|lH^illl(Hm|oufnt. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24T11, 1885. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. Exit 1885. With this issue another year of the JOURNAL'S existence passes into the vast lapse of time and in looking back over our year's work we feel justified in saying that we have tried to do our duty and have in a measure succeeded in giving our readers prompt, inter esting, and entertaining weekly paper. Politically the JOURNAL has advoca ted and upheld Democratic principles, supported the wise measures of the new administration and strove to pro mote unity in Democratic ranks at homo. The local news department we have worked hard to make a faithfully com piled budget of events of importance at home and throughout the county and in tLis work we were ably assisted by our special correspondents in neigh boring towns. Religious and educa tional matters, new enterprises and improvements received their full share of encouragement through the col umns of the JOURNAL and important foreign news could always be found in the miscellaneous department. The literary contents of the paper received our undivided attention and in this line we have been particularly careful in selecting the most entertain ing and interesting matter of a chaste character. Summing up we are sure the JOUR NAL has proven a valuable and wel come weekly visitor to our readers, a paper for the "Home Circle" in the broadest sense of the word, and that our labors are appreciated is evident in the slow, but steady influx of new subscribers. With these few parting remarks we return our thanks to those who have favored us during the year and wish all our readers a "Mer ry Holiday Season, n assuring them that, no preventing Providence, the JOURNAL will come to them in the new year fully as wide-awake and newsy as it has been in the past year. CONGRESS adjourned last Monday until January sth, at the suggestion of our worthy representative, Gov. Curtin. TJp to the time of adjourn ment 1,004 bills, mostly of a private character had been introduced and refer red. Only 14 of the 38 states were reached, and it was ordered that the call shall be continued where it was ltft off, when the House meets again after the Holidays. Gov. Curtin's clever idea enables congressmen to spend the whole of the holiday season at their respective homes. CONTROLLER MAYNARD in Wash ington decided that pensioners,residing in the United States, can not author ize other persons to receive their pensions for them. Pension agents must issue orders directly to the pen- sioner and mail them to that person. Pensioners residing in foreign coun tries must have their papers attested to by a notary public before the amount can be lifted by an authorized party. PENNSYLVANIA taxes for this year amount to $2,000,000 more than in 1884. In the next three years the income of taxes will still be largely increased by the new tax law. Could not the state spare the license taxes then, and give the benefit of the same to the respective counties and cities, where they are collected? A NEW official seal has been manu factured for the President of the United States. Jt is said to be of very tasty design, representing all the states and territories in an ingenous and plain manner. The design is the handiwork of a German, Mr. William P. Lutz. _ Congressman Morrison is a marked figure, He stands about live feet ten iaches, and has a bushy, full beard, nearly all gray. He seldom wears an overcoat. His right hand is almost always in the trouser's pocket as he walks, and he has a measured tread, and his dress generally, while neat, shows its wearer's indifference to style. THE United States Senate last week granted an annual pension of SSOOO to Gen. Grant's widow. The action was endorsed by the house of repre sentatives. President Cleveland is described as having very large hands. He needs them, and strong ones at that. —SOMETHING more or less than five thousand different, liver pills are on the market. Some good, some indiffeient, many bad and worthless. Life is too short to try them all, so if you want to be absolutely sure you are right get McDonald's Improved Liver Pills, and if you are not satisfied with the amount of benefit received you get your money back. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. Miscellaneous News. Crushed to Death on Peters Mountain. HALIFAX, Pa., Dec. 17* —Yesterday Mr. D. W. Deiblebis,a highly respected farmer, aged about 30 years,who resided near Matamoras, Dauphin County, was bringing a load of ties down Peters Mountain. The ties slipped forward upon Deiblebis, and he was instantly killed. Mr. Deiblebis was a married man. SOME remarkab'e cures in this vicin ity, ot' long continued and obstinate diseases, are attributed to -McDonald's Blood Purifier. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, -Millheim, Pa Killed at Middleburg. SELINSGROVK, Pa., Dec. 17.—At Jfiddleburg, the county-seat of Snyder County, ten miles west of this place, George Musser and his wife were about to cross the track of the Sunbury and Lewistown Road at the depot crossing, at 6 o'clock this evening. An extra freight train was approaching, and Mrs. Musser stepped back, requesting her husband to do the same. Not heeding her caution for some reason, Mr. Musser was struck bv the engine and instantly killed. He was sbout 70 years of age, and resided in Franklin Township. His wife and one child survive him. —YOUR tooth is too sound to bo ex tracted, yet you cannot endure the ag ony it is inflicting. Your only re course is a bottle of Zingari I'ootli Drops. Relief certain, and only costs 15 cents. JOHNSTON HOLLOW AY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim ,Pa. The Jury Find Cox Guilty of Voluntary Manslaughter. SUNBURY, DOC. 17.— The last day of the Cox tr>al lias come to au end. Shortly after the opening of the Court this morning His Honor Judge Ilocka ftlloiv commenced his charge to the jury. The charge was long and elabor ate, and conspicuous for the way the case was reviewed and the law defined in a fair and impartial manner. When the hands on the clock marked ten minutes of eleven the jury retired to deliberate upon the great question, awaiting the decision of which a hu man life hung in the balance. As they filed out of the Court room every eye was turned upon them and their faces were scanned as if to read that verdict which, when rendered, would cause either misery or happiness. The bris oner at the bar carefully watched them, and who can imagine his feelings as lie saw them leave the room, to return no more until his tate was decided. In an hour he was again away from the crowd ed Court-room where for eight days he had been the one object of attention, immured within the narrow confines of his cell with thoughts for his compan ions such as no man but one in a simil ar position can describe. Anxiously all the afternoou bad the door of the juiy-room been watched by eager eyes, expecting every moment to see it open, but in vain. All sorts of conjectures were made as to the cause of their de lay. The jury, after a deliberation of twelye hours, rendered a verdict to night at 11 o'clock of voluntary man slaughter, the punishment tor which, in the maximum, is twelve years' im prisonment and SSOO fine. —Do NOT crucify the children by compelling them to take the horrible, nauseous compounds usually sold as worm midicines. many of them as worthless as thev are obnoxious, but get a box of 3fcDona!d's Celebrated Worm Po\vder3. Purely vegetable. So easy and pleasant to take that the chil dren will never know a me licine is be ing administered. You will in addition secure the very best vermifuge possible to nroduce. So sure are we of this t hat in all cases of failure to cause expulsion where women exist we cheerfully agree to refund the purchase price One Box of McDonald's Worm Powders guaran teed equal to four bottles of any worm syrup. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY tt CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. ENTOMBED ALIVE. Twenty Minors Imprisoned in A Flooded Slope. NANTiCOKE,Pa., Des. 18.