Jotnutat. THURSDAY, MARCH 4TII, 1886. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. Democratic County Com. Tor 1886. DIBTRICT. COMMITTEE. Bellefonto, N. W L A Shaffer. S. W Jacob Runklc. ' W.W Wm ilarpcr. Centre Hall Boro Dr J F Alexander. Howard " Alex "eber. Milesburg " K A Carr. Millheim " DLZerbv. Phillpsburg " Ist W W L Sand ford. " " 2ndW Henry Lehman. " 3niW ~..W C Llngle. Uidonville " P J McDonald. Benner Twp Wm Ishler. Borers " K. P Henry L Bi.vnhart. " w.r Col Jas K Weaver. Burnslde " Win Hippie. College " .... ..Daniel Grove, Jr. Curtln " Henry Confei. Ferguson" K. P John McCormlck. " W.P ~.L W Walker. Gregg " W.P..... John Kossman. 3 "8. P John P. Condo. Haines " K. P - Jno. J. Orndorf. " W.P Jacob Wile. Halfmoon" -A. T. Gray. Harris " James W. Swabb. Howard" Michael Confer. Huston " Charles Murray. .Liberty " J.J. Delong. Marion " John lshler. Miles " ........ Reuben Kreamer. Tatton " Geo. W. Behrs, Jr. Penn " Samuel Anl. Potter " N. P.—..- James A. Keller. " " 8. P.. K. B. Hosterman. Rush " N. P. Hugh McCann. " 8. P Orrin Vali. Snow Shoe" E. P- Thomas McCann. " "N. P Pat Kelly. Spring " ~..Amos Garbrlck. Taylor " - Vinton Beckwlth. Union •' ... Ino AStoyer. Walker " Samuel Decker. Worth " W G. Morrlsou. L.A.SHAFFER, ADAM HOT, Secretary. Chairman IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on motion of Mr. Brown. (Pa ) a bill was passed on Monday increasing the limit of cost of the public building at Williamsport from $125,000 to $225, 000, and appropriating a further sum 0f550,000 for the purchase of addi tional ground. PHILADELPHIA looks forward to a large building boom. The Record of that city says that plans are being prepared and contracts closed for the erection of large numbers ofdwelliugs and other buildings. Slight advan cer. in building materials are taking place and others aae anticipated. TO-DAY it is exactly a year that a Democratic President holds executive power. And still the nation's repu tation is up to its elevated mark. Of course the chronic grumbler keeps up a dissatisfied mumbling in the dis tance, but that don't change the fact that all departments of the adminis tration have received the most careful and efficient attention, and that the governmental machine at present raas as smoothly as it has done at any time in the last twenty-five years. THE special message sent to the Senate by President Cleveland in the matter of removals and suspensions from office and the question of right of the senators to examine "all" papers and documents connected with such removals was read to that body on Monday. The message is a pointed and decisiv declaration, in which the President firmly declines to send cop ies of "unofficial" papers to the senate. This ought to be conclusive and Sen ator Edmunds ought to sit down and hold bis peace forever. The War On Mormonism. A Bill With Very Stringent Provis ions to Be Pushed in Congress. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.—Represent ative Woodburn, of Nevada, will to morrow introduce in the House an anti polygaoiy bill which has received the approval of prominent Gentiles in U tah and has been submitted to members of the judiciary committee of both houses of Congress. The preamble sets forth the practical evasion, by se cret intrigue and the possession of po litical power by the Mormons, of the laws now in existence against unlaw ful cohabitation and that this evasion of the law is induced bj the leaders, who openly advise the followers to re sort to these illegal practices as a part of their religion. It is therefore provided in trie first section that no one who counsels others to cohabit with any other than a law ful husband or wife, or eontnbutes to any organization authorizing such un lawful cohabitation, shall vote or hold office in -any Territory or under the United States in any Territory, nor shall any such person acquire any title to any public lauds or serve as a juror. Section 2 provides the form of test oath required of every person challenged un, der the first section before being regis tered as a voter. Section 3 provides