Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 24, 1885, Image 3

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    C M J[ o a r it at.
Published by R. aT bPMILLErT
—Equinoctial season--stormy.
—Oyster suppers will soon be in or.
—Health is generally good in town at
—A full line of Rubber Goods at
Kauffman's store.
—H. I. Kuizenknabe is at Miffiiu
burg on business.
• —Christ Walter, brother of cAshier
Walter, is here on a visit.
—Full and pure line of Drugs aud
Patent Medicines at Kauffman's.
—Some of the trees are changing
their foliage to the rich fall shade.
—Henry Miller is away attending (J.
8. Court at Williamsport this week.
—The sale of the old school furniture
last Saturday amounted to about sl4.
—D. L. Zerby is collector of state
and county taxes for Millbeim bor
—Mrs. Eeesraao'a residence on Penn
street is newly painted and looks neat
and cozy.
—.Always ahead—D. S. Kauffman &
Co. with a full line of Boots and Shoes
—guaranteed. ,
—Taylors say the stylish overcoat
will come to ihe knee, and will be made
of wide-market diagonals.
—Tuesday evening a thunderstorm
visited this place and the air became
very raw and chilly afterwards.
—For Ready-made Clothing there is
no better place than D. S. Kauffman &
Co's. new store on Main street.
—Read the attractive programme of
the Women's Missionary Convention
at Aaronsburg, in another columu.
—During the last two weeks there
was a large amount of potatoes and
apples shipped from Coburn station.
—For a mild cathartic and efficient
tonic use Baxter's Mandrake Bitters.
Every bottle warranted. lm
—Rev. M. L. Deitzler will fill his
regular appointment in the Lutberau
church at this place next Sunday fore,
—Cox'a murder trial, which was to
come off at Sunbury last week, has
been postponed until the next term of
—R. H. Kreamer, on Water street,
is busy finishing the ioterior of his
new bouse, preparatory for the cold
wioter months.
—Our banker, A. Walter, was unin
tentionally made a prisoner in the M.
E. church by sexton Adams on Sunday
forenoon. Exit —wiudow.
—H.E. Duck, Esq., of Penn township,
gives notice in another column of bis
appointments administrator of Michael
Nye's estate, Aaronsburg.
—Master James Deininger, one of A.
O. Deininger's sons, of Clarkstown,
Lycoming Co.,is the guest of his sister,
Mrs. Charles Stover, at Aaronsburg.
BEADY I— I To supply customers with
anything in the line of merchandise,
from a pin to a hogshead of molasses.
—The undersigned expends his sin
cerest thanks to Hon. A. G. Curtin
for highly appreciated kindnesses.
C. W. RAVFR, U. B. Pastor.
—I. E. Couldrea, our merchant tai
lor, expects to make sale of his person
al effects, on Saturday, October 3d,
with the intention of moving away.
Sse bills.
NOTIQE.— The new Process Roller
Flour, manufactured by J. B. Fisher,
Penn flail, is for sale at D. S. Kaufif.
man & Co's new store, Main street,
Millheim, Pa.
—Rev. C. W. Raver will preach his
fareweH sermons in the U. ?B. church
Millheim, on Sunday forenoon. At Re
bersburg at 2£ p. m. Washington Fur
nace at 7 p. m.
—Henry Schcerihals, forraan Henry
Krog Packing Co., St. Joseph, Mo.,uses
Dr. Thomas,Eclectric Oil with bis men
for sprains, cuts,bruises, chapped bauds,
etc. It is the best.
—Rev. Benj. llengst had the misfor
tune to fall from an appletree on Mrs.
Mary Gephart's premises, North street,
last Friday. A badly bruised arm and
some sore ribs were the result.
—As usual the grangers had a fair
day and a big crowd for their picnic
last Thursday. Our informant tells us
that Gov. Curtin, who was on the
ground and addressed the people, esti
mated the crowd at 0000. Four bands
furnished music, one of them being
from Troxelville, Snyder county..
—FOB habitual constipation.billious
ness. sick hsadache, torpidity of the
liver,congestion of the kidneys,malaria
and all implications arising from a
degenerated condition of the bowels,
liver or kidueys, McDonald s Improved
Liver Pills can be depended upon or
certain and permanent relief; as a din
ner pill, gentle cathartic and safe aperi
ent, they are without an equal. Many
eminent physicians use them J n
daily practice. Money refunded to dis
satisfied purchasers.
