j|iltl|tim |otii|nal. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH, 1886. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. Democratic County Com. for 1880. DISTRICT. COMMITTHB. Bellefonte, N. W T L A Shaffer. S. W Jacob Runkle. " W.W ~...Wni Harper. Centre Hall Boro Dr J F Alexander. Howard " Alex "'eber. Milesburg " E A Carr. Millheim " DLZerbv. Phllipsburg " Ist W W L Samiford. 44 " 2ndW „..Heury Lehman. " 3rd W -WC tingle. Unionvllle 44 J McDonald. Benner Twp Wm Ishler. Boggs 44 K. P Henry I. Bi.mhart, 44 44 W.P Col Jas F Weaver. Burnslde 44 ......... Wm Hippie. College 44 ..Daniel Grove, Jr. Curtln *' Henry Confei. Ferguson 44 B. P John McCorralck. •' W. P I. W Walker. Gregg *• W.P..~ John Rossmati. R * 4 8. P John P. Condo. Haines 44 E. P Jno. J. Orndorf. 44 W.P Jacob Wile. H&lfmoon 44 -A. T. Gray. Harris 44 James W. Swabb. Howard 44 Michael Confer. Buoton •• -..Charles Murray. Liberty " J.J. Delong. Marion 44 - John Ishler. Miles •' ... Reuben Kreamer. Patton 44 Geo. W. Behrs, Jr. Penn 44 Samuel Ard. Potter 44 N. P....... James A. Keller. 44 44 8. P - K. B. Hosterman. Rush 44 N. P Hugh MeCann. 44 S. P Orrin Vail. Snow Shoe 44 E. P —Thomas McCann. M. P —2.Pat Kelly. Spring 44 -..Amos Garbrick. Taylor •• -Vinton Beckwith. Union 44 InoAStoyer. Walker 44 Samuel Decker. Worth 44 W G. Morrisou. L. A. SHAFFER, ADAM HOT. Secretary. Chairman. PHILADELPHIA SALESMEN are agita ting a movement to get a reduction in an uniformity of the hours of labor, and especially the time of closing. JOHN B. GOUGH, the famous tem perance lecturer, died at Frankford last Thursday afternoon. On the pre vious Monday he was stricken with paralysis while lecturing at the Frankford Presbyterian church. FROM ten to fifteen thousand nail ers who have been idle for nearly nine months on account of the great strike at Pittsburg, will go to work again in a few days, a compromise having been effected between the nail firms and the strikers. A OOUNTERFIT five-dollar gold piece has made its appearance at the Treas ury Department. It bears the date of 1881 and is manufactured in a very neat manner. Its actual value is $4.47. The counterfeiters who put the coia in circulation are very mod est as their profit is exceedingly small. HON. A. G. CURTIN made one of the closing speeches in the house last week en the FitzJohn Porter bill. Mr. Cnrtin's arguments in favor of Porter were telling and full of person al reminiscences and anecdotes. The bill finally passed the house and for the sake of justice and fairness it is to be hoped that the senate will do like wise. Gen. Porter has been the vic tim of injustice and prejudice about long enough. THE purchase of the interest of the Vanderbilt estate in the Reading rail road by President Gowen last Satur day creates much sensation in fiuan oial and railroad oiroloe. The raiao which Mr. Gowen is said to have made in the shape of anywhere be tween SIO,OOO 000 and $25,000,000 is a matter of much comment. Mr. Gowen now proposes tokeepcontrol of the company,reofganize it, and put it on a firmer financial footing. Whether he will succeed in getting away with the powerful syndicate which opposes his plans, and save the company from almost certain foreclosure, remains to be seen. One thing is certain that the Reading road must be managed more economically than heretofore if it would pay its current expenses. IT HAS come to light that the Sol diers' Orphan Schools of this state are managed in a shameful way. Of the $350,000 which the state appro priates annually for the support of these schools, it is estimated that a bout $90,000 are absorbed by the managers for personal and selfish pur poses. In fact the schools are being used as regular money machines and the real purpose—the education and proper training of the orphans—seems to be a minor point in the estimation of the officials. Reports say that children at these schools are fed at the rate of 3 cents per meal, per head, that three and four are crowded into one bed and their winter clothing is very scaßt. It is to be hoped that Governor Pattison, when this corrup tion and neglect prevailißg in those schools, is properly presented to him will take decisive steps to better their condition. Unexpected Increase in Wages. READING, Pa., Feb. 19.