A "Handy" Hint for Waah-day. Here is a capital hint from Pauline Adelaide Handy, who writes In "Good Housekeeping" on the preservation of the hands : "Many housekeepers have rough hands in winter, which grow very painful, cracking open on the kuncklea, the cracks extending into the palms of the hands. They take their hands out of hot soapsuds, or starch, to hang clothes in the wind. It they do not nse hot water, and the bands were thoroughly dried before go ing out, ibis would be avoided. A pair of white woolen stockings, cut off rounding at the ankle and sewed across • with a thumb sewed in, makes a very comfortable pail of mittens for hang ing up and taking off clothes. Pin them fast to the sleeves with large safety plus, before going out, having first stretched the arm upward, then they will not come loose and the wrists will be protected. After bringing in the clothes, if the mittens are put in the clotnes-pin bag they will be kept clean and in the right place. Hands are injured in very cold weather by lack of protection at the wrists, as large veins and arteries are exposed. The blood is chilled in pass ing into the hands. Everyone cannot have handsome, white and shapely hands, but everyone can have clean and comfortable hands." SOME persons are of the opinion that the first writing was done npon thin pieces of wood, which is very probable. Such boards were used at an early per iod by the Greeks and Romans, and were frequently covered with wax— which was, of course, more readily written on than the bare wood ; but as such writing was easily obliterated, it was used chiefly fo.r temporary purpos es. When wax was employed, any er rors were easily erased by robbing them with the blunt end of the piece of met al which served for a pen. To make the characters more legible, it appears that some black substance was smeared over the surface of the white wax, which remained in the scratched marks. The convenience of this caused the practice to be continued long after the introduction of other materials. Leaves of trees were used in ancient times by the Egyptians, and probably by the Greeks. The Hindoos contin ued the use of this species of writing material until within a very few cen turies. The leaves of some Asiatic trees were, from their size and smooth ness, admirably adapted for books. If we may judge from the name of leaf being still applied to the sheet of paper books, we should imagine that tree leaves were formerly the principle ma-' terial used in fashioning volumes. ■ 49W * He Turned the Fago. A popular physician was much pleas ed wilh a certain aerated water, aud, by Lis assiduous 3ecemimr.dat ion. c , procured fur it a celebrity it justly dc 1 - seived. The doctor act el so! •'>' ii the interests of humanity generally and ex pected no return. To Iris surprise there came one morning an tffusive letter from the company stating that his recommendations had dona them so much good that they "veutured to acml him a hundred— ' Ilere the page came to an end. "This will never do," said the doctor. "It is very kind, but I could not think of acceptinganything." Here he turned the page,and touud the sentence ran—"of our circulars for distribution." <4 Can*t you give me another pail to pot yonr milk in ?" said the miisman to the girl the other morning. "Why, what's the matter with the one you've got in your hand ?" "Why, it leaks. I want one that's watertight." The girl went to get one, but she thought m uch as she went. ADVICF, TO JffOTHEltft. Arc you disturbed st night and broken by your rest by a sick child suffering and cryiun with pain o! cutting teeth ? If so. send at oufe and get a bottle of MRS. WIMSLOW'S SOOTHING BT UOP FOR CHILDREN TEETUISG. Its vahu. IS incalculable. It will relieve t|e poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It curesdyseutery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, carts wind colic, softens the gnu*, re duces iaCamtnation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOVV'S NOTH ING OTRUF FOR CHILDREN TRETIUWG IS pleasaut ao the taste, and is the prescription or one of the oldest and best female nurses and pliysici tns in the United States, and Is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Price 23 cents a bcttle KxararEsroTON STUM OHIEiI FE§i! ■FSBMPBHBPJ|B Bds( fully th KesMittsWork, II J / tpr/A 11 lw# have prepared a Oaa- II w 'fu4fjMss^Ess A\\ //fl on best government Bet o\\|f/S pwdwent Paper, all / /Sft \ //Mn inctudlng Spray* MI mi 111 MUiMrf Gulden Rod, Pansier, W 