|fln j|ini|<iin Journal. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY -4 TH, 18S6. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. Democratic County Com. for 1880. DISTRICT. COMMITTEE. Bellefonte, N. W .. L A Shaffer. S. W Jacob Runkle. " W.W Win Harper. Centre Hall Boro Dr J F Alexander. Howard " .... Alex "eber. Milesburß 41 K A Carr. Mill helm * 4 I> L Zerbv. Philipsburg 44 Ist W W L Sand ford. 44 44 2ndW Henry l^lunau. " 44 3rd W W C Liiißle. Unlonville 44 ~ I* J McDonald. Benner Twp Win lshlor. Boggs 44 E. P Henry L B&mhart. 44 44 W.P Col .las F Weaver. Burn9ide 44 Win lllpple. College 44 Daniel Grove, Jr. Curttn ,4 ..- Henry Confei. Ferguson 44 E. P John McCormlck. 44 W.P .. I.W Walker. Greeir ,4 W.P..~. John Rossman. • 4 S. P.. John P. Condo. Haines 44 E. P Jno. J. Orndorf. 44 W.P Jacob Wile. Half moon 44 -A. T.Gray. Harris 44 • lames W. Swabb. Howard 44 Michael Confer. Huston 44 Charles Murray. Liberty 44 .. J.J. Belong. Marion 44 John Ishler. Miles •' Reuben Kreamer. Patton 44 Geo. W. Behrs, Jr. Penn 44 Samuel Aril. Potter 44 N. P....... James A. Keller. 44 44 S. P - Jos, Gilllland. Rush 44 N. V ..Hugh McCann. 44 44 S. P Orrln Vaii. Snow Sboe 44 E. P -.Thomas McCann. 44 44 44 N. P Pat Kelly. Spring 44 - —AmosGarbrick. Taylor 44 -Vinton Beckwith. Union 44 - InoAStoyer. Walker 44 - Samuel Decker. Worth 44 W G. Morrisou. L. A. SHAFFER, ADAM HOY. Secretary. Chairman AMONG the bills introduced iu tLe senate last Monday, was one by Sen ator Cameron,appropriating SIOO,OOO for public buildings at Wilkesbarre # ra. PHILADELPHIA in a recent meeting of citizens,sympathizing with Ireland in its political troubles, subscribed nearly S6OOO to the Irish Parliamen tary fund. LORD SALISBURY ana his cabinet, after having suffered a complete de feat, have resigned and the Queen has accepted the resignation. This is the end of England's Radical Cabi net and for the present Mr. Gladstone has again charge of that country's government. SENATOR SHERMAN introduced a bill in the senate the other day providing tor the discontinuance of the coinage of silver dollars and to provide for the purchase of silver bullion in bars, and for the issue of coin certificates in pay ment therefore, the bullion to remain in the Treasury as security for pay ment of the certificates. This looks like a plausible way out of the intri cate silver question pending in the house. But as to his motives his bill smacks of ''carrying water on both shoulders." As the annual financial statement of the Commissioners of Centre Coun ty reached us bat shortly before we went to press, our space is too limited to go into a detailed comment in this issue. We noticed at a glance howev er that the county debt has been much decreased and that our commission ers have kept house well. At the rate at which the debt has been reduc ed since 1882 we may look for a clean sweep of all indebtedness in less than two years hence. Well done, faithful servants. SECRETARY BAYARD'S family circle was again visited by death on the 31st of January. His wife, after a short but severe illness, namely congestion of the brain, was called to her eternal home. Mrs. Bayard was unconscious for 24 hours before her death. Her quiet burial took place at Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday afternoon. The bodj was accompanied by the secretary, his two daughters, and Mr. Bryan, the private secretary of Mr. Bayard. The saying "trouble never comes single handed'' has surely come true in Mr. Bayards late afflictions. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND seems fully able to take a firm stand against the republican members of the senate who would demand his reasons for remov ing certain officials to replace them by fresh and healthy material. These senators seem to be given to the illu sion that the President must "dance as they whistle." They might as well make up their minds to knuckle down, because Cleveland will assert his dignity and authority by simply refusing to comply with their unrea sonable wishes. The exclusive right of the executive to remove officials and appoint others in their places has never before been disputed and a3 for the causes for such removals the senators may rest assured that the President would not remove any officer except for " good reasons" and that ought to suffice. We think the people who elected Cleveland to the presidency will stand by him in the executions of his official rights. The Philadelphia WEEKLY PKE.SS is now engaged in publishing a series of papers descriptive of the part taken by Pennsylvania troops in the late war. These articles are written by officers in command, or soldiers who participate in the scenes described, and eacli will be a yiyid pen pictare of the most iai portant incident in the war experience of the writer. The first of the series was written by J. W. Ilofman, who commanded the Fifty-Sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was en titled "The First Infantry Fire at Get tysburg," and appeared in the issue of January 13th. The second article "Where Reynolds Fell," written by Capt. J. C. Rosengarten, appeared in the issue of January 20th. A long list of Pennsylvania's distinguished soldiers have furnished or are writing articles for this series of papers, and they prom ise to be the most interesting and val uable of any sinuilur collection of war papers. Back numbers will be sup plied until the edition is exhausted. All information can be promptly ob tained by addressing The Press Com pany Limited, Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary Bayard's Wife Cros ses The Dark River. Tho Agony Oaused by the Sudden Death of Her Beloved Daughter Results in Congestion of tho Brain. . WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.— Mrs Bay ard, wife of the Secretary of State, died at her residence, in this city, at 5.30 o'- clock this morning. The immediate cause of Mrs. Bayard's death was con gestion of the brain, brought on by the shocl? of her daughter's sudden death two weeks ago. For the first week fol lowing that event she stood the strain and excitement quite well, but a week ago last Friday she was compelled to take to her bed, and gradually grew worse from day to day. On Thursday congestion of tie brain made its appear ance. She was unconscious for twenty four hours before her death. Although for years Mrs. Bayard had been a con firmed invalid, she had for the last six months been in better health than for many years. Last summer she was very ill at her home in Wilmington, Del., with a complication of diseases of the liver and stcmach. and her recov ery at that time was considered doubt ful. At the solicitation of her daugh ter, Miss Kate, she put herself under the care of Dr. Gardner, of this city, and under his treatment she had im proved so much as to be able to go into society this winter, and although still an invalid, she was in comparatively good health when her daughter died. She was about ol years of age. With the exception of her daughter, Mrs. Warren, ot Boston, and her son who is in Arizona, the family were present when she died. The body will be tak en to Wilmington for burial to-morrow; and the funeral will be on Tuesday. The death of Mrs. Bayard will have a marked effect on social festivities at the capital. Miscellaneous News. CHICAGO, Feb. 2.—The mercury is descending rapidly here to-nigl>t and has reached 15 degrees below. Dis patches from the outside note extreme ly cold weather at points west. The Cresson and Coalport Railroad is finished, the last spike having been driven on Friday. It is thirty miles in length, extending from Cresson, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, to Irvona, Clearfield County, and opens up valua ble coal lands and timber tracts in the Clearfield regio —WHIN your children are threaten ed with croup or whoopirg-cough, be ware how you lull them to sleep with cough syrups whose principle ingredi ents are morphia and odium. The nat ural effort of the lungs to expel the suffocating mucus is coughing. Dr. Kessler's Celebrated English Cough Medicine contains no morphia or opium in any form, and by its stimulating ac tion's on the kidneys, bowels, and pores of the skin, more than any other reme dy, assists Nature in breaking up and expelling the worst colds from the sys tem. Jfoney refunded to purchasers. Sold 'everywhere. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim ,Pa. Biggest Snow-Storm Ever Known. FORT SMITH, Ark., Feb. 2.—The biggest snow-storm ever known here is raging to-day. Snow has fallen for 21 hours and is still falling. It is now 10 inches deep. All travel is suspended and the mails are neither arriving nor departing. Cattle and Prairie Dogs Frozen. FORT ELLIOTT, Texas, Jan. 28.—1t is estimated that fully 15,000 head of cattle lie dead on the prairies übhin a radius of 75 miles of this place. Tue prairie dogs are nearly all dead. St v eral persons were badly frozen, 'i e lowest recorded by the mercury was li) degrees below zero. Destructive Storm in New England. CONCORD, N. 11., Jan. 31.-The storm which ended last night had rag ed for 47 hours and caused great (lam age throughout the State. Reports re ceived from some of the largest iruit growers in the Stati say that their orchards are entirely ruined. —THE MOST REMARKABLE Case of all. A gentleman writes us from Piiil lipsburg, Centre Co, Pa., that his little girl was horribly afflicted with scrofula. Her body was full of sons, cais (tss charging eontinuallj thick yellow pu trid matter, and her eyes so swollen and inflamed as to be almost blind. One bottle of J/cDonald's Blood Punfi'T has to nil npl ( a I'M. ct s entiiely cured her. Oar neighbors as well es our selves consider the cure remarkable. A botia&de case. The address of the i family can be obtwinfd from the editor of this paper. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa- Lancaster's Watch Works Start Again. LANCASTER, Pa., Feb. I.—The Lan caster Watch Factory started up to day after it suspension of over one year. It is expected that after a short time the factory will give employment to 200 hands. —THE horrible nauseous worm-seed vermifuges and wornT syrups have had their day. It's downright cruelty to compel a clnld to take them when Mc- Donald's Celebrated Worm Powder are so easy and pleasant to take that chil dren take them and never know a med icine is being administered. Can be procured at any drug store for the small sum of 2.V,'eents. JOILYSTON, JIOLLOWAY ,C CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim.Pa. Couldn't Poo tho Train for tho Culm Pilo. Sru AN TON, l'a., Jan. 29.—Mrs. .Jul ia A. llunter. a physician practicing at Carbondale, had been to Jenny u this morning on professional business, and was returning to her otli ie in a car riage, accompanied by Mrs. Wesley Stanton and daughter of that place. The latter, a girl of fifteen was driving wiien the crossing of the Erie Railroad at Carbondale was reached. The 11.30 passenger train for Scran ton dashed against the carriage, killing tho horse and dragging the carriage and its occu pants several yards upon the track. Mrs. Hunter was instantly killed, two great holes being made in her liead. Mrs. Stanton was dangerously hurt. Miss Stanton was hurled several yards, but was uninjured. She stated that none of the occupants of tho buggy saw the approaching train on account of a high culm pile close to the track; the top of the buggy was also drawn up. Engineer Benseoter says the usual sig nal was blown and the bell rung. LIFE. — 44 A11 that a man hath," it has been said, 4 'will he give for his life." But this is only true in a narrow and qualified sense. A large majority of people shorten life by becoming victims toj Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Constipa tion, Headache, Jl/ularia, etc. If you continue to suiter from these troubles, you have no excuse, for we tell you plainly that Simmons Liver Regulator will nd you of them and like disorders caused by a sluggish state of the Liyer, Stomach or Bowels. Ask the recov ered dyspeptics, billious sufferers, vic tims of Fever and Ague, the mercuri !