A Socialist's Downfall. Brother Gardner Relates a Sad Story. 'l can't see dat Prof. Trespass Johnson am in de hall to-night,' said Brother Gardner as he looked up and down. 'De tack am, I didn't 'zactly 'spect he would be. Snrtin events hev occurred to render his absence a necessity. De seckretary will turn to his name on de roll an' scratch it off, and write across it in red ink do word 'expelled.' ' When the Secretary had carried out the request the President contin ued : 'Up to a y'ar ago Prof. Johnson was an active, respected member of his club. He was not only a worker in our cause, but he was industrious as a man. If he couldn't get work at a dollar an' a half a day he got it fur a dollar. If he couldn't hev roast duck fur Sunday he put up a id a beef bone soup. Ilis family had plenty to eat an' to w'ar an 1 when rent day cum around he had do cash handy for his landlord. 'Jist about twelve months back some white man told de professor dat he had just as good a right to a piau er, gold watch an' span of horses as a rich man. He told dat de aris tocracy war coinin' money out of his labor. He was made tc believe dat the pusson who wouldn't pay two dollars to hev a kitchen ceilin' white washed was an oppressor. It was pounded into him dat, if he sot on de fence all summer an' talked agin de blue blood of his kentry, somebody would furnish him roast turkey all winter. 'Many of you saw how he was af fected. He begun to hate honest work. mouf began to grow big ger. While his cloze growed seedy, his importance increased daily. When his wood-pile grew low, he cussed Yanderbilt. When his flour bar'l wasempty, he reviled Jay Gould. When his children becum ragged, he ripped at capital. When his wife be cum bar'fut, he swore at de aristocra cy. When his landlord bounced him for non-payment of rent, he howled an' raved about oppressors an' ty rants. 'De climax cum las' nite. I beard dat he bed bin boastin' dat de rich must divide wid him, an' I concluded to watch my hencoop. About 'lebcu o'clock de professor showed up. I had twenty-two choice hens He had none. He was gwine to divide wid me, an* take 'leben. My frens, I can't 'zaetly describe what happened arter I gut my paws on h:in, but I know he went away empty-handed, liuipiu', sore, an' in de han's of an offi cer. He am no longer a member of dis club. If dar' am auy odd r mem ber wid socialistic ideas, now would be a good time fur hun* to make a grab fur his hat.an' back down sta'rs.' A deep silence followed. Not a man moved— [Detroit Free Press. pEABODY HOTEL, 9th St.South of Chestnut, -PHILADELPHIA. One Square Sooth of the New Pont Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms from 50cts to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W FAINE / M. D., 40-ly Owner & Pro; riot or. | There is no excuse for suffering from g | CONSTIPATION | Hand other diseases that follow a dis- M Bored state of the Stomach and Bow- gj H els, when the use of DR. HENRY BAXTER'S I MIME EITTEEE Will give immediate relief. After constipatioD follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia,! Indigestion, Diseases of B the Kidneys, Torpid Liver B Rheumatism, Dizziness,! Sick Headache, Loss of 1 Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-| oplexy, Palpitations,! Eruptions and Skin Dis-1 eases, etc., °f which these■ Bitters will speedily cure by removing tlieciuw. W Keep the Stomach, Bowels, and Digestive Organ* R9 in good working order, and perfect licaltll EjSl will be the result. LadloS an( l others sub-BH ject to Sick Headache will fi"d relief 5| H and permanent cure by the