
story frame dwelling house and other out build -
lugs, seized taken In execution and to be sold
as the property oi William P Peters.
No 20. All the defendants right title and in
terest in and to a certain tract of land situate
In Penn township. Centre county. Pa , bounded
and described as follows to wit; On the north
by //eiijamlii Welser, on the south by George
Wert on the east by turnpike leading from
Mlhlichii to fJLbnrii and on the west by Geo
Wert, containing % of an acre more or less,
thereon erected a two smry dwelling house
stable and other ou tbuildhigs, seized taken in
execution and to be sold us the property of
>laines Witmyer.
No 21. All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land situate In Spring township,
Ontre county, Pa., bounded and described as
follows to wit; <>ii the west by the Beltefoiite
and Phllipsburg turnpike roau ou the north by
lot of Pricilla K Oilman, on the e ist by land of
Seth II Yocuiii, and on tl soutn by lot ot S M
/tuck, containing fifty feet In front ou said
turnpike road and two hundred feet in depth
and having thereon erected a two story frame
dwelling house and the usual outbuildings,seiz
ed taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Henry Gordon.
No 22. All that certain messuage tenement
ann tract of laud situate in College township,
Cbntre county, Pa., bounded and described as
follows to wit: On the north by lands of C
Dale deceased on the east by the Belleloiite
and Uoalsburg turnpike road and lands of
Felix Dale, on the s 'uth .by lands of Evan
Thomas, and on the west by lands of A W
l>alo, containing about acres more or less
thereon erected a two story frame dwelling
house, stable blacksmith shop and other out
buildings, seized taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Jonathan Kreainer.
No 23. All those several lots and pieces
of ground one thereof situate In the borough
of Milesburg, county of Cbntre and state of
I'a., bounded and described as follows to wit:
on the north by lot of Robert Nhlrk on the
east by the and Phllipsburg turn
pike on tiie south by lot now in the possess
ion of John Hlbler and on the west by an al
ley, fronting on the turnpike and extending
bacg to the alley, thereon erected a two story
plastered dwelling house stable and other out
No 24. Also one other thereof situate In
Boggs township. Centre county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows to wit: On the south
by itail K<>ad street, on the east by lot of the
said Annie Campbell, on th north by an alley
and on the west by lot No 189 being lot No 1.0
in the general plan of Central city tronting on
Railroad street fifty feet and extending baek
to said alley2oo feet, no buildings.seized taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
Kate E Mulholland.
No 25. All those two certain lots of ground
situate in ttie town of Aaronsburg In Haines
Township, Centre Cbunty, Pa., bounded and
describe*!as follows, to wit; On the north bv
Aaron's square, on the souUi by apple tree al
ley , on the east by lot of Mrs. Mmnbower.late
ly deceased, on the West by West street, there
on erected a two story frame dwelling house,
stable, cabinet maker shop, adjoining said
dwelling house. Seize 1 taken |n execution
and to be sold as the property of lra Gramley.
TKKMS—NO deed will be acknowledged un
til the purchase money be paid In full.
Sheriff's office. Bellefonte, Pa., March 38, 1848.
RBOISTER'S NOTI'JE.—The (oliowins AC
counts have been examined, passed, and
remain filed of record in the Register's office for
the Inspestion of heirs and legatees, creditors
and all others In any wise Interested, and will
be presented to the Orplians' Court of Centre
county, on Wednesday, the 28tli day of Apil',*A.
■ *. 1886, for allowance and cotifirniaLon.
1. First and final account of \\ m. N. Biteer,
Adin'r. of. etc., of Jacob Beebe, late of Liberty
township, deceased.
2. The acount or Henry Iddings, guardian of
Georgie Duke, now Craig, a iniuor daughter of
Lydla Duke, late Lydia Parsons, of Huston
towuship, deseased.
3. Ac*ount of William Weaver aud David
Aaron Weaver,executors of Frederick Weaver,
late of Haines township, deceased.
4. The first and final account of John T.
Johnston, trustee appointed to se.l the re.l es
tate of Samuel Woomer.late of Taylor township
deceased, under proceedings In partition .
5. Theaecouutof D Z. Kline, trustee ap
uointed by the Orphans' Court of Centre Coun
ty to sell the real estate of Samuel Lipton, late
of Milesburg borough, deceased.
6. The aceount of Solomon Gates, guardian of
James C. Harpster, minor child of Win. Harp
ster, late of Ferguson township, deceased, as fll
ed by Isaac Gates, adm'r of said Solomon Gates
7. First and final account of Samuel Harter
and Mallnda Reeder, administrators of Amos
S. Reeder, late of Potter township deoe,ased.
8. The account of W. M. Schofl, administra
tor of, &c.. of Wm. W. Smith, late of Union
township, deceased.
