|l(< |[ilU|,N EC RALGA, CRAMP and Colic there is no remedy superior to the genuine Dr. Thomas' Ectectric Oil. —Fall cleaning is the housewife's topic just now. And their good hus bands are saying their prayers (?) over the stovepipes and carpet tacks. —The foundation walla of Musser & Smith's new hardware building are a bout completed and the heavy timbers on the ground, ready for framing. —A. J. Harter is flitting into bis new boose this week. He is also build ing bis summer kitchen. Andy wili have lots of room where done building. —H. E. Dock, administrator of the estate of Michael Ney, wilt sell the per sonal property of the decedent, on the premises at Aaronsburg, on Saturday, Oct. 17. —I. E. Coaldrea, our merchant tai lor, expects to make sale of hl£ person al effects, on Saturday, October 3d, with the intention of moving away. See bills. —Erysipelas and Salt Rheum was driven entirety away from Mas* J. C. Andreson, Fosht'go, Wis., by Bur dock Blood Bitters- No equal as a blood purifler. —Mr. Hensch, of Northumberland, is in town at present. He will in a few days begin to canvass these val leys with a popular music book, enti tled "Treasury of Song." —Rev. S.M.Mounts wishes the fellow who made a raid on his chicken coop and got away with nineteen of the feathered creatures, to bring them back. Petty thieving is becoming quite prevalent In this town. -For Boots & Shoes go to Kauff mm's. —Bead B. O. Deininger's new ad vertisement in another column ami don't forget th at the Journal store is the best place to buy your books, sta tionery and novelties. —The Millheim correspondent to the Centre Hall Reporter last week stated that we painted our house. We did no juch a thing. The writer of said item should be more accurate. —The history of Downs' Elixir is identified with the history of New Eng land for the last fifty years. It cures cough and colds. For sale by J. Spigel myer aDd D. S. Kauffman & Co. —W. L. Malio, of Bellefoute, the superiutendeot of the Telephone Com* pauy, was among us for a few days, soliciting subscribers for a telephone line between this point and Coburn. —On Monday morning Squire Duck liegan breaking ground for the store house which he contemplates erecting on the site on Main street, lately pur chased by him from Musser & Smith. —I. E. Couldren, whose public sale and subsequent leaving of town wo an nounced last week, informed us that he will go to Philadelphia where he has a lucrative job iu a large tailoring es tablish meat. —Yony Harter is making prepara tions to build a stone crossing in front of tbe main entrance of the Lutheran church on Mill street. Aud theo for the crossing from his alley to the Jour - nal building. LOOK HERE.—I cure Piles. 1 have a positive remedy for piles. By its use many cases ,of the worst kind aud of long stauding have been cured. It cures as if by magic. Money refunded to dis satisfied patients. Address, H.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa. —New window curtains, with the firm's name neatly painted thereon, and a street lamp are the latest im provements at D. S. Kauffman's new store on Main street. They are cer tianly progressive merchants. —Children often need some safe Ca thartic and tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve colic, headache, sick stom ach,indigestion, dysentery and the com plaints incident to childhood. —We just received a full line of Dress Silks—black, garnet, brown and in fact all popular colors, and two or three shades of each color. Will give you good bargains in this line. Come. D. S. KAUFFMAN & Co. —We call tbe attention to tbe adyer. tisement of G. W. Carleton & Co., tbe large Book Publishers, New York City, who want an Agent in our vicinity to sell their popular Subscription Work. See their advertisement of Agents Wanted in another column. —Mr. W. H. Bartholomew, formerly one of the spring Mills t merchants, is now a citizen of Centre Hall. By this change of residence Spring Mills loses one of its most prominent and respect ed busiuess men aud Centre Hall may justly congratulate itself on its gain. —The marriage of Harry Hoy, of this place, to Miss Annie Miller, of Aaronsburg, which occurred on the 15tb ult., escaped our notice last week. We understand that Rey. P. C. Weide myer, of Brushyalley, tied the knot. A long and happy life, Harry. FOR SALE.—S. K. Faust gives no tice that he wishes to sell his valuable farming land situate in Millbeim bor ough north of Abs. Barter's farm, and which he lately bought of David Scholl. The land is in flrst-class condition and purchasers will find it a good invest ment. —Samuel Brumgard, a son of New ton Brumgard, of Rebersbutg, died .on Tuesday, Sept. 23, aged 1C years and 8 months. He bad been sick for some time. The funeral, which wa3 very largely attended, took place last Fri day forenoon, when Rev. Deitzler held appropriate services. Hay Fever Speoiflo. I FOUND IT a specific for Hay Fever. For ten years I have been a great suf ferer from August 9th till frost. Ely's Cream Balm is the only preventive I have ever found.