JFiULOUSr iLFIiOKT. On the boat coing up the river, the other day, was a couple of whom every body soon took notice. It was plain e nough that they had had a row, and that the wife was as mad as a wet hen. When she had taken a seat the husband walked up and down, and glowered at everybody and seemed to murmur threats of yengeance. On the deck, sit ting by himself, was a red-shirted, big fisted giant of a chap, about 40 years of age. Presently the woman gathered up her parcels and walked over and shook his hand and sat down beside him and began a cheerful chat, explaining, how ever : 'My husband is terribly jealous of me, and I want to bother him.' 4 All right, marm,' replied old Her cules. 4 Just chat and chin to yer heart's content, and I'll larf and larf, and slap my leg where the applause comes in.' The bold action puzzled the husband for a few minutes, but presently he walked up to the pair and said to the man : 4 Are you an old acquaintance of hers V 4 I should remark that I was, your Honor. Knowed her for the last thir ty odd.' 4 H'm 1 Who are you ?' 4 They calls me William the Conkerer when they have time; when they don't, they cut it short to Bill the Conk. And what might your own handle be ?' 4 Humph ! Mary, come with me. 4 l'm entirely comfortable,' she re plied. 'Mary, I want you.' •Which is to remark,' said William , as he rose up, 'that wheu a lady puts herself under my protection, and a fly gent comes around with his chin mil sic, Bill the Conk is in duty bound to pertect her. Stranger, you skip 1' 'Sir !' 4 Which is to say that you will skip or swim.' William reached out, but the hus band retreated and sat down at a safe distance, and for two long hours he must have suffered torture. The wife chatted, William slapped his leg, and the passengers winked ; and the couple lauded at one of the club bouses, the man in the red shirt handed the lady ashore like a cavalier, and called out: 'I tumbles to the object, my lady, and if William the Conkerer kin ever be of assistance again, jist gin me a blast on vour fog horn and I'll be thar till death.'— Detroit Free Press. The Value of Exercise. By an irrevocable physiological law, growth of brain and body is acquired by exercise. Look at the arm and band of the laboring man or woman, and how yast the difference in the size and strength of the two classes ! The same law holds respecting the lungs and other vital organs. The heart of hitn who creeps through th w >rli lan guidly and mincingly issni ill an ! in iis po %er to circulre the blooj. while the heart of t e ldnr-r who 1 ashes i:active biHio #s eirnasily. and uses his inascloS vigorously, is call ed upon her energetic action in sending the blood copiously to ail p.u i- of the system, and the consequence is an in crease in the size and strength of that important organ, aud the promotion of bodily health and vigor. ADVICE TO MOTHEKS. Are you disturbed at night and broken by your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at mice and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW's SOOTHINO STHCP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, er, all MV /7S£\ \ I / wß\l 1 different, including Sprays tH ((H)) 111 ({Hll ■■of Golden Rod. Pansics, HI W l|| Vpv Roses. Forget-me* lV vJIIAV Ji mSmnots. Thistles.Strawberries, Outlines of Boy. Girl, Bugs, ■Hr f• 1 Sfi\ Hi Spiders. Stories, Scollops Tor ,'f f| |ll Crazy Stitch Pat \ \\V^^Hterns,Crystal Etchings.Bor ' 1 >2 dcrs. Pond Lilies. Tulips, A-C.,60 in aU, ranging size from z z-z in. to 7 in ches.aUo I Box Blue Stamping Powder, 1 Box Walte Stamping Powdor, 1 Patent reveraible Ponaet, and full and complete directions for Kensington Stamping and Embroidery. Kensington Painting. Lustre. Meullic Flitter and Irridescent Painting. Colors used and mixing of Colors. Ribbon Embroidery. Chenille and Arasene Work, Correct Colors of all the different flowers. Description of every stitch used in embroidery.flic., making a complete Outfit that can not be bought at retail for less than $4.00. To introduce FARM AND HOUSEHOLD, the large. 