•THE DEMAND FOR GAME. People Bating More Every Season —A Dealer's Ghat About Prices. "Bear meat is not very salable in Philadelphia," said an old hnnter and grain dealer yesterday. "We sell some to the Germans, but the average game ester does not seem to fancy it al though I consider bearsteak one of the best of game foods. We get out bears from the mountains of Pennsylvania ; some* few come from Virginia and New York. The weather is not cold enough for venison, and the saddle we twelve are 'slick.' Prime saddles bring 15|cent a pound. Just now there is considerable demand for Penn sylvania pheasant at $1.50 and $2 a pair. "The Eastern pheasants, which come to this market drawn and are used principally by the hotels and restau rents, are quoted at sixty five and sev enty cents. A sudden cold snap will increase the demand for game and bring os antelope, buffalo and black end white-tailed deer from the Western plains. Antelope venison is very sweet end juicy end is being eaten more every jeer by epicures. Grouse are excellent food birds end we sell a great many at prices which vary from $1.50 to $2. Quail are not yet in prime condition end sell at $2 to $4 50 a dozen. Wood cock sell readily at $7 to sßa dozen and there is a steady demand for them. There are occasional calls ior snipe, pin tail grease and plover. People are be ginning to eat game more and more every year, and there is every indica tion that this aeasoa will be a prosper ous one, both for the hunters and deal era." ABTICI TO MOTHERS. Axe you disturbed at night and broken by your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mas. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING BYHCP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diawboea. regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MR* WINSLOW'S SOOTH- I*G STBCF FOB CHILDHKN TEETHINO is pleasant ao the taste, and is the prescription or one of tbe oldest and best female nurses and physic!- tns lu tbe United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 35 oents a bottle. Houses in the National Capital. It is easy to obtain a home in Wash ington, because most of the real estate agents will take a small cash payment and arrange the remainder of the debt at a low rate of interest—in some cases as low as Sye per cent. Certain lot holders have a very great advantage. Scattered throughout Washington there in a very large number of Httle plots of ground which belong to the publie reservations. These bits of parking are giyen up rent free to the lot owners, who build up close to them. They haye the practical use of them for nothing. They can fence them in, or namentrthem as they please, and enjoy everything about them except building on them. In many instances these lit tle public strips are the only yards that eertaiu house-owners haye.— Neto York World. Something Hot for a Gold. Doctor to lady patient—"You should take something hot for your cold." Indolent patient—"Well, in what form shall I take it, doctor?" Doctor— "Considering you have so little exercise, I should say you would derive the most good from it if you took it in the shape of a flatiron. —Deininger's Beady Reference Tax Receipt Book ts growing in public fa Tor. • Customers from a distance are beginning to call for it. It is an ad mitted necessity for every tax-payer who does his business in a practical manner., It it arranged to last for ten years at the lo# price of 40 cents. Call and see it at the JOURNAL B.ore* tf pEABODY HOTEL" 9th St.South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Pjost Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms from 50cts to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 46-ly Owner & Proprietor. JRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in tbe city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS CALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good ant pie Booms (or Commercial Travel ers on first floor. JP H.MUS3ER, ' JEWELER, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. is old and from cerous Sores, Swelling, Syphilitic Nodes, Bone Diseases, etc. Invaluable in General Debility and diseases of de . bility of the aged. A rich