Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 04, 1886, Image 1
The Millheim Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY f\. a. Office in the New Journal Building, Penn St., near Hartman's foundry. SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR nr HOT PAID IN ADVANCH. AcrejMe CnrrespoaießCG Solicited Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL. BUSINESS J- IIARTER, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, FA. B. STOVER, Auctioneer, Madisouburg, Fa. H.REIFSNYDKR, Auctioneer, MIIXHBW, PA. TQR. J. W. STA.M, _ Physician & Surgeon Office on Maui Street. MILLHEIM, PA. JYT. JOHN FTHARTER, Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM PA. GEO. L. LEE, Physician & Surgeon, MADISONBURG, PA. Office opposite the Public School House. ■YY. P. ARD, M. D., WOODWARD, PA. O. DEININGER, Notary-Public, Journal office, Penn st., Millheim, Pa. AVDeeds and other legal papers written and Acknowledged at moderate charges. j. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Having had mi ny years' of experience the public can expect the best work and most modern accommodations. Shop 2 doors west Millheim Banking House MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. QBORGE L. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Corner Main & North streets, 2nd floor, Millheim, Pa. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooning, Dying, &c.-done in the most satisfac tory maimer. Jno.H. Orris. C. M. Bower. Ellis L. Or vis QRVIS, BOWER & OR VIS, Attorneys-a t-Law. BELLKFONTE, FA., Office in Woodlngslßnildlng. D. H. Hastings. W. F. Reed e TJASTINGS * REEDER, Attornejs-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. ■Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum A Hastings. J c - MEYER, AUorney-at-Law, BELLKFONTE, PA. AttheOffioe of Ex-Judge Hoy. nrTM. C. HEINLE, AUorney-at-Law BELLKFONTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county Special attention to Collections. Consultations tn German or English. •u A. Beaver. *• "W. Gepbart jgEAVER 4 GEPHART, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLKFONTE, PA. 'Offlce on ADefchany Btreet. North of High Street HOUSE, ■ALLEGHENY ST„ BELLKFONTE, PA. O. OVLMEMILLEN, P&OPFTLETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss to aud from all traius. Special rates to witnesses and Jurors. QUMMINS HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEPONTE, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, PROPRIHTOR House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev erything done to make guests comfortable. Ratesraodera** tronage respectfully solici ted 5-ly JRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel In the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODSOALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good sameple rooms for commercial Travel ersjou first floor. R. A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. 60. A Plcqsqqt fjoiqody. Wife and I landed at San Diego, thai beautiful city on the extreme south western corner of California, and, af ter spending a few days at the Hurt on House, we took saddle mules and visit ed the valley of the Csjon, where we stopped over night with Captain Min er, the most friendly of hosts. Early the next morning we began our climb to the Falls of San Diego, Captain Miner accompanying us. He wished to show us a canyon, covered with chapparal, where there lived a million quails, lie stated the number with an easy confidence which proved that he had counted them. We accept ed his testimony and did not count. It certainly would have been easy to bag a thousand in a few moments, but 1 begged so hard for them that the cap tain turned back without the wagon load which he had promised his good wife to bring with him. The Califor nia quail is such an exquisitely beauti ful bird, and its family life so sweet, that I would htva gone on my knees to prevent the slaughter of the innoseuts. No person of sensibility can study their littlo ways and then kill them. After the captain had left us we kept on by the side of the San Diego river, and before night climbed to the foot of the famous falls. While picketing our mules 1 discovered two young men busy making camp on the opposite side of s a canyon. 1 called to them, and in pantoaimie invited them to visit us, .which they signaled they would do af ter supper. I urged them to take sup per with us, but they politely declined. An hour later, just as we had finished our desert of oatmeal mush, our neigh bors came. Oae was a tall, brown haired, bright-eyed gentleman, of per haps twenty-six ; the other a slight, blonde lad of eighteen. We were much impressed with their intelligence, and pleased with their gentle bearing to ward each other. It was in strange contrast with our wild surroundings and with their rough corduroy pants, tlinnel shirts and pith hats. • They told us they had long been in timate friends, and wheu the health of the younger began to break, and the doctor had warned him that nothing but a year in the saddle would save his lungs, they had left their home in the East and