Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 17, 1885, Image 3

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    Jj(ui!|<im Jjournst.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4* 4*
A Trial by a Jury.
Their Verdict 1
First Juror—l find it the best place to purchase
Christmas presents for my wife and
Second Juror—l find the assortment of gifts
suitable for my husband and chil
dren, large and elegant.
Third Juror— l find there is no place like It to
get a present for my girl—you know.
JPburtA Juror—l And others can't compete with
this store at all. Tho goods are too
nice and the prices too low.
Fifth Juror— l find I am always perfectly satis
fied with anything I get there.
Sixth Juror—l find I have been losing money
by not dealing there.
AecentA Juror— l find their holiday stock full of
pretty things, irreslstable goods for
ladles. * '
Eighth Juror— l find my grandchildren pester
me to death to buy them Christmas
presents at this store.
Einth Juror—l find no one else has so many
pretty things for little girls.
XbnfAiJuror—l find it the best place to get nice
presents for the boys.
Eleventh Juror—l find the babies all for
some of the many nice things to fill
little folks' stockings.
Twelfth Juror—l find lam happy siuee.l bought
my Chris mas goods there and all
other customers feel the same way.
Santa Claus
Justice Court. 1
The Judge therefore pronounces the
Upon this Verdict :
"I find Jacob Etsenhuth. of the town of
Mlllheim, Pa.,
of keeping the largest and best assortment
of Holiday gifts In TOYS and NOVELTIES.
aud I hereby sentence you to hard labor In
furnishing elegant and desirable Christmas
Gifts at
J. Eisenhuth's Store,
at the lowest possible prices until after the
B S E3 9 9 3
Sales advertised through this office xcill be
inserted under this heading free of charge.
Dec. 30th— A. H. Mingle, Executor of the es
tate of Elizabeth Corman. dee'd.
Late of Haines township, real es
tate. ___
—Deer hunting is at SD end.
—Next Monday is the shortest day.
—Winter, astronomically, continues
December 22-
—The children's favorite tcpic -"Old
Santa Claus."
Everybody wishes for snow and
good sleighing.
—There is a strong demand for Holi
day Cards this year.
—Ladies' Tape Measures, always on
band at tbe Journal Store.
—lt is said that traffic on our rail
road ia increasing weekly.
—Reduced— Prices on Fur Caps at
D. S. Kauffman & Co's store.
Hunters bad their last shot at deer
lor this season on last Tuesday.
—TRELISES for flower pots, good
and cheap, at the Journal Store.
—Two Splendid Show Cases for sale,
cheap. Inquire at the Journal Store.
—Two weeks left of the old year.
Get the good resolutions ready for the
TRAIT in the world, at the Journal
—Tnrb Kreamer killed two large
raccoons on Monday morning on Fos
ter's mouuUin.
—Mr. Aaron Harter and wire, of
Centre Hall, spent Sunday among their
friends in town.
—ln severe winter weather like this
the cab drivers and teamsters are in
deed to be pitied.
—The revival in the Evangelical
church is still in progress and meets
with good success.
—Several cords of wood wanted on
subscription at this ofllce. Briig it in
as soon as possible.
By all appearances Millheim will
have to shift without a music il con
vention this winter.
—John Royer, whose ankle was se
verely sprain id some time ago, is again
able to be around on the street.
—The snow and rain on Sunday
made a disagreeable slush and made
walking ugly for church goers.
all kinds of Hides by S. R. Gettig, Co
burn, Pa. 47-2 m.
Mr. J. A. Feidler, of Bellefonte,
one of the editors of the Keystone Ga
zette, was seen in town on last Friday.
--The last JOURNAL for 1885 will
appear next week and we intend to
make it especially atti active aud newsy.
for Heavy Hides at A. J. Harter's cur
rier shop, Penu street. Bring them in.
I —You like cabbage, you know you
do, but you can't bear the odor ; buy
au "Odorless Ketile," and have done
with it.
" Truth
—The hog- guessing season is about
past., and the next guess you make is
at what you might get for a Christmas
present. „
Crushed to Earth
—Do not forget the Literary Society
on next Tuesday evening. An inter
esting programme lias been arranged
by the committee.
wUL rise again;
—Don't suffer with indigestion, use
Baxter's Mandrake Bitters.
