Perils of the Revolution The Schuyler mansion was the theatre of a romance in the Summer of 17S1. General Schuyler was not then in ac tive military service, but, at his house At Albany or at Saratoga, he was the vigilant eye of the Northern Depart ment. His person as a prisoner was coveted as a capital prize by his Tory neighbors. Walter Meyer, a Toiy colleague of the famous .Toe Heltys,was employed to execute a scheme for the seizure and abduction of the General. With a party of his associates, Cana dians and Indians, he prowled in the woods near Albany for many days, and ascertained the exact situation of af fairs at Schuyler's house from a Dutch man whom ho had seized at his work, lie learned that a guard of six men were there for the protection of Schuyl er's person, three of them alternately on duty continually. The Dutchman was compelled to taxe an oath of secre cy. He did so with a mental reserva tion, aud as soon as he was released he hastened to Schuyler and warned him of his peril. As the twilight of a sultry day in August was yielding to the night, Schuyler and his family were sitting in the great hall of the mansion ; the ser vants were about the premises ; three of the guard were asleep in the base ment, and the other three were lying on the grass in front of the mansion A servant announced that a person at the back gate wished to speak with the General, llis errand was understood. The doors and windows of the mansion were immediately closed and barred, the family were gathered together in an upper room, and the General ran to his bedroom for his arms. Looking out of a window, he saw the house stir rounded by armed men. To alarm the town, lialf-a mile distant, he fired a pistol from his window. At the same moment the intruders burst open the front door. At that instant Mrs. Schuyler perceived that in the confu sion she had left her infant in a cradle in the hall below. She was about to rush down the stairs af;er it, when the General interposed and prevented her. Her third daughter, Margaret [who was afterward the wife of the last Pat roon], instantly flew down the great stairway, snatched the sleeping babe from the cradle, and bore it up to its mother. One of the ludians hurled a sharp tomahawk at her. It's keen blade just grazed the infant's head,and was buried in the railing of the 3tairs. Meyer, supposing her to be a servant, called to her as she flew up the stairs, 'Where's your master ?' Witli a quick thought she exclaimed, as she reached the verge of the upper hall, 'Gone to alarm the town !' Her father heard her, and with a quick thought threw up a window and called out, as to a multitude, 'Com© ou, mj >iv m lows ! Surround the house and secure the villians !' The alarmed marauders who were plundering the General s dining-room of the plate, fled in haste, carrying away some of their booty. The infant was the late Mrs. Catherine Van Rensselaer Cochran, Genet al Schuyler's youngest chili, who died at Oswego in the summer of 18">7 A Fair Exchange A popular minister is fonfl of tell ing the following laughable story of the great reward he once received for marrying a young couple: lie was waited upon one evening, in a rural village, bv a yountr man, a stranger, who asLed the minister to come to a certain street with him. On arriving at the house