Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 24, 1885, Image 1

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    The Millheim Journal,
Office in the New Journal Building,
Penn St., near Hart man's foundry.
Acceptable Correspondence Solicited
Address letters to MILUTCIM JOURNAL.
Madisonburg, Pa.
Praetieai Dentist,
Office opposite the Methodist Church.
Physician & Surgeon
Offiice on Mam Street.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the Public School House.
Physician & Surgeon, -
Office opposite the hotel. Professional calls
promptly answered at all hours.
P. ARD, M. D..
Physician & Surgeon,
Journal office, Penn st., Millheim, Pa.
49* Deeds and other legal papers written aud
acknowledged at moderate charges.
W. J ™ EKI
Fashionable Barber,
Havinq had many years' of experience.
the public can txpect the best work and
most modern accommodations.
Shop 2 doors west MUlheim Banking House,
Fashionable Barber,
Corner Main A North streets, 2nd floor,
Millheim, Pa.
Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooning,
Dying, Ac. done in the most satisfac
tory manner.
Jno.H. OrrLu C. ML Bower. Ellis L.Orris.
Office in WoodlngajßoUdlng.
D. H. Hastings. W. F. Reeder
Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of
the office ocapled ny the late firm of Yocum *
*. Attorney-at-Law,
At the Office of Ex-Judge Hoy.
Practices In all the courts of Centre county
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
In German or English.
. A.Beaver. W. Gephart.
Office on Alleghany Street. North of High Street
Good Sample Boom on First Floor. Free
Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to
witnesses and Jurors.
House uewly refitted and refurnished. Ev
ervthing done to make guests comfortable.
Rateainodera** tronage respectfully soUci
R. A. BUMILLER, Editor.
VOL. 59.
On a Hill-Top.
One "afternoon, in Central Park,
when the late spring was making stren
uous efforts to assist herself by means
ot a shivering fringe of green hung up
on naked boughs, and by a tinge of red,
like a blush for her tardiness, over the
bushes of Pyrns japonica, the maiu
drive offered the usual spectacle of
pleasure-seekers on wheels, rolling at a
discreet rate of speed between Fifty
ninth street and One-hundred and
tenth street, and back again, while
keeping carefully in view of each other's
equipages, horses, grooms, and gowus.
Passing in review the rapid succes
sion of coaches, landaus, victorias,
broughams, wagonettes, T carts, til
burys and village carts, sprinkled with
less pretending buggies and hansoro
cabs, a young man on horse kept his
spirited steed in check, curveting back
and forth at the entrance of one of the
equestrain roads crossing the principal
drive, until a trig policeman began to
cast upon him side glances of a decid.
edly investigating character. Evident
ly the young man's search was vain,for
a look of annoyance came upon his o
pen face,and giving his horse an unrea
sonable cut with the ridiug-stick, he at
last consented to gallop away from the
spot he bad so long haunted. At that
exact moment another rider cantering
lightly along the bridle path, emerged
from the trees ahead, bringing face to
face with him a pretty girl with golden
hair, and a bunch of narcissus iu the
breast of her well-cut habit.
"You told me you were to drive with
your mamma!" abruptly exclaimed
the young gentleman ; to which the
lovely Amazon replied, blushing slight
ly and tossing her head, that she could
not know she wa9 obliged to render an
exact account of her doings to every
person w,ith whom she might chance to
dance at Mrs. Gardiner's ball. The
groom coming up at this juncture di
verted conversation from an apparent
ly threatening channel. In the most
natural manner our young gentleman's
horse was turned, and the couple were
making their way through the dreary
suburb on the west side of the park, to
emerge upon the beautiful Riverside
Drive. Here a wide and admirably
made road runs parallel with the Hud
son, whose tranquil bosom, skimmed
by white-winged sail-boats or scarred
by bustling steamers along tbe channel,
reflects, on the farther side, the wood
crowned summits of the Palisades and
the colors of the sky.
