Jrnat. / mi> i . - " " - - ■ -- JH THURSDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 1886. Published toy B. A. BUMILLBR. LOCAL NEWS. SALE REGISTER. §§ dulm adwrtUed throw* ** inmrted under (Ai* heading fire* of charge. Feb. 85th— Henry Keen, Pann township, lire stock, farm implements and house hold goods. March sth— Frank Wearer, Aaronsburg, lire stock, farm implements, and house hold goods. March 11th—Geo. Gutstwlte, two miles east of Rebersburg, lire stock, farm imple ments and some household goods, March 16th—Lewis Mensh, Haines township lire stock and farm implements. * March 17th—J. H. Musser, Aaronsburg, lire stock and farm Implements, —More 800w. SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —The ice cutters were busy last week. Fresh citrous at D. S. Kauffman A Co's. Dealers in sleighs are coining mon ey at present. -First-class iob work done at the JOURNAL office. —Prevent headaches by ventilating your bed rooms. —Ladies' Wraps at Coet-D. S, Kauffman A Co. —William R. Mokle was appointed postmaster of Lemont last Friday. —Two Bplendid Show Cases for sale, cheap. Inquire at the Journal Store. —We sell our Glass and Queeosware at hard pan prioes. D. S. Kauffman & Co. —▲ ten-room house and two lots for sate or rent at Spring Mills. J. W. ST AM. —B. F. Kister Is just about yetting rid of a luxury in his fsoe—a great, big carbunkle. -HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds of Hides by & ft. Gettig, Co barn, Pa. 47-2 m. —Spring elections take place on Tuesday, Feb. 16th—thre weeks from next Tuesday. —lf you made any good resolutions on the first, hold on to them —the month lent past yet. —Prices reduced on the Gray and White Blankets and Horse Blankets at Kauffman's, MUlbeim. —Miss Cheetie A. Benner, of State College, was a caller at the JOURNAL office on last Saturday. —A utoe lot of Carpets just received at D. S. Kauffman A Go's store on Main street. Call and see. —We call the attention of oar read • ers to the advertisement of Whitmer A Lincoln in anothei column. —Escape the demon, bad smell, by using none bat the "Odorless" Kettle, the housekeeper's greatest boon. —A fine lot of Bags, handworked and bruasels, sold very low at D S. Kauffman A Co's store, Jfillheim, Pa. —FIVE AND SIX CENTS CASH paid for Heavy Hides at A. J. Harter's cur rier shop, Peon street. Bring them in. —A great question in Congress "how to dispose of the silver." A greater question witn the printer, "how to get it." —A protracted meeting, which com menced last Monday evening, is in progress in the M. E. chuich of this place. —The ice house of the former meat market on Penn street has been remov ed to Danl. Hoy's meat shop on Main street. —J. B. Fisher's'deliyery wagon fre quently brings loads of Roller Flour to town. "Straws tell which way the wind Mows," FOR RII EUJIATISM , Lumbago, Neu ralgia, Cramp and Colic there is no remedy superior to tbe genuine Dr. Thomas' Electric .Oil, - —A new scribe from Wolf's Store takes bis place in the ranked of our neighboring correspondents. Good, let as bear from yon again. —Bead the letter of Sam. E. Erhard, a son ot Thos. Erhard,a former Haines township farmer, who moved west sev eral years ago. It Is yery interesting. —Erysipelas and Salt Rheum was driven entirely away from Mrs. J. C. Anderson, Peshtigo, Wis., by Burdock Blood Bitters. No equal as a blood purifier. —Wc are informed that the public school house at Tylersvilie was damag ed by fire on last Thursday morning. Were not able to ascertain the extent of tbe damages. . —HEALTHFUL NESS can be preserved in malarial districts by the powerful tonic and alterative effects of a daily dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the true malarial antidote* —At Mr. Heury Keen's sale on the 25th of February some valuable horses will be sold. Mr. Keen expects tore tire from farming and says he will de vote next summer to traveling. -4yer's Sarsaparilla is the most po tent blood purifier, and a fountain of health a ad atieugtb. Be wise in time. AH baneful infections are promptly re aaoyed by this unequalled alterative. —Drags and Patent Medicines,guar anteed pure, and sold cheap at Kauff