use of these Bitters H M Being tonic and mildly purgative they H 1 PURIFY THE BLOOD. I | Price 25 cts. per bottle. sale by all dealers iu medicine. Send Bj H address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions, mjj H EEJRY, JOHSSOS & LoßD,Props., Burlington, Vt. | For sale by D. S. Kauffman & Co.. and J. Spigehnycr, Millheim, Pa. VmGINIA FARMS FOR SALE. 500 farms, SO to 10,000 acres at •> to #95 pet acre. Good markets. Healthy climate. Favor, able prospecto. Wrtte for circulars containing Surface Indications ' What a minor would veryy>roporly form "surfaco indications" of what Is beneath, are the Pimples, Sties, Sore Eyes, Boils, and Cutaneous Eruptions with which people are annoyed in spring and early summer. The etl'etc matter accumu lated during tho whiter months, now makes its presence felt, through Nature's endeavors to expel it from tho system. While it remains, it is a poison that fosters in the blood and may develop into Scrof ula. This condition causes derangement of the digestive niul assimilatory organs, wit ha feeling of enervation, languor, ami weariness—often lightly spoken of as "only spring fever." These are evidences that Nature is not able, unaided, to throw off the corrupt atomj which weaken the vital forces. To regain health. Nature must ho aided by a thorough blood-purifying med icine; and nothing else is so effective us Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is sufficiently powerful to expel from the system even the taint of Hered itary Scrofula. The medical profession indorse AYF.r's SARSAPARILI-A, and many attestations of tho cures effected by it come from all parts of tho world. It is, in tho language of tho Hon. Francis Jewett, ex-Stato Sen ator of Massachusetts and ex-Mayor of Lowell, "tho only preparation that does real, lasting good.'* TRErARED BY ' M Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. - Sold by all Druggists: Frice $1; Six bottles for so. THE PENN ROLLER flouring MILLS s*.., .vjw is prepared to exchange Choice Roller Flour for good wheat in any quantities desired and will guarantee t he flour Strictly Pure and of First-Class Quality. J\IB. FISHER, PENN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA. STATE CoLT.K'iE. Winter Teirn beams January 0. lSvj. This institutioii i< l>c.t!ed in one of th * most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire A lie phfny rojjioii It is OJMMI to stu-.lt j uls ol both sexes, and offers th • following ( ours.- >r>tmly: 1. A Full eientitlc C n*se f / > i • ve i/s. If. A Latin cseiHid-: .rs. Tlu following Al)VA\Vill* Ci"i:-h Agriculture. 5. A mli r other information address GEORGE W. ATHKRTON, L. I>., President, 27-23 State College, Centre Co., Pa. N. W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller oT PURE RYE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use. ' Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23 ly K.BIVSI2XrC2-*37 * hue prepared a Cora- M\\W /11l JJjlefeOtitUtoontainingGO ft\w \v *A ''' " Wrfornlril Stamping pat bet goriOTincat H LV/ * \ Spiders. Stork/,Scoljops?og J 111 J v -erns.Crystal^Etchin^s.Ror ?.-C..'a-c,.50 in all. ranging LBYrffltfil flgnhWMin sire from 1 i-a in. to 7 in ches.alio 1 Box BlueStainplnsPowdrr.l Box White Btemplnz Powder, 1 Patent reyerelble Poneet, and full and complete directions for Kensington Stamping and Krabroiderv. Kensington l'ainting. Lustre. Metallic Flitter and Irrides'cent Painting. Colors used and mixing of Colors. Ribbon Embroidery. Chenille and Arasene Work. Correct Colors of all the different flowers. Description of every stitch used in embroidery.