—Nanticoke was thrown into a terrible conster nation at 11 o'clock this morning by a report that the mines of the Susque hanna Coal Company were being floode 1 by water from the river. The break was in No. 1 slope, and the volume of water pouring in was so great, that be fore the miners and laborers could get away from the breast in which they were working the water was mire than a foot deep on the gangway and rising rapidly. Tools were abandone 1, di iyer boys left their mules in the gangway, and all fled for points of safety. Before the workmen were all out the water was breast high. As soon as messen gers could be dispatched an alarm was spread to the other workings, Nos. 1 and 2 shafts and No. 2 slope, al' of which are connected with the slope and are lower and ot greater depth. The alarm was promptly acted upon and the workmen summoned to the foot of the shafts and hoisted ten at a time to the surface. As each one was safely landed terrific shouts of rejoicing arose from the hundreds of people present. Everything in the track of the sood was swept before it, the men being knocked about promiscuously, and in all cases they report miraculous es capes. The experience of old miners who were caught by the flood say it was the most terrible they ever passed through. When the water was dis covered rushing into the slope there were nearly 1,000 men and boys at work in various openings, but at the partic- ulnr spot where the water first appeared there were not over thirty persons at wo kat the time. It is reported that there are now about twenty men in the face of one of the gangways who are shut in by the water and rubbish that accumulated in the west gangway of I ho second lift of the cross seam. It is impossible to say what their fate will tie. Old miners are of the opinion that the men who are shut up will be*rescued alive. The company is making every possible effort to reach the imprisoned men. Tht pumps are now at work and new ones are being rapidly put up. Another force of men have been sent down the air-shaft, who will endeavor to cut through to the spot where the imprisoned men are believkd to be. This work will be kept up night and day until the fate of the men is known. —Lancaster Almanacs, English or German, mailed to any part of the West, upon the receipt of four - cent stamps. —'There is nothing like Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil to quickly cure a cold or relieve hoarseness.' Written by Mrs. M. J. Fellows. Burr Oak, St. Joseph Co., Mich. —A WEAK BACK, with a weary, ach ing lameness over the hips, is a sign of diseased kidneys. Use the host kidney curative known, which is Burdock Blood B itfers. —Prof. Barret of St. Lawrence coun ty, N. V., speaking of pulmonary dis eases, says : Not one death occurs now where twenty died before Downs' Elix ir was known. Over fifty years of con stant success places Downs' Elixir at the head of the long list of cough rem edies. For sale bv J. Spigelmyer, and D. S. K utffman A Co. —We defy the county to compete with us in Silk Handkerchiefs. D. S. KAUFEMAN & Co. The reason why Arnica & Oil Lin iment is so popular with the ladies is because it not only is very healing and soothing but its odor is not at all offen sive. For by J. Spigelmyer, and D. >B. K uiffin in & Co. It is In order now for every manufac turer to praise and extol the virtues of his cough medicine, and claim it ever so much better than any other. Oil square business principles the proprie tor of Dr lvessler's Celebrated English Cough Medicine s ivs if you are not sat isfied with the relief and benefit obtain ed, if you do not consider it well worth the price paid for it, then take theemp ty bottle back to your dealer and get vour money. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY A CO., Philadebihia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Pa. LEGAL JIDVERTISEMEJTTS "XTOTP i: TO TAXPAYERS.—Whereas there IN is a general • pinion prevailing among the taxpayers throughout the county that be cause a collector's warrant is good for two years, they have the same length of tint 'in which t<> pay their taxes. Tax Collectors fre (luentv complain to ns that many persons tnakc this a pretext for refusing to pay their taxes until they are actually forced to do so. and these being generally such as are b-st able to pay. We therefore"submit for vour informa tion the following Act of Assembly of April 15, 1834. in relation thereto : ••Every collector shall, within three months after receiving the corrected duplicate, pay in to the hands of the treasurer <>f the property, county or township, as the case may be, the whole amount of the taxes charged and assessed in such duplicate, excepting such sum as tiie Commissioners, or Supervisors and Oyersccrs, as the case may ue. in their discretion, may ex hoiicrate him from, on pain of being answer able tor and charged with the whole balance re maining so