Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 17, 1885, Image 3

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Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
———— v
—Dress Silks a speciality at Kauff
man's stote.
—The merchants aie gettlrg in their
winter goods.
—The Ziou band will soon come out
in new uniforms.
—Mrs. S. T. Frain and son are at
tending the Ilarrisbuig centennial this
—Gospel Hymns, No. 1 2 & 3 combin
ed, with or without music—at the Jour
nal store. tf
—Arnica & Oil Liniment is equally
good for man and beast. 25 and 50 cts.
per bottle. Hn
—At Pealei's store at Spring Mills
you get the full worth of your c ash or
your produce.
—For a mild cathartic and efficient
tonic use Baxter's Mandrake Bitters.
Every bottle warranted. lm
—Grangers' picnic on Nittany mouu
tain to-day. A great many people of
town expect to be there.
—The mothor and a little brother of
H. C. Bellman were up from Ltwis
burg on a visit to Harry.
—Henry Wliitmer and S. R. Gettig,
of Coburn, gave the office a pleasant
call on Tuesday forenoon.
—Freight traffic on the various rail
roads is reported to be increasing as
the fall season approaches.
—Oh,you are right,brother Cornelius,
we forgot the oin October. Please re
member it was an obersight.
—Mrs Jacob Alter and Mrs. J. W..
Lose will please to accept our thanks
for little kindnesses shown.
—John C. Smull was appointed post
master at Rebersburg, in place of John
A. Miller. And still they go.
—We did not hear or see very
much yet of squirrel hunting this sea
son. Squirrels are said to be scarce.
—Our line of Ready-made Clothing
can not be beat in quality, style and
price. D. S. KAUTFMAN & Co.
—"Blood-food" is the suggestive
name often giyen to Ayers'Sarsaparilla,
because of its blood-enrichiug qualities.
—The short shower on Sunday after
nooti caused quite a "race for home" a
mong the visitors to the Coburn camp
—We understand that the dedication
of the new Reformed church at Aa
ronsburg is to come off about the 17th
of October.
—A new republican paper will be
published by Messrs. Oassidy & Fied
ler, in Bellefoute, beginning with the
first of October.
—E. W. Mauck and E. E. Knarr
spent the greater part of the last two
weeks at Woodward painting Luther
Kreamer's boose.
—J. W. Lose and B. F. Royer are
just completing their job of painting S.
D. Mussers residence, which presents a
very fine appearance.
—Business was unusually dull in
town for the last week, and the merch
ants are anxiously looking forward to
the opening of the fall season.
—lf you contemplate getting your
house painted this fall remember that
Musser & Smith's hardware store is
the best place to get your paints.
Goods, just received at our store. No
trouble to show goods—come and see.
—Clipped from Canada Presbyterian.
under signature of O.Blackett Robiuson,
Propr.: I was cured of oft-recuring bili
ous headaches by Burdock Blood Bit
—The school directors of out bor
ough have posted up advertisements of
the sale of the old school furniture, to
take place next Saturday afternoon at
2 o'clock. ■
- NOTICTE.— The new Process Roller
Flour, manufactured by J. B. Fisher,
Penn Hall, is for sale at D. S. Kauff
man & Co's new store, Jfain street,
Jfillheim, Pa.
—Cure for Croup—Use Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil according to directions. It
is the best remedy for all sudden at
tacks of colds, pain and inflamation,
and for injuries.
—Forrest Stephenson's residence,
southeast of town, is up and under
roof. At this rate Millheim and Co
burn will be closely connected before
many a year slips around.
—H erlacber's tar pot was boiling a
gain this week, several more of our
property holders having their roofs
painted with the black stuff. The ar
ticle is becoming very popular.
—We are glad to learn that our new
ly-married neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. E.
W. Mauck,have coucluded to settle in
Millheim and are already negotiating
for a suitable home of their own.
—D. W. Zelgler's caipenters begin
to prepare the floor timbers for his new
bakery on Penn streot last Monday and
jrt this writing the building is up and
wUI be ready for the roof in a few days.