man's. - —Geo. L. .Sprioger, one of our bar bers, left for Hummel's Wharf, Snyder Co., on Monday, to spend a few weeks with bis mother. —Mr. Sam. Weiser, of Mifflinburg, arrived in town on Monday. He was engaged in setting up the stoves in the new Evangelical church. —There was a spelling bee at the Pike school house west of town last evening. A number of young folks from Millheim were out. —Our townsman, Mr. John Stoner, purchased the-sawmill and an adjoining tract of timberland in Poe Vslley last week, formerly the property of Daniel Auman, deceased. —Mr. J. H. Musser, of Aaronsburg, who recently sold his farm to Jacob Reed, bought the valuable farm belong ing to the Wm. Barter estate, south east of Aaronsburg. Our reporter who was there says that a very large congregation which crowded the old Ev. church to its ut most capacity listened to a fine sermon by Presiding Elder Ettinger last Sun day evening. —ln case of hard cold nothing will relieve the breathing so quickly as to rub Arnica A Oil Liniment on the chest. For sale by J. Spigelmyer, and D. S. Kauffman A Co. —A party will be given in the parlors of the First National Hotel in honor of L. E. Frain's fifteenth birthday this evening. A large number of young folks have been invited and a real fine time is anticipated. We are in receipt of a beautiful calendar from W. 11. Butler's Photo Lithographic and Printing Establish ment, Philadelphia. For office purpos es it is the most convenient and hand • some calendar we received yet. —According to an item in last week's Mifflinburg Telegraph , our former townsman, John Chambers, of that place seems to have become one of Union county's best auctioneers. We hope John may cry himself rich. —We are requested to announce that Spring Mills will haye a grand Musical Coucert, on the evening ot the 30th of January, 1836, in the Academy, under the direction of Prof. Philip H. Meyer and Lowel Meyer. Doors open at 6p. m. —A musical convention, under the direction of Prof. A. A. McClintic, of Mill Hall, will be held in the Evangeli cal church at Jacksonville, commenc ing Monday evening, Jan. 25tb, and closing with a concert the following Saturday evening. —Dr. Geo. L. Frank and lady, of Rebersburg, were in town on Monday afternoon, and rented A. A. Frank's house on Peun street. The doctor ex pects to locate in town about the first of next month. We bid them a hearty welcome to Millheim. Mrs. Emma Thomas and her broth er, A. D. Deininger, both of York, Pa., arrived in town on Thursday evening, having been called home by the serious illness of their father. Rev. C. F. Dein inger, who, we are glad to say, is at this writing a great deal better, —The members of the Lutheran congregation of this place visited their Cobarn brethren in a body last Sunday evening, it being tbe regular time for worship at the latter place. It was a delightful trip for the Millheimers and a pleasant surprise to the Coburn folks. —At the regular annual election of officers for the U. B. Sunday School tbe following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: A. R. Alexander, Supt., F. D. Luse, Ass. Supt., Sanford D. Miller, Sec., Mrs. A. R. Alexander, Treas., Lizzie Alexander and Ed Roy er, Librarians. —The horse of Mr. J>hn Emerick, of Wolf 1 * Store, which badly cut his hind legs, while running off between this town and Coburn the other week, died from the effects of the wounds. Mr. Emerick valued the animal at $250. His son has recovered from his injuries, we are glad to hear. J- We have received a copy of the Philadelphia Times Almanac for 1886, and upon close examination find that it fully cumes up to its usual standard for completeness, beauty and convenience. It is a priceless manu il for reference, without which a newspaper publisher cannot shift along very well. —On Monday morning Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kuarr left on the early train for Laurelton, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Polly Miller, of that place. De ceased was a cousin of Mr. Knarr. she died on Thursday afternoon, the 14th instant, of d:opsy, and was buried on Monday forenoon at 10 o'clock. MADE ONE.