For sale by J. Spigelmyer, and D. S.
Kauffman & Co.
The *
—One of the instructions which
postmasters receive from Washington
is to forbid lounging in and around
their postoffices.
Eternal Years of
—Geo. W. Long,our grammar school
teacher, has been nut sing a sore throat
for the last week,which at this writing
is growing better.
—Study the holiday advertisements
in the JOURNAL and you will have uo
trouble iu finding the right place to
buy your presents.
are hers."
get the genuine Dr. Thomas' Flectric
Oil. It cures Colds, Croup, Asthma,
Deafness, Rheumatism.
—A letter from P. B. Stover, Pleas
ant Valley, Kansas, was unavoidably
crowded out tnis week. Will appear
in next week's JOURNAL.
it is a
—The country is running full of ped
dlers, trying to sell their shoddy goods
to the unwary. Keep your money aud
patronize borne merchants.
—A New York oculist predicts that
at least half the people of this country
will be compelled to wear spectacles
within the next fifty years.
that will
—George Campbell, Hopkinsville,
Ky., says; "Burdock Blood Bitters is
tbe best preparation for the Blood and
Stomach ever manufactured."
lt ltise"
—Samuel Reber, of Rebersburg, a
painter by trade, died on Wednesday
of last week, after a week's sickness.
He was about 35 years of age.
aga in and again,
—The Journal store man has im
proved his counters by pi icing new
show cases upon them. His display
of holiday goods is unrivalled.
that the
Mrs John Kreamer, left on Mon
day morning's train for Altoona to
spend the holidays with her parents,
J. N. VanOrrner's, at tlmt place.
Journal Store
—Just received at this office a new
supply of job type and we are now pre
paied to execute artistic job work and
at reasonable prices. Bring % in your
—Mr. N. S. Schwarm,of Middleburg,
Snyder Co., was a caller at the JOUR
NAL office last Tusday afternoon. A
real agreeable young gentleman whom
we inyite to call again.
—Geo. Ulrich, our freight carrier,
makes several trips daily to the station,
and returns with his wagon loaded
with merchandise every time. A good
sign for a brisk holiday trade.
COMING IN !—Fresh from the city—
our holiday stock. No shelf-worn
goods, but everything new aud attract
ive. Call at D. S. Kauffman & Co's
store, Main street, Millheim, Pa.
—Since H J. Kuizenknabe's depart
ure for Harrisburg, A. A. Frank's
house on Penn street stands empty and
awaits an occupant. The owner will
rent it at any time to a reliable party.
and cheap
—D. S. Kauffman & Co., the pros
perous business firm of Millheim, come
before our readers this week with their
new advertisement. They have built
up a fiue business, and always carry a
large stock of excellent goods.
Holiday Goods.
WANTED— SOO customers to examine
the new holiday stock at Ka tiffin an's
store, Millheim, Pa. Don't forget that
you will all have the same chance at
selecting goods and saving money by
availing yourselves of oursplended bar
Alt are invited to
—John Kerstetter, Jr. uses the low
er part of hia new bouss, which on ac
count of the early winter could not be
finished, for a shop, where he works on
the different contract j >bs for next
spring's buildings. J. D. Luse is as
sisting him.
Come and See
—Several new residences to be erect
ed in Millheim next Spring, are spoken
of by some of our younger citizens.
Such is good news, and we say—go a
head. There is lots of room, and the
I best investment for young housekeep
ers is to build a borne of their own.
The public schools of Mlllheim
will close next Thursday for the holi
day vacation anil teachers and scholars
will enjoy a lelease from their studies
for a week.
NOTICE.— The new Process Roller
Flour, manufactured by J. B. Fisher,
Penn Hall, is for sale at D. S. Kauff
man & Co's new store, .Main street
Millheim, Pa.
Mr. John W. Mercer,of Laurelton,
Union Co., Pa., was in town 011 Mon
day on business for his brother, who
is a foundryman. He also called on
his friends and relatives.
—H. A. Mingle, executor of the es
tate of Elizabeth Cormun, late of
Haines township, dee'd, advertises the
sale of her real estate, to take place at
Aaronsburg, Dec. 30th,'85,at 1 o'clock.
—The funeral of Jacob Wolf, de
ceased, was largely attended, the
church at Aaronsburg being well filled.
