Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 29, 1885, Image 3

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Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
mrSales advertised thrvugh this Qjflct vill be
inserted under this heading free of charge.
Oct. 20th—Jacob Beltm, executor of the estate
of Chrtathut Behm, dee'd, late of
, Penn township-live atoek, carpen
ter tools and household goods.
James N. Leitzell, Auc
Oct. Slat—H. A. Mingle, executor of tlm estate
of Elizabeth Gorman, dee'd, late of
Aaronsburg—fed estate.
Oct Slat—Dr. D. H. Mingle, MUUielm-llve
stock, buggies and household goods
A. Hurler. Auc_
Nov. Tib—James P. Coburn, executor of the es
tate of Daniel Kreamer, dee'd, late
of Penn township—real estate.
Nov. Hth.—Mtsaael F. Hess, administrator of
the estate'of Sarah. Hess, dee'd, late
of Haines township, live stock and
household goods.
PALVATI SALE of the late Nathan Corman prop
erty, one mile south of Millheim. by
" —Election next Tuesday.
-Vote for Conrad B. Day.
7 I— Advertise in the JOURNAL.
/ • %
—Leaves coyer the sidewalks.
—New goods at the Journal store.
—Democrats, get out a full vote next
—The best goods for the least money
at Spigelmyer'a.
—The Register's notices are advertis
ed iu another columu.
—The new hardware building on the
corner is taking shape.
—Fred. C&therman and wife return
ed from their western trip.
—Sheriff Walker publishes his list of
take in this wuek'e JOURNAL.
—Sourkraut and Winterapples are
two prominent Items in most cellars.
—A number of shade trees, Norway
Maples, were planted at the Lutheran
church yesterday.
—For cheap.good merchandise go to
Mar's, at Spring Mills, Pa. New
goods received daily.
—Cashier A. Walter paid a few days
visit to friends in Snyder county. He
returned on Tuesday.
—We are greatly indebted to Hon.
A. G. Curtin for several volumes of
Congramkmal Records,
—Do not forget the large sale of val
uable personal property at Dr. D. H.
Mingle'a next Saturday.
' —Moody, the great evangelist, will
J visit BelWa"** some time next month.
So says the Phils. 2\mcs.
—Rev. Raver and family left on Sat
... urday for their future homeatPaxinox,
Northumberland Co., Pa.
—The stage route between Coburn
and Logansville is now in the hands of
our townsman, Mr. Abs. Harter.
—Rheumatism, and similar diseases,
caused by a low stats of the system,are
cured by using Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
—Dr. J. W. Stam has rented the
property of Dr. D. H. Mingle on Main
street and expects to move next week.
—Arnica & Oil Liniment is the best
remedy known for stiff joints. For sale
by J. Spigelmyer, and D 8. Kauffman
A Co.
—The Cami'y of Dr. J; F. Darter, of
this place, left last Thursday for Al
teon*, to spend a week with relatives
—1 half, nod Tuesday wore two big
days for drummers. Oar hotels were
well filled with these c ommercial gen
ness are recorded of Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. Never fails to cure
—Two gentlemen can be accommo
dated with boarding at H. K. Lute's,
' Main street, Millheim. Terms fair and
. reasonable.
—The Harrisbarg Daily Patriot , be
sides having been greatly improved of
late, has reduced its price from 3 to 2
cents per copy.
—Rey. C. F. Dei Dinger will fill the
pulpit in the Jf. E. church at this place
' next Sunday evening, Rev.. Heck man
being absent from home.
The primary school was closed yes
terday, the teacher, Mr. Limbert, hav
ing been to Jfadisonburg to attend the
fnneral of his grandfather.
—Readings and Recitations and Dis
solving Views in the school bouse to
night. A fine entertainment by H. M.
Clark. Admission, 10 cents.
-The brickmakers are busy turning
ont pressed brick by the thousands in
the western part of Main street. The
work is done by steam process.
. 3fr. Goetz,tbe sollcitoraj®e Belle
* fonte Republican, and a Wsociable
gentleman, favored our office with a
pleasant call yesterday morning.
—USE Prof. Wright's Indian Vege
table Wafers for Liver, Kidney, Stom
ach and Worms. Sold by all dealers.
Price 25cts, 50cts, and SI.OO per box.
