Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 12, 1885, Image 3

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Published by R. A. BUMILLBrT
tar Sales advertised through this office will be
inserted under this heading free of charge.
Nov. 14th.—Michael F. Hess, administrator of
the estate of Surah lless, dee'd, late
of Hllncs township, live stock and
household goods.
Nov. 28th—Em'l. H. Musser. executor of the es
tate of Elizabeth Shirk, late of
Aaronsburg, dee'd, house and lot.
PRIVATE SALS of the late Nathan Corman prop
erty, one mile south of Millheim. by
S. L. Strohecker.
—Now for Thanksgiving.
—Politics are at rest again.
—Wiuter winds are blowing.
—But six weeks till Christmas.
—Horse Blankets at Spigelmyer's.
—Read S. M. Motz's stray notice in
another column.
—Dull before the election aud dull
after the election.
—Oh yes 1 Ob yes I for Bargains go
to D. S. Kauffman & Co's store.
—Dr. Allison, of Nittany Hall, was
in town on Saturday on busiuess.
—Our town clock ueeds a little more
attention. It works very irregular.
—Men's & Boys' Clothing at bottom
prices at Pealer's, Spring Mills, Pa. • 1
—Full line of Ladies' Coats and Dol
mans at Pealer's at Spring M ills, Pa.
—Largest assortment of Ladies'
Shawls m tiie county, at Spigelmyer's.
—The cheapest place to buy all goods
is at Spigelmyer's, MillLeim and Madi
—A good advertising medium for
business meu are the columns of the
—Jfra. E. W. J/auck is absent, vis_
iling her parents at Lightstreet Colum
bia Co., Pa.
—All those whom it may concern
will please read Dr. Mingle's settle
ment notice.
—A large lot of Overcoats just re
ceived at Spigelmyer's, Millheim and
—Frank Harvey was appointed Chief
Clerk at the Renovo Post office, vice
Newton WelTs.
—The little folks are taking a deeper
interest in Sunday schools as the holi
days approach
I —For the next ten days Spigelmyer
[will sell Overcoats at cost, Millheim &
'Madison burg.
—For large assortments, good selec
tions and late styles Kauffman's store
takes the lead.
—S. C Rhoads, of Fottsville, is here
on a few days' visit to his mother, Mrs.
Rev. B. Hengst.
—Although the time for straw hats
is past, some of oar men still cling to
them at this late day.
—The Lock Haven Sunday Express
has suspended publication', presumably
for want of patronage.
—Last Sunday was another rainy
and dismal day, well calculated to keep
people at their firesides.
—Mr. Hoover, of Mifflinburg, was
here on a visit a few days, the guest of
his father in law, Mr. Wm. Adams.
—Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew, of Sa
lons. were the guests of E. J. Brum
gart's, on Main street, for a few days.
—Miss Whitney, an accomplished
daughter of Rev. W. R. Whitney, was
visiting friends at Spring Mills last
—Mr. C. A. Sturgis and wife, of
Lewisburg, came up on Monday to vis
it their friends. Charley also tried his
hunter's luck.
—Oar neighbor, Yony Harter, was
hauling stone last week for a crossing
to be laid from A. Walter's residence
to the JOURNAL office.
The Journal store is now prepared to
supply dealers with all kinds of school
books at reduced prices.
—USE Prof. Wright's Indian Vege
table Wafers for Liver, Kidney, Stom
ach and Worms. Sold "by all dealers.
Price 25cts, 50cts, and SI.OO per box.
—Mrs. A. J. Harter returned from
Hartleton, where she bad been staying
at her father's house since the funeral
of her deceased mother, last Friday.
—The members of the Luth. choir
are requested to meet in the chapel
this (Thursday) evening, instead of
Friday evening. CONDUCTOR.
—lt will pay any live man out of em
ployment, to write to the Hunter Sifter
Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio,
for private terms to agents. Big pay.
NOTICE.— The new Process Roller
Flour, manufactured by J. B. Fisher,
Penn Hall, is for sale at D. S. Kauff
man & Co's new store, Jfaiu street
Jfillheim. Pa.
—The tin-roofing has been put on
Musser & Smith's new building on
Main street. The framework of H. E.
Duck's bouse, adjoining the lormer, is
going up aod Will also soon be ready for
its tia-roof.
