Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 25, 1886, supplement, Image 6

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    20 To cert, to John A Mull,
talesman in No. 72, Nov.
T., 1882 25
2 To cert to Mrs Samuel
Miller, damages in road
No. 5. Aug. S-, 1884 2>
2 To cert, to dead body ot
Edward Kelly 75
2 To cert, court criers' pay.. 75
2 To cert. Mesa. S. F. Foster 75
4 To discharge of Mil lord
Binges, No. 2'a Aug. S.,
1884 75
4 To discharge ot William
O'Bt ien. 13 Nov. S.. 1884.... 75
4 To discharge of John Sis
te. No. :-3 Nov. S., 1884 75
4 To discharge of John
Monvicters, No. 34 Nov. S.,
188 75
4 To appointment of G W
Miles auditor of Huston
township 1 ttu
7 To oppointment of audi
torof curtin township.... 100
13 By jury tee in No 263 Apl.
T., 1883 4 00
17 To discharge ot Earnest
Wrightman, in No. 16,
Nov. 8. 1884 75
17 To appointment ot audi
tor for Howard township.. 100
17 To cert, copy of deftd. bill
of eo-ts, No. 303 Aug. T.,
1882 25
17 To cert, court criers' py. 75
17 To cett. messengers'pay. 25
17 To reporting 9 justice of
peace to Sec. of Com 2 25
24 To cert, court cryers' pay 75
27 To cert, court messengers
pay 25
27 To discharge ot t.ouia
Yannerm, No. 15 Jan. S.,
188 75
1 To discharge of Gt-o Rich
ards. No 5 Nov. S.. 1881 75
7 To cert, court messenger,
S F Foster 25
8 To discharge oi Mike
Mover. N*. 405 Jan. 8.,
1885 75
10 By jury lee. No. 38 Apl.
T„ 1884 4 I*)