Fhiladel pbia Agents.
Sold by J. Eiaenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
- Oil cloths -all widths, prices and
qualities at Kauffuaau's.
—lt is a caution how brisk the mar
riage business is at present. Wish we
were a preacher just now.
—Gospel Ilymns, No. 1 2 & 3 combin
ed, with or without music—at the Jour
nal store. tf
SNAKES. —Turb Krearaer shot a rat
tlesnake in the Gap north of town, last
Saturday forenoon, measuring 3 feet
! and 4 inches, and having 11 rattles.
He conveyed the dead reptile home In
a box.
—B O. Deininger, E-q., and Dr. J.
F. Ilarter left on this morning's train
for Schuykill and Berks county, to at
tend to business matters of the Philip's
estate. They will be -gone for at
least a week.
Weaver aud A. D. Weaver, executors
of the estate of Frederick Weaver, de
ceased, late of Haines township, will
sell the farm and mountaiuland of de
cedent. one mile east of Aaronsburg,
on Friday, September 25th,instant.
—W. F. Stover and family, of Pitts
burg, are visiting parents and relatives
at Uebersburg, this week. Mr.* Stover
is an employee iu some large iron shop
at Glen wood, in the suburbs of Pitts
burg, and says he is getting along real
—H. E. Duck, Esq., biought four
potatoes to this office the other day,
ranging in weight from two pounds to
two pounds and 11 ounces strong.
They are flne specimens of his average
crop, and belong to the "White Rose"
—Mrs. Mary Neff, of Blain, Periy
Co., a sister of Mrs. B. O. Deininger is
here on a visit to her sick father, Jacob
Wolf, and will remain until the latter
part of next week. F. S. Wolf depart
ed for his home in Girard, Kansas, this
—About twenty-eight hundred bush
els sf potatoes were shipped from Co
burn one da? last week. Eleven good
two-horse loads were seen at one time
in a row driving up to the station that
day. This looks like business and a
brisk market.
LOST.— SIO reward will be paid to the
finder of a lady's gold ring, set with
milk white cameo and pearls, which
was lost on the campground or its vi
cinity on Sunday, Aug. 16th. Please
return either to this office or to
North Street.
FOB SALE.— S. K. Faust gives no
tice that he wishes to sell his valuable
farming land situate in Millheim bor
ough north of Abs. Harter's farm, and
which he lately bought of David Scholl.
The land is in first-class condition and
purchasers will find it a good invest
—The L. & T. railroad will in the
future be managed by Supt. West
fall and it is said that after the first of
October the schedule will be changed
so as to run a daily round trip train
from Lewisburg to Bellefonte. An ar
rangement of this kind will certainly
please the people of this section.
—Mr. Kauffuian, Sr., or Fisher's
Ferry, was up a few days last week to
see how the "boys" are faring. He
departed on Saturday morning's train,
and soon after a message arriyed here,
informing bim of his aged mother's
death, whose funeral took place at 11
o'clock of the same day.
-On Friday, Sept. 25th, 1885 at one
o'clock,P. M., the heirs of George Bre
on, dec'd,by their agent, Jonathan Har
ter, will sell at public sale on the prem
ises in Gregg towship, the real estate
of decedent, consisting of 175 acres of
cultivated and timber land,with a good
dwelling house, barn and all necessary
outbuildings thereon erected.
—The Clinton Democrat , published
at Lock Haven, changed proprietors
last Friday. Messrs. James W. Clark,
Ira Haryey and John Noble, of that
city, have purchased the paper from
Mr. Thieleeke, who had edited the
sheet in a very creditable manner for
about two years. The new proprietors
are all practical printers and we wish
the much success iu their enterprise.
DEDICATION.— The Lord willing,the
Evangelical church at Rebersburg will
be dedicated to the service of ;tbe Tri
une God, September 27th. Rev. E.
Kohr, of Lewisburg and Rev. G. W.
Currin, of Centre Hall, will officiate.
Ministers and friends of the cause are
cordially invited to attend.
Pas tor-in-Charge.
—The crowd of people at the colored
campmeeting at Coburn last Sunday,
was almost twice as large as on the
Sunday before. Large delegations came
from near and far and the campground
presented a lively sight. The order
was exceptionally good and the attend
ants listened to two yery fine sermons
of Rev. Lyons, in the forenoon and
evening. The campmeeting closed in
the evening.