designated, the young man left the minister in a modest lit tle parlor, but soon returned, support ing on his arm a comely young wo man, who was introduced as a bride elect. The twain were made one and the usual awkward pause followed. The disagreeable silence was broken by the groom, who inquired if Mr. S was fond of dogs. "Oh, yes," was the reply ; when the young man disappeared for a few moments, and then returned, followed by a small terrier. The little aoimal was put through a variety of tricks, very ex- j pert and amusing, and the minister arose to take his departure—and his fee. The bridegroom assisted Mr. g on with his overcoat, and re marked: "Well, now, Mr. S . you've married me ; that's your trade. I showed my trick-dog to you ; that's my trade. Yen generally get five dollars for your job; I get as much for an evening's entertainment. I guess we are about square, eh ?" Mr, g assured the gentleman that the existing relations between them were friendly, and expressing a polite hope that the groom would derive as much pleasure and profit by his part of the transaction as he had done from his, withdrew, the gainer by a new experience. IBBS The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted to-eicnce. mocnanics, engineering discoveries, in ventions and patents ever published, Every nom ber illustrated with splendid engravings. lh ,s jmblicat ion furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN IS s-ueh that jts circulation nearly equals that otau other papers of its class combined. Price. $3 -ha vear. Discount to (Hubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN £ CO.. Publishers. No. 36lBroadway, N. Y. Dm on pai M M Jlunn & Co. have ATENTS. GJJ JY practice before the Patent Office and have prepared more than One Hundred Thou canH applications lor patents in the United States and foreign countries. Caveats Trade-Marks. Copy-rights, ssignments. and all other papers for ssj securing "to inventors their r-J United States. C anada, England, rrance, VI Germany and other foreign eountries pre ■4M nared at short notice and on reasonable teims. Information as to obtaining patentacneer- Avfoily g ven without charge, nand-booksof ■33 information sent free. through Mum. A 0". are noticed in the. c to American ires. The advantage o\ -xu 1 ...u. u veil understood by all persons wno i.i.a .n™ I>O ;DDRE y tMr sHJNN IS > CO, _Offico SCIENTIFIC A_— isll Lroadway, .•c" COSTIVENESS affects seriously all the digestive ami assimilative organs, including Ilia Kid neys. \Y hen these organs are so affected, they fail to extraet froiu the Mood the lirie acid, wliioli, carried thromrh t lie cir culation, causes liliouiiiutism and Neu ralgiiu The functions of the l.iver are also allected 1v costiveness, causing Bilious Disorders. Among the warning s\ mploms of bilious ness are Nausea, ])i//.iness. Headache, Weakness, Fever. Dimness of Vision, Mellowness of Mxin. Fains in the Side, back and Shoulders. Foul Mouth, Furred Tom tie. Irregularity in the action of the bowels, Vomiting, etc. The Stomach stifli r> \\ hen tin 1 bowels arc constipated, and Indigestion or Dyspepsia, follows. Fotiil breath, Gastric Pain-. Headache, Acidity of the Stonuieh. Y\ ater hrash. Nervousness, and Idepression,arc all e\ idenees of the presence of this ditre- - injr malady. A Sure lJelief for irregu larities of the Stomach and nil consequent diseases, will be found in the Use of AYER'S PILLS. Tlicy stimulate the stomach, free the bowels, healthfully invigorate the torpid liver and kidneys, and by t heir oloansiny, hcaliny and tonic properties, strengthen and purify the whole system, and restore it to a salutary and normal condition. riutrAnrn r.v Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., I.owcll, Muss. Isold !