—A very quiet wedding took place at the residence of Rev. C. F. Deininger, on Main street, on Tuesday morning, the happy couple be ing Miss LilHe F. Deininger, youngest daughter of Rev. C. F. Deininger. and Rev. E.S Bollinger, pastor of Grace Ev. church,Baltimore.Md. The groom departed with his fair bride on the af ternoon train, expecting to immediate ly enter upon the ministerial laboisin said The writer offers his con gratulations,at the same time acknowl edging the receipt of part of the wed ding cake. May their matrimonial passage through life be a patb of lilies, toll of fragrance and beauty. —Try Silver Star Baking Powder and get a handsome prize w'ilh it. *'or sale at D. S. Kauffman A Co. —From this week's Mifflinhurg Tele graph: Mr. Willis Musser, an ex printer of near Millheim, was in town on business with the Live Stock Ins. Co. a few days ago, Willis haying lost a horse insured in said company. —I HAVE been troubled with catarrh from boyhood and had considered my case chronic until ahout three years ago I procured one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, and I count my self sound to-day, all from the use of one bottle. —J. It. Coolqy, Hardware Merchant, Mont rose, Pa. —The name of W. H. Downs' still liyes, although he has been dead many years. His EHXir for the cure of coughs and colds has already outlived him a quarter of a century, and is still growing in favor with the public. For sale by j. SpigeJmyer, and D. S. Kauffman A Co. —Two more days have been reserved for public sales, as our readers will see by consulting the sale register. Mr. Heury Keen, frotn near town, and Mr. Lewis Mensh, of Haines township, were at this office to engage their sale bills. The Utter expects to moye to Aaronsburg, where he recently pur chased the old Barter homestead. —Ayer's Hair Vigor improves the beauty of the hair and promotes its growth. It imparts an attractive ap pearance, a delightful and lasting per fume. While it stimulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, and adds elegance to luxuriance, its effects are enduring; and thus it proves itself to be the best and cheapest article for toilet use. —There was quite an excitement and stir while that party of young folks gathered to betake themselves to Mr. Henry Keen's, west of town, last Thursday evening. A large two-horse sled stood ready for at least an hour in front of Frain's Hotel to convey the jolly crowd to their destination. But the young cavaliers had an immense amount of business—hunting up robes, wraps and getting the uecessary supply of candy—which seem 9 so belong to such parties. At last they got off arid had a genuine good time, we hear. COMING. —Kempshall Bro's Swiss Bell Ringers will give one of their cele brated entertainments in the town ball of Millheim, on Friday evening, Jan. 22nd. The performauces of this com pany meet with great favor wherever they go and are endorsed by the press, pulpit and public for refinement and musical skill. From what we read of this company iu several of our ex changes we can heartily recommend them to our readers and advise every body to go and hear them. An enjoy able evening may be expeqted. Ad missian 25 cts; children 15 ct3. MILLHEIM'S NEW MARBLE FIRM.— Last week Hon. W. K. Alexander be came a partner in the Millheim Marble Works. The new firm will do business under the name of Musser A Alexan der. The senior partner, Mr. A. C. Musser, will continue to have charge of the shopwork, while Mr. Alexander proposes to attend to the work of solic iting, delivering and collecting. The gentlemen expect to push the business in the liveliest manner possible, to which we wish them abundant and lasting success. The reputation of the Millheim Marble Works for elegant and substantial work has been established these many years and will no doubt continue so under the uew firm. —The spelling bee of the Excelsior Literary Soriety on Tuesday evening was well attended and proved an amus ing exercise. The sides with 18 spell ers each were headed by Miss Coraßeif snyder and Mr. T. M. Osman. The result as announced by the teller, Mr. A. D. Deininger, was 17 for the former and 14 for the latter. It was much re gretted by the society that some of the principal members were prevented to be there by unavoidable business some where else. It was concluded that fu ture meetings be held o:i Thurs iay ev enings of every other week. Tiie pro gramme for the next session, Jan. 29:h, will be: Scripture Reading, D. G. Smith; Prayer, G. VV. Long; Oration, T. M. Osman; Declamation, W. C. Duck; Essay, Miss Annie lihoads; to be concluded with a debate—Subject, "Resolved that nature is more beauti ful than art." Affirmative—G. W. Long, E. Ardery, U. E. Wetzel. Neg ative—E. E. Bressler, W. F. Smith, F. P. Musser. LAW AND ORDER LEAGUE.