HOME AGAlN.— After an absence of
four months, which they spent with
relatives in different western states,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Keen safely re
turned home last Saturday and receiv
ed a hearty welcome from their chil
dren and friends in town. They report
having had a real pleasant and inter
esting trip and judging from their gen
eral appearance the western climate a
greed well with their health. Their
children are glad to have the old folks
at home again.
—Miss Laura Btunbaugh, a young
and prepossessing lady, of Altoonn,
poisoned hersell by taking a dose of
morphia and died on Monday even
ing. The anguish-stricken parents
know of no cause tor her terrible deed.
LOOK HERE.—I cure Piles. I have
a positive remedy for piles. By its use
many cases ,of the worst kind and of
long standing have been cured. It cures
as if by magic. Money refunded to dis
satisfied patients. Addres3,
U.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa.
not in cosmetics, but is only In pure
blood and a healthy performance of the
vital fnjtions can he obtained by using
Burdock Blond Bitters.
-Mr. G. W. Ilarter, Main street,
hospitably entertained his Wolf rela
! lives across the bridge with a splendid
! chioken dinner yesterday noon, when
the whole-souled host and his belter
half dished up a sumptuous and well
appreciated meal for their guests.
suffered for more than a year with indi
gent ion. I was very bilious, occasional
ly havng a dumb chill, followed by fov
ers, which prostrated mo. I took Sim
mons Liver Regulator, and aru a well
man. "A. H. Higluower, Conductor
C. R. R., Ga."
—Miles township last week adopted
Smith's Physiology & Hygiene, to be
used in thsir schools. Mr.E.R.Feight,
the gentlemanly agent foiTvison,B!ake
maii, Taylor & Co., the publishers,gave
this office a frieiully call on Monday,
and told us that the book seems to
meet with much favor whereever lie
recommends it.
Hay Fever Speoiflo.
I FOUND IT a specific for Hay Fever.
For ten years I have been a great suf
ferer from August 9th till frost. Ely's
Cream Balm is the only preventive I
have ever found.—Frank B. Air.s
worth, of F. B. Ainsworth & Co.,
Publisher, Indianapolis, lud. 3G-41
—Four or five men, under the super
intendency of John Kerstetter, Jr., are
engaged in hewing the heavy timbers
for Musser & Smith's hardware build
ing. Should the weather remain favor
able a few months longer, the frame
work of the large building will be erect
ed this fall yet.
—School director H. K. Luse is en
gaged in arranging the new furniture in
the Penn street school rooms this week.
The rooms present a cheerful and clean
appearance now. It will become a
main duty of the teachers now to keep
a sharp lookout for the whittliug boy.
—The managing board of the new
cemetery, west of town, assisted by
surveyor J. H. Reifsnyder, have staked
off the lots and the grounds are ready
to be enclosed by its i.ew iron fence.
We understand that quite a number of
lots are already bespoken by parties ia
town and neighborhood.
—When symptoms of malaria appear
in any form, take Ayer'a Ague Cure at
once, to prevent the development of the
disease, aud continue until health is
restored, as it surely will be by the use
of this remedy. A cure is warranted in
every instance.
—A Mr. Murphy, who served a short
time as brakeman on the morning train
on this road, was killed las Saturday on
his way from Jersey Shore to Sunbury,
by falling under the cars. The long
chain of cars passed oyer him, literally
cutting him to pieces.
—Rev. W. E. Hoy, recently appoint
ed misssionary to Japan, will preach on
Saturday eveniug, the 26th inst. at the
Salem'* Reformed church ; on the 27th
at St. Paul's, at 10 a. m., at Coburn at
2 :30 p. m. and at Aaronsbuig in the
—Mr. Getz, a gentleman working at
Laurelton, was at Coburn last Sunday
having come all the way from Laurel
ton on a fine bycicle. He had made
the distance in two hours and a half
and gave evidence of his skill as a
—Miss Dora Kauffman, who had
been visiting friends at this place and
whose smiling countenance was fre
quently seen behind D. S. Kauffman &
Co's. counters, selling goods to custo
mers, returned to her home at Fisher's
Ferry last Saturday, to attend the fun
eral of ner grandmother. Come soon
again, Miss Dora.
—The JOURNAL was mistaken last
week in its statements, as to the time
of the dedication of the new Reformed
church, which will take place on the
25th of October, and in regard to the
minister who performed the Bower-
Bright marriage,the same being Rev.Z.