a penalty of SI,OOO fine and imprisonment of not more than fourteen years for • vearing falsely as above. Section 4 and 5 provide that all persons elected or appointed to Territorial offices and any person seeking title to any public lands shall take the oath as prescribed in sec tion 2. Section 6 declares void all poll and registry lists now existing in the Terri tories aud directs the Territorial elee tion officers to prepare new lists of per sons eligible this act. —For scrofula, erysipelas, tetter, salt rhum, skin diseases humors, sores, eruptions, pimples, blotches, swellings, tumors, boils, ulcers, scald head, ring worm, hives, and all blood disorders, no remedy ever devised equals in effica cy and power McDonald's great Biood Purifier or Jsarsapariilian Alternative. Warranted. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WA Y & CO., Philadelohia Agents. Bold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheiui.Pa. The Court House Question To the County Commissioners : We, the undersigned, recognizing the work of the W. C. T. IJ. in their effort to suppress the evils of intemperance, and believing it to be a benefit to tlie county as well as locally, subscribe our names to their petition for the use of the Court House for future temper ance meetings. (Signed). Mrs. J. I*. Harris, " B'anchard, and others. To Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Blanchard and others : The signers to the above petition asking for the use of the Court House for an indefinite length and number of times, consist of about 500 voters, rep resenting only about one-sixteenth of the whole number of voters in ihe county. You have not given any spec ial reason wliv we should grant the use of the Court House to the W. C. T U. to the exclusion of all other societies. You infer that your society lias been organized for the suppression of crime, and that you have societies all oyer the county, and therefore we should throw o{eii the doors of the Court House to the use of the \V. U. C. T. for public meetings. Now, if we were to adopt this line of argument as a good and sufficient rea son for granting your request, then we could not consistently refuse the Court House to any other organiz itiou. The Methodists, the Presbyterians, the Odd Fellows, the Free Masons, the Y. M. C. A., all might make Hie same demand of us to throw open the doors of the Court House whenever they want it for public meetings, as all are societies for the suppression of evil and for the ele vation of maukiud. It is true, we did grant the Court House to the Teachers' Institute, be cause we recognized it as a county insti tution, authorised and created by the Legislature of the State, and most of the expenses for holding the same are paid out of the county treasury, and, therefore, we believe they had a legal right to its use As custodians of the county property, built and kept in re pair at the expense of the tax payers, we cauuot see the consistency of giving the Court House to one society and ex cluding others. We know there is often personal abuse heaped upon us because we dared to do what we believed to be right, but a sense ot duty compels us in this instance to refuse the Court House to the W. C. T. U, believing that our action will be sustained by a majority of the voters in the county assuring you that it is not in any spirit of aotagouism to the temperance cause that we have taken this stand. In ndddition til the above we beg leave to submit for your consideration the opinion of Judge Yerkes recently given before the court at Doylestown, Pa., which in our mind is a convincing evidence that we have no right to make a town hall of the Court House. Judge Yerkes said : "It is difficult to un derstand by what awthoiit) the County Commissioners permit the public build ings to be constantly occupied, let for a term of years and used tor the gov ernment postotfice at Doylestown bor ough, or for any other purpose not con nected with the public business of the county. These buildings were erected for the use of the people of Bucks coun ty to conduct their public