syrup, containing no injurious ingredients. No other Remedy has re, cured such encomiums Sold by all Druggists. DP IP WE® and how 1 cure it, by one who lib hi was lor 28 years. A successful home treatment. Address T. S.PAGE, No. 128 East 16 h St. New York. 23-4t Surface Indications What a miner would vervproperly term "surface indications" of what is beneath, are the Pimples, Sties, Soro Eyes, 1 toils, and Cutaneous Eruptions with which people are annoyed in spring ami early summer. The ett'ete matter accumu lated during the winter months, now makes its presence felt, through Nature's endeavors to expel it from tho system. While it remains, it Is a poison that festers in the blood and may develop into Scrof ula. This condition causes derangement of the digestive and assimilatory organs, with a feeling of enervation, hiuguor, and weariness—often lightly spoken of as "only spring fever." These are evidences that Nature is not able, unaided, to throw otf the corrupt atoms which weaken tho vital forces. To regain health. Nature must ho aided by a thorough blood-purifying med icine ; and nothing else is so effective us Ayer's Sarsapari/la, which is sufficiently powerful to expel from tho system even tho taint of Hered itary Scrofula. The medical profession Indorse Ayfr's SAKS A TAB II.L A, ami many ai testations of the cures effected by it come from all parts of tho world. It is. In tho language of the lion. Francis Jewett, ex-State Sen ator of Massachusetts and ex-Mayor of Lowell, "the only preparation thai docs real, lasting good." PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. A/or & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; v . Six bottles for $5. I^^^FOF^ANANOBEASLH 9 THE BEST 1 ■KI EXTERNAL LU REMEDY! 25 BIEDHHISK J 9 NEURALGIA,! S= CRAMPS, 3 __| Sprains, Bruises, Bums and Scalds, HHJ Sflifies, Fsctsfie, ■■■■ Frosted Feet and OEars, and all other Pains and Aches, It is a safe, sure, and effectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, ■' Sores,Ae.; on HORSES. One trial will prove its merits. Its effects are in " ' most cases INSTANTANEOUS. Every bottle warranted to __ give satisfaction. Send ad dress for pamphlet, free, gi v. ing full directions for thora fpmmßS treatment of above diseases. H HnKuag Price 25 cts. and 50 ct*. pcrN - bottle. Sold everywhere. Henry, Johnson t Lord, Proprietor!, B Burlington, ¥L For sale by L). S. Kaufman ct Co.. and J. Spigchnyer, Millheirn , Pa. LEFFEL'S IMPROVED IRAN inun Tlnglne. m - j/r\ r U 111 u^l . 7 ■■ ATT, THE PARTS MADE OP MALLEABLE & WROUGHT EBON No Shrinking, Swelling or Warping. THE LTOHTXST RUNNING, STRONGEST and EASIEST REGULATED WIND ENGINE In the WORLD. Tho BEST la CHEAPx-ST. Send for Circulars to the SPRINGFIELD MACHINE CO. Springfield, Ohio, D. I. BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE &c„ ■ • m Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. done at short notice by practical workmen. -as-a <♦ Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main St.opposite Albright's. MILLHEIM. PA. A MONTH and BOARD for live JMlOyoung Men or Ladies, in each county dress r. W. ZEIG LER & CO., Phila delphla • AND LIGHT SPRING WORK FOR Hotels * Livery. AGENTS WANTED SNTSSSttSk WE MAKE Hose Reels, Hook & Ladder Trucks, Patrol Wagons, &c. And Fit Out Fire Departments Complete- Ami pood in on of influence can make favorable arrangements with us. HORTON & CO., 53,55, 57 &59 East sth Street, CINCINNA. TI.O. "SPY OF THE REBELLION." Now soiling by t!i>* Tots nj t/.ouxiiuis: No OUIIIJM ti tlon. Only book f ita kind. The "SPY" reveala many sw.'s of the. tcir never before j u! llah< il. A graphie account of tbo conspiracy to m*.iaßiiiato I.tncoln. Perilous experiences of cur IVnni'At. KPTKS in tho llob. 1 Capitol; tli'ir lirr 1c bru.cry ful'y resonate I ia thoo vivid okeuhca. Tho "Spy" is the mos". thillling war Lock evar pnbl'shed Endow*d by biudr. 'a of Press au I Agents' testimonials. A lar 0 o htuul boniobook, <"> 8 p.iw; r.i)illustrations. rarAGEMTS WANTED! AtiFo* I ;? 