"To enjoy the Riverside," the young
man said, "one should resemble the
'true love* of the early English poet,
who 'looks not back, his eyes are fixt
afore.' Let me recommend you to im
pose a forfeit on yourself for turning
your head one moment from the left as
we follow up the avenue. In this way
you may be able to preserve the illus
ion that your are out of town."
"It's all of a piece with everything
here," the girl answered, with a discon
tented glance at the landscape on the
right. There, amid a curious combin
ation of squalor and ambitious archi
tecture, she chanced to see the grassy
slope in front of a squattei's shanty,
where in a wilderness of rubbish and
tomato cans, two sportive goats were
assuming the attitude of the supporters
of the British coat of arms. Beyoud
an open expanse of rocky hillside,
streets and boulevards In various stages
of constructions were to be seen. To
Miss Caroline Heath, aged twenty-one,
recently returned from a six years' resi
dence in Europe, the incompleteness of
American affairs in was a
source of continual comment. Edgar
Barclay,, on the contray, the son of a
Western man, who after making a for
tune In Cleveland had moved to New
York to spend it, was a warm defend
er of our peculiar institutions, and
coming from other lips than those of
the present critic, would have resented
unflattering comments upon them with
They had now turned into a broad
boulevard, and followed it to an end,
indicated by the presence of workmen
with their impediments making a bar
rier across the road.
"Let us go on," Carry urged.
"Yonder, on that hilltop, I see a genu
ine old house that must have been
there since the Revolution at least. I
am determined to ride up and have a
peep at it.
Apparently uninhabitated but for a
pale ring of smoke from the kitchen
chimney, the old house stood in melan
choly isolation upon a bluff overlooking
the river. The avenue there in process
of construction bad ruthlessly shaved
| off the near side of the hill, leaving ex
posed a steep and gravelly incline
crowned with the straggling grasses of
an ancient lawn. Around the white
columns of the portico grew walnut
and chestnut trees, and in the garden
at the rear was seen a ruined summer
boose, and several broken statutes ar
fsiug amid an unprunt d growth of box.
Cocking their ears cautiously at the
unusuulne93 of the proceeding, the hor
ses consented to be guided up a pre
cipitous path along the edge of the de
clivity, Barclay conscious of a feeling
of relief when his adventurous young
comrade had finally attained her wish,
and stood facing the moss-grown porti
"Nobody lives here, that's plain,"
said willful Caroline. t4 Mr. Barclay, I
am determined to explore."
So saying, she slipped lightly from
1 the saddle, gathered up her jaunty hah
it, and ran around through the weedy
garden at the side. Barclay, consign
ing his horse to the groom, followed iu
time to see her engaged in active con
versation with a deaf old dame who
emerged from a moldy kitchen at the
"She says we may have water from
the well, and leave to look at this love
ly river view," 3ried the explorer. 44 1t
appears that tbe house is owned by one
maiden lady, whose family has always
lived here. If I may trust to my hith
er-to iufallible powers of intuition, the
mistress is a little out of repair in her
upper story, and the maid is afraid of
her. Come, Mr. Barclay, turn away at
this handle. How long is it since I
have had the satisfaction of drinking
from the 4 moss-covered bucket that
bangs in the well ?' There that's de
liriously cold and pure. Do you see,
this garden must have been a stately
one in its prime. I wonder if the an
cient dragon would be induced to let
us baye a glimpse of the interior of the
house ? I'm positively wild to try."
Nobody withstood Caroline, so Bar
clay was not particularly surprised to
eee her return from a second interview
with the old woman, beckoning him
with a mysterious forefinger.
44 We're to see the gound-floor. It
is the hour for Miss Siliman's after
noon nap, when she never comes down
stairs. Hush ! tread like a burglar,
and follow me."