—Livery stable keepers should always
keep Arnica & Oil Liniment in the
stable. Nothing like it for horses. 1m
—The teachers' examination which
took place here yesterday was well at
tended. At least this is the report of
those who were there, the writer being
unable to oe present.
—Mrs. Margaret Stover, whose sick
ness we reported last week, is now con
valescing. Ilor son, John and his fam
ily, from Painter, Mifflin county, were
here to visit her several days.
—GUNS, GUNS, GUNS ! all kinds of
guns on exhibition at D. S. Kautfman
& Go's new storo on Main Street.
From a Winchester ltirte or a Double
lJarrel Shell down to a Musket.
—Miss Jennie Deininger, daughter
of A. O. Deininger, Esq , of Claiks
town, Lycoming Co., Pa., is heio on a
visit to relatives and friends. She ex
pects to spend several weeks among us.
—A Mr. Schreckengast, residing in
the mountains abovo Coburn was sud
denly taken sick while attending the
colored campmeeting last Sunday after
noon. Medical aid was at once sum
moned and he improved rapidly.
—The Bcllefonte School Board pass
ed resolutions favoring the admission
of colored children of that borough to
the public schools There will be lots
of contrast then, at least in color.
—Wm. E. Hoy, of Mifflinburg, the
missionary-elect to Japan, from the
Beformed church, is spending a few
weeks with Rev. Miller at Rebei sburg
and Rev. Yearick, at Aaronsburg.
—We learn that Henry Weaver, of
Aaronsburg, received tlu appointment
of storekeeper and gaug r at the Wood
ward distillery. We congratulate him.
He is an old and deserving democrat.
—Malaria in any of its forms, chi'ls
and fever, congestive chills can be pre
vented or cured by the use of Simmons
Liver Regulator, a puiely vegetable
raediciue, Ruperior to calomel and qui
—A. J. Harter erected a large cur
rier shop ou the western corner of his
lot on Pe nn street. By the time he
will flit into his new house, be will al
so be leady for business in bis new
—The masons commenced work on
the new hardware building, corner of
Main and Penn streets, on Monday.
A few short months and the burnt dis
trict will present a new and improved
—During llie absence of Mr. & Mrs.
D. A. Musser, their daughter, Mrs. A.
Walter lias charge of the paiental
homestead in Strasburg , and the Wal
ter residence on Penu street is deserted
and closed for the present.
LOOK IIEUE. —I cure Piles. 1 have
a positive remedy for piles. By its use
many cases ,of the worst kind and of
long standing have been cured. It cures
as if by magic. Money refunded to dis
satisfied patients. Addres3,
H.K.SUMMERS, Aaronsburg, Pa.
—E. 11. Long and wife, have return
ed from their visit to the old home at
Fisher's Ferry. It looks like old times
to see Eh behind the counters in D. S.
Kauffman & Co's store. Hope he may
may now enjoy perfect and lasting
Try Ayer's Pills, and be cured. Mis
ery lsja mild word to describe the mis
chief to body and mind caused by habit
ual constipation. The regular use of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills, in mild doses,
will restore the torpid viscera to healthy
action. '
•-John Kerstetter's new house on I
Penu street is progressing finely. This
makes three good sized buildings in
course of construction at present, with
more to follow later in fall. Millbeim
can soon boast of a large number of
fine buildings.
Kurzenknabe and wife, accompanied
by Mrs. Jonathan Harter, boarded the
east* bound train on Monday morning,
to attend the great centennial at Har
risburg this week. Hope they may en
joy themselves hugely.
—Several invitation cards were sent
to friend 9 in this town for the wedding
of our former townsman,C. A. Sturgis,
and Miss Mary Hauck, of Lewisburg,
which is to take place in that town this
eveniug at S o'clock. Here is our ASSy
Charley, with our best wishes.
Frank, west of Millheim, giyes notice
that he has for sale a superior quality
of Wheat, which he calls "Farmers'
friend," for seeding purposes. Farm
ers desiring some of this excellent
wheat are requested to apply to him.
