Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 25, 1886, Image 3

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    f !(<|i illl(<im J®urnat.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
Sales advertised through this office Kill be
inserted under this heading free of charge.
Feb. 25th—Henry Keen, P<?nn township, live
Stock, farm Implements and house
hold goods.
March 3rd—John W. Smith, two miles north-
east of Penn Hall, live stock, farm
K Implements and household goods.
Kt March sth-Frank Weaver, Aaronsburg. live
W stock, farm Implements, and house-
W hold goods.
F March th-L. B. Stover, trustee for the estate
of John G. Weaver late of Great?
township, dec'd, near Spring Mills
real estate.
At the same place and time—by the same— 2
Mares, Wagon, Harness.Lumber,Ac.
March 11th—Geo. Guistwlte, two miles east of
Rebersburg, live stock, farm imple
ments ar.d some household goods.
March 12th—John Martin. miles east of
Aaronsburg, live stock, farm Imple
ments and household goods.
March 13th—L. I>. Kurtz, Aaronsburg, live
stock, farm Implements and a few
household articles,
f March 16th—Lewis Mensh, Haines township,
ft live stock and farm implements.
■MMlareh 17th—J. H. Musser, Aaronsburg, live
stock and farm implements,
Spring Mills, live stock and farm
March 19th—Daniel Musser, miles east of
Wolfe's Store, Miles township, live
Stock, farm implements and house
hold goods.
On the same day and at the same place, Danlet
Frutzman, live stock and household
March 20th—Ira E. Snyder, Woodward, horses,
wagons, sleds, Ac. Ac,
March 22nd— F. D. Hoetermai, Penn Hall, live
stock and farm implements.
v March 23d—G. H. Stover, 2 miles north of Mad
isonburg—live stock and farm Im
—Another month and many will
have to shift lodgings.
The season for sowing tomato and
pepper seeds is at hand.
—The town schools were closed on
Washington's birthday.
•—Everybody hopes the backbone of
winter may soon be broken.
—Mr. B. O. Deininger's lost pair of
gold spectacles have been found.
—Editor Kurtz, of the Centre Hall
Reporter , was in town on Monday.
—Two Splendid Show Cases for sale,
cheap. Inquire at the Journal Store.
SELLING AT COST at Trumpfheller
& Vonada's store, Coburn, Pa. 2t
—Mr. W. G. Morrison favored the
JOURNAL with a pleasent call on Sat
—Our neighbor, Mr. Jacob Keen, is
suffering with a very painful carbuncle
on his knee.
WANTED.—A lot of Cloyerseed at D.
S. Kauffman & Go's store. Fair price
paid. Bring it in.
—A good deal of temperance talk
was indulged in after last Wedaesday 's
prohibition lecture.
—Wm. T. Mauck, on Penn street,
has received a new and fine lot of fur
niture. Go and see.
—When you know anything new,
please let us have the facts and we will
dish it up for our readers.
—Neyer was salt offered so low as at
present at Trumpfheller & Vonada's
store at Coburn. Call and see. 2t
—Mr. Wm. Rook, the future land
lord of the First National Hotel at this
place, sojourned in Millheim over Sun
—lf you want a surprise go to
Trumpfheller & Vonada's store at Co
burn. Pa., aDd their low prices will as
tonish you. 2t
—A notice of the Bellefonte,Aarons
burg and. Youngman'stown turnpike
election will be found under legal ad •
—Nora, a little daughter of Mrs. A.
J. Brumgard, who is a sister of Mrs.
Henry Kreamer, of Centre Hall, died
last Saturday.
—Public sales are very numerous
bis year aad it will keep the man who
patronizes these occasions busy to at
tend them all.
—Rev. W. 11. Diven, of Salona,
greeted bis many friends in this town
on Tuesday, and also fayored theJouR
NAL with a call.
—The next legal holiday will occur
on Sunday, May 30th—Memorial Day.
It will have to be celebrated on the pre
ceding Saturday.