In the wake of the ancient guardian
our two young people went from one
room to another, filled with handsome
furniture of the pattern peculiar to a
century ago. Old mahogany, fluted
fire-boards, stiff chairs,convex mirrors,
black-lramed mezzo tints,knobs of brass
or crystal, there ruled supreme, their
sway undisputed by the appendages of
modern luxury as seen everywhere to
day. It was in the best parlor that
their guide came to a halt, waving her
withered hand with a faint show of
pride in its faded splendor.
"That's all there is to it," she said,
in a croaking voice. "I guess them
things is solid."
"Either lam dreaming or that por
trait of the lady in the red frock with
balloon sleeves resembles you," Caro
line suddenly exclaimed, turning upon
Barclay an astonished gaze. "She is
enough like you to be your—what ?"
She paused puzzled by the date.
"My great-grandmother, great-aunt
—what you will," said Barclay, laugh
ing. "I wish I were lucky enough to
be able to lay claim to her, but unfor
tunately if we have any weird respecta
bility of this kind in the east, I have
yet to be informed of it. My mother,
who died in my childhood, was born
west, and my-father is a westerner,
root and brauch."
"It is astonishing," pursued Caro
line ; and even the purblind eyes of
the old woman lighted with some
thing like assent.
"She 'ain't no one belongiu' to her I
ever heered of," croaked the old crea
ture, pointing upward with her thumb.
"The last on 'em to die was Miss Ta-
Utha, and she's Miss Louise, They
was great folks once, I've heerd tell,
but that was before I came here. She
was plnchin' poor till the city tuk the
place to run a road through, an' now
they say there's a fortune in the bank
for her. She don't spend none of it,
sartin sure. The two of us don't eat
more'n'd keep a mouse from starvin',
an' there ain't nobody else."
"I breathe freer," Caroline said,
when, after presenting a gratuity to
their guide,tbe two mounted again and
rode out of the enclosure. "After all,
I like tho sunsnine best. But I wish I
had seen the queer old lady ; and to
that portait, it is simply your double,
deuy it as you may."
"I am more occupied in wondering
if I can get my horse by that steam
drill down yonder," Edgar said. "lie
has a rooted objection to anything of
the kind, and this path does not offer
much room for antics on his part.
Your gray is quiet, Miss Ileath ; you
had better wait here, and let me lead
the wav."
Hardly had he spoken when the en
gine beneath them sent forth a suddeu
rush of hissing steam. Carolino re
pressed an exclamation of alarm. Bar
clay's horse, rearing* violenty, giazed
the edge of the steep declivity, then
set off at a run. Half-way to the bot
tom he slipped, his rider falling over
his head, the horse rolling completely
over, aud recovering himself to stand
shivering with terror beside Barclay's
prostrate form. Before a number of
men from the gang at work helow
could reach him, Caroline was at his
side, the groom following. Barclay,
catching one glimpse of the face bent
over him, tried to speak re-assuringly,
but fainted in the effort. Without
consulting tlio young ,lady, the men
ran up to the house upon the hill, re
turning with a shutter, upou which
they carried the Injured man gently a
long the path he bad just descended
into the house, laying him down with
out interference from its guardian in the
dim old parlor immediately beneath tne
portrait of the lady with the sleeves.
The bustle of their entrance stirred
from her solitude upstairs the other
dweller in this silent mansion. Glid
ing down like a wraith came a tall wo
man dressed in gray, with melancholy
eyes and chill lips that seemingly had
never known a smile.
"Open the window and givj him
air," cried Caroline, unheeding the ap
proach of the mistress of the house.
"Who gives orders for me?" she
said, in a monotonous yoice. "It is
years since those f r ont windows haye
been opened."
44 1t is a matter of life and death,"
answered the girl imperiously, and
without further apparition the stiff
blinds were thrown back, lettiug in a
flood of afternoon sunlight that flowed
in a golden stream across the sufferer's
temporary couch. Barclay's face thus
revealed to view was untouched by
wound or stain. lie seemed quietly
44 11 the doctor would only come I"
began Caroline, interlacing her cold
hands. There was an Interruption to
the quiet of the room, a strange sound,
half sob, half laughter, coming from
the ghostly mistress of the house. Car
oline looked up to Sbe the old woman
kneeling at Barclay's side, her dull eyes
kindled into a sudden rapture of recog
"It is Margaret's son. I knew I
should see one of them before I died.