came to the Pacific coast, where they had been climbing through the mountains, with the aid of mus tangs, for three months. Already Fred was quite another rain. To illustrate the c .ange.Fred whack ed his tliigh, and informed us that three months before, that leg was not more than half its present size. We arranged to meet them again a week later, and already felt that they were dear friends. They were scarcely out of earshot when my wife seized my arm and whispered the strange question : "Do you know what I think ?" "I don't; but please stop pinching." "Fred is a girl," she cried, pinching harder and harder. "How do you know that ?" "How do I know it ? Don't you suppose I know a girl when I see one?" exclaimed my better half. "My dear, I came to the conclusion long ago that you knew pretty much everything, but will you tell me how you found out that this young man is not a young man at all, but something else. I grant you that he behaves re markably well, but might not a young man, by some accident, behave him self ?" "Oh, but that sweetness, that soft ness, that equisite delicacy of manner and speech ! lam astonished that you can't see ; but then you men are so blind." "My darling, permit me to call your attention to the fact that you haye oft en spoken of my blindness. I would not have you suppose thai I doubt what you say. If you had said this young man was a kangaroo or a gross of tack hammers, I should not dare to doubt it. lam trying to find out your signs of sex." My better three-quarters made no re ply, but went on to say * "What can it mean ? Nothing, wrong, lam sure. They are beautiful people, and I know would do nothing improper ; but- what can It mean ?" Before their next coming my wife shook her head and said, "What can it mean ?" many times. When they came again we were very glad to see them, and they seemed glad to see us. We recalled that Fred had worn a pair of buckskin gloves when calling on us at the Falls, and had shaken hands without removing them. We had not been especially impressed with the circumstance, for we both wore the same sort of gloves from morning till night, and often slept in them, but on tbe occasion of their second visit we noticed, and thought if the gloves were removed, Fred's hands would be re markably small. This tended to con - firm my good wife's suspicions. MILLHEIM, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4., 1886. Our friends invited us to dine with them the next d.iy, and when thev were fairly out of hearing, my wife grasped my arm, and in that same ex cited whisper asked : "What do you think now ?" "Think ?" Why, I think we have met a couple of well-bred young gen tlemen, and—" "Well-bred fiddlesticks ! 1 declare, you men are stone bl'nd. Now, do you pretend to say that you don't see that 'Master Fred,' as the other calls him, is nothing but a girl." " 'Nothing but a girl,' is rather cool nowadays, when a man hardly dares to open his mouth in the presence of a woman of any age." 1 said, as bravely as I dared, to my better seven-eighths. aly devoted companion kept it up. That night when 1 was just dropping off to sleep, she reached oyer, gaye my blanket a jerk to rouse me, and ex claimed : "Why, her whole style, her walk,her yoice, her chin, her beautiful eyes, her delicacy and sweetness of manner, and his teuderness toward her—it Is all as plain as can be. They are just married; she is threatened with consumption, and as this dress is so much better for saddle work in the mountains, etc, etc. Oh, I see it all just as plain as the nose on your face." I knew my nose was a big one, and my wife's favorite object for illustra ting v.'st things, but I kuew likewise it was n dark night, and that I was ly ing with my face turned from her. I said nothing but began a series of evo lutionary snores, which she finally ac cepted as genuine, but which, as one can never hear the real souuds In him self, were probably not a good imita tion. She roused me the next morning, and told me of a curious dream she had had about the beautiful bride in breech es. On the way over we rode side by side, where a trail was wide enough to give our uauU*- uui diacusaod our scheme. Our welcome was very warm ; the dinner was excellent. We had finish ed the stewed-canned oysters, aud can ned turkey with cranberry sauce, and canned green peas, and were busy on the dessert of canned strawberries and peaches, when my wife opened our lit tle "game." Addressing herself to Mr. Morton (Fred), she asked : "Don't you think, Mr. Morton, If a lady were sick, say of consumption,and needed to live a year or two in the sad dle. it would t>e a capital plan for her lo adopt a man's dress and then secure all sort 9 of freedom ?" Our plan w9 to look Fred square in the face at the conclusion of the ques tion. It was evidently a bull's-eye shot. He blushed and turned a look of astonishment and interrogation upon his companion, which proved that my wife was right. She always is. Then without waiting for them to change the subject, I took up my part, and said : "We met a couple the other day, the most beautiful people I have seen