Rev. Deitzler preached a very appropri
ate sermon from Phil, 1:23.
—From now until Christmas our al
ready large stock will be increased daily
by the arrival of new good 9. First
come, first served.
—Some of our exchau ges lemark that
Spinal meningitis has again made its
appearance in the State. Do not ex
pose yourself to tbe cold and by so do
ing avoid falling a victim to the dis
AN ERROR.— In our last issue we
stated that Mr. John Hoffer, late of
Beliefonte, was a brother of Mrs. Amos
Alexander, late of this place. He was
not her brother, but her brother-in-law
by first marriage.
—The first snow of the season fell on
the 21st of November. The old saying
is that consequently we will have 21
snows in this winter. The fourth snow
fell last Sunday. At this rate the pre
diction may come true.
—The members of the U. B. church
of this place presented their pastor,
Rev. Wasaon, with a lot of provisions
and other useful articles last Friday
evening. The treat was of course well
appreciated by the recipient.
—Our barbers seem continually bent
on changes and improvements in their
shops. W. J. Spriuger last week rear
ranged bis chairs and shelves, while
Geo. Springer beaut ifled his room by
hanging up several fine engravings.
humors and pimples, boils and erup
tions, it is because the system needs
toning and purifying. Nothing will
give you such good health, smooth and
fresh skin and vigorous feeling as Sim
mons Liver Regulator.
—The scaffolds have been removed
from the iuterior of the and
the floor is to be laid next. We under
stand that it is the intention of the
building committee to have the church
completed for conference next March.
The Reformed Sunday School, of
Aaronsburg, expect to celebrate the
nativity of our Lord on Christinas eve,
24th-inß a suitable manner. The
services will consist of responsive read
ing and music adapted for theocotsiuu.
—A clear head is indicative of good
health and regular habits. When tlie
bodv feels heavy and languid, and the
mind works sluggishly, Ayer's Cathar
tic Fills will wonderfully assist to a re
covery of physical uuoyancy and men
tal vigor. The constipated should use
—After a stay of several a
mong his relatives, Mr. Frank Kauff
man left for bis home in Northumber
land county on Tuesday morning.
Frank has made lots ot friends while
here, who will gladly welcome him
back on a more extended visit.
We understand that it is the in
tention of some of our veterans to or
ganize aG. A. R. post in this town.
A meeting for that purpose will be held
in the parlor of the First National Ho
tel on Saturday, Dec. 26th, 'BS. We
hope the project may meet with good
—Wilkesharre organized a new social
society with "Anti Poking" for its
name and with the object of stopping
the bad fashion of "poking their noses
into other people's business."
There is cei tail ly lots of room for
reform in this matter in all towns and
villages, "Millheim not excluded."
led with chronic catarrh and gathering
in head, was deaf at times, had dischar
ges from the ears, unable to breathe
through nose. Before the second bot
tle of Ely's Creain Balm was exhausted
I was cured.—C. J. Corbin, 923 Chest
nut St., Philadelphia. 48-3t
CARD OF THANKS —The undersigned
and wife were quietly spending the ev
ening, when they were surprised by the
members and friends of the U. B.
church, who took possession of his resi
dence and loaded the table until it
formed a pyramid of good things. We
were prevailed upon to make a little
speech, but a better reward than that
are the smiles of God which we hope
will rest upon them. A pleasant even
ing was spent after which the good peo
returned to their homes, realizing that
it is better to give than to receive, and
leaving their pastor with a glad heart.
Eyer remembering the kind people we
return our thanks and invoke God's
richest blessings upon them.
—SOMETHING more or less than live
thousand different liver pills are on the
market. Some good, some indiffeient,
many bad and worthless. Life is too
short to try them all, so if you want to
be absolutely sure you are right get
McDonald's "improved Liver Pills, and
it you are not satisfied with the amount
of benefit received you get your money
Philadelphia Agents.
- Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
SETTLEMENT. Musser <& Smith,the
hardware men, will close their books
on the 31st of December, 1885, and
will after that adopt the CASH SYSTEM,
on the basis of Quick Sales and Small
Profits. All persons haying accounts
to settle will please do so and oblige
Millheim, Dec. 17, 1885. 2t
Rev. M. L. Deilzler will hold regu
lar services in the Luth. church at this
place next Sunday evening. Catecheti
cal instruction on Saturday evening at
7 o'clock, and after that every other
Saturday, and not eveiy week as we
announced in our last issue. Rev.
Deitzier has five good-sized clasies In
charge and is unable to teach the Mill
heim class weekly.
—lt appears that the Lutheran Sun
day Bchoo' will spare neither cost nor
lubor to make their entertainment on
Christmas eve a most delightful af
fair for young and old and to celebrate
the anniyersary of our Saviour's birth
in a becoming manner. The call for
funds to defray expenses was liberally
responded to last Sunday forenoon and
the interest manifested wa3 very en
—lt's well enough to talk and brag
about intended enterprises anu build
ing wtuch will bo undertaken by you or
anybody else, but after all a fine struc
ture already erected is what talks.
And In this connection we must not
neglect to mention S. D, Musser's open
sued at the rear end of the old hard
ware building corner of Penuand Main
street. It does great credit to the in
genuity of the proprietor.
finest stock ever brought to Centre
county at J. C. Condo's Shops, Penn
Hall, Pa. Remember they are no
trash, but the best maice, with the
finest finish and tastiest ornamenta
tions. Come and see before buying
elsewhere, and secure some of the best
bargains ever offered to purchasers in
this line. 28-3t.
TOWARDS MEN."—For nearly nineteen
centuries these gracious words have
touched the hearts of humanity with
the warmth of Divine love. It is a
pleasing thought that every year the
Christmas time widens the circle of its
forgiving and beneflcient influence.
Pareuts repeat the story of the lowly
Christ-child in the manger—God's
great gift to the people ; tokens of loye
and esteem pass from hand to band,
estranged friends forget their differ
ences, heart-aches are cured and
troubles are smoothed over. Let us all
then join in the spirit on the
Christmas d iy of 1 885 and endeavor to
make the dty memorable to th little
ones, to friends, to parents, and last
but not least to the poor. Christinas
should be the most joyous of holidays
and two weeks hence we should all tie
in a frame of mind to wish our fellow
mortals a "Merry Christmas."
—No other medicine has won for it
self such universal approbation in its
own city, state, and country, and a
mong all people, as Aver's rvarsuparilla.
It is the best combination of vegetable
blood purifiers, with the I elide of Po
tassium and Iron, ever offered to the
—Last Thursday the great trial of
John T. Cox, the muiderer of Milo
Jump, at Northumberland, June 25th,
1885, commenced at Sunbury. Over
three hundred witnesses are to be ex
amined and the probabilities are that
the case will take up a week. Hon. A.
H. Dill, of Lewisburg, Hon. Chas. H.
Wolfe, of the same place, Hon. S. P.
Wolverton, of Northumberland Co.,
and Geo. Hill and s on, also residents of
the county, are the counsel of defend
ant. The other attorney from Lewis
burg is Daniel Cox,a brother of the de
fendant. He does not take an active
part in the trial except to counsel with
his brother attorneys. The attorneys
foi the Commonwealth are District
Attorney Mahan,Ex District Attorney
Lewis Dewart, Geo. W. Zeigler, Esq.,
from Sunbury, and Cornelius Smith,
Esq., from Scranton. It will be seen
that the best talent is represented on
either side, and that it will be a drawn
battle. The trial creates intense ex
citement throughout Northumberland
and also neighboring counties.
—Prof. Barret of St. Lawrence conn
tv, N. Y., speaking of pulmonary dis
eases, says : Not one death occurs now
where twenty died before Downs' Elix
ir was known. Over fifty years of con
stant success places Downs' Elixir at
the head of the long list of cough rem
For sale bv J. Spigehnyer, and D. S.
Kauffman & Co.
INSTITUTE. Will le held in the Court j
House, Bellefonte, Pa , beginning Dec.
28, 'BS at 1:39 p. m. and closing Jan. 1.
lSsfi. The following evening lectures
and entertainments will take place
during the session: Monday evening,
Dec. 2S -"Eastern Question," Dr.
Atbeiton; Tuesday evening—National
Work of W. C. T. U., Mrs. Mary M.
Hunt ; Wednesday evening—Readings
and Impersonations, A. P. Bui bank ;
Thursday evening—State Education,
Hon. Henry Houok; Thursday after
noon, Dec. 31st will lie Directors' day.