Downs' Elixir will cure any cough or
cold, no matter of how long standing.
For sale by J. Spigelmyer, and D S.
Kauffra&n & Co., Millheim Pa.
—The new revised American diction
ary is the biggest book for its size, and
the cheapest for its price in the world.
Only SI.OO. For sale at the Journal
Book Store.
—A pair of Ladies'gloves were found
on Saturday evening on one of the seats
in the Luth. church. The owner can
obtain her property by calling at the
JOURNAL office.
Michael F. Iless. administrator of
the esiate of Sarah Hess,late of Haines
township, dee'd. will sell the personal
property of the decedent, on Saturday,
Noy. 14th. See hills.
—Mrs. Rebecs Yearlck, the wife of
Mr. Wm Yearick, residing near
Madisonburg, departed this life on
Sunday evening. The funeral took
place yesterday forenoon.
COLD feet—two feet of snow. Bad
cold—one settled on the lungs. Good
cure—Dr. Kessler's Celebrated English
Cough Medicine. For sale by J. Eisen
hutb, Millheim Pa.
Adolf Lalloz,carriage manufacturer,
119 Carroll Street, Buffalo, N. Y.,
states: 4 'I was troubled with nausea of
the stomach, sick headache and general
debility. Burdock Blood Bitters cured
—New iron works are spoken of at
Lock Haven provided a sufficient sup
ply of ore can be furnished. It is stat
ed that an abundance of the required
article exists, and the works are likely
to be a sure thing.
—Em'l. 11. Mnsaer, executor of the
estate of Elizabeth Shirk, deceased,late
of Aaronsburg, advertises by bills the
sale of the real estate of decedent, to
take place, Nov. 28th, at 2 o'clock, p.
m., on the premises.
—There will be a Church Sociable
held in the Evangelical church ot Mill
heim.on Friday and Saturday eyeuings,
December 25th and 25th. To be giveu
by the Ladies' Aid Society for the ben
efit of the new church.
handle factory of Chandler & Council,
and the furniture factory of E. Bar
tholomew at JtfiUhall, were destroyed
by fire last Saturday night. Loss a
bout SSOOO ; no insurance.
A lady by the name of Mrs.
McGregor,of Philadelphia, while visit
ing at Mr.Harshberger's in Penn town
shio.had a stroke of apoplexy on Satur- (
day night, from the effects of which
she died on Tuesday night.
—Business is booming at the Journal
stoie. School Books, Stationery, Bi
bles, Albums and fancy goods general
ly received almost daily. Finest lot of
Sunday school Cards and Pict
ures ever shown in I'e MIS valley.
—All those not haying paid their
subscriptions,are kindly asked to remit
the same immediately to Win. R. Hen
ney,Treasurer of Town clock committe,
By order of committee,
P. 11. McssEß,Sec.
—Mr. J. W. Snook, one of our mer
chants, is putting down a good and
substantial stone crossing from his res
idence to the corner of the Lutherau
church premises on Penn street. There
is. no lack of crossings in that part of
the street.
A SIGN in Cleveland reads "Ice
Kream Sallune," which is probably the
worst cold spell of the season: but for
the worst spell of cold Dr. Kessler's
Celebrated English Cough Medicine is
the best cure you will be able to find.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—From this week's Mifflinburg
Dr. Samuel Gutelius of Millheim
talks of removmg, with bis family, to
this place. All right, ye good old
former native, walk-in to our parlor and
we'll tieat you well.
—One of the fine horses in Mr.
Smith's wagon, wholesale dealer in No
tions and from Laurelton,tramp
ed into a large nail in front of the Ev.
church on Penn street, on Tuesday
forenoon. Mr. Smith was compelled
to lay over a few days, in consequence
of this mishap.
—Mrs. 8. JL>. Musser went to Belle
fonte on Monday morning to attend
the Moody meetings being held there.
She returned on Tuesday evening and
is highly delighted with what sne
heard. Mrs. James P. Coburn also at
tended the services and speaks equally
well of them.
A single trial of Dr. Hemy Baxter's
Mandrake Bitters will convince any
one troubled with costsvness, torpid
liver or any kindred diseases of their
curative properties. They only cost 25
cents per bottle.
For sale by J. Spigelmyer and D. S.
Kauffman &Co., Millhei.ui Pa.