business in, and neither the general government nor the people of any borough or district of the county, nor any association, socie ty, or corporation, however commenda ble, useful and worthy, has any Special or peculiar privilege therein, especially to the exclusion and detriment of the convenient, economical conduct of the public business ot the county. The Commissioners have no power or light to use these grounds to erect on them large and unnecessary buildings, and to rent them or any part of theui out for any purpose ; to concede that they may no so in one case is paving the road for further abuses. Other build ings might be constructed thereon for diffeient purposes, and we may expect these rooms to be occupied for lawyer's offices, or even shops or sa loons by some faVvirice or relative of the Commissioners." All of which is respectfully submit ted. We, Tie, respectfully, JOHN WOLF, A. J. GUI EST. Miscellaneous News. A fire at B tad ford, Pa., destroyed several frame buildings last Sunday morning. The burned buildings were occupied below by merchants and above by a photographer, barber and as sleep ing rooms. The loss Is estimated at $12,000. —McDonald's Improved Liver Bills are endorsed and prescribed by many eminent physicians. They d > not make hair grow on b .ld heads or set broken bones,but they aie the b't cur eector of a disordered Liver yet dis covered. Money refunded to dissatis fied purchasers. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, BJ. Went Into Effect Yesterday READING, Pa., March I.—Eight per cent, increase in the wages granted 1, 800 employes in the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's shops, went into effect to-day. The volunta ry increase in the pay of the lob moul ders cf the Reading Hardware Compa ny was also announced to-day, an.) the 300 employes of the /Nam li nda ne Company were notified that an i:,er<- se In wages would be made dining the month. —Says neighbor Smith, "My little girl was pale and sickly, rapidly losing flesh, appetite variable, and sleep much disturbed. Iler condition was become ing alarming. Was advised by a friend to try McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders, Administered thive and she expelled the enormous number of 132 worms." Neighbor suijllj now thinks McDonalds Worm powders are the greatest vermifuge in existence. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & CO., Phi'adelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eiseuliuth, Millheim, Pa. Henry Stevens Dead LONDON, February 28.—Ilenry Ste vens, the American bibliographer, died at his home in London to-day, after a long and painful illnecs. Mr. Ste/ens was born in Vermont in 1819; was graduated at Yale College in 1843 and at the Cambridge Law Slicool in 1844, and had resided in London since 1845, acting as agent in the purchase of books for the Smithsonian Institution and the Congressional and other libraries. Ife was the author of several biblio graphical treatises and catalogues. —JUST SO ! Seven out of ten you meet have a bad cold, and with cough ing, hawking and snoring are about kept busy. Do a gqod thing for your self at once, by going to the nearest drug store and getting a bottle of Dr. Kosslei's Celel rated English Couth Medicine If you are not satisfied that Uis woitli all you pay, tlie dnivgist will hand you back your money. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW A V 0 CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim ,I'a. Huntingdon's Gold Mania HUNTINGDON, I\l, Feb. 28.—In tense excitement prevails in Brady Township, this county, oyer the discov ery of a valuable deposit closely resem bling gold. Jacob Zillius, a mineralo gist, of the city, while prospecting for coal, found evidence of a large deposit of the valuable mineral when but 75 feet below the surface. An analytical chemist of Philadelphia reports that the ore is worth from SIO,OOO to $15,000 per ton. Mr. Zillius is now in consul tation with capitalists of this city with the view of organizing a stock compa ny to develope the land in which his valuable find has been made. In pros pecting for gold Mr. Zillius struck a 3- l'oot vein of anthracite coal, which is now being developed. The land in the neighborhood that heretofore would not bring any price whatever has now risen to fabulous sums. Prominent capitalists of Philadelphia and Pitts burg are buying up the land with the view of developing its resources. A PAYING INVESTMENT.