—Staled by H. B. Cochran, druggist
Lancaster,. Pa.: " Have guaranteed
over SOOO bottles of Burdock Blood
Bitters for dyspepsia, sour stomach,
bilious attacks, liver and kidney troub
—Ladies' Cloth for dresses in all col
ors at Splgelmyer's.
—No stay-at-home business next
Tuesday and it will be ail the bet
ter for our ticket. Democrats will
please bear this iu mind.
—We had several very heavy frosts
last and this we*k, which helped to
strip the trees and vines of their leaves
and warned us of the approach of win
ter. •*
NOTICE.—'The new Process ltoller
Flour, manufactured by J. B. Fisher,
Penn Hall, is for sale at D. S. Kauff
man & (Jo's new store, Main street
Millheim. Pa.
LOST.—Mrs. John Hall, of North
street, lost a shawl the other Sunday,
somewhere near Peter's planning mill.
The finder is requester! to return the
same to its owuer.
—Mr. C. K. Sober, of Sober's P. 0.,
Gregg township,will take a trip to Vir
ginia next week with a double put pose
—to look up business interests and
take a hunt for game.
—Michael F. lless, administrator of
the estate of Sarah Hess,late of Haines
township, dee'd. will sell the personal
property of the decedent, on Saturday,
Nov. 14lh. See hills.
—An unusual amount of traffic is re
ported on this railroad and the general
desire is to have passenger aud freight
trains run seperately, iu order to avoid
the many delays and wrecks.
—The history of Downs' Elixir is
identified with the history of New Eng
land for the last, fifty years. It cures
oough and colds For sale by J. Spigel
myer and D S. Kauffinan & Co.
—II. Y. Stitser and J. C. Meyer,
Esqs., of Bellefonte, passed through
toon last Thursday, on their way to
Aaronsburg. Mr. Meyer gaye the
JOURNAL a pleasant call on Saturday.
—Many of our yaung ladies are al
ready studying out suitable Christmas
gifts. Do not forget that the Journal
store can help you out of many perplex
ities counected with that kind of work.
—Our young friend, Mr. Alyin Har
ter, of Penns Creek, whose marriage
notice appears in this issue appears to
be the first gentleman around here who
availed himself of the new marriage
license system.
Costivness is the cause of the intoler
able" bad breath" of multitudes. Bitters
remove the cause and prevents tbe.evil,
and cost only 25 cents*
For sale by J. Spigelmyer and D. S.
Kaufifman & Co.
—John Kerstetter, Jr., shot a cbick
enhawk, that was perched on a fence |
on Penn street, last Monday evening,
about dusk. It is dangerous for hawks
to set around on fences,when John and
bis trusty gun are about.
—The salvation army were at Lock
Haven with cornet and tambourine,
looking around for "material to be sav
ed." They found two subjects to work
on persons and felt good over the won
derful (I) success tbey had achieved.
—A cabbage head of unusual size
was brought to this office the other day.
It was grown by Mrs. Wm. Kerstetter,
near town and is large enough to make
several mess for a good-sized family.
It is also an excellent kind of cabbage.
—The Salutary Effects of Simmons
Liver Regulator upon the nervous sys
tem, prostrated by long suffering with
dyspepsia, constipation and kindred
diseases, is without a precedent. Its
tonic, cathartic and acterative effects
are truly wonderful.
—The poles intended for the tele
phone wire between this point and Co
ourn, and which weiedistributed along
the line the other day, do not look
very well. They are woefully crooked
and look very old and weather-beaten.
That part of the enterprise will not be
fancied by our town people.
—An exchange says that the finest
quality of chewing gum is made out of
old rubber boots and gossamers. If
that is so, we would like to know of
what the inferior aud cheap kinds of
chewing gum are manufactured, and
bow the chewers like the idea of it.
—A fine constitution may be broken
and rulend by simple neglect. Many
bodily ills result from habitnal const!-
patiou. There is no medicine equal to
Ayer's Pills to correct the evil, and
restore tbe system to natural, regular,
and healthy notion.
—A crowd of little girls paid their re
spects to Bessie Jfingle, Dr. D. H.
Miugle's oldest daughter, at that gen
tleman's residence on Jfain street, it
being tbe farewell of Bessie. Jfany
were tbe little gifts she received on that
occasion and great was the enjoyment
of tbe little folks during tbe evening.
