THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22ND, 1885. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR STATK TREASURER, CONRAD B. DAY, OF .v. . DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. Fnr Jktry Cbminiasioner —JOHN ROAN", Fbr,.Coroncr—Dr. H. K. HOY. DAY'S candidacy for the state treas ury is a case where the office seeks the man, not the man the office. THE democratic ticket in Pennsyl . vania in short is—Conrad B. Day, an honest business man for a jx>silion of trnst and business. BY getting out a full vote, Pennsyl vania's democracy will elect Conrad B. Day, on the 3rd of next month. Bear this in mind, democrats, and work for success. OHIO'S state election, on Tuesday| ot last week, resulted in a republican vic tory. Judge Foracker was elected governor with a plurality of about 19,000 over Iloadly. Dr. Leonard, the tempeiaLce candidate, received about 25,000 votes, which is more than the prohibitionists ever before had in the state. The legislature is republican by a majority of 3 ,on a joint ballot. The result is no disappointment t odeuio crats, as Ohio, like Peunsylvania, is a republican state, and the election of a democrat can only be expected under extraordinary circumstances. The con stitutional amendmeut, changing the time for elections from October to No vember, was carried. IN nearly all elections so far, the de mocracy of this couuty has proved it self wide awake and willing to do its full duty. We" hope it will not be found wanting in this fall's battle, but * advance ia close rauks aud assist in the election of our excellent candidate, Co nrad B. Day, by a strong vote: Oar state chairma •, W. U. Hensel, is con fident of success, provided all demo crats make it a point to cast their bal lots for Day next Tuesday a week. See to it that you and your neighbors are at the polls, and do not rest until you are .assured that a full vote has been cast in your community for an honest and upright man and against a corrupt and unfit political boss. Against Quay. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 16 — The Re publicans and Independents opposed to the election of Colonel M. S. Quay to the office of State Treasurer, have sent out over 5,000 circular letters to Republicans throughout the State. At the headquarters a couple of clerks are engaged in sending out mail matter, and during the next two weeks the gentlemen interested in the movement to defeat Colonel Quay expect to do a great deal of work. Letters are be ing received from parties expressing sympathy with the efforts that are being m'ade, the writers promising their aid. A circular will be sent out indicating three ways in which to de feat the Republican candidate: Ist, for Republicans to remain away from the polls; 2nd, to vote a blank for the of fice of State Treasurer; and 3rd, to vote for Conrad B. Day, the Democratic candidate. The New Tax Law. The people of Pennsylvania would do well by an early and careful study of the new tax law passed by the re cent Legislature and approved on the 30th of June last. It works a radical change in the taxation of personal property, not so much in the funda mental system of taxation as in the 6tringent methods by which it is ad ministered and enforced. BY the new law all mortgages.mon ey owing by solvent debtors, all agree ments bearing interest, except notes or bills for work or labor done or ob ligations given to banks for loans, and all public loaDS or stocks, except State or National or Building Association, and all money loaned or invested in other States, are now taxable at the rate of three mills on the dollar for State purposes and they are by the same law "exempt from all taxation except for State purposes." This three mill tax covers all bank, saving fund, safe deposit, guarantee and every form of financial stocks. All stages, omnibuses, hacks, cabs and any other vehicles used for passenger hire, also pay a three mill tax on their value, and all annuities over two hundred dollars, except those granted by the State or National government, pay a like tax. The radical change in the method of enforcing the new tax law consists