— Tues - day 1 !) Btllefonte Daily News prints an account of a meeting which was held in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. of thai place last Monday evening, and which had for its object the permanent organ isation of a "Law and Order League of Centre County." The meeting was well attended by citizens of Btllefonte and other parts of the county. The pur pose of the org.mizitio.i, as set forth in the following declaration, is to search out violators of the Sunday and Liquor laws and bring them to justice : The undersigned, citizens of Centre County, agree to organize ourselves in to a society to be known as "The Law and Order League of pen're Oimijty," whose object shall be to direct the prosecution of propei cases of violations of the Sunday laws, and the laws regu lating the sale of intoxicating liqinus, and to oppose the granting of licenses under existing laws to improper persons or to unnecessary houses, and we pledge to each other our honor and faith. This declaration was signed by all present and the organization was completed by the election of the follow ing officers: President, James L. Sommervilte. Vice President, W. T. Twitmire. Secretary and Treasurer, J. C. Miller. Neighboring News. SMITH TOWN. Lots of snow and sleighing. Not less than one hundred new sleighs passed through here sines the season opened. It's a salable article just now, Mrs. Emerick returned to her borne in Nittany Valley. The farmers are making good use of the ice crop. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Duck, in company with Mr. aud Mrs. Phil. Stover, were visiting at Spring Mills. Milton Bright, of Millheim, spent Monday and Tuesday among us. Mr. James Waugh and daughter, of Blue Ball, we here on Monday on busi ness. The party last Thursday evening was indeed a nicely arrauged affair and the getter up of it deserves much credit. But the person who tried to play a trick on the young folks was not suc cessful, thanks to the one who traveled over the road ahead of the party. JUMBO. AARONSBURG. Ben. Edmunds says its a little girl. Monroe Kreamer has moved to Co burn. 24 degrees below zero, on the morn ing of the 13th inst. So says Jack Syl via. Bierley's singing class is well attend ed, and the boys say he is a good in structor. Chas. H. Stover shipped a fine lot of dry picked to the New York market on last Tuesday. On Tuesday and Wednesday, 12th and 13th, were busy days for some of our citizens filling their ice houses. The attendance of the musical con vention during last week was not as Lirje as was expected. The closing concert onSaturday evening had a good attendance, considering the inclemen cy of the weather. The financial re sult has not beeu generally repotted. Mis. Nye, widow of Michael Nye, dee'd, is prostrated upon a bed of sick ness at her brother's house, John Thomas, east of town. The disease is pneumonia aud her recovery is doubt ful. Postmaster Yearick & lady were summoned on last Monday to the sick bed of their grandobild, Miss ADnie Mingle, daughter of cashier W. B.Min gle, at Centre Hall. Assistant post master, E. Burd, distributes the mail. A plank walk commencing at the residence Qf Cbas. Bell,in the west end of North 2nd street and running aloug on said street to connect with the walk in front of the Lutheran church, is under contemplation of being built by some of the citizens of town. Geo. Stover, son of Isaac Stoyer, de ceased,bought the old homestead locat ed on the corner of North 2nd stree and Richiels way, for $333. Very cheap pfoperty, George. ANOTHER. COBURN. The Lutheran