9. Account of M. Stewart, guardian of Nor
man and Maud Holt, minor children of Wm.
Holt, late of Snow Shoe township, deceased .
10. First and final acconnt of John D. Deck
er and C. C. Auman. administrators of. Ac., of
Daniel S. Auman,late of Penn tounshlp, decM
-11. The account oi Benjamin V. Kink, execu
tor of. &c., of John S. Fink, late of Taylor twp.,
12. Th# first and partial account ot George
W. Garberick aud 8. M. Long, executors of, &c.
of George Korman. late of Gregg twp., dec d.
13. The account of William M. Allison, exe
cutor of, &c, of John Tonner, late of Potter
township, deceased.
14. The first aud final account of George
Bruingart and Samuel Frank, executors of, &c.,
of George Bruingart, late of Miles township,
15. The aocount of Win. B. Mingle, executor
of. Ac., of the last will and testament of He.ury
Witmer. late of Potter township, deceased.
16. The first and final account of Kiizabeth
Tate, administratrix of, Ac., of Foster Tate,
late of Spring township, deceased.
17. The account of Daniel Grove guardian
of Sarah A. Hoy, a minor child of William Hoy,
18. The account of Felix M. Bursholder and
John W. Dashen. administrators ot. etc., of
Benjamin Bitner, late of Potter townshlp.dec'd.
19. The account of A C Witherite, adminis
trator of. &c.: of Sarah Levy, late of Milesburg
borough. deo'd.
20. Final account of John Wentxell, guardian
of John Irwin Wentxell, minor child ot Peter
Wentzell, deo'd.
21. The aocount of Hannah Cowher, (late
Hannah Way) administratrix of, Ac ,of Jeffer
son B Way. late of Worth township, dec'd.
22. The 19th annual account of Daniel Rho ds
and John Irwin, Jr., surviving trustees under
the will of William A Thomas,late of Bellefonto
borough, dec'd.
23. The uccount of Alexander Chancy, Trus
tee appointed to sell the real estate of Jefferson
B Way. late of Worth township, deceased.
24. The third account of Alexander Hamster
and Samuel Hoss, executois of, &c., of David
Harpster, late of Ferguson township,dec'd.
for Infants and Children.
*<o*§tQri* i a pa well adapted to children that I fl—WtU cures Oolic, OoMtJpetlon,
[ recommend it <va superior to any prescription I §°* Btomach,Dirtflß, Eructation.
Mwwntame." H. A. A*™*, RRT I ***.££* giTe * •" d P™ B"** 8 "** *•
111 80. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. | Without injurious mcdioattop.
TBs CXMTXUS CovpiKT, 182 Fulton Street. If. Y.
■hkwkkTd solioit orders for our selected fruit iui<l ornamental stock. "Til P PLI ft CC
ft P rBIT C PorounrßtEaployaeot Salary aa<lKip****.#rCsbvummirpcfersL I 11U LnHvL
All tII E tjOnly honest, energetic, temperate oen need apply, Good * '
reference required. No previous experience necessary. The |l| IDCC Qltv
NOTICE.—The u riders I guod hat-
Ing bought at OonMablCa wit. MafWl 28th
l*sr., the foliowiug named personal property of
Luke styeik Haines township/ all persons are
hereby cautioned not to meddle ot interfere
with said property in any wise or manner, as I
have left tne samo In the defendant's possession
at my pleasure: _
One cow. One Heifer, Blx Bhoats, Truck Wa
gon. 81 ed,4 Bedsteads and Bedding, Cook Stove,
Tables, Cupboards. Chairs. Weak awt all the
other personal property of defendant.
Penn twp., April Ist, 1889. .
A Ureal Ned leal Work on Manhood.
Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical
Debility, Premature Decline In Man. Errors of
Youth, and the untold miseries resulting iroin
indiscretion or excesses. A book for every
man. young. mlddle.*ged and old. It contains
125 perseriptlons for all acute and chronic dis
eases, each one of which is Invaluable. So found
by the Author, whose experience lor 25 years is
such as probably never before fell lot of
uny physician. 300 pages, bound In beautiful
Preach muslin. embossed covers, full gilt,
guarauu-ed to be a finer work In every sense
than any other work sold lo this country for
82.50, or the money will be refunded in every
Instance. Price only 41 .(Ml by mall, post-paid.
Illustrative sample free to anybody. Hend now.