Oh, my poor wronged sister! After
so many years 1 Thank God ! thank
God !"
"You'd better coax the old lady to
go upstairs again," said one of the
workmen to the seivant, touching his
forehead signiflcautly. It was evident
that all present agreed in his estimate
of her mental equilibrium. But nntil
the arrival of the doctor the gray old
woman held the unconscious sufferer's
hand iu hers, from time to time fond
ling it against her cheek, and crooning
over it words of tenderness. When
the surgeon came, Caroline, passing
her arm round her shoulders* led her
from tho room.
An hour later, Mr. Barclay, accom
panied by Edgar's stepmother, .answer
ed the summons sent them by tele
phone in the neighborhood, appearing
to swell the anxious little group wait
ing in the dusky hall outside the sick
room. Edgar had returned to con
sciousness, but the injury to his leg
was exquisitely painful, requiring nic
est treatment. Until the arrival of
their own family physician, the doctor
in charge refused to take the responsi
bility of sanctioning the removal of his
patient. The distressed father walked
to and fro in moody silence, and wheu
twilight brought Dr. Gray, urged him
to say that Edgar might be carried in
an ambulance to his home.
"On no account," said the doctor.
"I can't imagine auything more fool
ish. Unless these people positively
turn you out, he should stay here. His
situatiori is extremely critical. I caa
not answer for the consequences of a
"Here, in this old rattle-trap, with a
mad woman for a keeper ?" the impa
tient father wanted to say, but he sub
stituted for it the milder suggestion
that they had no claim upon the owner
of the house.
"The child of Margaret Lotbrop has
every claim," said the same hollow
voice that had startled all a little while
before. At his elbow stood the ghost
like gray lady.
"Hallo I" said Mr. Barclay, aston
ished. "That's an odd coincidence.
My flr3t wife's mother was married
twice, I believe, and her first husband's
name was surely Lothrop. Edgar's
grandmother came from the East, too,
though she talked about her early
And so it was that, by a strange
guidance of fate's leading-strings Mar
garet Lothrop's grandson was brought
into intimate relations with his sole
suryiying relative upon his mother's
side ; one who through half a century
of alienation and of silence had brood
ed over the image of her best-loved sis
ter with ever-increasing intensity.
Between the handsome lad who for
days lay there beneath his grandmoth
er's portrait uncertain whether death
or life would claim him as their prize,
and the pallid shade of what once was
handsome Lois Stillman, Caroline was
the link of warm humanity.
Uutil the young man's extremity had
given place to the ioyful promise of
convalescenso, Carry made daily pil
grimages to the hill-top. Then her
visits ceased altogether, until one after
noon, when June had clothPd the old
brown with roses, she accepted a be*
seeching invitation from the invalid to
have a cup of tea with Aunt Lois and
himself. She found them in the well
lemembored parlor, sitting, she even
fancied, hand in haud, but by'Dnd-by
Atrnfc Lois arose and stole away. Soon
she came back, bearing in her hand an
antique string of pearls.
4 'These were left by Margaret when
she went away to be married again3t
our will," the old lady said eoleran'y.
"Through poverty and sorrow I have
kept them, hoping that some day one
of Margaret's descents would come
back to receive them at my hands.
Now that Edgar is to have all the rest,
I want Caroline to wear these as a to-'
ken of my love and gratitude."
"You are giving them to Margaret's
granddaughter after all, Aunt Lois,"
the young man said triumphantly,
and then only for the first time in
many a long year tears came into Mis 9
Stillman's eyes, but they were happy
ones. -
Her Spending Money.
