|oa*nal. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 1880. Published by R. A. BUMILLER, Democratic County Com. for 1880. DISTRICT. COMMITTM. BeUefonte, N. W..„> H ,.........L A Shaffer. ** 8. W.................. Jacob Runkle, " W.W - Wra Harper. Centre Hall Boro ~..Dr J F Alexander. Howard - Alex >"eber. ~ Mllesburg " - —E A Carr. Millheim ** ..........—~D L Zerby. Phllipsburg " Ist W ~.W L Sandford. " " 2ndW Henry Lehman. 3rdW WC tingle. Union ville " ~~.P J McDonald. Banner Twp ——-.Wm Ishler. Boirgs " K. P.-.—..... Henry L Bamhart. " W.P.~ Col Jas F Weaver. Burnside M - Wm Hippie. College " ...Daniel Grove, Jr. Curttn •' .........Henry Confer. Ferguson " K. P.— John MeCorraick. * • W.P LW Walker. Gregg •* W.P.——......J0hn Rosaman. ~ M 8. P ~ .John P. Condo. Haines " E. P - Jno. J. Orndorf. " " "W. P....—. -Jacob Wile. Half moon" —A. T. Gray. Harris " James W. Swabb. Howard " Michael Confer. Huston " - - Charles Murray. Liberty " J.JuDefeng. Mariou " John Ishler. Miles *' -Reuben Kreamer. Fatten " Geo. W. Behrs, Jr. Penn " ...... Ramuel Aril. Potter " N. P James A. Keller. • S. P— Jos.GiHHand. Rush " N. P..Hugh McCanu. " 8. P Orrin Vali. Snow Shoe" E.P Thomas MoCann. i* it •• N> p....-Pat Kelly. Spring " —Amos Garbrick. Taylor " - .-...—Vinton Reckwith. Union " —Jno AStoyer. Walker " -....-....Samuel Decker. Worth " - W G. Morrison. L. A. SHAFFSR, ADAM HOT. Secretary. Chairman BY all appearances the silver ques tion will be a "hard nut to crack" for congress. A BILL providing for the admission of Montana Territory as a state was introduced in senate by Mr. Yoorhees daring Monday's session. THE committee on invalid pensions of the House agreed to report in favor of the bill increasing the monthly pensions of widows from $8 to sl2. The Judicial Salary bill was passed. It gives all the United States District Court Judges $5,000 a year, and pro hibits them from appointing tLeir rel atives to office in their courts. THK total amount of the appropria tion for improving rivers and harbors was limited to $11,000,000, by the . respective house committee last Fri day. Now for a struggle to divide these $11,000,000 to best advantage among the needy districts. Gov. CURTIN, after having refused to serve as chairman of an insignifi cant committee, in justice to himself and his state, is given a place on the committee on naval affairs, A. S. He witt having surrendered his place in favor of Curtin. This looks more like business and fairness. Broad statesmanship should always have the preference to factious schemes iu filling important house committees. THE DAUPHIN COUNTY COURT decid ed against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in the outh Pennsylvania Railroad question. The decision of Jndge Simon ton meets with almost universal favor, as it compels great railroad corporations to obey the dic tates of the constitution as well as other people have to obey it. The . Pennsylvania now determines to ap peal to the Supreme court, but no body expects a change of Judge Si monton's decision, except the compa ny itself. A DISGRACEFUL political action, which very much resembles the elec tion fraud of 1876, was that commit ed by the Ohio legislature, when they pitched out the democratic members of the Cincinnati district and filled their places with republican rivals and so managed to re elect John Sherman to the United States senate, and avoid the danger of a possible election of the democratic candidate Allen G. Thur . man. Then, in order to still the . pangs of their consciences, some of the members proposed an amendment to examine the rights of said demo cratic members to their seats in the legislative halls, and if the examina tion should result in their favor, to reinstall them. A poor way ot throwing sand into the people's eyes. THE PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION BILL passed the House and the serious question of who shall fill the execu tive chair in case of the President's and Vice President's death is satisfac torily decided. The bill has the President's approval and signature and is now a law. The Presidency, according to the bill, will after the Vice President, devolve upon the members of the cabinet in the follow ing order—Secretary of State, Secre tary of Treasury, Secretary of War, Attorney General, Postmaster Gener al, Secretary of Navy and Secretary of Interior. This seems a fair dispo sal of an important matter, and Con gress may be congratulated for get ting rid of it at this time. Besides putting seven lives between the pres idential chair and the people, it is a most gratifying thought to the democ racy that the succession is by this new law securely put within their party. If the law should become part of the constitution yet it would settle the question for all future time. Presidential Succession. The Bill Passed Exactly as It Was Adopted by the Senate. WASHINGTON, January 15.