—We call the attention of our lady
readers to the fact that Mrs. E. J.
Brumgard's fresh stock of Millinery
Goods is unexcelled. Her assortment
of Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, and Trim
mings are "just too lovely for any
thing," and her prices areas low as
anywhere. If you need new headwear
for this winter call on her and she will
suit you.
DID it ever occur to you, thoughtful
and prudent reader, that Dr. Kessler's
Celebrated English Cough Medicine
must b an article of real merit, or how
could the manufacturer eyer be able to
advertise "money refunded to all dis
satisfied purchasers."
Philadelphia Agents.
Bold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim ,Pa,
—Mrs. Krnpe, an old lady residing
with her nephew, Mr. Aaron U1 rich
in Penn township, had the misfortune
to stumble and fall in the room and
broke her collarbone last Thursday
—This is the season when the gun is
called into frequent service by the hope
ful hunter who starts out with pleasant
expectations of venison, but nine tiuics
out of ten returns empty-handed. Such
is hunter's luck.
Do not suppose that liecauso it is rec
ommended for animals that ArnicaA
Oil Liniment is an offeusivo prepara
tion. It will not stain clothing or the
fairest skin.
For sale by J. Spigelmyer and D. S-
Kauffman, & Co., Millheim I'a.
FROM the pastor of the Olivet Bap
tist Cnurch, Philadelphia, Pa: I was
so troubled with catarrh that it serious
ly affected my voice. One bottle of
Ely's Cream Balm did the work. My
voice is fully restored.—J3. F. Lieps*
ner. 44-4t
—Fifteen loaded freight cars were
thrown from the track at Port Matilda
Station, on the Bald Eagle Valley Rail
road last Saturday, and were piled on
top of each other in a cut within a dis
tance of 75 feet. The debris was pack
ed so solidly that 13 cars had to he
broken to pieces in removing them, and
it required ten hours work by two
wrecking crews to clear the tracks.
—Glad to see that the Clymer fami
ly, of Milton, Pa., who gave such fiue
entertainments here last winter, ate
visitiug Millheim again this season.
They will exhibit next Fiiday evening
in the town hall, and will treat their
audience to au entirely new pro
gramme. Those who would hear a
rich musical feast should not fail to be
on hand. See bills for particulars.
evening, about 0 o'clock. J. C. Smith's
residence on Penn street was the scene
of a marriage ceremony performed by
Rev. M. L. Deitzler, who united Mr.
Wm. J. Mauck and Miss Anna Hoover,
both of Nittany vallev, in the holy
bonds of matrimony. The groom is
the brother of Mrs. J. C. Smith, and
the happy event was witnessed by a few
friends of the family. After the nup
tials the whole party adjourned to the
Lutheran church to attend services.
—Prof. D. M. Wolf, our excellent
county supei inteudent of public schools,
tarried iu town half a day on Friday,
visiting the schools. He expressed
himself very much pleased with the
work of the tiacllers aud gieatly en
couraged them and the pupils by words
of instruction and praise. He also gave
the JOURNAL A brief call. It is truly
good to be in the Professor's company
and we hope'he will frequently repeat
his visits.
—On Saturday Dr. D. 11. Mingle
gave farewell to all his friends in town
and on Monday he aud his family left
for their new home at Davis, 111. As
a family physician the doctor had en
deared himself in many a household in
this town and it was with regret that
his former patients saw him leave this
section of the country. We all wish
him a bright and prosperous future in
the land of the setting sun.
—The sidewalks in some parts of the
borough are in a bad condition—they
are either obstructed most of the time
with lumber and other building materi
al, or else the plank are rotten and full
of holes. Such matters ought to be a
constant concern of our town council
and they should see to it that the street
commissioner makes his regular rounds
of inspection. Thus they may prevent
broken limbs and avoid paying damages
arising therefrom.
—Last week we mentioned the ab
sence of Adam Harter and Miss Min
nie Hartman. Oix their return we
learned that it was \ wedding trip, the
couple having been joined "for better
or for worse" in Camden, N. J. On
Thursday evening the calithumpian
serenaders treated the happy couple to
their best noise and afterwards the cor
net band followed with a few selections,
for which they were suitably rewarded
by the groom. We extend our and
best wishes to the newly married par
—The Annual protracted meeting of
the Evangelical church of Millheim
will begin with an appropriate sermon
on next Sunday morning. Iu the even
ing there will be a general prayer and
experience meeting. The meeting will
be continued the entire week. We
would invite all lovers of the Lord of
whatever denomination to come and
join in the work of the Lord and the
salvation of souls.