>>' all Druggist*. ■ There is ae excuse for suffering from I CONSTIPATION E and other diseases that follow a dis-■ I ored state of the Stomach and Bow-1 Eels, when the use of I OR. HENRY BAXTER'S I (MANDRAKE Mil t Will give immediate relief. After constipation follows ■ Biliousness, Dyspepsia, I I Indigestion, Diseases of! fitho Kidneys, Torpid Liver! I Rheumatism, Dizziness,! ■ Sick Headache, Loss of! ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-|| loplexy, Palpitations,! fl Eruptions and Skin Dis- j| leases, etc., a U °f Which these! ■ Bitters will speedily cure l>y removing tho cause. fl ■ Keep the Stomach, IknoeU, and Digestive Organs B ■is good working order, ami perfect health fl ■ will be tho result. LadiGS and others Glib- ij£ Eject to Sick Headache wm f.ud relief! fl and permanent care by the use of these Cittern fl ■ Being tonic and mildly purgative they | B PURIFY THE BLOOD. I Price 25 cts. per bottle. ■ For Kile by all ) NATUCAL HISTORY: (e) E'H EM IS I'll Y AM) PHYSIO; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. , 4 A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COIJKSK in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COt KsR (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladles S. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arrange 1 to meet the wants of Individual students. Military drill is required. Expense.-, for board and incidentals very low. Tuition tree. Vomit ' ladies under charge of a competent 1 tdy Prin cipal. ' For Catalogues, or other inhumation at :vss . GEORGE W. ATHEKTON. L. I . 1 l'resi-1 ut. ! 27-29 State College. Centre c 0., Pa. ; TV ■mTSrX3Srln Pt- BB Storks',Scollops lor KaVf 1 1 1 1 1 Skirts. Crazy Stitch Pat- SGfe. 1 , 1 terns, Crystal l-.tchinKS.Bor- H l "s. I'uml Lilies. Tulips. jJSi-c., tic..CO ill all,ranging o rvie-'er n si7ofrom 11-2 in. to i m liox*Uowt'er.l Ba■ WtHe llmiiroidery. Keisongton Painting. I.ustre, Metallic i mier C-d Irrid'-scent Painting, C<-lors used and mixing of Colors, R'n' on b. I." :dcrv. C'll-ntllu an t Arasenc Work, Correct (..lorsofall the difcront Hovers. rVscription of every stitch used in erilrroiderv ,Kc., making a complete Outf.t that can mt he r ail for less than it.oo. To introduce F ARM AND P' ICSEHOLD. the large. 32 page Illustrated .ivvctcl*u ppc!i{o, 2Jowclccstivc, l'ain in t : rs scan, With n. duil eciiHation in tho brclc 7 irf, under i!:o ?hou!dcr : Indc, l-Jili into r.fter eatincr, v/itli ,n.dic • nflti.:;: :.o! to exertion cf body rrnilud, irritability of tcn.-pcrt I.ow cr-irits, vriih c feciinKofbavhiunociccted tone duty. V ". -t . Ivrr.'t Fluttering at tho Dcin before tho eye3 f Headache ever tbo risbt eye. Itcstlesanesr, with drran:E, Iicbiy cclortd liriue, unci dCTT'S p:LLB cro especially adapted to such cases, cno doso eßccta such a cb 1 nf •of tcelingnstoastonishfclio srticrcr. Tin y Eutcrcasovho AT>Pt:{c,andcaune tip l-' l /tT TII'JO on Flesh, ihut tho sy-tcm is Ttoavislied.i-t 'I l ytb rfffonlo Action on t :o L'i- r it;ve43T£.