Gold medal awarded the author by the Nation
al Medical Association, to the President of
which, the Hon. P. A. Bissel, and associate
officers ot rhe Board the reader Is respectfully
The Science of Life Is worth more to the
young and middle-aged men of this generation
than all (lie gold mines of California ami the
silver mines ol Nevada com blued. — S. F. Chron
The Science of Life points out the rocks and
aulcksands on which tbo constitution and
hopes of many a young man have been fatally
ye reeled.-Manchester Mirror.
The Science of Life Is of greater value than
all the medical works published In this country
for the past 50 years.— Atlanta Constitution.
The Science of Life Is a superb and masterly
treatise on nervous aud physical debility .—De
troit Free Press. m .
There Is no member of society to whom the
Science of Life will not be useful, whether
youth, parent, guardian, Instructor or clergy
man.— An/onaut.
Address the Pea body Medical Institute, or
Dr. W . 11. Parker.No. 4 Bulflach Street, Boston,
Mass., who may be consulte-l on all diseases re
qnirin . skill and evperteuce. Chronic and ob
stinate diseases that have baffled the skill of
ail oilier physicians a specialty. Such treated
successfully without an Instance of failure.
absorbed effectuall Ct4>a _ a lore GOvffl
i cleansing the headß y-*!
of catarrhal viruit.BKk'fa/yf .a REAM
causing healthy se jit u>
cretions. 11 allay?# &M
: Inflamatlo'i, "Wc
the membrane o (K.
the nasal
from add it I ona
heals theiaores and
restores sense o IMWWIVJ
taste and smell. - MMMKSt.. 1
NOT A LHjjUID ""ngjWf * I
A partlc'e is applied into each nostril aud is a
greeable to use. Price 50 cents by mail or at
Druggists. Send for circular.
ELY BROTHERS. Druggists, Owego. N. Y.
When I u; car* I 4a sat MM —fly to MAP Urn lor a
lima and Uki k*n iWin ratara i(4i. 1 * radical
car*. I lut, mod* lb* dLt*** of FITS, trnjETST or PALL
|NO MCKNKnS a lUa-Jaac Mady. I vurul mw nud; ta
car* tW worM cwi ■faaa ttbet* kit, lollad la um
for B I n.w rar*l*laf a car*. Bend it oao* far •
I, rat!** and •Fw RotUaof my lafalHld* mm fly: Olr*
K:|-m* rad Fmt Office ft roa uaotklag for • trial,
and I allien,,* JOB. DU. B. O. BOOT, IOC r*arl St., M.T.
JCstmbltahcd FAY'S
Takes tha lead. duos oot oomxte Ilka tin or tram, nor
decoy like ahincles or tar oaapeaMaaa: MR to *WVI
stroruc "nd datable; at half the coat ot tla. Ia wao a
tei. 0 " *"*w?n?SfN s&wsirsm
DA W H IwOby one who was deaf twentv
eight years. Treated by most of the noted
specialists of the day with no benefit Cured
himself in three nnnths, and slnoe then hun
| dreds ot others by same process. A phtin, sim
ple and successful home treatment. Address
I'. 8. PAGE, 128 East 26th St., New York City.
M thuatanda ef eotea of the WOCAT FCLAD and of IOAG
■taodlDK have BAAA cared. Indeed. reatroag ' "/FAJ'H
in It* efficacy, that I will OAED T* O LOI ILBS RILL,
Kurethor with a V A LUABI.BTUK ATISB on thll DLOOOM
wany anfforar. Qtvaoapraaa *n.L • O. ADDR, AO,
WA IT VIA —LADIES to work for us at
AH 1 ijlfetheir own homes, 87 to 810
per week can be quietly made. No photo
painting; no canvassing. For full partic
ular*. please address at onoe, CRESENT ART
COMPANY, 19 Central Street, Boston Mass,
Box 5170. 15^8
acre. Good markets. Health* cUnuJU. Favor,
able proapecU. Write eontaluli^
UTAITVIA 1 AlWActive and IntellL
ff AH A uU"*—'l/AH Agent, to represent in
her owu locality an old firm.- References ro-
Buired.8 uired. Permanent position and good salary,
AY 5t BROS, 16 Barclay St., N. Y7 13-4t
DYSPEPSIA. -Its Nature, Causes, Pro.
vention and Cure. By JOHN H . MCALVIN,
Lowell, Mass., fourteen years Tax Collector.
Sent free to any address. 13—it
ftliriil \ Sample free to tnoae becoming or en to.
WUHI I TTjtory t |iven :
mmmmmmmmmm* UF oAlwllCUon fUtTtIuMQ, AaflrtM
DR. SCOTT. 842 Broadway, NEW YORK.
▲ Life Experlenoe, Bemarkable
quick cures, Trial Packagee, Bend,
stamp for aealad particulars, Addreea
or, WARD *CQ. WeuieUUM, M,