Clock Committee, Noy. 7th, 1885.
Cost of clock 350 00
44 44 putting up clock 10 80
Hardware bill 4 38
Making dials 6 00
Lumber for dials 4 0G
Weights 4 30
Freight 2 15
Trip to Milton,Pbil.Musser 3 23
, 44 44 44 J.Spigelraeer 323
Geo. Royer, work 1 50
Wm. S. Maize, 44 3 50
393 15
Amount collected from subscription
book, 146 50
Aoit. realized from festivals 129 71
44 44 44 convention 28 91
7 ____
I 305 12
Amount of cost 393 15
44 collected 305 12
* Bal, on subscription book 88 07
| —The"Excelsior Literary Society"* f
jlfillheim completed its permanent
! organization last Tuesday evening, by
adopting a sett of constitution and by
laws and by electing its officers. Their
meetings wiU be semi monthly, on
Tuesday evening, and they propose to
have debates, spelling bees, select
readings, resltations, &c.
Mr. Frank, residing with M is.
Wm. 11. Smith, one of his daughters, is
very low and not expected to live
a very long time. The old gentle
man has been more or less a sufferer
for the last few years, but on last Fri
day be took a severe spell of dysentery
which completely broke his strength
and reduced him to his present low
—The three schools of this borough
are attended by 100 pupils at present
with prospects of an increase in the
near future. The primary school num
bers OS, the grammar department 34
and the North street school 68. This
large number of school children would
full} justliy the establishment of a
fourth school and clearly points to the
necesity of a new schoolhouse within a
few years. Would it not be well for
our estemed school board to slowly
the pave way for this unavoidable step
in advance?
—The following are the borough of
fleers recently e'ected at Centre Ilall,
and to remain in office until next
Spring election :
Burgess, John ltisbel.
Ass't Buigeßß, Jacob Ripka.
Councilmen, Simon Harper, E. G.
Van Pelt. Wm. K. Camp, C. F. Har
lacher, D. J. Meyer, M. Derstine.
Judge of election, John Spangler.
Inspectors, Wm. P. Shoop, D. A.
Constable, C.-W. Bollinger.
High Constable, Wm. H. Ruble.
Overseers of Poor, 11. D. Van Pelt,
Emanuel Smith.
School Directors, G. W. Ilostermau,
J. F. Alexander, Wm. A. Jacobs, B.
D. Brisbin, C. D. Rankle, J. W. Hen
Auditors, J. C. Boal, Jas. 11. Lohr,
C. Diuges.
afternoon, Mr. Ira Ayers, residing on
Penn street, met "with an accident
which resulted in a painful fracture of
his right leg, below the knee. Mr.
Ayers was assisting C. W. Hartman in
butchering a hog,in the back yard,when
one of his boys passed in a buggy It
seotus the horses smelling the blood be
came frightened and ran away. The
boy was too small to check the horse in
its mad race. Mr. Ayers, seeing the
dangerous position of his boy .jumped to
catch a bold of the reign, but was
struck by the horse's collar and thrown
to the ground. The horse and buggy
passed over his leg, breaking the bone.
Other parts of his body were consider
ably bruised by the fall. The accident
happened near his house and was
witnessed by several of the neighbors
who at once pickud up the injured
man and carried him into the house.
Dr Stam was sent for and the fractured
limb was set. Mr. Ayers is doing well
under the circumstances, but will of
course be confined to the bed for sev
eral weeks.
Tho horse stopped after it had run
some distance and the boy escaped
without injuries. The community
sympathizes with Mr. Ayers in his
Any man or woman * making less
than S4O weekly should tiy our easy
money-making business. We want A
gents for our celebrated MADAME DEAN
COMBINED (for Men and Boys). No
experience required. Four orders per
day give the Agent $l5O monthly. Our
Agents report four to twenty sales dai
ly. $3 outfit free. Send at once for
full particulars. State sex.
LEWIS ScniELE & Co.,
35-13t 390 Broadway, New Y r ork.
Neighboring News.