—Frank B. Ains worth, of F. B. Ainsworth A Co., Publisher, Indianapolis, Ind. 36-4t FOB BETTER OB FOB WORSE.—TO day is the day wheo the act recently passed by the Legislature, providing "that it shall be necessary for parties desiring to marry to first procure a li cense from the Clerk of the Orphans' Court," will go into effect. From now on they must "Stand up to the rack —fodder or no fodder." —ALL ABOUT KANSAS, Its people, crops, weather, lands, schools, legis lature, railroads, markets, its polities' its development, the trial of Prohibition and its future, will be found in THE WEEKLY CAPITAL AND FARMERS' Journal, an 8-page, paper, published at the capital of the State, sent six months for 50 cents, one year for $1 00. Address J. K. Hudson, To peka, Kansas. 38-3t -The new schedule on the railroad between Bellefonte and Lewisburg is as follows : One train to leave Lewis burg at sa. m., and reach Bellefonte at 10.50,a. m. Returning leaves Belle fonte at 5 :a. m. for Lewisburg and return to Bellefonte at 5: 20 p. m. We could not wish for a handier ar rangement and many people will avail themselves of this chance to take a short trip to Bellefonte and back in a day. v —A largo seloeli *n of Shawls at Kanft'man"s. NOTICE.—The new Process Poller Flour, manufactured by J. R. Fisher, Pen n flail, is for sale at I). S. Kan IT man & Co'a new store, J/ain street, jlfillheim, Pa. Costivness is the causeof the in toler able*'bad breath" of multitudes. Hitters remove the cause and prevents the evil, and cost only 25 cents* For sale by J. Spigehuyer and D. S. Kauffman & Co. —A clever detective ferreted out the perpetrators of that fiendish deed, tho gagging, robbing and tying to'the rails of Foreman Keeps ucar Longfellow in Mittliu county, which occurred about six weeks ago. The participants in the affair turn out to bo three of a gang of sectlou men woiking'on that road. They are now in the Mitllin county jail awaiting trial. —Sufferers from the effects of quinine used as a remedy for chills and fever, will appreciate Ayer's AgueCure,a pow erful tonic bitters, composed wholly of vegetable substance, without a particle of nny noxious drug. Its action is peculiar, prompt, and powerful, brea king up the chill, curing the fever, and expelling tho poison from the system, yet leaving nojharmful or unplaesaut effect upon the patient. —The following item from last week's Sunbury Democrat may serve as a warning not to lie ou your arms while sleeping : Bennie Brubaker of this place met with a strange occurrence on Saturday night. He slept on Ids right arm and in the morning he bad lost the entire use of his hand. Strange to say he has not recovered yet although the doctors have beeu at woik at the case for two days. —The schoolboard of this borough have selected the following teachers tor the winter term : G3O. \V. Long, of Fisher's Ferry,for the grammar school; Mr. Limbert, from Madisouburg for the piimary school and Mr. Smith, of Gregg township, for the North street school. As far as we know these gentlemen are all well qual ified for their functions and if they re ceive the hearty co operation of pa rents in their labors there is no doubt but they will have successful and profit able schools. INTEBESTING TO BOTH SEXES. Any man or woman making less than S4O weekly should tty our easy money-making business. We want A gents for our celebrated MADA ME DEAN SPINAL SUPPORTINO CORSETS : also, our SPINAL SUPPORTER, SHOULDER BRACE, and ABDOMINAL PROTECTOR COMBINED (for Men and Boys). No experience required. Four orders per day give the Agent $l5O monthly. Our Agents report four to twenty sales dai ly. $3 outfit free. Send at once for full particulars. State sex. LEWIS SCUIELE & Co., 35-13t 390 Broadway, New York. —The Thirty-Second Annual Con vention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Central Pennsylvania, began at Rebersburg last evening with an o pening sermon by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Secretary of that body. During the con vention addresses will be made by the following ministers: This evening Rev, G. W. Crist will speak on Miss ions ; to morrow evening Rev. A. 11. F. Fisher will discuss Education ; Sat urday, Preparatory, Rev. W. B. Glan uig ; Sunday forenoon, Communion, Rev. A. C. Felker ; Sunday evening, Ordination, Rev. W. R. Wieand. No doubt an interesting and proAtable time will be spent by the members of the synod. —Miss Sadie Adams, living with J. T. Smith, of this place, and who was badly burned by an out-door fire, some time last spring, is still unable to leave her bed ; but to-day she was carried to the traio, and left for home, in Cen tre Co. Special arrangements were made for her comfort, and it is hoped she will reach home without any addi tional suffering.