10 To cer . v ewers' pay No.
1 Jan. S. 1885 20
11 To cert, lipsiatts pay. 8 F
Foster 25
14 To cert. HGa braith,court
crier : 75
25 To ltKat bond envelopes
and express on san.e 15 90
29 To cert, viewers pay road
No. 4. Jan. 8., 1885 £0
29 To cert, appointment con
stable Haifmoon twp I 00
29 To 7 < ert. 'or jurors ex
cused at 25c 1 75
29 To 7 cert, for talesmen 175
29 To cert, for B Galbraith,
court crier 75
29 To 3 cert for upstarts and
messenger. Ist wecg 75
29 To entering returns ot 29
constables 4 35
30 To cert, tor grand jurors'
pay 75
30 To cert, tor constable's
pay - 75
30 To cert, for tinverse ju
rors' pay 75
4 To cert, for 3 jurors ex
cused 21 week at 25c 75
4 To cert, for 5 talesmen
excused 2d week at 25 1 2>
" To cert, tor court oryer... 75
" To cert, ot 3 tipstaffs 75
4 To cert I messenger 25
•' To cert appointment H G
Crandall Bupt. Snow Shoe
township 1 00
7 To cert, for traversejurors
for 2d week 75
18 Bv cert, in No. 188 Aug. T.
1884. part of jury fee 1 25
19 To rule in No. 16 Apl. sess
1885 1 00
" To cert, for B Galbraith
court crier 75
" To cert, for S F Foster
messenger 25
1 To cert for viewers nay
road No. 4 Aug.sess. 1885.. 20
2 To cert dead body of How
'd Brick ley 75
•' To cert dead body of Wm
Keily " 5
6 To cert, dead body of
Harry Gray 75
'• To cert.viewers pay Koad
No. 2 Nov sess 1883 20
13 To recording report of
grand jury 75
16 To rec rdtng order in No.
309 Nov T lsß4 1 00
18 To cert, for B Gaibiaith
court crier 75
44 To cert, lor 8 F Foster
messenger 25
" To cert, for iewer's Fay
road No 1 Nov sess 1894 20
1 To cert, discharge of Eu
gene M-eker No 17 Jaa
session l f ßs 75
7 To cert. B Galbrauh court
crier "3
• To cert, appointment eon
stable Patto i township 1 00
13 To notice to 48 justices of
peace 9 60
28 To cert, discharge w K
Ettinger No 1 Jan S 1885... 100
4 To cert. B Galbraith court
crier "5
• To cert. 8 F Foster mes
senger 25
" T<> cer . discharge David
E Sellers 75
15 To ceit dead body ot Kcu
ben Reese 75
]9 To cert View* r- pay roads
No 7, 8,10 and 11 Aug sess
1885 80
24 To cert appointment V H
Bean O P Taylor twp 1 00
" To cert, appointment Geo
Taylor Twp. clerk Boggs
township 1 00
25 To ceft Viewer's pay road
No 5 Aug. session 20
•' To cert di-charge John
Spackman No. 6 Apr. 8.
1885 75
44 To cert.dead body Cha N
Philips 75
" To cert.Viewer's pav road
No 9 Aug session 1885 20
44 To 3 cert, grand jurors
excused 75
' To 6 cert, traverse jurors
excu-ed 1 60
" To 30 constables returns
entered 4 50
" To cert constables pay 75
28 To cert, grand jurors
" To cert, traverse jurors'
pay "5
29 To cert, discharge Amos
Crane No. 2, Jan. 8 1885... 75
" To cert. 8 F F >ter mess
enger pay 25
44 To cert. M Morrison tip
staff pay 25
44 To cert. 8 Haupt tipstaff
pay. 25
44 To cert. C Derr tipsiatf
pay 25
3 To cert, discharge James
Witherite No. 32 Aug. S.
jggs 75
4 To cert. B Galbraith crier
1 day Sep. 3,1885 75
8 To E T Tuten notifying
jurors not to attend 2 29
44 To express on boons 45
14 To cert, viewers' pay in
roads No. 1 and 2 Nov. S.
1885 v 40
44 To T. AE. No. 29> Aug. 'l.
1885 1 75
44 To T. Sc E. No. 365 Aug. T.
1885 1 25
J6 To cert, viewers' pay road
No 5, Nov session 1885 20
19 To cert, viewers' pay toad
No. 2 Aug. session 1885 2o
22 To broom for office in
place of one taken by C.
H. scrubbers - 35
44 To cert, discharge of Jas
Zeigler 75
5 To venire for grand jury.. 75
44 To venire for traverse
jury special court Nov 75
44 To venire fortraverse jury
4 Monday court Nov 75
5 To venire lor traversejury
5 Monday court Nov 75
5 To judge's order for in
struction of grand jurors
to com 75
44 To judge's orcer for in
struction of grand jurors
to sheriff 75
lO To cert. B Galbraith court
crier jay 75
To cert 8 F Foster mea
-20 sengerpay 25
'' To entering confirmation
gj No. 1 April 8. 1883 25
To entering confirmation
44 argument 1i5t.,,.,,,...,..,.,.,.. 100
To entering order ot court
new indices rec otf. No.
196 AUg. T. 1885 1 60
To notifying jurors Aug.
T. not to attend court in
Demoera'ic Watchman 103
44 To same in Centre Hall
Reporter. 1 00
20 To notitying jurors Aug.
T . not to attend court in
Centre Democrat 2 5
ft To filing general election
return- * 1 00
ft To transmitting 12 nam.
to Sec. Com. at 25c 3 00
5 To 1 day counting vote 200
5 To filing special election
returns Centre Hall boro.. I ito
5 To ent. 24 names of offi
cers elected at 10c 2 40
5 To cert, for Assts. Meyer
and Rankin to tabulate
vote 2°
ft To cert, viewers' pay road
No. 3 Aug. 8., 1885 20
ft To cert, viewers' pay road
No. 3 NOT. 8., 1885 20
ft To express on envelopes 40
6 To private road, Gregg
township. No. 7 A. A. 1, 1 2ft
7 To 1000 t ond envelopes
from Uissell A Co 15tM
11 To cert. BGalbraith e urt
crier special court. 75
11 To cert, traverse jurors.... 7ft
12 To cert 8 F Foster, mes
senger 25
19 To cert. 8 Haupt, Upstart 25
19 To '• Jno Hilger. Juror. • 2ft
19 To 44 Jno T Johnston,
talesman 2-5
19 To cert. John Curiio,
talesman 25
19 To cert. Samt Ishler, tales
man 25
19 To cert. William Harper,
talesman 25
19 To cert. Ja-. Gordon tales
men 25
19 To cert. W B Kan kin,
talesmen '