—The 2,000 men who are employed in the Philalel phia and Reading Railroad Company's shops here, were this morning notified that an increase in all of the depart ments would be made on March Ist. The ratio of the proposed increase was not announced. -First-class iob work done at the JOURNAL office. THE LIST OF JURORS.— The April terra of Court will continue for three weeks beginning with the I9Lh of that month. The following is the list ot grand ami traverse jurors : Tiunn Monday of Aran.— I travkk.se ji kous Christian Sharra, farmer, Taylor. ,T W Joinw. lumberman, i'hiltnslmrji. William llnt-nor, gettTlenmn, llollefontc. Geo W EllenlH'rjrFr. farmer. Fei'Kuson. A V Minprle, merchant, Bollefonte. W Fred Reynolds..lr, banker, Bellefonte. (J 1") Hoover, farmer. Union. W R Jenkins, machiuM. Bellefonte. Jas C Ourtln, farmer, Spring. Jos W Flora, shoemaker, Spring. Monroe Armor, laborer, llellefonie. Thomas Kckley. lumberman, Snow Shoe. John P Harris, banker. Bellefonte. Benjamin Jones, lumberman, PhilipsburK. John Dale, farmer, Bonner. John A Daley, farmer, Curtln. Chas Mcdarvev, laborer. Union. Win Stover, farmer, Grope. J Oscar gentleman, Phllipsburg. Andrew Glenn,Tanner, College. Benjamin Beck, laborer, Miles. Thomas It Parks, lumberman. Haines. James Harris, merchant, Bellefonte. John Dubbs, tanner. Soring. Ellis I.ytle, surveyor, Patton. Justice Turner, teaclier, Howard twp. M 1> Snyder, merchant, College Roliert Hepburn, carpenter, Bellefonte. Hon Samuel Frank, merchant, Miles. Chits Kekenroth. farmer. Soring. Hon P Gray Meek, editor, Bellefonte. W G Morrison, teacher, Worth. William Poorman, farmer. Snow Shoe. I S Prain. farmer, Marion. Conrad Singer, blacksmith. Curtln. Joseph Royer, drover. Howard borough. GIUND JUUOKS. Franklin Emcrich. laborer. Walker. John T Schenck. farmer Howard twp. daml I Condo. blacksmith, Gregg. Scott Fravel, laborer, Rush. Jareti Kreamer, farmer. Miles. John II Seber. blacksmith. Half Moon. J G Royer, farmer. Walker. Thomas Near hood, farmer. Walker. Michael Grove,'farmer, Potter. Samuel Brugger. civil engiueer, Uulonvilie. P B Waddle, gentleman. Patton. B F Brown, farmer, Harris. Hale Ross, farmer, Ferguson. Jared Harper,merchant Bellefonte. Henry C Campbell, farmer, Ferguson. Wm B Way, farmer. Half Moon. Luther D Kurtz, farmer, llalnes. Henry Keen, farmer, Penn. Jacob Bolter, farmer. College. T R Hamilton, Superintendent, Bellefonte. John B Sholl. carpenter, Libei ty. Adam Krumrlne, farmer. Potter. John Emerich, merchant, Miles, FOURTH MONDAY OF APRIL—'TKAVKRSK JURORS WraG Blglow, physician. Half moon. John A Wolf, merchant Phllipsburg. W A Murray, gentleman. Harris. John SchrocK, blacksmith, Bellefonte. Daniel Dunkle, laborer. Walker. James Henderson, farmer, Benner. Ira N McClosky, teacher, Libertv. M M Musser, merchant, Haines. Manasses Gilbert, laborer. Miles. Andrew Gregg, farmer. Potter. J B Leathers, potter, Howard. Daniel Ulrich. saddler, Millheim. Isaac Mitchell, merchant, Bellefonte. Win Lohr, farmer. Potter. G W F Gray, farmer. Patton. W m J Dale, farmer. Spring. SC Brick ley*, farmer, Curtln. W H Sanford, banker, Phllipsburg. Samuel Fleck, clerk, John D I.OIIP, merchant. Gregg. S C Boak, merchant. Snow Shoe. J T Merryman, farmer, Tavlor. ilammon Sechler. grocer, Bellefonte. M S Graham, barber, Bellefonte. J PShope, laborer, Milesburg. John I Rankin, justice, Bellefonte. Samuel Bruineard, farmer, Miles. L C Lingle, coal