&c., making a complete Outfit that can not be bought at retail for less than >4.00. Fo introduce FARM AND HOUSEHOLD, the large. 32 page Illustrated Magazine devoted to the interests of the Country Ht'ne ana Household, we will send one of these Outfits complete free and aoatpald, to any lady v/ho will send Ssy. for , mos. su *• ription to the Magazine. F.tve for fi. Money cheerfully refunded if not more than satisfactory. Aa .rcn EARIH AfLD HOUSEHOLD. Box 49. Hartford. Conn. MO!fTH and BOARD for live CMDVOUIIK Men or I.adies, 01 each county Ad dress P. W. ZKIG LKJJ & CO., l'lilla e]p liia The most popular Weekly new)aper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, discoveries, in ventions and patents ever published. Every num ber illustrated with splendid engravings. This publication furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the SCIENTIFIC AMEMCAN is 6uch that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price. $3.20 a vear. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & CO., Publishers. No. 36lBroadway, N. Y. R ca ■■ si■■■ Munn jUJ I ! Strmginjf. Do Wi TslUi. I Wfl" 1 '""- bit 1,. IIS 1 ,0* • >*". :; . . righ-.e wuchtuning .s On.- lon. :i.-.i\m!?*l lr^ 4r 'Ti-|Will| lU]L gf)i I lan.w .n Uir M>lcs. >' i prevailing l-avmemt JIILJ 1 p'S crk-ntcl Cat & A *"'g.'iN mat ka He fr alogueifrcc. £n— a l u '.": '' '• " c "-Rd auratihty. ORGAN AND PIANO GO. 154 Trcmont St .Boston. 46 E.l4th St. (Union Sq.), N. Y. 149 Wabash Ave., Chicago. TUTFS ~ PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE, lilt Orwieit Medical Triumph of tho Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lou of appetite, Bowele coative, Pain la the head, with a dull oeneation in the back Part, Pain under the ehoclder blade, Fullness after eating, with a dis inclination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitfttl dreams. Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S FILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change offeelinpasto astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite,and cause tho body to Take on FleatGthus the system is nonriahed, and by their Tonic Action on the Uigestive Organs, Regular Stools are jwduci^l^^Tlce^aSc^dM^lurray^s^UjV/^ TUTTS HAIR DYL GKAT HAIR or WHISKERS changed to a C LOSSY BLACK by a singlo application of this DYE. It imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 91. Office. 44 Murrey St.. New York* TABLE SAUCE. Thousands of articles arc now manufactured that in former years li.id to l>o imported, paying high import duty as it in now being done ou Lea k Per lins table sauce ; tho QCAKKI; TABLK SAUCK takes its place; it has liet-a pronounced by competent judges just as good .and even better. Tho QUAKER SAUCE has Slowly but surely gained great im portance an ! i 3 replacing tho very best imported rauro on tho shelf of tho grocer, tho tables of the restaurant ami tho tables of tho rich and poor men, greatly priz <1 ai d relished by all on account of its piquancy, ar 'ina, taste, strength and pvtrcnops. The inventor has by years of study of tho secret virtues contained in tho aro matic spices of iho Indies ami China, such as mace, uutmig, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger, and peppers and lu>ls of trees unknown to most men, and by long practico succeeded to combine their extracts in such a liquid form as wenow find it, of agreeablo taste, and so invigorating as to be taken in place of .stomach bitters. By man ufacturing this sauco hero, heavy import duties and freights are saved, and it is sold at a lower figure to tho dealer, who making a bettor profit on Quaker Sauce can sell it to the consumer cheaper than .lie very best imported article hardly equal ing ours, li your grocer does not keep it. writo us for prices, etc. Sold In bottles or by the gallon. CHARM MANUFACTURING CO., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 100 k 10S S. 2d ST., St. LouL, Mo. This pnper in kept ou file at the uiilcc of ADVERTISING STI, GENTS ' ■ft" ':;n n'vn Chostnut-5?" * tnci C:M i !