in years; the bride lived in the saddle,was dressed in men's clothes, and was rap idly recovering from genuine consump tion." "Where did you meet this couple ?" asked Major Barton, by which name Fred addressed his companion. "At Sau Diego Falls," was my re ply. Then we at the Major. This was our programme. He looked at his companion. They both turned all sorts of colors, and we all burst into roars oi laughter. Then followed a long and most interesting talk. My wite had guessed the exact truth ; Fred was a bride. The family physician had pro nounced his case genuine, pulmonary consumption, aud had shaken his head over the near future. The young people consulted to-geth er, and after much anxious doubt, but with the lull consent of friends, were married. After a deal of trouble they succeed ed in obtaining the proper measure ment for Fred's corduroys, and in ten days were climbiDg the rugged sides of the Sierra Nevadas. They had been zigzagging through the mountains,and in three months had reached the point where we first met them. A curious change came over Fred's manners. A9 soon as the facts were known to us, I imagine he felt very much as Eve did when she became a ware that her clothing wasvery scanty. Whereas Fred had slapped his thigh, talked of the growing muscle, aud stridid about like other young fellows, now he excused himself, took some thing out of a bag, went behind a clump of bushes, and soon returned with a blanket arranged like a woman's skirt. I recall these facts nearly four years after the close of our camp life ou the Pacific coast. The occasion was an exciting scene in Central Park, New York. Wife and I, with the old camp ing instinct upon us, were sitting un der a tree in a shady nook in that beau- A PAPER,FGII THE HOME CIRCLE. tiful paik, watching the saddle lidefs. A pair of wild ones were coming, and I exclaimed : "Those must be mustangs ; no other horses could do like that." Instantly my wife clutched me in that same old place, and cried out : "It's Fred 1 it's Fred !" Wo sprang to our feet. The recog nition WAS complete all around. The horses were the same they rode in Cali fornia. Quiet enough they were there, eating what they could pick up ; but here with oats and thorough grooming, they were full of the very dickens. The next day we dined with our friends Jt was hard to recognize in our beautiful hostess the thigh-slapping Fred of the mountains. I complained that the long silken skirt did not look natural. Mrs. R. [we now for the first time learned their real name] invited £ll9 'to spend the next eyening with them. Mr. R. opened the door aud told us they ht\d sent their servants out for the evening. In the grand parlor we wait ed for our hostess. In ca.De Fred in the same old corduroys, woolen shirt, old boots and pith hat. He went striding about the room, regular free and easy mountain fashion, and when the shouts of laughter had subsided, slapped his thigh and said : "When I went to the Pacific coast that leg was so small and soft that it could hardly carry me ; now it is big enough and solid enough to carry me thiough a long life." "Yes," exclaimed the proud and happy husband, "my wife would not part with those clothes, nor with her splendid horse. She feels, as I do, that they have saved her life. We believe that a good saddle-horse, pioperly rid den, can cariy a consumptive from the grave back into the midst of life and health." I will add. that I have seen many re markable restorations from advanced consumption through life in. thft*udilie. I think the chances are about as good here as in California.—[ Dio Lewis, in Nuggets. J A Cabin 300 Years Old. Upper Darby township, Delaware county. Pa., boasts of a real old-time log cabin, and tiadition savs that it was at one time occupied by an English peer and afterward the home of an In dian chief. It Is on the property of Thomas Kent, the well known manu- aud is only a short walk from Pliil.iJilpliU aud Baltimore pike. It lias stood therefor over three hun dred years, and history says was built by an English nobleman, who, with a number of friends, came to this coun try on a hunting expedition and select ed the site as their headquarters. Af ter the Englishmen returned to their native shores it was occupied by a chief of one of the Lenni tribe of Indians for many years, until at last, by the advent of the pale faces,the red man was com pelled to move toward the setting sun. The log cabin is in a remarkably good state of preservation, and excel lent workmanship is displayed in its construction. The cellar is very deep and is divided into many apartments and recesses, supposed to have been us ed as the place where the Englishmen stored their old wines and liquors, and some queer looking old bottles and casks are to be seen on the shelves. The cabin at present is occupied by an aged couple, who keep a little candy store and also charge a small commission fee to those who are curious enough to see the interior of the old structure. What Children Should Eat. Few things are so difficult to man age as the dietary of our little ones. Love leads us the conclusion