—Henry Keen's sale takes place to
day. Parties wanting to buy first
class horses should not fail to attend
Mr. Keen's vendue.
—Mrs. E. F. Hoover, of Sunbury, Is
one of the visitors in town and is the
guest of ber lormer foster-parents, Mr.
Thos. Frank's on North street.
—Mrs. H. J. Kurzenknabe, of Ilar
risburg, arrived ou Friday to pay a
yisit to her parents and friends. City
life seems to agree right well with
—The stale jokes about onions and
the young lady's breath will now cease,
for since the advent of the "Odorless"
Kettle such a thing as a bad odor is uu
—Oneoflrvin Williams' uncle was
here visiting his nephew last week.
—Mr. Kern, who had been employed
as a compositor in Foote's TVines office
at Miftlinburg for several months, on
his way home to Sugar Valley,gave ;he
JOURNAL a call.
—Jlfr. Thos. Frank, of North Street,
who has been confined to his sickbed
for the last few days, is at this writing
very low and wo are sorry to say his
death is expected at any moment.
—When you have tried so called
remedies for dyspepsia, headache and
billiousnesß, with no benefit, let your
uext trial be Simmons Liver Regulator.
It has never failed in relieving and
—At Abs. Barter's sale on Tuesday
which was largely attended the "big
eater'' was fairly represented. Laud
lord Frain was the auctioneer and t:.ey
say he is a regular old war h )rse at the
—Jacob Whitehall her, a former citi
zen of this valley, but of late having
resided near Jacksonville, was found
dead in his room last Tuesday morning.
Deceased was a man of advanced age
and was well-known around here.
LOTS.—Dr. J. W. Stam will sell five
lots on bis premises on Penn stieetat
public sale on Saturday, March 6th ut
2 o'clock p. m. Three of them fronting
on the street,the other two are alley lots.
PUBLIC SALE. —Mr. David Shafer,
of Aarousburg will sell at public sale
on Thursday, March the 18th, on his
premises, Six valuable Horses, Twelve
head of Cattle, Fourteen large Hogs,
Seven Shoats, and a lot of farm imple
—The particular attention of visiting
ministers, while in town during the
conference, is called to the Journal
Book Store on Peuu street, where all
kinds of stationery can be bought at
very reasonable prices. Pencil Tablets
a speciality.
—Meyer & Kreamer is the firm who
will open the meat market, formerly
owned by Daniel Hoy, on Monday,
March Ist. The services of Mr. Lewis
Gettig, an experienced butcher have
been procured and patrons can look for
first-class meat at all times.
—We are requested to announce that
Miss Cora B. Reifsnyder will teach a
term of ten weeks subscription school
in the Primary school room of Mill
heim, commencing the first Monday In
May. All parents are respectfully re
quested to send their children. Terms
Kreamer, one of our young men, con
cluded that married life was preferable
to single "cussedness" and acting up
on this conclusion carried off one of
Aaronsburg's fair maidens as his wife.
We wish the young couple a clear and
pleasant voyage across life's ocean.
veiy desirable stock of general mer
chandise, occupying one of the most,
desirable business stands in Centre
county is offered for sale by Trumpf-.
heller & Vonada. for particular9ad
2t New Columbia, Union Co., Pa.
—For the accomodation of ministers
and visitors in attendance at next
week's conference we issue an extra
edition of this week's JOURNAL, con
taining the list of ministers preseut
and their boarding places, as well as
the programme for the conference.
Copies of this edition can be had at the
JOURNAL office at 1 cent a piece.
—One of our most industrious me
chanics at this time is John Kerstetter,
Jr., on Penn street. He works steadily
from morning till night, manufactur
ing doors, windows, rails, etc.; for the
new business houses to be erected and
completed on Main street next sum
mer. John being an excellent mechan
ic, what he makes he makes right.