— At this season of the year, when your cows fail in milk, your horses become rough in coat, vour nigs refuse to thrive, the hens won't lay as many eggs as they should, you will find a package or two of McDonald's Celebrated Tonic and Blood Purifying Horse and Cattle Powders judiciously administered an investment that will pay bis dividends. They are positively the best Horse and Cattle Powders made. Dissatisfied buyers can have their money refunded. What, other manufacturer dare make this offer. Sold by all dealers JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY Jb CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa WANTED.—A lot of Cloyeisc.ed at 1) S. Kauffinan fc Co's store. Fair price paid. Bring it in. TIIE J.IST OK JURORS. —The April term of Court will continue for three weeks beginning with the I9lli of that month. The following is the list of grand and traverse jurors : TNIRD MONPAY OF APRIL —TRAVERSE JI'HOKS. Christian Sharra, farmer. Taylor. .1 W Jones. lumberman, I'lrJipsburjr. William Marpe", gemleniun, Kollofonte. Geo W KiU*nbtT}i'r. farmer. Ferguson. A C Mingle, merchant. Rellefmite. \V Fred Reynolds. •!r. banker, I'.ellefonte. G D Hoover, farmer. Union. W It Jenkins, maeiunbt, Hellef-uite. .fa* • ••iirfln, f irnifr. Spring. Jos \V Flora, shoemaker. Spring. Monroe Armor. laborer, Iteliefonle. Thomas Kektey. lumberman. Snow Shoe. lull ,I*II ii i.s, banker. Iteliefonle. r nj Jones, lumberman, l'iiillp>burg. John lkile. farmer, Rentier. John A Pale . farmer. Curtin. this MctJarvey, laborer, Union. Wm Stover, f inner. Gregg. J Osear Loraine. gentleman, Rhilipsluuji. Andrew Glenn, farmer, College, benjamin Heck, laborer, Miles Thomas K I'ark 4. lumberman. Haines. Jaines Harris, merchant. Iteliefonle. John Dubbs, tanner. Spring. Ellis I-yMe, surveyor. Ration. Justice Furiier. teacher. Howard tivp. M i> Snyder, merchant, t'ollege Robert Hepburn, carpenter. BclL'for.te. Hon Samuel Frank, merchant. Miles. I'll.i> K.ekeiirotu. farmer. Spring. Hon I'Grav Meek, editor, Bellefonte. \Y G Morrison, teacher. Worth. William Ron man, fanner, snow Shoe. 1 S Fratn. farmer, Marion. Conrad singer, blacksmith, GurUa. Joseph Rover, drover. Howard borough. GKAM> jruons. Franklin Emerieh. laborer, Walker. .1 H Mvers, tanner. Harris. John T Schenck. fanner, Howard t\vj. Jared I Condo. blacksmith. Gregg. Scott Kravel, laborer, Rush. Jared Ivreainer. farmer. Miles. John il Seber. blacksmith. Half Moon. J G Rover, farmer. Walker. Thomas Nearhood, firmer. Walker. Mich ie! Grove, farmer. Rotter. Samuel Rrugger. civil engineer, Fnionville. R It Waddle, gentleman. Ralton. It F Brown, farmer, Harris. Hale Res, farmer. Ferguson. .fared Harper,merchant lieilefonte. Henry c Campbell, farmer, Ferguson. Win If Way. farmer. Half Moon. Luther l> Kurtz, farmer. Ilalues. Henry Keen, fanner, Renn. Jacob Hotter, farmer. College. T R Hamilton, Superintendent, Rellefmite. John It sholl. carpenter, Libeitv. Adam Kruinrine, farmer, Rotter. Joljn Emerieh, merchant. Miles, FOI'KTII MoX DAY OF A Pill I.—'TRAVEKSi: Jt'ROKi Win G It',glow, physician. Half moon. John A Wolf, merchant I'lHbpsbtiig. W A Murray, gentleman. Harris. John SchrocK, Idacksmitb, Bellefonte. Daniel Dunkle. laborer. Walker. James HenJnrs 11. larmer, Benner. Ira N MeCloskv. teacher, Liberty, M M Musser. merchant. Haines.' Manasses Gilbert, laborer. Miles. Andrew Gregg, farmer. Rotter. J B Leathers, potter. Howard. Daniel I'hiclj. saddP r, Millheim. Isaac Mitchell, merchant, Beiicfonto. Win Lolir, farmer. Potter. G W FGray, firmer. Ration W m J Dale, farmer. Spring. SC Rrlckley. farmer, Curtin. W II Sanforil. banker, I'bilipsburg. Samuel Fleck, clerk, John I) Long, merchant, Gregg. SC itoak, inereliant. Snow Shoe. J T Merrymaii. farmer, Taylor. Ilammoii