—The officers and members of our
fire company must have forgotten the
old saying that "practice makes per
fect." It is fully two months since
they have last seen their equipments,
or had a drill. This is not as it should
be, gentlemen ; keep the thing a mov
—On Monday morning Mr. and Mrs.
F. Catherman, of North street, left for
the wide West. They intend yisiting
their mauy relatiyes and friends out
there, and do not expect to return
before two months. Our best wishes
for a pleasant and safe journey go with
LOST.—SIO reward will be paid to the
finder of a lady's gold ring, set with
milk white cameo and pearls, which
was lost on the campground or its vi
cinity on Sunday, Aug. 16th. Please
return either to this office or to
North Street.
—Thousands walk the earth to-day
who would he sleeping in its bosom but
j for the timely use of Downs' Elixir. 1
Weaver and A. D. Weaver, executors
of the estate of Fmleiick Weaver, de
ceased, late of Haines township, will
sell the farm and mount,ainland of de
cedent, one mile east of Aaronsburg,
on Friday, September 25th,instant.
FOR SALE.— S. K. Faust gives no
tice that he wishes to sell his valuable
farming land situate in Millheim bor
ough north of Abs. Barter's farm, and
which he lately bought of IVivid Scholl.
The land is in first-class condition and
purchasers will find it a good invest
Hay Fovor Spociflo.
I FOUND IT a specific for Hay Fever,
For ten years I have been a great suf
ferer from August llili till frost. Ely's
Cream Balm Is the only preventive I
have ever found.—Frank B. A ins
worth, of F. B. Ainaworth & Co.,
Publisher, Indianapolis, I ml. 30-41
DEAR EDITOR : —We acknowledge
the receipt of a bed-quilt, valued at
five dollars, from the sisters of Nittany
valley, of all denominations, Metho
dists, Lutherans, Evangelicals, IT. B.
in Christ, &e. May our Heavenly
Father bless all. C W. RAVER,
U. B. Pastor.
—F. S. Wolf, ofGiraid, Kansas, is
here on a visit to his father, Jacob
Wolf,who is seriously ill at B. O. Dein
inger's on Main street. The gentle
man has not been East for seven years,
and expresses surprise at the many
changes and improvements in this vi
cinity. He expects to remain a lew
—On Friday, Sept. 25th, 18S5 at one
o'clock,P. M., the heirs of George Bre
on, dec' their agent, Jonathan Bar
ter, will sell at public sale ou the prem
ises in Gregg towship, the real estate
of decedent, consisting of 175 acres of
cultivated and timber land,with a good
dwelling house, barn and all necessary
outbuildings thereon erected.
DEDICATION.—The Lord willing,the
Evangelical church at lUbersburg will
be dedicated to the seryice of ;the Tri
une God, September 27th. Rev. E.
Kohr, of Lewisburg and Rev. G. W.
Currin, of Centre Hall, will officiate.
Ministers and friends of the cause are
cordially invited to attend.
—FOR habitual constipation,billions,
ness, sick hsadaclie, torpidity of the
liver,congestion of the kidneys,malaria
and all complications arising from a
degenerated condition of the bowels,
liver or kidneys, McDonald's Improved
Liver Pills can l>e depended upon for
certain and pennauent relief ; as a din
ner pill, gentle cathartic and safe :q>eri
ent, they are without an equal. Many
eminent physicians use them in their
daily practice. Money refunded to dis
satisfied purchasers.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold bv J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
WEDDING BELLS.—On Tuesday eve
ning Miss -Vary Bright, the oldest
daughtei of our townsman, W. L.
Bright, on Vain street, was wedded to
Ed. Bower, of Haines township. The
parties went to Aaronsburg late in the
evening,where Rev. M. L. Dietzler pro
nounced them man and wife. After
they had returned to the residence of
the bride's parents, the band gave them
a serenade to which the groom suitably
responded. The writer extends his
hearty congratulations.