•(.; <.5 iS.'tU- : h &l,H IIOKSKH, C A Kill AO K* AN D II'tt • I Ks lor tbo use of summer boarders. DatiMs aal Siajla Rani, newly fnrnisiii d. for fumtles with children, on seoomt and third floors. Bu3 to all Trains. TKU.ms ItF.ASOMAUT.E. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. ~-iv MLHieim,Ce litie 10. I'a D. I. SROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c., ■ ♦ Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. fi*£r*Ro]airing done at short notice by practical workmen. —— • • • —■ Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main St.,opj)Osite Albright'*. MILLHEIM. PA. JHEJJEST * o fc :r .r J ?V" -ff' % ni a AT Tr* t T ri xr rs CP K'nuh. i &MF I I FAMILY GROCPE-S AND CHILDREN | I —TAKEN HY THE— S KSTAmUKOUS PROCESS I Satisfactory Work Done by RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything in our line lrom ti Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. Pictures copied and en larged in the best style. -^FRAMES^ can be procured at our place on short notice I^yßemember —our prices aro I down so as to suit every parse. Jj Gallery on North St., Millheim, Pa, j v ■ - '* *0 io7 f JSOESfI.n'Y ■ - ; O;I.UAN; JWKARMESJL r f / ,'v , ~ JI w-uy.undiiußiaroos 3.. ; i T(,iourud::^ar.m,LaC" U"> ft Jfliiqjtoo fekil.'cdpl.y ---■ • V -V.t,:: .. •. ii 6 Ires* \ 2 /yunthful in-": .-Talon. -. "".-4LL4.Zw.SUj \- /; as fi oo Indulgence, o:? v N--/everLrtilawork. Avoid V "n c-\ > ' 'i r • £7thc knpositiuiof pretca* , V • vE'lwilvUJ rcinodies fc* TOI J , i trcii'jlos. Get our lr>c An."fv/.. ry Cireu'.randTiial Pack *3r'T?,*nd learn importanl Oh'A ; i 2. i-cU hi fore takir.g trcot •("YVpTTJmont el: nrhure. Take • I •"•j'Yl'P I X. '"3ri '?• liiCUUEO thoutands. docs L i j ti {utrrfrro with attcn- A—, s- ,">l thnto busincia. or causa t papain or inconvenience in 'J ?{J ?>Ja "Finny way. Founded on _ a. medicalprincl * - One ft ; Mptcs. By directarillcatnn i.iCn* the scat of disease it* yf-nspcciiie Influence ta fell T::3TTi"2 ro.T GEVrM w,thont delay. Therat l,rn' functions of the hu- Ti-'iima— iPitta ' mnn o:?anitrm is restored. 1 i.uI)SA. .j CAS£3. auimating clcmcnta PTU-P, , ? r/Jof life, which have been .c trtlAj...--IZy. •. j^H w aetfdarcgivenback,an(t f'.'.O Month, - £3-COW , aßt!iopaticntl>ecomeachcct '. -vo Jic..thn, • ft.cna-KfuiaodrapiiUvgainabutix Uutiiu ilom '.a, '/.o()[^g| t ;rctij:th nnd acxual vigor. REMEDY CO., K'FOCHEM!BTB ;\J 5 IT. Tenth ST. LOUIS, MO, ir> S 2 i"3 TUKED PERSONS! Not a Truss, fcV> \s> W AvAz for tennfl of our Appliance. WU VXl3B£a f jKft T/\Tii MENONUT A QUIOX. PtRWAM'NT, CERTAIN CURE FOR LostorFniiing i.rlai'hood-. Nervousness W eultuccs, Xiacli oi' Strength, Vigor ox* Dcvclopmont Cact3ctl by indi i-retions, exec-sso;!, etc Benefit's In a day; Ourunu^uatly within a snontb. No Deception rr,r Quac kery. Positive 1 roofs, full description and lot f or of I'dvice in plain aealod envelotw. free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., P.U. Drawer 119. Buffalo, N.Y. Anrumnf , ir Lucrative.ll ealtliy, Hon iiaJjll lljoratol© A l*erii>aueiit business ap plyto W ilmot Castle& r ". .Chester, N. Y. ACENTSgjjgg er. Durable, perfect in oi>eration, und of great domestic utility. V.'ritofor circular. FAMILY COFFEE ROASTLR CO.. ST. LOUIS. Mo. V;.7;Ci-'l M D !! B READING, ■H'L !