that what they like is best for them ; and so we say, yes, yes, yes,'certainly my darling, certainly ; poor dear he shall have what he wants. This gush ing indulgence leads straight to bad breath, rotton teeth, p.ile face, dyspep sia, bowel disease, and death. I have * • not one doubt that a large part of these misfortunes of childhood come from the table. Every block has its candy store, every house its table covered with sweet, inuutritious stuffs. A diet of grains, good biead, milk, and fruits, would leave the child's breath sweet, teeth white, its digestive machine healthy, its health good. It is too bad that our American children should be so treated. The child of the .New World is worth ten times as much to the race as a child in Asia. American children ought to ba well used ; they may have a glorious future. We are killing them off by the hundred thous and with our amiable saccharine indul gences. Practically it is equivalent to a conspiracy against the welfare of the country to turn these little ones loose among cakes, candies and sweetmeats. Parental indulgence is the largest ob stacle in the pathway of American childhood. A (\nqpd fot< t^isoqcHs. The Famous Nigger Hounds of the South. An Exhibition of Their Wonderful Noses at a Georgia Oonviot Oamp. While at Oldtown I saw a race be tween a convict and the hounds. It came about in this way : Mr. Williams claimed, and lie was backed by Capt. Jaines, that any con vict could be selected out of a bundled and sent off to circle through the woods, passing through a dozen squads of convicts; that, an hour later, he could put his hounds on the convict's track, and they would thread him through the squad of convicts, never be shaken from his individual track, and finally bring him up. 1 remarked that I could understand how the hounds might carry a convict's track through a crowd of outsiders from some scent of the camp, but not how they could separate one convict fiom another. 'There may be a hundred convicts,' be said, 'clothed precisely alike, and wearing precisely the same shoes. They may feed together on precisely the same food, and sleep in bunks that touch each other under precisely the same coyer. And yet each one of them lias a scent that marks him just as dis tinctly to my hounds from his fellows, as his appearance marks him under your deliberate study.' 'And do you expect me to believe that the dogs can catch this scent from the flying touch of his thick shoes on the hard ground ?' 'Undoubtedly. And further. lie may stop in a squad and change shoes with a convict, and the dogs will still follow him. On the hardest ground, his scent will be plain to them, though his shoe soles are half an inch thick. When he runs through the woods, where his clothes touch the bushes, they will trail him heads up, in full cry, tifty yards, running parallel, but away from where he ran.' 'I)o you mean that you can take fifty convicts, all clad in convict suits, let them run through the bushes, then send the convict the dogs are trailing through the same bushes, and the scent of his body left on the yielding twigs as his clothes brushes them, will lead the hounds through the maze V Yes, fifty yards away, they will run it parallel at full speed. To prove this I will start a convict. I will let others follow him through the woods, 1 will let him make a semicircle in the woods with fifty yards' radius. When the hounds come to this, instead of follow ing the curve they will scent the oppo site side of the circle, fifty yards away, cut across to it, take the track up there and follow it.' A gaunt convict, long of leg and flank, was selected for the run. He was told to put off quickly, circle iu the woods, take a swift run over the fields, roads, and through evtry squad of con victs he could find in his way. This he did. The hounds were then loafing a bout the stockade yard, as listless a lot cf dogs as ever were seen. •I am tempted,' said Mr. Williams, 'to let the convict ride a licrse for a mile or two after he has run awhile. I have had dogs trail a convict on horse back four miles, and then take the track where he jumped from the horse.' By this time the flying convict was a small speck on the broad fields, and in a moment more had melted into the horizon and was gone, as if, indeed, he had found tlmt liberty for which his soul panted and had gone as the strong winged birds go when they vanish in the blue ether. In an hour we mounted our horses. The hounds were still loafing about in the sunshine. Suddenly Mr. Williams, squaring himself in his saddle, blew three quick, short blasts on the cow's horn that luing at his side. As if by magic, the hounds awaked and charged, at his saddle—eager, baying, frantic, 'Nigger 1' he said sententiously. Like the wind they were off, nose to the ground, tails up, circling like beagles. Larger the circle grew, the hounds si lent as spectres, eyes and nose eating the earth for its secret. 