Seehler, grocer, Bellefonte. M S Graham, barber, Bellefonte. J R .S'liope, laborer, Milesburg. John I Rankin, Justice, Bellefonte. .S'amiiel Urumgard, farmer. Miles. I,C Lingle, coal operator. I'hilipsourg. Christ. Alexander, farmer, Renn. Levi Quick, farmer, Snow .Vnoe. Wm ll|Musser, iniliwright, Hoggs. Robert J Haines, justice, fluow Shoe. Daniel Bitner, farmer, Liiierty. George if Jack, merchant, Harris. David Russel,laborer, Gregg. DaVid Dennis, farmor, Fcrgusoii. Henry Kling, laborer, Renn. Geo iVimins, laborer, Iteliefonle. Jclin It Lee, farmer. Rotter. A T Hoggs, merchant, Milesburg. John Confer, lumberman, Nnow tfhoo. Foster V Jodon. farmer. .Spring. Joseph Gates, fanner, Ferguson. J L Rogers, blacksmith. Walker. A'amnel Riley, farmer, Harris. It C Valentine, clerk. Bellefonte. David Musser, farmer. Gregg. Jopu Gales, laborer. Half .Moon. FIRST MONIA OF NAV—TRAVERSE JI'HOKS Ellas Markle, wagonmaker. Walker. Ed Shannon, miller. &no\vtfhoe. George It stver, farmer, Haines. James Lytle, farmer, Half Moon. D R iShope, " Hoggs. George Blackford, eating saloon, Bellefonte. John Gunsallns, farmer, flnoiv .Vlioe. >V|n*Resides, gentleman. Boggs. Thus Riley, farmer, Harris. Onsta Aommoi'ville, miner, Snow Shoo. Andrew Fetzer, farmer, Boggs. 8 M Buck, tomulrymuii, Bellefonte. John 8 Foster, gentleman, College. Leonard Rhone, fanner. Rotter. George H Mock, Butcher, Philipsburg AlexG Kwlng, merchant Ferguson. Frank Hosternian, farmer, Gregg. |) W Clark, b acksmlth, Liberty. C Htujter. carpenter, iieilefonte. Michael 9hires, teacher. Rotter. John F Rrcbs, farmer, Ferguson. .Vamiiel (Jramley, " Miles. R N jjernh irt, " Apring. Andrew JLockerhott', gentleman, /Jellef'te. Thomas VV Fisher, farmer, Taylor, Geo Taylor, gentleman, ZJoggs, R II Crasthwalte, saddler. Spring, George M J3o al, farmer, Ouotro Hall. Henry Koch, ' Ferguson. D II Rote, justice, //dines. John W Morris, clerk, Taylor. VV J Thompson, merchant, IVier. HG Shaffer, hatelist, Gregg. D W Pietcher, surveyor, tfowanl boro. Elmer Campbell, farmer, Potter. R A Brumgard, " Walker. for Infants and Children. *'Citorl is bo well Adapted to children that I Oaatorla euros Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any proscription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to inc." ji. a Arciikr M D I KUl * w , ormß K ivu " sleep, aud promote# d *' *•' ■ ROHllOll 111 8o Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. | Without injurious modi cation. Tus CINTAta Company, ISS Fulton Btroet, N. Y. afp .'iivlAtl';. kacoa muilcti to ia- /9*r "tumbles,itinl ail Ouack*, K K \ ZiKf • ,-c ueii'unlnrcu proportion Ate/ i i± >, . 1 ; 0 * M "ERrun.v that has 1 who toredtoh ikh by uso of V4k MS - "vlil l -" KFI) ihoucami., doe* not intcrfera PROF. C'tTA/ntlAl HhOTII I CeVSk iEJf h attention to biMHicM, or caim- pal.i nAißis'ticlvuKAL v* n £ n!t" y * u ?- #;• A :cal Cm o for Nervous Del .• r ! .f V prioclpfca. Bydim-t ! i'hvtlcttl Doc,v in Yi nor Mid-^S^l^SvQ^".r p ra \ "r'?. 1 dlo \-ul\lti 'I. t.i-i.l i, rt i ht Yi in wnri^*4 l rK^ > \Ar^' n " ue '' ccig fu " witimut delay. The natural , . {!••• l.rnhV . ,Vtoro prematurely * V u, ;<( iaii!mati.iiM*leiciitnnifearrsiveiil.aok,thepa:lent j.k'i iiSfiiMttUJ&XSS ■*' •'"nmsnna™.-tammimib I : .J, TBMimiiT.-twiiwnw.rwiiim.nwbW \\ f.k,. n #. - c \ \.oii k that you send ua Mi; PPIQ Mrv Ptfruicr* your tiurnowicU *?ntomentoi yourtroublo,and nscaro riAwtxrcio l Vv.j mr u UntmloTof THIAI.I'W L' Ol; I ?;! X.vltu I lb. tM Pnmnhtat &c. 306tf IT. ? nth Street t ST. UJVI% MO. x~jnc\m : awMi -nr nry ■■■ ■■ -■ ■■ i W— m ■'■ ■ n—■ MI w—m When Baby waa sick, wo pave her Caatorla, When alio wan a Child, alio cried for Castorift, When alio became Miss. alio clung to Castoria, When alio had Children, aho gave thorn Caatoria, Mllllicim Market. Corrected every Wednesday. Wheat, red 85 " w Into 82 Corn Id —45 Rye &,"> Flour, lioller 1.40 Salt, per barrel l .10 Planter, ground Cement, per bushel 0 Parley . r io—ss Ty i not In seed 1.50 Flaxseed 1.00 Clovei"aH'd - 7.00 flutter 10 Mains 10 Sides 7 Veal 1 ork Beef. 18 Eg US .. 