—The 31st annual state fair of the
Pennsylvania Agricultural society will
be held on the fair grounds, Philadel
| phia, from the 23rd of September to
the 14th of October. A new grand
stand, 200 feet long and 25 feet deep,
will be erected on the grounds at Ger
mantown Junction. Also a new exhi
bition building 150 feet square. There
will be about 40,000 square feet more of
floor space,than last year. The appli
cations for spice now filed with the
committee exceed the accomodations.
A SURPRISE PARTY.— A great sur
prise is awaiting our customers at our
store and we invite everybody to at
tend. We will show our patrons the
largest and finest invoice of Flannels,
Cashmeres. Yarns, Calico, Ladies
Cloths, and in fact anything aud every
thing imaginable found in a first-class
mercantile establishment. The GREAT
EST SURPRISE of all—our remarkably
Main street. Millheim, Pa.
—The cows being allowed to run at
large in this borough, they very often
prove the greatest nuisances out. At
many places in town the boardwalks
are simply impassable, especially by la
dies, on account of this nuisance.
Very often the shadetrees along the
streets are almost ruined by some long
necked town cow, and many a plank in
the sidewalks is broken down by cows
tramping around on them. The coun
cil should look into this matter and see
if there is no remedy for this common
The following item from Saturday's
Harrisburg Patnot will be of interest
to those of our readers who are ac
quainted with the gentleman alluded
to :
THOUGH IT'S COSTLY. —Yesterday e
veniug one of the Kurzenknabe boys
had a narrow escape from a serious ac
cident. The young man had been dec
orating their store on Third street near
Cumberland and nad come down off
the ladder and in straightening out the
bunting he shook a hatchet off the
window cornice. It struck him on the
head and glancing off broke an SBO
window pane.
Wm. Brown, who was for a time
engaged in the mercantile business in
Luwisburg, and afterwards kept
Voting's Hotel to Miftlinbutg, commit
ted suicide at his home in Oakland,
Kansas, by drowning hlmelf in a well,
near the farm, Thursday, Sept. J.
—On Wednesday evening, Sept. 30th,
the Lutheran Synod at Itsheraburg will
begin, when Rev. M. L. Deitzler, of
Aaronsburg will preach tho opening
sermon. We will publish detailed
programmes of the synod its well as of
tho Women's Missionary Convention at
Aaronsburg in our next issue.
—Tho eighteenth annual State con
vention of the Young Men's Christian
Association of Pennsylvania will as
semble at Heading, Sept. 21th aid
By tho way, Millheim had an associa
tion of this kind one. What has be
come of it ? Die a natural death ?
Great Blood Purifier or Sarsaparilla Al
terative is the most highly concentrat
ed, most harmoniously and skilfully
combined of all the blood medicines of
fered the public. Many certificates
from well-known and worthy persons
could be furnished to substantiate the
virtues claimed for this great medicine,
but the manufacturer prefers simply to
say any purchaser feeling the benefit
derived from the use of a bottle not
equivalent to tho seventy-five cents in
vested in the purchase can havo their
money returned.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,Pa.
—A large crowd of people from all
parts of the surrounding country con
gregated at Coburn last Sunday, to
take in the colored campmeeting. As
far as the attendance of colored folks
wa3 concerned we can hardly call the
affair a success. There were only sev
en of them actively engaged in relig
ious worship,including tho two preach
ers. Their odd way of singing was a
curiosity to many of their white spec
tators. Quite a number of whites we
noticed had a superfluity of spirits and
seemed to rival with the colored sing
ers in making the most noise. Alto
gether it was a great day for Coburn,
TOLL.— For the information of the
public, we publish below the law ex
empting persons from the payment of
tolls in passing over turnpike roads :
"Provided, that no toll shall be de
manded from any person or persons
passing and re passing from otie part
of his, her, or their farm to any other
of thef same ; and all persons, with
their vehicles or horses, going to or
from funerals, or places of public wor
ship, or of military trainings or elec
tions, shall be exempt from the pay
ment of toll, when traveling on such I
turnpike road."