denomination are hold ing a series of prayer meetings at this place. The goose question is not yet settled, as we understand, but will be pushed to a final ending soon. Boys, if you have killed the man's geese it would be no more than fair, if you would pay for them. Coburn has a new tonsoriul artist, and a gentleman of color, too. Sleighing parties are very popular In Coburn just now. The one up the creek this | Wednesday] evening is to be a rouser. We may report in full next week. The "stag" sleighing party from this place to Reliersburg last Thursday eve ning was well enjoyed by all the partic ipants. The new Lutheran church at this place have applied for a charter and will receive it this week some time. The officers elected are as follows ; El der, Mr. .John A. Seriff, Trustee, Mr. W. 11. Kiearner ; Treasurer. Mr. Johu Bowersox ; Sect etary, W. H. Kreamer. Tliev have about f.nty members enroll ed and all are enthusiastic and pleased with their start. They have a beauti ful church site on which they propose 1 erecting a church edifice some time in j the future. We congratulate them. | Since there is slikhing our grain ; merchants are kept very busy handling i grab) and coal C aburn is doing a very good business Her business should be represented in the advertising col j umns of the JOURNAL, and we think ! could be if "woiked up." The JOUR ' NAL is a great favorite here as a local ! paper. The new at ry, by O ipt.JoVi S nith, can ho had bv 'applying to Mr. Henry ; Whitiner. It is a fivorite. Title : ; "Fifteen years of wedded life." There should he a Union Sunday School organtZ'd at this place for the benefit of ilie mmy sm ill children. Z. WOQQWARD. J. 0. Molz, E q , should he congrat ulated in retaining Andrew Moyer, as miller. 11 is wok gives universal sat isfaction. ! W. K. E'linger showed us a small steam engine which he manufactured. In the way of connivances, s one day something will emerge from William's brain that \yi!l rev •Iqtloniji ateam it self. Were From oU, the famous path (i tder slid living. I am sure from Sun day's atdilevoa ent 1 e would envy our esteemed triend, Mr. Nfillory. Think of walking ten miles and never getting off the road, with scarctly a fence visi ble. Among the obituaries we might men tion J. Willis Mussel's liDrse. Our shoemaker went off and got mar ried .. 1 The ice harvest is being gathered in. ARGENTIS. WOLFE'S STORE. EDITOR JOURNAL : Seeing that you have no correspondent from this vicinity, I thought a few items from litre would not go amiss. Sleighing is splendid. Jack Frost visited some of the cellars in this vicinity. Benj. Beck left yesterday for Lock Haven, where he is employed by J. C. Beck. Ben intends to moye there ere long. Mrs. Fannie M. Weaver and her sis ter Sadie C. Bower are at present visit ing friends in Penns valley. John Emerick's runaway horse died last week. Ilia son, William, is slowly recovering. Charles Beck will leave to-morrow for Tyrone where he iutends to work on the cars as brakeman. Perry Condo will not moye to How ard as was the talk. He has rented the old farm again aud will stay with us another year. The farmeis of this neighborhood are making good use ot the snow. They are storing away lots of ice for the summer. Wm Kreamer is off in search of a good horse. That's the only kind Bill keeps. Mrs. Jno. Luse] and Jennie Luse, of Lock Haven, are at present visiting here. SQUIBOB. Kansas Letter. WILLINGTON, Sumner Co., Kansas, Jan 11th, 1886. As we hardly ever see anything in your paper about this part of the world, a few lines of Southern Kansas might possibly be of some interest to your many readers. The Journal reaches us on Monday each week, and is eagerly read by all. We had our first cold snap for this season the first week in De cember. It came in the shape of snow about twelve inches deep aud lasted but a few days. All of Christmas week you could see farmers plowing or husking corn in their shirt sleeves. But on the seventeenth of this month the weather changed hands or something. Well, it was a regular blizzard and no disc >unt. It struck us about 4 o'clock in the morning and lasted twenty-four hours. The snow was fine enough to pass through the eye of a needle and as sharp as a Coburn grain dealer. 