"Constitutional Cowards." Spfeaking with Colonel Greene, says a writer in the Philadelphia News, about the irresistible impulse among soldiers to lie down when shells whizzed dan gerously near, he replied, 'Yes; that impulse is uncontrollable, and I recall just now a laughable occurrence at Fredericksburg in Virginia. You le member the enemy had a number of siege guns there, and every no-v and then they would throw a tremendous shell across the Rappahannock and send consternation and panic through our camps. At first these shells creat ed great confusiort and dismay but the boys soon became used to them, and unless one came very near little atten tion WHS paid to the cannonading. *1 was standing one day, however, in the midst ot our camp, where perhaps a hundred soldiers were to he seen, when suddenly one of these great shells was heard coming through the air, and as it whirled with a terrible crash directly oyer our heads every one of those hun dred forms crouched down behind the shelter tents in little blue heaps, my self included, and when they recovered themselves and raised up once more the blood had fled from every face and they were blanched to an ashy whiteness. As soon as they saw the danger was passed the blood came mantling back to their cheeks with the plush of their shame and their fears vanished with a loud laugh as an old sergeant of the regiment, whose face had been of the whitest, realizing how ridiculous it was to hide behind a shelter tent to find safety from a shell that would have knocked a horse down, snouted so that every man could hear him, I say, boys, when the Johnnies fling another of them grave diggers over this way 'spose we get a sheet of note paper and hide behind that.' And yet,* ad ded the colonel, 'within a week these same men were part of a line which marched up to Mary's Heights over a field that was literally plowed with shot and shell until they were so close to the siege gun that threw the grave diggers that you could have toss ed a copper into their trenches where the iron monster laid.' The other incident mentioned by Colonel Greene was more touching : 'We had,' he said, 'in our command a man who could not go into a fight. He was a good fellow, and everybody liked him, and he was really more pit ied than condemned for his cowardly infirmity. Finding that he was of no service in the company, and fearing that his example might be demoraliz ing, he was detailed as a teamster, and he served with the wagon trains throughout the whole war and was never in a fight. Afcer hostilities had ceased and there was not an armed vol unteer in the field, this man, who was still on detached service 111 tlie field, was one day engaged in removing a lot of muskets from a wagon prep iratory to their being sent North. A comrade who was assisting .him cautioned him to lie careful as some of the guns might be.loaded. lie replied that there was 110danger,as they were old and rusty, and had long been out of use. Sea:e< lv had the words escaped his lips when one of the guns was discharged and he was instantly killed. Picture frames madu with a combi nation of polished oak and orna ments are admirably adapted to water color drawings, and are less expen sive than other styles. Old newspapers will put the finish ing touch to newly cleansed silver, knives aod forks and tinware better than anythiug else. Rub the n well and make perfectly dry. They ere excellent to polish stoves that have not been blackened for some length of time. ADVICE TO nOTIfKKS Are you disturbed at night and broken by your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, scud at cnee and get a bottle of Alas. WISSLO.V'S S >onu>".*i HYKUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. H w valuo ;-> incalculable. It will relieve the poor little v,:f ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mother--, there is no mistake about it. It curesdys u;t' iy and diarrhoea, regulates tlie stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens !l;e y.in duces inflammation, and gives tone an i energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOV. 