Utilizing the Ugly Pug. A youug farher is one of the wealthy d|l Philadelphia, went abroad last suOftWr in company with two relatives. They sailed from Phila delphia and returned thither. They allowed their general baggage to be in spected without protest. Tho young lady carried a diminutive pug dog in her arms. The animal was particularly ill-natured and vicious, but the young lady appeared to be very fond of her brute and carried him in her arms all the time. He wore a blanket and had a collar around his nbck. I got close enough to see that the blanket was a mass of expensive lace tacked on to the blanket, to enable her to avoid duty on it, and that the collar was literally studded with diamonds. What could we do? If we had held the dog there would have been a great howl over the indiguity, end the girl's father had Influence enough to have us all dis charged. We consequently allowed the $lO pug, with his $2,000 blanket and his SIO,OOO collar, to pass free of duty. Cooking Under Difficulties, Dan de Quille, describing Virginia City in the Cincinnati Bnqutrer % men tions some curious effects of the great elevation of that town, which is some 7,000 feet above the level of the sea. He says; Our atmosphere is very light. In some respects this is an ad vantage, while in others it is the contra ry. For instance, water boils here at such a low temperature that it is diffi cult to cook many articles of food by boiling. This is a mystery that the uneducated cook from places nearer the level of the sea can seldom be made to comprehend. Why her peas remain as hard as bullets aud her beef like a stick of bass wood she cannot understand ; for, explain it as you will, she is of the same opinion still—which is, that boil ing water is as hot in one place as an other, all the way from the highest peak of the Himalayas to the shores of the Dead Sea. Though the cook can not be made to understand anything about atmospheric pressure, she will presently learn that by means of close fitting pot lids she cau confine the steam, which can be made as hot as the steam of any other region. Useful in Many Ways. Never throw away old paper. If you have no wish to sell it, use it in the house. Some housekeepers prefer it to cloth for cleaning many articles of fur niture. After a stove has been black ened, it can be kept looking very well for a long time by rubbing it with paper every morning. Rubbing with paper is a much nicer way of keeping A tea ket tle, coffee-pot, and tea-pot bright and clean than in the old way of washing tbem in suds. Rubbing with paper is also the best way of polishing knives, tinware, and spoons; they shine liko new silver. For polishiug mirrors, windows, lamp chimneys, etc., paper is better that dry clctli. Preserves and pickles keep much better if brown pa per, instead of cloth, is tied over the jar. Preserved fruit is not so apt to mold if a piece of writing paper, cut to fit the jar, is laid directly on the fruit. Paper is much better to put UN I T a carpet than straw. It is warmer, thin ner, and makes less noise when one walks over it. A small schoolboy says that he is not going to learn any more geography les sons until the world is fully discovered. He read in a paper that the geography of over half the globe would be changed byfuture explora lions, and be is going to wait. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. ▲re you disturbed at night and broken by your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of alas. WISSLOW'S SOOTHING STROP roa CHILDREN TKBTHING. Its value IS incalculable. It will relieve the p>or little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon It, mot tiers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, aud gives tone aud energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'B FK>OTH ING BTRCP FOR CHILDRRR TEETHING i 8 pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription or one of the oldest and best female uurses and pliysici tns in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Price 25 , cents a bottle SMNTRXN-OTOST SHKIBSii! ■JjMBRBVW Being fulljr aware of the ■ interest the ladles are I\ fL\\ ///■ on best government O\\ I f/Cj /^Mbond parchment Paper, all ■f /®M2*s&!risssa: Voff I I Roses, FoTvet-me- a J XWi Thistles.Stra wherries, of Bo jr. Girl, Bugs, lea - / 1 B/l Spiders, Storks, Scollops for 'f I I Crazy Stitch Pat | : .