|!|< j|iUt(e and the people pre harvesting them fast. Your corres pondent shared in several of the good dinners. S'quire Gettig butchered on Tuesifciy and the boys say he took in the boss hog of the season—sl4 pounds. There now, how does Millheim feel ? There is nothing that can beat the Penns Creek quadruped, when it comes to pul ling on the scales. Come oyer Mr.* JOURNAL and see us while we have sausage. [Thank you for your gener ous invitation, but man can't live on sausage alone. Ed.] The singing class meets every Satur day evening in the Evangelical church. The class is good, but there isstill room for more. Your correspondent is getting tired of sailing under his present non de plume and, if he should turn up with a new patent name one of these times do not cast him off. Z WANTED at this office—about SSO in subscription money. The Holidays are approaching and that means that the printer needs money. Delinquent sub scribers will please step to the front. AARONSBURG. The mercury down to 0 on last Monday morning. The traveling evangelist, Ilarshev. delivered 011, xliortation to a small audience in the Evangelical church on Tuesday evening of last week. The editor of the Journal thinks his neighboring cai respondents are yery brief in their news. Just so, we are all busy making and eating sausage. Getting ready for X mas, I guess. Several weeks ago an attempt was made to organize a singing class in town. What has become of the pro ject? Go ahead, gentlemen—do not wait for foreign help. Wo have an instruct or right among us who is willing and certainly able to drill a class success fully. A Hying report tells about two holiday festivals in our town, one by the German Reformed .Sabbath school, the other by the Evangelical school. Cannot give day and date of either one. Will know more later. Our water directors would better secure the pump stalks along the water route against frost. See to it gentle men, in time, or unpleasant work and a large bill of expense will be the result of your delay. ANOTHER. —Do NOT crucify the children by compelling them to take the horrible, nauseous compounds usually sold as worm medicines, many of them as worthless as they are obnoxious, nut get a box of McDonald's Celebrated Worui Powders. Purely vegetable. So easy and pleasant to take that the chil dren will never know a medicine is be ing administered. You will in addition secure the yery best vermifuge possible to produce. So sure are we of tills that in all cases of failure to cause expulsion where worms exist we cheerfully agree to refund the purchase price. One Box of McDonald's Worm Powders guaran teed equal to four bottles of any worm syrup. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & co. Philadelphia Agents. Sold by .J. Eisenbutli, Millheim, Pa. WOODWARD. On April Ist Emanuel Ungart will move troin Henry Vonada's farm to the farm of John lioman , two mile east of Aarousburg. a Alfred Yearick will occupy the ho use Mr. Ungart vacates. Daniel Krater also leaves this East Precinct to engage in Agricultura 1 pur suits in Penn township. lie take s the farm of Samuel Ard, near Coburn. I was much amused in reading the business Directory of Madiso nburg. "One Doctor" and three Undertakers. Is this not a little disproportionate? At this season the death-shreaks of the slaughtered swine, rol>3 the rooster of his long accustomed daybreak re veille. Lutlier Kreatner & Thomas Weaver had quite an exciting wild cat adven ture last Friday in the Narrows. Pos sibly may give full details in my ne xt scraps. ARGENTIS —Prof. Barret of St. Lawrence coun ty, N. Y., speaking of pulmonary d s eases, says : Not one death occurs now where twenty died before Downs' Ei x ir was known. Over lifiy years of con stant success places Downs' Elixir at the head of the long list of cough rem edies. For sale by J. Spigelmyer, and D. S. Kauffinan & Co. WINTER IN EARNEST. Damage Caused by Wind and Snow in the North and West. CHICAGO, Decemlier 5.—A severe wiud-storui prevailed hete and through out the West and Northwest yesterday afternoon and last night. There was a tremendous sea along the lake shoie during the night. The waves rau ex ceptionally high, and falling on the heavy planks ot the breakwater broke them up like tinder. Reports from many places indicate great damage by the wind. At Oma ha, Neb., its velocity was estimated at sixty miles an hour. Considerable damage has been done to buildings in Omaha and vicinity, although not of a very serious nature. Trains could not cross the Union Pacific bridge for sever al hours on account ot the wind. At Central City, Neb., the new Methodist College building was partly blown down. Farm buildings throughout Nebraska have been more or less wreck ed. At St. Paul, Minn., the gale sub sided during the night and this morn ing the weather is clear, calm and cold. The mercury marked zero at six o'- clock. Reports from various parts of Ontar io state that a heavy gale is raging. Snow has fallen since last night to a depth of from six inches to four feet. All trains are more or less delayed and in some places they were completely blocked. The temperature is falling rapidly west of the lakes. At Winni peg this morning the thermometer marked fourteen degrees below zero. —SOMETHING more or less than five thousand different liver pills are on the market. Some good, some iudiffeient, many bad and worthless. Life is too short to try them all, so if you want to be absolutely sure you are right get McDonald's Improved Liver Pills, and if you are not satisfied with theamount of "benefit received you get your money back. JOHNSTON, HOLLO IVA Y & CO., Phi'adelphia Agents. Sold bv J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. DIED On Monday morning, the 7th inst., at the res idence of B. O. Deltiinger, Millheim, Mr. Jacob Wolf, aged 71 years, 11 months and 19 dajs. Funeral to-day (Thursday) at one o'clock, P. M. Interment in the Lutheran cemet'-ry, Aa ronsburg. The relatives and friends of deced ent are hereby respectfully invited to attend. :.L 2 re of 1 - , *'' t ''.Mi'"'*3iS'tlli V) y ERT IS i NO Agents p-< iIUSLD MO ggglg pHILADcIPHiA. rci' aivtsForiEwsrim uvmisive pope LO!;:/!A!L6 AT LowsctCash Rates fnCC BtaiiipH 13 r AYER 8, SON'S MANUAL * - * % • - PREPARING FOB THE HOLIDAYS! Look out for our new advertisement which will appear in this column next week when we expect to display our new Holiday Stock. Reserve your or ders until our return from the cities. D. S. KAUFFMAN & CO. • * ' ,1- *. v*. % *4" r 1 • * *Take^=— SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR For all Diseases of the liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Spleen. This purely vegetable pre paration, now so celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated in the South in 1828. It acts gently on the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to be. In all common diseases it will, un assisted by any other medi cine, effect a speedy cure. The Regulator is safe to administer in any condition oT the system, and under no circum stances can it do harm. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever age to lead to intemperance; will promote di gestion, dissipate headache, and gener ally tone up the system. The dose is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no inter ruption or stoppage of business while taking the Regulator. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, or Sick Stomach, a teaspoonful or more will give relict If taken occasionally bv pa tients exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. I have been practicing medicine for twenty years, and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. L. M. HINTON, M. D. .Washington, Ark. SEE THAT TOP GET THE GENUINE. PREPARED BY J. H. Zei/in & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. From Pole to Polo Arm's Sarsaparilla has demonstrated i: - power of cure for all diseases of the LiooJ. The Harpooner's Story. New Bedford, June J, ISCO DR. J. C. ATER & Co.—Twenty yc.r * i 1 was a harpooner in the North racific. u !l :i • others of the crew and myself were lnhl t:;> v it.i scurvy. Our bodies were bloated, gums sw.el.n and bleeding, teeth loose, purple blotches i.ll over us, and our breath seemed rotten, i ako ;t by and large we were pretty badly oil. AH car lime-juice was accidentally destroyed, l it t! captain had a couple dozen bottles of A YE:.'i SARSAPARILLA and gave us that. We iv.- v ercd on It quicker than I have ever seen r.u n brought about by any other treatment for Scur j, nnd I've seen a good deal of It. Seeing no raon tlon in your Almanac of your Sarsaparilla bub;* good for scurvy, I thought you ought to know ct this, nnd so send you the facts. Respectfully yours, Raltii l . W ixgaty. The Trooper's Experience. Masren, Basutoland{S. Africa,) ATarchT,2SW. I)n. J. C. Ater fc Co.—Gentlemen: I h:-v> much pleasure to testify to the great Tame t your (sarsaparilla. We have been BtctsCtf- d here for over two years, during which time \v • had to live in tents. Being under canvas ~ r such a time brought on what Is cal.vd in i. > country "veldt-sores." 1 had those roves . .• some time. 1 was advised to take your t- irsa- Sarllla, two bottles of which made my son.3 lsappear rapidly, and I am now quite will. Yours truly, T. K. Boden, Trooper, Cape Mounted Bijiemen.. Avers Sarsaparisic. Is the only thoroughly effective blood-puriih r, the only medicine that eradicates the poison* >n Scrofula, Mercury, and Coutagioui bh.:'.:.' from the system. prepared BY Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass* Sold by all Druggists: Price 51; Six bottles for So. DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's ClimaX PLUG TOBACCO with lted Tin Tag; Rose leaf Fine Cut Chew ing: Navy Clippings,and Black, Brown and Yellow SN UFF are the best and cheapest qual ity considered. • PAY WiIEH CUBED Confidence In honesty of Invalids. We treat ALL Dis eases,either Sex, however cuused,and receive payafter cure is effected. Describe case fully, and. send stamp for instructions. DR. BAKER. Box 104. Buffalo. N. Y The mod popular Weekly newspaper