ooerator. Phllipsburg. Christ Alexander, farmer, Penn. Levi Quick, farmer. Snow Shoe. Wm HI Musser, millwright, Bogus. . Robert J Haines. Justice. Snow Shoe. Daniel Bitner, farmer, Liberty. George B Jack, merchant, Harris. David Russel, laborer, Gregg. David Dennis, farmer, Fergusob. Henry Kling, laborer, Penn. Geo Strains, laborer. Bellefonte. John R Lee, farmer, Potter. A T Boggs. merchant. Milesburg. John Confer, lumberman. Straw Shoe. Foster V Joilon, fanner. Spring. Joseph Gates, farmer, Ferguson. J L Rogers, blacksmith. Walker. Samuel Uiley, farmer, Harris. R C Valentine, clerk. Bellefonte. David Musser, farmer. Gregg. John Gates, laborer, Half Moon. FIRST MONDAT OF MAY—TRAVERSE JURORS Elias Markle, wagonmaker. Walker. Kil Shannon, miller. Snow Shoe. . George B Stover, farmer, Haines. James I.ytle, farmer, Half Moon. D P iSTiope. " Boggs. George Blackford, eating saloon. Bellefonte. John Gunsallus, farmer, Snow Shoe. Wm Resides, gentleman. Boggs. Thos Riley, farmer, Harris. Chas Sommervjlle, miner. Snow Shoe. Andrew Fetzer. farmer, Boggs. S M Buck, lonndrymun, Bellefonte. John S Foster, gentleman. College. Leonard Rhone, farmer. Potter. George H Mock, Butcher, Phllipsburg. AlexG Ewing, merchant Ferguson. Frank Hosterman, farmer. Gregg. D W Clark, b.acksraitli, Liberty. SC Hunter, carpenter, SeUefonte. Michael Shires, teacher. Potter. John F Krebs, farmer, Ferguson. Samuel Gramley, " Miles. P N Sernhart, " Spring. Andrew SrockerhotT, gentleman, /fellcfte. Thomas W Fisher, fanner, Taylor. Geo Taylor, gentleman, Soggs. R II Crasthwalte, saddler. Spring. George M Soal, farmer, Centre Hall. Henry Koch, " Ferguson. D H Rote, justice, //.lines. ! jonii vr Mums, cierK, rayior. W J Thompson, mercnant. Potter. If G Shaffer, hotelist Gregg. D W Pietcher, surveyor, 11 >ward boro. Elmer Campbell, farmer. /*otter. 11A Brumgard, '' Walker. Miscellaneous News. —lt is a good rule to accept only such medicines as have,af;er long yea's of trial, proved worthy of confidence. This is a case where other people's ex perience may be of great service, and it has been the experience of thousands th it Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best cough medicine ever used Drank a Quart of Whiskey and Died. ASHLAND, Pa., Feb. 22.— John Weber, aged 21 years drank a quart of whiskey in a saloon last night, after which ho crawled into an abandoned tenement house to sleep and was found dead this morning. —THE horrible nauseous worm-seed vermifuges and worm syrups have had their day. It's downright cruelty to compel a child to take them when Mc- Donald's Celebrated Worm Powder are so easy and pleasant to take that chil dren take them and never know a med icine is being administer, d. (\n be procured at any drug store for the small sum of 25 cents. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WA Yit CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim,Pa. Death from Eating Diseased Pork. BETIILEIIEM, Pa., Eeb. 22.—The wife of Clovd. Sensenbach, a farmer, living near this place, died yesterday of trichiniasis, and tlieir 14 -year-old daughter, Annie, died on Saturday from the same cause. Thty had eaten of a diseased hog killed by Sensenbach. —WHEN your children are threaten ed withcroup or whoopirg-cough, be ware how you lull them to sleep with cough syrups whose principle ingredi ents are morphia and odium. The nat ural effort of the lungs to expel the suffocating mucus is coughing. £>r. Kessler's Celebrated English Cough Medicine contains no morphia or opium in any form, and by its stimulating ac tions on the kidneys, bowels, and pores of the skin, more than any other reme dy, assists Nature in breaking up and expelling the worst colds from the sys tem. Jfoney refunded to dissatisfied purchasers. Sold everywhere. JOHNSTON. HOLLO WAY & CO., Philadelphia Agents, Sold by J. Eisenhutb, Millheim ,Pa. Eight Horses Killed In a Railroad Wreok. WII.KBSBARRE, Pa., Feb. 10.