19 To cert. J A Crtder, tale
19 Toeeit. Davta Ktuestu th.
19 To cert. DZ Kune, t.a'es-
19 'l' • cert. A Sternberg,
talesman 25
19 To cert. J W Snooa, tales
mac 25
21 To cert. Geo Kauttman,
juror, Ist week
21 To cert. C Derr, Upstart,
Ist week 25
21 To cert. M Morrison, Up
start, 1-t week 2-5
•>l To cert. 8 F Foster, toes-.
Ist week • 25
21 To cert. B talbraith,court
crier, Ist week •
25 To cort. S F Foster. mes.
2d week 25
25 To cert. 8 Haupt, tip-tart,
2nd week. 25
25 To cert. M Morrison, ttp
tatf, 2d week 25
25 To cert. C lerr, tipstaff,
2 I week 25
25 To cert. B Galbraith,court
crier, 2d week 25
25 To cert. D 8 Keller, juror,
excused 2>
25 To cert. Samuel Weaver,
juror, excused '-'5
25 To cert. John Carper, ju
ror, excused 25
25 To cert. John G Hall, ju
ror, excu-ed 25
25 To cert, grand jur- rs' pay 25
25 To cert, traverse jurors'
piy, Ist week 25
25 To cert, constat.le's pay... 25
25 To cert, traverse jurors*
pay, 2d week 25
25 To com. of 5V m Nthart to
Western penitentiary 25
27 To entering 28 constable's
return- 4 29
27 To order tor filling jury
wheel 1 "59
27 To copy of same to jury
commissioner- 20
27 To copy of same to Sher
iff and County Commis
sioners 5o
27 To 3 orders tor venires for
Jan. 'l'.. 1886 3 90
30 Bv costs on No. 152 Nov.
T.„ 1877 1 *
£0 To decree in No. 196 Aug.
T.. 1885 50
2 To recording order in No.
SO9 Nov. T.. 1884 1 03
3 To issuing 4 venires lor
Jan. T., 18-6. at 75c 3 0J
3 To recording grand jury's
r-pert Nov. T..1885 75
3 To copy of same to Com
missioners 75
3 To •] certs, traver.-e jurors
excused, 2d week 59
3 To final discharge John
Spnrkman, N<. 6 Apl. 8.,
1885 75
3 To 3 cert, tipstaffs pay, 2d
week "5
3 To 1 cert. mess, pay, 2d
week 25
3 To 1 cert, court crier's
pay. 2d week 25
8 By jury fe 159 Jan. 8., 'BS. 400
9 To cert, copy appointment
of Amos Mullen 75
10 To swearing jury commis
sioners aud ti ing oath 1 00
24 To costs on 262 Apl. I'.,
188 10 43
28 Bv jury lee No. U2 Apt. T.,
188 4 oo
5 To 3qnire* foolscap paper
lor c- urt room f 5
5 To box pens 'or c. r 38
5 To pens and hoi iers lor
judges 39
5 To double inkstand tor
judges 1 25
25 To one ream of paper for
court room 3 50
25 To one doz penholders
for com t room 75
u To one quart ot in* lor
court room 75
24 To one rennrt of paper for
court ro< m 3 50
44 To one quart of ink lor
court house 75
24 To one dozen pen- and
holders tor court house... CO
24 To 1 book to keep names
of jurors in 1 00
2> To 2 inkstand- for asso
ciate judge* at 75c 1 51
25 To 3 blotting pads lor
c >urt room 30
6 To 1 gross pens for court
room 75
6 To 6 pen holders tor court
room 25
6 To one Bible tor court
house 1 59
C To 1 quart ot ink lor court
room "5
C To 2 dozen pen holders lor
court room 1 09
6 To 1 dozen of pens for
I court hou-e 19
To roads N >. 1, 2. 3. 4 ami
5 Jan. B.lßßsentering ret. 025
To entering ret. to No. 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5 Jan. S. lss.s 2 09
1 To entering ret. to No. 1,
i 2 3.4,5.6.7,8,9,10, 11,12,
Aug. 8. 1885 15 00
To entering ret. to 11 of
same at 40c 4 40
To entering ret. No. 1.2.