'They will pass over the tracks of convict squads, but will open on the first single track they find. If it is the wrong track we will simply sit still. They will run it a hundred yards or so, and, noting our silence, will throw it off and search a gain. When they get the right track, we will halloo and start after the hound that has it. The others will join him, and the race is opened.' At last a red hound, careering like mad across the field, halts suddenly, tumbles over himself, faces about, nos es the ground eagerly, lifts his head. 'A-a-o-o-w-u I' and is off like an arrow from a bowstring. 'That's the track,' shouts William, and after the how'ing hound we go. The other dogs join in pell mell at first, then each hound true to the track, in full cry and at a rat tling gait. Away off to the left Capt. James calls attention to a moving speck against the sky. 'That is the convict circling back to camp,' he said. On the dogs went, keen as the wind, Terms, SIOO per Year, in Advance. inexorable as fate, following the track of the flying convict where it had been laid as lighlly as thistle on the firm earth, but where it left its telltale scent all the same. Nothing could shake them off—nothing check their furious rush. Over other tracks made by con victs wearing shops from the same last and same box they went without hin drance, led by some intangible miracle of the air, straight on a single trail. 'Now we'll see thern wind his scint fifty yards away,'said Williams, as we neared a patch of forest. Close to this was a squad of convicts. These we had sent through the woods an hour before. We had made trusties,' walk ing singly, touch every bush and tree. Then the convict we were trailiug was run through, making a half circle, with at least fifty yards' radius. The hounds entered the forest at a hustling pace, a small red dog leading. Sudden ly the leader faltered for an instant, with nose in air, then burst with fierce cry to the left, ran obliquely for full fif ty yards, with head up, when he took up again the track of the conyict, and lowered his head to the ground. He had simply made a shortcut across the semicircle, having caught scent of the convict on the bushes more than a hun dred feet away. I am aware that this is incredible to thosa who have never seen it. I cannot explain what it is that the flying man, clad and shod as a hundred others, fed on the same food, chained daily to the same chain, and sleeping in the same bunks at nights imparts to a yielding twig touched by his clotnes so that it attracts a hound fifty yards away. But it certainly does just that. The last test was now coming. We were moving toward a squad of con victs at work in a cotton field. We had sent the fugitive conyict through this squad. We had then made them walk in a double circle around him. They then crossed and recrossed his tracks, many of them wearing exactly such shoes as he wore. One hour later the hounds struck this point. There was not an instant's pause. There was no deviation, no let up in the pace. Through the labyrinth of tracks the hounds went, as swallows through the air, hurrying inexorablj on the one track they had chosen. The end was now near. The convict having run his race, was seen leaning against a tree and watching the hounds plunging toward him. 'Won't he climb the tree ?' I asked. 'No; the hounds are trained to simply bay the convicts when tbey come up with them. Otherwise the convicts would kill them.' By this time the hounds had sighted him. They halted about twen ty yards away from tbe tree against which he stood and bayed him furious ly. Pretty music tbey made, and not deeper than I have heard often and a gain under a 'possum tree. 3fr. Will iams called them off, and the convict came forward. 'Dem puppiea, is doin' mighty well, Cap'n,' he said, grinning as he lazily swung by on his way to the stockade. These dogs are not bloodhounds. I doubt if there is a bloodhound iu Geor gia, though two are reported near Car tersyille, descended from a pair owned by Col. Jeff Johnson in the days of slavery. The Oldtown dogs are fox hounds of the liedbone breed, trained for several generations to hunt men. They are never tempted by other game. They are neither fierce nor powerful, and are relied on solely to trail the con vict and lead his pursuers to his lair. Underclothing. Many outwardld fastidious persons, who would shrink with borrot at the idea of wearing a soiled shirt front.and no matter what thee xpensn might be would change collars and cuffs every day, will wear their underclothing two weeks without being washed. The physiologist, aware at all times of the insensible perspiration and the con staut passage of effete matter through the pores, would say"that it were much more sensible, if needs be, to wear the white shirt two weeks and have the one next to the skin changed at least twice a week. If you see the point we have done our duty and you will proba bly coutinue the old style, blockading the drainage from the system, prepar ing yourself to easily take colds or oth er diseases. We would prefer as a close companion or bedfellow, a coal heaver or railroad paddy who performed his abolutions daily and changed at night for a calico shirt, to hundreds of per sons in the higher walks of life, who wear unsoiled external linen, bathe once in two weeks and in the mean time permit the exhallations from the body to accumulate on their flannels. Too Much. Style. A prominent New York druggist is spending the Winter in San Antonio, for his health. •What mout your trade be, stranger?' asked the genial clerk of the local ho tel. 