-ans,llct;alarSitoolsara T-rr aii !. IVL'C Mbf. 4 * Jtlc.rray St..IV.V . iora-— '-r .r. , mini i , : Sias MH, GHAT I L *;B O" WHIRKEKS CHANFG-U to a F.U;; .r 2>x-ACS by single upplicyion of tfcu ; 7~i\ it imparls a nature i color, nets ln3t£ntancousiy. Sold by Druggists, or oant by ezforc ton ycccijiv of SB OXlc'o. <'*■+ trlisrvcy St., Low Yorh. ■ u) \i§ M|f g p v 3 ! Hi LE SAUCE. • ; -.far!.. I u>.w manufactured that a; vr;:i rj arnh.ul to lo imported,paying high :: 11 < ;yas it 3 ■>) o\v being ibmo oil I.ea & l'er '.i :i :• ;i•• ; tie- yt'AKKJi 'J AU.K SaCi k takes i ;i •; u 1.. -, 1> en pronounce Iby competent i • .1 ■ t • n<- • I ami cr ' ll l"Al< r, 'ilie Qi'AKi u s I- :: :i; ;y but mrel y gained gnat im i iia:.. ;wi 1 rep!;.. it g is.) r Ust imported r - : o''oiftho* k'.i> If r<> r. tlio tables , | ther ;a t Ifn C.blts of the rich and p .or i.u-a. ; really I d relished by all on H'C ll'iw i f itii J ! •• V. tu-lOj stiCDgtll and' pnrcncas. 'TI ■ ret ir lias by years of strdv of i';e --oeret V :.•*.:=•( contained in tlio aro i.ia'lic ipices of ilm it-lien and China, such as •nice, n nun g. em; •••:: -:i. i nu ie Jamaica ginger. an i i epitera an i 10. !a f trees nul Down to Most men :.Yt by lo.i i pri-.ctieo succeeded to combiuo tln-ir "extract* in i-uelt a liquid form as wc now fi". i it of agreeable lasto. and so invigorating as to In- i.ilicn in id.e eoi -tonineh bitters, lly nian r Lieturin?thisßanco here, heavy import duties and in i htsar.- iv d, and it is cold at a lower fo'ttre to toe dealer, who mailing a better profit on < Ojnl-er Sere-* (-.-i)youiiK Men or Ladies, 111 each county elpliia Anyone sen ingrt 7 Eg, mmo'iic and address M ■ nftnn nf their friends, will receive by mail Staple receipts trash or jewelry, but goods that retni 1 for $5.45. 1 his is a genuine offer, a fortune to you. Satisfaction sure. VLAGABA SUPPLY CO. Drawer 16H. Buffalo. N.Y Musser House. M illhcim, ------ lVtma. 1 IMMEK RESORT#- Two miles Irom ('ohuni station on I. \ T. If. if. IJline Trout Fishing ami ll,inline within sight of town, llonlthy loCiiliiy oinl lino inonn- Inin sceneries. Tltc celebrated I'KN N* V.VL i.l'fV t'.w Ks hnt live miles distant. The tii„. st drives in lliestute ——D* >" TIM: SAIU>I.T t \KHI u;i> AND IKS for tin* n ■*' oI simmer boarders. Doiic au;i Siisle Rons. now l.v furnished. fur fninil'-K with* old!, Iron, on sfooini and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TKKMS KKASONAHI.K. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. •lv Millboiin. (Vnire< o. I'a ONE DOLLAR. The Weoliy Patriot, lIA ItlilMtl (i, IKN\A. the leading Doni <>cttic paper in the SUte Toll of interesting newiand miscellaneous and political reading. ONLY ONE DOLAR PER YEAR. Special Rats to Clubs. Sample copies mailed fit on application. 'I ho PATRIOT and for F The PATRIOT and New Vk Weekly World one \ ear for one dollar nihility cents. The I'Aruior and the hlladeljthia Weekly Tii,.ts one year for one and seventy live cents. WANED. A<;KN IS iu every Towtlilp in this County to solicit subsciiotloi/* II tllO WItEKI.V I'A- Tuior \N rite tor torus. jAddss all eoniinuniea- Uons to 111 I.l' I'tlOT, arrislMiry, l*n. j_>KAnoi>\ HOT:L, 9th St. South 'r-c prices are J dou 11 ?Q as to Binfery purse 4 nailery n Xorth Slillljoiin, Pa | L -V "AT-xa'A " ...