A young girl once complained to
her aunt that her father did not give
her any spending-money. The aupt
was a kind-hearted woman, and think
ing to make her niece happy, she pre
sented her with a ten doliar bill. The
young lady was delighted, of course,
and profuse in her thanks. Shortly
after she went on a walk, and upon
her return proudly exhibited to her
aunt a handsome purse and a gold
mounted drawing pencil. She did
not actually need either of these ar
ticles, but they were pretty and took
fcer fancy. The cost of them were
seven dollars. The pencil was lost
before many days, and as the remain
ing three dollars were frittered away,
there was little use for the purse. The
good aunt was at no loss to sec why
the father withheld pocket-money
from his daughter, and thereafter she
herself found some other use for her
ten-dollar bills. It should be added
that this young lady called herself an
economical girl. When she had no
spending money she could get along
bravely without many things which
her soul craved. Yet our readers can
judge for themselves, from the inci
dent above related, whether she had
the true idea of economy or not.
Thrift and economy are greatly advo
cated as desirable virtues. But these
do not mean simply going without
what is needed. Economy is to get
the most possible out of a dollar ; not
to waste it and then be driven to prac
tice self-denial. There is a great dif
ference even among very young peo
ple in this regard. Give two boys or
girls a dollar, and often you will dis
cover when the cash is spent that one
girl has an equivalent to show tor it.
She has her full money's worth of
something desirable. This is econo
my. The other can hardly tell where
the money is gone. It has been so
foolishly expended that she might al
most as well have lighted the fire with
it. It is not difficult to acquire habits
of true economy, but the practice of it
should begin with small sums—the
dimes and quarters —and childhood is
the time to take the first lesson.
"Bring me a Dozen."
When Congressman Lawler, of Chi
cago, made his first visit to New York
some j ears ago, a friend invited him to
a restaurant,where they called for soft
shell crabs. Lawler had never seen any
before and did not know what they
were. He 'iked them, however, and a
few days afterwaid, wishing to again
regale himself with some of the .tooth
some crustaceans, he hunted up the
restaurant, walked in and sat down at
a table; but he had forgotten the name
of the food he desired. Looking over a
bill of fare, he saw "lobsters." He
called the waiter and said : 'Waiter,
have you any lobsters ?' 'Yes,' said
the waiter. 'Brine me a dozen,' said
Lawler. 'A dozen 1' exclaimed the
waiter in astonishment. Lawler saw
that he had made a mistake,but he was
not going to admit it. 'Confound you,'
be said, 'don't you suppose I know
what I want V Bring me a dozen.'
The table was cleared of everything
that was on it, and Lawler pitched in.
He ate all he possibly could, called for
a glass of brandy.looked up at the wait
er, and said; 'Waiter, I was not as
hungry as I thought I was. llow much
is the bill V' Fourteen dollars and fifty
cents.' 'Why, it is not as much as I
thought it would be,' said Lawler.
'Here, you needn't 4 mind the change,'
and, handing the waiter sls, Mr. Law
ler walked out.
Terms, SIOO per Year, in Advance.
Jeff, reon and the Boy.
One day as Jefferson was riding on
horseback through Virginia on his way
from Washington to Monti cello- lie
came upon a boy trudging along with
lii.s clothes in a satchel which hung on
a stick from his shoulder. He was mo
tioned to got in, and in a moment lie
was sitting by theside of the Proaideut,
who opened the conversation by asking
him who lie was and where ho was go
ing. Ho replied that his name was
Morgan and that ho was going home
from school, and continued by putting
the same questions to the President,
saying, 'I l*g your pardon, stranger,
but what might your name be ?<
The President replied, 'My name is
Thomas Jefferson.'
The boy looked up Astonished and
asked :
•Not Tom Jefferson, President of the
United States ?'