A. Yearick. On both poiuts we were
—William Laurie, Jr., the son of
Rev. Wm. Laurie, the Presbyterian
minister of Bellefonte, died at his fath
er's residence on Monday morning.
He had been engaged io business at
Philipsburg, but for the last month
he and his young wife resided with his
father in Bellefonte.
—Jas. R. Irwin, druggist, Curwins
ville, Pa., writes :
•J. A. McDonald. DEAR Slß:— Send
us i gross of your Worm Powders—they
five good satisfaction to our trade.
'rofessionally, I always recommend
them, as I consider they embody to the
utmost the principal aud most desirable
points in a yermifuge—smallness of
dose, easiness to take, compactness and
eligance, while our steadily increasing
sales attest their value as a worm de
stroyer and the satisfaction they give
our trade.'
Dissatisfied purchasers can have their
money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eiseuhuth, Millheim ,Pa.
I —Wo have now a large stoek of Fall
and Winter Goods and are selling them
at lowei figures than eyer before and
thereby expect to still increase our
trade. We ask the public in general to
give us a trial. D. KAUFFMAN &
Co., Millheim, Pa.
Any man or woman making less
than S4O weekly should tiy our easy
money-making business. We want A
gents for our celebrated MADAME DEAN
COMBINED (for Men and Boys). No
experience required. Four orders per
day give the Agent *l*>o monthly. Our
Agents report four to twenty galea dai
ly. $3 outfit free. Send at once for
full particulars. State sex.
35-13t 390 Broadway, New York.
—The schools of Millheim borough
will commence on Monday, October 19,
and the announcement also leads us to
remind the parents that it is of the
greatest importance to have their chil
dren ready in all respects to start in on
the llrst day. Fathers and mothers,do
not withhold the grand opportunity of
free education from your boys and girls,
do not bo tardy in sending them to
the schools, because eyory day lost is
so much taken from the children's
time for learning, and the result of
negligence in the attendance of school
can be no other than ignorance. Re
member that for downright ignorance
now-a-days there is no excuse. The
school system is such that all children
may receive a fair and sufficient educa
tion to flt them for the requirements of
daily business life and it is the duty of
all parents to see tojt that the minds of
the young generation maybe enlighten
ed in all the useful and necessary
—Order of Exercises of the Mission
ary Convention to be held at Aarons -
burg, Sept. 29th and 30th, 1885 :
Meeting of Executive Committee
and reception of delegates at 6 p. m.
Opening Services by Rev. M. L.
Anthem, Choir.
Words of Weloome by Miss Jennie
E. Bright and Re?. M, L. Deitzler.
Response, "Daughter thy Faith
hath made thee whole." Miss Puella E.
Solo by Miss Naunie Britt, Wheel
ing, W.Va.
Recitation, by Miss Gun, Mifflin
Address, Rev. J. A. Clutz, Balti
more, Md.
Benediction. j
Devotional exercises conducted by
Mrs. S. A. Fair, Salona. Pa.
Business meeting.
Reading of minutes, Reports of offi
Discussion of the work in India, Miss
Minnie Hall, McKees Half Falls, Pa.
•Africa, Mrs. Rev. E. E. Bewy, Mif
Loydsville Orphan's Home, Rev. W.
P. Glanding, Lock Haven, Pa.
Praise Service, conducted by Miss
Ohnmacht, Bellefonte, Pa.
Young Ladies Bands, Mrs. Rev.
Gladhill, Newport, Pa.
Address, Rey. J. A. Earnest, Mif
flinburg, Pa.
Memorial Service. (See programme
Opening Exercises.
Letter from Rev.L. L. Uhl,Guntoor,
India, read by Miss 11. Ella Dombla
ser. Lock Haven, Pa.
Woman's Duty to the Church, by
Rev. J. H. Turner, Lutheryiile, Md.
Closing Exercises and adjournment.
The exersises will be interspersed
and enlivened by a selected choir of
trained singers and the fine music will
be a speciality on the programme.
Executive Committee,
Mis 3 FLORA NEFF, vice President.
Mrs. S. A. FAIR, Rec. Secretary.
Miss CORA llOLDHAN,Cor. Secretary.
Miss JENNIE E. BRIGHT, Treasurer.
VICE. —In J/emoriam, Mrs. Susan Got
wald, Aaronsburg, Pa., Sept. 30th.
