Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 03, 1885, Image 3

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    f|< j|tUi|<tm Journal.
Published by R. A. BUMILLERT
—Short days and long nights.
—The tax collectors are on the "go."
—Overcoats In all. styles and prices
at Kauffman's.
—Hogs die a violent and sudden
death at present.
—Last week's knee-deep mud is
gradually subsiding.,
—Where are the prophets that pre
dicted an easy winter ?
—W. T. Auman was home a few
days from New Berlin.
—Be sure to read all of the first page
of this week's JOURNAL.
—J. B. Fisher'B Roller ill adver
tisement in another column.
—Samples of calendars for 18S6 are
conspicuously scarce thus far,
—For Horse Blankets and Lap
Robes Kauffman's take the belt.
—A new force pump has been placed
in the well on the First National Hotel
—A. E. Stambash, of Aaronsburg,
has a caution notice published in this
week's issue. Read it.
—Velvets, brocaded and plain, in all
colors, sold cheap. Ask for it at D. S.
Jvauffman & Go's store.
—Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Sturgis, of Lew
isbarg, were visitors at the residence
of A. Walter, on Monday.
—The first prize of the William sport
<Grit , the piano, stayed in Williams
fort, as might have been expected.
—The bells of all the charches in
town were rung on Thursday at noon,
in honor of the dead Vice-President.
all kinds of Hides by S. R. Gettig, Co
burn, Pa. 47-2 m.
—German services in the Lutheran
church of this place next Sunday after
noon by Rev. M. L. Deilzler, pastor.
—Fatal gunning accidents are daily
'recorded in the papers. Not enough
•care can be taken with the daugerous
ishot gun.
—Endless variety of Clothing, Dry
(Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes,
•Groceries, etc. at D. S. Kauffman &
Co's store.
—lt is said that Judge Zerby butch
•ered the boss hogs in town on Tues
day. Dave always had a knack iu rais
ing porkers.
—Rev. F. Aurand, who on account
of ill Health resigned the Rebersburg
Luth. charge some time ago,is moving
to New Berliu.
—Don't suffer with indigestion, use
Baxter's 3fandrake Bitters.
For sale by J. Spigelmyer, and D. S.
Kauffman & Co.
—Our correspondents from neighbor
ing towus furnish a meager stock of
news this week. It seems to be a dull
season all around.
—Lumbermen, wheu in town,should
go to Kauffman's store on Main street,
for their supplies. They will find that
kit pays to deal there.
' —Tax payers and collectors should
read the notice of our county commis
sioners under the head of legal adver
tisements on second page.
—Don't let the hardware man tell
you what to buy ; when you want a
flour sifter, openly demand the "Hunt
er's" and you will be happy.
—The new house of D. W. Zeigler
on Penn street and JeromeSpigelmyer's
house on Water street, occupied by
Mich'l Maize, are beifig weatherboard
tare the bowels, the skin and the kid
tieys. Regulate their action with the
.best purifying tonic, Burdock Blood
—Thompson's store at Pine Grove
:Millß, this county, has been puichased
toy Messrs. D. S. Erb and Jonathan
IHess, both gentlemen of broad business
NOTICE. —The new Process Roller
Flour, manufactured by J. B. Fisher,
Penn Hall, is for sale at D. S. Kauff
man & Go's new store, Main street
Jfillheim. Pa.
—Tbe public schools in tow a and
Penn township were closed on Thanks
giving day, and most of the township
teachers made Millheim their loafing |
place on that day.
—The Bellefonte Court House, after
-considerable hesitation by the county
-commissioners,has at last been secured
- for holding the county teachers' insti
tute during the holidays.
The reason why Arnica & Oil Lin
iment is so popular with the ladles is
because it not only is yery healing and
soothing but its odor is not at all offen
For sale by J- Spigelmyer, and D. 6.
Kauffman & Co.
—Remarked by R. C. Joiner of Allen,
P. O. Hillsdale Co., Mich.: "Nothing
gave my rheumatism such quick relief
as Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil,—believe
it infallible for rheumatics."
WANTED at this office—about SSO In
subscription money. The Holidays are
approachiug and that means that the
printer needs money. Delinquent sub
scribers will please step to the front.