- diseased patient, how they recovered health, client ful spirits and good appe tite—they will tell you by taking Sim mons Liver Regulator. This justly celebrated medicine regulates the Liver, promotes digestion and fo:lilies Hie sys tem against malarial diseases. See that you get the GENUINE Simmons Liver Regulator, prepared by J. JI. Zeilin & Co. LEGAL JID VER TIS EM EM'S NOTICE.— We hereby give notice to all per sons h 'ldiug notes or bonds against ( en tre County, to present them at the Commission er's offlice fo 1 payment on the Ist day of April 1887. After that date the payment of interest will be stopped. • J NO. WOLF, J J. C. HEN >KR.s<>\.} Commiss'ners Feb. .'ld. A. J. OKIEST, S STRAY CATTLE.— Came to the residence of Em'l. Swartz. in I'etin township, about .'1 months ago, two head of cattle, one a steer, the other a heifer, both about two years old. red without any visible mark.. The owner Is re quested to prove property; pay expenses and take them away, otherwise they will be dispos ed of according to law. EM'L. SWARTZ. 2-2 m. DY* PEPSI A.-Its Nature, Causes, Pre volition and Cure. By JOHN H.MCAI.VIN, Lowell, Mass.. fourteen years Tax Collector. Sent free to any address. * '-4t LADIES WANTED to work for us at their own homes. #7 to 810 per ween can Ikj easily made; no canvassing: fascinating and steady employment. Particulars and sample of the work sent for stamp. Address, HOME M'FG CO.. P. O. Box 1910, Boston Mass. :t-4t. WE WANT SALE-MEN everywhere, local ami traveling, to sell our goods. Will pay good salary and ail expenses. Write for terms at once, and state salary wanted. Address STANDARD SILVER WARE COM PANY, Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 3-it ¥ --I t - a <*■ I. iu! tha Worst I'.r.d v.4 t,t uu . " r .V..,.. . . r, ,1. 1- (iCT!'SIOI!Tfr.!-h ,1.. . I .• ■ :• r •TTI.K.S FURS, J v.'f". I. ; V \ \ I*.J K'!'.-I '.!list"aso u " l e i •I. V . .'•'t'.'yJwVork. 5-4t A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK, FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEK. ONLY *1 BY MAIL, POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATIVE SAMPLE FREE TO ALL. A Great Medical Work on .YlnuViood. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debility. Premature Decline in Man. Errors of Youth, and the unt&ld miseries resulting Irom indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle- ig<*d and old. It contains 125 perscriptions for all acute and chronic dis eases, eacii one of which is Invaluable. So found by the Author, whose experience tor 25 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician 300 pages, bound In beautiful French" muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a liner work in every sense than any other work sold in this country for 42.50, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only£l.oo by until, post-paid. Illustrative sample free to anybody. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the Nation al Medical Association, to the President of which, the Hon. P. A. Bissel, and associate officers of the Board the reader is respectful ly referred. The Science of Life is worth more to the young and middle-aged men of this generation than all the gold mines of California and the silver mines of Nevada combined.— B. F.Ohron icle. The Science of Life points out the rocks and .quicksands on which the const! utlon and hopes of many a young man have been fatally wrecked. — Manchester Mirror. The Science of Life isof greater value than all the medical works published in this country for tip' veais.— Atl inta Constitution: The Science of Life is a super!) and easterly treatise on IPTVOUS and physical debility.