The penalty for receiving toll con
trary to law is five dollars for each of
—Jas. R. Irwin, druggist, Curwins
ville, Pa., writes :
M. A. McDonald. DEAR Slß:— Send
us I gross of youvWonu Powders—they
give good satisfaction to our trade.
Professionally, I always recommend
them, as I consider they embody to the
utmost the principal and most desirable
points in a vermifuge— sraallness of
dose, easiness to take, compactness and
eligance, while our steadily increasing
s;iles attest thiir value as a worm de
stroyer and the satisfaction they give
our trade.'
Dissatisfied purchasers can have their
money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim ,Pa.
—Messrs. Gilbert & Co., merchant
tailors of Jfillersburg, Pa., are at the
3/usser House with a full line of Sam
ples of Fall and Winter Clothing.
They will take orders for snit3 from
§l2 to SUS ; fine English Plaid Suitings
from §l6 to §35. Their goods are of
excellent quality,but very low in price.
The firm guarantees satisfaction and
extends a general invitation to attend
the sale.
PEACE.—Changes of climate, diet and
water, ofttimes atmospheric changes a
lone, will subject some member of the
family to cholera morbus, dysentery,
&c., when that wail ot misery in the
"wee sma' hours of the night" an
nounce the fact, and you are sent from
your comfortablo bed across lots or
"down back alleys for a doctor, 'twould
be a good time to reflect that had you
only secured a bottle of Curtis' Carmel
ite Cordial in time, you could with a
few drops have beaded off the attack,
sayed a doctor's bill, and secured a
peaceful night's rest. Dissatisfied pur
chasers can have their money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Any man or woman making less
than S4O weekly should tiy our easy
money-making business. We want A
gents for our celebrated MADAME DEAN
COMBINED (for Men and Boys). No
experience required. Four orders per
day give the Agent $l5O monthly. Our
Agents report four to twenty sales dai
ly. $3 outfit free. Send at once for
full particulars. State sex.
35-13t 390 Broadway, New York.
—ln another place we publish a short
statement of the accidental drowning
of Rev. J. K. Millet, of McEwensville.
Deceased was 'a graduate of the Old
Mifllinburg Academy, aud is well
known by many of our readers. He
was a son-in-law of Mr. Geo. Gutelius,
of Mifllinburg, and at the time of his
sad death, was pastor of the Paradise
Reformed charge. Further particulars
of nis drowning are given in the AZilton
Economist as follows :
" lie left his home, the parsonage in McEwens
ville , during, the afternoon, aecombanied by
Miss Mauirie Culp, a friend of the family. They
drove to Watsontowu, put up the horse, and at
a point of the river known as Port May, they
look ;i in.ill boat, rnwi'il out to about the mjil
illf o! III." 11V I' All It'll tk VftlV wblo Ill'TO—lJu!
place wli't• lit* ofHui ii;ul fished. Hofo'-o a
rhorlnpth" bout lie hatnlcd his w;u<'h mid chain
to Mhsilulp, which was Ills ustiil custom. no
matter wlio accompanied liini. lie |i da val
uable watch and expeilencH had taught him
that valuublc artlclus wort' easily dropped Ist in
Ids poekcis while IWhiiiK. When he dropped
the anchor the chain RMHCIIIIIK It to (he boat
was ton Bhon to reach b itloni. which caused
the boat to dii> and coiiiiiumeo lilliuu up Willi
water. Mr. Millet, commenced balling It out,
to save it from sinking. In doing so he was ev
idently eveiled, and lost his balance. The boat
upset and they were both thrown Into twelve
feet of water. Aft ir sinking and struggling in
the water they rose to the surface when the
lady look hold of the boat after having sunk
twice. Mr. Millet coolly commanded her to
hold on to the boat while he would swim to ihe
shore la distance of about three hundred yds],
assuring her that If she would hold fast she
would l>o saved, or that the llsliormen, who
were near at hand and saw them in their peril
ous condition would come to their rescue, lie
twice called to her, looking lmok. to hold on as
I lie at ruck out for the shore battling with llie
- nuut waves, Hwliiindng for life. Two men in a
boat near at hand went to the rescue of Mag
gie, picked tier up and in pulling for the slime
passed by the struggling man, landed the girl,
returned for the deceased who had by this
time reached tlie shore within tidily feet, I lit
was now so greatly exhausted and In,the excite
ment of the mo mcntsank to Ihe bottom of the
river after those tu the host had reached out
wiili a Uniting polo for h-m to catch hold of.