i 3.4 5,6,7.8 9. Nov. 8.1885 11 25
To ent. ret. ol Bof same... 320
Centre county vs. 8. Boyer
et. al. No £OS Aug. T.
1885. Fi Fa No 90 Aug.
T. 1885, al Fi Fa No. 15
Nov. T. 1885 plu Fi Fa
No. 49 Jan. T. iB6O 3 J)
Centre Co. vs. M. Myers
et. al. No. 50 Jan, T. 1886
Fi Fa No. 42 Jan. T. 1886 110
Centre Co. vs. Geo. Taylor
No. 66 and 61 Jan. T. 1886
Fi Fas No.4sand 46 Jan.
T. 1886 2 40
i Centre Co. vs. H. J. Roth
ro :k et. al. No 315 Apr.
T. 1885 Fi Fa No. 130 Apr
T. 1885 al. Fi Fa No. 4
Nov. T. 1885 2 20
Centre Co. vs. E. C. Woods
et. l. No. 34 Nov. T. 1885
al. Fi Fa No -.. 2 40
Centre Co. vs. Overseers
ot Poor Philipsburg bor.
No. 270 April T. 1881 3 95
Treat on Rule 1 00
Centre Co. vs. Overseers
of Poor of Pike twp.
Clearfield Co. No Hn
sessi >n 1886 3 50
Commonwealth vs. O. P.
Randall, No. 2, Aug. S.
1885 5*5
Cotpmbnwtalth ya. J. J.
Cooney, No. 3, Aug 18.
1885, lunacy 185
Commonwealth vs. Martha
Sammels, No. 4-5 Nov.
aeasion 1885, lunacy 5 CO
8 To one-half of printing 600
rec'p's. and certificates 2 50
2 To ceri.of verdict of juries
for 1888 1 50
2 To cert, ol court criers
pay B. Galbraith 75
2 To cert of messenger pay
H. K. Foster 25
To cert, to discharge Wm.
Hoover 75
By order No. 432 UK) 00
By order N •. 903 100 ik)
By order No. 1355 It 0 oo
By costs No. 15, Apr. 8.
1885, error 3 (K)
By light and fuel 1885 15 00
By overcharge 1 00
Commonwealth vs. Titos.
pear*on, No. 2}j Jan. 8.
1885 4 5 )
To entering 31 constable's
bonds 6 20
Commonwealth vs. h. B
Bush, No. 4-5 Nov. Sess.
1881 5 00
To cert. ret. grand jury,
Jan T 1885 75
To ceit ret. grand jury
April I'. 1885 75
To cert. r*t grand jury
Aug T. 1885 75
307 8l 311 00
Bv balance due R.G.Brett
Jan. 1, 1886 2115
To boarding prisoners 4612
days at 25c a day 1100 5o
To conveying I'ltos Pearson
to asylum 23 93
To conveying Joseph Wertz
to asylum 30 78
To conveying B F Kike ami
Isaac Fields to asylum... 40 50
To conveying Wesley John
son to penitentiaty 45 lo
To conveying John Cooney
to asylum 25 18
To conveying Eiiza
z*r to asylum 33 78
To conveying Charles Mays
to House of Keluge 30 10
To conveying Wnt E Nyhan
to penitentisr> - 28 4]
Toconvcying M irtba Sam
mels to asylum 31 15
To one dty drawing jury
April T 4 99
To summoning 198 jurors
April T 27 99
188 5. 1885. COM. PAU. 4. IKBO.