—De troit Free Tljcre is no member of society to whom the Science of Life will not l> • useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergy man. — Argonaut. Address the Pcabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. 11. Parker,No. 1 Buliinch Street, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases re ♦ quirin skill and experience, (."ironic and ob j stinate diseases that have baffled the skill of { all other physicians a specialty. Such treated [ successfully without an instance of failure. | Mention this paper.' &-4t IIOW TO USK CATA R R H CREAM BALM I, ,||,im IMace a particle of AFriHalm Into each wTDrit/ria nostril and draw WwAfnCHM OFA™ JJI St ron g brea th a ■ Cl"f3rrCol*:l ,lu ' (),, K h th ® nos © I 1 H "* I will lie absorbed and _HEAFII b,n 113 *"t'k of W J/TirleauHinHr and heaI ¥<HAYFEVER 5) 1,, K 11,0 as e d irrmr - £■ 'ays inliainatlon and / jaM prevents fresh colds. A f e V applications figfflMPy j relieve. A thorough ♦ 1 treatment irillcure. wJ&M' \ " tI.SA. | Agreeable to line. ILI for circular. F fc V Km £4 l'rice 50 ce 11 t s, b y mail or at druggists. KI.Y BROTHKUS, 1 >rugults, Owego, N. Y. 1 4t I CURE FITS! When I iny <nre I do nn| mean merely to atop than for a time an.t thru hale them latum again. I mean a radleal onre. I have maJe the illeeaae o( FITS, KI'n.KMT or FH.ls- INO SICKN KSS a llle louitntudy. I warrant inyramaJy to cine the iv. rat caeea. iieeauae otbera have rallatl la no i.-eon fur o>t new receiving a cure. Send at once for a Ircatlae and a Kreo llotlleof my Infallible remariy? f*tv K\|ivs and run Oltlfe. II cuata you nothing fur a trial, and I will cure you. OH. 11. O HOOT, US Pearl 8l„ NT. 5-41 I'll 10 And Uii.odultciTited! ST. Fit A IN. Proprietor of the _ • First National Hotel, MILLHEIM, PA., wishes to infurm the public that lie keeps the following liquors constantly on bund and in suresthem all strictly pure, and especially a dupted for medical purposes: WlllkiKßV.il: UI.N'N: llannesvllle, Imported Holland, Poughkeepsle, Londtin, nusb, wi*ES : Hung, t iHack berry, Louisville, Elderberry. * Kentucky. Port OKAXOYM; Huckleberry, Plain, Catawba, (finger, Grape. Slierrv, Blackberry, Applejack, peach. jWic Jmgland Hum. A#- These liquors are all guaranteed to be not leus than four years old and can be strongly receominended as wholes >me and healthy. MALT LIQUORS, such as PORTER. ALF and LAG ER always on draught. 22 3 m PATENTS. CAVEATS and TRADE MARKS secured ;uut all patent business attended to promptly, for moderate fees. Our office is opposite the U.S. PATENT OF FICE and we eau obtain PATENTS In less time than those remote from Washington, I).(!. Upon receipt of MODEL or SKETCH of In vention, we make careful examination, and ad vise as to patentability FREE OF CHARGE. xo PAY unless Patent is secured. Infor n at ton as to terms and references sent on ap plication. NrKcnnn A Sims, 100P, F Street, Washington. D. C * MRVOlbVlliLßori ItfKAUK&S USD %DKBILITI %f FEIALEM DECAY, A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages, Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARP A CO. Louisiana, Mo. Groceries & Provisions. GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. BRIGHT NEW LEMONS. CHOICE WHITE GRAPES. NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES. FIGS, DATES and PRUNF.LLES. FINEST CLUSTER RAISINS. PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON TEEL CURRANTS and BAKING RAISINS. EVAPORATED PRifcCHES& PEARS. ' ■.'* ALMONDS and ASSORTED NUTS. i An exceptionally fine line of PURE CON FECTIONERY at CITY PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOLASSES CANDY (or Taffy) MADE] BY OURSELVES, ALWAYS FRESH. CALIFORNIA FRUITL canned "and Evap orated. PURE HONEY In pint and quart Jars. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES, Sound and ?lrm. PLAIN and FANCY CRACKERS. FINEST FULL CREAM CHEESE. PURE SUGAR TABLE SYItUPH, A full line of NEW CANNED GOODS. PURE WHITE UOCK CANDY SYRUP in half gallon and one gallon cans. • PURE MAPLESYRUr in quart and half gallon cans. FINK, FRAGRANT TEAs. PURE SPICES. You can depend 011 our ? round pepper for butchering purposes, t is strictly pure. FRESH SHELL OYSTERS opened to Older. 