Hymn; Prayer by Rev. M. k Deitzler;
Bible Lessons, Puella E. Dornblaser ;
Life Sketch, Jfrs. Julia A. W. Deining*
er ; Address, Rev. W. H. Gotw aid ;
Hymn, "When shall we meet again."
PEACE.—Changes of climate, diet and
water, ofttimes atmospheric changes a
lone, will subject some member of the
family to cholera morbus, dysentery,
&c., when that wail ot miserv in the
"wee sma' hours of the night" an
nounce the fact, and you are sent from
your comfortable bed across lots or
down back alleys for a doctor, 'twould
be a good time to reflect that had you
only secured a bottle of Curtis' Carmel
ite Cordial in time, you could with a
few drops have headed off the attack,
sayed a doctor's bill, and secured a
peaceful night's rest. Dissatisfied pur
chasers can haye their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheiin, Pa.
—Arnica & Oil Liniment is equally
good for man and beast. 25 and 50 cts.
per bottle. lm
Neighboring News.
Too busy last week to write up items.
John Kern bought a good horse from
A. A. Frank.
Edward Swartz bought a very fine
buggy and harness. Now ladies I
Frank Ilartmau, one of Millheim's
young lads, planted 4 potatoes on B. F.
Frankenberger's farm, from which he
| realized 0 bushels of the finest potatoes
to be seen.
Squire Duck sowed GK acres of wheat
I this season with his new Buckeye Grain
and Fertilizing Drill.
On last Tuesday a week nineteen
guests partook of a very fine supper,
which had been prepared in honor of
Miss Annie Kern's birthday. A real
uice time was had.
Last Friday W. C. Duck,while on his
way to Millheim, encountered a large
porcupine. After a little fight he suc
ceeded iu killing it and took it to town
where he exhibited the prickly animal
to many curious spectators.
Miss Beckie Snook and Henry Steitz
er were the guests of Miss Minnie R.
Duck on Sunday.
Mr. Spayd, of Rrashvalley, is a fre
queut visitor to this valley. Any spec
ial attraction ? JIJMBO.
—The tenacity with wbicli people
abide by their early faith in Ayer's
Sarsaprilla can only be explained by the
fact that it is the best blood medicine
ever used,and is not approached in ex
cellence by any new candidate for pub
lic favors.
There was a general cleaning away
of the rubbish in front of the new Re
formed church on Thursday of last
Al. Stover has the boss potato®,
weighing 3 pounds, on exhibition at
Thos. Yearicks. It is of the "Victor"
variety. Who can do better ?
Jim Lenker has gone Into the patent
roof paint business. He has bought
Union couuty as his territory to oper
ate in.
The German Harvest service in the
Lutheran church on last Sunday was
excellent. A fine variety of fruits and
vegetables were neatly arranged on the
table in the altar.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Yearick would
thank the party who took the chair
from their front porch, if they would
leturn the same. Mrs. Yearick says it
is a family relic, given to her by her
mother. Sname on the one who took
The boys report a larger crowd at
camp on last Sabbath than on tho Sab
bath before We were told the Dr.
treated a rather difficult subject—'-the
state of the soul between death an!
Mrs. W. T. Meyer, who has been
sick for several weeks was seen on the
D. U. Rote is improving very slowly.
News are scarce, so is money.
Rev. F. Aurand, the Lutheran pas
tor of Brushvalley charge has resigned
on account of ill health.
Frof. L. Bierly was away the begin'
ning of this week. The supposition is
that he took to himself a wife. His
brother, Lewis Bierly had charge of the
school during the Professor's absence.
Mr. Miess and lady, of Snyder coun
ty, spent a few days with friends in
Brushvalley beginning of this week.
Mra. Rebecca Yearick, wife of If*. A.
Yearick, residing west of town, depart
ed this life on last Sunday about 12 o'-
clock. Mra. Yearick had been ailing
with consumption for quite a number
of years. Her four-weeks old infant
died ou Tuesday morning.
John Fullmer was seen on our streets
again last Sunday.
Henry Fiedler's crop of potatoes a
mounts to over five hundred bushels.
Jared|Kreamer,of Springbank, lost a
fine cow the other day by bloating.
Frank, west of Millheim, giyes notice
that he has for sale a superior quality
of Wheat, which he calls "Farmers'
friend," for seeding purposes. Farm -
ers desiring some of this excellent
wheat are requested to apply to him.