— Lewisburg Chronicle. The lady, accompanied by her moth er, safely arrived at Coburn on the Fri day morning's train, from where they wereconveyed in a spring wagon to their residence on North street. The patient bore the latigue of the jour ney bettir than was expected. Miss Emma Adams, a younger sister of Sadie, left for Lewisburg on Saturday, to take her place in Mr. Smith's family. TESTIMONIALS TO A PASTOR.— At a meeting of the joint council of the Re bersburg Lutheran charge, Rebersburg Pa., the pastor, Rev. Aurand having tendered bis resignation, to take effect Oct. 1., 1885, it was resolved 1. That with deep regret we learn of brother Anrand's determination on ac count of nervous prostration to leave us and sever the ties that have bound us together as pastor and people. 2. That we hereby tender to brother Aurand our thanks for his uniform kindness and courtesy to our people, and that our prayers for his speedy res toration to his former health and gen eral welfare shall accompany him in whatever work may be allotted to him. 3. That among whatever people he may be permitted to labor, we commend him as an efficient laborer, a zealous cooperator in the Master's cause and one whose chief delight and glory is to advance and enlarge the Kingdom of Christ. 4. That a copy of these lesolutions be placed in the hands of brother Au rand and be published in the Lutheran Observer and also in two county papers. GEO. B. HAINES, 1 SIMON SMULL, JOHN A. MILLER, J T.M GRAMLY,PIFCS. S.GUAMLY.Sec. —"My daughter has taken the medi cine faithfully, according to directions and her health and spirits are now perfect. The humor is all gone from her face . I wish every mother might know what a blessing Ayer's Sarsapnlla is in such a case. 1 —The Convention of the Women's If. & P. Missionary Societies of this synod opened on Tuesday evening with the programme set apart for that sess ion, Rev. Fni'st, of Bellefonte, offering up an earnest prayer. The words of welcome hy Miss Jennie E. Bright and Hey. M. L. Deitzler were well spoken and were ably responded to by J/iss Puella E. Dorublaser. Miss Nannie Butt's vocal solo fair'y charmed her audience. Tim recitation by Miss Gun was a pointed and serious reminder of christian duty and the lady rendered the same in a very striking manner. Bev. Wm. Gotwald, 1). 1)., made the address of the evening, having for his subject "Woman" and illustrated her advance under christian civilization. The choir,with Prof. W. T. Jfoyer pre siding at the organ,deserve much praise for their fine executions. The church at Aaronsburg was well 111 ltd and ev erybody seemed to enjoy the exercises. The attendance of ladies and ministers from a distance was large and encour aging. As wo went to press before the close of the convention wo are unable to give a full account of the proceedings this week. Will do so in our next issue. Neighboring News. SMITH TOWN. The farmers were very busy cutting their corn, but most of them are through now. J. 11. Frank bought E. E. Bressler's stock of bees for sl3. Miss Mary Ilarshberger and Miss Minnie Duck took a week's visit to Nittauy Valley. Henry Keen's horses ran off with a four-horse wagon last weeek one day. Did not hear of any damages. JUMBO. AARONSBURG Our new P. M., Thomas Yearick, steps into office to-day. Frank Tomlinson says it's a boun cing big boy, weighing only eleven pounds. Miss Mißnis and Lulu Kurtz return ed from their trip through Northum berland and Dauphin counties. Ira Gram ley's cow broke her hind leg, while attempting to jump a lenco on Frank Yearick's place below town. The cow had to be killed. Rev. Hoy's lecture in the Reformed church on last Sabbath eveuing on For eign Missions was good. Immediately atter the meeting of the German Re formed Synod at Mifflinburg, Pa., Rev. iloy goes to Japan as a missionary. The llaiues township school board met on last Saturday and assigned the schoofs to the following teachers: Miss Mary Bollinger, Town Primary ; John Bollinger, Mountain school ; Zach. Thomas, Winkelblech school"; William Winkelblech, Vonada school ; Adam Martin, Wolf's school ; W. E. Keen, tlostermau's school ; B. F. Ed munds, Town Grammar school. The Woodward and town advanced scliool not assigned yet. Mill's Physiology was adopted for use iu the schools of this township. Our sick—E.nanuel Cronemlller