0 0 ALL OUBSTOCK IS NE W AND FRE^H. fig-OA LL ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT INOULI LINE. —SECHLER & CO.,— GROCERS, Bush House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA. Journal Store Column. * - • • The Journal Store still continues to do business at "No. 20," Penn Street, Millheim, Penna ; and please "don't any of you forget it." * ' i"' • ' P. H. MUSSER,? WATIIIMAKEKAJ GWEIRk, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., --}orrOSITE THE BANK.J-^ Bkayltepair Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guarnuteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 5 ly. Read what the people say concerning the i.bility of Dr. Thomas' 1 -electric Oil to curs asthma, catarrh. croup, cold. etc. Mrs. Dora Koch of buffalo, says : " For croup it is decid edly efficacious." {Mr*. Jacob Mellisor of Mar ton. Ohio, says the same thing.] S. S. Graves, Akron, N. Y., writes : " Had a.thma of the worst kind, took one dose of'l'hornas' Eclectric Oil and was relieved in a few minutes. Would walk five miles fortius medicine and pay $s a bottle for it." Drug gist C. K. Hall, Grayville, 111., says; "Cured an ul cerated throat for ine in twenty-four hours." " Sat up in bed and coughed nil the clothing was wet with perspiration. My wife insisted that I use Thomas' F.clectric Oil. The first teaspoonful xiLiaveo me." E. H. Perkins.Creek Centre, N. Y., Thomas" Eclec tric Oil is also a Tir- Tor external applica tion for rheumatism, cuts,scald*.,burns,bites, bruises,etc. When visi ting the druggist, ask him what he knows of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil; il he has been long in the drug trade, be sure be will apeak highly of it. Worked Wonder®. " My daughter was very had off on account of a cold and pain in her lungs. Dr. Thomas' Eelet trie Oil cured her in twenty-four hours. One of the boys was cured of acre throat. This medi cine has worked wonders in our family." Alvak Pinckncy, Lake Mohopac, N. Y. Jgj -jjOtefX. SMS jj AGENTS WANTED Mr "SPVOPTH- REBELLION. " Vowei-lltm: by th*' 'Jeut. t thou*atul! N. Ui|-ti {I.TO. Only W.k of Its kind The * *GP k" t ev ia itiscy tccrelsoft:e so ;r u vor bo'cri] u! lirh d. A i raph'.O acconntof t'*o coii-pir-cy t. Agfunsira'e L n t>!n. l'ril ni cxivrl-ai cn of iir 1' r*K.'jtr. Jini-S i t (ho l!r?L 1 < cvftol; tiiir li' t* Ic Ls-v *ry 1 illy rvotiati 1 i i tu *M. vivul Skctil.**. Ti > •' Bpy " ) i the mon". 11l wh • h.tk p*t".j' !"nd<rmd by bu 'xv so( I'rtsa s>l A •••ii •' t •:t.ii >,ii 'la. A lat to I—c.l -soin'? l'i"<, <"• B r !"•: f I lllua'. ration*. vvAwrrni A OEttTGi !.. I *T>*k JH outn '.hruj ~; r3 _ Ovrea.-/.u. > f I'<>us~.:-1 -pjiJJ. aii-*if"r:.cccck3 havo b** a r*-c :v 1 Wo have x itt t r.via.s? v. ho U.ivn a*> 1 I ;;i /;.•%> I f.'.w LuulreJ c<-j gir'ihe *•: >Y " t rid ot ly ly -r Accntc, sad ' t*' hi futid >'i b'A):.E:* .i S -lla to trtor> iian'.R, wi l:rr b-p.rj.l Ait > lu cly C,e fcei st L- •A lv , f <<. r L-noum! V'o v.ant r r.o aTiitiu < vo; y artl A• i y Post end in every t wn>b*".> and I MIII.'T I*l itjcl' X. Tor full futKlcvJarv sn*l tern* / cirn<tt <ldre * a. v. CARLDIO;; & * 0., ruiiisii-j-j, '■<* is.sk. 500 Tons OF White No via Scotia Plaster at $9,00 per ton, for sale by WHITMER & LINCOLN, at their warehouse, Coburn, Pa. 3-3 m. LEWISBURG & TYRONE AND BELLEFONTE, NITTANY JC * LEMONT RAILROAD. DAthT EXCEPT SUNDAY. LEAVE WESTWARD -3 5 7 9 Leave, a.m. a. in. a. m. p.m. p.m. M0ntjind0n...,.5.50 0.20 10.15 1.30 6.05 Lewisburg Ar.6.15 9.30 10.25 1.50 6.20 Lewisburg Lv 6.30 2.00 Fair Gr0und...6.35 2.85 Blehl .... 