—The Thanksgiving dinner and sup
per at tho First National last Thurs
day did certaiuly much credit to mine
hosts. T. Frain, and his many guests
greatly enjoyed the sumptuous meals,
—Frank and Charles Bomboy, the
former from Milton, the latter from
Espy, are in town several days yisiting
their relatives, the Tobias frcundschaft.
Both are good-looking youug gentle
—The Augsburg Bible class meelinti
held in one of the lecture rooms of the
Luth. church every Sunday evening
are of unusual interest and are fairly
attended. The doors are open to all.
—IF you wake up in the morning
with a bitter, bad taste in your mouth,
take Simmons Liver Regulator. It
corrects the billious stomach, sweetens
the breath aud cloauses the furred ton
NOTICE.— AII meat accounts due the
undersigned must be settled within 30
days of this notice, otherwise they will
be settled according to law.
Millheim, Pa., Dec. 3, 'BS.
—II. J. Kurzenknabe and wife were
busy this week packing aud preparing ,
their household goods for shipment to
tlarrisburg, where in the future they
will locate permanently. The best
wishes of their friends will accompany
—Mr. Joseph Shafer, of Nittany
Hall, one of the prominent and most
leliable JOURNAL subscribers called on
us on Tuesday to see that he is square,
or rather ahead, on our books. Would
that half of our subscribers would be
like him.
—How often do we hear of the sud
den fatal termination of a case of
croup, when a young life might have
beeD saved by the prompt use of.'Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral I Be wise in time,
and keep a bottle of it on hand, ready
for instant use.
—Furge out the lurking distemper
that undermines health, and the consti
tutional vigor will return. Those who
suffer from an enfeebled and disorder
ed state of the system, should take AV
er's Sarsaparilla to cleanse the blood,
and restore vitality.
—The attendance of Prof. Bierly's
meeting in the M. E church last Sat
urday evening was very small and for
that reason the prospects for a singing
class were not very flattering. We are
unable to say whether Mr. Bierly will
repeat the attempt or not.
—D. S. Kauffman & Co., the wide
awake merchants on Main street,beau
tified their store by a set of new and
improved lamp 3, which brilliantly illu
mine their room in the evening, ren
dering it still more attractive and
cheerful lor their customers.
FROM the pastor of the Olivet Bap
tist Cnurcb, Philadelphia, Pa : I was
so troubled with catarrh that it serious
ly affected my voice. One bottle of
Ely's CrePb Balm did the work. My
voice is fully restored.—B. F. Lieps
ner. 44-4t
—Rev. Dr. J. S. McMurray, a well
known Methodist minister, died at bis
borne in Painter, Mifflin Co., hist Fri
day, Deceased had been a Presiding
Elder in the Huntingdon district, and
frequently visited this county on fish
ing or hunting expeditions. He died
of hemmorrhage.
Deininger's Ready Reference Tax
Receipt Book ts growing in public fa
vor. Customers from a distance are
beginning to call for it. It is an ad
mitted necessity for every tax-payer
who does his business in a practical
manner. It it arranged to last for ten
years and sells at the low price of 40
cents. Call and see it at the JOURNAL
Store tf
—We regret to see that a few privil
eged parties in this borough are allow
ed to slip clear on the general duty of
cleaning their sidewalks when covered
with snow. We would beg to remind
the council that for the sake of Justice
and fairness they should enforce -that
part of the ordinances to the letter.
—John Miller,the clever butcher, has
started on his winter's furlough. The
business of the meat market is not
bri9k enough during the cold month?
to justify the proprietois in retaining
John's services. We are sorry to see
John leave the range and sincerely hope
he will be 8t his accustomed stand by
next spring.
MILITARY ORDERS.—Attention,bat
tallion—shoulder arms-right face
forward march —to the mammoth stoie
of D. S. Kauffinan & Co., on Main St.
Our army of customers are requested
to turn their attention to the right
place, where they to the best
advantage, and to step forward to our
store for the best bargains.
—Rey.E.Harshey preached in the U.
B. church last Sunday afternoon, but
alas, there were but twelve listeners
there to bear him and he tooK occasion
to compare them to the twelve disci
ples and expressed bis wish that there
may be no Judas among them. No
doubt the neglect of giving sufficient
previous notice of his preachiug ac
counted for the slim attendance,
I —Boys, don't swear, it is a disgust
ing, unmanly habit ; it does you no
good ; it lowers YOU in the opinion of
others ; it is heart-breaking to your
parents and. offensivo to everybody.