Rentier 27 41 I fti 09 29 J-'i
HOGG 67 411 | *'* 4!*
Birnaidel 12*' so 125 so
COLLEGE *- I R ' 8 -I
Curt in : 1 FIT' ! 19 I
Ferguson ■ ! I .1
Gregg r, 2 62 'a .'j-
II NINES 4 4. 4 4 I
Halfmoon 11 *'S 11 "s |
Harris 1" "1 . ®'' J
Ho ward "s 3ij MI 03 .s K9,
Huston - 1 '* J
Liberty 20 si 2o si
Marion • <* 1G " _ T
MILES "'5 3> 1 20 1 ,; 53
Patton "tV „ 4 '
Potior 2 H3 IS 01 3 (>
Hush 92 4:t 151 4O 7 CT! f>4 7o 17-"t 4>
Snow shoe l' ,; * • ' I ' D' 9 •'
Taylor '2 <*' 1 11
Union 83 07 33 07|
IV AITI • r .. 54 LO 22 011 ML 111 sal
Penn 12 ! I ® |2|
H25 30 172 031 s Cs| ftso x7j 607 301
ISSS. 1885. COM. PAID. 4, IssG.
Bonner. W"*"] T-S*l IWI TT-W*l L-RW
HOGGS 41 45 41 4I
Curiin 21 1
Ferguson ; 12 - }.
Gregg 27 4,..;
Haines 27 T>7 27 f>. I >
Half Moon 67 , , • ?? *'!
Harris I t 01 12 "I I O2
Soward:::::::::::::: *• W U(|l C2^
Hu-ton 14 '-I' I 14 1,1 , ....
I iheriv 4 04 I 14 01
Marion 31*] I ;{1 44 1
MILES 2o 67 8.1 <V|> 29 67 7o
PATFON:::::::::: JR *• 01 1
Penn 4> 1
p0aer;.'.'.'..::.'.'.... . . 1 774 ! a> i 01 179:1
R?"h 377 011 134 ls| c7l 3,12 7202 03
Spring • g| ! 2J 'J"
llj*® :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '*" 2 J ic 3„ ,2
KLZI 38 92 i 38 •-
WALKER . - 22 10 :{ "I 02 22 V>
\VOR7H. j**?, ' 2O
wo 67! 139 72 705 517 12| 012 75
1883. !ix lsS5. | COM. PAU>. JAX 4, 'SO
Burnsid® 12*08 ! 102 681
College * * ' 4 H
Curiin W> *2 . 30 42
Ferguson I .„
g , JW 6*T J §?4 S A
* ' '
II tines
Hall Moon l f * 13j ' 104 13
Harris SS 77j 27 02 so 02
Howard I.'.' 4< J 3J| 4S ID 40 37 40;
Huston 1' I'l 1,1 .. I
Liberty H c ; 11 £;i
Marion 3 96 j 3 961
MUes '*>4 05 3 so 19 54 ot 3 02
patton 33 33 90 L M 33 SS
PENN 1 !
Potter 11 14 32 Oil 11 IT 31
Spring 5 83] j 581
L 4 I E _
Tavlor 75 <>; 10 31. 52 57 81 26 97
Unin 19 13 19 13
Walker l fi l 97 ' '271 oil I 102 23
Worth. 3H611 I J :TSOI'
Jones, Ind 2, 4 411 I ! 2->4 41
2271 0)j 170 04J S f:t| IS!9 04 593 00
To balance road fond on hand January sth. 1885 923 93
To balance school fund on hand January sth. 1885 2209 4.
To balance poor fund on hand January sth, 1885 990 0 , 4I;H) 00
T<> amount road fund collected in 1885 U2 01
To amount of s hool fund collected In 1885 1.0
To amount of poor fund collected in 1885 139 72 482 49
Total 4672 55
By amount road funds paid in 1885 680 8.
By amount school funds paid in 1885 18 '• 64
By amount poor funds paid in 'l7 12 293* W
By Trpas. com. on road fund collected S 61
By Treas. com. on school fund collected 8 53
By Treas. com. on poor fund collected • B - ' "4
2961 82
To balance in hands of Treasurer January 4th, 1880 sl7lO 73
January 4, 1886.
Sue K Npff 980 (HI
! John Marks 719 87
| Joanna R Foster 1032 27
Chestie A Harper 056 30
Wm A Tobia 2400 00
John Eby A Brothers 3830 17
Mrs C Awl 40<*> 00
Wm F Reynolds 5000 (* 18018 07
Ccuntv debt Jan. 1, 188* 83107 09
" ' 1883 02047 15
" 1884 42142 28
" " 1885 27818 09
" '• 1880 18018 07
W Miles Walker 1000 71
Do bal Com. clerk 50 00
Expense account 2077 90
Charles Smith 2010 (Hi
I) F Fortney 283 fl
J C Harper 38 1?
•J H D0bbin5.....'...,...,,,'.....,'..... 15 00
' Jury Commissioner...... 102 97
I H K Hoy,, 100(H)
| B Galbraith 375 < 0
John Wolf 680 00
J C Henderson 420 00
A J (->riest 485 00
G W Rumberner 700 00
Thos J Duokel 450 04
Bridge account 6930 10
Commonwealth costs 1511 20
CourteXpenses 4811 99
To 1 dey drawing Jury Aug.
To Hummoning 108 Jurors,
Aug. T 27 u>
To 1 day drawingjury. Nov.
T 4 <*
To summoning * 144 Jtirom.
Nov. T 3fi <"
To 1 day drawing Jury .inn.
T.. 18811 4 <*
To summoning 160 jurora,
Jan. T.. 1880 37 t
To removing whea Irom i-el
lars 20 <'
To removing ti*h liasUet
Penn'n • reek 4 <*<
To one assistant 2<i"
To expenses 3 no
To fees lor election proo 0 '<
To notifying Jury eom 18 no
To capturing escaped pris
oner. H Kiddle 6 00
To recapturing Koah Confer 23 o
To conveyance (Bibhy) 3 <<
To 3 habeaa corpus <*
To serving rule to take depo
sition in case ot Isaac
Field 10 00
To serving HUMS on director
of Blair county 1000
To serving rule on overseers
in case of It K Kike 2 on
To s-rvt-g rule in case ol
Kliaa Colpetier 3fn
To serving rule t) 1* Pike
twp, Clearfield county.... 575
To serving rule o P Philips
burg boro •*' 71
To fees in 22 com. cases 23 6<
To publishing court proo. I
courts in lleliefon e Ke
pu>> ican*. 32 Ou
To do elec. proc. in same 41 4<
To do court proc 4 courts m
BeHefonte Watchman.. .. 32 no
T > do tish bsakct proc. ssine 5 75
To do elec. prec. same 45 no
To do court proc. 3 courts in
Centre Hall Keporler 21 <*
To do elec. proc. in same 3fim
To I.VI turnkey fees 57 2<i 2U2tl tki
By sundry orders 1"'4 71
By 11 jury fees 56 on
By tine Thos MH atf-riy yuan
By acct. of N A Lucas 12 uu
By error iu prisoners' board. 1 <*•
By tine J R Boiler 25 no
By error mileage B'"' !' • '