in requiring every citizen to make re turn under oath of all mortgages and other investments or incomes made taxable, and in case of refusal to- make return under oath, the assessor is re quired "to make return for suck tax able person, estimating the amount from the best information at his com mand, to which estimated return the proper County Commissioners or Boards of Revision shall add fifty per centum and the aggregate amount so obtained shall be the basis of taxa tion." Such return may be corrected on or Iwfore the day fixed for appeals from assessments, only by the taxable person presenting good reasons under oath for the failure to make the return. Our tax system in Pennsylvania has been very loose and inefficient so far as it related to personal property and money at interest, and the result has been that only a very small pro portion ot the money at interest pay any tax at all. Under the new law there can be no evasion ot the lawful tax without absolute perjury, and there is a dangerous as well as dis graceful method of evasion. The new law was necessitated by a rtcent de cision of the Supreme Court,by which a large amount of rcvenuo would have been lost in corporation bonds without a remedial statute.— Time*. Judge Foraker to Stump New York. NKW YORK, October 17. -Judge Foiaker has accepted an invitation by the Republican Slate committee to stump the State of New York for Davenport. Dr, W/tite's New Offioe. II ARRTsnuno,October lfi.—The Gov ernor to-day appointed Dr. J. William White Trustee of the Eastern Peniten tiary,in place ot Mr.Harrison,deceased. A large number of letteis had been written to the Governor requesting his appoiutment. "John Ploughshare" Against Quay. Alfred Sharpless, one of the most intelligent Republican of Chester coun ty, widely known by his terse and vigorous writings over the nom de glu me of "John Ploughshare," sends the following note to the Local News of W®Bt Chester: Mr. ILDITOU— In your edition of the 12th you copy from the Philadelphia Press as an item of news, from a Media conespondant, a communication in which it is stated that the Republicans of the county are "practically united, and a majority of those who have form erly acted with the Independents have declared for the whole ticket." Now, this is not true, and if Mr. Cooper is placiug any reliance upon such infor mation he will be badly left. But he is not doing so, for our state ticket and that thousands of earnest Republicans will let it go by default, if they do not vote directly against it. A number of active Republicans from both Chester and Delaware counties, who have never been identified with any Independent movement, have asked me "what shall be done with a ticket that is so distaste ful to our sense of duty, and so injuri ous to the interests of our party?" My advice has been to go and do what you think is honest and right, let the con sequences be what they may. Do your own thinking and voting and you will be better satisfied with yourselves if not with the results. It is discourag ing that our grand old party with its noble principles should be brought so near to rum for the sake of keeping a few machine roosters, who can never be satisfied, in fat offices all their days. In the interest of tiuth and honesty. Y on rs, JOHN PLOUGIISIIAUE. Miscellaneous News. • A twenty inch eel was iccenlly taken out of one of the Wiliiainspoit water-pipes. The Pennsylvania National Guard is to he furnished with arms to conform to those in use in thereguar United States Army. Tiiirty ovens have been fired at the new mammoth cone works in the Pleas ant Unity d istiict in the Connelsville coke field. Accompany has been organized at Huntingdon with a capital of $20,000 for the purpose of operating a large shoe factory. "Josh Billings," wlioss real name was A. W. Shaw,'died at Monterey, California, on the 14th inst. The body will be sent east for burial. Late developments show that the pe culations in the Renovo post-office will reach $5,000. Most of the victims are miners and employes ia the railroad shops. The marriage license law is already giving trouble in Philadelphia, accord ing to