On tho Gth inst., by Rev. Benj. Hengst, Mr. B.
M. Grcninger, of Aaronsburg, to Misa Clara
Loose, of Farmers' Mills.-
On the 17tli Inst., by the same, Mr. Thomas
H. Motz, to Miss Ida S. Hosterman, both from
near Woodward
On the 20th inst, at Millheim. by the same
Mr. I>. S. Currln of Booueville to Miss Nancy
Lee, of Union Co., Pa.
On the 15th lust., by Rev. Z. A. Yearick, at
Aaronsburg, Mr. Edward E. Bower, of Haines
township and Miss Mary C. Bright,of Millheim.
On the 17th inst.. by the same and at the same
place, Mr. A. M. Martin and Miss Amelia A.
Elscnhuth, both of Haines township.
On the 29th ult.,by Rev. K. stambach, Mr,
Daniel Long to Miss Alma Wauce.
On the 6th ult., by the same, Mr. Samuel Mow
ery to Miss Irina Stover.
On tho 13th inst., by the same, Mr. William
Rachau to Miss Sarah J. Long.
On the 22nd inst., by J. H. Relfsnyder, J. P.
Mr. John Rhepper to Miss Jennie Aumlller,
both of Cherry Run, Union Co., Pa.
On the 20tli inst., at the resideuce of Joel Mil
ler, near Logan Mills, Clinton Co., Pa., Miss
Mary Kerstetter, aged 72 years.
AroYou Bilious? ,
The Regulator never /ails to cure. I most
cheerfully recmmcud it to all who suffer from
Bilious Attacks or any Disease caused by a dis
arranged state of the Liver.
Do You Want Good Digestion?
I suffered fa)tensely with Full Stomach. Head
ache, etc. A neighbor, who had taken Simmons
Liver Regulator, told me it was a sure cure for
my trouble. The first dose I took relieved me
very much, and In one week's time I was as strong
ana hearty as ever I was. It it the bett medicine
J ever tool: for Dyspepsia.
Do You Buffer from Constipation ?
i Testimony of HIRAM WARMER, Chief-Justice of
Ga.: " I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for
Constipatiou of my Bowels, caused by a temporary
Derangement of trie Liver, for the last three or
four years, and always with decided benefit."
Have You Malaria ?
I have had experience with Simmons Liver Regu
lator since 1865, and regard it as the greatest
medicine of the times for diseases peculiar to
malarial regions. So good a medicine deserves
universal commendation.
Cor. Sec'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
See that you get the genuine, with the red Z
on front of Wrapper, prepared only by
J. H.ZEILtN & CO.,
A. H. V.
a -wr Hair Vigor cures baldness.
YV JL JlilX Ilair Vigor restores youth
ful freshness and color to faded and gray
hair. It attains these results by the stim
ulation of the hair roots and color glands.
It rejuvenates the TT A TT> and cleanses ft.
It restores to tbo AAxVAXV that, either by
reason of age or diseases of tho scalp, has
become dry, harsh and brittle, a pliancy and
glossy silken softness of extreme beauty.
Tbero is no dye In Ayer's HairTTTp Ap
and the good it does is by the * AvJv/Xs
It Imparts to tho follicles, and the clean
liness and healthfullness of the condition
In which It maintains tho scalp.
A "\7"T7T>'G *** ,r Vigor renews tho hair.
A JL JtiAv D Ilair Vigor la the best cure
known for Braaby Hair, Scald Head, Itching
Humors, Tetter Sores, Torpid Follicles, and
all other diseases of the scalp that cause
the foiling of the TT A TT and Its fading.
Nothing cleanses JA Xn AJw of the nuisance
of dandruff so perfectly, and so effectually
prevents its return, as Ansa's IIAIB VIOOB. J
In addition to the curative and rcstorativo
virtues peculiar to Ayer's Ilair "\7Tf~2J. •
it it a toilet luxury. The Hair * lUvlt
Is by for the cleanliest hair-dressing made.
It causes tho hair to grow thick and long,
and keepi it always soft and glossy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Contains no deleterious ingredients. Its use
prevents ait scalp disease, secures against the
hair growing thin or gray, and aurely cures all
baldness tb Is not organic.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
I Sold by all Druggists.