111 troy J ■■Wild Roses, Forvetm.e Outlines of Boy, Girl, Burs, ■ Iff re JKI Spiders. Storks, Scollops for '/lit Crazy Stitch 0 I j j rystal Etchirt Ac..aOiaall,rangrinK ■■MfiSMILHBHMiia size froea s m la. toy ia chti.also 1 Bex White ■taaayiac Puvrder, 1 EafaafmewftUFieitt, aad till and ceraptcte diracttous for Kenslaftoß ftaawpfaw ted Eaab. wd-.y, Keaslngten MetaUlc glitter aad Irridaecaat FafniW, Colors usad ted mixinf of Colors, Ribbon Bmbroidery. ChealUe and Ansene Work. Coraact Colors efaUtha different flowers, Daecrietioaof evwy stitch used in embroidery .Ac., making a complete Outfit that can not ha bourht at retell for leu than Ron. To introduce FARM AND HOUSEHOLD, tho larae, * pare Illustrated Maeaaine devoted to tho iataraau of the Country Homo and Household. e will aeadoae of theee Outfits complete fraa aad yoetpeid, to any lady who will send Wte. fas not. subscription to tho Marazint. Five for fx. Money cheerfully refunded if oot more than satisfactory. Ad dram MSB AND HOUSEHOLD. Box 49, Hfirtforti. Cciw. PLAID BHAWL GIVEN AWAY! jtfik &££§ fcJlp Whire of a lave raano focturer of Cashmere Pattern Fringe Shawls, there baa com* into our hand, k lirge consignment of Field I Shawls, perfect goods, which we fe propose to present to the ladies in the Kfllowing manner? Send us as BBHHM Sftes for 8 MM. sttbscription to Farsa surd Watnelmld. a large Wf teafUateated paper.devoted farm and Household topics, and general miscellany, we wIU send you one of these the wis MM by eitH F#stpa;d. er we will send < shawls S subscriptions to one address for d fi.oo, BatinfteUon guaranteed or money refunded. Address FABM AND MOPSEHOLP, tog, Hartford,Coaa. iprure ! tu Ktuzs,i:.> Hill 111 rlCorsets, t > tl.o * s>e- HU I*ll rv cominjf arent*. So ri.-s. o-iic^ Territory given, satisfaction cnarantecL Audrot D R.SCOTT ,B42 Broadway Bt.,N.Y, An Efficient Remedy tn all CUM of Bronchial and Pulmo nary Affections Is AVKR'S CHERRY PECTORAL. AS such it is recognized and r scribed by the medical profession, and many thousands of families, for tho Eist forty years, it has been regarded as an valuable household remedy. It is a preparation that only requires to be taken m very small quantities, and a few doses of It administered in the early stares of a cold or cough will effect a speedy cure, and may, very possibly, save life. There is no doubt whatever that •; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Has preserved the lives of great numbers of persons, by arresting the development of Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Pulmonary Consumption, and by the cure of those dangerous maladies. It should be kept ready for use in every family where there are children, as It is a medicine far superior to all others in the treatment of Croup, the alleviation of Whooping Cough, and the cure of Cold* and Influenza, ailments peculiarly Inci dental to childhood and youth. Prompti tude in dealing with all diseases of this elas is of tho utmost importance. The loss of a single day may, in many cases, entail fatal consequences. Do not waste precious time In experimenting with medicines of doubtful efficacy, wnilo the malady Is constantly gaining a deeper hold, but take at once the speediest and most certain to cure, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, MmsJ „ Sold by all Druggists^ THE , —.PENN ROLLER "FLOURING MILIA A f ' J is prepared to exchange Choice Roller Flour for good wheat in any quantities desired and will guarantee the flour Strictly Pur© and of First-Class Quality. J\ 33. FISHER, PENN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA. PENNSYLVANIA BTATE COLLEGE. Winter Tei in begins January 6. lStxJ. This institution is located In one of tin most b< autiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following: Course of Study : 1. A Full cientilic Course of l-ojr Ycvrs. A Latin cieuti.'lc Co arse. 8. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, fol'owing tin* first two >ear* of the Si-lentifle Co..i-se: (a) AtjnU'C NATUOAI. HISTORY : (e) UHhUISTItt AM' PHYTIC*': (d) CIVIL KNirINKKKINU. 4 A short .Sf'ECIALC )UKSE in Agriculture. 5." A short sP r:ci A I. CtJ'J KS K in Chemistry, t". A reorganized Course in .vjiiCHAMC ARTS, combining - hop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COCKLE ltwo years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military dr it is required. Kxi>enses for board and incidentals very I'.tv. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cijKi! For Catalogues, >r other information address UEOLUE W. ATHKKTON, ' L. D., President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co., Pa. aW.Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23'ly T3I: A BODY HOTEL, 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms fiom ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 40-1 y Owner & Proprietor. #rp.BARNUM'S& "THE BTURY OF MYUFE." And the Art of Money Getting With 7v4 Golden Rule* tor Money Making. Worth fiioo T=2Sto any young man starting in life. Over 500 pages; 61 illustrations. Price, 12.20. CD* Write at once to A McMAKIM. Cincinnati. O tSTZFAMILY SCALES Entirely new in principle. Weigh one ounce to af pounds. What ererv family needs and will buy. Rapid salaa surpriec sgeatt. FOKSHEE A MCMAKIM, CIHCIKHATI, 4.. . MONTH and BOARD for live Hi young Manor Ladies, in each g ounty Ad dress P. W.ZEIOLER&CO. Fhtla el phi a e The moat popular Weekly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, discoveries, in ventions and patents ever published. Every num ber illustrated with splendid engravings. This publication fnrnisheaa most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the SdEirrmc AMERICAN is each that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of ite olaaa combined. Price, $3.20 a Sear. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. iUNN A CO., Publishers. No. Mlßroadway, N. Y. ■mmm AMPpa ai spa g% Munn A Co. have ATENTS. alßohad Thlrty fciw I we Eight veers' ■B IB practice before H flthe Patent Office and have prepared HH more than One Hundred Thou- B~K H S and applications for patents in the United States and foreign countries. Caveats, Trade-Marks. Copy-rights, Assignments, and all other papers for securing to inventors their rights in the |H United States, Canada, England, France, BE Germany and other foreign countries, pre- pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. (H fully given without charge. Hand-books of sent free. Patents obtained through Munn A Co. are noticed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who wish to dis pose of their patents. Address MUNN A CO.. Office Sconrrrricj AIULBICAJL 361 Broadway, New York. ELI AS LUSE & SON, —PROVRTKTORS OF TUB— MHLHEIM PLANING MILL, east ol the new Kv. church, Penn St., Millheim, Pa. Contractors, - Builders, —AND MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Shutters, li nds, Brackets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. A ;*PREA:UTY. Having our own planing mill,it will be to ttu advantage of those intending to bulla to con sult us. , made on all kinds of buildings. Planß and Specifications furnished .on application, with est imates of cost. 18-ly CtillMAN • CANAIIIBS! BIRD CAGES! BIRD * SEEDS! i At reasonable rates at the GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, Water Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. Mason & Hamlin ORGANS: WWBBBH PIANOS: Highest Hon- New mode ol ors at all Great IHMBIW Stringing. Do World's Exhl- NsfifwßWßEam not require one bitions quarter at *T uch tuning s! One hundred F>an<* Styles. ( to W l~—l "iW prevailing fooo.'For Cash, TS II I IB ''wrett-plo" Easv Payments Yl* ft IB ,ylt f n, .' l ' or Rented Cat M markable ifl AN AND PIANO Cf 164 Tremont St .Botton. 46C.14th St. (Union Sq.), N.Y. 149 Wabath A*., Chicago. TUTT'S PILUS 98 YEARS IN USE, Tks Omt-t Medical Triumph of tho Ago! SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. liMaof BawalacMtiva, Pain la tka head, with a dall maatiai la tho back part. Pala oador the okoalder blade, FBIIBOM after eating, with adla- Inellaatlea te exertion of body or mind, Irritability of teeaper. Low eplrlte, with a feeling of having neglected some dwty, Weariaese, Dlssineee, Flattering at the Heart* Dote before the eyes. Headache ever the right eye. Restlessness, with fltfttl dreams, Highly colored Urine, and CON STIPATIONs TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. Thsy Imerease the Airpetite.and cause the body to Take on Flesk.thua the avatem is noarlsksd, and by their To nic Action on the IkigsstireOrgans,Regular Stools are TUTTS HAIR DYE. OUT HAXS or Whiuuki ehanged to a GLOSSY BLACK by a single applioation of thts DTB. It imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of |l. Office. 