* ; , terns, Crystal Etchings,Bor flHSHSZaZajUHHl* aise from t i-s to. to j in ekes,also 1 liar Blno Stamping Powder, 1 Bo* White Itanlic Powder, 1 Pstoat vovornlMa PeMot, and toil and complete directions tor Kensington Stamping and Embroidery. Kensington Painting. Lustre. Metallic Flitter and I iridescent Painting, Colors used and mixing of Colors. Ribbon Embroidery. Chenille and Arasene Woek, Correct Colors of all the different Sowers, Description of every stitch used in embroidery.Ac., making a complete Outfit that can not be bought at retail for less then Jt.oe. To introduce FARM AND HOUSEHOLD, the large, as page Illustrated Magazine devoted to the Interest! of the Country Home ana Household, we will send one of these .Outfits complete Awe end yoetpnld. to any lady who will send Me foe a BIOS, subscription to the Magazine. Five for ft. Money cheerfully refunded If not more than satisfactory. Address FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Box 49. Hartford. Conn. PLAID BHAWL GIVEN AWAY! Through the failure of a large menu* /■jEk Mcturei of Cashmere Pattern Fringe yflgtek Shawls, there has come into our bands a large consignment of Plaid Shawls, perfect goods, which we propose to present to the ladies in the following manner: Send us 25 cents for 8 moo. subscription to Fnrm and Household, a large Farm and Household topics, and general miscellany, we will send you one of these shawls FB by mail postpaid} or we will send 5 shawls and 5 subscriptions to one address for ji.oo. Satisfaction guaranteed wqpf or money refunded. Address FARM AJCtt HOUSEHOLD, Box 40. Hartford, Conn. *R\ C* TSR DR. SCCTT'S & *■' L"*fi i A SvPtU. —J beautiful Electric Ri'St VJ I i Corsets. Sample free to tiio*e he ft ii L £ 1 a'ir 1 oning agent*. No risk, quick sales, 'territory given,satisfaction guaranteed. Address PP.SCOTT,B42 Broadway St., W.Y. THIS PAPEREify: Kewapaper Advertising Bureau (19 Bprao| A. H. V. * "V'X?T>>G! n*lr Vigor enrea baldntas. A. JL XilV © Hair Vigor rwtorea youth ful freahncaa and color to faded and gray hair. It attains these result# by the atim. ulatlon of the hair roots and eolor glauds. It rejuvenates tho TT a and cleanaea It. It restores to the lIAIAV that, either by reason of age or diseases of the scalp, has become dry, harsh and brittle, a pliancy and gioaay silken eoftneaa of extreme beauty. There is no dye in Aycrs Hair f~|T> and the good it does ia by the IVIVIV it imparts to the follicles, and the clean- Uness and heelthfhlneae of the condition in which it maintains the acalp. * -rr-nu Ilair Vigor renews tho hair. A. 1l JliXv O Hair Vigor is the bc*t euro known for Braaliy llalr, Scald Head, Itching Humors, Tetter Sore#, Torpid Follicles, and all other dlaeaaee of the ecalp that cause the fklllng of tho TX a yyj ">d ita fudlug. Nothing cleanses HAIIV ©f the uulaanco of dandruff fio perfectly, and ao effectually prevents ita return, aa ATXR'S HAIB VIGOR. In addition to tho eurative and reetoratlvo virtues peculiar to Ayr'* Ilair TTy/T / It ia a toilet luxury. The Hair v lUV/1V is by fkr the cleenlleat hair-dressing made. It causes the hair to grow thick aud long, and keeps it always soft and gloasy. Ayer's Hair Vigor Contains no deleterious ingredients. It# uo prevents all scalp disease, secures agaiust tho hair growing thin or gray, and aurely cures all baldness tb is not organic. rUEPAKKn ST Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, [Sold by all Druggists. THE PENN ROLLER Flouring milia prepared to exebfloge Choice Roller Flour for good wheat in any quantities desired and will guarantee the flour Strictly Pure and of First-Class Quality. J". 