- -*> . -ai! t iVr •//iTv.- ft U'i I h*S; f ? v r k j . V " f -J M^CuAMOWEXKN^f -AC ili-xi. £• /-tcuy.r.n >1 numerous - ■ - *'"/icurocii'-'f P AOP. / '£ U"y l "T f'-^a "' 7-5 •?* .-"•f.'.'Cn.ful ir:d; creljon. '"r -J( ico f rco i r.d u!;, j uce, oe over brnin work. Avoid \,7'--a /-.v\ \ v n< lC iriiposition ot prcica* 0 l.v ;r-,\ \ X \ ji jj remedies for these o -J - -j* , uhTci. Ort our Frea | A I?ADICALCI ilC.rcu'tr and Trial Tcck- i -t-t' "7Yltt ,' learn iinpcriar.L Aii-f:.VUU!3 lisrls bifcro taklugiirat- ! '•rr'-^RTT.Ttfmcnt clr-nliero. Take* HEMEDYthatIIA3 i'i'iTttriP WP r i flt-UKICD thousands, does IlCarLuJ,, t interfere with srieu- A?' nto business, or causa ,t,i, _ .""xuilnor inconvenience!:! KJ -'.M-pAY.i i.r wny. Founded oa . r.n.-iFricntinc mcdlcalprirel - C /ISAw,f k9 - By directßpcucati'ia (jie teat ol dipcaie its hvclfls influence is fc!J trSTFDFOn SEVElwthout deity. Thcnct- VcAR3 SYUSEIfJM4 ! mI ftinetionaof the ho- I I'DUEANO CASE: e i rft ' 1 Orrr.nlem la restored, i jnjjngtinj rlcmenla r-T>T* *, r , r -^lift, which litre been jl. A/ilJt ->-* t.-nsleil urrpivenbeckxcl Oiro .Month, - >?3hi;pntioit becomeaenerr vo Moi.t!;?, - 'Vlnml rr.pidlvpaing bolX 'a uc j .BlciiiLG, ■ntreunilt ond sexual vigor. tLARRSS Rsrfc.TM'rcCHiMtsTa {iOGH N. Tcun\ I.OTJIS, MO. ; "5> C a KSTUREDbMS! Not a Truss, - v k A,.it fif f our Appliance. J GrXV^sa . , i- • -Jl.• ;.l tllO OltlCO of vi n trh T .f X arsS'iiH JT%. CNTS !! IE3 BUIID'HG'j PmUDBHM. ESTIMATES S? I ffISS FREE H ."l"r'"riYEl)H'S MANUAL A QUICK, PERM ERTAIN CURE FOR Lest orruilinii coil. Worvoitsuess Wonltnos: of Strength, Vigor clopmeiit, by iiuli*crnt i, rtc Honetit''in n dny: Cures UHUftlly inonth. No l)ece|>ticn inrQu.ickory. I'osi ~ full desoriptiouand 1 t'or of ndvieo in !>l I onvelo;>o. fre.>. EillE MEDICAL. C( rawor III). lJuilalo. N.Y. AfirMfTOf'- hnejil oallliy, llon- IlUuli lljoral>l tiaticnt business ap pi yto Wilinot C'aslj''' .eliester, N. Y. MK lajCfcvMnkoovorlOOpef tfT h'wa fmml cent profit soil* /*-?*, %_iSJ S-na Family fj*m. , EaH st- er. Durnr -t jn oporat ion, und of cn-at (loniostio utili for cireulur. t 'I.!LY COFrti Uu.. ST UJUIS. Mo. PAYWI CURED Confidence in liones! We treat ALE Dis eases,either Sex, how. ,t „ni receive pay after cure is effected. Dos , f u ib\ und send stamp for instructions. Di Boi 104. Buffalo, N.V. ggg • i ' "-, TT :; : ii . - ! XJ •"; -> " ' AND LIGHT CIT.i:;O WGEI I'M Hotels & Livery, AGENTS WANTED S2?.7&?£&iS WE MAKE Hose Reels, Hock & laiidei Trucks, Patrol Wagons, &e. Ana Fit Cut Fire BeparLwiis dcmpletfi And good nun of inilm ju i . Hrnrr nro 31 ore l ire and Burglnr I^rJ* Send for Circulars and Prices. CO.,, 273 & 275 e Street, NEW HAVEN, COrt Ji PSANOS-^qamq The demand for the impro*" IV!9 i PIANOS is now so large that N SCVWARO* e . g I Payments, or Rented. Easy j Mason & Hamlin Organ and Pi. j Nj;W YORK ; BOSTON ; CHIOAC.fCo. AGENTSTOV I-- jf ./ *\ %\ MISSO Ult |V£3 STEAM fIL :<■ Men and Women of good character and intelligence. Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. A weeks'trial of sample Washer to be returned nt my expense if noi satisfactory. A thousand per cent, the best\\ usherin the world, and pnys capable agents BIG money. In trinsic merit makes it. a phenomlnnl success every where. For Illustrated circular and tertnsof agency addross. J. WORTH , St. Louis, IW*. RAINBOW RUPTURE "Etei.