the liecord. A negro applying for a license was refused because he cou'd not tell his age,although evident ly between 30 and 40 years. According to the Gettysburg Com piler, the State Board of Pa dons"haye pronounced the Adams County poor house one of the best kept,cleanest and most health y * they visited, and that Adams County can justly claim the best insane hosp'tal in the Slate. It is estimated that 10,003 to 12,000 boys under 14 years of age haye been permitted to evade the law by working in the mines in the coal regions, and the Society Tor the Prevention of Cruelty to Children will institute pros ecution against the mine owners. Jack Laporte Goes to the Penitentary. HUNTINGDON, Pa.,Oct.l6,—The mo tion for a new trail for Jack Laporte, who wa3 convicted here last month of murder in the second degree, was ar gued to day, each of the seventeen reasons filed in suppoit of the motion being forcibly dwelt upon by counsel, especially for the defense. The Couit, after hearing the arguments attentive ly, overruled the motion and sentenced the prisoner to the penitentiary for six years. The New York park commissioners have formally set aside a portion of Riverside park for General Grant's tomb. It embraces a plot 650 feet long and 250 feet across at its widest part, the temporary vault being 150 feet from the northern boundary and at'the point of its greatest width. Drunken Men Who Fooled With a Gun. IIA/.LETON, Oct. 10.—Threo intox icated young men, named Robert Fichter, Edward Burtley and Thomas Scott, were handling an old gun here this afternoon and Burtley loaded both barrels with a heavy charge of powder aud shot, lu attempting to put on a cap the hammer of the gun fell and the cap was exploded. The barrels, being overcharged, burst and oue of the Hying pieces of iron entered Ficter's head. He ran about thirty yards and then dropped dead in the raad. Scott was terribly cut about the head and face and body and is not ex pected to recover. Burtley's right arm was so badly mangled that it had to be amputated and he was otherwise in jured, his face being bally burned. Fatal Meeting With a Panther. BIGLER,Pa.,Oct. 15.—Boon's Moun tain has been the scene of a thrilling and fatal hunting adventure. Two young trappers, named Albert Archer and Richard Anson, while on the Clear field side of the mountain, heard the cry of a panther. Archer went in the direction of the animal, leaving his companion to follow. Reaching a clear ing in the forest, Archer came upon the feline. Before he could raise his rifle the cougar pounced upon him and in flicted such terrible injuries with its teeth and claws that, upon the arrival of Anson, Archer was dead. Auson fired several shots at the retreating creature, but none of them took effect. The lumbermen have orgauized a hun ting party, and a rigorous search will be made for the panther. Chinese Flocking East. PITTSBURG, Oct. 18. —For tliiity days past many Chinese have been passing through this city in parties of from 5 to 20 on their way east. Yesterday morning a half dozen Chinese, all of the better class, arrived at the Union Depot from Chicago, and left a few hours later for Philadelphia, Boston and New York. A rather venerable looking Mongolian, who seemed to be chaperoning the rest of the party,told a reporter in excellent English that he and his friends had left a more or less lucrative laundry business in San Josa and San Francisco because their lives were threatened by the very man whose shirts they washed. They all had a little money saved and were going to locate in the east. It is esti mated that over 500 Chinamen have pacsed through Pittsburg in their flight from the west since September 20. About 5 per cent, of them have got over their sr are and gone back. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS CAUTION —Having bought ait Constable's saile, Oct. Ttli. instant, the following piop ertv of Robert W. Miller, of Gregg township, and having left the same in Ids possession at my pleasure, I hereby caution all persons not to meddle or Interfere with it In any way: Two Hogs. Potatoes, one Stove and pipe, Sink, Table, % dozen Kitchen Chairs, Two Reds and Bedding, Clock. Woodbov, Two Stands,2o yards of Carpet. Lot of Dishes, and all other house hold goo Is. JAMES A. DKCKKRT. Spring M ills, Oct. 15th, 18S5. 