18. FISHER, PENN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA. PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Teim beins January 6.1^6. This Institution Is located In one of tin most beautiful and hcultlifulspots of the entire Alle gheny region It Is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of Study: 1. A Full cientiticCourse of Four Hears. 2. A Latin cientitic Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICCLTL'KK; (b) NATUCAL HISTORY; (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4 A short-SPKCI A L COURSE In Agriculture. 5. A short SPEOIALCoUKSK In Cbeinistrv. 6 A reorganized Course lit .MECHANIC ARTS, combining sliop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young ladies 8. A Carefuilv graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military dr.H is required. Expenses for board and Incidentals very low. Tib lion free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATIIEKTON, 1 L. D-. President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co., Pn. N. W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor Tor Medical Use. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23"1y "DEABODY HOTEL, 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. I One Square South of the New Post Office, out; half .Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the veiy business centre f the city. On the American and European plans. (*>od rooms fiom 50cts to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 46-ly Owner & Proprietor. iriT.BARNUM'S^ gfinnQ "THE STORY OF MY LIFE." And the Art of Money Getting with Golden Kales for Money Making. Worth SIOO "S EI to any young man starting in life. Over 500 pages; 6* Sfflte illustrations. Price, tajtft. CZT Write at once to Eutireljr new in principle. Weigh one ounce to *5 pounds. What every family needs and will buy. Rapid sales sunwise agents. FOKSJitE & McMAKIN, CINCINNATI, O. A MONTH and BOARD for live •nODywwg Men or Ladies, in each gcouuty Address P. W.ZEIOLER &CO., Phlla eipliia MnMJHi The most popnlar Weakly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, discoveries, in ventions and patents ever published. Every num ber illustrated with splendid engravings. This publication furnishes a most vain able enejrcl opedia of information which no perfton should be without. The popularity of the SciXNTinc AMIBICAN is such that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price. $3.20 a rear. Discount to Ciubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN A CO., Publishers, No. Mlßroadway, N. Y. ■%ATEMTS.sIfp Hj BH practice before 9 the Patent Office and have prepared SB SMI more than Ona Hundred Thou- H HGAND applications for patents in the H Bf United States and foreign countries. Caveats, Trade-Marks. Oopy-nghts, and all other papers for securing to inventors their rights in the ■ United States, Canada, England. France, H Germany and other foreign .countriea, pre ■ pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. 9H Information as to obtaining patents cheer- Mi fully given without charge. Hand-books of information sent free. Patents obtained 1 through Munn & Co. are notioed in the Scientino American free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who wish to dis \ CO, Offic, acmrmo , I AMXBKAH. 361 Broadway, New York. ELI AS LUSE & SON, —PROPRIETORS OF Til It— MULHEIM PLANING MILL, east of tl>e new Ev. church, Peun St., Millheim, Pa. Contractors, - Builders, —ANn M AhTFACriIRKRS OP Doors, Sash, Shutters, li nds, Brae kets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. Having our own planing mill,lt will be to tht advantage of those intending to bulla to con sult us. gjfOontraots made on all kinds ol buildings. Plans and Specifications furnished on application, with est imates of oost. 18-ly GERMAN * CANARIES I BIRD * CAGES! BIRD * SEEDS! At reasonable rates at the GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, Water Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. Mason <£ Hamlin ORGANS; ■" 1 n p n LH-UU 1 ! PIANOS: Highest Hon I _ New raod e on l ill I ,real Ij MattfiSMlßSefl Stringing. Do WorWs Lain. J —JTZZTIITJT.