unpaid." You will readily see bv the above Act 111 it tax collectors are required to pay in the full n mount ot their duplicates within three nonlhs after the duplicates are placed in their hands JOHN WOLF. i .). C. HENDERSON, >Commissioners. A-J. (IK I EST, ) 47-3t, NOTICE to Tax Collectors—We hereby give notice that all Collectors of State and Count \ Taxes for 1885 mnst positively present their claims for exonerations on their respective deplicates on or before the fourth Monday of January, I*Bs. JOHN WOLF. ) J. C, HENDERSON, /Commis-ioncrj. A.J. OKI EST, S -H-3t EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testament- I ary on the estate of Michael Frank, late of Penti townstiip.deeease I.having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pres ent them du'v proven for settle ment. SAMUEL FRANK. Rebersburg.Pa., Dec. loth, 'BS. Executor. CAUTION NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that I have purchased at Constable's sale the following personal property of In Cramiey, of Aaroitsburg: 1 Cook Stove, 1 Coal Stove, 1 Ten-plate Stove. 1 Sink. 1 Table. 1 Bedstead, with Bedding, dozen ('hairs,l Dc.sk 1 Lounge, 25 yds. of Carpet, 1 Iron Kettle, 1 Clock, 1 Corn er Cupboard,'i Hogs, 2 Tubs, 1 Tea Kettle. All persons are cautioned not to meddle or inter fere with said property, as I have left the same in his possession at my pleasure. A E.STAMBACII. Aaronsbnrg, l'a., Dec. 3, 'B-5 ENNS YLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Teim begins January 6.1856. This institution is located in one of tin most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of >tudv: 1. A Full cientillcCourse of Four Years. 2. A Latin cientille Course. „„„„„ X The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICU LTUKK; (h) NATUCAL HISTORY: (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4 A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. OA reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses Tor board and Incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATIIEKTON, I L. D., President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co., Pa. r*AT AD □ H ELY'S . j5 cream blam the nostrils, will be W "1 absorbed effectually i | ( .i e . the head crt "tADi <> f catarrh vim s, causing healthy se- MfMentions. It allays nw inhumation, protects fIL, cY< Y flgg the membra ne of the / Fnfgl "asal passages from y additional colds, fTWm■ i| T completely heals the sores an d restores >1 senses of tastes and ♦' .1 smell. ° usA. | \or A LIQUID OR HAY-FEVER . A„rt??T:.rticie of the Balm into each nostri'. .v. few applica tions relieve. A thorough treatm .it wW cure. Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price 50 cents, by mail or at druggists. ]£Lt BROTHERS, Owego, N. Y. 48-4t Journal Store Column. UHUUU iUUiUtMHt —No. 20- •* -:o+ Peuu St., Millhoim, Pa. mmmmmmmimmm StseEMSdra 1 1- ts-E gr jsia KTS- UTTB era fcnaigTa The Journal Store is prepared more f ally than ever for the t/raml festive season ///y hi/ giring and receiving presents— The Holidays! The general line of goods at "jNo. o 0 is very full and complete while in •o* -:o+ *•+ -:of -of •:<*> -:of cos- suited to the season the JOURNALSTORE has distanced all competition. FOR EXAMPLE FOR Family Bibles, Teachers' Bibles, Sunday School Bibles, Presentation Bibles, for Fine Silk I*l ash Photograph Al bums, Autograph Albums, Splendid Leather and Leatherette Albums, Fine Writing Papsfc Envelopes, such as O'ilt Edged, Damask Linen, Pure Linen, Superb Writing Tablets, Scrap Hooks and Scrap Pictures, Tlii<|l\dqy Gquds, Gl\i. DEIMimEB* iw 'L S Js Jt 1 .is yftx T TTTTTTTTTTT T PROPRIETOR, Penn street, Millheim, Pa. Groceries & Provisions. GOODS FOR THE II O-L I D-A-Y T-R-A-D-E ! ! 