44 Murray St.. New York. QUAKER £3 *bh.o Best TABLE SAUCE. Thousands of articlo.o aro DOW mnnufactured that in forimr years h.ul to be imported, paying high import duty as it JB row being dotio on Lea & Per lias tibia hauro ; tho Qt'AKKN TABLE BAUCK takes its p'are ; it ban been pronounced by competent fudges j".st AS rjnod end cvm heller. The QCAKKB rivuex l.us Slowly but surely gained great im partauco an 1 is rcplac ing tho wry Lett imported cauce on tho Eheif < f tlio grocer, the tables of ibe restaurant an I tl:o tables of the rich and poor men, 1 rcatly prlz d and relished by all oq account of its pi piancy. aroma, taste, strength and purencss. llio invoutor lia3 by years of study <>f tho secret virtues contained in the aro matic spicc-3 of thj Indie* and China, such as mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger, and peppers and buds of trees unknown to most men, aud by long practico succeeded to combine their extracts in auch a liquid form as we now find it. of agreeable taste, ar.d BO in*vigorating as to be taken in place of stomach bitters. By man ufacturing thi3 sanco here, heavy import dutiea and freights aro aaved, and it is sold at a lower figure to the dealer, who making a better profit on Quaker Sauce can sell it to the consumer cheaper than he very boat imported article hardly equal ing ours. If your grocer docs not keep it. write r.s lor prices, etc. Eolu in bottles or by the gallon, CHARM MANUFACTURING CO., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 106 k 10S a. 2d ST., St. Loxls, Ho. r i u!ri tin per is kept 0:1 file at the office of STERNS son M OVERUSING Jf% GENTS ' TEg EUILDIK6 Rh"! tOELPHH. , FvTJyATsTC For SEIi'SPAPEE AD7T.. rail® cacr LOl i.slA' .u at Lowest Canh Rates inCC I stamps for AYER & SON'S MANUAL 1 Musser House. Millheim, ------ Penna. -£SI)MMER RESORT^ Two mllen from Cobunt Station on L. T. R. It Finn Trout I'lshlug and Hunting within sight of town. Healthy locality antaBT*nd Euiwr RBODUTSO WIHD EKUINE ID the WORLD. The BEST to CHEAPEST. Send for Circular* to the SPRINGFIELD MACHINE CO. Springfield, Ohio. "A thing of beanty is a joy rtrovcr" The new and beautiful Square Parlor Stove "PMSCILLA" Before buying, ask your dealer to show you this beautiful design. If ho hasn't it, have hi in send for sam ple at once. Or send us Twenty Dollars and wo will promptly ship you the No. 2 size (suitable for ordinary par lor) with hill nickel ornamentation. Every stovo fully guaranteed in con struction, workmanship and practi cal operation. The 4 'PBISCILLA" is made only by Lehigh Stove&M'fgGo. LEHIGHTON, PENN. ESTABLISHED 1893. Thomson&Co's Celebrate! Terwilliger Pattern TRIPLE FLANGE Fire ail Burglar Prnf SAFES. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY OVER ANT OTHER MAKE ARB : Patent Inside Bolt Work. Molld Welded Ancle Iron Frames. • Extra Thick Walls. Baperlor Fire Proof Filling. Locks and Bolt Work Protected With Hardened Steel. Extra Heavy Material i Hence are More Fire and Barglar Proof. Send for Circulars and Prices. TSOMSOXT CO., 273 & 275 State Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. PIANOS-ORGANS The demand for the improved MABOX & lUwr.rx J'IAKOS is now so LURUE that a second addition to the factory linn become imperative. Do not require one quarter as much tuning as llanos on the prevailing wre-d-pin system. Consult Catalogue, free. 100 Styles of GROANS, 623 to F00. For CASH; Easy Payments, or Rented. Mason ft Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., NEW YORK ; BOSTON ; CHICAGO. ,><- "■tl^ AMT AC£NTS 10 SELL M - Men and Women of good character and intelligence. Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. A weeks' trial of sample Washer to be roturned at my expense if not satisfactory. A thousand per cent, the heat Washer in the world, and pays capable asents BIG money. In trinsic merit mnkoß it a phenominul succet s every where. For Illustrated circular and terms of agency address. |. WORTH, St. LOULS/MO.^ RAINBOW RUPTURE *mi* Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer. It Is not a Trues. Worn Day and Night and ita presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this ap pliance. Address Central Medical and surgical Institute 620 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Skillful treatment given all kinds of surgical and medical cases. Weakening diseases ana pri* vate troubles in male and female oar specialty. Be sure to write us before taking treatment elsewhere. Consultation free and invited. PAY WHEN CURED Confidence in honesty of Invalids. We treat ALL Dia eases, either Sex, howevercansedjtnd receive pay after cure is effected. Describe case fully, and send stamp for instructions, DR. BAKER. Box 104. Buffalo. N.Y. A beautiful work of 150 pages. Colored Plate and Wo® HR&*s\ i) V illustrations, with descriptions of the best flowers Btf Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Hants, Sfltf (few #0 fro# C* • O" V the.R. Printed in English and German. Prka only to "> cenu, which may be deducted from first order. . It tells what you want for the garden, and how to get tt instead of running to the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting with disappointment sifter weeks of waiting BUY ONLY VICK'S seeds at headquarters. IZA VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. 