'S -*• TH ING -SYRUP FOR C'UILDREN TELTIUNG is ..h'.: Ui! ao the taste, and is the prescription o. ; . wf the oldest and best female nurses and physic;- IDS in the United States, and is for saie i>> ail druugists throughout the world, J'rlce 2." cents a bottle. E bowks' H. DOWNS' I Vegotabla Balsaais For the cure of iptlon, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, ► j Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, |g iseasea of the Throat, Chest, and ||| In all cases where this Elixir Is gjU used its efficacy is at once manifested, con- pr, mmm vincing the most incredulous that G3 S CONSUMPTION € la not incurable, if proporly attended to.— £8 p. At its commencement it is but a slight irrita- €© CO tion of the membrane which covers the Lungs; then an inflaniation, when the cough is rather dry, local fever,and the pulse more frequent,the O cheeks flushed and chills more common. This e * c1 t Elixir in curing tho above complaints, Wje. atessoas lo remove ail morbid ii rita-Kj gg tiousand inftamatlon from the lungs Ppj H to the surface, and finally expel them from |yhi ■ the system. It facilitates expectoration. It heals the ulcerated surfaces gfg and relieves the cough and makes the breath- k "' M Ing easy. It supports the strong!h aud at the 3| s-me time redtices tlie fever. 1; is free from S strongopiate and astringent articles, which are K |Hofso drying a nature as to ■H destroying tbe patient; whereas this medicine BR Hj never dries or stops the cough, but, by remov- K ■H ing the CAUSE, consequently, when the cough B is cured tbe patient is well. Send address for H fl pamphlet giving full directions, free. Eg Price 35 cts., 50 cts., and SI.OO per bottle. H if SOLD EVERYWHERE. 9 HESBT, JOHSSOS & LORD, Preps., Barlington.Tt. I ■■■DOWNS' ELiXiß.BNii^ For sale by D. S. Kauffnian & Co.. and J. Spigclmycr, Pa. mama ■ Voficotabl© , HALLS hair RENEWER. I The great popularity of this preparation, after its test of many years, should be an assurance, even to the most skeptical, that it is really meritorious. Those who have used HALL'S HAIR KKXKWKU know that H all that is elnimed. It eauses new* growth of hair on bald heads —provided iho hair follicles are not dead, wJiieh is seldom tho ease; restores naturalcolor to gray or faded hair; pre serves the scalp healthful and clear of dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or changing color; keeps it soft, pliant, lus trous, and causes it to grow* long and thick. HALL'S HAIK RENF.WF.R produces Its effects by the healthful influence of its vegetable ingredients, which invigorate and rejuvenate. It is uot a dye, and is n delightful article for toilet use. Con taining 110 alcohol, it does not evap orate quickly and dry up the natural oil, leaving the "hair harsh aud brittle, as do other preparations. Buckingham's Dy rou THH WHISKERS Colors them brown or black, as desired, and is the best dye, because it is harmless; produces a permanent natural color; and, being a single preparation, is more con venient of application than any other. PREPARED RY R. P. IIALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. TilK PENN ROLLER GJRLOURING MUM V • .. is prepared to exchange Choice Roller Flour for good wheat in any quantities desired and v\ ill guarantee t lie flour Strictly Pure and of First-Class Quality. J". 18. FISHEB, PENN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA. PENNSYLVANIA STATE CULL EC, E. Winter TE: IU begins January 6. LSG. This Institution is located in one of th" most, beautiful and hesl'liful spots of tii ; entire All • gli nv region Itispehto students of ImMi sexes, ami offers tli • following Course ot Study: 1. A Full cicntitic Cone-; • Four Ve iru. ?. A Latin cienti i T Co irs •. J. The following At)VANCK!> COURSES, of two years each, following ih> tiro two years of the Seiet title Course: (.) AC ill' 'C Lll UK ; (b) N ATI.'CAI, ILLSL*I)RV: (.■) * lIEDI>I'U 1 AM" PHYH'ICS ; (O) CIVIL KNtiINKEKINsI. 4 A short SPECIAL COURSE 111 Agriculture. F>. A s!l*'rt SPEC! A L <' •*! in 1 VIC NI-Crv. t< A reorg.l'lizcd COARSE 111 MECILANIC I A UTS, combining SHOP-WORK w:ih study. 1 7. A new SI'ECIA L COL R SI; (two years) in 1 Literature and ACH nee. for VOUNN Ladies S. A Carefully gr.ol -.1 IVejM. itory Course. I 9. Sl'KCl AL (_'• u'l{s{;s ai o a i'.iu r■l to meet t! e wants of Indivi tij.Estudo is. .'•Milt c v drib ,s 1 :*.j ,m Uxaenscs for iMt.ird ! MITALS V.T< 1 w. Tuttion Ir VOAUG under CHARGE OF a CO.N, .'TENT ladv I'rin- CH *l. Fur Catalogues, <>;• otlier|nf •: motion ad ii 1 • (TUOITUE W. A i'SIERTON, L. 1- . President, *27-29 State College. Centre Co., Pa. . N. W. EB Y, Wool war I, Pa. Hist ilier of ! t*) 1 ??*n Yf T> t ?>1 \-7 :-r f f *.***9 i g Jiii nib,VV ill :■&& a . Tlie best tij-Jide constantly kept on Land and guc-rantcQd to be uniduUeratcd. The best liquor for Medical Use. Sold at t lie lowest cash, urices. illy STIPIHiiIEFSE Being FU!!jr rtware of the ft rcst ,he L*4IO 1 , 'NfA 1 I I ,r' OU,, MEN or Ladies, in each, county , . Address I*. W. ZEiULKIt & CO., J'hila elpliia The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, discoveries, in ventions and patents ever published. Every num ber illustrated with splendid engravings. This publication fnmishesa most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is such that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price. $3 20 a year. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newedealcrs. MUNN i CO., Publishers. No. 361 Broadway, N. Y. Bavpaifi A MunnACo. have AT P GJ j ALBO BAD Thirty years' the Patent Office and have prepared more than One Hundred Thou sand applications for patents in the United States and foreign countries. Caveats, Trade-Marks, Copy-rights, 88igriment8, and all other papers for ag to inventors their rights in tho i States, Canada, England, France, ,ny and other foreign countries, pre it short notice and on reasonable terms, rmation as to obtaining patents cheer iven without charge. Hand-books of lation 6ent free. Patents obtained through Munn 'CT-\ '.'A ■ £ RAN DAS A ;A?V£CIAX.XTY. x '' i 1 Living our nun planing u.111.1t will ho to tin. ail voiilujic of tlioso mltiiiliiii; t> hiiil.i to con sult us. tjVi'hml i aoM miulo 011 all kinds ot buildingrfl. Plana and Specifications furnished on application, with ost | imateu of cost. IS-ly GERMAN ♦CANARIES! BIRD * CAGES! BIRD * SEEDS! At reasonable rates at the GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, Water Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. Mason <£ Hamlin ORCANS: PIANOS: llichev lton f j" e Ncw mode r?' rnti til(ltcAt DI *';j Swinging. Do WoiM's Exhi- .-JI not require cne -111 ion, f /]l quarter as • ftifli#"iV-.ir4 igg"A - V lit oiui I) tuning ?.% One h'niiffrt fMIT- • 'SsaeTOBSWf!! Fiano* on the Styles, f.to t, f 1 i P r 1111 " K fooo. For Cash, git I II R# " wrest :.n Lasvl'avnicnts ¥■ 1 '1 lylfl *>**">. Ke rrKente'll. Cat ft J— ... ***'" Tilt markal.le for alooues free. '■ ■ - ' f , il u "y of tone nd durability. ORGAN AND PIAKOCO. 154TremontSt .Boston. 46E.14th St. lUnlonSq.), N. Y. 149 Wabash Ave., Chicago. TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE, Thi Greatest of the Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite, Bowels costive, Pain ia the head, with a dull sensation In the back -part, Pain under the shoulder blade, Fullness after eating*, with a dis inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having: neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams. Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION, TITTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, ono dose effect 3 such a change offeelingas to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite.and cause tho body to Take on Flesh, thus the system la nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the Digestive Organs, Regular Stools nro TUTT'S HAIR DYE. GBAT HAIR or WHISKERS changed to a GLOEST BLACK by a single application of thi9 DTE. it imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by liruggiats, or sent by express on receipt, of sl. ©fific-3,44 Murray St., Mow York. Is ■fclio Best I FftBLE SAUCE. Thousands of arli< lc3 are now manufactured that in former years had to bo imported, paying high ' import duty r.s it is now being done 011 Lea k Per- . 1 ins table sauce ; the Quaker TABLE'SAUCE takes its place; it Las been pronounced by competent judges just assort& and evn letter. Tho QUAKER SAUCE Las Slowly but surely gained great im portance and is replacing the very best imported Bauco 011 tho shelf of tlie grocer, tho tables of tho restaurant and tho tables of tho rich and poor men, greatly priz d and relished by all on account of its piquancy, aroma, taste, strength and purenes3. Tho in von tor has by years of study of the secret virtues contained in the aro matic spices <>f tho Indies and China, such as mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger, and peppers and buds of trees unknown to most men, and by long practice succeeded to combine their extracts in such a liquid form as we now find it. of agrceablo taste, and so invigorating as lobe taken iu place of stomach bitters. By man ufacturing this sauce here, heavy import duties and freights arc saved, and it is sold at a lower figure to tho dealer, who making a better profit on Quaker Gancc cr-.n cell it to tho consumer cheaper than ho very b ■ t imported article hardly equal ing ours, it your grocer does not keep it, writo 1:3 lor prices, etc. S. Id in bottles or by the gallon. CHARTS MANUFACTURING CO., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 100 &i 103 3. 2d ST., St. Louis, Ho. •- .• v of f ' yviv . , •• -i i . <5 Uy & JL S"\ \J f; i-yiTl E•> ! * . U V l A 1 fi • -i ,V JL. -S ■;;• r,"to l/c'C iT!!TIt *i* *• /np • . litflLU.liu /% sfi, j.-,.- j' f .aUuLf tlid. s | '.(* \ ;-r Jii; hi ,';i oil AltV: i: :lKi\i! rrr •.ui!..,LILO at Lovvoat Cach Rates r:!:fc stanivu fur AVER & SON'S MANUAL Musser House. Millhcim, ------ I'enna. RUMMER KKSIIRT^ Two miles from Cotmni Station on L & T. R. If. ITYino Trout i'ish.tm; ami Hunting within .sight " of town, Healthy locality ami lino moun tain seemo ii s. The celebrated I'KNNs V Ah- I.KY t'A\ t:.> hut fi\ miles distant. HlO finest drives |ii l h_• siato —• fi— — KIN M - VI>DLK IlollsKS, t A Kill At; MS AND llUuOiMs (or tlf useof Mimmcr boarders. UouMd aal Shiiis Rwin, ■ newly finnlvhed. lor fumijes Willi children, on seeoiiu ami tlihd lloois. Bus to nil Trains. ITIII MS hi.AM NAPLM. W.S. Mussor, PropV. ! i •! v Mlilhettti.Celitref o. Pa ONB DOLLAR. Tile Weekly Patriot, I' / 1! V UKISIU.'IKJ, I'KNNA . 1 lp leading Democratic juji >r In the State Mull 0! interesting news, ami miscellaneous ami politic.tl reading. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Special Rates to Clubs. Sample copies mailed free on application. '1 lie I'ATit or ami — — for f . Tlie PATRIOT ami New York Weekly World one year for one dollar and lifty cents. The P.vruiOT and the Philadelphia Weekly Times one year for one doll ir and seventy-five cents. WANTED. AGENTS in every Township in this County to solicit subscriptions lor the WitEKLY PA TRIOT, Write for terms. Address all communica tions to THEFTRIOT. Harrlsbiirg, Pa. TpEABODY HOTEL, 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms fiom hOcts to $3.00 l*'i" day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. ' W PAINE, M. 1)., 46*1 v Owner & Proprietor. PSCSUBIS! '! c nl r T A *<) tmr */ j FAMILY 0800 FES AND CHILDREN! —TAKEN liY THE— | E\ST V\T VMAHJS PROCESS j I I SaLisfnctorv A\'ork Done by i p* a IMP 1 fcCSfeSia Win. Uini36\Sl4 2 V/c furnish cvcrvtjiinz in our line s from a Miniature Card to u Cabinet Picture. 8 . 1 t i I ictures copied and en-J j larged in the best style. -FRAMES^ I s c:in he procured, .it our p! tceon short n >li,; v | b lii;b r—our pi icon nro | I I d<) v. dsoan to soil ©very pur so. j (Jallerv on North St., Millliciin, Pa. 1 i-'*•'. .•; ■ ? UW*AKlti££ia 1 i m 0 1 lr.u;acßi*.' r .1 z F .-• .v 'ji.1 ."rr'•*. f.-.f --\- H _.ui ..ILo > id i-h/- j . t< 'i fr-at R -) \• >: ryoctUluii -. Mun . •!. .v. ;L I V •. icofr'-f i:.J*.:T; .... - •+ ovcrt/i a'r.woric. Avoitl (' - .•.*• V*, -. "e'-c i.. ,o i'l'ottol pwlwi l>" AV * • '• .Jt'.'us reajdk9 T . -i ••,•! "V/horc. Tk^?i . ',"crf ' ."-iMillß RT lFOYtftft!i*l , • • ivc 5* •- •' A 1 - • Inct i..'. ri-rj with f.ucn —. .. . n0 |>;i-inrr-. or re:i-;^ " C.f "/'■ f •' Laccitvcr.ncceia ~'J z r ~"ny \-ry. Toiui-lpd on s-, -. p-'. . • .-!cuhi;.- rKtiiculprinci *•. ' ,13 tlie ectUof aiieaxe h* . . CTf V-J ,- GEvTM :-.vitU.i:t dclny. Thount *.' / ..... ii't u - •• i"*' -.f-Jlsml functions of Hie hu ; * '1 z>■*:msno:--^Ti!smlsrrttorccf. " ™'•*' t 'T'SThn Buimstine ctcmer.M ( T • *. *r~.T— n f' t doflife, which lnrcbecti i/. . , . 1 pidlvgalnabod j.icutkr, v.e • \ ..gg2 strenglb aud sexual vigor. CO., iy'FOCHEMIBTB J .*, , 'i'mxiii Htu 6 J. 1 . TiOUIS. 2dO h I* f'iT'JRLO PEfiSOMSIMcf n Trues. ■ * \J fi OUSOK. PERMf fI'KT. CERTAIN CURE FCR LcaitorFiiilfKg Si;uihdo:l, NorvousaMS W of kuobs, Lack of Strength, Y'i-;jr or Development, Cansrd by iiul.- croiionn. escc.-'M-s,. c I3onefit*ln a i'.->;Curi, usaa'ly w;rl>le 1 Pcriunncnt husinesw ap pi yto Wilntoi l asllciN <" '* •che-ster, N. Y. /A n< La over 100 per l*A [2 Y'aD v 1 tl llrl H t; vj)].lS the Family cr. # Dtirnhle, r>orroct in operation, and or aamosMo utility. >'• rifofor cirtuilar. ' : .iLY COFFhi fiOASTtR UO.. T I.OUIS. Mo. H Ililß 8 READING, &&LW ¥ U PENN. \ *'i• p:(-ii;:intonf School for Boys.* Con. dueled ii((cn H>e .Mlulnry plan. Boy sof any i,ye a 1 :*• s. ;• I for cot.-ilovno. t-rns. etc. L. C. BSLHOP, ETead r.la&ter, Reading, Pa. JOHN F ' STRATTON f Importer & Wholesale WmlliiliSß AGGORDEOHB, -^==^— \ Mouth Harmonicas 'SEia and all kindsol Musical Merchandise, ltussinn " lUltt Gut Violin Strings, - Band laitrumeat*. Send For catalogue. OMNEBUSSES > AND LIGHT BPEIKG WOM TOT, Hotels fc Livery. AGENTS WANTED EftffSßSMSif WE MAKE Hose Reels, Hook & Ladder Trucks, Patrol Wagnns, &c. And Fit Out Fire Departments Complete' And pootl wen of influence eon wako favorable urrtingcuAL-utti with us. HORTON & CO., 53, 55, 57 & 59 East sth Strut, CINCINNATI, 0. LEFFEL'S IMPROVED inny wma I nun "Fingino. ALL TEE PARTS MADE OF MALLEABLE & WROUGHT IBOM No Shrinking, Swelling or Warping. TiiKLianTFsr Rrsswo, StbonoErrand Easiest ReorLATBD WIND Kkoink in the WOULD. Tha DIBT is CULAPLBT. Send for Circulars to tho SPRINGFIELD HICHINE CO. Springfield, Ohio. "jtiling of leauty is a joy rtrever." The new and beautiful Square Parlor Stove rraisciLix Before buying, ask your dealer to ' show you litis beautiful design. If ho hasn't it, have hi in send for sam ple at once. Or send lis Twenty Dollars and we will promptly ship you tho No. 2 size (suitable for ordinary par lor) with full nickel ornamentation. Every stove fully guaranteed in con , struction, workmanship and practi cal operation. Tho "Priscilla" is made only by Lehigh Stove &M'f'g Co.. _ LEHIGHTON, PENN. ESTABLISHED 1535. Thomson&Co's Celebrated Tcralliier Pattern 8 TRIPLE FLAKG2 i Fire and Burglar Presf SAFES. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY^ OVER ANV OTDER MAKE ARK : I'utent Innldc Itolt Work. Solid Welded Anglo Iran Frnmci. Extra Thick Walls. Superior Fire Proof Pilling. Locks and Uolt Work Protected With Hardened Steel. Hxtrn Henvy lUntrrinl: Hence aro More Fire and Burglnr Proof. Send for Circulars and Prices. TSOMSOITdtCO., 273 & 275 State Street, LKEW HAVEN, CONN. — a in M i— PIANOS-ORGANS 'Hip dr-mnnd for the improved MASON A* llamijn PIANOS- is now so large that a second addition to the fnctoi y has become imperative. l>o not require one quarter as much tuning- as Pianos on the prevailing wrest-pin system. Consult Catalogue, free. 100 Styles of GROANS, (22 to (!K)0. Tor Cash, Easy Payments, or Rented. Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., NEW YORK ; BOSTON ; CHICAGO. " L V ' WANT AGENTS TO SELL li^M^SOUR I M rC* v i STEAM :k^Washer Men and W omen of good character and intelliirence. J-Aclusiro Territory Guaranteed. A weeks' triul of Rumple Washer to bo returned at my expense if not satisfactory. A thousand per cent, the bestWnsher in tho world, and pavacapable agents HTG money. In* trinsic merit makes it a phenominal success every. where. For Illustrated circular and terms of agency address. J, WORTH,St. Louis, IfIINBOW RUPTURE Simple, safe, roliablo und n perfect retainer, ft Is not a Truss. Worn Day and Night and its presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this np £lianco. Address Central Medical and Surgical restitute 920 Locust St., St Louis. Mo. Skillful treatment given all kinds of surgical and medicnl cases. Weakening diseases and pri vate troubles in male and female our specialty. Be sure to write us before taking treatment else where. Consultation free and invited , .> (J lor OH. GCOTT'S beautiful ILlociiic >, r*< 3} . Corsets. Sample free to those be ... 1- .j'l L'l ) cousin? agents. No risk, quick sales. : rr o;-y .; .*.m. iri--.facto.n guaranteed. Address . r?.£CiiTT,S42 uiroatiwav St.,N.Y. FAY WHEH CURED j Confidence in honesty of Invalids. We treat ALL Dis j eases, either Sex, however caused.and receive pay after t cure is effected. Describe case fully, and snd stamp I for instructions. DB, BAIUSE. Box iOL Buffalo. N.i. Floral Siiim $ jfb A beautiful work of 150 pagec, Colored Plate, and 1000 xa#7Sfc: al >/ illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and - V frfl/ g] ' Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow CfOw A-" /s£*•" V them. Printed in English and German. Price only 10 ~N cenu, which may be deducted from first order. ,c^s what you want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to H Golden Hulea for Money Slautug. ttoiih Juo SB to any young man starting in life. Over 500 pages; 68 | 23.H illustrations. Price, 52.25. CZf Write at once to FORSHEE A McMAKIN. Cincinnati. O arsstssEi family scales Entirely new in principle. Weigh one ounce to 5 pounds. What every family needs and will buy. Rapid sales surprise agents. FOKSJIEE & McMAKIN, CINCINNATI, O. A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler'a BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Milihcim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social 1 gatherings promptly made to order. f * Call at her place and get your sup | plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m ! Musser Brothers, ROLLER * RINK. The proprietors respectfully iulorm the public tbat their —ZR/HSTIK— Corner of Penn and Mill ' Streets, Millheim, Pa. . Is open every Wednesday and Saturday even ing, and Saturday afternoons. (Size of Rink 40 x 100.) The building is commodious and finely arran g ed, has a splendid floor, and patrons will always find new and strong skates on.hand. General ami ssion 5 cents Use of skates,for 3 turns' session, 10 " Ladies admitted free! m ... ■ m — ... w rAL^IZES^^ Carrying all steam and disagreeable odor from cook* log down into the fire. Tie MOST COMPLETE Cooking Utensil • EVER INVENTED. No burned hands. No scalded arms. No cloth needod. No disagreeable odors filing the house. ' No overflow on the stove. An examination of these | utensils will convince any ono that they are the ' nearest perfection of any kettles now known. A i first-class steamer nnd kettle combined. AGENTS wanted all over the U. S. for these I goods. They sell fast and pay good profits—s3 to $8 per day. Call or write for circulars. HUNTER SIFTER Manufacturing Co., • CINCINNATI, - - OHIO. Manufacturers of the world famed " HUNTER SIFTER. Cyclone Egg Beater, and other specialties." Over 10,000,000 of the Hunter's Sifters have been sold, Every lady In the land ougbt to havo one. For sale by responsible dealers everywhere. • Ask for th ; w Hunter," and take no other. Illustrated catalogue of Kitchen Specialties, Machinery for Bakers, Drag* I lists, Ac. free.— Send for it and mention this ptpeb.