40-4t IjIXECUTOR'S NOTlCE,—Letters testament- IJ ary on the estate of Christian Hehin, late of Penn township.deoeased. having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate arc hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pres ent them duly proven for settlement. JACOB BEHM, 40-0t Executor. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale the lot of ground situate along the turnpike, leading to Coburn. about one mile south of Millhc'.m, with a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, BLACKSMITH SHOP, STABLE and all other necessary outbuildings thereon erected. Good water and choice fruit on the premises. The property is at present oc cupied by Win. Moyer and is a very desirable home. Apply to or address S. L. STROHECKER, 39-4t. Rebersburg, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of administration &n the e>tate of Sarah Hess, late of ai nes township, deceased, haying been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, to present thein duly proven for settlement. MICHAEL F. HhSS, 39-Ct Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Letters of administration 011 the estate of Michael Ney, late of Aaronsburg, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned.ali persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are herebv requested to make immediate payment anil those having cluimsag.tiust the same to present them duly proven tor settlement. 11. E. DUCK, 37-6t Administrator, C. T. A. LADIES! WITH HANOVER'S TAILOH SYSTEM you can cut Dresses to tit, without oral instructions, 'dress makers pronounce it jierfect. Price for System, Book and Double Tracing Wheel. *<>. so. TO INTRODUCE. A System. Book and Wheel will be sent 011 re ceipt of SI.OO. Address 39-41 JOH N C. HANOVER, Cincinati. O. FIRST CLASS AGENT WASTED Iff THIS COUNTY To represent our beautifully illustrated family magazine. Special terms and permanent engagement given to the rigl t party. Any smart man or wo man wiio i 3 willing to work and has ability to push the magazine can se cure a splendid position. Write us at once giving age, particulars of past work and territory desired . Address, COTTAGE HEARTH Co., Boston Mass. N. W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23 ly Journal Store Column. o. K. FOR THE FALL TRADE! I beg leave to call the attention of the public in general and my patrons in particular to the fact that my store on Penn street is jnsitively headquarters for SCHOOL BOOKS and BLANK BOOKS, FOR STATIONERY and NOVELTIES. It would be utterly impossible to tell you of all the desirable articles I have. The best ivay is to come and see, and I extend you a hearty invitation to come % deeming it a pleasure to attend to your wants. I keep a Large Stock of Satisfac tory Goods. Making a specialty of my lijie of goods, I know where, to buy for the least money. I pay the cash down to the city firms and they consequently give me extra inducements which I will share with my customers, and therefor you will find my Prices Very Low. Will have a detailed announce ment of my complete stock in this column later. S% Q% JOURNAL STORE, Penn street, Millheim, Pa. ELYS Catarrh CREAMGALM m when tgpliod the nostril*, will D" absorbed effectual lyW /i CUßrcC wl £jl cleansing the bp",! of catarrhal iJ ,/, n U\ni causing healthy *PLr7l rl/P r®|}2 ktM cretlons. It allays in FH/YFtVER m}*l the membfuiie ot t°ln IKL, & nasal passage* fnimMf / additional cold completely heals sort's ami ri'H|oit sonso of taste a' l *Not a Liquid or Snuff HAt-FEVER Apply a particle of the Balm Into each nostril, A few applications relieve. A thorough treat ment will cure. Agreeable to use. Fend for cir cular. Price ft() cent* by mall or at Druggists. ELY BROTHEUB. Druggists,Owego.N. Y. Intelligent NOLICITOKN WAXTF.D for GEN. GRANT'S O*N BOOK. HIS OWN ACCOUNT of the greatest military struggle of modern times. 