By balance due W Miles
Walker Jan. 2, 1886 848 95
fail account 1049 12
Assessors' py 99301
Election expenses 1009 08
Printing 730 76
N A Lucas 189 UU
Amos Mullen 02(0
Com. in lunacy 222 29
Court House expenses 081 211
Redemption account Old .98
Refunding account 272 14
Auditors' pay 252 00
F L Hotter 603 03
Collection fees 288 12
Constables' returns -109 80
Western Penitentiary 300 12
Danville Asylum 1345 85
Warren Asylum 937 30
Interes* 1220 23
Inquisitions 112 95
R (J Brett 300 00
Boluiers' bur al 94 00
Court House repairs 5678 00
Scalps 1296 00
Joe W Karey, 06 00
County Institute 200 00
Win F Reber 003 40
Miss Clara P Scobv 4 6 00
Road and bridge views 491 10 42911 88
1.1 A 811 ITIES.
Bonds and notes outstand
ing ISGIB 67
Bal due K G Brett 20 15
" " D F Fortney 79 00
• " A J Griest 108 00
" John Wolf. 224 00
" "JO Henderson 141 00
" :• W Miles Walker .... 849 03
" " BeHefonte f as Co.. .'IBB 02
Estimated commission 2<KIO IHI
Kstitnaled exoneration 800 on 222X5 <>9
Hal ill hands of Treasurer,
Jan. 4 1881. 3574 22
Ami. outstanding taxes 40337 47
Notes in hands of Aity. col
leetabe 430 21
Judgment vs. BeHefonte H.. 1548 01
" Piilltpsiiurg... 1110 01
HIIHW Hhoetp 302 19
" 11 II stoil twp... 5<9 14
[III* Irom Snow Hhoe town
sliip lunacy casca 199 72
I>ue from lluston township
lunacy cases.. 28(1 12
Hue irom Benner lowuship
lunacy cases 18 <>s
Hue from Curiin township
lunacy cases 62 29 4s 188 28
Ha), favor of county 29152 59
For genera' expenditure 3:tnoo on
Repairs on jail and jail yard 2000 (*l
Repairs on tiri<iges lnoooo
Interest on BONO* 1000 IN 1
Index reeords in Register
and Recorder's office.... 2000 on
Payment of bonds lonnnoo
Total estimate expenses 49nno 00
Estimated value of taxable
property in Centre C 0.... 11 Sonoonoo
We. the undersigned, Commissioners of
Centre county, do hereby certify, to the best
ol our knowledge and belief, that the forego
ing report is a true ami correct statement of
the receipts ami expenditures o' said county
for the year A. 1>; iss.'i, and order the sumo to
ke publish. <|.
A. J. OKI s.HT. vCominiss'ners.
At (tut:
O. W. RiMiiEEoen, Clerk.
We, the undersigned, auditors of Centre
county, do hereby certify that are have exam
ined (he books and accounts upon which the
above statement is based, and find above
statement comet.
J. N. HINGES, An litors.
We do not Bell Bohemian Oats or
greased lightning rods, or humbug
those who deal with us, nor Jo we rep
resent that a fortune can be secured in
a day, week or year by using articles
we sell. We do represent:
"He that by t he plow would thrive,
Himself must either hold or drive."
We propose to keep up with the
prog re ssa of improvement : therelore,
we have secured the Roland Chilled
Plow , which we guarantee to be the
best plow now offered to the fanning
community, and is sold at a low price.
We sell Spike and Spring Teeth
11 arrows.
After preparing the ground you want
It m a cacsdsd fact that the
best seed is always the cheapest. The
most of buyers consider the price, and
pay little regard to the quality. We
I are the only dealers in Centre county
who make choice farm and garden
seeds a specialty.
We sell 04 pounds of Cloverseed
and 43 pounds of Timothy seed lor a
bushel, and are governed bv the fol
lowing rules in buying and selling :
Choice —To be bright in color, dry,
sound, plump, well cleaned, and
free trom foreign seed.
Prime —To be dry, sound, reasonably
clean and only slightly mixed
with weed or foreign seed.
(Hood —To be merchantable clover
or timothy seed, but too badly
mixed with dirt, brown weed or
foreign seed or not good enough
for prime seed.
Rejected— To include all seed damp
or damaged, very dirty, or so |
badly mixed with weed or foreign !
seed as 10 render it unmerchanta
Poor seed always shows to the best
advantage during cloudy days. Choose
your seed when you can examine it
by sunshine. We havo a well selected
stock of both farm and garden seeds, j
which we invite farmers to examine
before buying.
We have adopted the Auburn Farm
Waeon, which is supplied with steel
skeins or steel axles, which we will
warrant to be one of the best wagons
We invite farmers to call in and ex
amine our stock. Store, opp. (he Bush
McCalmont & Co.
WM. SHORT 1.1 DOE, | Business
ROUT. M'CAI.MOXT, J Managers.
"A. Y. SMITH, !
.::-PROVISIOjVS, 4" i
[Opposite Bush House,]
Belief onto, J? n .
agr-Give me a call if you want good goods.