N. W. Cronmiller, of Bellefonte,paid
a flying visit to the'.old burg.
Some of our young folks are making
an effort to organize a singing class,
Philip Meyer to be its instructor.
The whistle of the steam thresher is
heard through town. Different parties
had their crops threshed by steam.
Who destroyed the lamp in front of
the Lutheran ? What reward
awaits you, boys,for doing such woik ?
Think of it. The sexton should see
that the lamp is taken in after services.
The Evangelical association com
menced a protracted meeting in their
church ou North 2nd street, on last
Mouday evening. We hope great good
will come therefrom. Material is cer
tainly plenty.
Dr. D. H. Mingle and family, who
have been staying with the Doctor's
parenti for the last week, left on last
Monday morning for Illinois. Success
go with you, Dr. Let us hear from
you through the columns of the Journ
The trustees of the Lutheran church
with a few assistants are putting up
the new heaters, which arrived a few
days ago,in the basement of the church.
Now then, with our gentlemanly little
preacher and a comfortable room a
pleasant service may be enjoyed by both
pastor and people. ANOTHER.
A HEALTH journal tells its readers
how to take cold. What most of us
want to know is how to let it go. Take
a bottle of Dr. Kessler's Celebrated
English Cough Medicine and it will go
because it must.
Sold by J. Eisenhtth, Millheim Pa.
Tin* ccmmunity serins well satis
fled with the |•>< s< itt shcuttlc of trains.
Business is pretty brisk in our
town. There is sumo grain moving,
but the majority of farmers are holding
up for better prices.
K reamer has his cottage finished
and expects Jto occupy the same by
Thursday. Z
DR. SAW RONKS says the surest way
to take a cold is to lie always hugging
the stove. Young man remember this,
ard when yon go to see your girl on
Sunday night don't spend your time
hugging the stove; hut if you do get a
cold Dr. Kessler's Celebrated English
Cough Medicine can he relied upon to
cure you.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim,Pa.
Mr. Aikens, of Zeiglerville, was
spending a few days iu our midst, the
guest of 11. E. Duck.
Last week Mr. John Kern had a se
vere fall, by which he injured his leg so
much as to be compelled to use the
crutch in walking.
Jasper Stover, of Millheim, circulat
ed in this neighborhood last week. Al
ways welcome, Jas.
W. F. Bressler husked 103 bushels
of corn in one day. Frank is quite a
young man, scarcely out of his boy
hood and the above is a good record
for him.
We are glad to bear that Coburn lias
as large apples as Smith Town. But
"Fox" does not say whether they are
grown at Coburn or brought there to
be shipped. Hey ?
Last while 11. E. Duck's
were absent fiorn home, a cross cut
saw was taken from their barn.
THE U. S. Dispensatory and the
Science of Chemistry justify the asser
tion that for tonic, diaphoretic and
expectorant properties, 110 combination
of remedies can be devised to equal in
power and efficacy Dr. Kessler's Cele
brated English Cough Mediciue. It is
the safe and reliable standby in case of
croup and whooping-cough. Dissatis
tiedpurchasers can have their money
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Gratifying Reports.
LEWISUURO, NOV. 9.— TO meet the
largely increasing demand, the Lewis
burg Nail Mills have doubled their pro
ductive capacity, and from this lime
on will run night and day. Equally
gratifying reports come from the towns
of J/ilton, Northumberland and Sua
bury and other points through the Sus
quehanna Valley.
FOR EARACIIK, Toothache, Sore
Throat, Swelled Neck,aud the results of
cold and inflammation,use Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil—the great pain destroyer.
As a purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla acts
directly and promptly. A siugle bottle
will prove its merits. Many thousands
of people are yearly save!! from danger
ous fever by the exercise of a little
timely care in properly cleansing the
system by the use of this remedy.
Avoid the harsh, irritating, griping
compounds so often sold as purging
medicines,and correct the irregularities
of the bowels by the u-e of Ayer's
Cathartic Pills, which are mild and
gentle, yet thorough and searching, in
their actiou.
I MUTABLE TEMPER, moroseness and
despondency, dyspepsia, constipation,
piles and debility are commonly due to
a morbid hyer. These ailments are
readily removed and cured by Simmons
Liver Regulator—a purely vegetable
tonic, cathartic and alterative,
On the 2nd Inst., by James 8. Cassady, J. P.,
No. 128 Pedral street. Camden, N. J., Adam F.