- ■: 0I 3 PENN. itorv School fof Boy a. €'on • •; tbojllutaryplM. Boynoloay ■ 1 •. •• c i:i|t'ii<*. ' rma. etc. C- Ef: r- r.ccJ t.iczicr, Reading, Pa. THMfWBE&YcI Newspaper Advertising 'tinieau (K) Spruct Street), where a lver- npiaa If AII I# YORK* OMNI BUSSES * AND LIGHT STRING WORK FOR Hotels fc Livery. AGENTS WANTED WE MAKE Hose Reels, Hook & Ladder Trucks, Patrol Wagons, 4c. And Fit Out Fire Departments Complete- And good men of influence con muko favorable arrangements with us. HORTON & CO., 63, 55,57 &59 East sth Strati, CINCINNATI. 0. LEFFEL'S IMPROVED . IDfIM Wind nUn Engine. ALL THE PARTS MADE OF WAT.T.HABT.B & WROUGHT BON No Shrinking, Swelling or Warping. THE IJOHTF-RT RTTWKIMO. STUOSOEHT and EASKST RIGDIATEU WIND KNUINE iu tbo WORLD. The BEST is CUKAPEST. Send for Circulars to the SPRINGFIELD MACHINE CO. Springfield, Ohio, "A thing of beiuty is a joy rirever." The new and beautiful Square Parlor Stove "PMSCILLL" BcforQ buying, ask your dealer to show you this beautiful design. If ho hasn't it, have him send for sam ple at oucc. Or send us Twenty Dollars and we will promptly ship you tlio No. 2 size (suitable for ordinary par lor) with full nickel ornamentation. Every stove fully guaranteed in con struction, workmanship and practi cal operation. The "PRISCILLA" is made only by Lehigh Stove & M'f g Co.. LEHIGHTON, PENN. ESTABLISHED 1833. Thomson&Co's Celebrated Temilliger Pattern TRIPLE FLANGE Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY OVER ANY OTIIEIt MAKE ARE : Patent Inside Bolt Work. Solid Welded Anglo Iron Frame*. Extra Thick Walls. Superior Fire Proof .Filling. Look* nnd Bolt Work Protected With Hardened Steel. Extra Heavy Material t Ilence are More Fire and Burglar Proof. Send for Circulars and Prices. THOMSON A CO., £73 & 575 State Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. PSANOSORCANS Tlie demand for the improved MASOK & IIAMLTX PIANOS is now so large that a second addition to tho factory has become imperative. I)o not require one quarter as much tuning as Pianos on the prevailing \vrest-pin system. Consult Catalogue, free. 100 Styles" of ORGANS, $22 to S9OO. For Cash, Easy Payments, or Rented. Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., NEW YORK ; BOSTON ; CHICAGO. SELL JfJ-/ ■F-^W —iW j STEAM <^Washer Men and Women of good character and intelligence. Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. A weeks' trial of sample Washer to be returned at my expense if not satisfactory. A thousand per cent, the hestWasher in the world, and pays capable agents BIG money. In trinsic merit mnkos it a phenomiual success every whore. For Illustrated circular and terms of agency address. J. WORTH, St. Louis, RAINBOW RUPTURE Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer. It Is not a Truss. Worn Day and Night and its \ presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi- " monials from grateful sufferers cured by this ap pliance. Address Central Medical and Surgical Institute 920 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. 3killful treatment given all kinds of surgical and medical cases. Weakening diseases ana pri vate troubles in male and female our specialty. Be sure to write us before taking treatment elsewhere. Consultation free and invited ; . . ,* jftf'r.V* K-.i'll':.-.: it • •. .