—The House took a whole afternoon's session on the Presidential succession bill and sat continuously until after six o'clock in order to finish it. There was a prior order for an eyeniug's session on pen sion bills of a private character, but on motion of Mr. Mason, chairman of the pension committee, who stated that there was very little business of that kind ready, the order was vacated. The succession bill was thus pressed to a final vote aud was adopted without alteration as it came from the Senate. With the president's signature it will become the law of the land. Miscellaneous News. The ice on the Susquehanna Hiyer at W.illiamsport is 11 inches thick. Hon. Mortimer Whlteland, of the National Grange, Patrons of Husband* ry, will address meetings of farmers in various parts of, Centre Couuty daily during this week.— Patriot. —All those who have used Baxter's Mandrake Bitters speak yery strongly in their praise. Twentyfive cents per bottle. For sale by J. Spigelmyer, and 1). S. Kauffmuu & Co. John Kelly Dying. NEW YORK, January 15.— The Sun will print to-morrow from best author ity that John Kelly has had a relapse and is very low from neryous prostra tion and that he will die within a week, without much doubt. —THE GREAT ZINGARI. For tooth ache and neuralgia has no equal. Warranted. Only 15 cents at all drug stores. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim ,Pa. More Work for the AJtoona Machinist. ALTOONA, January 15.—The Penn sylvania Railroad issued an order to day to all th e employes of machine shops that oji and after .Monday next time will be increased to ten hours in stead of eight, as heretofore. This is good for Altoona and the workingmen are jubilant. Thought it Was an Earthquake. NEW YORK, Jan. 17.—An explosion of 250 pounds of dynamite at Ardsley, N. Y., where work on the water tun nel for New York City is in progress, demolished all the buildings near, and shook all the houses in the village. The shock was felt for many miles a round, and dispatches detailing an earthquake sensation were sent from all the towns. No one was seriously in jured, though there were some narrow escapes. The Loss by Fire at Beaver Falls. BEAVER FALLS, Pa., January 15. The Beaver Falls Car Works Foundry and Machine Shops were burned to the ground this morning, together with the Chinese headquarters and every build ing on the square facing Sixth avenue, except the old Mansion House. The fire started in the foundry, but from what source is not knowu. It destroy ed over $50,000 worth of patterus and rendered four families homeless. The total loss is estimated at from $150,000 te $200,000. Two Statesmen Seriously 111. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.— Senator Miller, of California, and Representa tive liankin, of Wisconsin, who have both been lying critically ill for some time with Bright's disease of the kid neys, are reported as gradually growing worse. The Senator has been uuable to go to the Capitol since his arrival from the Pacific Coast, but Rankin, after a desperate effort, made liib ap pearance upon the first day of the ses sion and was sworn in, though since that time Ue has been losing strength and his death is expected witnio a day or two. He is now partially paralyzed and delirious most of the time. Until very recently both patients were report ed as improving, and their friends were much gratified, but at-the'present time the friends of the member from Wisconsin have given up all hope, and the family of the California Senator are anxious about the result of his ill ness. Huntingdons Tale of Sorrow. Severe Weather Oomp9ls Worthy People to Appeal for Aid to Sustain Life. HUNTINGDON, Jan. 17-—'There are more hunger