■ J not require one bit ion* for^>W^^*Aff*g. / !- £ quarter a* cighteenyear!. B9B'H3*pteNMfl much tuning at One hundred vjffl 11! " —luanfltg I'uinot on the Styles. $73. to W I f" 'YSLI prevailing fcoo. For Cash. EE i I I K> 'wrestpm' lasv Payments W .'II L—Jl IS tjrsiem. ke or Rented. Cat- markable ORGAN AND PIANO Co! 154 Tremont St .Boston. 46 E.l4th St (Union Sfl.), N.Y. 149 Wabash Ate., Chicago. TUTTS PILLS 28 VBAWS IN USE, Tka flraataat Medical Tngraph of the Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lfifififif fiipfitltto Bowali eoatlvfi, Pain la aha kiafi, with a gall aeaaatlaa In the back pare. Pala aader aha ahoalder blade* Pallaeas after eatiaff* with a die tacliaatioß te exertion ef body er Bind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling ef having neglected some duty* Weariness, Dlsalaees, Flattering at the Heart* Dots before the eyes* Headache ever the riaht eye* Restleesaeee* with fltfal dreams. Highly eelered Urtae* and CONSTIPATION. TUTTS PILLS are especially Adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase theAppettte.and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system is nourished, and by their Tonic Action oa tee BlgesUre Ornrng,Regular Stools are jroduce^^rtej^ocj^fi^fiuTs^atjJhJ. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GRAY HAIR or WHISKERS changed to a GLOSSY BLACK by a single application of this DYE. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of gl. Office, 44 Murray Bt.. New York- QUAKER la ih.o Best rABLE SAUCE, Thousands of articles are now manufactured that in former yeara had to be imported, paying high import dutyaa it is now being done on Lea A Per* tins table sauce ; the QUAKXB TAULK SACCB takes ita place ; it haa been pronounced by competent fudges just as good aud even belter. Tho QVAXKB JACOB baa Slowly but surely gained great im portanco and is replacing tho eery but imported sauce ou the shelf of the grocer, the tables of the restaurant aud the tables of the rich and poor men, greatly priz d and relished by all on account of its piquancy, aroma, taste, strength and pureness. Tho iuvoutor has by years of study of tho secret virtues contained in the sro mstic apices of tho Indies and Chins, finch M mace, nutmeg, cimiamou, genuine Jamaica ginger, and peppera and buds of trees unknown to moat men, and by long practico succeeded to combine their extracts in such a liquid form as we now find it, of agreeable taste, and ao invigorating aa to be taken in plaoe of stomach bitters. By man ufacturing this Bauee hero, heavy import dntiea and freights are saved, and it is sold st s lower figure to the dealer, who making a better profit on Quaker Spuee can sell it to tho consumer cheaper than ho very best imported article hardly equal, ing ours. If your grocer does not keep it, writs &• for prices, etc. Sold In bottles or by the gallon, CHARM MANUFACTURING CO., Sole Proprietort and Manvfmetwrert, 106 A 108 S. 2d ST., SL bonis, Mo. This paper is kept on file at the olttcc of MDVERTISING MGENTS TIMES BUILDING ? 8 e t ® PHIUOELPHH. CQT|IITCQ ForKEWSPAPER AD*' I.TISHG CDCC LOI InIA iCO at Lowest Caoh Rates inLC stamps fur AYER 4 SON'S MANUAL ' Musser House. Millhcim, ------ Penna. -DIMMER REBORTS+- Two miles from Cobuvn StnUon on L. & T. R. EL Fine Trout Flshlittfand Hunting within sight of town. Healthy locality and tine monn tuln sceneries. The celebrated I'ENNS VAI,- i.KY CAV EH but live miles distant. The finest drives lu the slate FINK SADDLE HOUSKB, CAIUUAGKB AND BUGUIKN for the use o&summer boarders. Double and Smile Rooms. newly furnished, for famlles with children, on secona and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE W. S. Musser, Prop'r. 99-Iv Mtllhelm, Centre Co. Pa D. I. BROWN, I , DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c„ ■ • ♦- m + Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. ■ ■ '+ 1 f Repairing done at short notice by practical workmen. Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main St.opposite Albright's. MILLHEIM.PA. >JHE g EST PSOTVMSi AT BUCK gROS' FAMILY GRODPES AHD CHILDREN —TAKEN HY THE— ISSTASTAMEOUS PROCESS I Satisfactory Work Done by RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything in our line from a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. ■ Pictures copied and en larged in the best style. -€FRAMES^ can be procured at our place on short notice our prices are down so as to suit every purse. Gallery on North St., Millhcim, Pa, A RSIKSK. " HP [I jstimi.'tho itklllodphy. jdSTLOUT- K' J; Jfciclun**, ru-v'X fro ox T3T A "OTD YSW lfc'B # youthful ind iteration, ■ r*ff. fV.J* VI ,/lco free indulgence, or t-. _ . over brain work. Avoid. -vfdvs n*\A LAex# jvH trouble!. Orl our Fro® A RADICAL Cunfi For, fjmCircular and Trial Pack- I7ERVOUS nimnxr7g|^v o, ftpbWeuMssH 22i . VICE'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY HAGAEINE. 3 W, a 0". C. CO3STXDO, Proprietor and Manufacturer ot Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at a times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere coram mam iHAsm*B£ranteeot^^^^^M Jl'V.tCntl cheapest In jpl : WMW 1* i.i.vk.t. Our Scissors IMfe- will last *!• laoatal.fetiinv. k ay lady neods one. EVERY FMILY SSSKSfSsaTK Wpff , your dealer to get yon Globe Toasters A Broilers, 30 &350. (Terr Buperiorarticleß)GlobeFniit end Jelly pnao, $1.25, lug no equal. Cake Mixer, stone bowl sr. NoTtfSeT er, Hot Pen Lifter,lsc. GlobeßadlnmHeatag?ea No.226c.MT^MSs^arssfc 1 There lino ezsos* for suffering from I CONSTIPATION I and other diseases that follow a dis-1 ored state of the Stomach and Bow-1 els, when the use of jjg OR. HENRY BAXTER'S I MM ml Wilt give Immediate relief. After constipation follows || Biliousness, Dyspepsia, I Indigestion, Diseases of I the Kidneys, Torpid Liver I Rheumatism, Dizziness, I Sick Headache, Loss of! Appetite, Jaundice, Ap| optexy, Palpitations,! Eruptions and Skin Dis-1 eases, etc., all °f Which these! Bitten will speedily cure by removing the COMM. B Koep the Stomach. Dowel*, and Digcttieo Oryaasß in good working order, and perfect health I will be the reault L&dleS and othen sub-1 ject to sick Headache win end relief fl and permanent cure by the use of these Bitten B Being tonic end mildly purgative they B PURIFY THE BLOOD.! | Price 25 cts. per bottle. 1 For sale by all d.wlen In medicine. Sead B address for pamphlet, free, giving full direction* B B BEIRY, JOHSSOIA LOU, Prsps., Borliagtsa, Tt. B For sale by D. S. Kauffman & Co.. and J. Spiyelmyer, Millheim, Pa. A* ' Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millheim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup | plips at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m Musser Brothers' ROLLER s KINK. The proprietors respectfully tntorm the public that their -ZELIILTIEt- Corner of Peon and MillJStreets, Millheim, Pa. is open every Wednesday and Saturday even ing, and Saturday afternoons. (Size of Rink 40 x 100.) The building is commodious and finely arrang ed, hasja splendid door,land patrons will always find new and strong /.skates on hand. GsnerallitaiM 5 eeits UntfihtoJlir 3 Invrz*session, 10 " Ladles admitted free! SS EBIBTWJ Carrying sll steam and disagreeable cdor from cook ing down into the fire. . The XO3T COMPLETE CooHji Utensil • EVER INVENTED. No burned hands. No scalded arms. No cloth needed. No disagreeable odors filing the house. No overflow en the stove. An examination of these utensils will convince soy one that they are the nearest perfection of any kettles now known. ▲ first-class steamer and kettle combined. AGENTS wanted all over the D. 8. lot thest goods. They sell fast and pay good profits—tS to $8 per day. CaU or write for circulars. HUNTER SIFTER Manufacturing Co., • < CINCINNATI, - - OHIO. ' Manufacturers of'the world famed ** HUNTER SIFTER, Cyclone Eggßeater, and other specialties.* Over 10,000,0000f theHonter's Sifters have been mid. Every lady in the land ought to have one. For sale by responsible dealers everywhere. • Ask fer the "Hunter,"and take no other. Illustrated catalogue iseu?sft. , %snsa2&9