* Bim|>lo, safe, reliublo and a perfect retainer. It 18 not a Truss. Worn Duy and Night and its presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this np £linnco. Address Central Medical and Surgical ustitutc 020 Locust St., St Louis, Mo. Skillful treatment given all kinds of surgical and medicnlcases. Weakening diseases ana pri vate troubles in male mid female our specialty. Be euro to write us before taking trcatinont else where. Consultution free and invited *• ri.ite and always Kffcettial. ; i Marly by 10,000 American -.ea'. aa ec*.i sttpcrior to all < • < a-n t'cfcuded. Don't waste . ntMlrnaia. Try ... "< - . So dby all Druggists, or -. Send 1 cents for particulars, ftaiAikStuei hca,n,rul work ol *3® I'-****. Colored Plate, and 1000 I with description* of the best Flowers and t*v W-V kjy U\T , prices of Meeds and Plants, and how to grow V I>f a? J&i f** -\ V tin in. [Tinted in Knglish and German. Price only to V. v*i; -\tr- v , t, ... cents, which may be deducted from first order. < TBS22Si4 the grocery thclTst f ? r , "? e *® r^ en anl * r ' orart ' clcs ) < -* I(, b e Fruit aud Jelly ... . ... mL4 I }f.\ T°' B H° e< l n '!• Gke Mix.-r. stoae bowl V -jorT* L '^^mhinedTtckHamm^KettleScian. ... z ° r Lifter, 100. Globe Sad lroa Heater saves oor| '25 c., tc.. If your denier is out club with 2,: ~- J: L l^2r a £cud m onev to us &we will ship direct. M'F'G CO j 9Z6 Walnut S* Jf Phila,^ THE BANNER SKATE mm eei nm ■• <. '< •j < :•:•■ ?yr •••. It lii: n Sini.vo Stkf 1 ' " : ■ ' " ' '. : -t bttt Cot l-ollKl :■! vV ' ~ y.rihociubskn. .' ' " i bcyuu, i" ' of tri.n.. ; . .. .; INroi: i rr.-ii->:i i: ci (i.o cic-.t thorough an. Ka.i .factory cliararttr. i '' " t,: v '/'l l ir ' " r card wherove 1 1 1 :,v1 ; mk ii.a;:: .n : v will .In well io c< n ■ i lin iiU. a < itv u : in.'.H < utiay is require. l> >"'>.! tliat ni i-e.- ai j- fer oi .humy . utflt. l'rice Nit ou application. SKSTE WORKS, CHIJONB. IND. Kts " l'.v\ 4* Mra Sarah A. Zm„w„ PAKEEY, \street, south of race bridge Pa. BreatC~~~~y of superior $® S & CakeS any time and i\ taQ be bought at Quantity. ICE CREAi$r CY CA FAN " for Weddings, Picnics \ gatherings promptly ma^® j Call at her place and get\ plies at exceedingly low prices!^ | Musser Brothers, ROLLER * RINK, The proprietors respectfully intorra the publle that their -ZRIHSTIK:- Corner of Penu and Mill.Streets, MUlheim, Pa. Is open every Wednesday and Saturday eyen ing, and Saturday afternoons. (Size of Rink 40 x 100.) The building is corarnodiousjand finely arran ed, has a splendidfloor,land patrons will always find new and strong skates on^band. General admission 5 cents: Use of states/or 3 10 " Ladies acCiYiitted free! NI.MOST COMPLETE Otttvmno I 3 EVER INVENTED No burned hands. No ™U.J " needed. No dini-rmnil Bca J de d arms. v a i-*w I No overflow on An 0 ™ ]£"* utensils win convincj Snw oftE£ | "*"** Perfeetion of any ket?lJ at the * MIS Crst-clasa steamer n,i .i es now known ? jSFWasfiSatie' HUNTER SIFTER Manufacturing Co • CINCINNATI, . : ohm aSBftSB: -™i Over 10 000,000 of tS%ol!te& Every lady in the land oS to have **** > ld < by responsible dealers fifevtwiT 6 one * F or tale s*.*.