35 Potatoes 0 Lard LEU. IL iDVER fIS EM EMS TURN PI K!•: ELECTION.— Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stack holders of the lUdlefonte. Auronsburg and Youuginuus town turnpike will be held at <' \V. ilosterm in s Hotel. Wood ward. Pa , on Tuesday.* iLucliUUi. t>-l weOli TO a in. met 2 |. in., fm l!* I'III j>n-o lit holding the annual election of officers DAMKI. >TKU K'.EH, President. (FACTION NOTcK. —The following personal J property of D. I. '-Town was purchased at slu'itif ss.ile. Feb. 0t1i.18.8c., l>y the undersigned: Ills stock in th * store room on Main street.eon sisting of seven single and double heater parlor stoves, 1 OQOk stove, stove llxtnres.eoal buckets, tinware, tinner's tools, miehinerv, show ease and contents, scales, pans, lids, scrap iron, &e., \ljo the oli wing articles at his residence on Peon street, 1 Cow. 1 Horse. Sled. Co U Stove, Heater stove. K-dey Organ. Centre TabD. Cup board, 2 Heds. Sett Chairs. Lot of Carpet. All persons are notified not t > meddle or interfere with said property in any wise or manner as I have left the same in his possession at niv pleas ure JACOB KLSLMit'TH. .Millheim, Feb. 18th. iss.;. STRAY CATTLE.—< aire to the residence of Ktn'l. swart/., in Penn township, about 3 months ago. two lieud of cattle, one a steer, the other a heifer, both about two years old. re t without any visible mark. 'I he owner is re quested to prove property, pay expenses and take them nwav, otherwise they" will be dispos ed of according to law. lv.M'L. S\V \ "TZ. 2-2ui \UDII Oil's NOTICE.—IN THE COCUT OK COMMON PLKAS op CBNTUE Co , IN rue MATTEIt OF THE ASSIGN Kl> ESTATE Ol* JACOB AIC" COOL. The undersigned auditor appointed by said Court to make distribution of the funds in the hands of the asslgue • of Jacob Met "001. will meet the parties in interest for the Purpose of ltts appointui'Mit. at bis office in BeUefontc. on Friday. Feb. 2'itli, 18-d. at In o'clock, a. in.when and where those in interest can attend. J. C. MEYER, 6-3t Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of centre Co., the undersigned, trustee of the estate of John ■' £&!LS TO CURE COUGHS.COLDS, THRDATANDALLLUNGTROUBLES - DRUGGISTS SELL IT PRIC^^ -^ CATARHH UREAM BALM is wohtii BIWSI SIOOO 'l'll ANV .MAN WOMAN or ' 111 LI sufiering from jjffijl Catarrh, —A. K. NKWMAN;° ij .SAJ •MI.-H.H^Y'-FEVEIK v partie'e is applied into each nostril and is a greeable to use. Price 50 cents by mail or at Druggists, send for circular. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N. Y. ' It a standardlSidical work. FOR YOUNG ABB MIDDLE-AGED MEN. ONLY $1 BY MAIL. POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATIVE.SAMPLE FREE TO ALL. /L 0r (fun rj KFOWLHTSILF. A Rcillral Work on Vlanhood. Exiiau-t 1 Vitality. Nervous and I'hysica 1 Debility. Pi -m tunc Decline in Man. Errors of Y i tii * unt >ld mis tries resulting from b ! el ion or excesses. A book for every i a vo.tug. mi Idtc ig -il and old. It contains pei.seripl ions foi all acute and chronic dis eases, e.'.cli :h* of which is invaluable. s, found tvy Tti X uU> • . a-Ii .- • o.\per■icuce lor 2 • years |h such as probably never before fell to the lot of any phy.sfian .00 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense than any other work sold in this country for i'J .Yi, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only *I.OO by mail, post-paid. I illustrative sample free to anybody. Send now. Goj l ni 'dal awarded the author by the Nation !ai Meoieal Association, t< the President of which, the Hon P. A. Clssel, and associate officers ol the Board the reader is respectfully referred. The Science of l ife is worth more to the young and iniddle-aged men of ihis generation ill HI all the gold mines of California and the silver mines of Nevada combined.— B. F.Chron id''. The Science of Life points out the rocks and quicksands on which the eonsti utlon and hopes of many a young man have been fatally wrecked.— Manchextt r Mirror. The Science of Life isof greater value than all the medical works published in this country for the i> i>t 50 years.