—Rev. Wasson, pastor of the U. B.
church at this plaoe called ou us on
Tuesday evening. He is a right pleas
ant minister, who seems to possess au
ample amount of intelligence and edu •
cation to be a successful preacher of
God's word. He will have services
next Sunday evening.
—The first two copies of "The Foun
tain," the new weekly paper spoken of
in our last issue, are on our table. At
its'head appears the name of E. T. Tu
ten, editor of tbe Belief onte Republican,
as its publisher, and upon closer exam
ination we find it to be a very interest
ing and entertaining sheet, just the pa
per to while away the quiet hours of a
Sunday. Its fifty-six columns con
tain a fine variety of reading matter,
intended and suitable for the family
circle. We wish this bright fountain
' of literature a successful future.
—1). W. Zeigler's new residence on
Penn street receivtnl its first coat of
plastering last week. We understand
that part of the building will be used as
an ice-cream ami oyster saloon, which
will formally be opened sometime dur
ing the holidays. The well-planned ar
rangement of the bnilding and its cen
tral location will make it a popular re
sort for persons of epicurean tastes.
A CURE AT LAST. -Ely's Cream
Bulm goes more directly than any oth
er catarrh remedy to the seat of the dis
ease, and has resulted in more cures
here than all others. WilkcsbaneJ'a.t
MY SON, aged nine years, was ultlict
ed with catarrh, the use of Ely's Cream
Balm effected a complete cure. —W. E.
Ilamman, Druggist,E iston,Pa. 40-it
Mr.Joseph Shafer,of Nittany Hall,
gave us a call on Tuesday, just long
enough to see that he Is all right on
the subscriptiou book aud to tell us
that he was a passanger on one of the
trains which were wrecked ou the P.
and E. railroad a few miles from
Williamsport, and that lie received a
severe bump In the catastrophe.
-Mr. John Limbert,an old and well
known citixan ot M.uiisonburg, died
last Monday morning, aged 77 years.
Deceased was only sick since Friday,
having been working out in the corn
field the greater part of last week. It
is supposed that he contracted a severe
cold in his bowels which ultimated in
his death. The funeral took place yes
terday forenoon, Rev. N. J. Miller olfi
—Mr. Joshna A. Israel, of Philadel
phia, who has been representing the
Wholesale Clothing House of Jos. Nel
ter & Co., for the last twelve years.reg
istered at the itfusser House on Mon
day. Mr. Israel is one of the best sales
men on the road, and expects to enter
tire above firm as a member after the
first of January. He is one of those
genial and wholesouled fellows, whom
it is always a pleasure to meet,
—Ministers, aldermen and others au
thorized to perform the marriage cere
mony iD this state should bear in mind
one sectiou of the new marriage law re
quiring that the returns be made by
them to the Register and Recorder
from whom the liceuse taken, in thirty
days after the marriage has been per
formed. The return need not necess
arily be made in person ; it can be sent
by mail or otherwise, only so it reaches
the Register and Recorder, and is cor
rectly made out.
—The iron fence for the new ceme
tery, west of town, arrived on Tuesday,
and was lifted yesterday and hauled
to the ground. - It wax manufactured
at Kenton, Ohio, and when in place
will make a stately appearence.
In this connection we are glad to
state that the right man was unani
mously elected by the board as super
intendent of Fairview Cemetery,to wit:
Chief Burgess A. C. Musser. Mr.
Musßer,by virtue of his trade, has con
siderable experience about graveyard
business, and besides that, is a man of
clear judgment and enterprising push.
Certainly the best choice that could be
—On Friday evening, between seven
and eight o'clock, the family of Mr.
Adams, of North street,were agreeably
surprised by a number of friends who
had gathered to have a pound party and
to donate a large quantity of the neces
saries of life as a token of their sympa
thy and esteem; for the family. The
contributions were liberal and are val
ued at about $24. Mr. Adams and wife
feel exceedingly grateful toward the
many donors.
Such acts of kindness never come a
miss and will ever|be a source of bless
ing to the giver as well the recip
ient, and they are to be encouraged
by "Peterson's Magazine," for 1886, is
of rare excellence and beauty. It is a
first-class line-and-stipple engraving,
executed in the highest style of art.