1 *'l. I>< •-k ia mt-uuinj nil others. Ov.T<)'ir/;r:. .V ■< I applications for *,Mich a *hava b- n re- iv •! W have many agent a who llttV'l so' 1 fr. M ' l'•>/< ' I t.!: ') r\l Coj in, gi,-'lko iY " i > t M cr.ly by mr Aeotlt-I, W'-l l nvry ?tt Oly ftui.lt ill: tj Si .7 fir known! Y.'o v. ant* no * .utin* v* ry C.nuul Am y Post a ltd i.i ■ very towiohlp and ct.ui ty in ttioU.B. For full p:." t and fit s to r.<,i lit j nddroFH G. W. CAULIM ON ii 0., Putliabors. Now Turk. Musser House. Millheirn, ------ Penna. D IMMER RESORT^ Two miles from Cobuui Station on L. & T. It. It. Fine Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight of town. Healthy locality and tine moun tain sceneries. 'l'hocelebrated I'ENXs VAL LEY CAY KS but live miles distant. The finest drives in the state FINK SADDLE HORSES. CARRIAGE* AND BUGGIES for the useof summer boarders. Donble anJ Smile Rooms, newly furnished, for familes with children, on seconu and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. 16-lv M ill helm. Centre Co. l'a ELLAS LUSE & SOX, —PHOPBIKTOItS OF TIIE— MILLHEIM PLANING MILL, east of the new Ev. church, Peim St., Millheirn, Pa. Contractors, - Builders, —AND MANCFACTCREHB OF Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. *HANI)AS A '^PECIALITY. Having our own planing mill.it will be to the advantage of those intending to builu to con sult us. (gjrContracta made on all kinds of buildings. Plans and Specifications furnished on application, with est imates of cost. 18-ly Pennsylvania" STATE COLLEGE. Next Term begins September 9,1885. This institution Is located in one of tho most beautiful aud healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both 1 sexes, and offers the following Course of Study: 1. A Full cientilic Course of Four Yeprs. 2. A Latin cientiflo Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (b) NATUCAL HISTORY; (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A shortSPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course m MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. rTiri,on lift, which nave been TTtTATMEXT.WmwwAvi are el van back.and One Month, - $3 00K9thepatientbocoiticacheer U'wo Months, - C.OOWTgfUiand rapidlygalnabolh Three Months, 7.ooMjtrei3gth and sexual vigor. HARRIS REMEDY CO.. H'FOCMCMnTi SOOH N. Tenth St.. ST. LOUIS. MO. KBII DTURED PERSONS! Not a Truss, it ti r Aak for terms of our Appliance. WH GIVM SEfIRMB TOIATI. RAINBOW RUPTURE Simple, safe, reliable and a perfect retainer. It Is not a Truss. Worn Day and Night and its presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this aj>- pliunce. Address Central Medloal and Surgical institute 920 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. 3killful treatment given ail kinds of surgical and medical cusos. Weakening diseases ana pri vate troubles in male and female our specialty. Re sure to write u before taking treatment elsewhere. Consultation free and invited. SEIWYN HALL R %Z°- A th. roiiuli jrren.-tratory School for Boys. Con dni'li d sijisii T STEKL KNGBA VINGH. BEST ORIGINAL STORIES, BEST COLORED FASHIONS. REST WORK-TABLE PATTERNS, BEST DRESS-PATTERNS, . BEST MUSIC, ETC., ETC. * The stories novelet*, etc.. In "Petersons." are Admitted to be the bestpu Wished. Alt the most jtopular jcnule writers contribute to It. Kvery month, a * ull-Sizr dhkss-PaTtkuh Is Riven, which is alone worth the price of the number. Every month, also, there appears a MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION-PLATE! engraved on steel, twice tiik size of others, and superbly colored, Also. Household, Cookery, and J". C. 002sTID0,< Proprietor and Manufacturer of Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at a times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere. ay tLio bet ami cheapest lif most a lifetime. ED- Clf CDV EMMII V needs these goods as they ar E" Ell I TAMIL I the best and cheapest. Ask your dealer to get you Globe Toasters & Broilers, 30 A 35c. (yery superior articles) Globe Fruit and Jelly Press, $1.25, has no equal. Cake Mixer, stone bowl Seliim Sharpea- ilp $1.75. Globe combined Tack Hammer, Kettle Scrap* No er, Hot Pan Lifter, Isc. Globe Sad Iron Heater saves NO. 225 c. own coal, 25c., Ac., Ac. If your dealer is out club with Box 1017. neighbors send money to us &w© will shipdireok, GLOBE M'PG GO.. 826 Walnut St., Phlla, Pa.