—This morning shortly after the south-bound freight train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad left Pittston, one of the axles of a car near the centre of the train moke, and seven cars were precipitated down an embankment and wrecked. Among the live stock on some of the cars were thirty-three horses being shipped from Seaforth, Out., to Daniel Logan and M. Bitzer, at Lancaster. Eight of the hors s were killed, and nearly all the others are seriously in jured —For eraaehe,toothache,sore throat, swelled neck, and the results of cold and inflaiuati3n,use l>r. Thomas' Elec tric Oil—the great pain destroyer. The New Substitute for Lard. The Housekeeper for February has the first of A series of articles on the use of "cotton seed oil" (which is usu ally sold as olive oil) as a substitute for lard, which is always unwholesome and sometimes a rank source of disease. The discovery of a vegetable oil equally good for culinary purposes, and equally cheap, will be a godsend to housekeepers. Besides this new lead, this number of the Housekeeper is packed full of good practicle common setiso on all home matters. Send for a specimen cony to Buckeye Pub. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. —Adolf Lalloz, carriage manufact urer, 119 Carroll Street,|Buff ilo, N.Y., states : 4 1 was troubled with nauseau of the stomach, 3iek headache and gen eral debility. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me.' Qowen's Purchase of the Vander bilt Share. President Gowen on Saturday con cluded negotiations for the purchase of the Reading Railroad stock held by the Vauderbilt estate. The price paid is not announced, but it is understood to have been two or three points above market quotations. Only about 00,000 shares were obtained by the purchase, as the late William 11. Vanderbilt had parted with a large portion of his Read ing holdings before lus death. Mr. Gowen hopes by this means to retain his posit'on in the piesideucy, and so worry the Morgan-Welsh syndicate that its foreclosure schemes will drag along for several years, by which time he expects to have the Reading proper ty on its feet agiin. It is stated that Mr. Gowen has secured financial assis tance to the extent of $15,000,000, if tluit much i>* required, to aal him in carrying out lus plan of reorganization. Gowen'a Purchases iu South Fenn. PITTSBURG, Feb. 22 —The minority stockholders of the South Pennsylva nia Railroad of this city giye as auth oritative that, in addition to President Gowen's purchase of the Vanderbilt interest in the Reading Road, he also bought the Vanderbilt interest in the South Pennsylvania Road. They as sert that the road will certainly be built. —Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best med icine for every one in the spring. Em igrants and travellers will find in it an effectual cure for the eruptions, boils, pimples, eczema, etc., that break out on the skiu—the effect of disorder in the blood, caused by sea-diet and life on board ship. Four Men Drowned in the Susquehanna. STEEI-TON, PII. , Feb. -1— j/ist Sat urday is a day long to be remembered here, four men being drvviiee held at C.W.Hosterman's i Hotel. Woodward, l'a., on Tuesday, March 9th, i t>etweeii 10 a.in.and '2 p. in., for the purpose of holding the annual election of officers. DANIEL STUICKI.BR, President. C ACTION NOTCK.—' The following personal | property of 1) I. Brown was purchased at sheriff ssile, Feb. 9th,lßßfi, by the undersigned: His stock in the store room on Mam street.con sistlng of seven single and double heater parlor stoves. 