The artists are Illman Brothers, and
they have engraved it—size, 21 inches
by 27—for "Peterson's Magazine," in
their best and most brilliant manner.
The picture is called "The Angel of
Paradise," and is a companion to the
"Not Lost, But Gone Before," publish
ed by "Peterson's Magazine" some
years ago, and which was so popular.
In artistic merit, it is, we think, one of
thefinest "Peterson" has ever issued,
and will go to every mother's heart,
especially if she has lost one of her
"darlings." Another of the premiums
is the "Forget-Me-Not," an illustrated
album, a book of yery great beauty. A
nother is an extra copy of the magazine
etc., etc. You can get any of them,
gratis,by raising a club for "Peterson"
for 1886. This is a rare chance. Spec
imens of the magazine sent gratis,with
full particulars, to those wishing to get
up clubs,if written for. Address CIIAS.
J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut Street,
—DRUGGISTS all report a rapid and
steadily increasing demand for Mc-
Donald's Celebrated Worm Powder.
There is no secret or trick about their
popularity. It is solely because people
nave become convinced through trial or
hearing their neighbors say that they
are the best and easiest to take vermi
fnge ever produced. Nasty,sickening,
old-fashioned wormseed syrups won't
sell. People demand McDonald's Cele
brated Worm powders, and won't haye
anything else, hence their sales are
greater than all the other vermifuges
combined. Money refunded to dissatis
fied purchasers.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—For good Shoes go to Spigelmyer's,
Millheim and Madisonburg.
According to the previous announce
ment llio dedicatory services of the lie
formed church at Aaroosburg began
on Wednesday evening with an able
sermon by Rev. D. M. Wolf. The
weather haviug been very inclement
the attendance wa9 small. On Thurs
day eveuing Rev. DeLong, of Belle*
fonte, favored a larger audience with a
One discourse ou of pious parents,point
ing to the godly faUier and mother
of the prophet Samuel as examples.
On Friday evening Rev. N. J. Miller,
of Rebeisbuig tilled the pulpit very ef
The interest in Saturday evening's
services was materially increased by
tlw presence of Dr. Dubbs, of Lancas
ter, and Rev. S. K. Evans, of Potts
town. The latter is a native of this
valley, being a son of James G. Evans,
of Gregg township. His eloquent ser
mon on that evening gave ample proof
that he is a thorough and clear minded
theologian and peculiarly adapted
for the pulpit. Ilis large audience
highly appreciated and enjoyed his ad
On Sunday morning at fifteen min
utes before ten o'clock the consecratory
services proper were opened with a fine
and well rendered anthem, specially
composed for this occasion by Hon. J.
(Jr. Meyer, of Aarousburg. Dr. Dubbs
preached a deep sermon, well spiced
with historical points, -directly bear
ing on the subject discussed. lie
was followed by Rev. Evaus in an e
qually insti uctive sermon in the Ger
man language. The pure and-correct
language used by that gentleman gave
evideuce of the complete education
which he obtained by a theological course
of several years is the Vaterland. After
these fine sermons, which were listened
to with greatest attention by a crowd
ed house, the work of raising the nec
cessaiy lunds to liquidate the deLt still
resting on the church was proceeded,
with. The greater part of the required
sum was procured in subcriptions,but as
the services had already consumed over
three hours, it was thought advisable
to postpone the ceremonies
until evening. 1 * *
Rev. Dubbs again treated his many
hearers to an excellent sermon on Sun
day evening, after the church wis for
mally consecrated to the worship of
The children's meeting in the after
noon was briefly addressed by the fol
lowing ministers ; Rey. Evans, Rev.
Wolf, Rev. llengst.
There wil be preaching every even
ing this week. Communion services
next Sunday forenoon.
Any man or woman making less
than S4O weekly should tiy our easy
money-making business. We want A
gents for our celebrated MADAME DEAN
COMBINED (for Men and Boys). No
experience required. Four orders per
day give the Agent $l5O monthly. Our
Agents report four to twenty sales dai
ly. $3 outfit free. Send at once for
full particulars. State sex.
35-13t 390 Broadway, New York.
Neighboring News.
The schools of Penn township com
menced on Monday.
W. F. Smith claims to have the
largest apple iu the section. It meas
ures 13 inches in circumference. He
also must have credit for having the
largest crop of pumpkins—so loads.