Twenty-live minutes elapsed liefore his lod>
wais recovered, which lay in about six feet of
water, and all that medical skill and kiudliamls
could do was done, but the vital spark had tied
never to return.
Neighboring News.
Mrs. \V. T. Meyer is still confined to
her sick bed. She is improving very
Our friend, D. 11. Ilote, has been
prostrated on a bed of sickness. Sciat
ica has caused the trouble.
Very quietly Mr. Nathaniel Boob
and Mrs. Rebecca Ilosterman, from
below Aaronsburg, were pronounced
man and wife by pastor Dielzlor, on
last Thursday evening.
The coloied campraeeting at Coburn
was largely attended on last Sabbath
by a class of our citizens who usually
object to attending camp on a Sabbath.
Of course, we infer by the attendance
that color makes the difference.
F. S. Wolf, from Girard, Kansas,
made his appearance in our midst last
Monday, rle came to spend a few
days with his sick father, Col. Jacob
Wolf, at Millheim. Fos looks very
The potato yield is reported as first
class, both in quantity and size, in
Haines township. Cider and apples
Some of our county papers seem to
be in big haste in regard to making
preparations for the Aaronsburg cen
tennial. Keep cool, gentlemen, lots of
time till 18SG. I don't think wo will
put up very large exhibition buildings
You will hear from us in uue time.
An auxiliary meeting of the Wo
men's Home and Foreign Mission Con
vent ion, to be held here on the 2i)th and
30th, instant, was held in the base
ment of the Lutheran church on la3t
Monday evening. Committees were
appointed and general business trans
acted. Miss Fuella E. Dorublaser had
charge of the meeting. ANOTHER.
Spring Mills.
Rev. J. M. Evans has been in our
midst for the past week. lie is visit
ing his aged parents and friends in this
The festival for the benefit of the
"Challenge Band" of this place was a
complete success. The band realized
Mrs. Border, of Howard, is yisiting
her brother Wm. ll.Bartholomew,Esq.,
at this place.
Mrs. Barner, of Jersey shore, is tar
rying with her brother, Wm. Pcaler, at
Mr. Stephen Loars, our K. R. agent
has been absent for a week. He is tak
ing his vacation. W. S. J/usser is fill
ing the position at present. Mr. Jfuss
er will make an excellent official some
On Tuesday of last week Mr. W.
JfcClellan, of Tusseyville, Pa.,, and
J/iss Kate Runkle, of this place, were
ioined by the holy bonds of matrimony,
at the residence of the bride's mother,
Rev. Land, of Centre Hall, performing
the nuptial ceremony. The neighbors
and friends in general were invited to
be present and partake of the sumptu
ous supper in waiting. The bride re
ceived many valuable and costly pres
ents. Jfay their pathway through life
be strewn with roses, is the wish of
your correspondent.
Geo. K'dder came home last week,
lie was on the sick list.
The lieporter is mistaken. We have
one pauper yet
Mrs. Lizzie Brown and Miss IdaSha
fer, of Belief on te, both daughters of
Samuel B. Shafer of this place, are at
present visiting here.
The picnic last Saturday was pretty
well attended. The dance iu the even
ing was poorly patronized, the ladies
being especially scarce.
Elias Miller's job on the mill dam at
the upper end of town is Gnished.
Quite a goodly number of our town
folks went to the campmeeting at Co
burn last Sunday, but returned disap
pointed. They had expected to see
more colored folks.
The iron water pipes are expected
this week yet. STILL.