Harter to Miss Minnie Hart man, both ot Mlll
heim. Centre Co., Pa.
On the Bth inst., at the residence ot Mr. J. C.
Smith, Millheim, Pa., by ltev. M. L. Deitzler,
Mr. Witt. J. Mauck, ot Salona, Pa., and Miss
Anuie K. Hoover, of Nittany Hall.
On the same day by the same, at the Luther,
an parsonage, Aaronsborg, l'a., Mr. Simon
Connan, of Aaronsburg, and Miss Lydia Ben
ner, of Woodward, Pa.
On the Bth Inst., above Madisonburg, Pa. Mrs.
Rebecca, wife of Win. Vearlck, aged 46 yearn,
7 months aud 27 days.
1 3 5.7 9
Leave, a.m. a.m. a. m. p.m. p.m.
Montandon 5.50 9.20 10.15 1.35 6.05
Lewlsburg Ar.6.00 y.30 10.25 LoO 0,20
Lewisburg Lv.6.30 2.00
Fair Gr0und...6.35 2.85
Biehl 6.45 . 2.14
Vicksburg .6.53 2.19
Mifflin burg Ar. 2.30
Mlffllub'g LV. 7.10 2.30
Mlllmont 7.30 2.49
Laurel ton 7.45 2.58
Coburn 8.45 4.03
Rising Spring.9.os 4 30
Centre Ha 11....9.25 4.02
Gregg.... 9.33 0.01
Linden Ha 11—9.43 5.12
Oak Hall -9.50 5.20
Lemont 10.00 5.39
Bellefonte—.,.lo.?o 0.00
Arrive a. ra. p.m. a. m. a.m. p.m.
2 4 0 8 10
Leave, a.m. a.m. a. m. p.m. p.m.
Bellefonte 5.15 1.00
Lemont .5.45 1.30
Oak Hall - 5.51 1.30
Linden Hail 5.58 1.43
Gregg 6.07 1.52
Centre Hali 6.16 2,00
Rising Spring—6.3s 2.2U
Coburn 8.55 2,03
Laurolton 7.45 4.13
Mlllmont 7.55 4.23
Mifflin Durg Ar. 4.45
Mifflinburg Lv. 8.15 4.45
Vicksburg 8.27 5.00
Biehl 8.32 5.00
Fair Ground... 8.40 5.15
Lewlsburg Ar.5.25 8.45 12.55 5.20
Lewlsburg Lv.s 40 8.55 9.55 1.10 5.35
Montandon in. 9.10 10.05 p. m. 5.50
Arrive, a. m. t p.m.
An additional train leaves Lewisburg for
Montandon at 7.25 p. in., returning leaves Mon
tandon for Lewisburg at 7.45 p. in.
General Manager, Gen'l Pass. Agent.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
For all Diseases of the
liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Spleen.
This purely vegetable pre-
i oration, now so celebrated as a
•amity Medicine, originated in
the South in 1828. It acts
gently on the Bowels and
KiilnevH and correct* the
action of the Liver, and is, there
fore, the boat, preparatory
medicine, whatever the sick
ness may prove to be In all
common diseases it will, tut
assisted by any other medi
cine, effect a speedy cure.
The Regulator is safe to administer in any
condition of the system, and under no dream-
Mtaticen can it do harm. It will invigorate
like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever
age to lead to intemperance; will promote di
gestion, dlKNipate headache, and gener
ally tone up the system. The dose is small,
not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted.
No loan of time, no Inter
ruption or stoppage of
business while talcing the
Children complaining of
Colic, Headache, or Sick
Htomaclt, a teaspoonful or
more will give relief.
If taken occasionally by pa
tients exposed to MALAR (A,
will expd the poison and protect
them from attack.
I have been practicing medicine for twenty years,
and have never been able to put up a vegetable
compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu
lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to
action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak
ening* the digestive and assimilative powers of the
system. L M. HIJCTON, M. D.,Wastiington, Ark.