3a page Illustrated Magazine devoted to the interesU of the Country Home anil Household, we will send one of these Outfits complete free and yoatpald, to any lady who will send S6e. for 3 mos. subscription 10 the Magazine. Five for sx. Money cheerfully refunded if not mure than satisfactory. Address FARM AfiO HOUSEHOLD. Box 49. Hartford. Conn. THE ATTENTION MX OWNERS. Something entirely new. It has a Smsr, RTKKI. FOOT BOARD (heavily nickeled but ne t poln-l.i-C) and possesses the full elasticity of tho Club PLale yet will bo furnished at a small advanca beyond the price of ordinary Rink Skates. Us construction is of the most thorough and satisfactory character. This skate will prove a drawing card wherever introduced and Kink managers will do well to con sider its merits, as only a small outlay is required beyond that necessary for ordinary outfit. Prices sent on application. BANNER SKATE WORKS, RICHMOND. IND, Surface Indications TTlint a minor would very properly term "surface Indications" of what la beneath, are the Pimples, Sties, Sore Kyes, Holla, and Cutaneous Eruptions with Which people aro annoyed in spring and early summer* Tho ctt'eto matter accumu lated during tho winter months, now makes its presence felt, through Nature's endeavors to expel it from tho system. "While it remains, it Is a poison that festers in the blood and may develop into Scrof ula. This condition causes derangement of the digestivo and assimtlatory organs, with a feeling of enervation, languor, and weariness—often lightly spoken or as "only soring fever." These "aro evidences that Nature is not able, unaided, to throw off the corrupt atoms which weaken tho vital forces. To regain health. Nature must bo aided by a thorough blood-purifying med icine; tind nothing else is so effectivo as Ayer's Sarsapari/la, which Is sufficiently powerful to expel from tho system even tlio tuint of Hered itary Scrofula. Tho medical profession indorse AYKR'S SARSAPARILLA, and many attestations of the cures effected by itcoiuo from nil parts of tho world. It la, in tho language of tho Hon. Francis Jewett, ex-Stato Sen ator of Massachusetts and ax-Mayor of Lowell, *'tho onlv preparation that docs real, lasting good.*' TUErARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; Trice $1; . Six bottles for $5. TIIK PENN ROLLER FLOURING mills is prepared to exchange Choice Roller Flour for good wheat in any quantities desired and will guarantee t he flour Strictly Pure and of First-Class Quality. __ Li I QT3 —Li U . JZD. JT _LkZ? JtH—O-J-IrO, PENN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA. PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Teim begins .January r>. 1 This Institution i* located in one iff th • most beautiful and healthful spots of the enure .\il<* gle-nv region It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of study : 1. A Full cientitic Coarse of Four Ye i: s. 2. A Latin cientiile Course. ;j. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two wars each. following ihe first iw<> years o! llle Selentiflc Course; (a) Atißl' t 1.11 NATI'CAI, HISTORY: (•) t'HE ff l> HtY AM* PHYTIC*; (d) Cl\ IL KNiiIN"E l It I NO. 4 A short SPECIAL COX* in Agriculture. 5. A short sPLOIA C >l* R ' S in Ciieniistj v 6 A rt'orga'dzed Course in MECiIANIU ARTS, combining •hotr-work v> lb study. 7. A new SPECIAL COCR L (two yiMfs) in Literature and iscirere, for Young Ladies 8. A carefully gr.uleu Preparatory Course. y. SPECIAL CtH'RSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual snide: is. -Military dr !i is ieq me I iXi ens. > for board and in:nt**n(als very w. Tu • lotfree. \oring i.idles under elm. _e of a conipeient itoly Priu eip 11 . l'or Catalogues, or other information address UKOKUE W. ATIIERTON, L. 1)., President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co., Pa. N. W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be un uiulterated. The best liquor for Medical Usa. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23 ly pEABODY lIOTETi, 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the Nt a* I'o*' Otfice, one iialf Square frnrii Wulnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms fi orn oOets to S3.UO per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 46-ly Owner & Proj.rietor. inT.BARNUM'Sr k "THE STOBY OF MY LIFE." And the Art of Money Getting with n| Golden Kules for Money Making. Worth fioo QI to any young man starting in life. Over 500 pages; 68 ?!■ illustrations. Price, *2.26. Cj" Write at once to S: FpRSHEE & McMAKIM. Cincinnati, O Day Selling Perfeet FAMILY SCALES Entirely new in principle. Weigh one ounce to as pounds. What every family needs and will buy. Rapid sales surorrse agents. FORSHEE & MCMAKIN, CINCINNATI, 0. MONTH and IKJAKD fur live rMlDyoung Men or Ladies, 111 each gcounty Address P. W. ZEIG Llill & CO., Phila elphia The most popular Weakly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, discoveries, in ventions and patents ever published. Every num ber illustrated with splendid engravings. This publication famishes a most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is such that ita circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price. $3.20 a year. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN £ CO., Publishers. No. 361Broodway, N. Y. AM ■■ M|ifiMunn 4Co. have WHk AT FNTS. leohad Thirty; ■ Hi"' tlx I w*Eißht years' practice before iflthe Patent Ofißce and have prepared 185 IS more than One Hundred Thou— n ■sand applications for patents in the ffi United States and foreign countries. Caveats, Trade-Marks, Copy-rights, Assignments, and all other papers for 3H securing to inventors their rights in the H United States, Canada, England, France, !■ Germany and other foreign countries, pro- H pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. Information as to obtainingpatents cheer- Hi fully given without charge. Hand-books of sent free. Patents obtained throughjdunn £ Co. are noticed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who wish to dis -1 P Add^* ei yUNN U '£ CO.. Office SCHHTOTa j AMXSICAN, 341 Broadway, New York. El JAS LUSH & SON, —MORALKTOHS or TUB— MIILHEIM PLANING MILL, oast of the ne-v KV. church, I'ENN SL. Millheim, Fa. Contractors, - Builders, —AND M ANI'FACri'HKUS OF Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. • • • : M|LRANDASA Having our own planing niill.lt will ho to t lit advantage of those intending to IMIIUI to con sult us. (ggrContraota nindo on nil kinds ol buildings. Plans and Specifications furnished on application, with est imates of cost. 18-ly GERMAN •CANARIES! BIRD *CAGES! BIRD *SEEDS! At reasonable rates at the GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, Water Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. : Mason & Hamlin ORGANS; 'MA. R PIANOS: Highest Hon- < C E " MODE , ors at all C.RR.tt }l ®SMSJi ii STNN K TNP. IJ World's J , hi- V • -70 I NOTFEI L ULR( ' < - NC l.itions I . L/ 0 "' I '-/ l| quarter as : EI K 'HTEENYEARS.&I22±£L AFASFCTTTJL much tumng as One l.un lredHPff" l . - M All 1 tatic* on the Styles. $. to IK, :| I kl| fl prevailing f For Cash, |?i| I II wrest-ptti < EasvPayments 8.. II L i!i s * S! f"Vi rilf nti 1 Tit maikahle f> r alogues free. •'( ,rtne .M,] durability. ORGAN AND PIANO CO. 154 Tremont St .Boston. 46 E. l4th St. (Union Sq.), N. Y. 149 Wabash Ave. , Chicago. T PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Ifct Greatest Medial Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite, Bowels costive, Pain fa the head, with a dull sensation In the back hart, Pain under the shoulder blade, Fullness after eating, with a dis inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Flattering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache over the right eye, Restlessness, with fltfal dreams. Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TTTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to suck cases, one dose effects such a change offeeltngas to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite,and cause tbo body to Take on Flesh, thus the system is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the Digestive Organs,Rejrtilar stools aro £RODUCED JI^RICEI ILJ>CJ B 44^IURRN3^NITJJ2LLN TUTT'S HAIR DYi. GEAY HAIR or WHISKXRS changed to n GLOSSY BLACK by a single application of this DYE. It imparts a natural color, acts , instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 91. Office. 44 Murray St.. New York* Xb *bii© Best [RILE SAUCE. Thousand* of ARTICLES are row manufactured that ( in former years lud to bo imported, paying high import duty as it is now being d<>no on Lea & Per- \ l ins labia SAUCE ; the QITAKKU TABLK BAUCK takes its place ; it has been pronounced by competent judges j net a* pood and even better. The QUAKAU SAUCS Las Slowly but surely gained great im portance and is replacing llio very bat imported sauce on tho shelf of tho grocer, tho tables of tho restaurant aud tho tables of tho rich and poor men, greatly priz d and relished by all on account of its piquancy, aroma, tasto, strength and jiurencss. T'ho inventor has by years of study of the secret virtues contained in the aro matic spices of tho Indies and China, such as mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger, and peppers and buds of trees unknown to most meu, and by long praetico succeeded to combine their extracts in such a liquid form as we now find it, of agreeable taste, and so invigorating as to be taken in place of stomach bitters. By man ufacturing this sauce here, heavy import duties and freights are saved, and it is sold at a lower figure to the dealer, who makiDg a better profit on Quaker Sauce can 6ell it to tho consumer cheaper than the very best imported article hardly equal ing ours. If your grocer does not keep it, write ua for prices, etc. Sold in bottles or by tho gallon. CHARM MANUFACTURING CO., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 106 A 108 S. 2d ST., St. Louis, So. This paper is kept on file nt the office of Advertising irIGENTS fe StiiLO'HS lAftbsti PbUDEUm 1 rCTKt A TEC i'r NEWSPAPER ASVEiIiISISfi ener CO II ICO at Lowest Cash Rates ■ (111 j stamps fur AVER & SON'S MANUAL Musser House. Millheim, ------ I'enna. -C liIHIFR RESORTS Two miles iron) Cobnrn StaMon on Eg I. If. 11. ITilimTrout 1 hlilntf and ILintlne within sight 1 of lown. Healthy lecallly ninl lino inoun lain sceneries. Tho celebrated DUNN'S VAL- I KV CAVES but llv; miles .llstanl. Tho II next drives In tlt*state KINK SADDLEHOUSES, CAUBIAOIi* AND IIUUtiIKS for the iweof summer boarders. Double and SmJle Roams. newly fiinilsued. for fnmlles with children, on seconu and third floor#. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Muaser, Prop'r. ~ -iv MlllUeim.Ce utrcCo. Pa D. I. BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c., ■• < • Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. ■ ♦ m • m> ♦ g&'ixeiiairing done at short notice by practical workmen. • m- ♦ ■ Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main St.,opposite Albright's. MILLHEIH.PA. f HEgEST mmsksm AT s j BUCK gllOS' I IFAMLY GHOIiPES AHD CHILDREN —TAKEN BY TIIE— -1 niTAMWEIUIS PROCESS 1 Sa'.Ufnctorr Work Pone liv RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything in our line trom a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. ■ • ♦ o ♦ *• ■ Pictures copied and en larged in the best style. -CFRAMES^- ca be procured at onr place on short notice C4rßomomb"r—our prices are down ao as to suit every purse. (Jailer}' 011 North St., Millheim, Pa, S•, -J i, fi * t 1 i f-J K KjBSjQ ' . "'.7,, .. S?|rRVOUSnE3ILITy ' ■ ,^tff§>3oiiOA>.icvvgAginMa ■ i T3<.r 7 -.Doncy.andnumorcoa a-— w N h qnUbCUToaisens™, bat- ~~ _ yiuujttiio f-'di'xlphy. 4. y. c , free indulgence, o* „ V:/overbrnntwerk. Avoid its nV?t:o Imposition of preten* u Nr. > v ' **. i:. ut fcmccJic.- for these \j. K5 ot vw >j troubles. Get our trca A RADICAL CURC ro;. Circular fcr.d Trial Pack- T *l-12 vrrtTT >53 e ?