On the 23d. ult., at th 3 bride's home, at lie
bersburg, by ltev. F, Auraiul, Mr. J. F. Gart
hoff, of Ziou, Centre Co., Pa., to Miss Maggie
Walker, o! ltebersburg.
On the Bth,inst.,at the residence of the bride's
mother, at Spring Mills,by ltev. Land,of Centre
Hall. Mr. W. M. McClellan, of Tusseyville, Pa.,
to Miss Kate Runkle, of Spring Mills.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦
For all Diseases of the
liver, Sidneys, Stomach and Spleen.
This pnroly vegetable pre
paration, now so celebrated as a
Family Medicine, originated in
the South in 1838. It acta
gently on the Bowels and
Kidneys and corrects the
action of the Liver, and is, there
fore, the beat preparatory
medicine, whatever the sick
ness may prove to be. In all
common diseases it will, nn-
HHsiKtcd by any other medi
cine, effect a speedy cure.
The Regulator is safe to administer in any
condition of the system, and under no circum
stanee* can It do harm. It will Invigorate
like a class of wine, but is no intoxicating bever
age to lead to intemperance; wilt promote di
gestion, dissipate headache, and gener
ally tone up I lie system. The dose is small,
not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. j
No loss of time, no inter
ruption or stoppago of
business while taking the
Children complaining of
Colic, Headache, or Hick
Htomricli, a teaspoonful or
more will give relief.
If taken occasionally by pa
tients exposed to MALARIA,
will expel the poison and protect
them from attack.
I have been practicing medicine for twenty years,
and have never been able to put up a vegetable
compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu
lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to
action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak
ening) the digestive ar.d assimilative powers of the
system. L. M. HIHTON, M. D. .Washington, Ark.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
affects seriously nil the digestive and
assimilative orpins, including the Kid
neys. When these organ* are so affected,
they fail to extract from the blood the
uric aeid, which, carried through the cir
culation, causes ttlioumatism and Neu
The functions of the Liver arc also
affected by costiveness, causing
Bilious Disorders.
Among the warning symptoms of Bilious
ness arc Nausea. Dizziness, Headache,
Weakness, Fever, Dimness of Vision,
Yellowness of Skin, Fains in the Side.
Hack and Shoulders, Foul Mouth, Furred
Tongue, Irregularity iu the uctiouof the
Bowels, Vomiting, etc.
The Stomach suffers when the bowels
arc constipated, and Indigestion or
follows. Fetid Breath, Gastric Pains, ;
Headache, Acidity of the Stomach, Water
brnsh. Nervousness, and Depression, are all
evidences of the presence of this distress
ing maladv. A Sure Relief for irregu
larities of the Stomach and all consequent
diseases, will be fouqd iu the use of
Thev stimulate the stomach, frpe the
bowels, healthfully invigorate the torpid
liver and kidneys, and by their cleansing,
healing and toiiic properties, strengthen
and purify the whole system, and restore
it to a salutary and normal condition.
Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mttas. ;
Bold by all Druggists.
An elegant octavo volume of 716 pages—Bo ill
ustrations. Price $2.00. This wont gives a full !
account of Uraiit'N eventful life, including liis ,
military career, hi* life as President, and hi* re- I
nowned Trip Around the World. Every admir
er of the Nation's Hero will desire this, the
best selling Life ol Grant. Send 5'J cents at
once for outfit. Park Pub.Co., Hartford.
Conn. 32-U ,
YT7" | Ladies and gentlemen to
W it .11 Ei Is* take light, pleasan' employ
ment nt their homes (distance no objection); j
work sent by mall; $2 to fc"> a day can be quietly
made :no canvassing. Please address at ouce
GLOBE MFG. CO., Boston, Mass., box 53M.
WS &S more money than at anything else
S §SJ by taking an agency for the best
U a m selling book out. Beginners succeed
■■•grandly. None fall. Terms free.
11 U.LKTT BOOK CO.. Portland Maine.
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
The Boss Clothiers!