Quit it while yon can, for after a while
the habit will become so strong that to
shake it off will bo an impossibility.—
Ladies,do not forget that the place
to buy your hats and bonnets is at Mrs.
E. J. Brumgard's on Main street. Her
stock of Millinery Goods is unrivaled
and is being continually replenished.
For late styles, tasty work and reason
able prices she leads off. The holidays
are coming on aud it you are not pro
vided yet with something new, you had
better buy your goods of her.
—Prof. Barret of St. Lawrence coun
ty, N. V., speaking of pulmonary dis
eases, says : Not one death occurs now
where twenty died before Downs' Elix
ir was known. Over fifty years of con
stant success places Downs' Elixir at
the head of the long list of cough rem
For sale by J. Spigelmyer, and D. 8.
Kauffmau & Co.
—A good deal of sympathy was
manifested in Bellefonte for little
Frank Foote, wheu in court last week.
The Keystone Gazette of that town says:
D. H. Hastings, Esq., and others rais
ed something like sl4 in money and
gave it to the boy. A new suit of
clothes was purchased and Horace
Winkleraan, of Nittany Hall,has taken
the boy and promises to give him a
good home aud all the schooliug possi
—Slowly the reports come in of var
ious festivities to take place in Mill
heim during the holiday season. The
Lutherans begin with a Christmas en
tertainment in their church on Christ
mas eve. The Evangelicals some time
ago announced their intention to hold
a festival in the town hall on Christ
mas day and Saturday following. No
doubt the other two churches will make
preparations to celebrate the joyful
season appropriately.
—Mr. W. B. Antoney, an expert
roller miller, employed bv Wolf & Ha
maker, Charabersburg, Pa., was on a
visit East last week and remained a
few days at Penn Hall to look after the
celebrated A His Roller Mills, which he
started about five months ago for J. B.
Fisher, lie was much pleased to find
the rollers and all the machinery in per
fect running condition. Of course the
result is, first-class roller flour and Mr.
Antoney says, that there is certainly
noue better made io the state.
—An exchange very pointedly re
marks : 44 N0 man should get angry
because a newspaper publisher duns
him for money. A dun is not an im
peaching of a subscriber's integrity,
but simply an outcropping of a publish,
er's necessities. For instance, a thous
and men owe a man from one to four
dollars each. He has to dun them all
to get euough to pay expenses. Instead
of getting mad and stopping his paper,
because the publisher asks him for his
honest due, the subscriber should
thank him for waiting so patiently."
party of "hunters" from this place,
whose names we will withhold for the
present, shot a deer on Brush moun
tain on Tuesday which had been chas
ed by their dogs ever since Sunday,and
when they finally succeeded in killing
the animal, it was almost chased to
death, and its hind feet wore to bleed
ing stumps. Of course the meat was
black and unfit to use. This is a viola
tion of the law and an unpardonable
cruelty to the poor brutes. We wonld
call it butchering, not "hunting."
Why is such a thing tolerated ?
—The following attractive pro- |
gramme has been arranged by the com
mittee for tho next regular meeting of
the Excelsior Literary Society, M i 11-
heim, Tuesday, Dec. Bth 1885:
Prayer ly G. E. Li mbe it; Select
Reading, S. 11. Alter ; Declamation,
Lewis Frain; Essay, Miss Coia Kreatn
er ; Select Reading, Milton Musser ;
Declamation, F. E. Gutelius ; Select
Reading, Miss Mabel Musser ; Essay,
Mrs. E. A. Buiniller; Declamation, W
F. Smith; Select Reading, G. W.Long;
Essay, I). G. Smith; Select Reading,
Miss Annie Rhoads ; Oration E. 11.
Long; Miss Clara Reifsnyder ,*
Select Reading, Mrs. A. A. Frank ;
Declamation, J. II Kieamer ; To spell
25* test words, T. M. Oitnau. Debate
4I R solved that Columbus deserves
greater honor for discovering America
than Washington for establishing its
—On Sunday, Nov. 22nd, John Sliar
pless, a prominent and much-respected
citizen of Chester, Delaware Co., Pa., was
brutally murdered by a colored man,
who came to the victim's house to ask
for alms. While Mr. Sharpless, who
belonged to the Quaker society, and
was a charitable man, proceded to
comply with the negroe's rtquest, the
fiend struck him the deadly blow.