— Atlanta Constitution. The Science of Life is u superb and masterly ♦re time on nervous and physical debility .—De troit Free. }'•"> sx. | Tifie |s no member of society to whom the I Scieuce of Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergy, mail— Argonout. Address Uie Pcabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W 11. Parker.No. 4 Bulfinch Street, Boston, Mass., who may be cousuUc i on all diseases re qiiirin skill and experience, Chronic and ob- I stinate diseases that have baffled the skid of all other physicians a specialty. Such treated 1 successfully without an instance of failure. I Mention litis paper. 9-4t PATENTS. CAVEATS and TRADE MARKS secured and all patent business attended to promptly, for moderate fees. Our office is opposite the l". S. PATENT OF FICE and we can obtain PATENTS in less time than those remote from Washington, I). 0. Upon receipt of MODEL or SKETCH of In vention. we make careful examination, and ad vise as to patentability FREE OFCHARGE. NO PAY unless Patent Is securer!. Infor ; n atioii us to terms and references se >t on ap ; plication. >lcl€ciiim A Sim*, 1009, P Street, Washlaften. Dw C IVHKIUUVRMAUorI MWEAKHESS iSD %DEBILITI VFEHALKM DECAY. A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD A CO. Louisiana, Mo, I CURE FITS! When I pay enro I do not mean merely to atop tbem for • time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure I have made the dlaeaae of KITS, Kril-KPSY or FALL -Iso SICK.N'KSS a life-long atudy. I warrant my remedy to cine the wo rat caeca. Itccauae othera have failed ft no teuton for nt now receiving a cure. Pcnd at once for a treatise and a Free floitloof nty liifalllhlc remedy! Olve Kxj rera end Toet Office. It roata you nothing for a trial and I will euro yuu! Pit. H. O. BOOT, 16J Pearl St., N.Y. 9 ' 4t CONSUMPTION. I havo a positives remedy for tho aboro disease; by Its neo thnneandsof casoaot tho worst kind und of long ruindlncliavo ieen cured. Indeed, eoatrongla my faith in lis elllciiry, that I wl.l send TWO BOTTLEB KKEB, together with a VAI.CABI.K TRK.VTISB on this diseaao to uny sufferer. Giro express nntl 1* O. nddr. ss. PH. T. A. SLOCUM, 161 IVarlSt., Now York. tMt DR4VIRW" and CUKE. u.m I ii u.yijby one who was tleat twentv eight years. Treated by most of the noted pccialists oftho day with no benefit. Cured him&elj in three mintbs, and since then hun dreds of others by same process. A plain, sim ple and successful home treatment. Address 1. S. PAGE, 128 East 2fith St., New York City. 9-4t. Wi \ TFII ~LADIES to work for us at fill 1 IjlT.their own homes, #7 to SlO per week can be quietly made. No photo 1 uniting; no canvassing. For full partic ular-., please address at once, CRESENT ART COMPANY, 19 Central Street, Boston Mass, Box 5170. 7-4t LADIES WANTED tr work for us at. tfieir own homes. #7 to 810 per ween can be easily made; no canvassing; fascinating and steady employment. Particulars and sample of the work sent for stamp. Address, HOME MTG CO., P. O. Box 191G, Boston Mass. 7-4t. WANTED SALE-MEN everywhere, local and traveling, to sell our goous. Will pay good salary and all expenses Write for terms at once, and state salary wanted. Address STANDARD SILVER WARE COM PANY, Washington street, Boston, Mass. 7-4t DYSPEPSIA. —Its Nature, Causes, Pre vention and Cure. By JOHN H.'MCALVIN, Lowell, Mass., fourteen years Tax Collector. Sent free to any address, 9-4t PLAID SHAWL GIVEN AWAY I Through the failure of a large manu* ™ c,,,rer °t Cathmere Pattern Fringe JKkKMk Shawls, there hat come Into our haii JS9IL JKMBByiil'liand we will send you one of these beautiful slianls KIIKK 1 postpaid, or we will send 5 shawls and 5 subscriptions to one address for ■ ' SI.OO. tiattr.fnctlou guaranteed ''■. l™" or money refunded. Address FARM AMI 110 ll dIGI.I), 9mm Hurl ford, Conn. in Rhmtmalijim. Ul -®ll 1 coroiiß Korea, White Swellings, Syphilitic Nodes, Bono IbM-auoa, to. liivaltiahlo in (iennral Debility and diMMum of 4*. l>ilitv ol the aged. A rich syrup, containing no injurious ingredient*. No other Remedy hna re. cuivod aucii encomiums, bold by ail JJruggnits. 