—Wm. C. Heinle,Esq., of Bellefoute,
was In town for a short time one day
last week. Little Fiank Foote was
entrusted to him to be taken to the
county seat but the boy got away from
him before the train left Coburn and
returned to Millheim with a triumphant
smile on his face. Frank seems to
baffle all devices and plans laid for his
—A new building is being erected
this week on Main street, between Dr.
Gutelius' residence and D. S. Kauff
man & Go's store. It is to be used as
a meat market, and our friend John
Miller,that boss of all butchers, will hold
forth there. The business is to be con
ducted under the firm name of J.lJ.Mil
ler& Co. We don't know anything about
the Co. but we wish John abundant
success in the enterprise. John Royer
has the contract tor the erection of the
shop, which is to be completed by the
first of March.
—Wednesday evening being the reg
ular time for running out the JOUR
NAL we were unable to attend the lec
ture of Walter Thomas Mills in the
Methodist church. From all reports
the church was well filled and the lec
turer, with "Prohibition" for his sub
ject, took his audience by storm. Ev
erybody seemed delighted with what
they had heard. The only thing to be
regretted is that subsequent discussions
of the merit of the lecture in our
stores were altogeter too spirited and
even turned into unpleasant political
arguments. No good, gentlemen.
NO TICK.- Tin' undersigned re
quests alt jtersons wishing toga West
this spring to J n rmsh hi in with their
names and addresses as he ran gire
them valuable information about loir
rates of transportation.
A. S. MUSSKR, Jr.,
Aaronsburg, Pa.
-Wo are still up to our usual standard
in selling the host poods at the lowest
prices. Always ready Mini Willi up to
show poods and always giving pood
bargains. 1). S. KuuiTman Co.
Jaiues, the youngest son of An
drew Harter, residing near Coburn, is
lying s'ck with an attack of pneumonia.
His attending physician informs us
that his condition is not dangerous as
—Mr. M. L. Wagenseller, of Selins
grove, called at the JOURNAL olllce
yesterday, lie tells us that the con
vention at that place last week was a
grand success, over 160 musicians hay
ing been in attendance.
NKW PROCESS Roller Flour —best in
the market —manufactured at Fisher's
mill, Penn Ilall, is for sale at KantT
man's store. It is the del iff ht of the
housewife and consequently it is the
most popular ro'ler dour used.
—Prof. J. ll.Kurzenknabe,of Ilarris
burp, and well known in this neighbor
hood, received a letter from Cassal,
Germany, bearing the sad news of the
death of his only remaining brother, J.
Jacob Kurzenknabe, at that place.
—Rev. M. L. Ueitiler wishes to in
form the Millheim and Venus Creek
Lutheran congregations that there will
be no preaching in their churches next
Sunday on account of the dedication
services of the new Evangelical church
at Millheim.
—Lies have short legs, but Truth
will prevail—and it is the truth and
nothing but the truth that for bargains
in dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes,
notions, groceries and provisions KaufT
man's store takes the lead every time.
'Nough said.
—A special dispatch to "yesterday's
Ilarrisburg Patriot says that the Bald
Eagle Valley Railroad freight depot at
Snow Shoe was completely destroyed
by fire on Tuesday night. It is sup
posed to be the work of an incendiary
and the loss will be heavy.
—We learn that Mr. J. W. Snook,
proprietor of the large store, corner of
Main and North streets, contemplates
making several changes in his store
room uuxl summer. Among them are
several windows to be inserted in the
wall fronting North street, so as to
gain light in the store.
—Mr. I. S. Frain writes us from
Preston, Ontario, that he has purchas
ed two Percherou Stallions and will
leave that place with them on Monday,
Feb. 22nd, expecting to reach home to
day [Thursday, Feb. 25tb.] He will
have them at S. T. Frain's hotel, at
Millheim, by March 4th and will re
main four or five days. Farmers and
horsemen, desirous of raising superior
stock, should keep these dates in mind.
CARD OF THANKS.— We would re
turn our sincere thanks to the friends
who came to the residence of the under
signed on last Thursday evening (as
well as to those who sent their dona
tions) and took us entirely by surprise,
loading our table with an abuiulauce of
the good things of life.