Instructors present during the Insti
tute : Prof. D. C. Murphy, Central
Normal School, History, Geography,
Drawing. Prof. E. L. Kemp, Key
stone Normal. General School Work,
Natural History. Prof, Samuel Dodds,
Stone Valley Academy. Hon. Henry
Houck, Deputy State Superintendent.
—LARGE LOT of Steroscopic Views,
best American and Europeau Sceneries
at the Journal Store.
—TII?H is the way an Arkansas edit
or appeals to ltia delinquent subscrib
ers : "You may hive all the stars in a
nail keg,hang the ocean on a rail fence
to dry, put the sky in a gourd to soak,
unbuckle the bellyband of eternity.and
let out the sun and moon, but never
delude yourself with the idea that you
can escape that place on the other side
of purgatory unless you pay the print
—We see by trie Selinsgrove Tribune
that Mr. M. L. YVugonseller, a com
mercial travelling man, who frequently
registers at the Musser House in this
place, recently celebrated the 20th an
niversary of his married life. Their
residence in aforesaid town was filled
witli many guests and the presents were
numerous and costly, ltev. Yutzy ad
dressed the happy bride and groom of
twenty years ago in a few pointed and
well-chosen remarks.
NATIONAL HOTEL The following
templing bill of fare will be dished up
on Christmas day at the First National
Hotel, S. T. Frain, Proprietor :
Dinner— Roast Turkey, Roast Turk
ey stuffed with oysters, Oyster Pot Pie,
Stewed Chicken, Hoast Lamb, Itoast
Beef, Hoast Pork. Appropriate side
dishes including the rarest delicacies of
the season will be on the table.
Supper— Oyster Pie, Fried, Baked
and Stewed Oysters, Fried Beef Steak,
Mutton Chop, Pork Steak, Baked Rock
fieh, Fresh Mackerel.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all to enjoy a fine Christmas feast.
Neighboring News.
The butchering season is over.
On Monday morning all the farmeis
iD the neighborhood could be found at
the blacksraithshop to have their hors
es rough-shod.
John Smith , our blacksmith, is on
the sick list.
Geo. Buck,Mi'lheim's photographer,
was in our village last Friday with his
instruments. We believe he did some
work for Henry Keen.
Last Friday evening there was a
spelling bee in the Pike School House
and by all reports a nice time was had.
Smith Town prides itself on having two
of the best spelleis in Penns Valley,
namely Srniih and O sin an.
Geo. lthy mstine, of Lock Haven, and
Milton Kern of this place, two boss
hunters,shot s'x fine raccoons on Brush
mountain, north of here, last Friday.
The next day it fairly swarmed with
hunters,hut they returned home empty
On Saturday Ed. Swartz drove over
Frank Duck's large dog with a two
horse wagon and broke one of bis legs.
Mr. Royer,of Bru shvalley only claim
ed one of those cattle at Swartz's, the
remaining two are still there wailing
for an owner.
W. C. Duck visited the Millheim
schools the other day and is full of
praise for the same. JUMBO.
Four decrees belo.v zero last week.
Ic< six inches th ick was taken from
Weaver's dam last Satuid.y.
C Rover, from Brushvalley, took
dinner at Mr. Tlios. Yaiick's on last
Fiiday. r. Rjei will be 90 jears
old in Api il next.
I). T T. Lei ker will build a furniture
and repair shop on tlie Muar.t lots late
ly purchase) of E Burd on North 2nd
steet. The old shop on Mam strett
will he used for a finishing and s-h s
Mr. Fiedler, of the Bellefonte Key
stone Gazette, was in town on last Fri
day soliciting subscribers for his paper,
lie was well satisfied witli his day's
work in our little tow a. ANOTHER.
Spring: Mills.
Prof. Krise is now snugly housed in
his new dwelling house at this place.
Rev. James D. Wilson, D. D. spent
a few days with his aged fattier last
week. He has again returned to his
field of labor in New York City.
R. Kline, our veteran constable, was
much excited on last Monday,a prison
er having escaped his clutches. The
constable is not a very good marksman,
as he snot a number of times at the
fugitiye, but missed *his mark eveiy
Jacob I. Solt was out for raccoons on
Monday last and as a reward for his
labors returned with six larg9 speci
mens. Jacob is a boss hunter.