Eight negroes were arrested in different
parts on suspicion of being the murder
er. One of them, John Carpenter,
answers the description quite closely,
and has been identified by Mrs. Shar
pless as her husband's murderer.
Since writing tbe above, Carpenter
has bean discharged, and the District
Attorney says there are important
clues to the discovery of the murderer,
who, he is positive, is a white man.
I —Silks, Silks, Silks, a new supply at
I Kauffman's store.
FORM A I. OPENING.— Zeigler's bakery
on Penn street will be formally opened
to the public during the holidays.
The now and well furnished rooms will
be tastefully arranged for the reception
of guestsjand the choicest of fare will
bo served during tho week, such as
Boast Turkey, Fresh Oysters, prepared
in all styles, Ice Cream, Cakes, &c.
It is also the intention of Mr. and Mrs.
Zeigler to secure the services of tho
band to enliven tho occasion.
Ail experienced baker from Lock
Haven lias been engaged to assist in
filling the many orders for the holidays.
Persons wishing line cakes for Christ
mas or New Year are requested to hand
in their orders two weeks previous.
Choice Cakes, finely decorated, from 50
cents to $3.00. A liberal patronage
respectfully solicited.
—lt is surprising to behold the crowd
of juveniles, which populate our board
walks about the time school leaves out,
and the sight involuntarily suggests
the thought that the teachers who have
charge of these young people during a
whole day, must indeed have a hard,
thankless, unappreciated life of wear
and worry. Yet, despite the unusual
ly laige number of children in attend
ance at our schools, our teachers work
earnestly and will certainly meet with
fair success if supported by the parents
of their scholars. Parents should feel
interested enougii to visit the different
departments aud by theii presence and
a few kindly words of encouragement
spoken to the teacher cheer him on his
toilsome way. This subject has been
handled in the paper and in conversa
tion time and again,but it is one which
indeed deserv3s frequent repetition.
—Friday's Philipsburg Journal gives
an account of a very serious accident
which occurred in that town on Tues
day evening of last week. Mr. Feigu
son, one of its citizens, residing on
Maple street, was seated at a table, en
gaged in filling cartridge shells with
ammunition. A box containing about
three pounds of powder, a lamp and a
few other articles stood on the table.
Ilis wife was becdiug over his shoulder
watching his work, and his little two
year-old baby was playing about his
knees. Mr. F. had just filled a shell
with powder and was in the act of
closing it with wad. which he trim
med with a pair of shears, when a ter
ribia explosion tooa place. The force
of the concussion lifted Mis. Ferguson
off her feet and threw her out of the
front door on the street, where shortly
afterward she was found by frightened
neighbors, in a bad condition, with
breast and face horribly burned. The
poor little girl had been thrown under \
the table and when discovered was in
awful pain and agonv, her whole coun
tenance being covered with one mass
of white blisters. Mr. F. was injured
the least of all. The house was badly
wrecked by the blast. The report of
the explosion could be heard three
blocks away and the people of Philips
burg were in a state of intense excite
Any man or woman making less
than S4O weekly should tiy our easy
money-making business. We want A
gents for our celebrated MADAME DEAN
COMBINED (for Men and Boys). No
experience r*quired. Four orders per
day give the Agent $l5O monthly. Our
Agents report four to twenty sales dai
ly. $3 outfit free. Send at otice for
full pirticulars. State sex.
35 13t 390 BToadway,New York.
Neighboring News.
Charles Frankenberger lost a horse
on Monday.
Last week while J/ilton Kern was
chopping wood on the mountain, his
axe glanced off and struck his foot, cut
ting it severely. lie is unable to walk.
A gwod w.iy to try a fellow's grit
put him on a debate and let him take
the stand ; postponements out of order,
not so, Mr. Editor ?
Ilenry Keen is bound to get aheid of
the snow. lie wsis ploughing w'th
three teams on Monday and Tuesday.
On Monday Jerry Kern, one of our
young men, started to attend school in
the Millheiiu grammar department.
Success, Jerry.
Mr. Luther Musser, Penn Ilall's mu
sic teacher, is a frequent visitor to our
town. Taking'lessons, Louis i ?
The question ot the season—l Fan
wit biitcliere V
A number of our farmers were haul
ing cornfodder this week. Bad job to
woi U the snow off-
Miss Alice Uhich, of Millheim,
a very pleasant young lady, was ihe
guest ot Miss Minnie Duck, at this
SOME remarkab'e cures in this vicin
ity, of long continued and obstinate
diseases, are attributed to J/cDonald's
Blood Purifier.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, J/illheim, Pa
The members of the Evangelical
church at this place have ordered a new
bell, which will be here in a few days.
It is to be a fine bell, weighing between
500 and 000 pounds,
Miss Lizzie Catherman, a Mifflin
burg belle, is visiting friends in Coburn
this week.
J/rs. Win. Kreamer is on a visit to
her parents in Union county, this
Nino degrees above zero on Sunday
morning, 20th nit.
Wilroer .Stover shot a wild turkey on
tho first mountain, north of town.
Did the editor of tho Journal assist
in the distribution of tho drills prizes?
If so, Rive your readers tho names of
the lucky ones. | flo did not—and all
we know of the lucky ones is, that
none of them live near enough, for ua
to care to hear their names. Ed.|
Jumbo, of Smith Town, can't hear
the Millheim Town Clock strike. lie
is not aware of tho fact that some
clocks won't strike in cold weather. So
says Cully.
Daniel Kline Musser and John Fost
er, of the Lewisburg University were
home on a visit on Saturday and Sun
day last. Always glad to see you,boys.
It is in order now for every manufac
turer to praise and extol the virtues of
his cough medicine, and claim it ever
so much better than any other. On
square business principles the proprie
tor of Dr Kessler's Celebrated English
Cough Medicine says if you are not sat
isfied with the relief and benefit obtain
ed, if you do not consider it well worth
the price paid for it, then take the emp
ty bottle back to your dealer and get
your money.
Philadelolua Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Pa.
A Fatal Hunting Acoident.
J/IFFLINTOWX,Pa. ,Nov. 27.—A gun
ning accident on the Black Log Moun
tains yesterday .which in all probability
will prove fatal. Jonathan Coffman
and William Musselman started early
Thanksgiving morning to hunt wild
turkeys. When on the mountain they
separated, each traversing a certain
district in the same direction. About
3 o'clock in the afternoon Coffman
came upon a flock of turkeys and fol
lowed them some distance, when a large
gobbler straved from the flock and h
shot at it, but missed it. The ball
struck a stone and glanced off, hitting
young Musselman, who was standing
behind a tree near by watching the
same turkey, in the face, the leaden
missile passing into his eye and down
through the shoulder and liver iuto his
abdomen. He gave a loud cry and said
he was shot. Coffman quickly ran to
the spot from which the cry came, and
was hoarified to find his companion
lying on the ground, fatally wounded by
a bullet from his gun. He called two
other men who were near by, and they
carried the young man to the residence
of William J/cCahan,where a physician
was quickly summoned. A messenger
was sent to his mother and family with
the sad intelligence of tho awful
accident. An ambulance was sent to
the residence of Mr. JfeCahan, but
young Musselman was suffering such
excruciating pain and his wounds were
so serious that the attending physician
would not allow him to be removed to
his home. The shooting was purely
accidental, and no blame or carelessness
whatever can be attached to the sad
occurrence, lie was the only support
of a widowed mother and large family,
his father having died a few years ago.
The mother is almost frantic with
grief. This evening the physicians say
there is little or no hope of his recovery,
and that in all probability lie will not
survive through the night.
1 3 5 7 9
Leave. a. in. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.
Mont.union 5.50 u.20 10.15 1.35 6.05
Lewisburg Ar.6.00 9.30 10.25 1.50 6.20
Lewisburg Lv 6210 2.00
Fair Gr0und...6.35 2.5.*
Biehl 6.45 2.14
Vlcksburg .6.53 2.19
Mifllinburg Ar. 2.30
Miftllnb'K Lv.7.10 2.30
MlUmont 730 2 49
Laurelton 7.45 2.58
Coburn 8.45 4.01
Rising Spring.9.os 4.30
Centre Ha 11....9.25 4.52
Gregg .9.33 ..0l
Linden Hall .9.43 5.12
Oak Hall 9.50 5.20
Leinont 10.00 n.30
Bcilefonte ~.10.,-0 6.00
Arrive a.m. p.m. a. m. a.m. p.m.