-I - f • i ■ t: oe ' J * beautlftil work or 150 pages. Colored Plate, and 1000 rfffi ** ' f' V illustrations," with descriptions of the best Flowers and - V IrTT Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, ami how to grow *a \y y" them. Printed in English and German, Price only 10 "S cents, which may be deducted from first order. ,f " s w bat you want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. , VICE'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3' PS. a Colored Plate ' n every number, and many fine engravings. Price, |t.ti a year; Five Cepies for IVIV #5.. Specimen numbers 10 cents; 3 trial copies as cent*. We will tend to any address ' Vick'k Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below i. —reelly.tw o magazines at the price of one—Century, $4.50; Harper's Monthly, £4.00; ®t. Nicholas, 13.50; Good Cheer, fix.as; Illustrated Christian Weekly, $3.00; OT K& Awake '°°°* and Vick's Msgs sine for 99.00. ™ V* o ** FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, pages. Si* Colored fk Plates, oeariy *ooo Engravings, JU.SJ, in elegant doth covers. y JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. "p 1 , very body acknowledges that THE CHEAPEST AM) BEST PLACE to buy FURNITURE RIAUCE'S STORE ON Penn street, Millheim, Pa. PARLOR SUITS, CHAM HER SUITS, LIBRARY, DININGROOM A KITCHEN FURNITURE LOUNGES, PATENT ROCKERS, RAT TAN tt REEI) CHAIRS, all style*, TABLES, STANDS, BOOK CASES, WARD ROUES, WHAT NOTS, DURE A US* BED STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRADLES, MAT TRESSES, from the finest curled hair to the cheapest Straw, a great variety of SPRING BEDS, all styles, and everythiug in the furniture line, on hand or procured on short notice _ Not undersold by any Store in the County. An extra large stock of Paper Hangings* Decorations . SfC- Give me a call. W. T. JfATJCK. PENN HALL CARRIAGE WORKS ! >J"_ C- COILTIDO, Proprietor and Manufacturer ot Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at a times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere host sa.l cheapest itf luS'k' t. Our Bcissors fiW Sua: p. Ncr will last si> A* ziost a lifetime. Ev wy lady needs one. JmrflWr PUFRveiHII V noeds these goods as they are /$&•"' fw ySttu tftnl iMHLI the best and cheapest. Ask your dealer to get you Globe Toasters A Broilers, 30 A 850. (very superior artioles)Globe Fruit and Jelly Press, sl. "25, has no equaL Cake Mixer, stone bowl Eclwa* $1.75. GlobeoombineaTackHammer,Kettle Scrap. ST. No 1.26 c. er. Hot Pan Lifter, 15c. Globe Sad Iron Heater aarea No. 225c.esck coal, 25c., Ac., Ac. If your dealer is out club with neighbors send money to us A we wiU ship direot 001 1047 CLOBE M'F'o6o.. 926 Walnut*"■. Pa. THE BANNER SKATE. ATTESTM EH CISERi Something eniiroly no*.r. It bM A Sprxko Stkfl Foot Board (heavily Tiiifccb-d but not polished) aii.l the full c L-stiiiiy of iho Club Skate yet villbefurr.i-In dni a email advance beyond tlio price cf orditiaiy Ilink Skates. I's construe! !on is cf the most thorough and sali .factory character. This fkaic will prove a draxcing card wherever introduced ami Iliuk manager:- will do well to con ' aider its merits, as culy a tunull outlay is required beyond that necessary for ord.uui y i utflt. Frices sent on application. BANNER SKATE WORKS, RICHMOND, IND. iriT. BAR^UM'Sr. "11SK eTOUY OF ill" LIFE." fefil * ntl tl,c Art of Money Getting with 'to ig Golden Hulea tor Money lia.unir. Worth SIOO JBI ,o any young a:fn kUit:u„- in tile. Over 500 pages; 68 Sr-Bl illuur.uiou'.. Frico. C2.E5. GZf~ W'riic at once to " Cincinnati* O FAMILY SCALES hntirely new in p m iple. \Vei;)i one ounce to as pounds. Wl.at c*rr\ un,.:\ re • Is-:. l oKsm-u & Mcmakin. Cincinnati,