1 o o 9 FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY FROM THIS TIME UNTIL FIRST OF JANUARY. FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. BRIGHT NEW LEMONS. CHOICE WHITE GRAPES. NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES. FIGS, DATES and PRUNELLES. FINEST CLUSTER RAISINS.] PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON PEEL CURRANTS and BAKING RAISINS. EVAPORATED PEACHES & PEAItS. ALMONDS and ASSORTED NUTS. An exceptionally flne line of PURE CON FECTIONERY at CITY PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOLASSES CANDY (or TafTv) MADE BY OURSELVES, ALWAYS FRESH. CALIFORNIA FRUITS. Canned and Evap orated. V PURE HONEY in pint and quart jars. * NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES, Sound and Firm. PLAIN and FANCY CRACKERS. FINEST FULL CREAM CHEESE. t PURE SUGAR TABLE SYRUPS. A full line of NEW CANNED GOODS. PURE WHITE ROCK CANDY SYRUP in Half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE MAPLE SYRUP in quart and half gallon cans. FINE, FRAGRANT TEAs. PURE SPICES. You can depend on our ground pepper for butchering purposes, it is strictly pure. FRESH SHELL OYSTERS opened to order, o— —o ALL OUR STOCK lb NEW AND FRESH. • JgTCALL ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT IN OUR LINE. o o —SECHLER & CO.,— GROCERS, Bush House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA. Mingle's Shoe Store - r-<. •-- f% - • .*iw- BROCKBEHOFF ROW, BELLEFONTE, PA. Buy where you can get a good as sortment. The largest stock in Central Penn sylvania. All goods warranted as recom mended. No shoddy—No trash. Prices to suit the times. When in town try me for some thing good. A. C. MINGLE. GERMAN ♦CANARIES! BIRD * CAGES! BIRD * SEEDS! At reasonable rates at the GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, Water Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. THE PENN ROLLER FLOURING Mi™, IS prepared to exchange Choice Roller Floor * for good wheat in any quantities and will guarantee the flour Strictly Pure and of First-Class Quality. J\ 18. FISHER, PENN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA. DVlVWGfiha CAUSES and CUBE, EiAffil one who was tleaf twentv eiglit years. Treated by most of tbe noted specialists of tbe day with no benefit. Cured himself in three mmti.s, and since then hun dreds of others by same process. A plaiu, sim ple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, 128 East 26th St., New York City. 48-tt. win AWAKE AGENTS WANTED for THE GREAT CONSPIRACY! A thrilling review of the portentious events that led to the GREAT REBELLION, from the pow erful pen of Gen John A Logan. Strike quick for choice field. HUBBARD BROS., pub lishers. Philadelphia, Pa., 47-lt j VM'ffMropsyf. acre. Good markets. Healthy climate. Favor, able prospects. Write for circulars containing N.W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RTE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 2Sly ONE DOLLAR. The Weekly Patriot, UAKRISBUFIG, PENNA. ihe leading Democratic paper In the BUte Full of interesting news, and miscellaneous and political reading. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Special Rates to Olubs. Sample copies mailed free on application. The PATRIOT and for | . The PATRIOT and New York Weekly World one year for one dollar and fifty cents. The PATRIOT and the Philadelphia Weekly Times one year lor one dollar and seventy-five cents. WANTED. AGENTS In every Township In this County to solicit subscriptions for tbe WRKKLT PA TRIOT Write for terms. Address all communica tions to THE PATBIOT, Hanliharg, Fa. CONSUMPTION. I hare a positive remedy for the above diaaaaa; by Its use thousand# of caaaaol the worst kind and of mc standing have been cured. Indeed, 'ortron* lamyfelth In lis efllcacy.that I will send TWO BOTTLES rail, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this dlaaaaa to any sufferer. Giroesnress and r O.nMrraa. DR. T. A. BLOCUN, 8i IVarlSt., New Tork. C.rryitig all ataara and dlMgneable odor Irom cook, log down Into tho fire. , Tbe HOST COMPLETE Cooking Utensil J EVER INVENTED. No burned hands. No scalded arms. No doth needed. No disagreeable odors filing the house. No overflow on the stove. An examination of theso utensils will convince any one that they are tho nearest perfection of any kettles now known. A first-class steamer and kettle combined. AGENTS wanted all over the U. S. for these goods. They sell fast and pay good profits—sß to $8 per day. Call or write for circulars. HUNTER SIFTER Manufacturing Co., e CINCINNATI. . - OHIO. Manufacturers of the world famed " HUNTER ! SIFTER, Cyclone Eggßeater, and other specialties." Over 10,000,0000f tbeHunter'sSifters have been sold. Every lady in the land ought to have one. For sale J by responsible dealers everywhere. 0 Ask for tho "Hunter, "and take no other. Illustrated catalogue I of Kitchen Specialties Machinery for Bakers, Drug lists, Ac. free.—Send for it and mention this papas.