2 4 6 8 10
Leave, a.m. a.m. a. in. p.m. p.
Bellefonte 515 1.00
Lemont 5.45 1240
Oak llall 5.51 1.30
Linden Hail ....5.58 1.43
Gregg 6.07 1.52
Centre Hall .... 6.16 2.00
Rising Spring.. 6215 2.20
Coburn 6.55 2..
Lanrelton 7.45 4 15
Mill moot 7.55 4.-3
Mitlliunurg Ar. . 7
MiOlinburn Lv. 8.1 a 4.4->
Vick-burg 8.2< 5.00
Rieill 5-05
Fair Ground... 8.40 5.1a
Lewisburg Ar.5.25 8.15 l..'V> 0.-3
Lewisburg Lv.s 4.) 8.55 9.55 1.10 5.31
Moutainlon m. 9.10 10.05 p. in. 0.00
Arrive, a. m. P- m.
An additional train le ives Lewisburg for
Mont union at 7.25 p. 111, returning leaves Mon
tanilon for Lewisburg at 7.45 p. in.
CI!AS. I'. I'UGH, 3. R. WOOD,
General Manager, Gen'l Pass. Agent.
The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted
to science, mechanics, engineering discoveries, in
vent ions and patonts ever published. Every num
ber illustrated with splendid engravings. Ibis
publication furnishes u most valuable encyclopedia
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The popularity of the Scientific American is
such that its circulation nearly equals that of all
other papers of its class combined. Price. *3 JO a
rear. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN A CO., Publishers. No. 36lBroadway, N. Y.
8* appiai av MunntCo. have
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the Patent Office and have prepared
more than One Hundred Thou
sand applications for patents in the
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Caveats, Trade-Marks, Copy-rights,
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fit short notice and on reasonable terms,
rmation as to obtaining patents cheer
liven without charge. Hand-books of
lation sent free. Patents obtained
through Munn A Co. are noticed in the Scientiflq
American free. The advantage of such notice is
well understood b? all persons who wish todis-
P TddreH eI MUNN t8 A CO.. Office SCIENTIFIC
American, 301 Broadway, New York.
I VIIW rPir til ROWELL & Co'd
Newspaper Advertising "Snreau (10 Sprue*
Street), where adver-I|Fill If IIDIf
* " - -\> *'i ' kl s'~ ; ' 13
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Look out for our new advertisement which will
appear in this column next week when we expect to
display our new Holiday Stock. Reserve your or
ders until our return from the cities.
% ' v
CVkIDTHMC l Bitter or bd taste in mouth:
O I Ivl rI U (Vl© p tongue coated white or covered
with a tirown fur; pain in the t>ack. sides, or joints—often
mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach; loss of ap
petite ; sometimes nausea and water)>rash, or indigestion;
iatulercy and acid erudUtions; bowels alternately costive
and laa ■, headache; loss of memory, with a painful sen
sation of having failed to do something which ought to
have been done; debility I low spirits; a thick, yellow
appearance of the skin ana eyes; a dry cough; fever; rest
lessness; the urine is scanty and high-colored, and, if
allowed to stand, deposits a sediment.
Malaria, Dyspepsia,
Constipation, Biliousness,
Sick Headache, Jaundice,
Nausea, Colic,
Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints,
Etc., Etc., Etc.,
Is generally used in the South to arouse the Tor
pid Liver to a healthy a<ftion.
It acts without disturbance to the system, diet
or occupation. It regulates the Liver, and
causes the bile to act as the puree. The excess of
bile being removed, a tonic effect is produced
and health is perfectly restored.
The Regulator i, given with safety and the
happiest results to the most delicate infant.