Jerry Kern was home on business last
Miss Ella Swartz, W. E. Smith and
Milton Bright spent Sunday with
friends at this place.
Last week Prof. Bacey's big steam
horse came along here on its annual
trip and made some of us work like
good fellows, especially behind the
straw carrier. On Thursday, a wood
saw was run with the steamer, and
fifteen cords of Squire Duck's wood
were cut up in 4} hours.
Some scamps took Frank Bresslers
wagon box off and pitched it over the
fence last Friday night.
John Weaver was to Beiltonte last
week. Heard he was up for a license.
Is it so Johu? sj.
A would be sharper came to Milton
Kern the other day to oiaim the pocket
book he had found a few weeks ago.
—OCTOBER is a good month for
merchant to examine their stock of
Dr. Kessler's Celebrated English
Cough Medicine and Include a winter's
supp'y in their next order. The people
have found out by experience that it
can be relied on in all cases of croup,
whooping-cough, colds, and lung troub
les of any nature, and will have it. A
good article draws trade while worth
less preparations drive it away. It
should be a source of satisfaction to a
dealer as well, to kuow he is giving
Sood honest value for money received
loney refunded to dissatisfied pur
chasers, . „
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Spring Mills.
Our schools are agairi in full oper
ation. All the old teachers have again
been employed.
The protracted meeting is still in pro
gress. Quite a goodly number have
been added to the church.
Farmers are busy husking corn and
gathering apples.
Rev. S. K. Evans, of Potts town, is
visiting his parents at this place. *
8. 11. Diehl left on Monday morning
for Montrose, Col.
Andy Musser, son of J. 11. Musser
has gone to Millersyilie, Fa., to attend
the State Normal.
Rev. M. L. Deitzler & wife have
gone to Harrfeburg to visit the lady's
parents, and gone all week.
Abs. Musser and wife are expected
to ret urn|f rom their Western trip at the
close of this week. They are now in
Akron, O.
The Reformed choir during the dedi
catory services sang some very excell
ent antheius, due in part to its assist
ance of the cornet music rendered by
Messrs. Rumiller, Hartor and Meyer.
Mr. Morrison,the gentleman selected
by our school board to teach our ad
vanced school, opened upfthe same on
last Jtfonday morning. Judging from
the gentleman's conversational talent
he will have a good school.
Mrs. James F. Coburn and J/rs. Eva
Rodgers are visiting relatives aud
frieuds in Norristown and Fhilada.
Jfrs. James Huston, her daught
ers Lizzie & Jennie will take charge
of the household affairs during the ab
sence of the visiting ladies.
Wo lately jioticed that J/iss Jennie
Schrefiler left Jas. P. Coburn's. J/r.
Coburn had give Jennie a homefor the
last 17 years. Sorry to see Jennie has
left us and hope she may return soon
again. Jer.nie has made her home with
D. A. J/usser,at J/illheim.
AH the editor of the Journal was a
regular attendant at the dedication
services of the new Reformed Church
during the close of last week and Sab
bath following, we look to him to furn
ish the readers of the Journal a full re
port of its exercises. ANOTUEU.
with the principle hospitals throughout
the United .States report very grati
fying and satisfactory results from the
use ot McDonald's Great Blood purifier
in ail cases of vitiated blood, emaciated
condition, enfeebled digestive power,
malassimilation of food,&c, But few
diseases can withstand its remarkable
purifying, tonic, and reconstructive
power. Money refunded to dissatisfied
Philadelulua Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Pa.
Andrew Campbell weatberboardcd
part of his house.
James Witroyerisa happy man again.
He says it's a girl.
Boardwalk is the talk now and it cer
tainly is much needed. But don't stop
with tho talk, push the improvement
to completion
~~~One of our most wiry men got a dip
ping on one of the late cold mornings.
Oh 1:
Most of our citizens were to the ded
icatory services at Aaronsburg on Sun
Wm. Krcamer's house is completed
and ready to be occupied.
The recent rains flooded the cellars
of our merchants.
J.Gable's former carpenters are away
on business. *
—McDonald's Improved Liver Pills
secure a healthy liyer, regularity of
the bowels, good digestion, sound sleep,
head .and an active energetic mind
No constipation, no biliousness, no
jaudice, no sick headache, or torpidity
of liver or kidney possible, when occa
sional doses of these pills are used.