1 cook stove, stove fixtures,coal buckets, tinware, tinner's tools, machinery, show case and contents, scales, pans, lids, scrap iron, &e., Also the following articles at his residence on Penn street, 1 Cow, 1 Horse, Sled, Cook Stove, Heater stove. Kstey Organ, Centre Table. Cup board, 2 Reds. Sett Chairs. Lot of Carpet. All persons are notified not to meddle or interfere with said property In any wise or manner as I have left the same In his possession at my pleas ure. .JACOB EISENHUTH. Millheim, Feb. 18th, 18% STRAY CA TTLE.—Came to the residence of Ein'J. Swart z. in Penn township, about 3 months ago, two head of cattle, one a steer, the other a heifer, both about two years old, red without any visible mark. The owner Is re quested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away, otherwise they will be dispos ed of according to law. KM'L. SWARTZ. 2 -2m - AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLKAS OF CENTRE Co . IN TIIK MATTER OF THE ASSIGNED ESTATE OF .JACOB MC* COOL. The undersigned auditor appointed by said Court to make distribution of the funds In the hands of the assignee of Jacob McCool, will meet the parties in interest for the purpose of his appointment, at his office In Bellefonte, on Friday. Feb. 26th. 18%. at 10 o'clock; a. m.wheu and where those in interest can attend. J.C. MEYER, G-3t Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Centre Co., the undersigned, trustee of the estate of John G Weaver, late of Gregg township, deceased, will sell at pubic sale on the premises, on SATURDAY, MARCH 6TII, 1886, the following described real estate of said de cedent: All that certain tract or piece of land, situate % mile north of Spring Mills, Gregg township, county of Centre and state of Pennsylvania, bounmled on the north by lands of Daniels Bartges and others, on the east by lands of Duntel Bartges, on the south by lands of Danie 1 Bartges and William Allison's estate, and on the west by lands of Win. Krise and Win. Alli son's estate,containing FORTY ACRES, more or less. Thereon erected a 2-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, BANK BARN, and other outbuildings. Sale to begin at one o'clock, p. m..when terms will be m ade known. L. B. STOVER. Trustee. P. H. MUSSER, WATCHM AKEH\ J EWELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., -ri*tOPPOSITE THE BANK.J+- Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 5-ly. HOW TO USE CATARRHCRSJM BALM F I be Balm into each mytEMAbn£l rr* v, Aw, WW through the nose. It N I w "' lie absorbed ami ■ ntAni begin Its wo rk of W so cleansing and heaI fHAYFEVERtI'y HUT the diseased ineuihrane. It al m,, AO a? ,a >'s intlamallou :i"d f .vsh colds. ; A f e *v applications relievo. A thorough will cure. KxlifliP \ USA. I .\giveuble to use. 1 (or circular. pf/Al "rE. w Km iq lce 50 ce nts, b y mail or at druggists. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists. Owego, N. Y. 1-41 A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK. FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. ONLY *1 BY MAIL. POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATIVE SAMPLE FREE TO ALL. A €4rel Medical Work on Manhood. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man. Errors of Youth, and the unfold miseries resulting from ind.scretton or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle-Aged and old. It contains 125 jierscrlptlons for nil acute and chronic dis eases, each one of which is Invaluable. 80 found by the Author, whose experience tor 25 years Is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician 300 pages, bound in beautiful French inuslln, embossed covers, full gilt, guamuteed to be a finer work in every sense than any other work sold in this country for 12.50, or the money will be refunded in every 'in tunee. Price only #I .OO by mall, post-paid, illustrative sample free to anybody. Send now. G|.i medal awarded the author by the Nation al Medical Association, to the President of which, the Hon I*. A. Kisspl, and associate officers of the Board the reader is respectfully referred. The Science of Life is worth more to the vouug and middle-aged men of this generation than all the gold mines of California ami the silv.