'Ye.,' replied Jefferson, and as he did
so the boy jumped from the gig and in
to the road, saying, 'I haye heard of
you, Tom Jefferson. My fattier says
you are a rascal, and wouldn't lie
thrash me if he caught me lidin' with
you. Fathqr knows yon and he thinks
you are tlia biggest scoundrel in the
country I'
The President was so amused at the
boy's charming candor that lie invited
him to the carriage and brought him to
his journey's end, urging him before
leaying to call upon him at Washing
ton, promising him anything he desired
should he honor him with a visit.
•You'll not forget me ?' asked the en
fant terrible.
'Not I,' replied Jefferson.
A year or .thereabout after this occur
rence young Morgan,becoming disgust
ed with things about home, ran off to
Washington, trudging hi 3 way with
staff and gripsack, and covered with
mud and dust and clay made his way
to the White House and walked boldly
into a room where he saw Jefferson
bonding ovef a table writing. lie went
up to him and laying his hand on his
shoulder shouted : 'Hello,Tom Jeffer
sou, I've come after that office.' The
President looked up, but could not re
member the boy. Noting bis amazed
look,young Morgan continued : 'There,
I told you you would not remember me
when I came here.' Jefferson replied
that his face was familiar, and on Mor
gan telliug who ho was the President
treateddiim kindly, and asked him to
be seated. He then called a servant
and sent the boy off to be brushed up,
asking liim if he had another suit of
clothes,to which he replied that he had.
He was then given a room in the White
House, and the President told him to
look about for a few days and see what
kind of an office he wanted. This
young Morgan did, and at the end of
the first day told Jefferson he believed
he would take a colonelcy in the army.
President Jefferson laughed and told
him that colonels were always old men.
He must take something else, but not
be in a hurry—to look around and see
the city. He then sent midshipman
with him to make things pleasant for
him,and in a day or two young Morgan
decided that he would rather be a mid
shipman than anythiug else. Jefferson
at once gave him the appointment, and
he went on a ship immediately. He
made a splendid nayal officer, and he
died a commodore.
The Students Laughed.
A writer in the "Vossiche Zeitung,"
gives an anecdote of the famous Orient
alist, Gesenius, which has never before
been published. lie announced a ser
ies of lectures to his class in the uni
versity on the "Books of Moses." His
popularity caused the lecture-room to
be crowded, and when the professor en
tered there was not a vacant seat in the
auditorium. Gesenius began, as usual,
with the statemeut of his theme iu the
opening words of the lecture, 'Gentle
men,' said he, 'Genesis is not as old as
is generally belieyed.' In an instant
the sentcuce was greeted with irrepres
sible peals of laughter from every quar
ter of the lecture-1'oom; and the startled
professor was unable to proceed to his
next sentence. It is doubtful whether
the old scholar perceived the true
this odd reception of his o
pening statement. The [fact is, the
Semitic enthusiast had flye daughters,
all of whom were unmarried, and the
students had nicknamed them after the
five books of the Pentateuch. The
eldest of these old maids was known to
the young men as 'Genesis.' So they
laughed, and no wonder they did so.
Why the Banker Shed a Tear.
'ltis sad to think,' sighed the cash
ier as he walked into the night with
his valise in hand and gazed upon the
massive marble bank building, 'sad to
think that I must leave that noble
structure behind me. But I must do
so. I cannot take it with me.'
And dropping a tear he gripped his
valise with a tighter grip and hurried
off to eatch the Montreal train.
- 1 ■ ■
NO. 37.
~lf Rutwcriiwrs orter tlio tUseonUimatioii of
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**ul Uiem until all arreorae** arc na i<l.
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If Hulweillwrs move toother places without In
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l wk. 1 mo. |3inos. Onios. I yea
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700 WOO 1500 30 Of) 40 00
WOO Woo| 2B 00 45 00 7500
One Inch makes a square. Administrator*
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tisements and locals 10 cents jer line for., first
insertion and 5 coots per line for each addition
* "." * 'V ,5. """ty\ 'T\
Cheating the Bees.