For all diseases in which a laxative, altera
tive or purgative is needed it will give the
most perfect satisfaufbon. The Cheapest, Purest
and Best Family Medicine in the World I
See that you get the genuine, with the red Z
on front of Wrapper, prepared only by
An Efficient Remedy
In till cases of Bronchial and Pulmo
nary Affections IS AVKR'S CHERRY
PECTORAL. AS such it is recognized and
{>re scribed by the medical profession, and
n many thousands of families, for tho
past forty has been regarded as an
invaluable" household remedy. It is a
preparation that only requires to be taken
In very small quantities, uud a few doses
of it administered in the early stages of a
cold or cough will effect a speedy cure,
and may, very possibly, 6avo life. There
is no doubt whatever that
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
lias preserved the lives of great numbers
of persons, by arresting the development of
Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia,
and Pulmonary Consumption, and by
the euro of those dangerous maladies. It
should be kept ready for use in every
famllv where there are children, as it is a
medicine far superior to all others in the
treatment of Croup, tho alleviation of
YYhooping Cough, and the cure of Colds
and Influenza, ailments peculiarly inci
dental to childhood and youth. Prompti
tude in dealing with all diseases of this
class is of the utmost importance. The
loss of a single day may, in many cases,
entail fgtal consequences. Do not waste
precious time In experimenting with
medicines of doubtful efficacy, while the
malady is constantly gaining a deeper
hold, out take at once the speediest and
most certain to cure,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
Lorillard's Climax
with Red Tin Tag; Rose leaf Fine Cut Chew
ing; Navy Clippings,ana Black,lirowu and
Yellow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual
ity considered.
Confidence in lionesly of Invalids. We treat ALL Die
eases, either Sex, kowevercouaed.and receive pay after
cure is effected. Lescrll>e case fully, and send stamp
for instructions. Dtt. BAKEIt, Box IC4, Buffalo. N.XT
13 -Uae Bosrfc
Thousands of articles are now manufactured that
j in former years hjil to be imported, paying high
i:tir>ort duty as it is now being done on Lea k Per
tius table yaure ; the QCAXEB TABLE SADC* takes
its p'.a.'C ; it has been pronounced by competent
fudges just an fftoU and even better. The QUAKES
(SAUCE US Slowly but aurely gained greet Im
portance an! is replacing the very best imported
ranco on tho shelf of tho grocer, the tables
of iho restaurant au.l the tables of the rich and
P or men, j rea'.ly priz d cud relished by all on
account of its i iqnancy. aroma. tate, strength
and purenecs. Tho inventor has by yearn of
study of tho secret virtues contained In the aro
matic spices if thi Indies and China, such as
mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger,
an.l peppers an;l b'j,<l3 of trees unknown to most
meu, and by long practice succeeded to combine
their extracts in such a liquid form as we now
find it. of agreeable taste, and so invigorating aa
to be taken in placA of stomach bitters. By man
uf-cturing this sauce here, besvy import duties
j cud freights are saved, and it is aold at a lower
C airo to the dealer, who making a better profit on
I Quaker SASCO can sell it to tho consumer cheaper
j than he very b -st imported article hardly equal,
ingours. I: your grocer docs not keep it. write
i j for prices, etc. Sold in bottles or by the gallon.
Sole I*roprietart and Manufacturers,
106 A 108 tj. td ST., St. Louis, Me.
II OVER 1000000 H
T. Fit AlN,"Proprietor of the
National Hotel,§ -
wishes to inform the public that he keeps the
following liquors constantly on hand and in
surestimm all strictly pure, and especially a*
dapted for medical purposes:
liannesville, Imported Holland,
Pougbkeepsie, JfS&Sb
Kuah, WINES;
Hang, Blackberry,
Louisville, Elderberry.
Kentucky. Port
BRAND YS* Huckleberry,
Plain, Catawba,
Ginger, Grape.
Sherry, , ~ ; .
Blackberry, 4WW*,
Poacli. New England Bum,
JMf These liquors are all guaranteed to be not
less than four years old and caa I be strongly
reccommendea as wholesome and healthy.
LAGEKalwaysondraugbt. zzdtn
LOST or Failing Mankood.Nervrousnenw
Weakness, Lack of Strength,
Vigor ox Development*
Caused by indiscretions, excesses, etc Benentsia
day; Cures usually within a month. No
nor Quackery. Positive Proofs, full d—cripttoa and
letter of ndvico in plain sealed envelope, troe-
ERIE MEDICAL CO.. P.O. Drawer 13ft Buffalo, K. 4.