509 Tons . OF White No via Scotia Plaster at $9 00 per ton, for sale by WII ITMER& LINCOLN, at their warehouse, Coburn, Pa. a 3m. LEWISBURG & TYRONE AND BELLEFONTE N ITT ANY laEMONT RAILROAD. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. LEAVE WEHTWAHD. 1 3 5 7 9 Leave. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Mont.melon 5.50 n.20 10.15 1.50 6.00 Lewisburg Ar.6.15 9.30 10.25 1.50 6.20 l.v 6.30 2.00 Fair Gr0und...6.35 2.85 Kielil G. 25 2.00 Vicksburg 6.32 2.08 Mifllinburg Ar. MltlHub'g Lv.6 43 252 Millliiont 6.59 2.40 l.aiiri'lton 7.07 2.48 Coburn 8.45 3.50 Rising 4.15 Centre llall 8.33 440 Gregg 8.40 4-50 Linden Hall.. 8.40 5.03 Oak Hall 8.54 5.12 Lediont 9.* i 5.19 llcllcfonte ... 9.25 6.00 Arrive a. m. p. in. a.m. a.m. p.m. LEAVE EASTWAUO. 2 4 6 8 10 Leave, a. in. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Bel Won to 5,45 100 lamiont 6 Ift 1-4' Oak Hall —6.16 L 4 Linden Hall 6.21 le" Gregg 6.29 2 10 Centre II til .... 6.37 2.20 Rising Spring . 6.55 2-45 Coburn . 7 15 -vls Laurelton ....... 8.03 4.24 Mlllmont -8.12 453 Miftlinourg Ar- 4.4a Milliinburg Lv. 8.24 4.5- Vicksburg 855 5.06 Ulebl 8.45 5.14 Fair Ground... 8.40 5.15 lewisburg Ar.5.25 12.55 a.2ft l.ew Isbutg Lv.s 40 9.90 9.55 1.10 a.30 Montaiidon in. 9.10 10.05 p. m. 5.50 Arrive. a. ra. P-m. An adtlitlona] train leaves Lewisburg for Montaiiilon at 7.25 p. in., returning leaves Mou tandon for I/ewlsburg at 7.45 p. in. CIIAS. I\ J'UGH, .1. R. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l I'.iss. Agent. Groceries & Provisions. GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY o o FINK FLORIDA ORANGES. BRIGHT NEW LEMONS. CHOICE WHITE GRAPES. NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES. FIGS, DATES and PRUNELLES. FINEST CLUSTER RAISINS.J PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON PEEL CURRANT* and BAKING RAISINS. EVAPOR ATED PEACHES & PEARS. ALMONDS and ASSORTED NUTS. An exceptionally fine line of PURE CON FECTION FRY at CITY PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. • MOL VSSKSCANDY (orter t-oiu bined, ...... .'ft*. " Health Skirt Supporter, - - -25 c. Brighton Gent's Garter, - - 15c. " FOR KALE 0V ALL FIRST-CLAS'S STORE 3. Samples sent post-paid to any address upen receipt of price in 2-ccnt stamps. LEWBS STEZBJ, Sole Owner and Manufacturer, ITB Centre Ktroct. New Y"*'". CLARLiuoa's v.-sfU- Vi ; C'LAIIX. O .•. *' ' 15 i!li> a I•• t i.- i t .••3:1: . f village, only I. O;.I:.J O: ..... ••• *: .. . 2 church"*. FC v-•• i >vs:, i , < ... 1 ■ •y. t •teaiaho:.i.-,i. u i ~■■■ ■:• ■. • adViIMC.UC. g .. fi . Idfcireuwri visii 4 < .-q.*. .-i • •- • • r f huusos, ;.li :il><: ih. wu;.4.-r:ti! :•<•'*. • • ony,iu fcoil.chi.i-n-.i.-u.! . • •• • •-.'•* • health, prtc.s. terat*. J".: .-J.... • • ■. Farms fur (*■<) 10,009 acres at $2 to 825 per acre. Good markets. Healthy climate. Favor, able prospects. Write for circulars contaiuine description. Sent free. PYLK A DkHAVKX. ItEAL ESTATE AGEXTS.Pctcrabttrg.Va. VIPPIUII C4UIBQ Mild Climate. Cheap homes. IhulillA iftnWw Nortliern Colony. Send lot circular. A. O. BLISS, Centralla, Va. Pure • And Unadulterated! g T. FRAIN, Proprietor of the National Hotels MII.LHRIM. PA.. wishes to inform the public that he keeps the following liquors constantly ou hand and in surestliem all strictly pure, and especially a dapted for medical purposes: WIIIHKF.Y.S: GI.VS;' llannesvlHe, Importeil Holland, Poughkeejisle, l>ondon, hush, WISCN; Hiuig, Blackberry, Louisville, Elderberry. Kentucky. Port BItAY BYSr Huckleberry, Plain, Catawba, Ginger, Grape. Sherry, Blackberry, Applejack. Peach. Neva England Hum. These liquors are all guaranteed to be not than four years old and can be strongly reccoinmended as wholes ,rae and healthy. .MALT LIQUORS, such as PORTER,ALF.and LAGER always on draught. 22 3in THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with GOOD Wbeb&Eß and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. ——i i bbw LETTER HEADS. JVOTE HEADS. BILL HEADS. STATEMENTS. ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and lasti/ Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED.