Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 19, 1885, Image 3

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Published by R. A. BUMILLER7
9&-Sales advertised through this office Kill be
inserted under thit heading free of charge.
MOT. 28th—Em' 1. H. Musser, executor of the es
tate of Elizabeth Shirk, late of
Aarontburn, dec'd, house and lot.
—Many farmers are still engaged in
husking their coin.
—For Rubber goods and Oil Cloths
go to Kauffman's store.
—Now is the season to get your Fur
Caps at Kauffman's store.
—Read F. F.Wetael's caution notice
among the legal advertisements.
—Read the settlement notice of the
Krider estate in another column.
—The Bellefonte Skating Rink has
been converted into a lumber-store.
—Communion services in the Luth
eran church next Sunday in the fore
—The oommittee to inspect hogs and
to judge their weight is called into ser
yioe now.
—Lock Haven organized a board of
trade comprising some of its best busi
ness men.
—Ail those whom it may concern
will please read Dr. Jfingle's settle
ment notice.
—Having attained a population of
10,000 Lebanon proposes to call itself a
city after this.
—EuoM. Swartz gives notice i.i a
nother column that three bead of stray
cattle came to his place.
—Mrs. ALM M. Weaver had a new
boardwalk constructed in front of her
residence on Penn street.
—Dr. G. M. Swartz, of Bellefonte,
visited some of bis friends in this
neck o' woods, beginning of the week.
—Sweet memories of the brief In
dian summer were blasted by the stiff
and sharp North westerner on Sunday.
—Mr. J. W. Stover was bus? a few
days last week adding some minor
improvements to bis premises on Main |
—Mrs. P. B. Stover, of Pleasant
Valley, Kansas, arrived in town on
Friday, to'pay a visit to her relatives
In this valley.
—lf you want a stylish and cheap
Overcoat go to D. S. Kauffman & Co's
store on Main street, where you will
find unrivaled bargains.
—Mr. John Royer, of North street,
last Friday was struck by a rolling log
on Snook's sawmill, and is now nurs
ing a badly sprained ankle. •
Downs' Elixir will cure any cough or
cold, no matter of how long standing.
For sale by J. Spigelmyer, and D. S.
Kauffman A Co., Millbeim Pa.
—Mrs. Lockenbach and her son,
Frank; wers in town a few days visit
ing friends. They also tarried several
days in Brushvalley with relatives.
—USE Prof. Wright's Indian Vege
table Wafers for Liver, Kidney, Stom
ach and Worms. Sold by all dealers.
Price 25cts, 50cts, and SI.OO per box.
—S. B. Dorfey, mate of steamer
Arizona, had bis foot badly jammed.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil cured it. Noth
ing equal to it for a quick pain reliever.
—A live man, to act as agent, want
ed in every city and county in the U.
8.; $3 to $8 per day. Address "The
Hunter Sifter Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, a
COLD feet—two feet of snow. Bad
cold—one settled on the lungs. Good
cure—Dr. Kessler's Celebrated English
Cough Medicine. For sale by J. Bison
buth, Millbeim Pa.
—Last week the scaffolds were re
moved from the exterior of the Ev.
church and the painters put the finish
ing touches on the walls and window
—Bupp's butcher shop-on Penn street
has been purchased by W. H. Reifsoy
der and will be removed to his premis
es on North street, to be used for out
buildings. .
NOTICE.— The new Process Boiler
Flour, jnanufactured by J. B. Fisher,
Penn Ball, is for sale at D. S. Kauff.
man & Co's new store, Main street
Millheim. Pa.
—No more delicious dessert can be
placed on any table than Perforated
California Apricots. Try it and
buy them in D. S. Kauffman & Co's
grocery department.
—A party of nine hunters from this
neighborhood, among them our towns
man, G. W. Harter,were out on a deer
hunt last week and returned with fire
of the fleet-foot animals.
A HEALTH journal tells its readers
how to take cold. What most of us
want to know is how to let it go. Take
a bottle of Dr. Kessler's Celebrated
English Cough Medicine and it will go
because it must.
Sold by J. Eisenhttb, Millbeim Pa.
—Em'l. H. Mosses executor of the
estate of Elizabeth Shirk, deceased,late
of Aaronsburg, advertises by bills the
sale of the real estate of decedent, to
take place, Nov. 2?th # at 2 o'clock, p.
m., on the premises.
—Adolf Lalloz, carriage manufactur
er, 119 Carroll Street, Buffalo, N. Y.,
states: "I was troubled with nausea of
the stomach, sick headache and general
debility. Burdock Blood Bitters cured
—Ayer's Sarsaparilla works directly
and promptly, to purify and enrich the
blood, improve the appetite, strengthen
"the nerves, and biace up the system.
It is in the truest sense an alterative
medicine. Every invalid should giya it
a trial.
—Mr. J. A. Swavely,Bellefonte,spent
a few days in our midst, soliciting
orders for the Centre Democrat book
bindery. We believe he met with fair
success. Mr.Swavely gave the JOURN
AL a short call and is a very pleasant
newspaper man.
—FROM the pastor of the Olivet Bap
tist Cnurch, Philadelphia, Pa : I wa9
so troubled with catarrh that it serious
ly affected my voice. One bottle of
Ely's Cream Balm did the work. My
voice is fully restored.—B. F. Lieps
ner. 44-4t
—The funeral of Michael Frank, de
ceased, on last Tuesday forenoon was
very largely attended by his many rel
atives and friends. His remains were
interred in the Lutheran cemetery at
Aaronsburg. Revs. Deitzler and Heugst
conducted the services, the former
preaching a sermon from Romans 14:12.
—Monday was a lively day again for
commercial men. As higli as four and
five at a time could be seen in D. S.
Kauffman & Co's store. That store
seems to he a general resort for these
fellows. They seem to know where
the most goods are sold and the largest
stock is needed.
—Ladies' and Cuildren's Wraps—the
finest selection to be found anywhere
in the valley. The latest styles of
Cloaks, Newmarkets and Walking
Coats at D. b. Kauffman & Go's, store,
.Millheira, Pa.
NOTICE. The duplicate of school
taxes for 1884 having been left in my
hands for collection, I request all de
linquents to settle their taxes until De
cember Ist, as I will collect the same
according to law after that date.
—lf you receive a circular from New
York statiug "that an organ will be
sent to you tojintroduce in your neigh
borhood, but that you must send on $4
to pay for the freight,"don't you do it.
It is another new swindle, the instru
ment being nothing more than an ordi
nary ten-cent mouth organ.
—The crossing from thejournal office
to the opposite side reflects much cred
it on John M. Road, as a mechanic,
while Messrs. Jon. Harter and A.Wal
ter deserve the thanks of the neighbors
for having had as good and substantial
a structure put down. Now if Penn
street could boast of as many street
lamps as crossings we could move along
smoothly on dark nights.
—The turnout to the Clymet concert
on last Friday evening was small, no
doubt on account of the scarcity to
money. The performance however
was yery good and was much enjoyed
by the limited audience.
But alas, the behavior of our town
boys, who beleagured the entrance to
the ball, was a disgrace to the commu
nity. We are reasonably sure tbat
strangers depart from our town with
not a very good opinion of our boys.
—We would refer our leaders to the
advertisement of A. C. Mingle, Belle
fonte's popular boot and shoeman, in
this week's issue. Mr. Mingle carries
a large and fine stock and persons in
need of anything in his line will find it
their advantage to give him a call
when in Bellefonte. Not only can you
secure bargains there, but also have a
large stock to select from. His prices
ars so fixed that customers can buy
goods there for less money than
anywhere else. Times* are hard and
everybody tries to make money go as
far as possible—therefore take our
advice and go to Mingle.
—A Chiistian Conference will t>e
held in the Third Presbyterian Church,
Pittsburg, Pa., Tuesday and Wednes
day, Nov. 24th and 25th, 'BS. Morn
ing, afternoon and evening sessions.
The speakers will be Rev. A. B. Sim
son and Dr. John Cook man, New York
City, Rev. 11. W. Brown, Chicago,
Mrs. M. Baxter, London, England,
Mrs. E. Stroud Smith, Liverpool,
Eugland, Carrie F. Judd,Buffalo, Mrs.
S. G. Beck, Phila.
All who desire a deeper Spiritual
life, a' special baptism of the Holy
Spirit for service and 1 to understand
better the teachings of the Scriptures
respecting our physical life in Christ,
are invited to attend.
For the JOUKNAL.
The biography of Grandmother
Gotwald as prepared and read by Mrs.
Deininger at the Memorial service at
the Missionary Convention at Aarons
burg has been published in tract form
by the Lutheran Publication House in
Philadelphia and is offered to the
churches and missionary societies at 5
cents a copy. Mrs. S. A. Fair, of SA
lona. Pa., will fill all orders promptly.
It should be extensively read through
out the whole church. The life of a
noble, exemplary christian woman,
beautifully portrayed and written by
one who kuew and loved her. It will
do good wherever, read. For mission
ary purposes tbe money will all be ap
propriated and may much good be done
thereby, is tbe wish of the executive
committee of the Synodical Society.
__ Pres'fc.
—On Thursday evening Mr. L. Wes
ley Smith, a compositor in the Centre
Ilall Reporter otliee, an 1 his bride, for
merly Miss Jean it. Knhn, of Bials
burg, registered at the Sprina Mills
House. Rev. W. E. Fisher performed
the marriage rites.
TIVENESS. Simmons Liver Regulator,
by its mild cathartic properties,relieves
the bowels fiom obstructions and
cleansing. Cures headache, indiges
tion and liyer complaint—even the most
confirmed chronic cases.
—Miss Mary Heinle, residing with
her aged father, at the tollgate in the
Gap north of town, suddenly left her
home last week and has not been heard
of up to this writing. The lady is said
to be deiuentated and had attempted to
leave home several times before. The
old gentleman is in a very feeble
condition and is being waited on by
Michael Zeigler.
RUN AWAY.—Yesterday noon, when
MK M. I. Jamison and Edward Wirt
returned from Sugar Valley, the horse
took fright in Smith and Zerby'a alley,
and ran away. Passing the coi tier of
Zerby's stable the buggy struck and
was upset, and the occupants spilled
out. The horse ran some distance be
fore it could be caught. The buggy
was badly wrecked, but fortunately no
body was hurt.
—While at Spring Mills the other
day we stopped with Mr. J. H. Bibby,
the gentlemanly proprietor of the
Spring Mills Hou3. Mr. Bibby Is an
experienced hotelist, who treats his
guests in the best manner. The house
is kept in excellent order, having all
the 'modern accommodations, and "Ids
table is always filled with the best food
the market can aff >rd and prepared in
a manner to suit the appetites of all
traveling men.
—The Pennsylvania railroad began
the sale of duplex tickets on trains
Thursday. If a passenger does not buy
a ticket at the station for any reason
and offers to pay his fare to the con
ductor, that official sells him a ticket,
for which he charges him at the rate of
three cents per mile and ten cents
adpitional. To this ticket is attached a
coupon, which the passenger keeps and
presents at the office of the company
when lie reaches his destination, and
the ten cents rae refunded.
—All the preliminary arrangements
for the organization of a Lutheran con
gregation at Coburn have been made.
The Evangelical church at that place
ha 9 been rented for holding services
there from time to time. A committee
of four has been appointed to take the
necessary steps in procuring a charter.
The prospects are that the congregation
will start with a membership of about
35. The name of the church is likely
to be Trinity Ev. Luth. Church of Co
burn. A lot, for the purpose of erect
ing a church ediflce thereon, has been
purchased, but no building
will be undertaken at present. All in
dications point to a strong and well
managed church body. The new con
gregation is to be part of the Aarons
burg charge. Rev. Deitzler, Pastor. We
wish the brethren Godspeed.
LITERARY SOCIETY for Tuesday even
ing, Nov. 24, 'BS
Inaugural Address.
Select Reading, Miss Annie Rhoades.
Essay, Miss Cora Reifsnyder.
Declamation, Mr. Fred E. Gutelius.
Select Reading, Miss Cora Kreamer.
Declamation, Mr. Lewis Frain.
" " Herman Alter.
Debate, Subject: "Resolved, that
the parent exerts a greater influence in
training the miud of the child than the
teacher." Affirmative, Messrs. E. E.
Bressler, W. K. Alexander, T. M.Os
man, A. Walter. Negative, Messrs. J.
H. Kreamer, E. H. Long, D. R. Fore
man, D. L. Zerby.
The leading disputants have the
right to select such other speakers
from the membership, as they may see
proper, in order that the question may
be thoroughly discussed.
The society will close by singing the
following hymns : "What a friend we
have in Jesus," and "Nearer my God
to Thee."
W. F. SMITH, l
G. W. LONG, VCom.
chael Frank died at the home of bis
son in-law, Wm. H. Smith, in Penn
township, with whom he had resided
for nearly two years, ou last Saturday
morning. Mr. Frank was a son of
Philip and Catharine Frank and was
born July 19th, 1806. In his youth ho
connected himself with jthe Lutheran
church and on the 26th day of Nov.
1835 was united in holy matrimony by
Rev. Abel to Anna Homan, daughter
of Peter Homan, of Haines township.
He was the father of nine children,two
of whom proceeded him into eternity.
Two of his sons are living in the West
and were unable to be present at the
funeral. The rest of the children at
tended the funeral aDd paid their last
tribute of respect at their father's
Deceased waswell known throughout
the county, having lived on different
farms. lie was respected by all who
became acquainted with him. For the
last lifteen years he was unable to
work, being afflicted with rheumatism,
and compelled to use crutches. In the
last few years his general health began
to fail and on the 4th instant he was
prostrated with dysentery and confined
to his bed, suffering greatly. On last
Saturday morning he silently and calm
ly passed into the eternal world, leav
ing good evidence to his family that he
had peace with God. His age at the
time of his death was 79years,3 months
and 25 days.
"Peace to his ashes."
—lf people troubled with colds,would
take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral before go.
ingto church or bluces of entertain
ment, they would avoid coughing,.greatly
to the comfort of both speakers and
hearers. Public speakers and simrers
find that the Pectora wonderfully in
creases the power and flexibility of the
cember as received, surpasses in beauty
even what wo had expected. It con
tains two costly steel engravings ; a
mammoth c.ilored steel fashion plate ;
a superb colored pattern,such as would
sell at retail for flftv-cents ; and more
than half a hundred wood-cuts of fash
ions, embroidery, etc. Only the im
mense circulation of "Peterson" can
explain how all this can be afforded.
The literary contents are even better
than usual. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens
llnishes her powerful novelet, that has
awakened so much interest during the
year. Professor Bontelle contributes a
story so intensely exciting, that it
might have been written by the late
Hugh Conway himself. Besides these,
there are numerous other (hst-class
tales and other articles, some of them
charmingly illustrated. This number
ends the volume. Great impiovements
for 1886 are promised, though "Peter
son" seems to us already as nearly per
fect as a lady'fl book can be. Every
woman ought to take it. It is exceed
ingly cheap : only two dollars a year.
Great deductions are made, moreover,
to clubs, with costly premiums for get
ting up clubs : among others, an extra
copy to a J person getting up a club of
four and seuding $6.50. Now is the
time to get up clubs. Specimens are
sent gratis.if written for in good faith.
Address Charles J. Petersou,3oC Chest
nut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Neighboring News.
The new store room oi Mr. Hosier
man is nearing completion.
Our genial and clever merchant,
"Bob" Vonada, is up to the "hub"
this week seeing that the mill'of justice
grinds truly.
Mr. Sam'l. Ulrich just finished his
king 'corn, aud from a 74 acre field
t00k.835 bushels of corn ears, an aver
age of 122 bushels per acre. Pretty
good "Sam," who can beat it ?
Mr. Sam'l Ard, the gentlemanly
clerk in Trumpfheller & Vonadu's
store, has his new and elegant mansion
about completed and will move to
town soon. lie is welcome as a citizen.
Where is that new sidewalk we were
to have put down ere this V Don't
let it fall through, men, double your
subscriptions, first.
Miss Ella Campbell, one of Coburn's
charming young misses, has gone to
Salona for the present.
The seven mountains were full of
Penn township citizeus lost week,hunt
ing the long antler buca that is said to
feed on the ardent pastures. Well, the
bujk Is still on the hillside ; and after
strolling over the mountain for four
days, Messrs* Grenninger, Em'l and
Adam Kerstetter, Frank and Jacob
Moyer, Andy Campbell, Sara. Clark
and Tho9. Eisenhuth, returned home,
happy, light-loaded and free.
Mr. Trumpfheller is in the store this
week handling bacon, butler, calico,
Mr. Grenninger is in Bellefonte at
tending court this week.
The protracted meeting is still in
progress and is having some success.
The first school month will close
Friday next. Z.
DR. SAWBONES says the surest way
to take a cold is to be always hugging
the stove. Young man remember this,
ar.d when you go to see your girl on
rmnday night don't spend your time
huggiug the stove; but if you do get a
cold Dr. Kessler's Celebrated English
Cough Medicine can be relied upon to
cure you.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim,Pa.
Examine your stove pipes and chim
A cold wave etruck us on Saturday
and continued for several days.
The Clymer concert audience was
very small. There was no change from
last fall's programme.
The Lutheran congregation can now
claim the roost pleasaut and comfort
able Sunday School room In town,since
they furnished the same with a pair of
new heaters, about 100 ctiairs and cov
ered the door with a new carpet.
Rev. M. L. Deitzler and lady are a
way attending conference at Miffiin
burg during this week. Mrs. Deitzler
will, after several days' stay at Mifflin
burg, continue her journey to Snyder
county to visit friends in their former
charge She will be gone several
At last Sabbath' 3 communion ser
vices Mrs. L. E. Stover, Mrs. Chas. H.
Stover, Mrs. Wilson Burd, and Messrs.
Levi and Allen Stover and Nathaniel
Boob united with the Aaronsburg
Luth. congregation.
That local in a late issue of one of
the Bellefonte papers, putting the cost
of the new Reformed church atAarons
burg at SIO,OOO, is erroneous by S3OOO,
the actual cost of the building being
THE U. S. Dispensatory and the
Science of Chemistry justify the asser
-1 tion that for tonic, diaphoretic and
expectorant properties, no combination
of remedies can be devised to equal in
power and efficacy Dr. Kessler's Cele
brated English Cough Mediciue. It Is
the safe and reliable standby in case of
croup and whooping-cough: Dissatis
fied purchasers can have their money
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Most of our farmeis are through
husking earn. 1
The writer celebrated his birthday
last Thursday by'handling six loads of
corn. [Hither prosaic, Jumbo, ISd.] t
Mr. John Kern intents to sell out and
go west.
On Monday, Mr. Brumgard of Mill
helra, gave us a sample of corn hus
Milton Kern is handling logs for the
steam sawmill on J. H. lteifsnyder's
Mr. Henry Keen is ahead again. lie
has already two large fields ploughed
for next summers corn.
Next is butchering. Will bo com
menced this week at different places
in this neighborhood.
Last week a gang of thieves broke in
Jacob Catherman's cellar in Brush
valley, and carried off alt the eat
things, they could find. All that was
left was a little bit of mush for the
family's breakfast. Mr. Catberraan Js
a brother of Fred. (Jathorman, of
Mm. il lhei JUMBO.
DID it ever occur to you, thoughtful
and prudent reader, that Dr. Kessler's
Celebrated English Cough Medicine
must b an article of real merit, or how
could the manufacturer eyer be able to
advertise "money refunded to all dis
satisfied purchasers."
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim ,Pa.
A single trial of Dr. Ileniy Baxter's
Mandrake Bitters will convince any
one troubled with costsvness, torpid
liver or any kindred diseases of their
curative properties. They only cost 25
cents per bottle.
For sale by J. Spigelmyer and D. S.
Kauffman &Co., Millheim Pa.
J. C. Motz is at present at Pittsburg,
whither lie wa3 called ou business last
Woodward is now suplied in a much
needed want, in the vocation of J. M.
Weaver, boot and shoemaker, who oc
cupies part of Andrew Moyer's prem
ises on Main street.
A party of hunters from Union coun
ty shot two tine deer last week in the
Narrows below this place.
John Burner also shot a fine deer two
weeks ago near this place.
One of our esteemed citizens unfor
tunately failed to kill a large buck at a
distance of twenty yards, on account
of the modern firearms. A neighbor
had kindly loaned him the gun, hut
the mechanism of the triggers proved a
Pocahontus, which saved the deer's
Excuse my letter so given to hunting
experiences, but what else can one
write at this season of the year.
Any man or woman making less
than S4O weekly should tiy our easy
money-making business. We want A
gents for our celebrated MADA ME DEAN
COMBINED (for Meu and Boys). No
experience required. Four orders per
day give the Agent $l5O monthly. Our
Agents report four to twenty sales dai
ly. $3 outfit free. Send at once for
full particulars. State sex.
35-13t 390 Broadway, New York.
Do not suppose that because it is rec
ommended for animals that Arnica&
Oil Liniment is an offensive prepara
tion. It will not stain clothing or the
fairest skin.
For sale by J. Spigelmyer and D. S*
Kauffman, & Co., Millheim Pa.
Harry and Frank Miller and ladies
spent Saturday and Sunday in the vi
cinity of State College, visiting friends.
A, Ocker is building a ware room for
the use of Mr. Beck, our new merchant.
The Clymer family treated his to some
of their excellent music last Tuesday
evening. It was well worth spending
a quarter to hear them.
Ilillie Hazel, son of Jared Hazel, re
turned home on Saturday. lie had
been working for Mr. John Roush,
near Bellefonte.
At this writing the Evangelical meet
ing is still in progress.
Adam Sliafer has built a front porch
to his house.
Jacob W. Hazel has gone to the Al
leghany mountains for a two weeks'
hunt. If Jacob catches a deer and
chokes it as hard as he did the rooster
he took to market, he won't have any
use for a gun.
Jacob B. Hazel has taken an agency
for cigars and expects to canvass this
county for a start.
Mrs. Rebecca Royer is on the sick
Next week I will try and give you
the population and business of our
burg. STILL.
A SIGN in Cleveland reads "Ice
Kream Sallune," which is probably the
worst cold spell of the season; but for
the worst spell of cold Dr. Kessler's
Celebrated English Cough Medicine is
the best cure you will be able to find.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
On the 12th, inst, In Penu township, John
Charles Brogdon, aged 65 years, 3 months ana
11 days.
Deceased was a native of Germany, having
been born in Wolmsdorf, July 31st, 1820.
I Kilu I fll hall BOWEI.L & Coy
Newspaper Advertising "Bureau (10 Sprud
Street), where adver-1| —■ ■■ If A 81/
Are You Bilious ?
The Regulator never fails to cure. I moit
cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from
Bilious Attacks or any Disease caused by a di
arratiged state of the Liver.
Do You Want Good Digestion?
I suffered intensely with Full Stomach. Head
ache, etc. A neighbor, who had taken Simmons
Liver Regulator, told me it was a sure cure for
my trouble. The first dose I took relieved me
vers' much, and In one week's time I was as strong
and hearty as ever 1 was. It is the best medicine
I ever took for Dyspepsia.
Do You Suffer from Constipation ?
Testimony of HIKAM WAKNKK, Chief-Justice of
Ga.: " I have ucd Simmons laver Regulator for
Constipation of my Bowels, caused by a temporary
Derangement of the Liver, for the last three or
four years, and always with decided bentjit."
Have You Malaria ?
I have had experience with Simmons Liver Regu
lator since 1865, and regard it as the greatest
medicine of the times for diseases peculiar to
malarial regions. So good a medicine deserves
universal commendation.
Cor. Scc'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Sec that vouget the genuine, with the red Z
on front of Wrapper, prepared only by
■ ■ Ah ■ ■ I Vegetßblo /
The great popularity of this preparation,
after its test of many years, should be an
assurance, even to the most skeptical, that
it is really meritorious. Those who have
used HALI/S HAIR KRNKWKR know that
it does all that is claimed.
It causes new growth of hair on bald
heads—provided the hair follicles are not
dead, which is seldom the case: restores
natural* coior to gray or faded hair; pre
serves the scalp healthful and clear of
dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or
changing color; keeps it soft, pliant, lus
trous, and causes it to grow long and
HALL'S HAIR RF.XEWER produces ita
effects by the healthful Influence of ita
vegetable ingredients, which invigorate
and rejuvenate. It is not a dye, and Is
n delightful article for toilet use. Con
taining no alcohol, it does not evap
orate quickly and dry up the natural oil,
leaving the hair harsh and brittle, aa do
other preparations.
Buckingham's Dye
i FOR TUB r '
Colors them brown or black, as desired,
and is the best dye, because it is harmless;
produces a permanent natural color; and,
Being a single preparation, is more con
venient of application than any other.
RTp:HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicines,'.•
Lorillard's Climax
with Red Tin Tag; Rose leaf Fine Cut Chew
ing; XnvjrClipplngw.and Black, Brown and
Yellow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual
ity considered.
Seasonable, Fresh, Cheap and Well-selected Goods.
Just received and shelved the following : r
50 Pieces of MUSLIN, from 5 to
7 1-2 cts.
100 Pieces of PRINTS, " sto
7 1-2 cts.
A Ml line of CASHMERES and LA
DIES' CLOTHS, aH prices.
All kinds of FLANNELS a specialty
in our store.
A splendid selection of HAPS and
A SIOOO lot of BOOTS and SHOES, for
men, women and children.
A complete line of READY-MADE
An unequalled stock of LADIE' and
Space does not permit to enumerate the one-half
of our large stock, but before closing we would in
vite the attention of our patrons to our excellent
display of
D. S. Kauffman & Co.,
\Mam Street* Miltheim* Pa-
Xa ill© Boat
Thousands of articles are now manufactured that
in former years had to be imported, paying high
import duty as it being done ou Lea a Per
liui table sauco ; tho Quaker Tabls Saccb takes
its plaro ; it has been pronounced by competent
fudges just as pood and even better. Tho Quakes
I Luc£ bos Klowly hut Surely gained great m
--( portonco and is replacing the eery best imported,
' canes on the shelf of the grocer, the tebiee
or the restaurant and the tables of the rich ud
poor men. 1 roatly prixd and rehshedTßf all' on
account of its piquancy, oroioa, teste} atrength
and parents*. Tho inventor has by years of
study of the secret virtues contained in t£e aro
matic spices of the Indies and China, such as
mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger,
and peppers and buds of trees unknown to most
men, and by long practice succeeded to combine
I their extracts in such a liquid form as we now
find it. of agreeable taste, and so invigorating as
to be taken in place of stomach bitters. By man
ufacturing this sauce here, heavy import duties
r.ud freights are saved, end it is sold st a lower
figure to the dealer, who making a better profit on
Quaker Sauce cau sell it to the consumer cheaper
than >he very best imported article hardly equal
ing ours. ltyour grocer does not keep it. Write
r.s lor prices, etc. Sold in bottles or by the gallon.
Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers,
109 A 108 8. 2d ST., St. Lenis, He,
II OVER 1000000 cHi
g T. FKAlN,*Propiletor of the
-jgFirst National Hotel,^-
wishes to inform the public that he keeps the
following liquors constantly ou hand and In
suresthein all strictly pure, and especially a
dapted for medical purposes:
Hannesvllle, Imported Holland,
Pougbkeepsie, London,
hush, WIN EM:
Huig, Blackberry,
Louisville, Elderberry.
Kentucky. Port
BRANDTS; Huckleberry,
Plain, Catawba,
' Ginger, Grape.
Blackberry, Applejack,
Peach. New England Rum.
MS- These liquors are all guaranteed to be not
leas than four years old and can be strongly -* "
reccommendea as wholesome and healthy.:
LAGERalways on draught. 22 3iu
AAf I ELB m ore money than at anything else
YJgf I HI by taking an ageucj for the. best
W ■ Iw selling book out. Beginners succeed
grandly. None fait Tenne free.
Hallett Book Co., Portland Maine.