[For want of space we were unable to
insert, the names of the donors a list of
which was attached to the above card.
Last Saturday,while Mr. A. F. Kiearn
er, residing a few miles east of Aarons
burg, was in the act of placing a wagon
undfr roof at his barn, a sudden gust
of wind blew one of the large ham
doors shut. The door struck him and
violently threw him on a hoisting jack
with the back of his neck, knocking
him senseless. He was carried to the
house and after considerable work was
restored to consciousness. Mr.Kream
er is able to be about again, but com
plains of pain in his head. It was a
close escape from death.
morning, Mr. Jacob Fiedler and Mr.
Daniel Stoyer,both of Ilaines township,
left their homes near Fiedler in a two
horse wagon to haul wood and on their
way back from the mountain along
Fine Creek the loaded wagon upset,
throwing both men to the ground.
Mr. Stover had the misfortune to have
his arm broken by the fa 1 !. Mr. Fied
ler fell on his head, the crown of his
hat receiving a cut of about tour
inches, but strange to say lie escaped
without bodily injury.
—Our merchants should put their
foot down on loafing of little boys in
their stores in the evening. In most
instances they prove more or less of a
nuisance in crowding the counters and
passages and an annoyance to purchas
ers and salesmen, and in all cases n
store is the wrong place for our small
boys. Th9y become listeners to con
versations which are not at all for their
ears and often witness things that ate
of no earthly help to their moral wel
i Then let parents and guardians co
operate with the merchants in their
efforts to stop this bad habit of knifing
by keeping their boys at home, make
the evening pleasant and interesting to
them and induce them to spend their
time profitably,instead of idling houi sa
way at the stores and street corners
and drink in the unhealthy iufluence of
common clash.
Dedication and Conference. the ladies and gentlemen of
the Evangelical congregation of this
place have a busy lime of il this week,
preparing for the dedication next Sun
day. The choir is practicing appropri
ate music for the occasion, ami the
church interior recieves final improving
touches, such as laying carpets, clean
ing, etc. Bat everything will be com
pleted and in (list-class trim by Satur
—The dedication of the new St.Luke
Evangelical church of Miilheitn will
take place next Sunday, Feb. 28th.
Bishop Dubbs, I>. 1)., of Cleveland,
Ohio, will be present and will conduct
the services,assisted by different clergy
men from the conference district. Bish
op Dubbs will preach in the morning
and evening in the English language,
and in the afternoon in the German
language. A most cordial invitation
is extended to all to come and hear
tliis profound thinker and great pulpit
oiator. BENJ. IIKNOST,
S. M. MOUNT/..
nation of junior preachers will take
place Tuesday evening, March 2nd, at
7 o'clock, and will continue all day on
Wednesday evening—Anniversary of
the Missionary Society.
Thursday morning. Opening of Con
ference at 8.30 o'clock by Bishop Bow
man—Reading of Scriptures, singing
and prayer. Opening address by the
bishop. Appointment of committees
and examination of the moral and offi
cial couduct of the preachers.
Thursday evening preaching by some
minister uppointed by conference.
Friday afternoon, at 3 p. m., address
by Rev. R. W. Runyan before the Sun
day School and Tract Union Society.
Friday evening an educational ser
mon will be delivered by Rev. G. E.
Saturday evening, Missionary sermon
by Key. J. Young.
Sunday morning, Ordination sermon
by Bishop Bowman, at 10 o'clock. Af
ternoou at 2 o'clock the ordination of
young preachers will take place.
Sunday evening, preaching by Bev.
Z. Hornberger.
Monday evening, preaching by some
one appointed by conference.
Tuesday morning, adjournment.
—Photographer Buck touk the pic
ture of the new Ev. church edifice one
day last week. We understand that he
has an order for a large lot of copies
which are to ho sold during the confer
—The following is a list of ministers
who expect to attend the Evangelical
conference at Millheim, commencing
Thursday, March 4th, and also their
respective boarding places duiiug their
stay in our town :
II M Swartz,Rev P WGroup,RevLE
W II Smith, Rev S S Smith, Rev C V
B Aurand.