has been prostrated ou a bed of sickness. Mrs. Howard Iloman is contlued to her sickbed. D. 11. Rote has recovered sufficiently to go to his shop and there behold the amount of work that has ac cumulated duriug his sickness. ANOTHER. —DRUGGISTS .ill report a rapid and steadily increasing demand for Mc- Donald's Celebrated Worm Powder. There is no secret or trick about their popularity. It is solely because people have become convinced through trial or hearing their neighbors say that they are the best and easiest to take vermi fuge ever produced. Nasty,sickening, old-fashioned wormseed syrups won't sell. People demand McDonald's Cele brated Worm powders, and won't have anything else, hence their sales are greater than all the other vermifuges combined. Money refunded to dissatis fied purchasers. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY CO. Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. MADISONBURG. On Tuesday eyeniug of last week lightning struck in one of A. Ocker's lumber piles in Little Sugar Valley and nine piles were consumed before the fire could be stopped. From seventy five to eighty thousand feet of lumber were destroyed. There was some in surance on the lumber. William Keller is at home nursing his sore hands and face. He was poi soned by some weed while working at a stone pile ou Benj. Liinbert's farm. Mr. Leo and lady, of Tusseyville, paid his brother, the doctor, at this place a short visit last Sunday. Prof. L. Bierly will have charge of our graded school this winter. The primary school has not been supplied yet. Jacob Eitle, of Howard, spent last week in Brush Valley with friends and acquaintances. Most of our farmers are done cutting corn. Apples are vere plenty around here. J. K. Moyer, of Centre Mills, was off to Clarion couutv last weok for horses, but returned with only one four year ling. Daniel Long, of Rockville, is proprie tor of the little farm at the upper end of town now. Dan. Bartges and Jared Hazel ex pect to attend Clinton county court next week as witnesses for Drs. Hus ton and Smith. Boys, don't get scared now. STILL. Spring Mills. T. Calvin Runkle, of this place, lma gone to Philadelphia to at tend lecture t at Jeftcrson M-dioal College. Me. is a bright young man and no doubt lie will bee une a glittering star in the medical pioiessioii. One day last week Mrs. Albright, of Millheim, met with a painful accident in this place. She was leading a cow which she had bought near this place, when all of a sudden the animal became vicious and threw the lady against a fence. The result was some bad bruis es, but fortunately no bones were brok en. The M. E. Sunday School will hold a Basket Picnic at the Penn Caves, on Saturday, Oct. 3rd. —McDonald's Improved Liver Pills secure a healthy liyer, regularity of the bowels, good digestion, sound sleep, cl -ar head,and an active energetic mind No constipation, no biliousness, no jamlice, no sick headache or torpidity of liver or kidney possible, when occa sional doses of these pills are used. All druggists keep tlicm* Money ref unded to dissatisllled purchasers. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW A Fit CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eiseuhuth. Millheim ,Pa. WOODWARD. Mr. Mcllenry, the district storekeep er, makes frequent visits to Woodward, lie is very entertaining—full of adven tures and experiences. Two more marriages in the near fu ture. However, I won't give the boys away. In the way of improyements we no tice the beautiful appearance of Luther Kreamer's house since receiving its coat of paint. Mr. Krearaer leaves fur the West to morrow to be absent one month. Howard Musser is adding a wood house and summer kitcheu to his al ready desirable home. Aaron Stover has moved into his pleasant new house on the Avenue. N. W. Eby has the foundation of the cellarwall for his prospective residence on the Avenue completed. J. C. 3/otz was in Ohio last week and purchased an improved cider press, which ho will connect with his saw and planing mill at this place. Then we will also manufacture soft drinks in Woodward. C. W. Ilosterman leads in potatoes— both in quantity and quality. We notice quite a numner from Un ion county hauling cider from this neighborhood. Apples are scarce below the Narrows. Rumor talks of a new stare at Wood ward, or rather one of the stores west of Woodward extending a branch to this place. Come on, gentlemen, you, will get your share of the trade and be sides we will give you the postotiice. ARGENTI. —EMINKXT PHYSICIANS connected with the principle hospitals throughout the United states report very grati fying and satisfactory results from the use ot McDonald's Great Blood purifier in all cases of viliated blood, emaciated condition, enfeebled digestive power, malassimilation of t'ood,&c. But few diseases can withstand its remarkable purifying, tonic, and reconstructive power. Money refunded to dissatisfied purchasers. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WA Y cfc CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Pa. Lewisburg's Harrison* Orwig Case. Ou the 10th of August, Dr. Harrison, of Lewisburg, with half a .dozen work men .proceeded to the residence of Sam uel 11. Or wig, of the same place, and proceeded to saw and cut off 18 inches of the building, which Mr. Ilarrisoh claimed occupied that much of his ter ritory. Joseph Waldron, Jane Ditty and Jfary Orwig turned the hose on the marauders and drove them from the premises. Dr. Harrison sued the tfe feudants of the legal castle for assault and battery, and last week in the Un ion County Court a jury brought in a verdict of not guilty, and divided th e costs between "the plaintiff . Dr. Har rison, and the defendant, Samuel Or wig.'' As Samuel Orwig was not a de fendant, the entire costs go with the verdict, and Dr. Harrison must pay the bill. MARRIED. On the 25th ult.. at the Reformed parsonage, Rebersburg, Pa-, by Re 7. N.J. Miller, Mr. Ad am K. Stover to Miss Jessie F. DeLong, both of east end of Brushvalley. Ou the 29th ult., by* J. H. Reifsnydcr, Esq., Mr. F. A. Auman and Miss il. S. Dean, both of Pcnn township, Centre county. On the 27th ult., by Rev. B. Hengst, Mr. Mil ford H. Gharet, of Boouville to Miss Rebecca A. Snavely, of Coburu. On the 29th ult., by the same, Mr. Samuels Wilson to Miss Sarah Rebecca Weaver, both of Coburn. Sept. 27th by Rev. M. L. Deitzler Wlliner M. Stover of Aaronsburg and Miss Clara K. Eisen huth of Coburn. Pa. Sept, 29th bj Rev. M. L. Deitzler, Christian Eckley, of Bellefonte, and Kato J, Ulrleh, of .Mlllhelm. DIED. On the 29th ult., at Coburn, an Infant child of Daniel Elsenbnth. B Send six cents for M UUI wmm postage, and receive 1B 1 II BM EL -free a cosily box of " " ■ "goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All, of oltlier sex, succeed from Urst hour. The broad road to fortune o pens before the. workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Tkuk & Co., Augusta, Maine. i Tida paper is kept on file at the office of JYER^SOH \DVERTISING J^GENTS WES BUILDING GGGFTTI PHILADELPHIA. EX'TIMATCC For NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING CDCC LOIImAICo at Lowest Cash Rates inCC itaapi for AVER & SON'S MANUAL To Regulate HIfYTI favorite home REMEDY IS I Hp warranted not to contain a (tingle par- , JL JIJJ title of Meicury or any ii\jurit)uv sub stance, but h purely vegetable. It will Cure nil Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. If your Liver is out of order then your whole system is deranged. Tne blood If Impure, the breath offensive; you have headacne, feel languid, dispirited and , nervous. To prevent a more sciious con dition, take at once Simmons T TITTITI REGULATOR. If you lead a I-I 11 §• |£ sedentary life, or suffer with 111 V JUJiV Kidney Affection*, avoid { stimulants and take Simmon* Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a d<>- e and you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and Itiliousnoss, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a trifle. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad ule in yonr mouth, P3l A Wfl Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor- I A If fc rects the Bilious Stomach, sweetens JL JQIJLVJU the Breath, nnd cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and-Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons I aver Regulator wift relieve Colic, Head ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any lime you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stiuiuUting without intoxi cating, take Sfflfflons Liver Regulator. PREPARED BY J.H. ZEILI/I A CO..Philadelphia,Pa. PY/EMIA Is the most virulent form of blood-poison ing. Less speedily fatal, but not taw cer tainly so, is the vitiation of the blood of which the first symptoms are Pimples, Sties, Bolls, and Cutaneous Erup tions. When tho taint of Scrofula gives warningof its presence by such indications, no time should be lost \n using AVER'S Sarsa barilla. the only perfect and reli able medicine for the purification of the blood. SCROFULA Is a foul corruption fn the blood that rots * out all the machinery of life. Nothing will eradicate it from the system and pre vent Its transmission to offspring but Ayer'B SarsaTarilla. This prepara tion is also the only one that will cleanse the blood of Mercurial poison and tho taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover ished blood is productive of AN/EMIA, 1 A wretched condition indicated by Pallid Skin, Flaccid Muscles, Shattered Nerves, and Melancholy. Its first symptoms are Weakness, Languor, Loss of Nerve Force, and Mental De jection. Its course, unchecked, leads inevitably to Insanity or death. Women frequently suffer from it. The only medi cine that," while purify lug the blood, eu richeß it wiili new vitality, and invigorate* the whole system, is " Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Moss. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; Six bottles for £5. WANTED—AGENTS TO SELL THE LIFEof U-S.GR ANT- Au elegant octavo volume of /lt> pages—B ill ustrations. Price *2.00. This work gives afnll account of Grant'* eventful life, including his military career, his life as President, and Ids re nowned Trip Around the World. Every luimlr cr of the Nation** Hero will desire this, the best selling Life ot Grant. Send 50 cents at once for outfit. Park l'nb.Co., Hart ford, Conn. 32-4t TT7" A YTE*TI —Ladies and gentlemen to YY .1.1 I HI, take light, pleasam employ incut at their homes (distance no objection!; work sent by mall; *2 to a day can be quietly made;no canvassing. Please address at once Globk Mfu. Co., Boston, Mass., box 5314. ■if ■ R|more money than at anything else Mm IHI by taking au agency for the best If I Iwselling book out. Beginners succeed ■■ ■■■grandly. None fail Terms free. nAixBTT Book Co., Portland Maine. The Boss Clothiers! * The Boss Clothiers! The Boss Clothiers! t - / v *- t , iT . 9 A +****?%* The most reasonable and reliable clothiers of Bellefonte are Joseph Brosi & Co * r ' V ' IN > j CUT JL3STID FIT our stock is equally as good, if not better, than any clothing made to order in the country. We are making ' A SPECIALTY this season of OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT! We arc able to sr SELL GOODS CHEAPER S than almost any other merchant. Our entire stock is BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH and we will give customers the benefit of our close figures. , OUR STOCK OF •• * 1 ' , 3-jfl DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Notions is so well known in this section of country that advertising it is superfluous. offer this week a specialty: A Black Cork Screw Suit for $3.80. QUAKER Is -Us.© Bes£ TABLE SAUCE. Thousand* of articles arc now mannf.vtnred that in lornier years hail to bo imported, paying high import (Inly an it is now being d'Uie on Lea k Far* i tun table sauro ; tho Quakkb Tabl* Bauck taken it* ptaco { it lias bi en pronounced by competent judges just An good ana men better. The QoaSKB dAUcn has Blowly but awrely gained great im portance and is replacing -tho very bat imported ranee on the shelf of tho groeor, the tables 6f the restaurant and tho tables of tho rich awl prior men. greatly prim d and relished by all on account of its piquancy, a soma, taste, strength and purcnoos. Tho inventor has by years of stndy of tho secret virtues contained in the aro matic apieea of tho Indie* and China, such as mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger, and peppers and buds of unknown to most men, and by long practice Rnccfceded to combine their extracts in form as we now find it, of agreeable tanahflhl so invigorating ae to bo taken iu place ofgfom*cl bitters. By man ufacturing this sauco here,' WCavy import duties and freights are saved, and it is sold at a lower figure to the doalor, who making * better profit on Ouaker Banco can sell it to the consumer cheaper lhau iho vi-ry l>cst imported article hardly equal ing i.ura. Is your grocer does not keep it. write i:s lor prices, etc. Bold in or by the gallon. CHARM MANUFACTURING CO,, Bole /Vqprfrfw# and M ami factum*. 100 A, 108 S. 2d ST., SL Louis, Kb. ()SEU% II OVER 1000.000 BOTTLES SOLDAHDffiSB FAILS TO CURE COUGHSCOLDS. ALL LUNGTROUBLES DRUGGISTS SELL FT PMCjL^tl Pure And Unadulterated! T. FlTAlNCProjirlctor of the :£First National Hotel,§*- MLLLHEI.U, PA., wishes to inform the public that be keeps the following liquors constantly on hand and In sures them all strictly pure, and especially fl it a pled for medical purposes:. whimkbvs: aisf' HannesvUle, Imported Holland, wiSl: Haag, Blackberry, Louisville. Elderberry, Kentucky. Port BRANDY*; f Huckleberry, Plain, Catawba, Ringer, Grape. Sherry ■■ < ■■ Blackberry, reach. New England Shim. JtST These liquors are all guaranteed to be not le&s than four years old and can be strongly reccommended as wholeeutne and healthy. MALT LIQUORS, such as PORTER,ALRaitf LA G EH always on draught. 22-3 It DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag; Rose lessf Fine Cut Chew ing : Navy 4 1 f pplngm,.and Black, Brown and Yellow SNUFF are the best andcheapest qual ity considered.