200,000 Already or dered ! Success of agents Is marvelofi*. Ad drcs, 111' BBAKI) BROS.,Pub's 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia., Pa. to H W/IWWm KKI.IABLKMKN to sell our goods. TT AN ILIIJ A full Hue of Fin IT ANI OKNAMKN TAI. THKKS, Miruhs, Drape Vines, Itoses, Ac. Several hundred varieties In fclttck. Al* Intro ducer and solo proprietor of MOOllK'3 DIA MOND Grape. Liberal terms to Agents. J. P. LECLAHK, Brighton, N. Y. 40dt ri travel and tell tothu trade our staple and celebrated Cigars. Tobacco, Cigarettes, Pipes, L'beral nrranpementa. Salary or Commission. Addrc** at once, NEW YORK & HAVANA CIUAit CO., T Broad war, Now York. MENTION TIIIS PAPER 40-tt EstablhhM jpt YY'S ****' MANILLA ROOFING! RKMCMIM.RS FINE I.ka tiikh; for ROOKS, OUT SIDE WALES, and INSIDE In place of Plaster. Very strong and durable. CARPETS and KUOS of same material. Catal >gue with testl menial* and samples Free. W. H. KAY A CO., Camdeu, N. J. v 34-4t THE MAGIC INSECT EXTERMINATOR nil d MOMtytTITO BITE CUKE. We oiler one thousand dollars for Its equal. Send for circulars. BAI.LADE A C 0.,8 East 18th St..New York.3G-4t IVflDlf Wanted Agents to sell our American If UlUi edition of the Revised Bible. Photo gragh Album*. LIFE OF CHANT., Prof. O. 8. Fowler's Creat Work, etc. Send Soc. for com- I dele outfit. Permanent employment, paving do to *2O weekly. Adams* CLOUE BIBLE Pub- LisniNu co.. 70T> Chestnut St., Puila., Pa. 36-4t IV 4 \TVII 1000 BUTCHERS AND CIGAR " A-llliH MANUFACTURERS ! Butcher to buy the STAR MEAT CUTTER, Cigar Manufacturer to buy the DAISY SCRAP MACHINE. These Machines are wari anted to be the best in the market. Send for circulars to 3b-4t S. K. WANNKU. Blue Ball, Pcnna. NEW GUNS!— NEW PRICES! WINCHES TER RIFL ES from sls to $lB. BREECH LOADING double guns from sl2 up. BREECH LOADING single guns f rom $j up. MUZZLE LOADING guns from $2.50 up. m RE VOL VINO CVL INI) E R GUNS for balls or shot ; CANE GUNS; The MARL IN RIFLE, The SPENCER RIFLE, The REMINGTON RIFLE or SHOT GUN. F I N E BREECH-LOADING RIFLES and SHOT GUNS. REVOLVERS! Loading Tools, A munition, Car tridges, Leggings, Powder, Shot, Caps, Lead, and anything in the Shooting Line. fry/"" Guns carefully repaired at the GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, Bcllefonte, Penna. THEODORE DESCHNER, Proprietor. 'VfIHTFfI for DR. SCOTT's 15 '■>t \ beautiful Electric IV* *8 ' il I -1 Corsets. Sample free to those be- M '—i tm 31 i omlnsr agents. No risk, quick sales. Territory given,satisfaction guaranteed. Address DR.SCOTT ,B42 Broadway St.N.Y. THE STOCKTON ji Corner Maryland and Atlantic avenues.Atlantic City. N.J. This spiendld hotel is now ready to receive guests for the season. Fine view of the ocean, and excellent bathing, boating, fishing, &c. Dancing pavlHion attached. KEL*kv, Proprietors. [Mention where you saw tills ad.] "SPY or THE REBELLION." Now selling by tlio Tens of thousands! No competi tion. Only book of its kind. The "SPY" reveals many secrets of the war never before published. A graphic account of the conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln. Perilous experiences of our FKDEPAL SPIES in tlio liebel Capitol; their heroic bravery fully recounted in these vivid sketches. The "Spy" is tho most thrilling- war book ever published Endorsed by huudrcdg of Press and Agents' testimonials. A largo hand some book, 0 8 pagefi; 60 illustrations. tWACENTS WANTED! AGE NTS! 1 his book is outselling all others. Over one hundred thousaiul applications for agencies have been received. Wo have many agents who have soM two to five hundred copies. jyff- The "i PY" is told only by our Aerents, ami can not bo found in bookstores. Kells to merchants, farmers, mechanics,and every body. Absolutely the easiest book to sell ever known I We want one agent in every Grand Army Post i n d in every township and county in the U, 8. For full particulars and terms to agents address O. W. CARLETON A CO., Publishers, New York. WE ARE READY WITH OUR ' AUTUMN * DISPLAY . \ .;• I ■ OF Reasonable, Fresh, Cheap and Well-selected Goods. Just received and shelved the following : 50 Pieces of MUSLIN, from 5 to 7 1-2 cts. 100 Pieces of PRINTS, " sto 7 1-2 cts. A fuU Hne of CASHMERES and LA DIES' CLOTHS, aU prices. AH kinds of FLANNEDS a specialty in our store. A splendid selection of HAPS and BLANKETS. BRUSSELS. INGRAIN and HOME MADE CARPETS and RUGS. A SIOOO lot of BOOTS and SHOES, for men, women and children. A complete line of READY-MADE CLOTHING. An unequalled stock of LADIES' and GENT'S UNDERWEAR. 