That you don't want to buy at this season of the year very
many goods in our line of
This is simply a reminder for you, when the season opens and
you will want to buy, and to know where you can get the
best goods for the least money.
We are very glad to know that our friends and customers appre
ciate our
of doing business. We could not l>e induced to go back to the
old plan of selling goods on long credit and charging big
profits, as is the case with any dealers that doa[long credit
And we want all to know that we are adhering strictly to the
We credit no one over 30 days, and we sell goods from 10 to 20
percent, cheaper than our competitors. We give you the
benefit of our cash purchases.
—Dealers in all kinds of—
Orders by Telegraph, Telephone, ** 1 |}MT7 ADC
Mail or Bearer promptly attended £ljfjL[UU lNr AaJlUj
—— fill <l—. cfeO.
Especial attention given to TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING and
In addition to their Foundry and Machine Shops, Van Pelt, Shoop
& Co. are erecting a large
and will be prepared to furnish any and everything in the shape of
Farming Implements and Seeds,
and Farm Machinery of All Kinds,
Engines and Bcilers, Saw-Mills,
Wagons, Huggles. Reapers, Mowers, Rakes, Drills, Cultivators, Mil! Gearing of Every De
scription. Heavy and Li*ht Machinery of every class, and, in fact, everything in the line
thai may be called for. and at such low prices at to defy competition.
They give their customers the very best warrantee on everything that leaves their
house to be first-class in every respect or no sale. Farmers wishing implements and me
chanics wishing machinery will had it much to their advantage to call on them before pur
chasing else* here.
Repairing Solicited and Attended to Promptly.
Extra parts of Machinery furnished on short notice.
I Loot at This and Benefit Thereby
Having on hand a vry large stock of Win
ter Goods, and in order to reduce our stock
to mske room for t-pring good", we are ob
liged to sell a portion of our stock at reduced
rates. Below we give a list of a few articles
that we have reduced. We will also mak s a
reduction of 10 per cent, on all our winter
good 9.
Reduced from 915 to SID.
44 44 13 50 to 12.50.
44 44 10 to 8.75.
•• 44 8.00 to 6.00.
• 44 9 00 to 7.50.
I Reduced from 82.25 to 81.95.
" 1.75 to 1.45.
44 44 1.50 to 1.35.
44 1 40 to 1.20.
Gents' Fine Camels-Underwear.
Reduced from 82.50 to 82.
44 44 1.90 to 1.60.
A new ana well selected stock of DRY
GOODS, consisting In part of Ladies' Dress
Goods, Prints.Ginghams, Muslins, Ac.
We are selling a large lot of Mens* and
Boys' Coats at cost-good goods and good shoddy. We are offering Ladies'
Circulars and Dolmans at'.S per cent, below
Country produce—The highest maiket
price will be paid for country produce.
15.000 Skunk Skins, 10,000 Mink Skins.
1 ),000 Fox skint. 60 000 Munkrat skins.
lo 000 Coon Skins. 1 ',ooo Deer Hides
10,00 ) Calf Hides. 53 000 Deer Hides.
6,100 Veal Calves.
A, J, & T. E. GRIE3T,
t'filotirille, Pi.
seems to be advertising bargains.
Now it seems tor us that all sensible
people consulting their interests, will
patronize a firm keeping a full and
complete line of goods. Such a firm
is th* place to secure bargains tn the
truest sense of the word. By a bar
gain, we mean good goods for the
lowest amount of money and vari
ety of goods in grades, and at prices
to meet the wants of all We take
up no room to name the firms and
makers of our best line of goods,
but will simply say that toe allow
none of the best makers to pass us
If you will only call you will be
convinced of this fact. Regardless
of the hardness of the times our
men are hard at work in our custom
department. People seem to know
for style, durability and comfort, it
the best money can buy. Remember
making and selling good Boots and
r Shoes is our only business. Pears
of experience have perfected us in
this. You will find we are partial
to good goods. We like to sell the
best goods, for we then know the
buyer gets the worth of his money.
A call at our establishment wilt
convince you that all the above facts
are true.