Wm Kcrstetter,Rev C J Dick, Rev J L
PII Muss r , Rev Geo Burson, Rev
Geo Joseph.
Geo Hurt-, R v S T Buck, Rev II W
E C Campbell, Rev J M Price, Rev S
P Reiner, Rev B F Anthony, Rev P C
Rev C F Deininger, Rev J M Pines,
Rev Bollinger.
B 0 Deininger. Rev W Yost.
W R Ilenny, Rev J Young, Rev A
Stapleton,Rev B F Ilall,Rev Geo Hun
D L Zerby , Rev R W Runyan.Rev A
S Baumgardner.
Jacob Oepliart.l lev C F Gephart,Rev
A NV Swengel, Rev II A Stoke.
Rev B Hengst, Rev II A Benfer.
Rev 8 M Mountz, Rey U J Swengel,
Rev J M Ettinger.
Michael Lamey, Rev A K;ause,Rev II
II Douby.
Daniel Hoy, Rev S Yearick,Rev D W
Miller. Rev L K Harris.
Jacob Keen. Rev E D Keen, Rev J
Bower, Rev Z tlomberger.
Rev M I Jamison, Rev T M Morris.
L J Noll, lley J C Reeser, Rev C W
Fit kbinder.
W T Mauck,Rev S W Leioert,Rev II
S Basora.
A Walter, Rev M J Carothers.
1111 Weiser, Rev D P Kline, Rev W
II Hartman.
JII Maize.Rev M F Fossleman,Rev J
C Yeakel.
W S Maize, Rev J G M Swengel,Rev
II N Grenninger.
John Stoner, Rev J D Stover, Rev J H
MrsJno Kreamer, BishopT Bowman,
Rev It Young.
Jacob Sankey, Rev G II Schlegh.
D A Musser, Rev W E Dutweiler,Rey
A L Reeser.
J F Barter, Rev J M Brader.Rev P J
A Miller.Rev J B Fox.
S T FrainJUey W N Wallace, Rey II
W. Gross.
Israel Confer, Rev E lvohr.
Win Miller, Rev J D Shortis,Rev II T
Ceo Ulrich, Rev L Dice.
A R Alexander , Rev C L Sonos, Rev
W Leonard.
W R Weiser , Rev W H Stover. Rev
P S Arvvig.
W K Alexander, Rev P W Raida
brtugkjtev J W Bentz.
M Ulrich,Rev J J Lohr,ltev S I Shor
IIK Luse, Rev J Shambaugh, Prof A
E Gobble.
Jane Dingle, Rev S Aurand, Rev J It
W 8 Musser, Rev W W Roads, Rev J
M Dick.
J H Reifsnyder, Rev G E Zehner,Rev
E Swengel.
John Klinefelter, C II Goodling, ReyE
D Goodling.
Ceo Rupp, Rev M L Thomas.
C W Harter, lley J II Hertz, Rev J H
J W Stover, Rey N Young.
CAlexander, Rev Geo Gray,Rey W L
F Knarr, Rev B F Keller.
J W Snook, Rev A II Irvine, Rev E
Rev Z A Yearick , Rev J Irvine.
JII Lrton, Rev J W Messenger, Rev
F S Vought.
Peter Rearick, Rev G W Currin, Rev
J M King.
sion of Six Weeks opens Monday even
ing, April 26 h, 1886 for the Teaching
and Training of oung Ladies in Vo
cal and Instrumental Music. Address,
F. C. Moyer, Musical Director,
Freeburg, Pa.
undersigned will in the future keep on
hand u supply of the Oriental Roller
Flour,manufactured by Messrs. Kurtz
A Son, Centre Hall. Haying added
another capacity to their mill, they are
now able to put before the public a
more superior quality of Hour than is
offered anywhere in the county.