9 Space does not permit to enumerate the one-half of our large stock, but before closing we would in vite the attention of our patrons to our excellent display of 3ST OTIOISTS. CALL AND SEE! D. S. Kauffman & Co., Mam Street, MilLheim, Pa- MONEY; SAVED 60 1 tbo l.est an.l cheapest in the mark' t. Our Bcissora 7 vnKi Sharpener will last al- 11 try lady needs one. EIfEDVEMII V ae* l ® these goods as they are tftnl I AWL I the best and cheapest Ask your dealer to get you Globe Toasters A Broilers, 30 A 35c. (very superior &rticles)Glob Fruit and Jelly Press, $1.25, has no equsL Cake Mixer, stone bowl SdnanSkinn. %sM $1.75. Globe combined Tack Hammer, Settle Scrap. & N o o or3.' er. Hot Pan Lifter, 15c. Globe Sad Iron Hester sares No. 2 26c. each coal, 25c., Ac., Ac. If your dealer is out elub with Box 1047 .neighbors send money to ns Ave will ship direct. GLOBE M'F'G 60i 82$ Walnut *t, *•#• Pa. ig"- \ i . OMNIBUSSES • ABD LIGHT SPRING WORK FOR Hotels * Liveiy. INMRFC W AVTFN FOR OURPIM APPA. iiUlliUO IT AlUllll RATUS DEPARTMENT WE MAKE Hose Reels, Hook & Ladder Trucks, Patrol Wagons, Ac. And Fit Out Fire Departments Complete. And good men of influence can make favorable arrangements with us. HORTON & CO., 53,55,57 *59 Eest sth StrMt, CINCINNATI, O. ATTENTION RDfK CWHERS. Something entirely new. It ban a Srnixo STKFL FOOT BOAUD (heavily nickeled but not polished) and possesses tho full < lasticlty of tho Club Skato yet will bo furnished at a small advance beyond the price of ordinary Link Skates. Its construction is of tho most thorough and satisfactory chaructir. This skato will prove a drawing card wherever Introduced and lliuk managers will do well to con sider its merits, as only a small outlay is required beyond that necessary for ordinary i utfit. Prices sent on application. BANNER SKATE WORKS, RICHMOND, IND, THIS PAPER ETS Newspaper Advertising dnreau (10 Spruce Street), where adver. si —msEENNNN YORK. BURDOCK fiLOOD RITTER& WHAT 10 XTt A strictly vegetable prepa ration, composed of a choice and skillfcl combination of Nature's best remedies. The discoverer does not claim it a cure for all the ills* but boldly warrants it cures every form of disease arising from a tor pid liver. Impure blood, dis ordered kidneys, and where there is a broken down condi tion of the System, requiring a prompt and permanent tonic, It never fails to restore the sufferer. Such Is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all druggists, who are authorized by the manufacturers to re fund the price to anv pur chaser who Is not benefited by their use. PRXCS, BLOO FOSTER, IHLBURN & CO., Props, _ BUFFALO. NIW YORK. ABOUT PHOSPHATES Acidulated S. C. Phosphate Rock is not a complete manure—it is valuable for its soluble | Phosphoric Acid only; and contain* no Am -1 monia. It is often called " Soluble Bone," "Mineral Bone;' "Fossil Bone, &c. We are prepared to supply this article at the lowest possible rate, ana guarantee 12 to 14 per cent. Available Phosphoric Acid. FARMERS, DO NOT BR DECEIVED pfiyrin " XJtLJCi tuaat TWENTY FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE *ork>- • 1880 Is not South Carolina Rock. It is a true Ammoniated Animal Bone Super-Phosphate. We are the only manufacturers of it, and every bag has our name and address on, also guaranteed analysis. None other is genuine. BAUGH & SONS,Philadelphia gppg oupply fertiiixwi for all cmTfltßd yownum apt Parker's Tonic. It gives tone and power. For complaints of the Kidneys, Bowels, Stomach. Liver and Lungs,for all the subtle troubles of women and for those bodily disorders induced by anxiety, care and mental strain,its effects will surprise and charm you. It is not an essence of ginger. Delicious to the palate, an antidote to the liquor habit, and exceedingly helpful to the aged and feeble. 50c, and 01 sizes. HI800X& 00., New York.