Mrs.Bitner and son are visiting at
her brother's, Andrew Ocker, at this
Benj. W. Royer lost two valuable
colts last week, one is a spring colt,
the other a four-yearling. The latter
was insured in the Union county Mut
ua' Livestock Insurance Company for
JUTiss Annie Gramley, of Nittany Val
ley, will spend the winter with tier
grandmother, Mrs. Rebecca Royer.
11. It. Fiedler lost, two hogs Hie other
d;ty. This makes in all IS which died
for Mr. Fiedler this fall. Dr. I/e and
! Uriah Sliafer also lost one 1 ist week.
E. 11. Rcber commenced bis singing
on Monday evening with n class of a*
bout 80 singers. Wish you good suc
Miss Idi Ocker returned home on
Saturday from Coleport.
Thus. Ilazel, who was shot in the
arm last week, is able to bo around
1 again
—Do NOT crucify the childien by
compelling them to take the horrible,
nauseous compounds usually sold as
worm medicines, many of them as
worthless as they are obnoxious, nut
get a box of McDonald's Celebrated
Worm Powders. Purely vegetable. So
easy and pleasant to take that the chil
dren will never know a medicine is be-
I ing administered. You will in addition
; secure the yery best vermifuge possible
'to produce. So sure are we of this that
1 in all cases of failure to cause expulsion
where worms exist we cheerfully agree
to refund the purchase price. One Box
of McDonald's Worm Powders guaran
teed equal to four bottles of any worm
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by.J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
&* .A.*§€ 3*
Of Bargains in all oar Goods this Week!
Low Prices Tell The Story !
Come and be Convinced I
That the Best Choice can be had by
Street, 1?q.
| ' ' " '
Wjffft.? DISEASE.
OVIADTniie ■ Bitter or hid te,in mouth•
dTmrlUma! to"** coited white or covered
with a Wown fur; pain in the back, sides, or Joints—often
mistaken for Rheumatism: aour atamaeh; ion* of ap
petite | sometimes nausea and waterhrash, or indigestion;
f.staler cy and acid eructations; bowels alternately costive
and U* i keadaekel loss of memory, with a painful sen
sation of having failed to do something which ought to
have heen done; debility | low spirits; a thick, yellow
appearance of the skin and eyes: a dry cough; fever; rest
lessness; the urine is scanty and high-colored, and. If
allowed to stand, deposits a sediment.
Malaria, Praprpsia.
Sonatina! ion, Xiiiionaneaa,
ick Headache, Jaundice,
Nausea, Colic,
Mental Depreaalon, Bowel Complainta,
Etc., Etc., Etc.,
Is generally used in the South to arouse the Tor
pid Liver to a healthy aiftion.
It acts without disturbance to the system, diet
or occupation. It regulates the Liver, and
causes the bile to act as the purge. The excess of
bile being removed, a tonic effect is produced
and health is perfectly restored.
The Regulator is given with safety and the
happiest results to the most delicate infant.
For all diseases in which a laxative, altera
tive or purgative is needed it will give the
most perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Purest
and Best Family Medicine in the World I
See that you get the genuine, with the red Z
on front of Wrapper, prepared only by
An Efficient Remedy
In all cases of Bronchial and Pulmo
nary Affections is AYER'S CHERRY
PECTORAL. AS such it is recognized and
fjrescribed by the medical profession, and
□ many thousands of families, for tho
past forty has been regarded as an
invaluable' household remedy. It is a
preparation that only requires to be taken
in very small quautlties, and a few doses
of it administered in the early stages of a
cold or cough will effect a speedy cure,
and may, very possibly, save fife. There
is no doubt whatever that
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Has preserved the lives of great numbers
of persons, by arresting the development of
Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia,
and Pulmonary Consumption, and by
the cure of those dangerous maladies. It
should be kept ready for use in every
familv whero there are children, as it Is a
medicine far superior to all others in the
treatment of Croup, the alleviation of
Whooping Cough, and the cure of Colds
and Influenza, ailments peculiarly inci
dental to childhood and youth. Prompti
tude in dealing with all diseases of this
class is of the utmost importance. The
loss of a single day may, in many cases,
entail fatal consequences. Do not waste
precious time In experimenting with
medicines of doubtful efficacy, while the
malady is constantly gaining a deeper
hold, but take at once the speediest and
most certain to cure,
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