—There is the very best prospect that
next week's conference of the Evangel
ical church will bo well attended and
will prove a very interresting session.
All those who contemplate being in
town during the conference are reques
ted to call at 1). S. KaulTman & Co's
store on Main street, where you may
find the fullest stock of general mer
chandise in town. Prices to suit the
Neighboring News.
The vendue boom has commenced
and our folks are taking theiu all in
Henry Keen lias rebuilt his smoke
house and has it again tllied with pork.
Mrs. John Ilarshbarger,' who has
been confined all winter, was out on
.Monday and Tuesday, visiting. Fresh
air seems to agree right well with her.
John Kimport is hauling material
for a new house to be erected the com
ing summer.
Frame Weiser, Aaronsburg's black
smith was in our town last week on
important business.
Mrs. Anna Frank, of Millheim, is 1
staying with her daughter, Mrs. Duck,
Ibis week. The latter is slowly im
proving from her illness.
On Monday when Jerry Kern water
ed',Al. Keen's horses,one of them kick
ed at him, but fortunately both hind
feet passed his head, only scraping a
little on each side. A narrow escape
Several persons from this place con
template going West next week.
Charles Frankeuberger is on the sick
Smith Town was beaten this time at
Tuesday's sham court. But we are
not discouraged. JUMBO.
Don't you want to buy a dorg ?
There are a few converts here to the
prohibition party, the result of the re
cent temperance lecture in Millheim.
Chas. H. Stover dressed and shipped
a calf four weeks old that weighed 140
pounds. Let's hear from you, boys.
sermon in the Evangelical church on
last Sabbath.
A surprise party was given to Jfr.
and Mrs. L. I). Kurtz and family by a
number of their neighbors and friends
on last Friday evening. Pleasant con
versation, ice cream, cake and music
was the programme for the evening.
"Yesterday [Sunday 21st] you were
50 years old—to day [the 2*2udJ 34 years
ago, you were mariied." Such was
the unlocked for intelligence brought
to Jessie Wert on the day of the above
last named date by his children and
grandchildren. Some very nice presents
were left for the parents by their chil
dren. R tt v. and Mrs. Deitzler accom
panied by their guest Rev. Diven were
invited to take diniier with the family
On last Saturday morning while Al
fred Kreamer, living on J. G. Jfeyer's
farm below town, was engaged in some
work at the open end of the barn floor,
one of the large gates came flying to
with fearful force, hit Mr. Kreamer
and pitched him across the floor against
a threshing machine. He was found
in an unconscious condition.
In the forenoon of the same day,
while Albert Stambach was attending
to his mules and horses in his father's,
the Rev. Stambach's barn, one of the
mules kicked Albert on the left limb,
immediately below the hip. After an
examination it was found that the
limb was broken. Their family physic
ian being out of town, Dr. Stam was
called to dress and set the limb.
No doubt the ofliciating clergyman
has already seut the announcement to
the JOURNAL of the marriage of Mr.
Turb Kreamer, of Millheim, to Miss
Phoebe Stoyei of North 2udSt., Aarons
burg. The same took place at the
Lutheran parsonage on last Sunday
evening. . ANOTHER.
Rebersburg and Vicinity.
The citizens of Rebersburg and
neighborhood talk about building a
town hall. Certainly very much need
ed here.
Harvey Corman Sold his home to
Reuben Gramley. Harvey will this
spring turn his face westward, intend
ing to locate somewhere in Kansas.
Several capitalists of Lock Haven
will commence prospecting for coal on
the farm of John Hubler, near Rebers
burg, next week. They are positive
that coal can be found there.
Thos. Morris is our champion coon
hunter. Last week he killed twelve
raccoons in three days. Who can beat
that V
Last week while several gents from
Madisonburg were in town attending
election, they stopped at the hotel for
dinner. Our wide-awake landlord, be
ing aware of the fact that farmers as a
rule have good appetites, he loaded
his table with the best the market
would afford. The "roasted beef" as
they called it, stood no chance at all
and was enjoyed with undeniable de
light. Those who were in possession
of the comical facts were full of merri
ment with the joke and finally the laud
lord had to succumb to the general
chuckling and laughter and give the
thing away. It was ' roasted goose"iti
stead of beef.
William Hoekman bought a house of
Samuel Condo for $575. William be
lieves in haying the cage before the
bird is caught.
Geo. Guistwite is making prepara
tions to build a new house on the tim
ber land which he lately purchased of
Daniel Itoyer.
The JOURNAL is a welcome visitor
around heie and is read by nearly every
family. Those who are not subscrib
ers, manage to borrow it somewhere.
[Fie, ye mercenary mortals. Ed.]
Mis 3 Laura Royer,who had been seii
ously ill, we are glad to state, is slowly
recoyering* SQIBOB.
Mr. A. M. Grenninger lias solil his
stock of dry goons and groceries, and
rented IIIR store room to Messrs Dur
ham Bros' A Co., of Watsontown, who
will move here the first of March and
open up.
Mr. John Gingerich, one of our first
class citizens, is going to move his fam
ily to Jersey Shore in a few days. Sorry
to lose you, John.
We understand that Mr. Henry
Whitmer has purchased a lot just north
of the bridge, and intends erecting a
large implement and hardware store
soon. It is a capital idea, and we are
satisfied that Mr Whitmer will make
a success of his enterprise.
Van Pelt & Shoop of Centre Ilall
shipped a car load of Champion reapers
and binders to this place this week,and
they are all sold, too.
Miss Regina and Sam'l and Emory
Gettig, of Tussey ville,are visiting with
their cousins, 'Squire Gettig's family
this week.
liube Bracht, one of our young men,
intends moving to tlie land of the ' Set
ting Sun" next week. His absence
will he inuchly mourned by one of Co
hum's fair maids. Rule give us a
'Squire Gettig intends moving his
family to Spring Mills in the spring
and take charge of I. J. Grenoble's
store at that place. The Spring Jolli
ers will find the 'Squire a first-class
business man.
Mrs. R. F, Vonada is visiting in Re
bersburg this week.
Andy Campbell had an agreeable trip
to Flat Rock during the week. We
really did enyy you your trip, Andy.
Haines township elected the follow
ing .* Collector of Taxes, Michael
Fiedler; Supervisors of Roads, Geo.
B. Stover, Henry Behm ; School Di
rectors,A. F. Kreamer.G. W. Kister;
Overseers of the Poor, John Bower,
Michael F. Hess ; Assessor, W. E.
Keen; Asst. Assessors, Adam Bartges,
Noah Weaver ; Auditor, P. T. Mus
ser ; Township Clerk, Benj. Hafley ;
Constable, H. J. Crouse.
West Precinct— Judge of Election,
Aaron Weaver ; Inspectors, Charles
Bower, Zakariah Thomas ; Registra
tion Assessor, Willis Musser.
East Precinct — Judge of Elections,
T. W. Hosterman; Inspectors, R. E.
Stover, Howard Musser.
On the 21st Inst., at the Lutheran parsonage.
Aaronsburp:, by Rev. M. L. Deltzler, Mr. Tur
bit W. K reamer, ot Mill helm, and Mlse Pheobe
K. Stover, of Aaronsburg.
1/ OVER 1000000
1 1ghsyb"
Attention, Read!
Positively the best and cheapest store of
in the county.
a large, attractive, neat, fresh and new stock—any-
X3lj OrOUUS thing imaginable in this line.
Ready-Made Clothing — in this vicinity. We always ca *
ry a full line. Sold cheap.
'KT/t+iswie ™ s department is simply chucked full of the tastiest goods
ll O vlUilb" - "the market affords.
Boots and Shoes— Au ,ledstock in leather and rubber -
Drugs and Patent Medicines reasonable prices.