A Wayno county farmer had succeed
ed in earning a place in history along
with the Connecticut man who inyent
ed wooden nutmegs. He lives between
Detroit and Dearborn, o Michigan
ayenue, in a vine-covered cottage back
a little way from tl:o road. On the
front fence appears the sign, •White
clover liouey.' Back of the house is an
airy apiary with ail the modern inven
tions for the care of bees, and nearly
fifty hives sounded with the cheerful
bumming of the busy honey makers.
A representative af the Free Press
quite by accident, called at the house
and found no one at home, and while
sitting by an old well curb refreshing
himself with cool water from an old
oaken oucket, his. attention was called
to the actiou of the bens. The cottage
is surrounded with roses in full bloom,
but these bees did not as bees used to
'Gather honey all the day
From every opening flower,'
but instead were swarming around a
large tray which stood near by, and
were flying back and forth to their
hives. In this tray was half an inch of
a sticky mass that looked like syrup.
Little sticks were strewn over this sub
stance, and on these the bees were a
lighting, and, after taking some, flew
back to the hives.
'What do you want o' them bees ?'
The intruder started up and found a
barefootea lad standing before him.
' What are the bees taking ?' we ask
ed. v
'What tlo you want to know {for ?
Dad said we wasn't to tell any one any
thing about it.'
'l'll give you a quarter if yon will,'
said the reporter,nbw thoroughly inter
'Well, I dunno what it is. Dad gets
it from town in a bar'l. Here's what
he gits it in,' pointing to a large cask.
On the end of the barrel was the sten
cil mark, '2OO lbs. grape, sugar from
Michigan Grape Sugar Manufactory.'
•Is that glucose the bees are getting?'
'lt's something that dad gits oat of
that bar'l, that's all 1 know about it.'
The inquiring visitor tasted it. There
was an unmistakable gum drop flavor
to it.
'We had hard work to get the bees
used to it. Dad put in a lot of syrup
at first, but the bees take it straight
'llow 'ong (loes it take to fill a hive?'
'Not near so long as it does when
they haye to gather the honey from
flowers. We've taken out a lot this
year already.'
The boy brought out of the house a
box of glucose liouey which looked as
clear and inviting as though the sweets
had been distilled from the purest flow
•Do you eat it ?' the boy was asked.
'Sometimes. It ain't so good as the
other kind, but it's just as good to sell*
Say, don't you ever give me away to
dad, or he*'l skin me.'— Detroit Free
Some Derivations.
The word ''pamphlet" is derived
from the name of a Greek author,
Pamphylia, who compiled a history of
of the world in thirty-five little books
"Punch and Judy "is a contraction
from Pontius and Judas. It is a relic ot
an old "miracle play," in which the
actors were Pontius Pilate and Judas
"Bigot" is from Visigotha,in which
the fierce and intolerant Arianism of
the Visigoth, conqueror of Spain, is
handed down from infancy.
"Humbug" is from Hamburg; a
piece of Hamburg news; was in Ger
inauy a provervial expression for false
political rumors.
"Gause" derives its name from
Gaza, where it was first made.
"Tabby cat" is all unconscious that
bcr name is derived from Atab,a fam
ous street inßagdad in habited by the
manufacturers of silken stuffs called
atab, or taffety—the wavy mark
ings of the watered silks resembling
pussy's coat.
' Old Scratch" is the demon Skratti
who still survives in the superstitions
of Northern Europe.
"Old Nick" is none other than Ni
kir, the dangerous water demon of
Scandinavian legend.
The lemon takes its name from the
City of Lima.
The Snake G-uillotlne.
The mowing machine is peculiarly
fatal to snakes. In their accredited wis
dom they do not start to run away un
til the evidence of danger is upon them.
They then raise their heads just high
enough to reach above the blades, when
they are decapitated. The charge is
so sudden that the body of the snake
1 springs high enough to reach the blades
ere the fatal knives pass completely q