-r mines of Nevada combined.— B. FChron ic'". The Science of Life points out the rocks and quicksands 011 which the const! utiou and hopes _uf luau* a. *** fotaihr The Science of Life is of greater value than all the medical works published in this couutry for the oast 50 years.— Atlanta Constitution. The Science of Life is a superb and masterly treatise on nervous ami physical debility.—De troit Free P'csx. There Is no member of society to whom the Science of Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergy, inan.— Argonaut. Address ihe Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. IC. Parker,No. 4 Bnlflnch Street, Boston. Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases re qulrtn skill and experience. Chronic and ob stinate diseases that liavp baffled the skill of all other physicians a specially. Such treated successfully without an iustauce of failure, j Mention this paper. 5-4t PATENTS. CAVEATS and TRADE MARKS secured and all patent business attended to promptly, for moderate fees. Our office is opposite the U.S. PATENT OF FICE and we can obtain PATENTS in less time than those remote from Washington, D.G. Upon receipt of MODEL or SKETCH of In vention, we make careful examination, and ad vise as to patentability FREE OF CHARGE. NO PAY unless Patent is secured, lnfor -1 11 atlou as to terms and references sent on ap | plication. McKemin A Sim*, 1009, F Street, Washington. D. C PLAID BHAWL GIVEN AWAY! Through the failure of a large roarer -5F tm ! u of Cashmere Pattern Fringe aMHflk Shawls, there has come into ourhanos • large consignment of Plaid Jmf", -aaqjfem. Shawls, perfect goods, which we JWijpßyApropose to present to the la.lies in the following manner: Send us 1$ BnmH cents for 8 mo*. subscription to ■ Farm and Houachoid, a large SS Hp illustrated paper.devoted Farm and Household topics, ' cs and general miscellany, JlWlfc=3F--i n< t we send you one of these shawls I'KEE by mail postpaid, or we will send r shawls and S subscriptions to one address for Ji.oo. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Address FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Box 49- Hat ♦ford.Cona. E MVOLSVLLALIWL'LWIAKIIBB AMD %DEBILITI%FPELALBA# DECAY. A Life Experience. Rem&rk&ble and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARP A CO. Louisiana, Mo. 1 CURE FITS! When I say cura I do not mean merely to stop than for a time and then have them return again. I maan a radical cure. I hava made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or PALL -IXG SICKNESS a life long atudy. I warrant my remady to cuts the worst caaes. Because others hare failed Uno rraaon for not naw receiving a cure. Bend at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy: 6lre Exprrei *nd Toat Office. It coeta you nothing for a trial, and 1 will euro yon; DR. aO. BOOT, 1 Peart St„ N.T. 5-4t CONSUMPTION. I have a positive remedy for the above dlaeaae; bv lta nso thousands of cases of the worst klndaudof long standing have been cured. Indeed, soetrongl# my faith In Us efficacy,that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this dlaeaaa to any sufferer. Give express and I* O. nddr-ss. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, in lvari St., New Tork. 5-4t DP 4 rYPW's UACNEN and CVRE, Eiflff 11 Ijisisi)y one who was tleaf twentv eightyearß. Treated by most of the noted pec ialists of the day with no benefit. Cured ' himself (o three months, anth St., New York City. L-4t. W AYTI n -LA DIES to work for us at ilil I EiUsthelr own homes, B7 to 810 per week can be quietly made. No photo la'ntJng; no'canvassing. For fulljyartlCv ulars, please address at once, CRESENT ART COMPANY, 19 Central Street, Boston Mass. Box 5170. 