6.25 2.00 Vlcksburg 6.32 2.08 Mifflinburg Ar. Miffllnb'g LV.6.43 2.22 Millmont -.6.59 2.40 Laurelton 7.07 2.46 Coburn 8.45 3.50 Rising Spring .8.15 4.15 Centre Ha 11....8.33 4.40 Gregg 8.40 4.50 Linden Hall. .8.49 5.03 Oak Hall -8.54 5.12 Lemont 9.00 5.19 Bellelonte 9.25 6.00 Arrive a. m. p.m. Am. a.m. p.m. LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 6 8 10 Leave, a. m. a. m. a. ra. p. m. p. m. Bellefonte 5.45 1 1.00 Lemont 6.10 1.41 Oak Hall 6.16 1.46 Linden Hall 6.21 1.57 Gregg 6.29 2.10 Ceutre Hall 6.37 2.20 Rising 5pring...6.55 2.45 Coburn..— 7.15 3.15 Laurelton —.8.03 4.24 Millmont 843 4-33 Mifhinoiirg Ar. 4.45 Miffllnburg Lv. 8.24 4.52 Vioksburg 8-35 5.06 Blehl 8.45 5.14 Fair Ground... 8.40 5.15 Lewisburg Ar.5.25 12.55 5.20 Lewisburg Lv.s 40 9.90 9.55 1.10 5.85 Montandou m. 9.10 10.05 p. m. 5.50 Arrive, a. m. p. ra. An additional train leaves Lewisburg for Montandon at 7.25 p. iu., returning leaves Mon tandon for Lewisburg at 7.45 p. m. CIIAS. P. PUGH, J. R. WOOD, General Manager, * Gen'l Pass. Agent. CJLAREMONT COLONY t, CLARETOIHT COLONY ! CLABEiTONT COLONY! CLARLItIONT COLONY! CLABEMONT COLONY!) CLAR£ItIONT COLONY! CLABEMONT COLONY ! A new House every 16 days in the last 6 years. Our village, only 32 months old, has 5 stores, 2 hotels, 2 churches, school, newspaper, factory, foundry, 4 steamboats! 2 trains and 2 malls daily. Land rapidly advancing. Send, send, send by mil meaos, send for circulars with 4 maps. 36 Photographic cuta of houses, all about the wonderful growth of our col on",its soil,climate,markets,business opportunities, health, prices, terms, and 96 other distinct subjects. Farms for S2OO on monthly installments to those hATing employment,without leaving their situation. Address S. F. MANClLLClaremout, Surry Co.,Va- VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE. 600 farms, 20 to 10,000 acres at EE to S*EB?t aore. Good markets. Healthy climate, able prospects. Write for circulars containlpi VIRGINIA FARMS Norther™ Coiony?*%end foi circular. A. O. BUM, C—tnJim, fa. ONE DOLLAR. The Weekly Patriot, HAKRISBURG.PKNNA. ihe leading Democratic paper in the State Full of interesting news, and miscellaneous and political reading. ONLY ONE LOLAR PER YEAR. Special Rates to Olubs. Harnple copies mailed free on application. The PATRIOT and 'or | . The PATRIOT and New York Weekly World one year for on® dollar and Afty centa. The PATRIOT and the Philadelphia Weekly 77me* one year for one dollar and seventy-live centa. WANTED. AGENTS in every Township in this County to solicit subscriptions for the WEEKLY PA TRIOT Write for terms. Address all communica tions to THE PTBIOT, Ha rrltfcaifi Pa -MP THE BEBT IKb EXTERNAL ui REMEDY umitin, 9 NEURALGIA, =' CRAMPS, __l Spaas, fcoises, Burns ana Scalds, Siiatta, XMkuki, Frosted Feet and OJEarSp and all other Pains and Aches. It is a safe, sure, and |9| effectual Remedy for Sails, Strains, Scratches, Sores, fee.; on HORSES. One trial will prove its merits. Its effects are in most cases INSTANTANEOUS. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction. Send ad dress for pamphlet, free, air. ing full directions for the treatment of above diseases. Um Price 25 cts. and 60 ets. per - bottle. Bold everywhere. ® tnr 7 MUJM k Lori, frtprkUn, Buriisctcs, ft PLAID BHAWL GIVEN AWAY! Throogh the Uiiur. of a brge mADtf jfidk fccturer of Cttißtit Pattern Fringe Shawls, there has COM into our hands a Urge coasigaiaeat of PUid /&F~ AsajgA Shawl*, perfect goods, which we propose to preient to the Udiec Is the foUowing Banner; Sendu*is f- :: -jgi£.-33Ki: centa for S Bsa tuWriution to B" JSHajßHißrLarar w ~ " • r K.rm o.l Hcmn.4-Inn.ij,, :■ *£ jgT" EBB tS nee* illuttrated paper .devoted Farm and Hwirrhell topics. . ud general nUaceOany, tnj we rrUI read yow owe of there rhawtr nUU by auil poatpaid. or we will send tahswU \ iltecrzejßlMand j *<it>*cripriows to one address for |X.OO> SstlsfAdtlrvn guaranteed or njooey refunded. Address PA KM AND HOUSEHOLD. Box 49. Hartford.CUaa. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with 5 ■ GoodPmbsseS # and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE READS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED,
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