3. pag, a Colojed Plate in every number, and many fine cngrsviira. Price, fi.as • yar; Five Copies for >fnKhW Is. Specimen numbers 10 cents; 3 trial copies te centa. Wo anil send to any address Vick'i Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices name< below tW —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, <4.50; Harpers Monthly, pi-ow St. Nicholas, 93.50; Good Cheer, Jr.9s; Illustrated Christian Wosfcly, $3.00; OT fr Wlde Awake > Qood GbMr > and Vick's Magazine for $3.00. I§JUBSn M VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, mo pages. Six Colored rBPTtW Plates, nearly tooo Engravings, ft ,95, in elegant doth covers. JAICEB VXOX, RodhMtar, IV* T I ■ —— T" "' "* Everybody acknowledges that THE ' ; -V i,.; CHEAPEST. AMD BEST PLACE to buy FURNITURE MAUCK'S STORE ON Penn street, Millheim, Pa. PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LIBRARY, DININGROOM A KITCHEN FURNITURE LOUNGES, PATENT ROCKERS, RAT TAN & REED CHAIRS, all styles, TABLES, STANDS, BOOK CASES, WAJUDNOtfJES, WHAT BUREAUS, BED STEADS, SINKS, Ct/PBOARDS, CRADLES, MAT TRESSES, from the finest curled hair to the cheapest Strmc, a great variety of SPRING BEDS, all styles, and everything in the furniture line, on mnd or procured on short nonce Not undersold by any Store in the County. An extra large stock of Haver Hangings, Decorations, tie- Give me a call. W. T. 3fAUOK. PENN HALL CARRIAGE WORKS ! XT. C. aOZEsTDO, Proprietor and Manufacturer ot Baggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at a times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere. CfIMHfOTB9T.tT.gg MIAHTTM k MPWS ill fe aOs. ''cm and cheapJri t.ia k-t. Our Scissors Wsß&'l kjf Sha: in ncr will last si- ■JgSJI ntosta lifetime. A cry lady needs one. CWCDV CI 1111 V needs B 00 *— tUey are /ffireFflh. y r |j|L t tf till r MILT the best and eheapeat. Ask your dealer to get you Globe Toasters A Broilers, 90 A 350. (very 6tiperiorarticlee)Glob Fruit and Jelly Press, $1.25, hssao squab Cake Mixer, stone bfewl Cdsra&tnn-$1.75. Globeoombined Took Hamme*K*ltle Scrap. *' 2& or, Hot Pan Lifter, 15c. Globe Sadiron Heater saves ' "be. etch oaah 25a, Aa Aa If your dealer is out club vrith Hot 1047 neighbors send money to us Awe will ship dlreoi CLOSE MT'6 e0.1933 Walmrt St.. was, Pa. ■ There Is no excuse for suffering from I CONSTIPATION j ■ and other diseases that follow a din ■ ored state of the Stomach and Bow* ■ els, when the use of I DR. HENRY BAXTER* liIME BITTERS ■ Will give Immediate relief. After constipation follows ■ Biliousness, Dyspepsia, ■ Indigestion, Diseases of ■the Kidneys, Torpid Liver ■ Rheumatism, Dizziness, ■ Sick Headache, Loss of ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap ■oplexy, Palpitations, ■ Eruptions and Skin Dig" ■ eases, etc. , °f Which these ■ Bitters will speedily care by removing the COMM. ■ Keep the Stomach, Bowels, and DigtMi** Organ* Uin good working order, and perfect health ■ will be the result Lad (OS sad others sab ■ject td Sick Headache wni find relief ; ■ and permanent cure by the use of these Bitters ■ Being tonic and mildly purgative they ■ PURIFY THE BLOOD, jjjl Price 25 cts. per bottle. ■ For sale by all dealers in medicine. Send ■ address for pamphlet, free, giving full direction*. ■ HESRY, JOHISOIA LS&D,Props., Barlington, TL For sale by D. S. Kauffman tfc Co.. and J. Spigelmyer, Millheim % Pa. _ - Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Miliheim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gatherings promptly made to order Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m Musser Brothers' ROLLER RINK. The proprietors respectfully Inform the public t thai their h —K/XIN"IKI Corner of Pennjand Miliheim,"Pa. is open every Wednesday and Saturday even lug, and Saturday afternoons. (Size of Rink 40 x 100.) The building is oommodlous and finely arranc ed, has a splendid floor,land patrons will always find >w and street £akates on ;han