7-4t LADIES WANTED to work for us at their own homes. #7 to 810 per week can be easily made; no canvassing; fascinating and steady employment. Particulars and sample of the work sent fdr stamp. Address, HOME M'FG CO., P. O. Box 1916, Boston Mass. 7-4t. WANTED HALE-MEN everywhere, local and traveling, to sell our goods. Will pay good salary and all expenses. Write for terms at once, and state salary wanted. Address STANDARD SILVER WARE COM PANY, Wastfiugton Street, Boston, Mass. 7-4t DYSPEPSIA.— Its Nature, Cause 9, Pre vention and Cure. By JOHN H. MCALVIN, Lowell, Mass., fourteen years Tax Colleotor. Sent free to any address. e-4t tansy pills .1 Ar perfootly Safe and siway* £flfeetl. m Used to-djr rtfulwly by 10,000 American '1 Woman. aaraaiaS nperier la all ■ o(h*. or Cwk reOuica. Don't mitt ■i money on werthlea anUaaii Try this ensey Best. Sold by all Drugglsta, or mailed to any address. Band 4 cents for particulars. WILCOX SPXCIFIC CO., rkilada., Pa, THIS PAPER E£ Kewapuper Advertising bureau (H> Hpruc* Street), where a Ivor-• apnea■ \ga\mamm YORK* aA M di^ r fm Impure or Impovrr iehed Mood, m Hcr>f "*V7ula, Rheumatism, Ul ■■W ■ oerous Horea, White Hwollinifs. Syphilitic Nodes, Bone Diseases, eto. luvaJuable iu Uenersl Debility and diseases of de bility of the aged. A rich ajrrnp, oontaininc no injurious infredienta. No other Remedy baa tat oaived such enoomiums. Bold by all DruggisU. 500 Tons OF White No via Scotia Plaster at $9.00 per ton, for sale by WHITMER& LINCOLN, at their warehouse, Coburn, Pa. 3-3 m. LEWISBURG & TYRONE AND BELLEFONTE. NITTANY X LEMONT RAILROAD. DAILY EXCKPT 9CNDAY. LB AVE WESTWARD. 1 3 5 7 9 Leave, a.m. a.m. a. m. p. m. P-JB; Montiiudon SAO 9.20 10.15 1.30 6.06 Lewlsburg Ar.6.15 9.30 10.25 1.50 6.20 Lewlsburg Lv 6.30 2.00 Fair Ground- .6.35 2-85 Biehl...- 6.25 2-00 Vleksburg JtX 2.08 Mi All ii burg Ar. _ .Mitlliiib'g Lv. 6.43 2-2 Mlllinont 6.59 2.40 Laurel ton 7.07 2.48 Coburn 8.45 3JO Rising Spring .8.15 4.15 Centre Ha 11....8.83 4 40 Gregg A 40 4.50 Linden Hall.. 8.49 5.08 t hot<*u, I cburcbea. acbool. newfpaper, foctoiy, Uxnulty. i steaisbo.-.ia,S u..uaul luuiib. I.iuj iipviy odvauc.Be:;d, gml, arn.i hj- nil iuwHa,>al lor circulars wiili 4 runf. M i—.c t l boasee, el! nbout the wotuh-rfu! ritivtii .f wtr col ony .its buallb, prices. irrru*. audlW otbrr ( j .U, Farms for 4StW n inontiJy inatauaM-Me • tl.ure havlngeniploymiriit.wiilaiiJt Imvimr ti.-.. •'t Address 4.■f.'JßAßiCliA.Clarvuiot.t.• • v *- | rt\o travel aud . c;;. ;* Jf. e(4ehfftt*i Oig-va. Toibsa>-J. C.ei. c%.< i . . Ac. L ! 'au-iU nrmog , iTii^. t ! a—'j u. Addra-.t ut o-Mhf, .NEW Vbltiv v • .*•.> Ci.-A.t CD.* ilrora v. /, ... . t. KiiN'i ioN '1 ill'a 1i I it- V" Wmmmm acre. Good murketn. llealtby cliiuate. Favor. II>:AC ESTMS ACENTA.R.I—.UR^V. UIRSIIU LETREUUR. A. O. BUM, W.MIU, T. Pure And ! Unadulterated! I G T. FBAIN, Proprietor of the agFiret National Hotel,^- MILLHEIM, PA.. wiHhee to Inform the publie that he keeps the following liquors constantly on hand and in suree them all strictly pure, and especially a dapted for medical purposes: WHIftKEYA: OIKS; Hanneavllle, Imported Holland, Pougbkeepsle, London, > Rush, WIRES; Hasg, Blackberry, Louisville, Elderberry, Kentucky. Pert BB ANDYS; Huckleberry, Plain. Catawba, Ginger, Grape. Sherry. Blackberry, Applejack. Peach. jVctc England Rum. 49* These liquors are all guaranteed to be not leu than four years old and can be strongly reocommended as wholes >me and healthy. MALT LIQUORB, such as PORTKR.ALE and LAGER always on draught. 22-3 m THE MILLHEIK JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is noio supplied urith Good PmmssmS \ and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE READS, m * BILLHEADS. STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds . •' ' ' - '• t PROMPTLY EXECUTED.