All druggists keep them* Money ref
unded to dissatisffied purchasers.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenbuth, Millheim ,Pa.'
Miss Ida Ocker went to Clear field
last week and sxpects to be absent all
Mr. Benjamin Roush,we are glad to
report,is again able to be about and at
bis work. He had been confined to the
house for over a week with a lame
At last the water pipes came and they
greatly improve our waterworks. The
iron pipes reach from the springs in
the gap to opposite A,Guisers,with four
hydrants rlong the line.
The farmers are busy husking corn
and making cider.
Mr. Noah Bierly, of New York, a
brother of our towns man, Joseph
Bierly, spent a few days with his
friends in this place.
At this writing Mr. S. B. Stover is
on a fair way of recovery from his re
cent attack of rheumatism.
B. W. Shafer has been nursing a sore
hand for the last two weeks. The re
port howeyei, of his baviug lockjaw, is
The public Bcbf>ol opened on Monday
with Prof. S. Bierly, as teacher of the
grammar school and Mr. Helfrich,
teacher of the primary school. STILL,
On the 18th Inst., at the home of the groom, In
Penn township, by Rev. S. M. Mouutz, Mr. Al
vln M. Harter to Miss Annie E. Ulrich.
beautiful Electric
ilhr El I i Corsets. Sample free to those be-
HU LII I'll coming agents. No risk, quick salea.
Territory given, satisfaction guaranteed. Address
DR.SCOTT,B42 Broadway St.,N.Y.
This is kept ou file at the otiice of
to! IMA ltd at Lowest Cash Rates rnCt
stumps for AYER & SON'S MANUAL
To Regulate
|Hp warranted not to contain a single par*
A AAAI tide of Mercury or any ii\jurious sub
stance, but la purely vegetable.
It will Cure all Disease* caused
toy Derangement of the Liver,
Kidneys and Btomaoh.
If your Liver is out of order, then your
whole system is deranged The biood is
impure, the breath offensive; you have >
headacne, feel languid, dispirited and
nervous. To prevent a more serious con*
dition, take at once Simmons
* |VTT|fI REGULATOR. If you lead a
-I If P.K sedentary life, or suffer with
ill V IliV Kidney Affections, avoid
stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator.
Sure to relieve.
If you have eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feel heavy after meals or ;
aleepless at night, take a dose and you
wilt feel relieved and sleep pieasandy.
If you are a miserable sufferer with
Constipation, Dyspepsia and
Itlllousness, seek relief at once in
Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not
require continual dosing, and costs but a 1
trifle. It will cure you.
If you wake up in the morning with a
bitter, bad taste in your mouth.
Iff ■ fffl Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor*
I II H P rects the Bilious Stomach, sweetens
A AAAII the Breath, and cleanses the Furred
Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar
tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness.
Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head
ache, Sick Stomach. Indigestion, Dysentery, and
the Complaints incident to Childhood.
At any time you fee! your system needs
cleansing, toning, regulating without violent
purging, or stimulating without Intoxi
cating, take
Sinmoss Liver Regulator.
J. H. ZEIUM it CO.. Philadelphia, Pa.
i I
An Efficient Remedy
In all canon of Bronchial mi 4 Pulmo
nary Affections is AYER'S CHKRRT
PECTORAL. A* such it i* recognized and
prescribed-by tlio medical profession, and
in many thousand* of families, for tbo
Cist forty years, it ha* been regarded as an
valuable . household remedy. It Is a
preparation that only require* to be taken
in very small quantities, and a few dose*
of it administered in the early stages of a
cold or cough will effect a speedy cure,
and may, very possibly, save fife. There
1* no doubt whatever that
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
lla* preserved the live* of great number*
of persons, by arresting the development of
Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, •
and Pulmonary Consumption, and by t
the cure of those dangerous maladies. It
should be kept ready for use In every
family where there are children, as it is a
medicine far superior to all others in the
treatment of Croup, the alleviation of .