An elegant octavo volume of 716 pages—SO itl
utitrations. Price $2.00. This work given a full
account of Grant's eventful life, Including his
military career, his life as President, and his re
nowned Trip Around the World. Every iwtmir
er of the Nation** Hero will desire tills, the
best selling Life ol GrauL Send 50 cents at
once for outfit. Pork Poto.Co., Hart ford,
Conn. 32-4t
Yini'TEll —Ladies and gentlemen to
W Ail lull, take light, pleasant employ
ment at their homes (distance no objection);
work sent by mall; 42 to fi a day can be quietly
made;no canvassing. Please address at once
GLOBE MPG. CO., Boston, Mass., box 5314.
BMf| m |more money than at anything else
vA3 B H| by taking an agency for the best
WW 91 selling book out. Beginners succeed
■■ ■■"grandly. None falL Terms free.
H ALLBTT BOOK CO., Portland Maine.
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
The most reasonable and reliable clothiers of
Bellefonte are
Joseph Bros. & Co.
■ J
our stock is equally as good, if not better, than any clothing made to order
in the country. Wo are making
this season of
We are able to
than almost any other merchant. Our entire stock is
and we will give customers the benefit of our close figures.
DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Notions
is so well known in this section of country that advertising it is superfluous.
offer this week a specialty:
A Black Cork Screw Suit for $3.80.
Zs tKo Best
Thousands of articles sre now rownfoettired thai
in former years had to bo Imported, paying high
import duty M it ia now being done on Lea k Per
tius table sauce ; tho QUAKER TABLE SAUCE take*
its place; it has been pronouoed by competent
judgca just aa ffood and even halter. The QUAERR
SAUCE has Slowly but aurely gained great Im
portance and is replacing tho eery M Imported
Banco on the shelf of the grocer, tho tables
of tho restaurant and tho tables of tho rich and
poor men, greatly prised and relished by alt on
account of its piquancy, aroma, taste, ptrenglh
and pureness. Tho inventor has by year# of
study of the secret virtues contained In the aro
matic spices of the ladies and China, such as
mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica finger,
and peppers and buda of trees unknown to most
men, and by long practice succeeded to oomhiae
their extracts in such a liquid form as we now
find It. of agreeable taste, and so invigorating as
to be taken in plaee of stomach bittern By man
ufacturing this sauce bore, heavy import duties
and freights are saved, and It ia sold at a lower
figure to the dealer, who making a bettor profit on
Quaker Sauce can aell it to the consumer cheaper
than the very beat imported article hardly equal
ing ours. If your grocer does not keep it, write
11s for prices, etc. Sold in bottles or by the gallon.
100 * 108 & M ST n St. UmU, flfc,
T. FRAlN.lPropiietor ot the
-£First National Hoteljfr-
wmhes to Inform the public that he keeps the
following liquors constantly on hand aud In
sures tliem alt strictly pure, and especially a
daplt d for medical purposes:
Ilanevi!le, Imported Holland,
Poughkeepslw, London,
KUKh, WI Kij
Hmiic, Blackberry,
Louisville, Elderberry.
Kentucky. Port J
BRANDTS; Huckleberry,
Plain, Catawba,
Ginger, Grape,
Blackberry, Applejack,
Peach. New KnQland Hum.
49" These liquors are all guaranteed to tie not
less than four years old and can be strongly
reccoinmended as wholes me and healthy.
LAGER always on draught. 22-3 m
Lorillard's Climax
with Red Tin Tag: ISM leaf Fine Gut Chew
ing: Navy ( iippingn. iaa Black, Brown and
Velfow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual
i ltyxonsidered.
Next Term beglus September 9. lttS.
This institution Is located In one of the most
beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle
gheny region - It is open to students of both
! sexes, and offers the following Course of Study 5
I 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four lean.
2. A Latin Scientific Course.
! 3. The follow!ug ADVANCED COURSES, of
two years each, following the first two> years of
the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURES (i>)
4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture.
5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry.
6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC
ARTS, combining shop-work with study.
7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) In
Literature and Science, for Young Ladles.
8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course.
9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet
the wants of individual students.
Military drill is required. Expenses for board
and Incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young
ladies uuder charge of a competent lady Prin-
For Catalogues, or other information address
27-29 State College, Centre Co., Pa.
ipryTP wANTEoEa^ST
OK F IV I V Corsets. Sample free to those be-
MUkll I'V coming agents. No risk, quick sales.
Territory given, satisfaction guaranteed. Address
DR.SCOTT,S42 Broadway SU.N.Y.