'I am a pharmacist.' 'A what did yer say ?' 4 A pharmacist.' 'Why don't you talk English, and say you are a hoss doctor.' NO. 5 NBWOPAPER LAWS If xubscrilwix nr'or *!• tliscnullpr.itHn: f i;c\vß)>a|H'rs the itui-IP-iu-i* may mi.tim* to smmml until all aiTt;ra_>c\s art* . It HubwrUxn'S irfn*o r latitat lot;.|.< UiMr cii'wspaiier'; frmnUm'ftlv Id r. li lltcynie hfld >iti>tr>until tiw\ li*vw illrd llic l.'ills nlili'lrd ltn'l;' IPvt i>lii.tlr<l. If snlixoi |lhi*k Ifotr plai fx w I In funnnu' lite iul).i*ltrr t ami 15! iM*wapM|t-rgi ai® M<*ntt*th*forn:f*rpl.M**-, iliPvaiv r*s>iiblDtt. ADVEKTIHINO UATIiB. 1 wk. I mb. 2 ii'.oh. 6 mo*. 1 vca 1 square # 2UU |4 00 # 5 isj * 6<K> f' 811) H " 700 10 00 lf> 00 HOW 40 00 1 " 10 00 15 00 25 00 45 00 75 00 One lucli makes a square. Admjnlstiatou and Executors' Notices *2.50. Transient advrr tlseinonts and locals 10 cents rer line for !lr>t Insertion and 5 cents |r line fur each ttUlitlott al Insertion* In The Country Lawyer's Office. He wanted justice. Yoti Jcould see that iu his eyes atar off. He didn't want a little bit of justice weighed out in a gingerly manner and done up in coarse brown paper, but he wanted justice by the car load and at wholesale rates. lie hitched his old white horse and dilapidated buggy in front of the drug store, mounted the stairs running up outside to the second story, and his eyes brightened as they rested on the tin sign on the door: 'George Boxem, Attorney-at-Law.' The lawyer was in. So were a two dollar desk, two fifteen cent chairs, a huge cuspidor, and a rus ty stove. 'Morning.' 'Morning.' 'l'm Jim White, sir. Live out by Gray's Corners. Bought Tompkins' farm, you know.' 'Ah !' 'Skinner jines farm with me. His steers get into my corn. I want dama ges, but he laughs at me. 1 turn my hogs into liis 'Later patch.' 'Good ! I like a mau of spunk.' 'And he kills one of 'cm.' •What! 'lie kills a hog worth two dollars.' 'You don't say! well, that man ought to be made to understand that he dosen't owu this country. What! an outrage ! Haye you demanded pay.' 'Oh, yes, aud he said he'd like to shoot me. 1 'ls it possible? Why, he's a danger ous man, yery dangerous.' 'I came to ask you if—if—' •Why, ot course you haye the best kiud of a case against him, and it is your duty to push it' 'Yes, I want justice, but now—how much will—' 'Oh, the cost will be nothing. Just leaye me $5 as a retainer and we'll make Skinner sweat. I haven't beard such an outrage for years. He proba bly reasons that you are chicken-heart ed and afraid of him.' ' WeH, he'll find that the Whites haje as much grit as the Skinners.' 'And as much to law with ?' 'You bet 1' 'That's the talk 1 We'll make him a very sick man. Your case appeals to me .as a citizen as well as a lawyer. Now, we'll secure a warrant as a star ter.' Skinner visits the other lawyer in the same village, and the conversation is about the same. White gets a warrant for Skinner, and Skinner gets a warrant for White. First year—Two adjournments, a disagreement, twenty-four days lost time, and a cash expense of SSO to each farmer. Second year—Three trials, and disa greement, four adjournments, one ap peal, and a cash expense of $l5O to each farmer. Time lost, thirty-five days. Third year—Two trials, two appeals, two decisions, and two farms pass in to the hands of two lawyers.— N. Y. Sun. Married People Would be Happier If home troubles were never told to a neighbor. If expenses were proportioned to re ceipts. If they tried to be as agreeable as in courtship days. If each would remember the other was a human being, not an angel. If each was as kind to the other as when hey were loyers. If fuel and provisions were laid in during the high tide of summer work. If both parties remembered that they married for worse as well as for better. If men were as thoughtful for their wives as they were for their sweet hearts. IT there were fewer silk and velvet street costumes, and more plain, tidy house dresses. If there were fewer"please darlings" in public and more common manners in private. If masculine bills for Havanas and feminine ditto for rare lace were turn ed into the general food until such times as they could be incurred with out risk. AN eminent citizen of Detroit called upon an eminent physician the other day to consult him about his eyes. 'They seemed all right up to three or four days ago,' said the emioeut citi zen, 'but then I noticed that the left eye was failing.' 'Do you wear glasses ?' asked the physician. 'Oh, yes.' 'Let me see them ?' They were passed over, and after a brief inspection the physician broke in to a hearty laugh. 'The trouble is with the left eye, eh?' he queried. 'Yes, sir.' 'No wonder. Look at your glasses.' The left hand glass had been lost out. -First-class job work done at the JOURNAL office.