W hooping Cough, and the cure of Colds •
and Influenza, ailments peculiarly inci
dental to childhood and youth. Prompti
tude in dealing with all diseases of this
class is of the utmost importance. The
loss of a single day may, In many cases,
entail fatal consequences. Do not waste
precious time in experimenting with
medicines of doubtful efficacy, while the
malady is constantly gaining a deeper
hold, but take at once the speediest and
most certain to cure, -
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 4
Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. •
- N Sold by all "* *
An elegant octavo volume of 716 page9—Bo ill
ustrations. Price 12.00. This work give* a full
account of Brant's eventful life, Including his
military career, his life as President, and his re
nowned Trip Around the World. Every admir
er of the Nation's Hero will desire this, the
best selling Life ol Grant. Send 50 cents at
once for outftt. Park Pah.Co., Hartford,
Conn. 32-4t
WT A VTCII Ladies and gentlemen to
YY .1.11 L If, take light, pleasant employ
mental their homes (distance no objection);
work sent by mail; $2 to $5 a day can be quietly
made;no canvassing. Please address at once
ULOBK Mro. Co., Boston. Mass., box 5314.
■ AflAlmore money than at anything else 1
IMf IHi by taking an agency for the best I
WW llWselllng book out. Beginners succeed
■■ ■■■grandly. None fall Terms free.
HALLXTT BOOK CO., Portland Maine.
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
" 4 / # • "'
i - • >• • 4
.t' I \
The most reasonable and reliable clothiers of
Bellefonte are
Joseph Bros. & Co.
j * —
kjj I S - • •
■ ., <1
:u- : •~ v ' ■ ' ° : :3
our stock is equally as good, if not than any clothing made to order
in the country. We are making . ~
this reason of * " V
\ . .
We are able to -
than almost any other merchant. Our entire stock is
and we will give customers the benefit of our close figures.
4. - .
DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Notions
is so well known in this section of country that advertising it is superfluous
W&~ We offer this week a specialty:
A Black Cork Screw Suit for $3.80.
la Best
Thousands of articles are now manufactured thai
in former yean bad to be Imported, paying bigb
on port duty aa it la now being done on Lea 4 Per*
itns table aaueO; the Qtuxas Tama* 4* trosr tnkaa
its place; it has been pronounced bycompeteat
judges just as good ana even better. 'TBO QCAAKB
dAUC* baa Slowly but aurely gained great im
portance and is replacing the wry bat imported
cauce on the shelf of the grocer, the tables
of the restaurant and the table* of ihe rick and
poor men, greatly prised and relished by alt oa
account of its piquancy, aroma, taste, stivtftk
and pureneas. Tbo inventor has by yeara of
atudy of the secret virtues contained in the aro
matic spices of the Indies and China, sack aa
mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger,
and peppers and buds of trees unknown to most
men, and by long praetico succeeded to combine
their extracts in auch a liquid ftWm as we now
1 find it. of agreeable taste, and so invigorating aa
to be taken in place of stomach bitters. By jp* n *
ufactoring this sauce here, heavy import duties
and freights are saved, and it is sold at a lower
figure to the dealer; who making a hotter profit oa
Quaker Sauoe cSu sell it to tbo contdn>W.cheaper
than the very boat loiportod article hardly equal*
Ingours. If your grocer does'not keep it. Write
us for prices, etc. Bold to bottles or by the gallon.
Sole Proprietors and Matwfmctorm,
196 4 IMB. M*T., St. Loads, Km
P ' OVER loooooo^PJl
BOTTLES SOU) AND ffiflEß * '
1 - : ** Yv
| r
g T. FBALN,"Proprietor o! the
-jf First National Hotel,
' • MILLHBIM. PA., *
wishes to Inform the public that he keeps the
following liquors const tntiy on hand and ID
sure* them all strictly pure, and especially a*
dapted for medical purposes:
Hannesvllle, * Imported Holland,
Rough keepsie, London.
Kush, WIN Ell j
Haog, Blackberry,
Louisville, Elderberry,
Kentucky. " Port
BRANDTS; Huckleberry,
Plain, Catawba,
' Ginger, Grape.
Sherry, , _
Blackberry, Applejack,
Peach. New England Bum.
j&- These liquors are all guaranteed to be not
leoe than four years old and can be strongly
reccommendea as wholesome and healthy.
LAGER always on draught. 22-3 m
Lorillard's Climax
with Red Tin Tag: Dm leaf Pins CaMJhew-
Ing; Navy Clippings,and Black, Brown and
Yellow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual
ity considered.