Groceries— Always a stock fresb grocerieß,
Queensware, Glassware, Wood A; Willow Ware, Hats Caps, Flour and Provis
* ion.s, Lumbermen's Goods, Confectioneries, Carpets of all kinds, such as
Brussels, Rag, Ingrain, Mattings , etc., Gil Cloths, for floors and
tables, Jtiuqs, Lao Robes, Horse Blanketi. Mirrors , <fcc.
Space does not permit to enumerate all,but come
and see for yourselves and be convinced that WE
are positively supplying the people of this vicinity
with the BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Figures.
.Remember no old stock or shelf-worn goods sold
at our store —but all new goods.
Yours Respectfully,
Main Street, - - - Millheim, Pa.
To Regulate
I H h warranted not to contain a tingle par-*
JL lUi tick of Mercury or any injurious sub
stance, but ia purely vegetable.
It will Core all DUauaa caused
by Derangement of tho Liver,
Kidneys and Stomach.
If your Liver Is out of order, then your
whole system is deranged. The Uood is
impure, the breath offensive; you have
headache, feel languid, dispirited and
nervous. To prevent a more serious con
dition, take st once Simmons
T TTTTin REGULATOR. If you lead a
1.1 II I" if sedentary life, or sulfa with
U1 V 111* Kidney Aflhetiom, avoid
stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator.
Sure to relieve.
If you have eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feel heavy after meals or
sleepless at night, take a dose and you
will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly.
If you are a miserable sufferer with
Constipation, Dyspepsia and
Itillousnosa, seek relief at once in
Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not
require continual dosing, and coats but a
trine. It will cure you.
If you wake up in the morning with a
bitter, bad taste in your mouth,
ill B WWW) Simmons Liver Regulator It cor-
I H K K recti the Bilious Stomach, sweetens
A fllill the Breath, and cleanses the Furred
Torque. Children often need some safe Cathar
tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness.
Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head
ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and
the Complaints incident to Childhood.
At any time you feel your system needs
cleansing, toning, regulating without violent
purging, or stimulating without intoxi
cating, take
Skins Liver Mate
J. H. ZEIUN A CO..Philadelphia,Pa.
Surface Indications
Wbat a miner would very properly term
"fcurfnco Indications" of what is beneath,
are the Pimples, Sties, Sore Byw,
Polls, and Cutaneous Kruptlon* with
which people are annoyed in spring and
early summer. The effete matter accumu
lated during the winter months, now
makes Its presence felt, through Nature's
endeavors to expel it from the system.
Whllo It remain?, It is a poison that festers
In the blood and may develop into Scrof
ula. This condition causes derangement
of the digestive and assimilatorjr organs,
with a fee I lug of enervation, languor, and
weariness—often lightly spoken of as "only
spring fever." These are evidences that
Nature is not able, unaided, to throw off
the corrupt atoms which weaken the vital
forces. To regain health, Nature must be
aided bv a thorough blood-purifying med
icine; and nothing else is so effective a*
Ayer's Sarsap
which U sufficiently powerful to expel
from the system even the taint of Hered
itary Sorofula.
The medical profession indorse Arm's
B-IKSAPARILLA, sad many attestation* of
the cures effected by it come from all parte
of the world. It is, ia the language of
the lion. Francis Jewett, ex-State
a tor of Massachusetts and ex-Mayor of
Lowell, "the only preparation that does
real, lasting good."
Pp. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mae*.
Sold by all Druggists: Price $1;
Six bottles for |6.
Lorillard's Climax
with Red Tin Tag; Rose leaf Fine Cut Chew
ng; Xnv j Clippings,ana Black, Brown aud
Yellow SNUFF are the beat and cheapest quak
ty considered.
A 7 C
often of tbiririett(ls,vrin MS W W
i .oivc 3; .pl o 3 iaosi(4
tra.h or pocxirt thut for s6-A Thin
i-* <-tiui.,:fo.-.ur-.i to;ou. Hutivfnctioa ran.
VUCAEA eUri'LY CO. Drawer 1(3. Buffalo. *.T