J. H. Zei/in & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
An Efficient Remedy
In nil canon of Bronchial and Pulmo
nary Affections is AYER'S CHERRY
PECTORAL. AS such it is recognized and
{jrescrlbed by the medical profession, and
n many thousands of families, for the
East forty lias been regarded as an
ivaluable household remedy. It is a
preparation that only requires to be taken
in verv small quantities, and a few doses
of it administered In the early stages of a
cold or cough will effect a speedy cure,
and may, verv ]>OKHiblv, save life. There
is uo doubt whatever that
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Has preserved the lives of great numbers
of i>ersons, by nrresting the development of
Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia,
and Pulmonary Consumption, and by '
the euro of those dangerous maladies. It
should be kept ready for use in every
family where there are children, as it is a
medicine far superior to all others In the
treatment of t;roup, the alleviation of
"Whooping Cough, and the cure of Colds
and Influenza, ailments peculiarly inci
dental to childhood and youth. Prompti
tude in dealing with all diseases of this
class is of the utmost importance. The
loss of a single day may, in many cases,
entail fatal consequences. I>o not waste
precious time in experimenting with
medicines of doubtful efficacy, while the
malady is constantly gaining a deeper
hold, out take at pneo the speediest and
most certain to cure, ~ ■
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 5
Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Blast, j j
Sold by all I
Til AT
Lorillard's Climax
with Red Tin Tag; Rose loaf Fine Cut Chew
ing; Navy Clippings,and Black, Brown and
Yellow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual- ,
ity considered.
Seasonable, Fresh, Cheap and Well-selected Goods.
Just received and shelved the following :
50 Pieces of MUSLIN, from 5 to
7 1-2 cts. M
100 Pieces of PRINTS, 5 to
7 1-2 cts. aT :
A full line of CASHMERES and LA
DIES' CLOTHS, aH prices.
All kinds of FLANNELS a specialty
in our store.
A splendid selection of HAPS and
A SIOOO lot of BOOTS and SHOES, for
men, women and children.
A complete line of READY-MADE
An unequalled stock of LADIES' and
Space does not permit to enumerate the one-half
of our large stock, but before closing we would in
vite the attention of our patrons to our excellent
display of
D. S. Kauffman & Co.,
*Mam Street, MiUheim, Pa-
Zs ill© Best
Thousands of articles aro now manufactured that
in former years had to bo imported, paying high
import duty as It is now being done on Lee k Per
tins table sauce ; the QUAXBB TABLX BAOCB takes
ita place ; it has been pronounced by competent
judges just as good and even better. The QCAKKB
AAVCU has Slowly but surety gained great im
portance and is replacing the very test Imported
nance on the shel/ of tho grocer, the tables
of the rostaurant and the tables of tho rich and
poor men. preatly prized and relished by all on
aocount of its piquaucy, aroma, taste, strength
and pnrenesa. Tho inventor has by years of
study of the secret virtues contained in the aro
matic spices of tho Indies and China, anch as
mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger,
and peppers and buds of trees unknown to moat
men, and by long practice succeeded to combine
their extracts in such a liquid form as we BOW
i find it, of agreeable taste, and eo Invigorating as
to be taken in place of stomach bitters. By man
ufaetnring this sauce here, heavy import duties
nnd freights are saved, and it in sold at a lower
figure to the dealer, who making a better profit 00
Quaker Sauce can sell it to Iho consumer cheaper
than the vury host Imported article hardly equal
ing ours. If your grocer doos not keep it, write
us ivr prices, etc. Bold In bottles or by the gallon.
Sole Proprietort and Mcum/ncturtrt,
106 A 106 8. 2d ST., St. -Louis, ■.
I And
T. Fit AlN,proprietor of the
-*£ First National Hotel,
wishes to inform the public that he keeps the
following liquors constantly on band and In
suresthem all strictly pure, and especially a*
dapted for medical purposes:
llannesvllle, Imported Holland,
Pougbkeepsle, London,
Haag, Blackberry,
Louisville, Elderberry.
, Kentucky. Port
BRANDTS; Huckleberry,
I Plain, Catawba,
Ginger, Grape.
Sherry, „ .
Blackberry, Applcfack.
Peach. New England Rum.
*6- These liquors are all guaranteed to be not
less than four years old and can be strongly
reccommended as wholesome and healthy."
LAGER always on draught. 22-3 m
IBfl Ml'oore money than at anything else
Ul IHI by taking au agency for the best
ww I ravelling book out. Beginners succeed
ww ■■ " grandly. None fall Terms free.