12° be low zero, on the sunny side of the dug out was the best we could get on that day. But yesterday the sun was out in all his Sunday glory, and shone as he can in sunny Kansas only. Enough of this, the signal service bureau will take care of the weather. Iu 1871 the first settlers notified the buffalo and the Indian to go, and they went. In 1872 the count" was organ ized and named Sumner., In 1874 the grasshopper took possession and ate up all that was good enough for a hopper to eat. The first settler returned home , in that year and in 1875 came back and brought some of his friends along. The hopper had hopped from that year up to date. This county was just hopping along, and to-day—counting babies in —we could bop about thirty-five thous and strong. Three shanties then constituted the county seat, they called it "Welling ton." It was planted on Slate Creek, in the great and fertile Arkansas val ley. It has grown up to be a city of seven thousand people. It has two main line railroads and one branch road, with good prospects for one or more through lines in the near future. A street railway has just been complet ed on two of its main streets. It has six churches, four schoolhouses, con taining twenty three rooms heated by hot air furnaces and finished in first class style. There are fifteen hotels, several of them eoual to your " Broker hoff" or "Bush House'" and as many boarding houses and restaurants. More than 150 rooms are occupied as busi ness places, many of them not surpass ed in size and elegance west of the great river. Besides the "Queen City" of Kansas we have eighteen other towns, containing from two hundred to two thousand people. All the land started atsl.2s an acre and all of it has increased ten times that much and a great deal of it more than fifty times. Crops have l>een fair for several years past, and this county would take the contract to beat the world for corn, hogs and cattle. Coal was struck in the north part of this county, and the wise ones say we will have coal iq abundance. If that is so then our basket is full. Cheap coal is what we want. Soft coal sells now at H. 25 and hard at sl3 per too. It is somewhat singular that so many hardworkin r people In the Erst with no homes—and no prospects of ever getting one—don't come out here where land is to b. had for the asking, and it would lie wtll for many an eastern man to keep in readiness when "Oklaliomo" ia opened up for settlement. Though it would spoil one of the best hunting grounds we have,yet wearegood heart ed enough, in order to see our friends well fixed there, and, if I live when the proclamation Is issued, I shall go down there and pick out the finest quatter section for me, aud welcome all my friends to the rest. Hurrah for Okla homa ! Yours, SAM. E. ERIIARD. MARRIED. On the 19th Inst., by the bride's father, He v. E. S. Bollinger, of Baltimore, Md., to .Miss Lil le F. Dclnlnger, youngest daughter of the Rev. 0. F. Deiuinger, of Millheiin, Pa. 500 Tons OF White Novia Scotia Plaster at $9,00 per ton, for sale by ■WHITMER&LINCOLN, at their warehouse, Coburn, Pa. 3-3 m. THIS PAPER Newspaper Advertising "Bureau (10 Spruc< Street), where adver- HWIII If fill If IcWlUnlv Attention, Read! v Positively the best and cheapest store of —GENERAL MERCHANDISE— in the county. CL*%f\Aet A large, attractive, neat, fresh and new stock—any- JLPry ITOOUS thing Imaginable in this line. Ready-Made Clothing inUi ?s n v We asl trays air' ry a full line. Sold cheap. This department is simply chucked full of the tastiest goods m o vlOHS""™"the market affords. Boots and Shoes— AD anparelled Btock in Bnd rubber - Drugs and Patent Medicines reasonable prices. Groceries Alwayß a fullßtock of freßh rocerieß, Queensware, Glassware, Wood& Willow Ware, Hals & Caps, Flour and Provis ions, Lumbermen's Goods, Confectioneries, Carpets of aU kinds, such as Brussels, Bag, Ingrain, Mattings, Ac., Oil Cloths, for floors and tables, Huqs, Lao Robes, Horse Blanketi. Mirrors , Ac. Space does not permit to enumerate all,but come and see for yourselves and be convinced that WE are positively