The most reasonable and reliable clothiers of
Bellefonte are
Joseph Bros. & Co.
■ ■ I
our stock is equally as good, if not better ? than any clothing made to order
in the country. We are making
this season of
We are able to
than almost any other merchant. Our entire stock is
and we will give customers the benefit of our close figures.
DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Notions
is so well known in this section of country that advertising it is superfluous.
offer this week a specialty:
A Black Cork Screw Suit for $3.80.
Is -fch.o Besrb
Thousand* of nrtielea aro nowmsaufaeturftdtbst
in former years had to be imported, paying high
import duty as it la now belqn doso on Lea s Per
il us table nance ; the QtMUtt* TABLE SAUCE take*
its placo; it has been pipniMped by competent
judges just n* /jooU and ff WWcr. The Qvak%s
Sauce bus Slowly but Burtiy gained groat im
portance and is replacing the very best Imported
raueo on tho shelf of the -grocer, the tablet
of the restaurant and tho tl.Iot of the rich and
poor men, prcatly prlz d and rslished by all on
acronnt of Its piquancy, artgda, taste, strength
and purenoo*. Tho inventor has by years of
6tudy of tho secret vlrtuea contained in the aro
matic spices of tho Indies and China, such as
maco, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger,
ami peppers and bad* of trees unknown to most
men, and by long prartieo aum-eded to combine
their extracts in sueh a liquid form as we now
find it. ofagreeablo taste, and an invigorating M
to be taken in place of stomach bitters. By man
ufacturing this sauce here. heavy import duties
end freights arc saved, ana It is told at a lower
figure to the dealer, who mtking a bettor profit mi
Quaker Baueo can sell it to tbo consumer cheaper
than i he very beat imported article Qgyßtty equal
ing ours. It your grocer does n?t keep It, write
v.3 for prices, etc. Sold Id bottles or fijtht gallon.
Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, Jf I -
100 ft 106 8. M ST., St* Intais, Bo*
g T. FJfAlN.TProprfetorof the
National Hotel,^-
wishes to inform the piiiUc that he keeps the
following liquors constantly on hand ami in
surestbem all strictly pure, and especially a
dapled for medical purposes:
HannesviUe, Imported Holland,
Pougbkeepsie, London,
hush, WIIEHj
Hiutg. Blackberry,
I.oulHville, Elderberry.
Kentucky. Port
I)K AND YM? Huckleberry,
Plain, Catawba,
Ginger, Grape.
Sherry, ———
Blackberry, Applejack,
■ Peach. Neva Eryjland Hum.
Mir These liquors are all guaranteed to be not
le ji than four years old and can be strongly
roccom mended as wholes une and healthy.
LAGER always oil draught. JMKB
; Lorillard's Climax
i with Red Tin Tag; Boa© leaf Fine Cut Chew
! big; Navy Clipping*,and Black,llrowu and
] Yellow SNUFF are the best and cheapest qual
ity considered.
Next Tei m begins September 9,1385.
This iustitutlou D located iu one of tha meet
beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle
gheny region. It is open to students of both
Mixes, and offers the following Course of Mudy:
1. A Fait Scientific Course of Four Years.
2. A Latin Scientific Course.
3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of
two years each, following the first two years of
I the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (b)
4 A short SPEC! AL COURSE in Agriculture.
| 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE iu Chemistry.
6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC
1 ARTS, combining shop-work with study,
j 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in
Literature and Science, for Yonng Ladies.
8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course.
9. si'ECfA L COU RSUB are arranged to meet
! the wants of Individual students.
j Military dr.ll is required Expenses for lioard
! and Incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young
' la.lies under charge of a competent lady Prln
! cipal.
For Catalogues, or other information address
27-23 State College, Centre Co.. Pa.
IPCUTC wa *teo
1 Sk 8 \Corsets. Samplefree to those be
| Kuhi! S'w coming agents. No risk, oaick sales,
i Territory given, satisfaction guaranteed. Address -
DR.SCOTT.B42 Broadway St„M.Y.