° ancl ,eir:l iroportaol rifvfacts bciorc Ukinjrtrcat nr c y~f VTy , ~:smrnt elsewhere. Take • n . . A RI:MEDY that HAS P Yi r'J jMC-fi t/iCUfiED thousands, does U tif.AuCW"., C. s:,\ TVRYff 1? i i jytionto business, or ctuso fb ■** J~ l',_22painor lacom-cniencc ia tt IJ2CA.T. way. Founded oa ;j . v -ingr //. By directarplicatlea ..ir.'L RRSb the sent of disease its T: 3TCO Ton SEV2N i A-TUH.I delay. Thscat •. y functions of the hu • ~... .j,.; .'Z 'ffTif man oiar.nlsm Is restored. , ci.imating cletnctita r.y - r T-r V.—7 rb'Mof life, which Tiavo baea .- ... ..4 i . . Lf^wartci!urcplvenback,and < no I-lont'i, - i::j.ooi^^!Mihcr'Sticntlfccori'scli' , j • '. 'c - . r ,ilrt.id ra|iiT. X.OUIS. MO. '• / j 9 OTUKEO F t£RSOA!S ! Wot a Truss, li Anlt for terms of onr Apjdinnce. ; JVj3 xrz.±izi£) 'riALA Ts. AI QUICK, CURE FOR Lost orFailinj; D 3 auhood. Nervousness WoftLnciis, Lack of Sti'ougth, Visor or Dovelopment, by indiscretions, excesses, etc Benefltstn a day; Ouresusually within a month. No Deception nor Ounckery. Positivo Proofs, full description and letter of mlviPij in plain sertlod envelope, free. ERIE .MEDICAL CO., P.O. Drawer 179. Buffalo, N.Y. * ppilfpofor Lucrative,ll calthy, Hon nlllifl lOorablsx* l*rniaiicut business ap* pi yto Wllmott?astle& C **. cheter, N. Y. AGENTSIIS ™ er. Durable, perfect iu operation, and of groat domestic utility. \\'rito for circular. FAMILY COFFEE ROASTER CO.. ST. LOUIS. Mo. SKffl y&B 9 heading, bR PENN. A th<>routrh preparntory School for Bovs. Con diK'tci: fhe lt!iiitni - y i>lara. Boys ol any aire ;t l fnr ratnleS'Ue, t'Tins. etc. L. C. BISHOP, Head Piaster, Reading, Pa. THIS PAPER EE S KI, Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruc| Street), where adver- BlF 1 !!! If All If l "sssim HEW. iUKR # AND LIGHT BPEINQ WORK FOE Hotels * Livery. AGENTS WANTED S&RfiSMSfe WE MAKE Hose Reels, Hook & Ladder Trucks, Patrol Wagons, &c. And Fit Out Fire Departments Complete- And pood men of influence can make favorublo arrangements with us. HORTON & CO., 63,55, 67 &59 East sth Street, CINCINNATI.O. LEFFEL'S IMPROVED IDfIU Wind InUll Engine. ALL THE PABTS MADE OP MALLEABLE & WBOUGHT IBOIT No Shrinking, Swelling or Warping. Tn* LIGHTEST RtrKWTNG, BTRONOXKT and EASTZST RxoruerxD WISH KNUINK in the WORLD. The BEST is CHEAPEST. Send for Circulars to the SPRINGFIELD MACHINE CO. Springfield. Ohio. "A tting of beauty is a joy rtrever" The new and beautiful Square Parlor Stove lEUSCILIX "Before buying, ask your dealer to show you this beautiful design. Jf he hasn't it, have himsciid for sam ple at once. Or send us Twenty Dollars and we will promptly ship you tho No. 2 size (suitable for ordinary par lor) with full nickel ornamentation. Every 6tove fully guaranteed in con struction, workmanship and practi cal operation. The ''PRISCILLA" is made only by Lehigh Stove &MTgGOu LEHIGHTON, PENN. ESTABLISHED 1833. Thomson&Co's Celebrated Temilliger Pattern TRIPLE FLANGE Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY OVER ANT OTHER MAKE ARE : Patent Innlde Bolt Work. Kolid Welded Angle Iron Frames. Extra. Thick Walls. Superior Flro Proof Filling. Locks nnd Bolt Work Protected With Hardened Steel. Extra Heavy Mnterlnl: Hence nre More Fire and Burglar Proof. Send for Circulars and Prices. TXXOACSOXT <& CO., 273 & 275 State Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. PI A CANS Tho demand for the improved MASON A II AMT.IX PIANOS is now so large that a second aX f] V illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and 4 i'S filNkk Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow (a 4 y them. Printed in English and German. Price only to w cents, which may be deducted from first order. ,e^s w^at Y ou want for the garden, and bow to get it instead of running to the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be led over, meeting Vd! Jy W ' l '' disappointment nfter weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. /22 , VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3* pages.a Colored Plate in every number, and many fine engravings. Price, fii.as a year; Five Copies for , V'J*BPa (\ TM J V Specimen numbers 10 cents ; 3 trial copies 25 cents.' We will send to any address Viek's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, £4-50; Harper's Monthly, £4.00; St- Nicholas, 13.50; Good Cheer, fit.as; Illustrated Christian Weekly, fi 3 .00; or Wld6 Awake - Oood Cheer, and Vlck'a M&gaxlne for SB.OO. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, sto pages. Six Colored . Plates, nearly *OOO Engravings, fit. 25, in elegant cloth covers. JAMES VICK, Rook—tar, If. T, JjJverybody acknowledges that THE CHEAPEST AMD BEST PLACE to buy FURNITURE . BIA'JCK'S STORE I ON Penn street, Millheim,- Pa. PA ItLOll SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LIBRARY, DIN IN GROOM A KITCHEN FURNITURE LOUNGES, 7MI'EJVTROCKERS, RAT TAN All FIJI> CHAIRS, erl J CLT>er HcLlt DcCOTdtiOTIS• Give me a call. W. T. AfAUCK. PENN HALL CARRIAGE WORKS ! XT. C. COICTIDO, 1 Proprietor and Manufacturer ot Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at a times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere CCKBOJM BCALX3, lOASTOS ft DZPTQ aH tat GOe. tlis i*Rt and < hcapcPt in .SS/jfl 1.1:1: k7Al Sharpener wIU last ai cry lady needs one. ruCBV CIHII V heeds these goods as theysr® fclfcnl iIIWIL I the beat aud cheapest. Ask y° UR dealer to get you Globe Toasters & Broiler*, 80 &35c. (very superior articles) Globe Fruit and Jelly Press, $1.25, has no equal. Cake Mixer, stone bowl Sc'jiwj JB $1.75, Globe oombined Tack Hammer, Kettle Scrap, er. N<> 1.26 c. er. Hot Pan Lifter, 15c. Globe Sad Iron Heater earee ' coal, 25c., Ac., Ac. If your dealer is ont club with TW iru7 ' neighbors send money to us Awe will ship direct. BOX 1017 CLOBE M'F'C go,, 826 WalnutPhtla, Pa. There is no excuse for suffering from CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follow a die ored state of the Stomach and Bow els, when the use of DR. HENRY BAXTER'S HUME BITTERS Will give immediate relief. After constipation follows Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis eases, etc., °f which these gS Hitters will speedily cure by removing the cause. Sj Keep the Stomach, Botcd s, ami Dijestie* Organ* tS in good working order, and perfect health Bj will bo tho result. Ladies and others sub- RjocttoSick Headache *ni find relief H and permanent euro by the use of these Bitters I Being tonic ami mildly purgative they IpUKIFf THE BLOOD. Price 29 cts. per bottle. ■ For salo by all dealers in medicino. Send H address for pamphlet, free, giving full directions, jjl UEXRV. JOihSOS & LORD, Props., Burlingtoa, Tt. For so, 'f by I). S. Jvauffnian tt* Co.. and J. Sjriyelmyer, Millheim, Pu. A T ' " ' Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millheim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CR7J2AM AND FAN- j CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-#m Musser Brothers. ROLLER * RINK, „ The proprietors respectfully inform thQ, ppDltC? that their Corner of Penn and Mill^Sfcreets, Millheitn, Pa. is open every Wetluesday and Saturday eveuj (Size of Rink 40 x 100.) The building is commodious and finely arrange ed, lias]a splendid floor,Jand patrons will always find.uew and strong skates on hand. General admission Scents: Use of slates.tor 3 hours'session, 10 w Ladles admitted free? H — vlv j I _ ! —. i Carrying all steam and disagreeable odor from cook ing down into the fire. c The HOST COMPLETE Cooking Utensil > ever invented. No burned hands. No scalded arms. No cloth I needed. No disagreeable odors filing the house. I No overflow on the stove. An examination of these l utensils will convince any one that they are the i nearest perfection of any kettles now known. A ' first-class steamer and kettle combined. AGENTS wanted all over the U. S. for these • goods. They sell fast and pay good profits—lS to j 88 per day. Call or write for circulars. HUNTER SIFTER Manufacturing Co., e CINCINNATI, - . OHIO. ' Manufacturers of the world famed " HUNTER SIFTER. Cyclone Egg, Beater, and other specialties."' Over 10,000,0000f the Hunter's Sifters have been sold. Every lady in the land ought to have one. Por sale • by responsible dealers everywhere. • Ask for thw I * Hunter," and take no other. Illustrated catalogue i ft Kitchen Specialties, Machinery for Bakers, Drug lista, 4c. free.—Send for it and mention this pspsft /