supplying the people of this vicinity with the BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Figures. Remember no old stock or shelf-worn goods sold at our store —but all new goods. Yours Respectfully, D. S. KAUFFM AN & CO., Main Street, - - - Millheim, Pa, THEGBtiTREGUIiTOR PURELY VEGETABLE. Are Ton Bilious 7 . The Regulator never/ails to curt. I mott cheerfully recommend it to ail who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any Disease caused by a dis arranged state of the liver. . KANSAS CITY, Mo. W.R.BERNARD. Do You Want Good Digestion ? I suffered intensely with Full Stomach. Head' ache, etc. A neighbor, who had taken Simmons Liver Regulator, told me it was a sure cube for my trouble. The first dose I took relieved me very much, and in one week's time 1 was as strong and hearty as ever I was. It is tht host medicine J ever took for Dyspepsia. RICHMOND, VA H. G. CRBNSHAW. Do Yon Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of HIRAM WARNER, Chief-Justice of Ga.: " I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation of my Bowels, caused by a temporary Derangement of the Liver, for the last three or four years, and always with decided benefit." Have Yon Malaria? I have had experience with Simmons Liver Regu lator since 1865, and regard it as the greatest medicine of the times for diseases peculiar to malarial regions. So good a medicine deserves universal commendation. REV. M. B. WHARTON, Cor. Sec'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I LIVER REGULATOR! See that you get the genuine, with the red Z on front of Wrapper, prepared only by J. H.ZEILIN * CO., 50 LB MtopgißTOßS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. I PY/EMIA Is the most virulent form of blood-poison ing. Less speedily fatal, but not less cer tainly so, is the vitiation of the blood of which the first symptoms are Pimples, Sties, Boils, and Cutaneous Erup tions. When the taint of Scrofula gives warning of its presence by such indications, no time should be lost In using AYER'B SARSAFARILLA. the only perfect and reli able medicine for the purification of the blood. SCROFULA Is a foul corruption in the blood that rots out all the machinery of life. Nothing will eradicate It from the system and pre vent its transmission to offspring but AYKB'S SARSAFARILLA. This prepara tion is also the only one that will cleanse the blood of Mercurial poison and the taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover ished blood is productive of AN/EMIA A wretched condition indicated by Pallid Skin, Flaccid Muscles, Shattered Nerves, and Melancholy. Its first symptoms are Weakness, Languor, Loss of Nerve Force, and Mental De jection. Its course, unchecked, leads inevitably to lusauity or death. Women frequently suffer from It. The only medi cine that, while purifying the blood, en riches it with new vitality, and invigorates the whole system,,is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price #lj Six bottles for $6. DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO Yelfow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual ity considered. Pure And Unadulterated! g T. FRAiN, Proprietor of the National Hotel,^- MILLHEIM, PA., wishes to inform the public that he keeps the following liquors constantly on hand and in surestliera all strictly pure, and especially a dapted for medical purposes: WHIKEBTN: OUTS;' Hannesville, Imported Holland, Pougbkeepsie, London, Hush, WIRE*: Haag, Blackberry, Louisville, Kid r berry. Kentucky. Port BRANDTS- * Huckleberry, Plain. Catawba, Ginger, Grape. Sherry, Blackberry, Appi^act, Peach. New England Rum, *9" These liquors are all guaranteed to be not less than four years old and can be strongly receommended as wholes ome and healthy. M ALT LIQUORS, such as PORTER,ALEand LAGER always on draught. 22 3m fIpSELLEIhp U OVER 1.000,000 I BOTTIES SOLD AMD ISVEBv : 1 BMLS TO CURE COUGHSjCOLDS. duwahdmllwwttoubus * -ALLDRUCGISTS SELLfT PWCEL^TI WSsybDP ABOUT PHOSPHATES Acidulated S. C. Phosphate Rock is not a complete manure—it is valuable for its soluble Phosphoric Acid only; and contains no Am monia. It is often called 41 Soluble Bone," "Mineral Bone,"