and suffering among the poor people of this city this winter than ever before in its history. The recent extremely cold weather has compelled the disclosure ot many cases of destitu tion that were before concealed. There has been scarcely any work for labor ing men who haye not had regular em ployment, especially since the building of the water works was suspended, and men of sober and iudustrious habits have been unable to provide for their families. During previous winters there was a relief society, but now there is no organization of th 3 kind, nor other systematized charity here. The applications to the Directors of the i'ocr of the county for aid have been unusually numerous, and, because of their number, those officials have be. come more careful and reluctant than ever in granting it. The industries that have just beeu revived will employ but a small proportion of those in need of work, and tlie fact that there aie prospects of work for a few is likely lo bring more people here than there a 6 places for. —Just So. The wise and prudent man now procures a bottle of Dr. Kess ler's Celebrated English Cough Medi cine and keeps it in the house to be pre pared for croup and whooping-cough emergencies. It never fails, t never disappoints. Instructions fo treat ment of croup and whoopiug- erful pen of Gen John A Logon. .Strike quick for choice field. HUBBARD 8R05.., pub lishers, Philadelphia, Pa., 4T-4t Mingle 'sShoe Store BROCKERHOFF ROW, BELLEFONTE, PA. ■ "MBBI' 11 * ■■ Buy where you can get a good as sortment. The largest stock in Central Penn sylvania. -4 All goods warranted as recom mended. MM.M.. nr-fi MIHIUIIII 1111 inn . ri i -i 1 ****** No shoddy—No trash. Prices to suit the times. When in town try me for some thing good. A* C. MINGLE. THE PHILADELPHIA Weekly Times Attractive: Entertaining.- In structive * The Family Journal of America. Stories of the War ILLUSTR ATED IN EVERT ISSUE. A Paper for tie Homes oftie Laii— Sparilim ami flripal i Erery Feature. On the First of January a new de parture in every feature of the Weekly Times was made. Every number will be liberally illustrated in itß War contributions , which have so long been a specialty in its col umns, and in its Stories, which will be greatly enlarged from the pens of the best writers, and in current History, Biography, Politics, Art, Science and the leading events of the day. The time has passed for the week ly journal of the city to Jill the place of a newspaper. The daily news paper from the great centres of news now reaches into every section of the land. Every inland city and every town of importance have their daily newspapers, and the local weekly, with the wonderful progress in pro vincial journalism, meets every want that the daily newspaper fails to supply. The metropolitan weekly of to-day must be much more than a newspaper; it must be a magazine of family reading; it must lead the mag azine in popular literature ; it must lead it in popular illustration, and it must meet every requirement of the intelligent reader of every class. Stories of the War Will be published in each number from the ablest writers who partici pated in the bloody drama of civil strife, and each will be profusely illustrated. The most entertaining and instructive Stories from the best writers of Jiction will appear in each issue, with illustrations. TEEMS ; Sold by all news agents at Jive cents per copy. By mail, $2 per year, or $1 for six months. Clubs of ten, sls, and an extra copy to the getter up of the club. Address, THE TIMES, TIMES Building, Phila. TTVYSPEPSIA.— Its Nature, Causes. Pre- JLJvention and Cure. By John H. M cA.lvik, Lowell, Mass., fourteen years Tax Colleotor. Sent free to any address. 1-41 UIMWi FMM IdwuUt. a.. m t. , Thi MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office it now supplied with @9OO &8X and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE LETTER HEADS, NOTE READS,* tit***-** BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCttLA POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. I CURE FITSI VkMlHrnll*Mwi>WNiri*iMfiNihrt UMw4ikMl*ilkMiMnmia. iMi'tnM nn. I mo PCMUM m IMH HnnuU|y)trta SSSitStjl'jyiSrSm KXUMM Mi Shekel GHBB&al in MMtfcat wm*% aS d* i-it 1 - 1 ■- acre. Good *rket. Healthy cUsaot*. favor. NC* wPll Willi,,l4|j